Navaid Aziz – 5 Points On How Ahlus Sunnah Derive Their Aqeedah Part 2

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The conversation covers the historical context of the Prophet sallavi's teachings and the use of the title of Islam. It highlights the controversial claims made by the Prophet and the importance of writing to one page about it. The speakers emphasize the importance of understanding the title for optimal implementation and following the title for personal growth. The assignment " mate" is related to the title and its significance for the overall message of the Bible.
AI: Transcript ©
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him and him derailleur Europe delana Nene one oh suddenly one oh solimo barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi arginine.

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We left off our discussion in mentioning the proofs for our first principle. So for those of you who are paying attention in sha Allah who can remind you what the first principle was?

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Okay, and what are some of the proofs from the Quran for this?

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What is the I state in English? You don't have to tell me the Arabic.

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Anything else?

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Okay, what does this I see?

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Okay, this I also mentioned what the stance of the Muslim is supposed to be to all of the texts.

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Right? This is the in Allah moron. Allah subhanaw. taala tells us what the Muslim is supposed to say, when a text is born and brought forth to him, What is he supposed to say?

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I know,

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I coloman and Dr. abena, that all of it is from Allah, The Man, this woman and Europeana that we believe in it, and all varies from our Lord's regardless of whether he understands it or not. Okay. So, now, we mentioned thereafter that we will be taking fruits from the center. Now, this topic as a whole, you will find that in certain areas, that some of these ideas are so vast that it can be used to prove various points as well. So an ayah that we've already talked about, like sorta Nisa, I, 65, or Sudan, Iran, they will come up again in the future. So due to the shortage of time, I'll just mention the ayah and extract the benefits from it for that particular point without getting into too

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much detail. So now, taking a proof from the Sunnah, that we have to accept all the texts of the Quran and the Sunnah, and that the weight of the Quran is just like the weight of the Sunnah. And vice versa. We have a hadith reported by Emma maternally Rahim Allah who salah and in this Hadith, Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said

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the old feanor Docomo Tatyana arisa t Yachty. Hill, Mr. Milner, O'Meara de Oh, no hater and who for your kulula de man widget Nikita Bella, it's about No.

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So all this messenger, some Aloha and he was sending me has said that it is feared that a time will come.

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It is feared that a time will come where a man will be reclining on his back. And an affair from being the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will come to Him. And He will say that I believe that I don't know what I don't like I don't know what to do this or I don't accept this.

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And he will say that which we found in the book of Allah we follow and that which we don't find in the book of Allah, we were just so honest messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is telling us in this Hadith, that it is feared that such and such will come. And obviously, you know, this is very similar to the time that we're living in right now. That you find people they're like, what we find in the Quran will accept if it's not in the Quran, we don't want to accept it. But little do they realize that it is compulsory for us to accept anything and everything that came from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Because if one were to take a moment and reflect, what was the position

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of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, why was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent? One of the many reasons that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent was to explain what was revealed in the Quran. So how will you then reject the statements of the prophets of Allah Hardy was seldom a simple question needs to be posed to these people that you claim to follow the Quran. So tell me where in the Quran does it say that you have to pray five times a day? We're in the Quran does it tell you how you're supposed to pray? Where in the Quran does it tell you that you pay to cash for for the heart for fascia surgery for Muslim enforce Russia, you will not find this in the

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Quran. So in rejecting the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam you are rejecting the vast majority of your faith, the vast majority of your aqidah the vast majority of your the vast majority of the rulings of Islam you're rejecting by rejecting the Sunnah of the prophet of Allah artemisinin, so the stance of the believer when it comes to any of the texts, whether it be directly from Allah subhana wa tada in the Quran, or whether it be from Allah subhanho wa Taala through the tongue of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he has to accept it. And this is what we see from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said it is feared and what the prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wasallam means by this is that this is a deadly time. This is a time

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of destruction, and it is weird for you. So stay away from this time and seek refuge in Allah from this time. So this is why our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam starts off by saying that it is feared that this time will come. And likewise from the eyes of the seller, and these things of the seller, let me ask you a simple question. We know after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after his time, who was the most noble noblest of people who was his Khalifa I would look at the Allahu taala and what was the title that he was given?

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Okay, now why was he given this title? Anyone know?

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Okay, he was truthful, but there was one particular instance why he was given this title

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Okay, expand on that inshallah I heard it all those from down there.

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Okay, now let's just take the exact story.

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So the story of Abu Bakar is to decode the Allahu taala and who

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it goes on to say lemma also, there are souls from Allah Hollywood cinema beta noctus sama, sama summer either about a nurse or nurse will be there. Like I said, the baby and mushy raccoon was to be there because of hearing called Abner she had Jani azhari called Abu Salah even Abdul Rahman. Further further Jr. has a nursing home in Horace Illa Viva Casa de for call Yoda who held up and saw Hibiki Assam underhook Raja beta novelist, sama Raja Illa, McAfee la leche in wahida sakala Abu Bakar. Our call as Eric or Luna called, called as a shadow unchain a call as Alex nukkad sada called Abu Salah per diem as far behind as Soumya Abu Bakar. So different your last line home. So, Imam is

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zaharie Rahim Allah who tada he quotes from one of his teachers as to why Abu Bakar was entitled with the title of a civic and was still placed with the prophets of Allah and he was sent them, as we know, is that Allah subhanho wa Taala granted the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a miracle. And this miracle was something very spectacular indeed, that he was able to travel from Mecca, all the way to Jerusalem, in one month. Now, obviously, at this time, at that time, we didn't have planes that were traveling at 567 100 kilometers and hours, but rather, they had cameras and horses, and you know, the ability to walk. And just the distance between Makkah and Medina was sub sometimes

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take them up to a week, if not more. So the journey to Jerusalem, if they were to go by camel or by horse, it would take them a month, if not more. So now for someone to claim that he travelled to Jerusalem, and he came back in one night, it was unbelievable for them. They're like this is not physically possible. So then they go to our bunker, or the Allahu Allahu, and they knew that he was a close Companion of the Prophet sallallahu. It was. And he asked him, Do you know of your companion that claims that he wants to wait till now for this and came back to Makkah in one night and overthrow the Allahu taala? No, he didn't notice he didn't know the differences or that this had

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happened to the prophets of Allah, Allah will send them. So look what he says. Knowing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And knowing his character and his love, and how he was always truthful, he said, if he said this, then I testify that he is truthful. He didn't even have to go to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and ask him, you're a pseudo law, how did this happen? Why did this happen? Why are the people seeing this? He just said that, if he said this, then I testify to it. And again, this is proves the stance of the believer that any text that comes to him from the Quran and the Sunnah, whether he understands it or not, as long as he knows this authenticity, he

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submits to it and you believe in it. So this is what we need to do with the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu it was sent him so this is just one example from the service or the Allahu tanaan. Now moving on to the second point, the second point states are at the center in Akita Bella was in that in Avi sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. Why and the second point is that all points of conflict and all sorts of dispute needs to be taken back to the book of Allah Subhan Allah to Allah and His messenger. So from our Allah was our president was going to give me a proof for this.

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proof for this point, that any point of conflict we take back to the book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, or any

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desire to love faces after love. So obviously, that's going to be the first point that suta Lisa is 65

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which states

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as follows.

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Actually sorry, the way we want to be breaking this down

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Is that the is in the Quran, the prove this that in for miners and when you take one proof for each of the four miners, okay? So the first proof is that

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the revelation that comes from Allah subhanaw taala is meant to take away and remove stls meaning it is meant to remove difference of opinion. So now we want to take an idea to prove this. So like we said, right now we're going to be taking four different types of ideas. The first idea is going to be proving how the Quran was sent to mankind to remove dispute and to remove stealer.

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So let's find out what the artist says in Soto nahal is 64 which is sort of 16th

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Allah subhanaw taala says, Mama and Zen Allah Calcutta, India de tuba yen Allahumma la de estar foofy wahoo. Hold on Ross mata niccone minion. So Allah subhanho wa Taala she says In this ayah

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and certainly, sir,

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I know.

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I know I got that I didn't get to that yet. We're gonna be getting tired 65%

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we were settling with the slim as I 65

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I know what I'm talking about, will you sell them with this lever? Because that's the eye that we took. I don't know if you guys are here. for that. We were the first point we took. That was the first proof we took. Right. So that was the I was referring to. So that is a proof as well, but we're going to be getting to that discussion inshallah. So the first point we're getting at right now, is that the point of revelation or the point or one of the points of the Quran being sent down to mankind is that it should remove dispute and remove controversy. So Allah subhanaw taala says In this ayah and thus, we have sent you the book, so that you may make clear to them that which they

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disputed in and it is a guidance and a mercy for the people who believe solar panels Allah is telling us in this ayah clearly, that one of the reasons why you sent this book down is to remove the love from the people is to remove the difference of opinion. Now, when this

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when this is done, meaning that the controversy is uplifted, and there is no difference of opinion, what happens almost final challenge then tells us that guidance is present. And then so is His mercy, that this is why the book of Allah subhanaw taala was sent down. And Does anyone remember who the author of the book was that we studied yesterday, we studied a book called The Apple day followed by an essential rotten man who is the author of this book.

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Okay, now this ship.

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As you mentioned, he was the CFO of ship Ignace I mean, he also had a very famous Tafseer more commonly known as the CEO of Saudi

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and in this the CEO of his pertaining to this idea, he goes on to say, Wilma and Zenda alayka Mohammed Hassan Al Quran in Delhi today in an industrial shop, see McCann mo St. Last Name minutes or he will father were after him was

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a bird. Well, Yoko, he dies in

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the form in Yamuna Billa, you will be the keytab allele, Angelina.

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So, he goes on to say over here, that the explanation of this ayah that we just took, it goes on to say that we have not sent upon you, or Mohammed this Quran, except for it's to make clear the truth and to remove

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the life of the people. Now, where did the experience of the people take place during the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And then he goes on to mention these points to remove these tell us in their sahid to remove the extra left in their understanding of God to move their stls in terms of what will be the state of mankind in the Acura meaning, how will the Acura be and likewise this Squadron is a complete form of guidance and a complete mostly meaning a mercy that encompasses all things. Now, who is this for? He goes on to say the form the form builder your ability to type in Larry Angela Angela, that this is for the people who believe in Allah and believe in the book that

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we have reveals to them. So this is what she comes up with Inacio Sadie says, Rahim, Allah tala. And I think that

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you know the proof from this is quite clear.

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Now, the second category of ayah is that Allah subhanho wa Taala has ordered us to take all conflict back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is where we apply the 65 on certainly sir, Allah. Allah says they intend to stay in Frodo a llama he was in a villa Yamanaka there

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vladika Hi, Ron Weston is at Wheeler.

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So Allah subhanaw taala. He says over here, that if you differ in anything, then return it back to Allah and His Messenger, if it is indeed in Allah and the Last Day that you believe, indeed, this is the best interpretation

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and just to collect something, this is is 59. It's not 65 that's the collection, some.

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Okay, so Allah subhanaw taala, he says in this ayah, that if you differ in anything, then return it back to Allah and His messenger. This is a clear commandment from Allah subhanaw taala. Right now who is to return this controversy, or this conflict back to Allah and His messenger? Allah subhanho wa Taala says In this ayah, in quantum to me known as the law, you are The Omen, that if it is indeed that you believe in Allah and the Last Day, then return this conflict and return this controversy back to Allah and His messenger. And then Allah subhanaw taala as of this IBC by saying that he can say Ron will ask that we learn that indeed, this is good, and this is the best resort.

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Meaning that the best thing that you can do in any times of controversy, in any form of conflict is returning back to Allah and His messenger. Now let us take a look at what of some of the seller said about desire for God. First, Sarah Mujahid will go to record in Minnesota or we're doing it before the Iraqi Saudi war in Iraq. We are the Leahy Haida Hayashi well as a student he he bought them a magic weapon haka abdelkarim, Elisa Murphy, they cannot afford them.

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So it was interpreted or the fear was done by Majid, and who is moja is, he was one of the students of ignore bus or the Allahu taala and Homer, and obviously a novice on the low side and Homer. He was called haberle, oma and thums human Al Quran, meaning the one who had the ability to explain and express the Quran. So one of his top students Mujahid, he goes on to say, and likewise other than him from the center, that returning the affair to Allah means returning it back to his And likewise, returning it back to the Prophet sallallahu. It was send them means going back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during his life, as well after his death, then we take it back to a

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sinner and ignore him or him Allah. After this. he narrates consensus of all of the oma inherits consensus of all of the oma, that in times of conflict, you have to take it back to Allah and His messenger. Now let us take a look at what even casier Rahim Allah Allah mentions, called hospitable casier Rahim Allah, Mohammed amin, amin, Allah azza wa jal, the under cliche international Sufi minoli, Minnesota James II on your physical energy tell you as soon as I can recall Charla

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even say in Baku Illallah

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seven Cassio Rahim Allah, he mentioned over here and this is a clear commandment from Allah subhanho wa Taala that anything that mankind is different in, whether it be from the principles of disdain, meaning in terms of al Qaeda, or whether it be from his photo, meaning its branches, then it has to be taken back to the Kabbalah and the message and the Sunnah of His Messenger, just as Allah subhanho wa Taala said and anything that you did and then the fulcrum is for Allah and this ayah is mentioned in Russia. I am number 10.

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Now, the third category

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of is if I can find it in Sharla.

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the third category of buyers, is where Allah Subhan Allah to Allah

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rebukes and rejects and puts down those people

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who take their affairs to other than Allah subhanaw taala meaning they take their controversies and their disputes to other than the book of Allah subhanaw taala and to other than the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Okay, so Allah, Allah says and Lisa is 60 and 61

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lm suffer in an arena Yamuna under home Amano being our own Zilla in a coma on genomic public UK doing the hard

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work was only allowing you be willing to do what you read on

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the ADA with a freelancer homed in on Angela mock or inner resource

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vital vital mana cleaner Dona Anza Buddha. So, in this ayah Allah subhanaw taala goes on to say, and Have you not seen those people who claim that they have believed,

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they claim that they have believed in what was revealed unto you, and what was revealed to those people before you write, and they want to have the hokum and yet the Hakama that is sick as a reference point above, and what is a toggle? Can anyone tell me what that means?

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It is a form of disbelief.

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Also false deity,

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all false gods, okay. They're all accurate definitions, but we're precise to the word definition is anything that is worshipped besides Allah, okay. So, it says that these people and Allah subhanaw taala specifically mentions them after is that they take their focus from other than Allah subhanaw taala mean their take their hokum from 1000. So now this is a point over here that needs to be understood that even by taking our disputes back to the book of Allah Subhana, Allah to Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam by taking it to other than them. It is though as if we are worshiping other than Allah subhanaw taala because Allah subhanho wa Taala he mentions over

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here, that those people whom we take our disputes to to other than Allah subhanaw taala Allah calls him powerboat over here, and as we mentioned, the Woodstock Woods is anyone who was worshipped besides Allah subhanaw taala. So the final decision is for Allah subhana wa to Allah alone.

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And then Allah subhanho wa Taala he ends up this ayah by saying that if it is said to them come and let us take the book of Allah and the fit as our source of reference or our source of rectification, then the Manasa cream, Allah subhanaw taala calls them out now saying that these people we might show even in the open, but in the hidden there are Manasa cream, right? That then we build up excuses and you will come up with any way to prevent themselves from going to the book of Allah or going back to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this is the third categories of is that Allah subhanho wa Taala heavily criticizes those people who take hokum to other than

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Allah and His messenger to such a degree that Allah subhanaw taala actually called them Manasa cream.

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getting to finally die 65 episodes in the set, how is the believer supposed to handle the situation? Right? And this is on the same point, which we're talking about the opposite way. So this is still the third categories of eyes. But I must find out what Allah tells us on how the beavers are supposed to deal with it. And notice the relationship that this is that we just firstly mentioned, that was ICC and 61 of students of Nisa. Now go ahead and allow us panels and it tells us on how the people of Iran deal with the situation. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, follow me known Hatha Yoga chemo catinaccio gerada home

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francium Raja minako deja vu certainly Moses Lima, Allah Spano, tala, he tells us over here, that they will not leave until they make you the reference point for all the disagreements, and then they do not find any discomfort in their hearts, and you submit a form submission.

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So this is how the believer is supposed to handle his dispute by taking it back to the book of Allah, and you certainly are the messengers of Allah Holly was sent him. Now, going to the fourth category of is Allah subhanho wa Taala. He now praises those people who obey Allah and His Messenger, and take all disputes back to them. Can anyone think of an ayah Allah Subhana which Allah would praise these people? We mentioned this ayah quite frequently.

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Can anyone think of an ayah Allah praises or talks about the benefits of those people who obey Allah and His messenger? Even if it's in English, you don't have to give me the exact date in Arabic.

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You can't remember okay Anyone else?

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Unless towards Ana says again going back to certain Nisa is 69.

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Allah subhana wa tada says, When my youth a lot when I go to Allah was what was good for Allah equinology nam Allah, Allah human and Naveen was to do clean was Shahada he was probably he was sooner Allah He called us. The nickel daddy confirm Lumina la casa de la Halima.

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So Allah subhanaw taala he says over here, that those people obey Allah and obey

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messenger right unconditionally, you obey Allah and you're the messenger. Then who are those people deal with in general Allah Spanos, Allah is describing this for us. Allah Spanos, Allah says, Allah, Allah Allah Dena annamma mahana him. So these people who obey Allah and the messenger, they will be with those people whom Allah Subhana Allah has favored and blessed. Now, who are the four groups of people that Allah subhanaw taala favors and blesses in the era. They are the nabin meaning the prophets of Sylvia clean those people who submit to the texts of the Quran and the Sunnah right away without any controversy, without any questioning without any arguments. This is the definition of

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Right? And then what are the other two groups?

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Shahada, Anwar the Shahada, those people who die in the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala, Ana, right. And we know of the virtues of these people. And then the last group are the Salim, and the Sala hain is generally referred to the pious people. And if you will return back to the books of the seer, then this is a rank that Allah subhanho wa Taala gives to the lowest form of scholars, this is the lowest form that the scholars will have, meaning that the scholars can have a degree even higher than this up to the level where they would just be below the mean that they would reach the level of the Shahada.

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So, this is the lowest form that is called will have. So whoever obeys Allah and obey the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then he will be with these four people.

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And likewise, Allah subhana wa Asana, he says, In surah, Noor is one and 52

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in the mechanical meaning is in Allahu Allah solace, Leah Medina whom are yaku semi

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ecoman lovely horns or Mariota la hora

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de La Hoya de sola, aka homolka is one.

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So let's not Allah says in is 51. And

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that, indeed, it is the only statement of the believers that when they are called to Allah and His Messenger, to be a judge between them, that they say, Samir, I know a foreigner, that when they are called, by Allah and His Messenger for a dispute, and they let Allah and His Messenger decide, they say, Samir, I know Aparna, meaning we hear and we obey.

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Now, how does Allah subhanho wa Taala describe these people, unless I know what the other that these people will submit to Allah and His Messenger, and they say, we're here and we await Allah Subhana Allah describes them as saying, We're owner eco home of your home, that these are the people who are indeed successful. Allah subhanho wa Taala attribute success to these people. Now obviously, this success isn't just limited to success in the app era. But likewise, it is encompassing of the success in this dunya as well, that any dispute that you may have, whether it be a financial dispute, or whether it be a family dispute, or whatever it may be, by taking it back to the book of

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Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, and the sooner the prophets of Allah, Allah was stolen, you're guaranteed to reach an outcome that will be in your overall benefit. That even though you might not see it right away, Allah subhanho wa Taala promises you that success, that the overall outcome of that situation, if you return back to the book of Allah and the Sunnah of his messengers from a lohani was send them you will be successful. And this is what Allah subhanaw taala says, what we learn each woman must be different. And then Allah Subhana Allah, He says, In the ayah, just swallowing it, and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, and fears Allah and has stuck around him,

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then indeed they are the ones who are successful. So Allah subhana wa tada he goes on to say, and obix Allah, and His Messenger, has fear of him, and has stuck with him, then these are the individuals who are successful solvers. I know what's Allah is now referring to a different type of success. Because the last panel is Allah and the first area he says, Allah ecomondo

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and then Allah Spano, tala, and the second Ayah goes on to say for Ola ecohome on his own. Now, this follows that Allah subhanaw taala is talking about is the focus of the Ashura meaning that in the * era, they will have the ultimate victory. How many people here have memorized sort of never before pseudo Jews ama?

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Anyone have a certain number of Jews Amma?

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You have? Allah Subhana Allah says in the linworth, Latina Masada, what comes on after that?

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So Allah subhanaw taala. He goes on to say in this is that in melanoma troponin a Mufasa, that indeed for those people who have Taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the false is that ultimate victory and success. And then he goes on to mention these blessings and all these blessings that he is mentioning, all the blessings of the Acura that in terms of the horse that they will have in general and the houses that they will have in general and the drink that they will have in general, right, so much of Hannover to Allah not only guarantees success in this dunya by obeying aligned His Messenger, but by obeying align His Messenger and buy fearing Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala also

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promises you the best of paradise.

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So, this is how we see the eyes of the Quran. They prove that

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what do they prove? When were we just discussing? What's the principle?

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Okay, that's the category of the what's the theme that we're discussing?

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Right, that all affairs of controversy and all conflicts, we take it back to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So, these are four categories of is that prove that we have to take all controversy and conflict back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So now, let us take a look at the center.

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And the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, What's after komati rsls inwa Sabrina Mila Kala home center. Illa mila sinuata called woman here yasunaga Kaduna and Allah He was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that my oma was split into 73 sects. All of them were being the house fire except one. So the companions are the Allahu teilen home, being the enthusiastic people that they weren't. They said you're a suit of luck. And who are these people who will not be destined for the Hellfire Yara Subala described for us who these people are. And then you probably some Allahu alayhi wa sallam has said, manna Allah He was happy that they are those

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people who follow the path that I am on, and the path that my companions are on. So from this ayah, we see that onwards messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is describing the path that leads to gender, because he said that my oma was split into 73 sects. All of them were being the Hellfire, except for one. Now who is that one group, or that one sect that will be saved. They are the ones who follow my path and the path of my companions. And obviously, the path of the companions is the same thing as the price of the profits alone while he was selling them. So this is Heidi's number one.

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Heidi's number two, is in the heydays of our bell business idea. Where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said or CEO can be tough what love was selling your pa

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ye in abdon habashi and when the woman yeah schminken The dfsa are still F and Cassie Allah for Allah condition. He was to the to the policy Urvashi De Palma de Thomas Jacobi Bihari loblolly had been known as it's what he says no more for in Coloma sh in VEDA wakulla da da da da da da. So almost messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He says in this hadith

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that I advise you with the taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And I obey, I order you to hear and obey, even if there is an Abyssinian slave, leaving you for Indeed, those of you who live after me, so she shall see much dispute. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is telling us over here, that if you live after his time, he's advising his companions, that if you live after my time, you will see much dispute. Now, even though I was messing with some Aloha and he was telling us this, he also tells us how to be saved from this dispute dispute. He goes on to say valet conditions as he was so natural hola Rashi Dean Alma has been that it is upon you in this time, in this instance of fitna

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and this this instance of dispute to follow my center and the center of the whole affair or regime allottee the right thing is I did qualify for who who the rightly guided qualified

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for this

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right so let's message someone Lavanya was sent him said then follow the Sunnah or my whole whole for for the for the right please I do qualify for Abu Bakar Omar Osman and Ali are the Allahu taala and Han And likewise, stick to it as firmly as you can. Now unless messenger even described how

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You should stick to it. He said Abu Ali had been the was it that hold on to it was your molar teeth, the teeth in your back of your mouth, put it like a piece of paper in it and try to rip it you won't be able to because the back teeth has a very firm grip. So I was messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that hold on to my sooner and hold on to the sooner the forever as firmly as you can and do not let it go. Do not let it go. He says he had been negligent. And likewise, as he advised us to do something, he also warned us against something else. He said what he Yakumo most of the 30 or more, and I warn you against newly invented or innovated matters. I was listening to some

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aloha he was sent him he said I warn you against newly innovated manners matters. For indeed every innovation is a misguided and every misguidance is in the hellfire. So now what we understand from this is that this sooner that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came with this is what we need to hold on to in terms of dispute. This is what is our recourse for success in terms of dispute. Those who those who hold on to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they are the ones who will be successful and those who will leave the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam They are the ones who are left to be destroyed. Mr. Mallika Rahim Allahu taala. He

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described it beautifully.

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He said the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is like the ship of lohani salam, the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is like the ship of no Hollister. He who was it is St. Meaning who takes the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as his methodology as his way of life than he has saved. And he who disembarked from it, meaning he will doesn't burn that ship of no Holly Salaam, then what happened to the people of North they were all drowned and destroyed, they were all drowned and destroyed. So if you take away and the methodology, other than the way of the prophets and the lohani was send them you are left to be destroyed. And then lastly,

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let us take a look at the consensus that was narrated by the scholars pertaining to this situation, which is again what are we discussing

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in matters of dispute, returning back to the Quran and the Sunnah.

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So remember, so Kenyatta Allah, he mentioned in shepherds for those that

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forgot the accessible Muslim una sala como Hola, como Monoceros Sahaba in LA Selena Haida and awaji Ben Stiller, a amerind minion omura Deen image and Mr. Hayden.

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In archetype it was Allah it as soon as it is a la la la dee was sternum.

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So mama so Kenya Rahim Allah, He is now eating consensus over here, that the whole oma is in agreement that any stls that takes place, any status that takes place

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between the scholars of this oma or other than them, it has to be taken back to the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala and to the Sunnah of His Messenger.

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And now, we move to a third point, or the third principle, and that is durotar out of the vein in the source venusaur been an associate kitabi with Cerner, that there is no contradiction between the texts of the book of Allah and the text of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So, firstly,

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is there anyone here who believes that there's a contradiction between the Quran and the Sunnah?

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Is there anyone who thinks that there's a contradiction between the Quran and the Sunnah over here?

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No one okay. And from the Illa, Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah Nisa Ayah number 82.

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He says, I follow you to the burrowing owl for an hour okay. And I mean, in the hurry left the edge of the Los Angeles era. Allah subhanaw taala says that you do not then reflect upon the Quran for hided been from other than Allah, they would have found much dispute and contradiction in it.

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So let's connotes Allah in this ayah. He is commanding the believers and other than them, meaning those people who will

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had accepted Islam? And likewise, those people who doubt Islam, will you not reflect upon the Quran? Would you not reflect upon the Quran for had it's been from other than Allah, meaning from Had it been from other than the ones who created the heavens and the earth, and who created us, and who grants us our provisions, they would have found fy 11. Zero, they would have found many contradictions in it. And they would have found many shortcomings and mistakes. But since it is from a loss, they find no mistakes, and no contradictions. Now, I want you to try this out yourselves. While you're sitting at home, choose any topic you like. Just write to one page about that topic.

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And after you have written that page, tell me how many grammatical mistakes, how many spelling mistakes, how many contexts mistakes, and how many shortcomings you will find. And that's just in one page. Now imagine a whole book that covers a vast amount of topics, from the life of this world, to the agenda and the north, and how we should live our lives into how we will be reckoned in the Acura it covers anything and everything. Yet there is not a single mistake, not a single contradiction in this book. And this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala yodas us to reflect upon the Quran because when one reflects upon the Quran, it increases his email and Allah subhanho wa Taala

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which was one of the points that we discussed yesterday.

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Now, secondly,

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and a similar related point, is related to the first as well.

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Unless I know what it says in sort of najem is three and four. One my youngest one in her in her Illa was

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that in describing the Priscilla law Holly was send them he says that he does not speak of his own desires, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam does not speak of his own desires, but rather it is a revelation that is revealed to him. So now, Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about his first revelation of the Quran as having no contradiction, no mistakes, no shortcomings in it. Now this is make any sense that his other revelation, the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would have any mistakes and contradictions, obviously not. So this is a point which is related to the first point, that once a person accepts that as soon as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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is like the revelation of the Quran, then this necessity is that he believes that they can never been any contradiction between the texts of the Quran and the Sunnah, because they're both revealed from the same source.

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And likewise, Allah subhanaw taala he says in another iron, so to have it one look at the Quran Allah configure a school in Laos was Santa women can yo yo man here with a Corolla? costiera Allah subhanho wa Taala says, that indeed were you in the Messenger of Allah is a great example. He to meet Allah and the Last Day and remember Allah much. So now, Allah subhanho wa Taala is describing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a great example. Now who is he a great example for? He is a great example for those people who hope to meet Allah subhanho wa Taala and are hoping for success in the x era. And those people who remember Allah much No, this is an ayah in the Quran. Has there

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been any contradiction between the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Quran? with Allah subhanho wa Taala be telling us to take the prophets of Allah Hollywood cinema as an example. Obviously not. So this is an other implicit way how Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that there is no contradiction between the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And On a similar note, Allah subhanho wa Taala also tells us in certain nahan iF 44 one Zonda ilica dekra the Serbian and in this email on Xena la him, while the Allah Haumea, Sakura, that Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, and we have revealed unto the reminder, meaning that we are revealed unto you the Quran, so that you may make clear to them that which was revealed to them in hopes that they may reflect. So now, Allah subhana wa Taala is telling us the job of the prophets of Allah, it was to them what was one of the reasons he was sent? He was sent to the message, not only to convey the message, but to explain it the two way NMR en de la la him that you may explain

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To them, what was revealed to them? No. Does it make any sense that Allah subhanho wa Taala would send a messenger that would explain that would convey what was revealed and then explain it in a manner that would contradict it? Obviously not. So, this is another implicit way that we prove that there is no distinction and there is no dispute and no contradiction between the text of the Quran and the Sunnah.

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And now, let us take a look at what the center has to say about this as well.

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So, there's a hadith narrated in the Muslim remember by Mr. Joshi, who narrated from his father who narrated from his grandfather, that

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he listened to the Arabic inshallah

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and we'll just continue from the middle hatay artifact as well as the home for her Raja Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, both the men were called the Mirage boo. You're meeting the

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man behind the curtain, oma and the team in Kublai Khan this Filipina Andrea him or him and kita Babu Habib out in the Quran lm unison you can remove

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them in such a

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manner as to Minho.

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When nyjah has to Minho for a Dover Illa add me. So Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was at his home one day. And when he came out, he saw the companions raising their voices with one another, one would have mentioned an ayah. And then the other one that would mention an ayah, to refute him mean that they were arguing about the Quran. So he came out, and he saw this, to what she said, mahalaya comb. And prior to that, before, he actually said that he actually threw just upon them, or meaning that he took a handful of dirt, and he threw it upon them to grab their attention. And then he said, mahalaya phone, that what is with you slow down on people, what are you doing? And

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then he went on to say, that, indeed, the people came before you were destroyed. Now why were they destroyed? Then he goes on to mention these two key things that we used to differ with their messengers and the prophets. they differed with their messengers and the prophets, meaning that whatever the Prophet came with, they would not obey and they would not listen and they will not fulfill the commandment. And the second thing is that they would argue the text will be text. He said, whatever the humidity turbines will be bad, they will take texts from the reader books and throw it upon one another, they will hit each other with the idea of their books. And this is

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obviously something that the Muslim should be doing. And then before we sell aloha Newsome, after having mentioned those two points, that they used to differ from their profits, meaning they used to follow a center, other than the center of their profits, and that they would retaliate to one another with eyes of the Quran, he goes on to say that, indeed, the Quran was not revealed, that part of it would be lie and other parts of it, but rather it was revealed. So that one part of it affirms the other of it. So that of the Quran, which you know, implemented, and that which you do not know, then seek it from those who know it. So obviously, there's a lot of advice that the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is giving over here. But the points that were deriving from this hadith are the first two things that they were destroyed, because they followed a way other than that of the prophets. And then secondly, they will take their books and belie parts of it with other parts of the book. And then lastly, that is just take one of these statements

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from the center, and then inshallah we'll take a quick five minute break and then continue with the last two points. Bismillahi Tada.

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one of the earliest books that was written on the topic of a similar sci fi to the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala was by Abu Bakar, Mohammed Nakashima

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and he called his book Kitab Bhutto, his that's what his book was called. He died in the year 311. Now, what makes this book very interesting is that you will see that most of the books pertaining to the names in

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attributes of Allah today, they're actually set up in a textual manner that you will find a lot of explanation. Now what a Buddha Mohammed emphysema actually did was, though, he compiled all of the Hadith and the acid from the sutras pertaining to the names and attributes of Allah and then he call that book jitterbit sahid. Now, obviously, when he did so, since he died in the year 311 a lot of these texts had already appeared, meaning that the Jamia had appeared or sorry the Jamia hadn't appeared, but

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the site or the masala had had appeared, and those people who had begun to deny the names and attributes of Allah had appeared as well. So they would come with the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they would say, you know, how can you say that Allah subhanho wa Taala is in St Lucia meaning that he is in highness or no is in highness when Allah subhanho wa Taala says no opera boo la inhabited worried that we are closer to you than your jugular vein. So, they will come down with these type of questions. Now, look at how he responds to it.

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He goes on to say and that is to say is a call for Mohammed ignore his heart of no cleaner or a whole La la

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la sala la he was telling her destiny, this nerdiness of if I need moto gordini moto done from Kenya in the fall yeah he he has that worldly phobia.

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So, he goes on to say, that I do not know of any Hadith, when to authentic change of narration that contradict one another.

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I do not know of any to ahaadeeth with authentic change of narration that contradict one another. So, he who knows something of this nature, let him bring it to me, so that I may rectify it for him. Or I may explain to him how there is no contradiction. So this is one of the statements of the great imams of the setup. And likewise, there are statements of other than Him that show that there is no contradiction, not between the Quran and the Quran, not between the Sun and the Sunnah. And not between the sooner and the Quran either. That there is no contradiction between any of the texts of this Deen and obviously we recognize earlier that they're both revelation from Allah subhana wa

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Tada. So with that inshallah we'll take a five minute break and we'll come back at 811 days alight Allah Subhana Allah homopolymeric shawanda in the headlines, a selfie Roca, like

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Dr. Medina May Allah modal Allah

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Allah Allah Jalla wa shadow and either a llama hula hula sharika wash I don't know Mohamed Abu hora solo sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira I apologize for, you know, hurrying you guys up and drinking of your tea. I know people like to sip the tea and enjoy it, when inshallah you can enjoy your tea while you listen as well. So we move on to the fourth point. And let us quickly summarize the first three points that we took. So what was the first point that we took, or the first principle that we took? For those who are taking notes in Salah? What was the first principle

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in all the texts of the Quran so now that we have to believe them, and submit to them? What was point number two?

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Okay, in all disputes and conflicts and controversy, we turn back to the book of Allah subhanaw taala, and the son of his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Point number three.

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Point number three, that there is no contradiction, no discrepancy between the text of the Koran and the center. Point number four. And this is what we're going to be discussing now that there is no contradiction or discrepancy between the sound intellect and the text of the Quran and the Sunnah, that there is no contradiction between what our minds think and what was revealed to us.

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So firstly,

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you know, this is again, something very, very sad. Again, in our times, you will find people who take texts from the Quran and the Sunnah. And they will say, you know, my mind can't accept this. So I'm rejecting it, only just following their desires. And you know, this happens in many cases, especially in one famous Hadith, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was describing the flow. And he said that if a fly enters into your drink, then take it out and dip it back in for indeed, one

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Link has the disease in it, and the other wing has its cure. And now what's really sad is that as Muslims, we've already discussed and agreed that do we submit to all the texts of the Quran and the Sunnah? We've already agreed to this. Now either if you've agreed to aim, even though they've agreed to this fact, they say, my intellect does not allow me to accept this, that you know of why something Firstly, it is something dirty, what is following follow a fallen in, I just want to you know, I looked at the fly away and check my drink away as well. Or I'm not just not going to drink it. But they refuse to understand that where is this information coming from? It's coming from

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Oxford economists book, the most truthful of individuals, American will prior to Islam was called an amine, the truthful or the trustworthy. And after a slump, he became the Messenger of Allah sallallahu it was center, he is the one who was informing us of this, he is conveying this very message from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So now who are we to reject this information? Who are we to reject this information? Just because our minds do not accept it? And that is why at the very beginning of this when I was mentioning this principle, I mentioned that there is no contradiction between the text of the Quran and the Sunnah, and the sound, intellect, or the intellect, which is

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in its rightful place, as your perverted and illogical intellect, then obviously you could understand that might not make sense because these people they don't want to understand the Quran Sunnah to begin with Arsalan or from its origin. So now how do we go about proving this point? That there is no contradiction between the Quran and the Sunnah from the Quran? How do we find this is

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how many is are there in the Quran, where Allah subhana wa Taala ends of the IRS by saying if Allah Yaki loan or a Salah giacalone that will you then not understand and will you then not perceive every ayah that ends off with this is a proof that there is no contradiction between the sound intellect and the text of the Quran and the Sunnah. Because had there been some sort of controversy or discrepancy between our minds the way Allah subhanaw taala naturally created them. And the text of the Quran and the Sunnah. Allah subhanho wa Taala wouldn't order us to reflect upon them and he wouldn't order us to try to perceive them. Because it is something that just wouldn't be possible.

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Because Allah subhanaw taala does he want to guidance first or miss guidance? He obviously wants guidance for us, right? And since Allah subhanho wa Taala wants guidance for us, he tells us to reflect upon the Quran. And then if there had been any controversy or any discrepancy between the sound interest and the Quran and the Sunnah, Allah subhanho wa Taala would not end off those ideas by saying as Allah chaki loan of Allah Yaki known,

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then Allah subhana wa tada also says, in certain Nisa, Ayah 160

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urusan mobis Irina woman zerene Liana yaku, the nurse the Allah, Allah, he just da da da. So we're carrying along by Aziz and hakima, Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, In this ayah, that messengers who we sent as givers of glad tidings, and as wonders, so that there may be no for mankind of Allah, after the descent of the messengers, and indeed, a law is an Aziz and Al Hakim. So I must hand over to Allah. He says, In this ayah, that these are messengers that to be sent to all of mankind. Right? We sent to all of mankind's

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best Irina woman zerene has given me a glad tidings, and as oneness, so that there may not be any proof

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for mankind upon Allah subhanaw taala meaning that they will not claim that, you know, we didn't receive the message, or we didn't know about Islam, or we didn't know who Allah was, and we didn't know what it was. This is why Allah Subhana Allah Allah sent to the messengers.

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Now, how are we using this is

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the way we use this ayah as a proof, as we have to understand, what is the complaint of the Muslim King. And the chorus at that time was, you know, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came? How many of them actually said that this man was not a messenger of Allah. They did not claim this. But what they claimed was that this man was a Sangha, that he was someone who did magic, or he was much known. He was a man who was insane. They never openly said that, you know that he was not the Messenger of Allah because the message actually

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They made sense to them, they could never claim that you know, this message that you're coming with, it doesn't make sense to us. That's why we don't accept it. But rather, they knew it made the utmost of sense. This he has to be a messenger of Allah. And then Thus, they try to accuse him of being a magician, or they try to accuse him of being someone who is insane. So this is how we use this is a proof that had there been any discrepancy between the intellect and the Quran, or the sooner? This is the first argument that the machine would have had against the Prophet sallallahu wasallam let your message just doesn't make sense. And this is why even today, when you see people who judge

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Christianity, they don't even have to go to the Bible, trying to find one person who says one plus one plus one equals three, you're going to deem him insane. That's why people will reject Christianity from the very beginning. But this is not the case with Islam. They cannot find these type of discrepancies or these types of contradictions, not presently, nor in the past. And this is how this ayah is used as a proof.

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Now, as for the texts of the Sunnah, all the statements of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. there there's a hadith mentioned in a new merger, and likewise authenticated by co founder Daniel mahalo Tada. He said, some alcoholic who said them for the syrup supermodel VEDA they do How can a hurry her Nirvana in the Holic that I have left you upon a clear white plane? I have left you upon clear whiteness, and no one deviates from it, except that he is destroyed somos messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is telling us about the clarity of Islam. And he's telling us how obvious and clear and explicit it is. That there is no room for deviation that almost messenger sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, Allah subhanaw taala have made this Deen absolutely clear to you, there is nothing confusing about it. And there will be never any form of discrepancy or any form of misunderstanding between one's natural intellect and between the text of the Quran and the Sunnah.

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Now, another thing to keep in mind, and this is

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a sub subject of this, I guess you could say

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is that a person

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who accepts Allah Subhana Allah to Allah as his creator, and he accepts Allah as the most knowledgeable, and he accepts Allah is the most wise, and he accepts a lot, as the most just after you affirm these four names and attributes for Allah subhanaw taala does it make any sense that the person who created you, the one who just justice towards you, the one who is most knowledgeable and is most wise, would create you in a manner where you would not understand His revelation?

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Either you affirm these attributes and names in its totality or you believe them, you cannot have both? Right? So either you accept that Allah subhanaw taala is all these names and attributes, and that you are the one who has that misunderstanding of the text of the Quran and the Sunnah. Or you say that Allah subhanho wa Taala isn't the most knowledgeable and he isn't the most wise and he isn't just and he did not create us. One of the two is necessitated, and obviously Allah Subhana Allah is above and beyond that, and is perfect in every sense, but rather it is mankind that has the shortcomings and the deficiencies. So now, how exactly do people find discrepancies between the

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texts of the Quran and the Sunnah, and their intellects?

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What actually happens is one of two main things. One, either the text of the court or either the text of the center, without the Quran, all of it is authentic. Either the text of the Sunnah is not authentic, meaning that he's using a weak Hadith or a fabricated Hadith. And thus, it is not making sense to his intellect. or number two, that the text is authentic and in this case, it would be both the Quran and the Sunnah. But then the problem arises in the way individual himself that this individual himself has a shortcoming in his understanding or a shortcoming in his logic. and due to this fact, he is unable to reconcile between his intellect and between the text of the Quran and the

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Sunnah. And this is generally you know, especially with I keep mentioning the progressive Muslims, where the problems take place, that they will claim that you know, our minds cannot understand how this is possible that we do not understand how the sun will frustrate to the artists of Allah subhana wa tada or we do not understand how no Holly salon lived for 900 years.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:43

50 years, right? this sort of stuff is illogical to us. So that's the rejected. But now, the problem is not in the revelation of Allah subhanaw taala. It is in the logic, you are coming into the understanding of Allah subhanaw taala is Dean with a background or with some sort of baggage, your understanding of right and wrong is due to your intellect. Whereas the understanding and the criteria for the Muslim between right and wrong is the Quran and the Sunnah. So this is where as you're going along, you know, in our lifetimes, the average lifespan 60 7080 years old, but no Holly Salaam, Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who is telling us that he lives will 1000 minus 50 years

01:05:43 --> 01:06:14

or giving Dawa for this amount, so meaning that he actually lives longer than that. So now who are we to come and say, and belie Allah subhanho wa Taala of his message, we are but his creation. So obviously, it does not make sense that we would reject it. So this is what happens either. If it's a matter of pertain to the center, then it is possible that the Hadees is not authentic, and you should just reconfirm its authenticity. But if the Hadith is proven authentic, then the problem is with your understanding, or the person who is trying to understand it.

01:06:16 --> 01:06:59

Now, some of the statements of the scholars pertaining to this issue we've taken from the Quran, we've taken from the Sunnah, and inshallah we have 10 minutes left to muck it up as well. So let's try to finish this off. Enormous shout out to him holla he mentioned in the head a woman's humbleness, Sahaba valet he the Abuja, Sakura tourists and regenda was sir Luca de la la Delica Mansehra, whom a Shia minha and then he mentioned is off, I mentioned a couple of things. So he goes on to say that this was the methodology of the companions. And in this methodology, this is what leads to the path to paradise, that there is no contradiction between our ends between the sound

01:06:59 --> 01:07:06

intellect and between the text of the Quran and the Sunnah. This is the way that the Sahaba were on. And this is a path that leads to gender.

01:07:13 --> 01:07:19

And I guess we'll move on to actually let's just take one last quote.

01:07:20 --> 01:07:39

And this is from Omar Abdullah Aziz. He was one of the great demands of the turban. He was actually the Khalif of Islam at one point, and he died in the year 110. And this is a very short and explicit quote, he goes on to say, Now, the idea I didn't matter as soon as

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it was sent them, that there is no room for opinion, or there's no room for once intellect. Once the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is mentioned. And this is something that we actually see that the Imams of the past actually used to say that they used to say that once the student of the prophets of Allah Holly is brought forth, then throw my opinion against the wall, or discord or my opinion.

01:08:06 --> 01:08:14

Right, so this is what we find from the Imams as well. So we move on to the last point of Bismillah. It's either, at least for tonight, and that is

01:08:15 --> 01:08:33

the Hagia Sophia msls didn't know so silky Tabby was sooner that the way we understand the text of the Quran and the Sunnah, is by understanding them, the way the companions and their successes and their successors understood the Quran and the Sunnah.

01:08:35 --> 01:08:46

And the second volume is in the office, but inshallah we'll try to do as much as we can without the book. So lots of high notes either he says in sort of sofa i a number 100

01:08:47 --> 01:09:11

i said before and a well known minion Maha jurina will answer when the Xena to the OBS plan and audio long run home. What are those? Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah soba that those people who proceeded and reversed commerce from the Mahajan meaning the people of Makkah, and the answer being the people of Medina, about the Allahu anhu

01:09:12 --> 01:09:54

of one minima hygena will answer when the Lena turbo will be done, and those people who follow them in righteousness, so let's find out the other is mentioning three hooks over here. The first comments from the muhajir rune and the first comers from the unsolved and those people who follow them in righteousness. What is the result? Allah subhanaw taala says arogya long run home was one that Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Allah subhanho wa Taala. So this is the point number one that our success and understanding the Quran and the Sunnah has to be in accordance to the understanding of the sellers of this former meaning that those people the first three

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generations of Islam, this is how we need to understand the text of the Quran and the Sunnah anyone

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Who came after them, whether it be any great email or whether they be any great shear, if his understanding of the Quran and the Sunnah is not in accordance to the understanding of the setup of this oma, you can reject it right away. Because this is the first criteria that you understand the Quran and the Sunnah. It has to be in accordance to the way the companions rajala hutan, whom understood it.

01:10:24 --> 01:10:37

And likewise, Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said, that the best of generations is my generation, then the generation that follows them, and then the generation that follows them.

01:10:38 --> 01:11:26

Right, solace is messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said, that all goodness is with my generation, then there is further goodness in the generation after them and then and the generation after them. And then after that, he stopped mentioning any of the generations as if there will be no good left in them or very little good left in them. So when Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and described something with goodness, then obviously, their way is good as well. And this is why we have to follow their way. And then we find the many statements the likes of Emmanuel ozai, Rahim Allah who tada used to say, that proceed where they proceeded and stop where they have

01:11:26 --> 01:11:48

stopped. For indeed, where they stopped, they stopped with wisdom. Right? Meaning that anything that the son of Raja Allahu taala spoke about, these are the matters that you should speak about. And if they didn't speak about it, then likewise, you should not speak about it either. For whatever they stopped on, meaning whatever the left the left based upon wisdom.

01:11:49 --> 01:11:57

And then likewise, our beloved Mr. Raja Allahu, Allahu, he said, if the sword of his sooner Hold on a minute, he had his will.

01:11:59 --> 01:12:41

To be economical, and just to fulfill some of the sinner is better than to be someone who works hard in spreading the data. And obviously, who soon as you referring to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and who's else? Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we just took this previously, just a little while ago, you said Allah condition that he was so little kalasa Rashidi, in the center of Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Sunnah of the for rightly guided calibers that came after him salobre while he was center. So these are just some of the proofs about the importance of following the way of the setup and understanding the Quran and

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the Sunnah. Now one thing to keep in mind, is that one thing that makes the Center for the Allahu taala exclusive and this is also their understanding of the Arabic language. The Third of May Allah be pleased with them had an understanding of the Arabic language that was almost non comprehensible, that they spoke colloquial Arabic or pure Arabic in the normal, everyday language. Now I want you to just take an example, that what you would call a facade English or pure English would be the type of English that Shakespeare spoke, how many of us see that sort of language in our everyday usage, none of us and that is classical English. The Sahaba rajala, who turned on home spoke first, they spoke

01:13:28 --> 01:14:12

pure Arabic in their everyday language, that was the language that they communicated in. So this is what made them unique and special. So this is just another reason that they understood the text of the Quran and the Sunnah, better than anyone else. And then point number two. Why else do we follow the understanding of the Quran and the Sunnah? Because they lived during the time that the Quran was revealed. And they lived during the time when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained what the Quran was revealed for and he explained what the Sunnah was, and explained what to do and what not to do. So these two points alone, make the Sunnah for the Allahu taala very unique and very

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distinct from all of the generations that came after them, their understanding of the Arabic language and their witnessing and justifying the descent of the Quran, and the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So, after one has understood this and has accepted this, then it will he go and follow any other way, any other way, which would be misguided, obviously not. This is why what do we do we take texts of the court and the sooner we have to understand them, according to the understanding of the sellers. May Allah be pleased with them all. And we end off with that Apolo Callie has our stuff. Rolo, Holly welcome Lisa misnaming and equilibrium. First of all, ohana hula

01:14:52 --> 01:14:59

for over Hanes to find out a lot more dynamic ashwagandha in the highlands of South America to be like, and I guess we

01:15:00 --> 01:15:06

We'll be playing salata Muslim in a couple of minutes. There's the Allahu taala and this is also my last

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