Nouman Ali Khan – Lessons From the story of Musa (AS)

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The conversation covers various aspects of the American conversation, including the use of "has" in Arabic to indicate a choice, the importance of being a slave to transition, the use of "has" in English to indicate a choice, the importance of establishing a culture of being a slave to transition, the importance of remembering a memory and establishing a habit to avoid it, the use of "has" in Arabic to indicate a choice, the importance of establishing a culture of being a slave to transition, the use of "has" in English to indicate a choice, the importance of being a good parent and a good judge, the concept of "opposed to" in Arabic, the importance of establishing a culture of being a slave to transition, the use of "has" in Arabic to indicate a choice, the importance of listening attentively to their actions, the concept of "has" in the Bible, and the importance of preparing for war.
AI: Transcript ©
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you guys doing? Okay?

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this won't be as long as I promise.

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Okay, so I have two things in front of me. I really like super crazy love this last talk about stories. And my head's still spinning from it. So

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I was supposed to talk to you about leadership, qualities of leadership, which is kind of a Change of subject. But I'm kind of feeling like I should just tell you the story.

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Look like

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what do you say?

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Sorry? All right, some of the sorry, why am I will switch the topic on you guys. Again.

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Okay, cuz, you know, we just we just discussed it in theory, we took a couple of points from

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so might as well stay on the theme. And, you know,

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one of my favorite things to do is tell a story anyway. So this will also auto Silla model.

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The individual that fascinates my imagination in the Quran, is Musa alayhis, salaam.

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His narrative, His story is mentioned in several cases in the Koran, and every time it's just absolutely mind boggling. And this particular case that I want to share with you, belongs to sort of Baja sort of thought those of you who've attended some of my seminars before, I've discussed it in some detail, and in some animated form the dialogue between Moosa and art history and phenomenon from sort of Sharla sort of number 26, but this conversation is from Surah, number 20, sort of number 20. Okay, so the thought

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is on a journey, he's traveling with his family. And what tells us

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why the attacker Heidecker Moosa did the news of Musa come to you. It's a really cool way of starting the story. Well, * attack ahaadeeth had eaten Arabic is something new.

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And you know, most By this time, the story of Musa has been mentioned some somewhat before, but now always gonna tell one part of the story that he's never told before. So he says that this part of the story didn't get to you yet. Did you hear about this? And already the Curiosity is piqued. And then he tells us, you know, he starts this conversation, he goes on. And on, actually, before this, even if I haven't forgotten him, because

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he saw a fire and he said to his family, stay here. You guys stay here. He's traveling with his families in the middle of the night. You know, and the GPS batteries went out.

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And you know, there's, there's, it's dark. It's out in the desert, probably something like Texas, right. And he's, there's no lights anywhere and he sees a fire, he sees a fire up on top of a mountain. Now the thing is, if it's completely dark, and there's a fire on top of a mountain, who should see it,

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everybody, everybody just should see it right? But the language of the eye is uchu. You stay here in ne and it's too narrow the language the grammar of the ayah suggests nobody else could see it is I for sure that sees it. And India is used in Arabic to convince someone of something it's used when you're not sure you say for sure. And when your listener is not sure. So it's almost as though Ally's telling us a conversation that happened between him and his family without going into those details. Like he says to his family, you see, that is the one I don't see anything.

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You know, the wife says, What are you talking about? And he goes, No, no, for sure. I see a fire there. You know why? Because Allah made that fire such that only who could see it. Only moussaka is in the middle of the desert. If there's a fire at night and people are lost. They're all gonna show up. But nobody else is supposed to show up this appointment. This meeting is only with husar this only easy? No, no, for sure. I'm telling you, I see a fire I've witnessed of Indiana stood out.

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And then he says to his family that it could mean habeas corpus.

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Maybe I'll bring to you some flame from it. Maybe I'll bring to you a little bit of you know, some some sparks from it. We can get something out of some heat from that plane because it's getting dark. It's late and you know, the desert environment, it gets really cold. So he's in a sense of urgency. Of course, when you're getting something for your family. The Father's here can relate if you're getting something for your family and your families left by themselves. Even if they're in the hotel room or at the airport or somewhere else and you have to go get food you're in a hurry. You got to get back and you got to rush. He's climbing up this mountain but what's he worried about

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it this time?

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His family. That's what he's worried about, because they're by themselves in the middle of the dark. So he's hurting his way up. And he says, Well,

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when I get upon the flame, I might find some guidance there. I might find some direction, I might find some some, you know, some way to get out of this dark mess where we can, you know, find our way. Now he's when he's thinking of guidance, what kind of guidance? is he thinking of?

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directions? But what kind of guidance does he find a different kind of

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guidance for life? guidance at a level that you could never have had from anywhere else? So there's a word we hear from a lot like lawyers telling us look, look what he thought he's gonna get, look what he got. Oh, as you'd rather not do that. Now he's climbing up this mountain. by himself. Middle of the night, there's a flame up there. He's never been this, this to this place before. fella, dad, and when he got to it, by the way, is using Arabic to prolong something. In other words, it took a while to get up there. It was quite a struggle. So now he's exhausted. He's up, reaching, you know, approaching the top of the cliff knew the call was made. yahooza

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You're up on top of a cliff, by yourself in the middle of the night? And nobody even says, Hey, who's there?

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Who are you? Nothing. He's called by his name.

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It's already shocking that he heard a voice. That's terrifying enough. But they know who he is. The Voice knows who he is yahooza.

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And immediately at this point, you're in shock, right? Because you know, if somebody knows your name, you're already like, Yeah.

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He's in shock. What is it gonna tell him if he did the Indiana book first night in LA? No doubt about it. I'm your master. Take your shoes off.

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Now, he hasn't seen anything. He's only one at this point. He's heard a powerful voice. And the powerful voice has given him a command to do what? Take off his shoes. Take off issues. By the way. This is an interesting phenomenon. When Allah spoke, when he delivered the message to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He was the master. And he also commanded at that time, what was the command to the Prophet? Read? Musa is told I'm your Master, what should you do? She was taking shoes off. But there's a flip. In the case of the messenger, so a lot harder to send them. The command came first. And then master was mentioned here. I'm your master and therefore

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far flung. And then as a result issues

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in the community.

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You're in the sacred valley of tool. Sorry, I didn't know any tax issues.

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Right now is beginning to you know, at this point, when you're confused, you're like, what's cool is there must be some confusion. I must be at the wrong place. This is this isn't happening. Allah make sure he understands you're in the right place. What

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it is I that has selected you.

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Well, I know if I have selected you is a very interesting idea that this part of the ayah to you know, in Arabic, if you see it start to occur, it just means I've selected you. But Allah says what Pena is Taka, so the eye is mentioned twice. And the purpose of mentioning a pronoun twice in Arabic is to create exclusivity. It is I who has chosen you, meaning this meeting was set up not by you. But by me, you didn't come here because you wanted to get something I brought you here. This is completely by plan. You know, and this, if you put it in perspective what this means, then eventually I'll go into the word save. cr comes from faith.

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Musa alayhis salam is a baby at some point in his life. And he's put inside a basket. By the way, if anybody's seen Kung Fu Panda two, they steal from loose artists, and I'm sorry, they do literally a basket ends up and then there's the peacock villain, right? It sees it has a premonition that a panda is gonna kill it. So it kills all the pandas. And then Kung Fu Panda comes into the end and kills him.

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And I was like, come on, just just give some credit, man.

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This is musasa the story told in the form of you know, DreamWorks, but, you know, but anyhow, away from that tangent husar They said I was a baby, on waters in the basket, but even that what that basket has a tracking on it.

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And has a recipient a specific recipient is supposed to end up in the hands of and then it's supposed to be raised the way it's supposed to be raised at the hands of the one that is the one who's going to be destroyed by this baby will raise him. That's part of the plan. And then he'll punch someone and what's gonna happen to the guy. He's gonna die and then you're gonna flee. That's part of the plan too. And you have a schedule.

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eight year of, you know, work visa,

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right? You have some work to do in another part, and stay in exile and then you're going to be getting traveling, and you will end up being in the middle of the dark in the desert that's unscheduled. You've arrived just on time. This appointment by the minute by the second was scheduled, well,

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then there is the word str in Arabic, there are three different words for choosing something, and unless chose specifically, specifically estado estado str, this word in Arabic as opposed to HDB. And this word in particular means to choose something for the good Mmm, because it comes from the Arabic word. You know what hate is right? Hate and good and evil.

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Why I mentioned this word particularly, or the comment that Musa alayhis salam had a writing guilt, he had killed an individual that guilt was not letting him go, he felt like he was no good. And Allah told him I have chosen you because I see the good in you. Meaning Allah sees the good in him that he might not even be able to see in himself. And he's chosen him. First Mr. Lima, you have listened carefully to what's being revealed. Now that tells him I've chosen you, you specifically, you better listen carefully to what's being revealed. In any an ally, it is no doubt I am Allah, La ilaha illa Allah, no one has to be worshipped and obeyed except myself. Fire Buddha, he then enslave

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yourself to me, fire Buddha, Nene, enslave yourself to me, the first command was take your shoes off. That's just the beginning of obedience. But now you know who obeys in every circumstance, a slave. You tell someone to do something, once you will obey them, maybe you're a servant, you've served them, you've obeyed them. But to obey them in every circumstance, you have to be a slave to transition here from one command being obeyed to just becoming a life of turning into a life of obedience.

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And before I tell you what's coming next, there's a little bit of background, it's really important. All of you in your life, have had the opportunity to meet somebody famous at one point or another relatively famous, maybe you've got you got to meet the principal of your school and they shook hands with you or something, or they you invited some scholar to your house and you had a chance to talk to them. Or you you know, you had lunch with somebody famous etc. Or you met a celebrity or something you're on the plane, you're sitting next to like a flute player from the NBA or something like that. When people meet a celebrity, what do they usually do

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besides drooling? What is it? What else do they

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They do.

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And then they take a picture with them. And then you know, they you know, and then when they're done taking a picture, they tweet about it.

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Like, you know, I got to meet, oh my God.

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He was praying next to me.

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And he even said,

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you know, I'm never watching this. And again,

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people go a little crazy when they meet somebody famous. You know, it becomes a memory they never forget, if you go to older people's homes that have the opportunity to meet someone famous, they usually take that picture and frame it.

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Like they shook hands with the president or the CEO or whatever else. And if you're working in a company, a large company, especially in the CEO walks in and stops over at your cubicle, and puts his hand on your shoulder and says good job. You know, just those words you'll never forget. Because you just had the opportunity to meet someone super duper famous. You just you can't get that memory out of your head. It's one of the like the milestone, great moments of your life. Who is musar nice and I'm getting to meet

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Who's he just getting a chance to talk to

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a lot you think he's ever gonna forget? This is a conversation that's of epic proportions in human history. A conversation is happening between ally and a human being.

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And the conversation was initiated by a lead directly by his name he called him Moosa. I have chosen you Listen up, you know, it's incredible. And you know what tells him no one should be worshipped except myself enslave yourself to me, and then he tells him, what is salata degree this part of it just baffles boggles my mind. Establish the prayer so you can remember me? A question I have is he's never gonna forget. How can you forget? He just got to ease in conversation with a lot. If there's one thing I will never ever forget. Is this and no one says even you if you really want to remember me, what do you have to do? establish a lot Can you imagine the value when it comes to remembering a

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It's amazing how low puts that in perspective.

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And then after the, you know, remembering a lot would be the primary purpose of establishment of establishing prayer. Here's the secondary purpose.

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It comes right after

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the hour is coming, day of judgment is coming. It's on its way and the word Aditya to listen file in Arabic means it's, it's running, it's coming right now it's on its way things are in motion already a capital fee Ha,

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ha, I'm almost keeping it hidden. I was just a casual freehand, almost keeping it hidden by saying almost What is he told us there are some signs I will release. There's some things I will let you see. And we'll show you everything. But I'll give you some indications. And our Prophet gave us some of those indications from the lumbar leave center. liquids are cool enough symptomatic. So every person can use beautiful language. So every person can be compensated for what they ran towards. The sound is usually translated as what efforts to make let's say in Arabic is literally running towards something like we do sorry, in 100

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meter setting, which really beautiful is Musa alayhis salam got here by means of salary.

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He ran to this place didn't he? He had he had he ran and he was running sincerely, and Alyssa. So Allah gives everybody what they ran towards, and you ran towards this.

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Now this conversation is very serious. It began with us. And by the way, here's another difference. Very, very important. Hopefully, you get to appreciate this in especially as a parent, you tell my child if I'm if I'm, you know, playing with my kids or something or I'm in the masala with them yesterday, I had a very interesting salon experience with two of my boys. Right? Because you know, you're gonna hold them in place, and you got to make a lot with girls, they sit in one place, man, they just stay in one place with with boys, it's, I don't know why.

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And I don't want to be the guy that make the announcement of it. There's a little boy here.

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Dirty shirt, you know,

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I don't want to be that debt. So I'm keeping them in check.

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But the you know, when you're when you're telling your kids not to do something, you say their name, first name I read

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a lot.

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You don't even have to say stop it. Don't do that. You just do what you call their name. Calling somebody's name is a form of harshness. In the beginning of your talk, if you want to say something to someone, and you say their name first. It's a it's a form of strictness. But saying somebody's name at the end.

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Sounds your diva?

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house you do believe when you say the name at the end, what happens? It's a form of what?

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Love softness. Mercy knows the difference. That when the conversation began between a lion who's on Instagram, what was the name beginning around? Moses?

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harsh is it tougher this year? Now listen, Well, Matt, this can be a meaningful yamasa.

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What's in your right hand Moosa.

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Where's the word Muslim?

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At the end, what's in your hand, most of what is alleged is done.

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He got soft. He got nice. He's calming him down. He realizes musalla slams at this point, really terrified.

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He just got a legend gave him a lecture. Allah just gave him a lecture about first take your shoes off. I'm your master. You better establishes become my slave established. Prayer judgment is coming. I'm keeping it hidden. And I'll give everybody a compensation of what they I mean, if you just heard that in the course, this isn't it's not a long conversation. This one minute is probably the most shocking one minute of his life. He needs to be calmed down now. So what is the lesson? So what's in your hand?

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What's in your right hand wasn't

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home? I think it was sad. Now, does anyone know what that is? By the way, what's in his hand?

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So this part of the conversation Allah has calmed musar this rundown Is that clear? He's calmed him down.

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He said I'm realizes he's about to talk to a lot. Not many people can say that. Not many people can say I got to talk to a lot. So when you get to talk to somebody important, would you like the conversation to last longer or shorter?

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you'd like it to stay longer. You wouldn't want the connection to mean to be lost. You know, you want to prolong the conversation. So what does he say? He says have he asked if this is my staff. By the way, staff in English is not the people you hire. It's the Old English, right staff is a big stick that you carry and we don't use the word cane, because canes are signs of weakness. But staffs are symbols of strength. It takes a strong person to hold the staff. And when somebody holds a cane, it's a symbol that they are now weak. They lean on that and they you know, they need that to recline nested upright. That's the primary purpose of a McCain but this is a step. It's a large, thick,

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heavy outside. What was the question?

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What was the question guys?

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What's in your right hand? What's the answer? This is my step question is done. Answer is done. masayoshi son doesn't stop.

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He says, How do

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I lean on it? Sometimes?

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They'll ask, what do you do with it?

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was one thing, which was what? What is it?

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I leaned on it.

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And I beat on bushes with it so that my sheep can eat.

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But you know, it's a steak, how many things you're going to come up with?

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Right? So he runs out of things to say.

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But he wants the conversation to go on on Instagram because he's getting to talk to alone. So he exhausting his imagination says

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and I've got some other things I can do with it too.

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It's amazing.

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It's amazing that he says that, because What's he trying to do?

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Keep it going? And it shows you his nervousness, hiding his salon. And Allah says Allah, very softly Allah says, Allah, lt Hayabusa through it Musa. Now what's the harsh way of saying it?

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yahooza unki ha.

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dokey, hyah. Musa, Musa.

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He throws it

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now here we don't say Salama, we say just for alcohol. You know, when he climbed the mountain, we read the word for Lama. It took him time to get to the mountain. It took an effort. But when Allah commanded him to throw did it take him any time? No, just immediately? Yes, sir. Yes, Allah.

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He threw, he throws the staff immediately for either he or her yet and

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then immediately, it turns into a Python moving around. And by the way, it didn't just turn into a snake. This is running around.

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Now imagine you were just commenting.

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You were nervous. And alive, very softly told you throw the stick.

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And the moment he throws it, what happens?

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It's a gigantic Python and what is it doing? Running around? You're calm anymore?

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All that calm is gone.

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All the calm is gone. He's at this point, he must have been terrified. He really I mean, it's a human reaction. We need to be terrified. Snakes already have a very terrifying appearance. Even the appearance of a snake is horrific. Right. And on top of that, the thing is running around and it's massive. And it just came out of nowhere. And that was his staff. Now at this point, what is the lead? Tell him? Look at the words thought up.

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Grab it.

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Grab it.

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and don't be afraid.

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Grab it. Don't be afraid. You know what I was gonna say? If I was in that situation, I was telling my kid to grab something. Don't be afraid. Grab it.

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That's what I would say don't be afraid. Grab it.

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Grab it. Don't be afraid.

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Amazing. It's amazing. Because a lie is expecting obedience first.

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Obedience first. And then courage.

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Obedience is when one part of the ayah grab it. Hold on. Where's courage in the

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latter half, don't be afraid.

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And then there's the third part of the IRS and we're ready to have Sila talofa. See, you know, Allah, we will return it back to its original state.

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three parts in one ayah three parts of this commandment. And this is where I'll end the story even though the story is much longer and so beautiful. It's amazing. You got to read it on your own book, enjoy the story. It's how Allah tells the narrative is incredible. every little detail just takes you into a world. You know, when chef Yasser was describing plus a apostle, to follow behind, it literally takes you to the scene. He just literally takes you there. You and I are at a mountain at this point. You know, when we're listening to this story, now the thing is just in this grabbing the staff grip grabbing the snake, not being afraid. And then Allah says we will return it to its

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original state meaning what

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will become a staff again. So now imagine a snake is running around and you're being told the moment you grab it, it'll be a stick, don't worry.

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The moment you grab it, and you need to do that immediately. There shouldn't be any time lapse between the last command

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And you obeying. Because when the law says we obey, there's no gap in between. So grab it immediately and know. And first of all, you need to be courageous after that when you grab it, and know for sure, the moment you do, it's not going to turn back and bite you. What's it going to turn into? A stick? Is that an easy thing? Or no? Does that take an amazing amount of trust of alone? Three things, obey. Obey, grab it is obey. The second thing was courage. And the third thing is what? Trust trust me, it'll be a stick. Just trust me. Three things, the three things Musa alayhis salam will need. When he goes to talk to Pharaoh.

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He will need to obey Allah.

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He'll need to obey Allah, and you'll need to go back into Egypt. And when he goes into Egypt, out of obedience to Allah, the closer he gets, the more what the scarier things will become. The scary because the authorities are looking for him. It's not easy to go back to Egypt. And then when he gets finally there, he's convinced he's gonna get killed. And

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he says, you know,

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I'm afraid they're gonna kill me. That's a very legitimate fear that Islam has, and unless there's no trust me,

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don't worry about it. Taking care of

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those three lessons of obeying Allah, being courageous and trusting a lot. The entire tarbiyah program of that on the top of that mountain is what one thing grab the snake, just that holy cow what a taco burrito has

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amazing, isn't it?

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That alleges that he teaches such amazing lessons in one little one statement. And now this messenger is ready. If he can pull that off, he can pull anything off. I mean, not at this point. I'll take care of it alone will take care of my problem. You know,

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this is how stories are told in the Quran. This is a narrative of the fraud it takes you there. It just it grabs you and it doesn't let you go. And if you if you guys inshallah at another point, hopefully maybe I'll do the entire conversation the entire conversation between and this is a good chunk of the suit is a very long discussion between a lot of

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them a lot even less than that know, you know, by the way, this is not the first time I'm actively involved in your life.

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You know,

00:27:33 --> 00:27:42

when you're when your mother puts you in the in the water, and your sister was walking next to you. Allah is telling him about times of his life he doesn't even remember

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you know, when you take your child sometimes you tell them you a little baby, you were so annoying. Nothing has changed.

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parents do that they go reminisce about old times you don't remember but I can't forget. Allah is reminding them of times even looser can't remember about his own life in this narrative. Like, you know, when you meet someone for the first time, you would think this, they don't know me, because they're, you know, why would they this important figure? Why would they know something about me? I just met some brother here, a good friend, an old friend, Jersey, and his name is no man to and I said, Hey, man, how you doing goes, I can't believe you remember my name. I was like, What? What are you talking about? Man? That's messed up.

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But you know, there's an assumption if somebody's a little more known than you are that they won't remember who you are. You're insignificant before them. What is Allah azzawajal compared to a creation, and Allah honors Musashi. So by saying, I have even I'll even tell you the details of your childhood.

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And Allah doesn't have to prove that Allah knows everything. So how long what Allah he does, but he still makes sure he tells him your sister was walking along. And then you punch the guy, and then you left.

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You know, and then we then you then you're right here. So Panama. What an amazing conversation between master and slave that happens in the in this narrative. There's only one thing I'd like to add to the concept of stories in the fraud that chef Yasser he said, he made four very significant points. And he said there are many, many more, so I only like to add one more. Just one more Chawla. And that is that is that the stories in the Quran are repeated. Right. And they're not except for use the story of use of a cylinder not all told in one place, meaning use of it. Some story is all bunched together in which surah obviously, sort of use but that's not the case with the story of

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Musashi salon. That's not the case. We have a piece of it here a piece of therapies of therapies of it there. The story of benissa is not in one place. The story of Ibrahim al Islam can place the story of Adam or Islam is not in one place. They're scattered. They're scattered and repeated. So there's two issues here. From a literature point of view. They're scattered and they are repeated or some parts of them at least are repeated. So the question

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arises to the Western critic, and to someone who's reading the Quran in translation. What's the point of this repetition? What's the point of repeating the story? What's the point of not just putting all of it together one, make a pseudo call, select Messiah and put everything there done? Doesn't happen like that. It's always 70 some passages in the Quran about lusardi salaam you know that. So very often repeated discussion. So what's the power sutras placed in the Quran? That's the thing I wanted to this is that that fifth point, how are they placed? How are they situated in the Quran?

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Think of it like this, every sutra

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is a collection of very important lessons. And resolder is a collection of very important lessons, and they're all tied together. So as soon as like a thesis, like a course you're taking, it's like a, that's a surah. A lot of times when we study the Quran, we study an ayah from over here, and we study another Ayah that's related to that eye over there. And then we study a story that's related to these two is from over there. In other words, we have a very disjointed study of the Quran, when we stick to read when we study a tsunami or normally don't stick to the surah as a whole as a unit. You do that with every other book, by the way, when you study a chapter, you finish the chapter. If

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something comes up in that chapter, you don't open up another book and say, let me go read upon that first, you just finish that chapter. But normally, for people who aren't dedicated students, they don't take a

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wholesome approach to studying a surah. Like that. But as soon I really is a unified whole, it has a purpose. It has a singular purpose. It may have it may have a lot of lessons, but they all go together towards one larger concept. Now, have you ever heard the concept of supporting evidence, supporting evidence, the stories in the Quran are not being told for the purpose of telling the story, they're being told to support the lesson of that solar.

00:31:52 --> 00:32:33

The solar has a lesson and the part of the story only that part of the story will be mentioned that helps you understand the lesson at hand. No other part of that story will be mentioned. So the Quran is not concerned with dates and names of places in detail names or figures even use of the most elaborate story in the Quran are the names of the brothers mentioned is the name of the minister mentioned is the name of use of ourselves mother mentioned is the name of minister ministers wife mentioned, man, there's only two names, what two names, use it when your eyes because then even though the story is critical, those details are not the purpose, the purpose is something larger. So

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anything that doesn't go towards the larger purpose is compromised. The Bible doesn't do this, or the the version of the Bible that is in our possession at this point. Well that we have access to at this point, you'll find names date figures, the son of this was the son of this was the son of this who lived here, and then they moved over there. And then they lived over there. And it's all these details. All these doesn't concern itself with that. Why? Cuz it's not the point. And I'll just give you one additional example. And I'm done in shala of this concept. And by the way, this is even true of sort of use of which you would think the point of the sutra is the story. But even then the point

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isn't the story. Even insolent use of the point is the seed of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam Did you know that? The entire sutra is actually a discussion about the life of the Prophet. They're in amazing amounts of parallels between the prophets life and sort of us. It's the Year of grief when the sutra is revealed, and the sutra is about the grief of use of realism and the grief of his father.

00:33:33 --> 00:33:44

It's a time use of Iceland's brothers persecuted him the prophets brothers who persecuted him. Use of it Sam was put in a dark place those who lost I said I was put in a cave.

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He exiled us the first time eventually comes back and establishes the legacy of his father, Yahoo. Rasulullah sallallahu eventually comes back and establishes the legacy of his father, Ibrahim Alayhi Salam use a razor and comes back at his brothers and says no harm will come on you today not to anybody when young law says By the way, I'll do what use of did lots of

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amazing parallels between both of those sides. And what's you know,

00:34:16 --> 00:34:21

Chef Yasser mentioned one thing about the beginning and ending of the sutras you remember Luke and Bob

00:34:22 --> 00:34:40

and at the end also Agra, another thing Allah says in the beginning in the beginning of this surah he says in Mandela who Quran Allah be and Allah alaikum Tapi loon so that you can understand we reveal in Arabic Quran so that what can you do? You can understand and of the surah Don't you understand?

00:34:43 --> 00:34:57

Amazing. It's like the whole thing comes together. whole thing comes together. I just can do one more example. When Craig came in my head might as well. Okay. So TL dr along one of the longest or the longest pseudo endocrine

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and so because so many subjects have come up

00:35:01 --> 00:35:08

In the middle of the towards the end of this law of the many stories of bunnies Have I mentioned license plate number?

00:35:09 --> 00:35:11

No. Okay. 10 minutes. Okay.

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00:35:14 --> 00:35:16

Alarm which I mentioned

00:35:18 --> 00:35:20

the story of pollutant dilute,

00:35:21 --> 00:35:26

dilute and jello. You guys know the story? What's the biblical name of that story? Anybody know?

00:35:27 --> 00:36:11

David and Goliath? The biblical version is called David and Goliath. And if you don't know the story is out the summary version of it is that what are they said, I'm a young man, really, a boy ends up killing Goliath dilute, who is a military commander, who people are terrified, really, like they're known as armies of giants. They're very, very big people. And they're fully covered in armor except their eye shows. Right? That's how cover ended. That's a horrifying appearance of an army that's coming your way. And yet he's defeated by a slingshot of though that incident, okay? Now this occurs this sooner, sort of buchla has many things and this story occurs towards the end of this era, and

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right before it, Allah is preparing the Muslims for the battle that is coming the Battle of butter

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right before it allows origin talks about fighting in the path of Allah that is approaching, and be ready for it and immediately switches over to the slave and the story of loot in general. And in that story, one of the many lessons in that story come in FY 18, kalila 10 kilobits p FM, t Fm casilla 10. b is the law how many times as a as a large group been overtaken? And how many times is a small group dominated a large group by a lost permission? Is that about to happen in budget? So how Allah Allah is giving us like pregame pep talk,

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you know, before you get into the battle, there's this, you know, in the locker room, basically, you're being fired up, we're not the first ones to go, this has been done before. We're part of the legacy. Let me tell you about a buzzer that happened a long time ago. And this is how it turned out. And this is what you have to do to make it make it work this time. How about for being prepared, it's not just a story. It's not a story. They're not reading the history of money. They're reading preparation for what they're about to do. That's what they're reading. Elena sovereign was a bit of a dominant one. So narrow, calm and Katherine poor for, you know, poor patients on to us make our

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feet firm, and Adas against the disbelieving nation. These are words of the followers, the believers, the followers of followers on Instagram, and now they will become the words of the Sahaba of the long run was very firm our feet make us patient, me it is against the disbelieving nations of Panama. It's not just a story. It's not just placed there for any, you know, trivial reason. It's situated for a very specific purpose. Very, very specific purpose. And so even though I apologize that I completely compromised the subject of leadership, which I had some things to share with you about but nonetheless, I thought since we have good momentum going with the stories, might as well

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share some things like maloca and for listening attentively as salaam alaikum.

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan acquaints us with the lessons imparted to us from an amazing individual that fascinates our imagination in the Quran and he is Moosa (AS). His narrative is mentioned at many places in the Quran and every time it’s mind-boggling.

The Ustadh shares with us tidbits that belong to Surah Taha where the dialogue between Moosa AS and Firaun is discussed and elucidated upon.

Elaborating on various Ayahs of the Qur’an via the stories shared with us, in one such instance – we are intrigued as to who Moosa AS is getting to meet? Allah! This is a conversation that is of epic proportions in human history. A conversation between Allah and human being and the conversation was initiated by Allah and the human was called by his name directly! .Moosa!

This part of the Ayah is exemplary with regard to the conversation Musa AS just had. If there’s one thing Moosa AS is never going to forget, it’s this.

What does Allah say in this conversation? Allah says, even you! if you really want to remember me, establish Salah. Can you imagine the importance of Salah now with respect to remembering Allah! Next comes the secondary purpose which reminds us of a reasserts the impending fact that the hour is coming. The Judgement day is coming.


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