Murtaza Khan – The Believing City
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We stopped upon the blessings of the fruits
of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and
specifically the greatest
name of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, the greatest
praise of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
most glorious word
that travels to Allah subhanahu ta'ala of about
the fruits
Allah gives steadfastness
inside his dunya
and inside an akhira
and specifically we paused and we stopped the
inside the grave
that a person is given tasbeed,
given steadfastness to say this kalim of La
ilaha illa Allah inside one's grave
when a question is posed to all of
us and no exceptions to that.
Manrabook who is your lord and the individual
says Rabbi Allah.
My lord is Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
and the fruits and the blessings
that are contained
of the belief in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
are actually mentioned inside Surah Ibrahim
because there's a great link between
the previous parable we mentioned and today's parable
inside Surah Nahl 16th chapter,
That both of these Surahs
are Surahs of blessings.
Inside Surah Ibrahim Allah mentioned
If you give thanks to me,
indeed I will increase you inside blessings.
That is the benefits of giving Shukr Lillahi
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
If you're ungrateful,
then indeed my punishment is severe.
Because many of us Muslims
just think about the blessings of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala and rightfully we should,
but many times inside the Quran Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala mentions the opposite.
The opposite of blessings of niyam misa nikam
is adversities of hardships.
Al Quran Bayna
is between 2 concepts of pairs. Bayna Jannati
wal Nur waliman walqufar, wa Bayna walwadeed,
That's the the 2 pairs inside the Quran
that we find
throughout the journey of the Quran.
Between Al Khayr was shard good and evil,
between Iman and Kufr, between this world and
the hereafter.
Between paradise and hellfire.
So when Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala speaks about
his blessings, he also warns us
inside the same ayat,
that if you become ungrateful then indeed my
punishment is severe.
Because sometimes some of us Muslims we think
that we're not going to be exposed to
the punishment of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Yes in our entirety we'll never ever be
Is a supplication
that the prophet
requested from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
That this ummah will not be destroyed in
its totality,
but it doesn't mean there won't be adversities
and hardships and difficulties
that come upon this Muslim Ummah.
Trials and tribulations that we find that will
come like the darknesses of the night that
come upon
upon this Muslim Ummah, and we need to
remain steadfast.
And 1 reason that many Ulemmah discuss about
these calamities, difficulties,
is juhudun nim
is to become ungrateful
of the blessings of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
opens up the doors
of the punishment of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Likewise, the same surah Allah mentions,
After a long passage,
Allah Subhanahu speaks about these various blessings He
throws upon this Muslim Ummah,
upon the world, the night, the day, the
heavens, the earth, the sun, the moon.
Then Allah concludes and mentions that if you
He gives you from everything you ask for.
Everything the individual asks for, He responds to
Every single day Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is
That's when you find that don't think that
to us
that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, may Allah forbid,
Allah gets tired.
Allah doesn't get tired.
Allah wants the servant to ask more and
more and more,
and gives more and more.
Because indeed Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, yhibbulhamd,
Allah loves that He's praised.
Allah loves that He's worshiped. Allah loves that
He's implored. He's called upon.
Allah subhanahu wa'ala says call upon me and
I will respond to you.
Allah is giving this commandment, call upon me,
I'll respond to you.
Those who are arrogant.
Mean man, if arrogance person doesn't want to
ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Yes salaam waat
wal kabur,
1 nurse. Ask the dead. Ask the shrines.
Ask the saints. Ask ask the patrons.
Ask these people.
What can these people do?
Rather, they are judgment even the Hatal Ambiya,
nafsi nafsi, myself, no 1 can avail you
in a day.
Everybody in that day will come at their
judgment further
on their own,
standing in front of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
and what their belief and their connection is
with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
So Allah gives these blessings to us that
it enumerates these blessings upon us.
Then Allah then concludes
you can't count these blessings.
Man is oppressive,
full of ingratitude.
We keep on giving and giving and giving.
What does Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala ask from
Allah has asked 1 simple thing from the
human being.
The right of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala upon
his servants, 1 single thing he asked us
to do
is to worship only him.
We have no right upon Allah Subhanahu Wa
But is a request that we can request
now from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
That, yeah, Allah inside my life,
I singled you out for worship.
I exerted myself throughout my life.
You Allah, through my life
all my prayers,
all my sacrifice,
my living and my dying, I was committed
to You.
I have no right to claim anything from
Even if I worship You throughout my life,
from the beginning to the end,
or from the beginning of time to the
end of time.
It's a request from the poor
to their all rich, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
That in these small efforts that I made,
that's why Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala,
Allah will never oppress His servants.
Whoever strives in our paths, we will guide
them to the paths of Allah.
We will give them that due recompense will
be given to them. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
is not unfair to any individual
because we can see at the moment when
people are asking this question, now people, even
non Muslims are saying this question, or they're
answering this question that's been posed.
Why did God create the hellfire?
Why did God create paradise and *?
Now you can visualize it, why Allah's created
the hellfire.
Their is apparent on the face of the
earth, they don't conceal it. At least a
conceals his sins, conceals himself,
has some fear of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
but these people Alernan,
they're openly.
When they make such statements,
where's your lord now to protect you now?
Where's your lord to protect these masjids that
we desecrate, that we dismantle, and we bomb,
and we destroy?
Where do you find it in the history
of a Muslim
to ever dismantle any
places of worship that we find, but certain
symbols that we find are protected by Muslims,
Palestine that we find, the sepulcher church that
we find.
Who holds the keys to this day?
Who holds the keys? Who opens the church
every morning and closes it every morning?
Do you think the priest opens and closes
Do you think the Christian Christian, they come
and has delegated someone from America, this country
to go there and open that church and
close that church?
The keys lie with the same family.
Generation after generation when Umar Al Khattab came
and liberated Masjid Al Aqsa,
and keys were delivered to him.
That the same family today opens that church
and closes that church.
I don't wanna get into technicality is that
shutting, is that allowed to open a church
and close a church.
But I mean, verbal hit my wisdom that
we find. This is how Muslim enters into
hearts of even non Muslims,
of showing a fine character and a belief
and a respect for society and humanity
that they can trust us.
They can trust us as being as people
of Allah
because we recognize the blessings of Allah.
And that is what a Muslim should be.
That those blessings that Allah showered upon us,
that we should be then trying to shower
that upon the people of society around us.
Likewise, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentioned,
He said the same Surah straight after this
parable of the good word and the and
the bad word.
Have you not seen example of those people,
They changed the blessings of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala into ingratitude.
And on top of that they
expose their own people to doom.
Meaning that when you become ungrateful to Allah
Subhanahu wa ta'ala,
then there's the the doors of doom
are opened up for those people
who begin to reject the blessings of Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
And as we mentioned in the beginning, the
great link between Surah Ibrahim and Surah Nahal.
Because both Surahs are full of.
By the Surah Nahal 16th chapter Quran, name
of Surah to Ni'am.
The Surah of blessings.
As if the whole Surah, if you read
through it, is continuously speaking about the blessings
of Allah
and the ayah that occurred inside Surah
You try to count the blessings of Allah's
other, you're never going to be able to
enumerate them. But in this occasion, Allah concluded
in the law,
That Allah's blessings are so immense that he
pardons and he forgives.
That if you do derail, he's still going
to pardon, he's going to forgive you.
Amongst the passages inside the Surah that we
find that speak about the nirm of Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Rather even before this verse, we enter
a whole page.
There's a whole page that's speaking about the
blessings of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, then Allah
Fahuam bin Allah.
Anything that you possess inside your life.
Who amin Allah?
So why is there
why are they boasting?
Everything that you possess is from Allah, your
children, your wealth, your property, your status, your
Who am I in Allah?
It's from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Then Allah becomes more explicit.
Allah is the 1 that gives some a
rank over other individuals in terms of their
risk, their provision.
This is from Allah
This isn't from my own mind,
my own logistics,
my own skill,
my own ability.
You could to a certain degree do that,
but the ultimate control behind all of this
is from Allah
That he gives some more wealth than others
for wisdom that lies with
Allah's made from amongst your own soul's spouses.
Then Allah speaks about spouses, look at the
blessings that Allah gives.
From your spouses, He gives you children.
He gives you grandchildren,
and He provides you with provision.
Even children, grandchildren, all of this,
that you find that Arabs used to boast
about, even today the world boasts about it,
about their lineage and their children. It's all
from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Then another conclusive
verse was saying, do you reject the blessings
of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and disbelieve in
Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala?
Then again Allah becomes more explicit.
Allah took you out from the wombs of
your mothers.
You don't know anything.
And I didn't use the words
here, and that says,
I gave you faculties to hear, to see,
to comprehend, to think, to reflect, to ponder,
to have empathy, to have sympathy, to think
about people.
You be grateful.
When you walk past a poor person, you're
grateful. You walk past a sick person, you're
grateful. You walk past a disabled person, you're
You reflect upon
it. Laaalaqum Tasqoroon.
That you may be grateful,
thankful to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, that the
blessings that He's bestowed upon all of us
are so immense,
that it will take our whole lifespan just
to reflect and to think about them.
They rather need to complain about our lives,
that look at my state, look at my
life, look at what I'm going through. What
are we going through in all honesty?
What are we going through?
A few difficulties at work, a few difficulties
with family members, a few difficulties with finances.
That's the difficulties that we're going through.
The * bombed out of * these these
people are what they're going through.
But look at their resilience.
Look at their patience.
Look at their life.
To show us
that what are what are you complaining about?
They they have a right to complain.
They have a right to say something.
They have a right to express that. What
right do we have?
But it shows that we are ungrateful people
towards Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Likewise, Allah mentioned other things inside this Surah
so many times.
Then he mentioned
Allah completes his favors upon you. You may
become submissive.
Submit to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Then Allah mentions that you know the name
of Allah.
It's not hidden,
but yet you become ungrateful
towards Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
If you're really grateful, this is what Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala wants from us.
Give thanks to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
Just not saying Alhamdulillah
is good enough.
That's basics.
Allah mentions inside Suru Bakr as well. If
you worship, if you want to give thanks
to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, then worship him.
And Ibadah is the ultimate shukr delay subhanahu
ta'ala. Not just upon the tongue
that people in speech can say alhamdulillah we
thank Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, that's excellent, that's
but it's the whole of the body
that submits to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. These
are just some of the ayat
from these 120
odd verses at Surat Nahal, this Maqk and
Surah some verses, a few exception being Madinan.
Just a few verses that we touched upon,
all giving us a basic understanding how much
this Surah is speaking about the blessings of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Then inside this surah Allah mentions 4 parables
are mentioned inside this surah. Great discussion amongst
Ulamat Tafasir mentioned what this amthal would he
speak about. The 4th example
is what we would speak about today,
about these blessings of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
that he froze down upon people.
Allah gives mentions inside the Surah
that Allah gives this parable of Al Qariyah,
mutma inna,
of a village
of a people in total peace,
Speak about Amba Adil Kharia. Whether these people
are the people of Makkah, the blessings Allah
has given to them specifically or just generally.
As we know, he's a of the Quran.
Because the Quran has been given so many
blessings have been given to them,
and they're becoming ungrateful to Allah
that you find the last portion of the
then have mostly just I might speak about
the Qurays. It's basically last 10 10 Surahs
begins to speak about them.
Who gives you peace, security?
If you want peace and security inside your
So let them worship the lord of this
house. Rabul Kaaba.
Let them worship Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
This what Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is saying
to the Qurays, if you want peace and
tranquillities to be given to you,
or any nation, or any people,
you need to submit to Allah Subhanahu Wa
Inside Surat An Nur, it speaks about once
again the concept of revival.
How a revival will be given to his
Allah will change your state from fear, state
of peace.
What's the condition? Again, Allah mentions a condition.
It doesn't just drop down from the heavens,
and it lays out the condition,
You want peace,
in your life, in this world?
You want that peace?
Submit to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And thus
we find,
with Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala. And thus we find
that a concept of peace and tranquility that
all of us are searching for,
We want peace in our life,
in our heart, in our mind, in our
soul, in the world, in our dealings,
in our economic affairs.
Islam tackles all of that when people begin
to divide Islam. Look how Allah describes
That those people who turn away from the
rules and regulations of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
don't stand up except for that that individual.
Great discussion
begin to speak about some speaker disproves the
point that the the jinn can possess the
human being.
But the general meaning is there, but those
people who deal inside the river,
They stand as the person
person doesn't know what they're doing inside their
life. They've been the touch of the shaytan
is upon them. No peace, no contentment. Look
at people who possess 1, 000, 000, 000.
There's no peace inside their life.
The whole empire is based upon river.
The world at the moment, even the Muslim
world, is a contentious topic. That's why people
don't wanna speak about it. Even the Muslim
world at the moment is dealing in river.
When people ask that, it's only because we're
committing shit that we're suffering. There's 4 or
5 things that Muslim Ummah is doing at
the moment from monks and is in the
shower river.
Is a spread of riba in the Muslim
Saying that riba is just like business.
Allah is explicit. Allah says that Ribba is
Business transaction is halal.
To such a degree, there's no other powerful
verse inside the Quran.
That Allah says that those people who deal
inside riba and they don't repent.
Allah and his message have declared war upon
Allah and his message declared war.
Forget about the other wars in the world.
If Allah declared war upon this Muslim Ummah,
war upon us,
of course, there's going to be no stability
inside our lives,
no stability in our countries.
Because why we're following things that are breaking
the laws of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And
then we have the audacity to challenge Allah.
That's what it's telling. We have the audacity
to challenge Allah that we're living in a
modern world. How am I going to live?
How was you living a 100 years ago?
How was you living 50 years ago? How
was you living?
Because they placed it inside our brain and
and brainwashed us. The only way to live
a life is via the river system.
That's the argument that's presented to us.
We was living perfectly fine 50 years ago.
We had good families. We had good homes.
We had peace. We had a structure. We
had a good life.
Now all of a sudden we've got all
dwellings, we've got everything.
But guess what?
We've got no peace.
We've got no peace left.
So this is what we think that would
be this guy to give us peace, but
Allah the sharia of Allah gives us peace
in every single thing.
Peace inside our hearts, so we find
Remembrance of Allah gives you peace inside your
gives you tranquility,
gives you that peace that when you reflect
upon Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
That's priceless.
That's why many of the companions make this
statement. You could find out moments,
glimpses of tranquility and peace is ultimate success
inside their lives.
And likewise inside Al Aqira.
Yeah. Soul and peace and content.
Just how we mentioned the journey of the
soul When your soul is at peace and
you know, this world just become like a
dream, like a haze.
Coming in and out. That's all you see
this world.
Your soul
is yearning
for May Allah grant that to our souls.
I yearn for the
Allah is pushing us, calling us to daras
salam, to Jannah, he's calling us.
We're clinging to this dunya.
Allah is saying, ta'al.
We're saying, no Allah give me some more
time in this dunya.
Let me just have some more good time
in his dunya.
At the expense of what?
Al Akhira.
This dunya is a dip
of your finger in the ocean.
What clings to your finger
is this dunya.
You purchased that
and you sold the ocean.
You lost the ocean.
That's what this dunya is, 1 small speck
on my finger.
And in my quench, in my first for
I sold the ocean
to purchase that speck.
And when I lift my finger to place
it and look at it in my eyes,
or to touch at the tip of my
tongue to rejoice,
guess what's happened?
It's dried up.
And then when I look at the ocean,
it's evaporated.
I've lost it.
I lost the world
and I lost the.
That's the most manifest lost.
Lost everything
in my search for this dunya,
in my search for trying to find that
so called peace.
And I described this parable of this village,
these people,
they're from every location.
The blessings of Allah come upon them.
There's a hadith and soon imagine that you
find a companion discussing,
and the prophet asked him, ask the companion,
what are you discussing? He said, we're discussing.
We fear poverty.
And he said, and he prophesied, I don't
fear poverty of this Muslim, Ummah.
I don't fear poverty.
It will come at upon the people.
It will come just being thrown down.
Read through history of Muslims.
The most richest
people on the face of this earth
was the Muslim empire.
Even today, do you think we lack wealth?
Do you honestly think that we lack wealth?
That we lack manpower?
We lack ability.
We lack strength.
What do we lack?
We lack iman. That's what we lack.
That's what we're losing.
So when people say that when we are
ready, then we'll then we will enter into
Philistine to help them.
When there's enough of us,
When it wait. How many more do you
2, 000, 000, 000 in number?
How many more people do you want
To then say that this is going to
be now is the right time.
The answer is simple. We don't we lack
the iman. We don't have the iman.
We don't have that conviction
that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is the 1
that protects.
We don't have that conviction anymore. We can
boast about it that I have tawakkal Allah,
but it's been shown in the world at
that moment.
9 months have gone by.
And people still being passive about we're showing
reliance upon Allah.
We're showing trust in Allah
These people inside their tents
who are campaigning,
spending days and nights in the weather you've
seen in the recent days.
What are they doing?
I don't wanna get into the dogma of
theology, what their creed and their belief is,
but what are they doing?
What are we doing?
What do they believe in?
They believe in some form of humanity that's
made them to rise and to go there
and to protest and to diverse divest the
investment of the university to take them away
from that land.
Let's not sit then and discuss the rights
and the wrongs about it. Why don't we
reflect the opposite side? What am I doing?
What are we doing? What are Masjid's doing?
What is our community doing? The discussion, what
are we now doing
about the situation?
That's what we should be reflecting upon
rather than quarreling amongst ourselves,
discussing amongst ourselves,
looking at this Muslim in this angle from
As I said it many many times, when
these people are slaying and butchering the Muslims
there, burning them alive,
abusing them, torturing them.
Do you think that they stop for a
split second
and ask them what type of Muslim you
Do you think that?
Do you think that innocent child, what are
they pushing out to society? A 5 year
old child,
a 5 year old child
that they have to now destroy this child,
and they're saying it openly.
A doctor in Gosh, in Great Ormond Street
said that more we bought in more than
a 150
children from Ukraine,
and rightfully
so. Rightfully so, because children are innocent.
Forget about the conflicts in the world. They
bought in 150
Ukrainian children to treat them.
The same doctor presented to the senior colleagues
and doctors who said, you know, maybe we
should bring some Palestinian children out of this
conflict and treat them for their wounds.
The doctors agreed
and said that we should do that, because
a hospital is a neutral job.
A doctor is a neutral person. He doesn't
ask you about your creed and your belief
and have to treat you.
Everything was arranged.
But what happened?
But inside this country, not a single Palestinian
chill child has been allowed access to this
Not a single Palestinian child has been brought
over to be treated.
That shows the double standards.
Shows it clear.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will reveal hypocrisy in
the face of this Earth. Hypocracies as you
said, personal hypocrisy is hidden.
the global hypocrisy becomes apparent for people to
see it.
And the sad thing is that non Muslims
see this hypocrisy more quicker than we even
see inside our lives.
Allah brings this blessings upon this nation, upon
this people,
Haniyan Sahalan as Ibn Kathir mentioned, flows
upon the people who believe in Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
And Allah then gives this warning as well.
If you believe in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
He will open up the heavens and the
earth and His barakat will come upon you.
But if you become ungrateful, Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala will take these blessings away from you.
That's exactly what Allah mentions on this example.
They begin to reject the blessings of Allah
They reject the Prophet alaihis salaam. The Quraysh
rejected him.
Just like today many people you speak to
about the oneness of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
and they say, we do believe in 1
But we don't believe in his prophet Muhammad.
We don't believe in him.
If you don't believe in him,
you could do all the good deeds.
All the good deeds upon this world. And
just believe in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
You'll not enter paradise.
You'll not enter into paradise.
You have to make the 2 testimonies of
believing in Allah
and that and then also believing in the
prophet to enter into paradise.
So Ibn Kathir goes to Tanjil said that
this is the fakafar that we under AmirAli
began to reject the blessings of Allah, began
to reject
the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
And he narrates the famous verse in Surah
Al Miranakal, Manalawal
mumineen. 1 of the greatest favors upon his
Muslim Ummah is the sending of the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
Allah began to make them taste
their clothing
of poverty and hunger
because of what they earned with their own
So Allah is blessing us,
blessing the people of Makkah, blessing us Muslims.
But when we begin to turn away, then
we find that Allah subhanahu begins to then
that's why we find that in some Muslim
countries, destabilization,
dysfunctional countries. Why?
Corruption is paid upon the land and the
ocean, what we do with our own hands.
And that's what you find that those countries
who do have a a stronger concept of
belief in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
We have to be fair just as more
There's more comfort inside that environment
who are believing in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And likewise, Allah mentioned sometimes he places these
Don't you see that we test you once
or twice in a year that you may
repent or turn back to Allah Subhanahu Wa
That's why the Ulema speak about fit and
trials and tribulations. They speak about trials and
wisdoms, and benefits.
Read the rizal of Al Izzibbi Abdis Salam,
Sultanul Ulama,
speaks about trials and tribulations,
wisdoms, and benefits.
Like what ibn Qaymah Jazia uses the same
title as well of trials and tribulations, the
benefits of them.
There are certain things that are in our
We do
It's ultimately destined by Allah. Things that we
do have a impact the corruption of face
of the Earth.
We sin,
we find corruption on the Earth.
That's something that if you can use the
word linguistically, we control that. We're to blame.
Even it's all destined by Allah
And some people try to push that upon
what's taking place in the world at the
moment. The second type of trials and tribulations
that sometimes you don't have a say in
You don't have a say.
They just happen.
And you have to persevere.
And you have to believe in the command
of Allah.
That is what's happening in Philistine at the
You don't they don't have a say in
They don't ever say that some shallow Muslim
say oh, maybe they're sinful. Maybe this there
maybe that. That's a discussion way down the
That's way down the ladder.
But for them at the moment, the trial
and tribulation is 1 they don't have a
They need to persevere
inside that, and we need to persevere
to get to the end goal of success.
That wasn't just mutilation of the companions there.
It was a mutilation of Hamza ibn Abdul
The mutilation of his uncle
that had mutilated his body,
cut off his ears and his nose and
dissected his body
and boasted about it, boasted about that.
You know and that troubled the prophet throughout
his life.
He didn't wanna see her.
He didn't wanna see washing you through that
He didn't wanna see his face.
Even though he became Muslim, he didn't wanna
see him because they traumatized the prophet alaihis
salam that his his beloved uncle
was tortured in that manner, but Allah giving
him reconciling him.
Be patient.
Be patient inside your life.
The end of Surah Al Imran.
Be patient.
Be committed in your patience.
Be go through sufferings, hardships.
That you may become successful individuals in front
of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. That's why we
take me and mention
via patience
and certainty,
you become leaders.
You become leaders over people
via your patience, your intelligence.
Your control of the situation
makes you leaders
amongst people, amongst society.
And in conclusion, you find out going back
that Allah mentioned,
If only the people of village, they believe
that when we become ungrateful
or we become so content inside our lives,
what does Allah mention straight after this?
Do people think that the punishment Allah will
not come
in the night while they're sleeping?
Do people think
Do people think that the Panjshirullah won't come
while it's in the full noontime they're busy
enjoying their life?
Afa Aminu Makrallaha.
Makrallaha illa Qasirud. Muslim never feel safe.
Is always worried inside their life.
Just as we began with just like the
blessings worried about the punishment of Allah.
That have I done something that's exposed me
to the punishment of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
That's why Surah Muhammad mentioned about those individuals
in the later a
long passage of description of the
The Aisha mother asked this question, is is
it regarding those people who done bad deeds?
The Allah that is praising, is believing individuals,
they think their charity won't be accepted, they
won't be accepted by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
What did the prophet
alaihis salaam say? He said no.
He's referring to those people who do believe,
but they fear their actions are not accepted
by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
That's who it refers to.
Who doing these good deeds and their fear
is not going to be accepted by Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala. Then in conclusion that we
that don't become content
Because the dunya leads us to contentment,
to think to leave things to another day,
Leave everything
Tomorrow, another day, when I become at your
age, when I become 50, 60, when I've
got 1 foot in the grave, I will
repent. I'll turn back. I'll become a good
Muslim. I'll perform Hajj then I become observant
inside my prayers.
How many people
never get to that?
How many people never get to that? Don't
take it for granted
that I would have done everything inside my
Then at the end of my life, not
that we wish that for anyone, that at
the end of my life then I'll become
a a person who's devoted to Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala.
That's not quite how it works.
Even this thought, this concept we do eradicate
it from our mind.
Because Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala knows that thought.
Allah knows that thought that we carry inside
our mind that sometime inside my life. When
I when I find the right moment in
my life,
I'm searching for the right moment to submit
to Allah. When I find that right moment,
then I then I'll I'll give up everything.
That right moment
may never come for many of us.
That's why to be consistent inside the life.
Look at Allah praises
Ibrahim and raised from the end of this
In Ibrahima
was what?
He was observant committed to Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala. Then I mentioned
He was grateful to the blessing of Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala throughout his life. So Allah
selected him and chose him and gave him
goodness while he gave inside the Aqira.
Inside the same Surah Allah mentioned, whoever does
in this world, whether be male or female
will give them a good life.
We'll give them a good life inside his
And whilst we're living inside his dunya, what
should we be doing?
Allah concludes the surah by saying, are we
supposed to be living this dunya by making
more of this dunya?
Enjoying this dunya?
And Allah says,
While you're in this dunya,
you're supposed to be calling people to Allah.
You've got the wealth.
You've got the property. You've got this. Use
it to call people to Allah.
That's what you should be doing. You've got
the time. You've got the health. You've got
Call to your Lord to Allah subhanahu ta'ala.
And then in the end that we find
Allah Allah is with those people
who have consciousness of Allah
on those who do good.
So that's what people
of Ni'amu blessings are.
They recognize the blessings of Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala and they use them.
They use them to come closer to Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and help other people come
closer to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. May Allah
continuously continue showering his blessings
upon us and the rest of this Muslim
Umar. And the Muslim Umar is going through
this hardship and his difficulty to alleviate them,
take away this hardship and the difficulties.