Navaid Aziz – Stories In The Quran – Musas Supplications In Surat Al-Qasas And Taha

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The importance of the story of the prophet Muhammad's Mosaic is emphasized, as it is a turning point for developers of Islam's "has" language. The use of "has" in Arabic language is used to describe a need for specific advice, and strong physical and mental capacity is crucial for success. The importance of patient behavior during a busy day and showing actual passion for god is emphasized, as it can increase one's mercy upon opponents and shaping one's life and achieve success. The importance of companionship and the goal of being with people together is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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In hamdulillah number one is there no one iStockphoto when they're older bIllahi min surely and fusina woman so yeah Dr. Medina, Mia de la who for them with Allah Allah Who are my children who further heard the Allah wa shadow under ilaha illallah who was the hola shady color wash? I don't know Mohammed Abdullah who Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa wants to earn two he was so happy he was selling them at the Sleeman Kathira a my bad Allahu Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah tena for alumna million fat and no one foreigner Bhima I limped in I was in there in my yo Kadeem, but your brothers and sisters A salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh off.

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The prophet that is spoken about the most in the Quran, without a shadow of a doubt is Musa alayhis salam and Musa alayhis salam story is spread out throughout to the Quran. Now one of the wisdoms that the Mufasa don't mention is that the story of Musa alayhis salam is so relevant and so pertinent, that Allah subhanaw taala wanted us to keep coming back to it, as we read the Quran. And oftentimes when we think about the story of Musa alayhis salam, we just focus on his interaction with Falon, which obviously is very integral, and perhaps is one of the climaxes of his story, the overcoming of good over evil, and how good will always win in the long run. That is very, very

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pertinent, where we end up neglecting unfortunately, sometimes the other stories that are a part of the life of Musa alayhis salam. So what I wanted to do today within the heater either is to do a comparison and a contrast between two DWIs most Alessandra mentioned in the Quran. The first of them is in surah, CASAS verse number 24. And the second of them is in surah Taha verses 25 onwards, for those of you that would like to follow along. So to build some context to the story, Musa alayhis salam, he is born in the year where all of the male children are meant to be killed. And then Allah subhanaw taala inspires the mother of Musa alayhis salam, to put him in a cradle like device and put

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him into a river, where he eventually ends up in the house of her own. And he's raised in the house of her own and asiyah, the wife of her own, she falls in love with Musa and she takes care of him as his as their own son. So now most likely, Saddam grows up and he starts going around the city. But he starts noticing that he's not like the Egyptians. He's more like Benny, Israel, the Israelites that are there. And as he grows older, he's noticing all of the oppression that is happening. So one day he finds this Israelite that gets into a conflict within the Egyptian and the Israelites sought refuge or sought protection with Musa the salam. Right? He says, almost, look, I'm one of your own

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people, you have to help me and protect me in this situation. So at that time was on a Salam. He's in the peak of his youth, right. And most Ali Salam was not a small guy. Musalla Saddam was very well, well built. He was strong, very courageous, very brave. And he gave this guy one hit, and unintentionally ended up killing him unintentionally ended up killing him. And subhanAllah This is such a,

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an interesting moment, right? Because when you look at the prophets of Allah subhanaw taala, and this is pre prophethood, of Musa alayhis. Salam? Could you think that a prophet would have such a story where he accidentally ends up killing someone, you would think that is impossible, yet, this is a part of the story of Musa alayhis salam that's so integral, because this was a turning point that led into so many future incidents happening in the future. Number two, even though that this happened in the story, was this the defining moment for the story of Musa alayhis salam. And I think this is very important to highlight. Because when you look at the nature of sin, oftentimes when we

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fall into sin, we may think that we are defined by that sin. Anytime we make a mistake, we may think that we are defined by that mistake, and Allah subhanaw taala protect all of us here. But if you were to end up in a situation like that, where you've killed someone, or you've fallen into Zina, or you've done a major sin from the major sins of Islam, is that going to end up defining you? And this portion from the story of Musa alayhis salam teaches us that you do not have to allow your sins to define you in that manner. Life goes on life progresses, and you will go on to achieve bigger and better things, as long as you rectify your relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. So of course in

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surah costus Allah subhanaw taala. He shows us that Musa alayhis salam, he seeks forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala for Guevara. And this is really fascinating but when musante ceramics do on the Quran, it's almost instantaneous that Allah subhanaw taala is answering his do us there is not a prolonged delay between Musa the Salah, making dua and his daughters

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being answered, why is that the case that's something that we'll explore better than the heat to either. So now getting back to this concept, Musa alayhis salam, he's killed someone and he's now been ratted out he's now been ratted out someone ratted him out that Musa alayhis salam was the man that killed the Egyptian man. And if you kill an Egyptian man, the penalty is death. So Musa alayhis salam packs his bags, and he retreats, he ends up leaving. And as he's going along, you can imagine he's traveling through the desert, he doesn't have any food, he doesn't have anything to drink, he is extremely hungry, he is extremely thirsty. Yet even then, when he sees two women struggling to

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get water out of a well, he takes it upon himself to go and help them. And this is, you know, perhaps a third lesson that we can extract from this is that your own situation should not prevent you from helping others your own situation, regardless of what hardships you're going through, regardless of what calamities you're going through. That should not prevent you from helping other people. You want to be an altruistic individual, an individual that lives for the sake of helping the creation of Allah subhanaw taala, like Musa alayhis salam did. And it's very easy to read in that perhaps Musa alayhis salam he had other intentions, that perhaps when he got the water out, he

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was hoping that they would give them some food, or he would give them some money, or he would give them anything, it's very possible to read into that. But at the end of the day, that's not what happened. What ends up happening is that Musa alayhis salam, he retreats to a tree, and he hides under the shade. And you can imagine that just as Musa alayhis salam is about to pass out now, from his hunger from his exhaustion from his thirst, he raises his hands to Allah subhanho wa taala. And he says, Rob, be in Neelima and Zelda em in hiring for clear that Oh, my Lord, for any help that you are willing to send to me right now. I am an extreme need, I am an extreme desperation. I am an

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extreme desire of it. I will take any goodness you will send my way right now just to send something and this is where I want to focus on that point. Why is it that most Alice alarms do as are being answered so quickly? One of the beautiful things about the story of Musa alayhis salam or his impromptu conversations with Allah subhanaw taala that as something is happening, he is making dua to Allah and he is conversing with Allah subhanho wa Taala and we'll see that more specifically in the second dua from surah Taha Bismillahi Tada, but getting back to this DeWanna that he says Robbie, that Oh my Lord. So this is like a private and intimate conversation he's having with Allah

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subhanaw taala as if you think that Oh Allah, you know, my situation, you know, I'm stuck. You know, I'm in a hard place right now. No one knows this better than you You are my Lord, and you're meant to be taking care of me and that is the connotation of Robbie my lord my master take care of me in the me certainly without a shadow of a doubt. Lima and Zelda Isla Yeah, for anything that you will be willing to send me in hiring for clear from goodness, I am in desperate need. What's fascinating over here is that it's such a general dua that he says from any goodness you can send me a man will quote to be Rahimullah. He says that the word clade comes with four meanings in the Quran. The word

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said comes with four meaning four meanings in the Quran.

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By show of hands, how many of them are just Jews Amma? If you've memorized Usama, raise your hands Okay, quite a few of us mashallah, good. So angels Allah, Allah subhanaw taala he tells us we're in hulafrog Bill SEBI Lesha deed, in certain ideas. And with regards to this side, he has an immense love mankind has an immense love for this. What is the fate in this verse? Who can tell me?

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If you know raise your hand inshallah.

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The higher in this verse in Jos AMA, what is it referring to? We're in the holy hog Bill Haley Lasha did

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go ahead. Money, wealth, excellent, in this verse is referring to wealth that mankind has this immense love for wealth. So this is one usage of the word guide, and it means wealth. A second usage of the word wealth is in strength. A third usage of the word wealth is in a Buddha. And a fourth usage of the word wealth is in food. So it's very fascinating how Allah subhanaw taala use this general term to mean specific things in the Quran. And let's look at how each of them apply to Musa alayhis salam. So Musa alayhis salam in this particular situation, all he wants is some food to get some energy. Right so he's asking Allah subhanaw taala that oh Allah send this food upon me. He's

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like he doesn't have any wealth, he doesn't know where he's going to go, he doesn't know how he's going to survive. So the wealth also applies over here. He's feeling weak, he's feeling exhausted. So the strength also applies over here. And as he is a future in the be of Allah subhanaw taala, and one that is constantly making dua, him asking Allah subhanaw taala, that grant even the topic to do a bida of you also applies over here. And this is where you learn the beauty of the Arabic language, how one simple word can encompass everything that most Ali Salam could possibly need at that time. And this is a dua that is comprehensive and encompassing. Whereas the second two are that we'll be

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focusing on, you will see that it is the exact opposite, that most Alayhis Salam is being very, very specific with regards to the things that he's asking. So this shows us that at times, you will make general Diaz and at times you'll make specific advice. At times, you won't know what to ask or at times, you won't know what to say. And that time Allah subhanaw taala inspires you with something general, be content with that be content with that. And other times, Allah subhanaw taala teaches you things that are very specific, and you know what you want, and you know what you need, and that is why you ask for those specific things. And both of them are permitted, both of them are

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permitted. So one would say that after reading this dua, our learning this dua, shouldn't we just ask Allah for general goodness in all of our affairs, you should always ask Allah subhanaw taala for general goodness, but you are allowed asking for specific things as well. What we also learn and this can become point number four, with regards to this dua is that it is okay to feel overwhelmed when having a conversation with Allah subhanaw taala that you don't know what to say. So Musa alayhis salam has accidentally killed a man. He's left his home, he's exhausted, he's hungry, he's thirsty. He's overwhelmed by his situation. And he doesn't know what to ask for. He doesn't know

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what to say to Allah subhanho wa Taala you can imagine that there's this level of guilt that he has that Allah has given me so much, yet I've somehow accidentally killed this man. So this immense amount of guilt that is eating away at him SubhanAllah.

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So he makes the simple and short dua. Lesson number five, is that with regards to this dua, Musa alayhis salam teaches us something very, very important that as human beings, we're always meant to be in a state of longing for what Allah subhanaw taala has to give us. And I want to share, you know, a profound lesson with regards to how much Allah subhanaw taala gives us while we are deserving, and how much Allah subhanaw taala gives us while we're not deserving, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he tells us in an authentic hadith kotse that had Allah subhanaw taala answered the dua of all of mankind, and of all of the jinn. Right? So we will have a billion human

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beings right now. And you can imagine all the human beings that have lived from this time till the time of Adam Alayhis Salam, till the Day of Judgment, we're talking about multi billions of people. And Allah subhanaw taala answered all of the doors of the human beings and all of the doers of the jinn. And you can imagine how many they are in number. How much would this impacted the Dominion they mold the kingdom of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanho wa Taala says that it would be like the dipping of a needle inside of an ocean. And what that needle extracts that is how much the Dominion the kingdom of Allah subhanaw taala would be impacted, if he answered the dua of all of

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mankind and all of the gem that is how much Allah subhanaw taala has to offer us. Now let's move to us, we may think that I make dua to Allah subhanho wa taala. And thus I'm deserving of Allah subhanaw taala answering my dua for argument's sake, let's agree to this claim. Even the reality is just by making art doesn't mean you're worthy of having your doors answered. Because at the end of the day, Allah subhanaw taala is the master and the creator, and he is the sustainer. And if he answered all of our doors, when we made them in the fashion that we wanted them answered, who would be the master, and who would be the slave? So at the end of the day, if Allah subhanaw taala gives

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us this is from his favor. If he withholds from us, this is from his favor. And that is the way we need to view this relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. Now let's think of the things that we don't make dua for that Allah subhanaw taala gives us when you woke up this morning, did you make dua that Allah subhanaw taala allows your heart to beat and your lungs to breathe and your brain to function in your eyes to see and your ears to hear?

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Did you make dua that your neurons work? Did you make dua that your blood vessels work? Did you make dua that you're free to work and your hands work? Did you make dua for any of those things? Yeah. And if you were to put monetary value on those things, you'd never be able to replace them, right? Someone that loses their the faculties of any of these things, they would give whatever wealthy have to get those things back. So now Allah subhanaw taala gives us all of these things when we're not making dua. Now look at how about when Allah subhanaw taala continues to give us while we're sinful, day and night, we will commit sin. It can be small sins, it can be big sins, but the reality of

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human beings as we've just learned from shaking, autocentres lecture is that mankind is prone to sin, we are from the creation of this earth. And this creation of the earth, by default, is to create chaos and to spill blood. And that is why the jinns assumed that so that is our innate potential. But we also have this other potential, that once we learn what is good, once we learn what is best, once we learn what the commands of Allah subhanaw taala are, we use our logic to overcome our desires, and then we become better than angels, and then we become better than angels. So now getting back to my point, most Ali Salam, he teaches us this very valuable lesson, that a

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sign of the believer is that they treat all of the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala as if they are in desperate need, that anything Allah subhanaw taala has to give me I am in desperate need of that thing. So this is very important to keep in mind that as you are making dua as we make dua to Allah subhanaw taala what is the state of our heart is the state of our heart one of gratitude where we are grateful for the blessings of Allah is the state of our heart, one of desperation that Oh Allah, anything you send me I will gladly accept? Or is the state of our hearts when we are making dua, just craving the thing that we are asking for. And this is such a valuable lesson when you make dua

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for something. Are you more attached to the thing that you're asking Allah subhanaw taala for? Or are you more attached to the one that is giving it to you, Allah subhanaw taala. The believer is meant to be more attached to the giver than the art of the gift. The believer is meant to be more attached to the giver than the art of the gift. So that if the gift comes and goes, you have the giver who is your ultimate caretaker, and Allah Subhana Allah knows best what He gives to you, you know,

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I've been focused a lot on Islamic finance, but more on the spiritual dimensions of wealth and how we approach it. And I came across this beautiful statement of Mr. Muhammad Rahim Allah, when he was asked what is good, what is piety? What is asceticism? And he says that if you were to gain 100,000 dinar, it would not make you happy. And if you were to lose 100,000 dinar it would not make you sad. Now you look at something like that and you think about how do you achieve something like that? That don't we all naturally become happy when we receive more money? Don't we become sad when we lose money? Right? Isn't that what we just learned what in the whole year have been failure? Alicia did?

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Well you're gonna burn Gemma isn't Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in the Quran, yes, those are default realities of human beings. But when you use your logic to overcome them, to connect closer to Allah subhanaw taala. That is how you achieve it, that at the end of the day, you're connected to the giver, not to the gift. Now, let us move on to the second to our Musa alayhis salam that they wanted to focus on, which is verse 25 onwards in surah Taha, and this is perhaps the most famous to either all of us are familiar with. And this is now Allah subhanaw taala has made most Ali Salam, a prophet, he's grown older, he's grown wiser. He is married, and he's told him is herb, ala Farah

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owner in the Huhtala that go to Pharaoh town. He has become overly transgressive for an hour and he was coming in transgressions for a long period of time. But now it's overly transgressive. Now Musa alayhis salam, his whole mentality changes, right. So first dua very general. He's coming from a desperate situation. Now Musa alayhis salam, he's lived a comfortable life for a period of time. He's rebuilt himself. He's now a family man. He's become a prophet of Allah subhanho wa taala. Now he's been commanded you have to go and deliver the message. So remember how we were talking about how your sins do not have to define you. Most Elisa Lam accidentally killed someone. This didn't

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define him. What defines him now is that he's a prophet of Allah subhanaw taala your greater purpose your greater mission in life. That is what is meant to define you. You are an ABD you are an ummah of Allah subhanahu wata, Anna

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That is your main identity. So now Musa Ali Salam, again, he shows his human side which is so beautiful about the story, that very rarely do we see the human aspects of the prophets that we are meant to look up to and learn from. Most Ali Salaam is clearly overwhelmed and he is scared. And Allah subhanaw taala has to tell him, don't be scared, I am with you. I'm hearing and I'm seeing everything that is happening, that is happening. So Musa alayhis salam, he doesn't start off with the physical world. He doesn't start off with asking for physical strength. He doesn't start off by making dua that Oh Allah, you know, please take care of your own yourself or send someone else to do

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it. That's not his dua over here. His dua it starts off from a place of acceptance that Allah has given me this task, I have to do it. But you know what I need to deal with some things first, got a lot of Beshara, the Saudi that oh my lord, expand for me, my chest, that physically I have the strength, but emotionally, I'm liking that bandwidth. I'm lacking that bravery and courage that I had when I was a young man. I'm lacking the ability to carry this burden that you have given me to save Bani Saba eel from this tyrannical ruler. So he asked Allah subhanho wa Taala for a motional strength and not physical strength. And this shows us a very valuable lesson and you can make this

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point number six Subhan Allah is that as believers when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us a moment on kawaii Hallo Noir hubco Illa minute minute dive will frequently indicate that the strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala than the weak believer, and in both of them is goodness. Allah subhanho wa Taala didn't specify what type of strength is being referred to over here. This could be strength of Eman which without a shadow of a doubt, because the word movement is already used there. But then why would Allah subhanaw taala repeat it twice. So here Allah subhanaw taala uses the general again, that the believer that is intellectually

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strong, physically strong, emotionally strong, psychologically strong, politically, has clout, socially, has clout, all of these things coming together, right. And most Elisa diamond show is showing us that sometimes you can have the physical ability to do something, but you don't have the emotional psychological bandwidth to carry it through. Sometimes there are tasks that you have to do you know, they're the right thing, you have the physical ability to do it. But you don't have the emotional and psychological bandwidth to carry it through. So you ask Allah subhanaw taala to take away that constraint, take away that congestion that suffocation that you feel as soon as you think

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about that task Subhanallah that there are certain things that you will embark on in life you feel congested, even just thinking about it, due to the trauma that you may have around it, or due to the experiences of others that you have seen around it. So you ask Allah subhanaw taala to expand your chest and to increase your emotional and psychological bandwidth, or the rubbish roughly steady while you're still really angry and make easy for me my affairs, but hold on a second. As believers aren't we always meant to go for the hard route, because there's more Algerian doing things the hard way. Not at all. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is described as I shall at the Allahu Taala

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Anna, that no two matters which were halal. were presented to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam except that he chose the easier of them. Now sometimes you won't have easy choices, so you have to take the difficult route. But in the case where you do have an easier route, it is the sunnah to take the easier route. And there's nothing wrong with asking ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada to make things easy. So it's very fascinating. Musa Ali Salam is not asking, Oh Allah, overthrow around yourself, you have the ability to do that. And Allah could have done that. But instead, he focuses Allah has given me this task for a reason. I'm going to submit to Allah subhanaw taala. But I'm

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going to ask Allah subhanaw taala to make it easy for me. Point number seven. Each and every one of us will have things that we struggle with. It can be our salah, it can be fasting, it can be your iris, a cat, it can be Loring, our gaze, it can be marital problems. It can be problems in our family. It can be a variety of problems. But that should not prevent you from asking Allah subhanaw taala to make these things easy for you. You don't have to abri embrace the challenge head on as is. You can ask ALLAH that Oh Allah, I'm ready to embrace this challenge. But I asked you know, make it easy for me. Make the salah beloved to me, make the Salah the coolness of my eyes, whatever the

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situation may be. I'm just using Salah as an example over here, that oh Allah may

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Get easy for me. We are certainly Emery. We're Hello Laroque data melissani. Now here's something very fascinating. What is self image psychology, self image psychology is the way that we perceive ourselves. And oftentimes we are our biggest critics, we will always find something to criticize ourselves in someone we feel, you know what, I'm too dark, and other one may feel I'm overweight and other one may feel, you know, why do I have this blemish on my face, and other one may feel I have such an such problem with myself. And we always view ourselves as deficient, lacking and you know, not enough. And that is what self image psychology is all about. And Musa Ali Salam gives us a

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glimpse into this. Then Musa Elisa Lam he has a stutter. And he feels that you know what, maybe I'm not the right person to give dua to give Dawa to your own because of this stutter.

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And the stuttering he views as, as something that would not make him capable. And this again, did not prevent him to make dua to Allah subhanaw taala for this, and this is something fascinating. You're back to the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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There is a woman that has epileptic seizures and in these epileptic seizures, she becomes uncovered her Outre becomes exposed. So she comes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and she says Dr. Rasool Allah, can you make dua that I stop having these epileptic seizures? And you know that the Prophet of Allah subhanaw taala, when he makes dua, there's a higher likelihood that the DUA is going to be answered. So that is where this woman is coming from that if the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam makes a dua for me, then my dua is more likely to be answered. But what is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tell her, he tells her that if you were to be patient on

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this trial that Allah subhanaw taala has given you, it would be better for you, it would be better for you. And this is something that's very important to understand that none of us will enter into Jannah except to the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa taala. They said, Not even you ya rasool Allah, He said, Not even me, except of Allah subhanaw taala chooses to enshrouded me in his mercy. Now, why is this so important? So it's not about the deeds that you do specifically, that will get you into Janna, but it's the deeds that you will do that will increase Allah's mercy upon you. Now, what happens if you don't have enough good deeds, and this is where the counterbalance strikes, that is

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not just about the good deeds, but it's also about the hardships and calamities that you face. It's also about the hardships and calamities that you face, that Allah will choose to have mercy upon you through the hardships and calamities that you face, and that you are patient upon because you may not have enough good deeds that you do. So both of them go hand in hand and complement one another in increasing the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala upon us to enter us into Jannah. So someone that may have a speech impediment, someone that may have a disfigurement, someone that may have anything else that they're not pleased with, that they're constantly being tried with, or they feel that they're

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being tried with, be patient on it, and it is better for you. And you can ask Allah subhanaw taala to remove it from you. There's no harm in that. But understand that patience is greater and patience is better. And it is it is okay to feel insecure about yourself like Musa alayhis salam shows us over here, like he felt insecure in approaching around one of the terminally Cerney yufka who called me so that around can understand what I am trying to say. And subhanAllah This is such a beautiful example of the way that we treat our opponents and the way that we treat those that we disagree with. Do we make dua sincerely that Allah gives them guidance? Do we make dua that Allah gives them

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understanding? Do we make dua that Allah opens their hearts to the truth? And this is one of the etiquettes that when you make a monada, or, or like a religious debate with someone, that one of the things you do is that you make dua for their guidance that Allah opens our hearts to the truth and Musa alayhis salam, he's making a dua for fear out over here, that Oh, Allah, let him understand what I'm trying to say. Don't let him focus on my speech impediment. Don't let him focus that I'm a weak man while he is this powerful king, but let him focus on the power of the truth so that he can understand what I'm trying to say to him. Don't focus on the messenger, let him focus on the

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message. Let him understand that you have Kahu Kony. Now the DUA doesn't end over there, even though this is where a lot of people will stop. Musa alayhis salam he continues, and he goes on to say, what John Lee was the

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Rahman, Ali, that Oh Allah, I don't think I can do this task by myself. And this is such a powerful lesson over here you can make this number eight. Not all tasks are mentioned to be done alone. You may think that you're on this journey by yourself, you're not. You ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Tala for help you ask Allah subhanaw taala for companionship, you ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant you the support that you need. And this is why most Ali Salam makes dua to Allah subhanaw taala was your ally was zero min early how rune Aki, my brother huddle, allow him to join in this mission of mine. And you'll notice that when you have a righteous companion, the fear that you have is haft. And the

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joy that you have is doubled Subhanallah and that you support one another and encourage one another towards goodness and encourage one another towards patients and help one another in times of hardship and calamity. And that is the beauty of righteous companionship. And this shows us that even the prophets and messengers were not exempt from the need of righteous companionship. If you're able to achieve anything in your life, try to surround yourself with righteous companionship. And notice the difference that it makes. One of the virtues of coming to the masjid and praying in the masjid is that you find like minded people and you surround yourself with righteous people. So that

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in your journey to Allah in the missions that Allah subhanaw taala has given you, you find the support that you need. And this is a beautiful point over here. Are we meant to show our vulnerabilities to people, there's a difference between showing your vulnerabilities and exposing your sins. As Muslims, we're not allowed to expose your sins, because Allah subhanaw taala has concealed our sins, and it is in an extreme bad taste that Allah conceals one of your sins, and then you expose it Subhanallah but you are allowed exposing your vulnerabilities. What is the difference? Sin is going against the Command of Allah subhanaw taala of vulnerability is embracing a human

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characteristic. You're scared, you have an issue with self image psychology, you're insecure about something, you can share those things with people and get the support that you need. What you Andy was here Amanda handy Haruna ASCII or should do the biggie Ezri and let her own be a source of strength for me, that let him be that backbone that that rock that I need to get me through this significant trial because it's not easy. He's going up against the most THX ironical ruler that mankind has ever seen. And subhanAllah if you look at some of the narrations that are mentioned, from the Sahaba, and from the time between, they say that all of the creation of Allah subhanaw

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taala is born upon the fitrah except for forfeit on the ground was born upon comfort, like he's the exception to the rule. That is how evil he was. That is what some of these statements alludes to. Because you think to yourself, how perverse and how deluded do you have to be to say, an Arab Bukom on earth that I am your lord the most Hi, like how deluded you have to be to believe something like that, that you build a tower high enough that you think you become God now, just because you have the ability to kill people, you think you've become God. Now, just because you have the ability to use magicians, you have the ability to become God. Now. You don't. Yet this is hopefully around was,

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he was on a mission to spread fitna falsehood and facade to deter people from the Path of Allah subhanaw taala. And to become that barrier and blockade between them, and obedience to Allah subhanho wa taala. So now, coming back, he makes dua that oh Allah make her own my rock make out on my person that gets that helps me with the strength that I need. Now, here's where the Diwan takes a shift. And this is a beautiful note to conclude on, because we've been speaking about righteous companionship. Think about the friends that you have. What is the purpose behind you having righteous companions? Why should you get together with your companions and your friends? And what

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are you meant to do? Together? Allah subhanaw taala goes on to tell us in the DUA of Musa alayhis salam that he says what jolly was here earlier how on earth he should be as he was surely Kofi Emery make him a part of this mission, that we're on together. K new sub berakha kathira. We're not Kudo. kathira. So I skipped one part, I'll get to that. And then we'll move on to the companionship. Why should it Kofi Emery, then this further expands upon the part that we don't have to do tasks alone. And particularly, you know, it's not the time in place to think about ambitious and lofty goals that were mentioned to have. But one thing that I would like to impart very, very quickly. As Muslims,

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we're not meant to live a life of mediocrity. We're not meant to live a life where we don't make positive change in the homes that we live in, in the communities that we are part of in the societies that we're at

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Word of, we're meant to live lives of impact. And each and every person that will be looked like something different, right? Some poor people will have the ability to build masajid other people will build hospitals and orphanages, other people will be great at giving Dawa. But at the end of the day, you have a skill set. You have a tool set, you have a passion, and you have a purpose. Find out what that is. Seek help from Allah subhanaw taala ask Allah to make it easy for you ask Allah to grant you, the people that you need to fulfill your mission, because that is what Musa alayhis salam is teaching us throughout this dua and then we go on to the companionship part que no sub berakha

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kathira one that Kodaka Kathira that the goal of righteous companionship the goal of being with people together is to praise the perfection of Allah. What does this beer I mean, this beer is to highlight how Allah subhanho wa Taala is free from every imperfection

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to highlight how Allah subhanho wa Taala is free from every imperfection. So for our own in contrast, is filled with imperfections. Allah subhanho wa Taala has no imperfections and is absolutely perfect. So one of the goals of companionship is to highlight this in our family in our friends, the greatness of Allah subhanaw taala how much Allah subhanaw taala has done for us. Well, not Kudo Kathira and that we may remember You much as fun Allah this is such

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a beautiful thing. But as you're riding in the car with your friends, will naturally be conversing. We'll talk about everything. Right? The you know, this week everyone, no matter where you go on social media, everyone's talking about Barbie and an open hammer and it seems Barbie even more, for some reason. Fine, you've spoken about that. What is that getting you closer to Allah? Is that getting you any good deeds, the simple fact of as you're driving along, you know, you start making the vicar of Allah La ilaha illa Allah subhana Kennicott terminal volumen are Subhan Allah Al Hamdulillah, Allahu Akbar, Allah and Allah, any vicar that you're saying and you're just doing your

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own thicker as you're writing along. It's not to say that you should never have conversations, but along with your dunya we conversation that you have encouraged each other to make the vicar of Allah subhanaw taala encourage each other to make the vicar of Allah subhanho wa taala. If you look at one of the beautiful things from the life of Sheikh bimbos, Rahim, Allah hota Allah is that he was almost in a constant state of liquor. You notice mentioned that even when he would eat beef, or every bite, he would say, Bismillah and after every bite, he was Al Hamdulillah. Is this something required? No, not at all. But this was his level of engagement with Allah subhanho wa Taala that

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you're constantly engaged in the vicar of Allah subhanho wa taala, one of Kodaka kathira. In Quinta, Bina basura, that Oh Allah, you are surely all seeing of everything that we do. Now, this is something that's so important. Why does Allah subhanaw taala highlight throughout the Quran, that Allah hears everything that we say and sees everything that we do, and knows everything that's going to happen, because if you understand your relationship of herbal dia with Allah subhanaw taala, and how you're meant to be servants of Allah subhanaw taala every servant as a master and caretaker, and the best of caretakers is Allah subhanaw taala. So if you believe and have conviction inside of

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yourself, that Allah knows everything that is going to happen to me, and Allah hears everything that is being said about me, and Allah subhanaw taala sees all of the abuse that I'm going through, then this should increase your optimism that Allah subhanaw taala is going to grant me victory soon. Because Allah subhanaw taala would not allow his slave to be prolonged in abuse and to be prolonged in hardship. Right, it's in those darkest moments that the help of Allah subhanaw taala is just around the corner, that the Nasir of Allah subhanho wa Taala is just around the corner in a cocoon, Sabina Masirah. And remember how we were saying that Allah subhanho wa Taala answered this the

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dewasa Musa Ali Salam right away. And Surah CASAS Allah, Musa Ali Salam says that Oh ALLAH forgive me for Zafar Allah, so Allah subhanaw taala forgave him. What does Allah subhanaw taala say over here? Oh, that Ott, Acharya Musa, that oh Musa, whatever you've asked for, you've been granted. Now, let's conclude on that very point. That why is the dua Musa alayhis salam and stirred into instantaneously. It was because of this fact that he's established this close relationship with Allah subhanaw taala that is constantly conversing with Allah Subhan

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northa Anna, right? Oftentimes we think we only speak to Allah when we need to ask for big things, right? Or that Oh Allah, you know grind to be genital for those Oh Allah, grant me the forgiveness of my sins or Allah protecting me from the hellfire. And then as we grow older we become attracted to the dunya. So we started making dua for dunya we think that oh Allah grant me a better car, grant me a better house, grant me a good family. And these are all good things that you should be doing. But Allah subhanaw taala loves even the general conversation. And you asking for minutiae, right? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he teaches his companions, that even if your whip was to

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fall off a horse, don't ask anyone to pick it up for you. Pick it up yourself. And if a shoelace were to break, before you as the creation, ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to replace it for you. I want you to think about that for a moment. If your shoelace breaks, how likely are we to make dua to Allah that Oh Allah, please replace my shoelace? Oh Allah, the button on my shirt broke, please replace my button. We don't have those conversations with Allah. And that is why we're not at the level of Musa alayhis salam. We want our donors answered, engage in conversations with Allah subhanho wa taala. Show your dependency upon Allah, sheer desperation to Allah subhana wa Tada of

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all of the goodness that he has to offer. We are for Cara, we are in desperate need of what Allah subhanaw taala has to offer us. So this was just a brief attempt at doing a comparison and contrast of two of the two hours of Musa alayhis salam. And what I'm hoping that you will take away from this is that explore the two hours that are mentioned in the Quran from the prophets, and look at how different donors took place at different times. So the first two are Musa very general, after a catastrophic incident. The second dua very specific asking for things, one after another after a period of comfort. The second dua shows us more of the vulnerable side of Musa alayhis salam, the

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first of them he was extremely vulnerable. But that's not expressed because he's in a completely overwhelming situation. And I've shared with you eight lessons that I've pointed out, and I'm hoping that you got to more than that. But again, explore these do is compare and contrast them to the historical realities that the prophets are going through in their times. And you'll notice that it'll have an impact in your own life. Without a shadow of a doubt. The more you increasing your dua to Allah subhanho wa taala, the more Allah subhanaw taala gives you and I think this is what we'll conclude with just before the event for Maghrib is that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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was encouraging his companions to make dua to Allah subhanaw taala, he tells them that Allah subhanaw taala will answer your DUA in one of three ways. Either you will get what you want, when you want it. And this is what all of us strive for that I want this right here right now, in the fashion that I'm asking for it right. But that's not the only way that do our works. Or what you're asking for, will be delayed till the time that it is better for you. What does that mean? Sometimes you'll ask for something, if you were to get it now. It will take you away from Allah, it will take you away from some sort of good, but if you got it later in life, perhaps you're more mature, you're

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more older, you want to life experiences, it will no longer become an impediment between you and failed. So Allah subhanaw taala gives it to you at that time. And then last but not least, perhaps what you're asking for, is not good for you at all. So Allah subhanaw taala, averts an equal amount of evil from your life. Now what was the response of the Sahaba over here? They said yeah rasool Allah, if this is the case, we will only increase in making dua and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, well, Allahu Akbar, meaning that Allah subhanho wa Taala has even more to give you. So the more you ask of Allah, the more Allah subhanho wa Taala gives you. The more you ask of Allah,

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the more contentment happiness and joy you will feel in your life. The more you ask of Allah subhanaw taala the closer you will get to Allah, the more you ask of Allah, the more you have fulfilled your purpose of creation. So never stop engaging in DUA and increase your DUA in times of prosperity in times of ease in times of goodness, just as if you are in a state of adversity and in hardship, and that is a sign of you getting closer to Allah subhanaw taala May Allah subhanaw taala grant Sophia, an understanding of the Quran and make us of those that get caught

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also to him through dua, and make us of those that exemplify the noble and beautiful characteristics of Musa alayhis salam Allahumma Amin Allahu Taala Adam was SallAllahu Sallam an article in the Vienna Muhammad. While the early he was a big man in sha Allah tomorrow I will be doing the story of Khabib nomadic and we'll be having a q&a session after that. So I hope you will join me there as well in sha Allah does welcome located on Subhanak Oklahoma behind the shadow law stuff look over to the lake was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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