Hasan Ali – How To Tie A Muslim Turban

Hasan Ali
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some of you have requested that I show you how to tie one of these mamas on on the on the head. Now, the thing is, when you go to the shop, you'll probably buy one which is quite flat, it won't be as crinkly as this, it'll be quite flat, and it'll be in a flat pack. So the first thing you need to do is to, well, first thing we need to do is to get it into your washing machine and give it a good few spins, we're talking about probably three washers, few washers, whatever you can do until it actually comes when it comes out. Don't iron it, just leave it to dry naturally. Okay, now when you go to the shop again, you can get all sorts of sizes and lens. Now this one particularly is I'm just

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going to measure it for you in terms of qubits. So we've got one, we've got 234567, just about seven, just over seven. Okay. Now this is a good length, I mean, it's actually a sunnah of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe salam to have sort of seven or to have nine sort of arm, sort of lens of this. Now again, what I've said is really important, you've got to get it, you've got to get it this crinkly or something to get a good, good sort of look, because otherwise it'll it'll kind of not fit properly. Now, it's important also to get the right hat. Okay, because this, just want to share something with you, I was wearing the amount of for many years when I was studying and actually wore

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the wrong hat. And the wrong hat was the one that was quite I mean, you need a hard hat fine. But the wrong one was the one that didn't have any holes anything around it. So what happened is that actually lost quite a lot of hair. Because I was I was wearing it quite a lot and used to get quite hot in it. Now. Now what I've got is I've got this hat here. Now this hat here is you can see there straight through you've got you've got holes, and this is found in Bangladesh.

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Nice hat, it's a sort of a hard hat. So it actually keeps the amama nicely on. Now, the you can worry, you can tie this on with a hat, which is not that hard. The only problem is that you have to every time you take it off, you will have to retry the whole Imama. Again, which is not a problem if you're quite fast to doing it. But if you're not that fast, you will be there quite a few minutes, you know, putting it on again and again. So the hat is important. And the holes are important because you want the air to get in, you want the sunlight to get in there as well. And you'll keep your hair looking nice. But if you don't get the right hat with the whole zone, you kind of feel

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that it's getting damping day will get hot in there, you'll probably get a headache as well. So just bear that in mind Shala. Now once you've given a few washes, and it's become now you've left it to dry, and it's become nice and crinkly, you then take it and what you want to do is with this seven one, I've actually measured this so I know how many rounds it takes. So what we're going to do is we're going to have five rounds of this. Okay, five rounds. And before we do the five rounds, I'll take the end of this, okay, end of this and I'm going to just put it together, just as you watch me here now, put together like this because you want the end part to be straight, if that's not

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straight, and by the by the other end, you might not see to become straight in might come up sort of different lengths. Okay. So as you can see there, put it all together in one sort of length. And now what I'm going to do is take this part, okay, put it round. Okay, put it around. Here, I'll show you just there for round. So that the the

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back part here, over here.

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That part has to stay there and you've got about less than or just about an arm's length hanging out. Now you can see my hand here holding this, this is probably the most important part. And after this, what I need to do is I need to put this I'm gonna put this under my chin so I can keep talking. Normally what I'll do is I'd probably put in my mouth so that I can get a good grip of it. But I just put it under my chin and what I wanted them then do is hold my hold my hand where is there and I want to take this out and the first round. The first round I do is going to be pretty much straight one

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So it's going to be straight all the way. Now, what I've done here is, if you can see over here, it's it's in alignment with my hat. With the top there, it's aligned with the top of the hat. Okay, I can just lift that up slightly. What you want to also make make sure of is sometimes see this edge here, which is the side of the Amana, it can become a bit bulky, and you don't want those parts to hang out or stick out. So as I'm going along here, I've got to be careful of the two sides of the Amana and make sure that that it doesn't form a sort of a bulging edge, which what we want give me the good look that I want. Okay, now, as you can see how I'm holding this, I've taken the first

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part, and held it gripped it with my hand here. So that doesn't move. And then I take again, the next part, now this is going to run to neuron two is going to be from the bottom part of my right hand side. And it's going to go to the top part of my left hand side. Okay, so once I see now that I've got another grip over there, I don't need to actually hold it. Okay, I can actually let go of my hands. What I'm doing here is I'm holding you with my right hand, so get a good grip.

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And what I want to do is form.

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If you notice here, look, what I've done is from the bottom part of my right is going towards the top part over here. Okay, so the first one was straight, second movement from bottom to the top, the third one, and the fourth one are going to go from the top to the bottom. So again, as you can see, I've held it with my hand over here, I can easily take my right hand, take the amama again, from on top.

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And if you want to sort of play around, loosen it up a bit, this is the time to do it, because you've got a good grip with the left hand. With the right hand, you take the grip, and again, what you do is you want to take you from the top to the bottom.

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So as you can see there are let go with this. Now what I can do is I can play around with this, and I can make sure that it becomes a bit flat, because if it's too thin, if that becomes too thin, and again, you won't get the look. So you want to spread it out slightly. And

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from top to bottom, get a slight little angle there. And I've put that next layer on. And the next layer again, we'll go from the top again to the bottom. So I'll show you this again, I've got my hand here, this time from the back, I've got my hand here, I'll do the top bottom, and I can actually let go. And you can see that I don't need to have the full sort of grip, because each layer is holding another layer. Okay, so I can put the whole sort of layer on over on top, you can see is going on top of the same layer.

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And when I take it to the bottom here, I want you to see the side here making sure that the bolje part and the two sides are not actually showing. So again, I'm holding it here, I don't need to put any other further grip. And this is going to be the final round now. And as you can see what's happened here is

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we've had one straight layer, and we've had one layer from bottom to top for two layers from top to bottom. So that's now kept it slightly imbalanced in needs one more from the bottom to the top. And this is the last round. So this is the last one that goes wrong. And what I'll do is I'll just take it around. It's make sure look here, if you notice here, and I'm slightly rising, raising this why, because I want to make sure that it's a thick sort of layer.

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And this one will go from the from the bottom here, all the way forming that arch to the top. Now, once I've gone to the top, this is not going to is going to be important that I need to now tie that Amana because you can see I've got all the layers done. Now, if I want to smooth and decide you can see there, and if you can, if the camera gets that it's slightly in. So if I want to smoothen that out, I can take that layer back and I can make sure I can put this layer down slightly so that it grips on a bit more

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and as you can see it see that now that's looking a lot more firm than what it was looking like before. So I've got the I've got the middle part here it's it's formed that slight cross there in the middle. And when I take that to the top, this is important now. So I've taken to the top as you can see there, I need to put this part right in the in the first layer and where the where the hat is in between the hat and the first layer. So if I just put it nicely in there, tuck it in

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died. So he goes between the hat and the first layer. Once I put that in, I can straighten the bottom part up to the middle. So that's down there. This the top part is down there. And the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu is and Mr have

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a layer or two layers between the shoulder blades, the layers should not go beyond the spine, the bottom part of the spine. But as long as it hangs there between the shoulder blades, then that is that is the Sunnah. Now, I'm going to teach you another trick now, now that it's on here, why I chose a hardhat. And why I'm choosing this whole way of doing this because it's gonna be very easy for me now to take the Imama off, and to put the amount of back on and I can actually keep this Annamma on now for two to three weeks, without me having to do this again, two to three weeks. And I usually do this. And you've got to also be be careful when you do voodoo. Try and take your ama

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first keep it off and do you will do because if you do it with your armor on, you will see as you're rubbing your face, you're washing your face, if the water gets to the top here, you over a week, you'll form a slight sort of brown mark here because you know that there's some moisture that's coming off your face. And it's and it's going on to the Annamma. So to avoid that, when you do we'll do try check that off separately do your full will do try yourself and then put them on. Now to take the amount of off and on off and on very easily and keep the same amount for a good two to three weeks. Or that too. When I say two to three weeks, I mean, you know I'm talking about in England,

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okay, if I if I traveled to other countries, like if I traveled to Bangladesh or something, this won't last for more than four or five days. Because the density in that in that part of the region is very different. It'll it'll make the whole thing start to sort of become loose after a little while because there's moisture in the in the air. But but in England, I can actually keep it for for long, and it will stay white for at least two weeks. I can keep it good and white. As long as as I said, the way you handle the Amana. So what you want to do this is this, you take the back part of your hand, put it

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in between the two parts that are hanging down and you're on your head, and you lift this part up to the top, and you put it on top here. So now I've got the whole of the back now free again, and it's at the top there. Once I do that, I'll take the sides of my hands. And I'll put them just behind here so that I can slip it off. So I'm going to slip it off towards the front. Okay, so if I just push it slightly, push it off.

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As you can see, now this is the full, full amama. Okay,

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was easy, and I know I'm making it look easy, but if you practice Inshallah, you will become perfect with this. Now, that's an easy way of just slipping the amount of nap to put it back on, I need to put the forehead right here where the front part is. And after the reverse, so I've got a slip it back on. Okay, so if I put the put the front part here, okay, and then I just slip it back on,

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and then put this top part, put it all the way down.

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That's the Imama back on again. And if I want to just make sure there might be some tucked edges, they might just want to just just move it around a bit just to get that get all the edges back out again. That's fine. That's done again. So that's the way you just very quickly I'll show you quickly now

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and back on again. Or if you want to be bit more careful, then use the two sides like I showed you earlier. And you take the off and then you slip it back on, move it around a bit. And there you have the ameba back on Okay, now what I want guys, yeah, is this obviously this is a way of making the shape that I make. You can get an Imam and make it all straight, like some Egyptians do. You can make them different styles and look at the Yemeni style. Look at the you know, there are many styles out there how to put that remember, this is one that I learned when I was young. And I was studying, you know, in my madrasa. I got taught this one and I liked it and I've used it but there are many

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other mammals you can do if you have a short one. Okay, this is important as well. If you don't have as long as mine and you can't do five rounds, you measure how many rounds you can do to create those tails at the back. Okay, if you don't have enough to do two tails, you might just do enough just to create one so imagine

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If I had, if I had something like six

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sort of lens, then what you would do is the last one would probably go inside here and you won't have this piece, okay, you'll only have that piece which is fine as well, which is also a sun. And if you don't have that either, so you've only got five, then you take a layer off. So we'll take a layer off and we'll take two layers off. So I did for you five layers, which gives you a kind of a good sort of look of some kind of thickness to the Amana. But if you want to do four rounds, three rounds, even two rounds you can do which is one up one down. So usually the ones that are only three

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cubits long, you will you will be able to do those with two rounds, one going up one going. So one going from top to bottom, and one going from bottom to top and just tuck it inside there. You can do with to, to sort of rounds as well, but choose whatever style you want to use. But the reason why I showed you this is I'm showing you so that you can practice and do the Amana because there's it's a sunnah of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam and we need to keep the Sooners of the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam alive and show exactly how to act without Juana and hamdulillahi rabbil aalameen Hey,

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