Navaid Aziz – 40 Hadith On Wealth

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The importance of Hadith's book and its significance in Islamic finance is emphasized, along with its use in advocates for their worth. The speakers emphasize the need for guidance and understanding of one's own theology, as well as the impact of inflation on the housing market and the potential for control through "har ren." They also touch on the use of " hesitation" in Islam and its potential impact on one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Morning stuff

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but it will just waste more money. So

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this computer rechargeable Yes, yes. I didn't buy it specifically this one

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Out of my Nora him and then Hamdulillah he number one is their inner who understood when out of India him insurer and fusina woman so yeah Dr. Molina, Mayor de la who Philomel the Nana who woman yo Dylan who further her the other was shadow in La ilaha illallah who had the hola Shikata who are shadow Ana Mohammed Abdullah who Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa the early he was so happy he was seldom at the Sleeman Kathira Allahu Allah and Milena Ilana And I'm Tana alumni, Marian Farina. When we met in London, I was sitting there in my ear Kareem, my dear brothers and sisters Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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Welcome to a new series called 40 Hadith on wealth and the curriculum for this series of HELOC cars we're going to try to keep it between four to five HELOC husband Allah heeta. Allah is this book called 40 Hadith on wealth and earning by Chef Joe Bradford by Chef Joe Bradford. And you can find this on Amazon Bismillah heeta Allah I've also actually rather my daughter Aisha, mashallah she was kind enough to type up the Hadith, and put them on the PowerPoint. So if you don't have the text, then at least you'll be able to join us via the PowerPoint. To tell you a little bit about the chef that compiled the book chef Joe Bradford. You may be wondering like, man, that's such a non Muslim

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name, right? How did he compile this text? He was a he was a colleague of mine at Islamic University of Medina. He graduated from a bachelor's in Sharia, as well as a master's in Sharia. And while he was doing his master's, he actually got hands on experience at Roger, a bank in Saudi Arabia, which is the world's largest Islamic bank. So he has a lot of theoretical and practical experience. He currently resides in Houston, Texas, and without a shadow of a doubt. He is one of the leading authorities in Islamic finance in North America, if not world wide. So he compiled this project for the Hadith on wealth and earning Following the tradition of our previous scholars of putting

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together a hadith on a certain topic. And this number 40 word actually stems from is various Hadith that you will find, to the best of my recollection, most of them are not authentic, but scholars still implemented them out of virtue, that whoever memorizes or compiles or facilitates for the Hadith for people will have a particular award. And this is why the most famous collections of 40 hadith is the one by Imam and now we are him Allah, the One by Imam and now we are Rahim Allah, as well, who was the first one to start this collection of 40 Hadith. Some of them say Abdullah Mubarak, some of them say even earlier than that, scholars started to compile these 40 Hadith. Now

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one thing to keep in mind is that this 40 hadith is not meant to be taken literally. You'll notice actually, how many Hadith are inside the mouth no is 40 Hadith Who knows

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42 There 42 or Hadith inside the mouth now is for you to ID 40 Hadith. And a lot of brain is just meant to be any number that starts with an item that has 40 in it, it can go all the way up to 49 Right. So this collection of Hadith also has 42 Hadith in it has 42 Hadith in it. Now let us start off with the first Hadith Bismillah heeta Allah, Hadith number one

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so one thing that we'll learn, and Inshallah, you know, this is a learning process for all of us. But when you're reading a text, it's very important that you have advocates with the books that you read.

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And a part of that entails that as you start a text every single time you will make dua for yourself and the gathering and the dua for the author. So something like called an LFO or Haman Allahu ear that the author has said May Allah subhanaw taala have mercy upon us and upon him. Hadith number one, in contracts consideration is given to objectives and meanings. Al Bukhari collects from Omar Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, actions are by intentions and every man will have that what he intended, who emigrates for Allah and His Messenger, then his emigration was to Allah and His Messenger, He who emigrated to earn some wealth, or to marry some woman, then his

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emigration was to that which he traveled to. So first, let's start off with the title heading that Chef Joe gave this hadith. In contracts consideration is given to objectives and meanings. And this is a principle that you will find

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In fact, you'll even find it in tafsir. And in other sciences as well, that states are able lacet, Bill Asami, wunderkin bill have Pickety world money that rulings upon matters are not derived from the titles that they are given, but rather the meanings and realities behind them, but rather meanings and realities behind them. So particularly when it comes to Islamic contracts, it's very easy for something to be deemed Islamic. And we'll call it Islamic financing. But in reality, it's not Islamic financing is just something haram, that's repackaged. So I'll give you an example. A haram example of a mortgage is you go to a bank, a bank lends you money. And with that money, they

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charge you interest on top, they charge you interest on top, that interest is haram. Right? So this is a conventional mortgage. Now, what some of the corporations have done, that call themselves Islamic finance corporations, is that they will open up a trust, borrow money in the name of that trust, add some percentage points to it, and then lend you that money and then lend you that money. So over here, they've called it Islamic, and you're not the borrower with NAV itself, but they're still borrowing money from a conventional bank, that is charging interest, and they're making money on top of that they're making money on top of that, and they've called it Islamic financing. Now

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calling something Islamic financing, does that make it halal? No, it doesn't. It doesn't right. The reality has to be halal. The reality has to be halal. So how do you get a halal contract? How do you get a halal contract? One of the ways of purchasing a house a halal way is what we call Moraga, what we call Morava meaning that someone will buy the house add a price to it. So for example, let's just say we have brother Abdullah sitting next to me brother Abdullah mashallah Tabata, Allah is a very wealthy brother. Someone comes up to him and says, I want you to buy such and such house. So Brother Abdullah says, You know what, let me buy the house first. So Brother Abdullah now buys the house.

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This house was $500,000. So Brother Abdullah buys the house for $500,000. And now we have brother Zaid brothers eight who's buying the house from Brother Abdullah Abdullah is going to sell the house to brother Abdullah for $650,000 for $650,000. And he's paying in monthly installments. This is a halal contract known as Morava known as murabaha. So Brother Abdullah is making money off the house. He's not making money off of money. What becomes Haram is when you're making money off money. This is what we call a river. So this is known as a murabaha contract. A second type of contract is Musharaka. This is the only contract that we'll be speaking about for today's sessions. Inshallah.

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The second one is a Musharaka contract. Does anyone know what a Masataka contract is? I know Sheikh Hasina has spoken about this before. Who can tell me what I'm gonna sciatica contract is Go ahead, try.

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Yes. Do you remember how it works? Approximately?

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buy ownership assets of that company.

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Bro, you started off so well within downhill but great effort, great efforts exactly like him for trying. Thank you so much. So Masataka is also known as diminishing Masada. And what that means is two parties go into a contract together in joint ownership. So let's do Abdullah and Zaid again. So, Abdullah and Zaid, go and buy this house for $500,000 but they're not doing it 5050 Abdullah is going to own the house 80% And Zaid is going to own the house for 20%. So how much money is Abdullah putting in?

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Which is how much

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400 Allahu Akbar zakat. Okay, so Abdullah is putting in 400 and Zaid is putting in 100,000. Together they own this house now. Now over a period of time, Zaid is going to be buying back percentage points of the house as well as he's going to be paying rent to Abdullah for the percentage that he is using. So Zaid is living inside the house with his family. And every month Zaida is going to be paying $2,000 is going to be paying $2,000. With these $2,000 we can assume that 1000 will be going to people you're buying percentage points. So instead of 80% He's now going to own 79% and Zaid will only 21% 78% 22% And that's how it's going to keep going down that's always going to keep going down

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till they will own all 100%

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it and Abdullah will not own anything. And the profit that's being made over here is the profit of the rent is the profit of the rent. And this is known as diminishing Musharaka. This is known as diminishing Musharaka. So this is how something can be made Islamic and called Islamic. This is how when you see something can be called Islamic. But even though it's not Islamic, even though it's not Islamic, and what matters over here are the realities behind them or the realities behind them. So that is the title of Hadith number one. Now the Hadith that is mentioned is the famous Hadith in the mala Mala vignette. So Al Bukhari begins with this Imam no is for the Hadith begins with this. And a

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lot of other Hadith collections will begin with this. Why do they begin with this hadith to remind the author and the reader that the intention is the foundation of everything, the intention is the foundation of everything. Now, particularly with the topics that we'll be discussing with regards to wealth, earning wealth in a halal way, you will be rewarded for that. As long as your intentions are pure. If your intention is to earn a risk to provide for you and your family and to keep things halal. You will be rewarded for that. If your intention is to stay away from haram, you will be rewarded for that if your intention is to earn money to give in sadaqa to get married, whatever it

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may be, you will be rewarded for those multiple intentions that you have. So the more intentions that you have for earning your wealth, the more you are rewarded. So one of the disservices we do that when we work, we think you know what, I'm just working for the sake of getting a salary, but don't minimize your intentions like that. Rather think great and think lofty. That with this. I will be providing for my family. My family can be my wife and my kids. It can be my parents, it can be my siblings. For each person that you think of. You're getting a reward. It can be to give money to the masjid, it can be money to sponsor an orphan money to build a well for each salata project, you're

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getting a reward, I want to establish a walk for the City of Calgary, you for that you will be getting a reward. So the more intentions you have, the more you will be rewarded based on the heat and the more you will be rewarded Bismillahi Tada

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Hadith number two, Hadith number two, the most high statement and with regards to questions inshallah we'll take questions at the halfway point and then questions at the end inshallah. So any questions you may have just jot them down after Hadith number five, and at the end we'll break for questions inshallah. Hadith number two, the most high statement, whoever wants the life of this world and its adornment ultimately collects from * Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and actually let me read this from the book. Let me read this from the book,

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that whoever makes the hereafter his concern, Allah makes his heart rich organizes his affairs, and the world comes to him lessened and willingly and whoever makes the world his concern. Allah puts poverty right before his eyes, and this organizes his affairs, and the world does not come to him, except what has been decreed for him except what has been decreed for him. And then shake Joe mentioned at the bottom, that there's a difference of opinion on the authenticity of this hadith, but it was greatest by Chef Alberni or him a hula hoop to either. So we'll notice that shedule he does something different over here. He starts off with a verse from the Quran, he starts off from

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with a verse from the Quran. And this verse of the Quran basically speaks about how you can only have one or two direct one of two directions in life. Either you desire the dunya or you desire the Acura, there is no you know, anything in between your destination is either the dunya and everything that Tony has, or your destination is the Acura. And this is in terms of where do your priorities lie? How do we know this? Because this is exactly what the Hadith goes on to explain. So this hadith is collected by a telemovie. So we're familiar with Al Bukhari, and that is the most authentic book after the Quran. And then we're introduced to Alqueva citta. The six books of Hadith from the six

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books of Hadith. You have the Suhail Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, sunnah. telemovie Sunon Obidos, sunnah Nisa II and Sunon. If the major These are known as the six authentic books of Hadith as for Bukhari and Muslim, then there's almost unanimous consensus that all of the Hadith inside these two collections are authentic. There's almost unanimous consensus. There are very few scholars that differed over this, that you might find a few Hadith that might be weak, you know, Imams. vocoded, Rahim Allah, He

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He says that I presented my collection to my teachers, and they only contested me on four Hadith, I was able to convince them on three, and I was not able to convince them on one, meaning that one Hadith inside all of these Hadith, he wasn't able to convince some of his teachers. But even though Salah Rahim Allah, He comes thereafter and says that, you know, all of the Hadith, or authentic, all the Hadith are authentic. Now, with the Saharawi, my Muslim, there is more contention, we're not going to get into that. But basically, whatever you find in Sahih, Bukhari and sahih, Muslim, the vast majority, the overwhelming majority is authentic. Then you have the other four collections

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known as the sunan, Abu download, a telemovie, and Nissei and YBNL merger.

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These are known as the Sunon. And these are Hadith the majority of them will be authentic, but from them, you will have the week and from them, you will even have the fabricated from them, you will even have the fabricated so it is up to you to verify the authenticity of those Hadith. How do you verify the authenticity of the Hadith, go to a website called Go to our website And they have all the major collections of Hadith, you can look up a hadith and it has the ruling of the Hadith. Thereafter, it has the ruling of the Hadith they're after. And then also, if you're interested, Dar Salam has published the individual sets themselves that have the gradings

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on the Hadith, after as well. So this hadith is collected in a telemovie. And this hadith states that whoever makes the hereafter his concern, Allah will make his heart to rich, organize his affairs, and the world comes to him basically humiliated in front of him and willingly, right. But this is if you make the Hereafter your priority and your concern. But how about the opposite. And whoever makes the world his concern? Allah puts poverty in front of his eyes. This organizes his affairs, and the world does not come to him, except that which has been decreed for him except that which has been decreed for him. So here the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is

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teaching us something very, very important. If you want the dunya you can't chase it. If you want the dunya you can't chase it. The only way to get the dunya the correct way is through the Acura is through the Accra. What does that even mean? Like? Does that make sense at all?

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Just out of curiosity, who attended the first quarter here in the Northeast today? who attended the first football Gala. So what am I referring to over here? What was the statement of Imam Muhammad that I shared with you guys this fella

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and who did he say this about? Who did he say this about? You remember

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Who did he say about his companions?

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Who are they?

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Does that come along?

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joint effort is I can look at and say Muhammad Rahim Allah. He was asked about how was it that the likes of Abu Bakr Siddiq of the mandible, and Abdul Rahman enough, right? These people were promised paradise in their lifetime, like while they're still alive, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave them the glad tidings of Jannah. Like, this is no easy feat. This is a huge achievement and accomplishment wouldn't have itself. And what is surprising over here, what is surprising over here is the fact that they were very, very wealthy. And they will not just wealthy in relation to the other companions, but they're the wealthiest of all the Arabs of their time. So I want you to think

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about the wealthiest people that we can think of that is who they were to their people. Subhanallah that is who they were to their people. And the general perception is that if you're wealthy, you cannot be pious and righteous you will automatically be corrupt you will automatically be corrupt. Say Muhammad Rahim Allah when he is asked about the likes of these people. He says that they're they learned the secret from Allah subhanho wa taala, which was that as wealth came into their hands, they didn't let it reach their heart as what came into their hands. They didn't let it reach their hearts. So the more Allah gave them in their hands, the more they gave in the way of Allah subhanaw

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taala and the more Allah subhanaw taala replenished what was in their hands, and that is how the cycle continued, meaning that if you want to become rich the proper way, there's no way to do it, except by prioritizing your Acura except by prioritizing your Acura meaning that a large portion of the wealth that you have, you have to be spending in the way of Allah subhanaw taala you can't be

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Holding it, you can't be just saving it. It has to be spending in the way of Allah subhanaw taala. And each of these companions they have amazing stories as to what they did with their wealth, right? Abubakar Radi Allahu Anhu gives all of his wealth away for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala of nine of Northland, he purchases 400 camos with merchandise on top of them and gives them away for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala right. So that is what we're referring to that you have to show a level of trust in the process, you have to show a level of trust in Allah subhanaw taala that the more Allah gives you, the more you will be willing to spend in the way of Allah subhanho wa taala. And

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when you do this, Allah subhanaw taala places, the dunya in front of you. He places richness in front of you, and He will organize your affairs. What does it mean to organize your affairs? Let's go to sorbitol Hashem, Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells us whether to Kuno Ken Levine and so Lucha for unser home and foster home. That do not be like those people who forgot about Allah subhanaw taala. So Allah subhanho wa Taala made them forget themselves. And this is the priorities that we're talking about. That when Allah subhanaw taala wants good for people, he gives them the Tofik to prioritize the agora, when Allah subhanho wa Taala does not want good for people. They only

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prioritize the dunya they only prioritize that dunya May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us from that Amin and oftentimes we will think that if someone has more from the dunya, Allah subhanaw taala must love them and He must want to good for them. But in reality, that's not the case. If Allah subhanaw taala wants good for people, he gives them the deen he gives them the understanding of the deen manually dilla hoobie Hey, Ron, you're okay Hofer did that whoever Allah subhanho wa Taala wants good for he gives them understanding of the religion. So one of the things we want to try to change is our understanding of what is good and bless it, versus what is cursed and not bless it. So

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just because someone has more, it doesn't mean it's better. Sometimes Allah subhanaw taala gives people more to punish them, He gives people more to punish them, he punishes them by giving more so he they become heedless, and they forget about Allah subhanho wa taala. And whoever does this, then the dunya will come to them lessened and willingly meaning like defeated and humiliated, and you don't even have to try hard in the dunya will come to you SubhanAllah. But if you prioritize the dunya and you make the dunya your goal and everything that you strive for, then you will have poverty in front of your eyes. This poverty over here means that you will have no wealth. Now that's

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not what it means over here. What it means here, you will always be left longing, you will always be left craving, you will be left unsatisfied, because you will always want more you'll always want more you'll always want more and verse you'll always feel poor Subhanallah and that's a terrible feeling. That when Allah subhanaw taala has given you so much that you still feel poor Subhanallah where's the gratitude, where's the appreciation of what Allah subhanaw taala has given us. So that concept of poverty is not a literal poverty, it is an internal feeling and he will disorganized his affairs, meaning that their life will be filled with chaos. They will not be concerned about the

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ACARA they will not concern about halal and haram they will not be concerned about the Muslim community. They were affairs will be in chaos. And then the only thing that will come to them is that whichever Allah subhanaw taala decreed for them is that which Allah subhanaw taala decreed for them. Now this is something fascinating. Won't we all get what Allah has decreed for us. That is true without a shadow of a doubt. Whatever Allah has decreed for you is what you will get. But what is not included in this is to some people, Allah subhanaw taala gives them Tofik of effort. For other people, Allah subhanaw taala does not give them Tofik for effort. If Allah gives you Tofik for

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effort, you will naturally have more of a risk. If you take the physical efforts and the spiritual efforts, you will clearly have more risk and you will have more Baraka in your risk. But for some people, they won't have that baraka and they'll have only what Allah has decreed for them. So for example, let's go back to Abdullah does aid Abdullah has $100 Zaid has $100

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Abdullah with $100 Mashallah Tabata kala he was able to buy his groceries for the week, and he will have enough food for the whole entire week. Zaid he bought a t shirt for $100 and he took an Instagram selfie for it is a key guy

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I just bought this brand new T shirt for $100. And now is a poor guy is starving for the rest of the week, just because he wanted to get an Instagram selfie with the shirt that he's going to wear a few times, and then it's going to be out of fashion. And then that's all he'll have. Right? This hadith exemplifies these two people, right? The bar concept of baraka and the more Allah subhanaw taala gives you in terms of Baraka

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Hadith number three,

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seeking is like drinking alcohol. The more you drink, the more you thirst. Al bazar collects from Ibn Abbas in Marfa form, two that are hungry and never satisfied. A seeker of knowledge and seeker of dunya and Hakim collects in his mustard rock, from * from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with a similar wording to unseat she ated that are never satisfied one and satiated in knowledge, he is never satisfied, and the other and satiated in dunya, he is never satisfied. So now

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he starts off with giving a similar to giving an example. And this was something that we find in the Quran, some things we find in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam giving examples to people to help them understand better. So the example that he gives is seeking the dunya is like drinking alcohol. The more you drink, the more you will thirst. Right. So may Allah protect us from alcohol, literally, it's it's one of the most disgusting and worse things. But I think this is why the example is so strong, that just like you would refrain from drinking alcohol, refrain from seeking the dunya, just like you would refrain from drinking alcohol, refrain from seeking the dunya

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My little friend, I know you want to go back and forth. But next time you got to do it from the back, okay, because I don't want you walk in front of the camera just like a locket. Just like you wouldn't drink alcohol, don't seek the dunya we can understand the corruption of alcohol in terms of it takes away the ability to process it takes away the ability to think people become more abusive, how many accidents happen, domestic violence, all that is related to alcohol, not let alone the impact that it has on your body Subhanallah, right, all the diseases that it causes, all that comes from alcohol. And if you recognize that for alcohol, recognize that the dunya does the exact same

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thing. The dunya does the exact same thing. And if a person is thirsty, and they drink alcohol, they may feel a moment of enjoyment. But it will not take away their thirst, it will not take away their thirst. Just like a person that is feeling poor, they want more. So they think that if I chase the dunya that will take away my poverty, but it won't, it will only increase you in your poverty, the more that you chase the dunya. Then he goes on to say Al bazar collects from Ibn Abbas in Marfa form. Al bazar is a collection of Hadith. In fact, it's not even from the nine most famous collections of a hadith so we spoken about six. If you were to add three more, this becomes al Kutub

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at Tessa Koto. At this, they add another three to this, the motto of Imam Malik, the most 100 of Imam Muhammad Rahim Allah, that becomes seven, and eight. And then why is nine skipping my head right now, inshallah will come back to me. But those are the nine books that can often get referred to. Outside of those nine, you have individual collections from them, like a bizarre like them if you don't have been like them the most amount of abou Awana, right, all of these different collections of ahaadeeth. And these collections are not given the title of sahaya Like the previous collections, or like the previous collections are, and the ninth one as a dummy. The ninth one was a

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database. So is the ninth books and anatomy is the ninth book. So the those books aren't given the title of authentic, but rather in it you could find authentic energy good, find weak and those who require extra verification. And the scholars, a lot of them didn't even bother verifying those books, because they were very technical, or they were very complicated in terms of finding a definitive ruling. From Ibn Abbas. We know the sahabi, the cousin of the parts of Salam in more four form.

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So when something is in merfolk form, it is the statement of a Sahabi but it is actually treated like a hadith. It is the statement of a Sahabi but it is treated like a hadith as it is from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and that is what Morpho form means. That is what morefor form means.

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And then this statement of Ibn Abbas says, two that are hungry and never satisfied, a seeker of knowledge and a seeker of dunya and SubhanAllah. It's as if you have a comparison and contrast over here, one of righteousness, one of wickedness, and both of them will not be satisfied. One's ultimate destination is Janna. The other one is the others ultimate destination is the hellfire. So you can be either a seeker of knowledge, or you can be a seeker of the dunya. But you cannot be both, you cannot be both. Eventually, you will have to pick and choose one over the other, that if you end up choosing the dunya, you want to be able to become a seeker of knowledge. Because you

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won't find enjoyment in it, you won't find pleasure in it, or you're a seeker of knowledge. And eventually you come to the realization that the vast majority, not all of it, but the vast majority of the dunya is a waste of time, the vast majority of the dunya is a waste of time. Then he goes on to say Al Hakim collects in his mustard rock. So Al Hakim was a scholar from the fifth century. And what he attempted to do was to find a hadith that met the conditions of * Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, but Imam Al Bukhari and Muslim didn't include them in their books. So he tried to understand their conditions. And then he created a book called mustard rock al Hakim, well, actually that's the

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title that was given Masada can Hakim, the addition of Al Hakim, to the sea to the two books of Hadith Bukhari and Muslim trying to use their conditions for authentication from UNECE from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with a similar wording. So the statement of Ibn Abbas, it is treated as before as a statement of the Prophet Salam, because you find something from the Prophet Saddam with very similar wording, that to unseat created that are never satisfied, one and satiated in knowledge, he is never satisfied, and one unsated and dunya he is never satisfied. And subhanAllah. You know, I want to take a brief moment over here

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to talk about the importance of of knowledge. When I was growing up, you know, subhanAllah, maybe it was because of the company that I was in. But there was this adamant desire, that let's go and seek knowledge, right, attend local halacha as, learn the Arabic language and memorize Quran, travel for conferences. And the goal eventually was that we wanted to travel overseas to study Islam, And subhanAllah from a group of like, maybe 10 or 15 of us growing together, a few of us, well, actually, I ended up going to Medina, a few of them ended up going to Egypt, a few of them ended up going to Syria, and everyone went to go and study Islam SubhanAllah. And for me, that was a

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beautiful thing, that we have people that are born and raised in Canada that go and study Islam in the east, and come back and live in the West, and you disseminate that knowledge, you disseminate that information. And I think that's something that needs to be brought back. That knowledge is something beautiful, right? It's something that beautifies your character beautifies your actions beautifies your relationship with Allah subhanho wa taala. And it makes you useful to your community, it makes you useful to your community. And this is something we need to bring back that don't ever be content with the level of knowledge that you have. Don't ever be content with the

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knowledge that you have, but rather make everything in your life, a learning experience, and create a strategy for yourself. You know what I need to continue to learn more about Islam. And this is the more you learn about Islam. The more opportunity for agility you get, the more opportunity for agile you get and the more likely you are to stay away from haram, the more likely you are to stay away from haram. Back then when I was studying, there weren't online programs. Now you have online programs. You can study with a mug live online, you can study with Moscow University Online, you can study with a variety of different Institute's online, but continue studying and continue learning

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and be like this person that is never satisfied with the knowledge that they have.

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Hadith number four,

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the most high statement there is not a creature on earth except it is on Allah to sustain it telemovie collects from unbiblical taobh Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if you would only rely on Allah in truth, you would be sustained like the birds. They leave their nests in the morning empty and return in the evening with their stomachs full. So now, this statement is Hadith. It begins with a verse from the Quran as well, that Allah subhanho wa Taala has created the risk and decrease the risk for all of the creatures that come in to exist.

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Since now I want you to think about an animal that is in an that's in its natural habitat that is not been, you know, infiltrated by human civilization. In such an environment. Have you ever heard of an animal dying of hunger? Think about that for a second. Have you ever heard of an animal dying of hunger in its natural habitat that hasn't been infiltrated by human civilization?

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And the answer is no. And nor will you find that Allah subhanho wa Taala has created enough risk on this planet, for every one. Now you bring human civilization into the picture, we are meant to be the most educated, the most wise, the most intelligent, the most eloquent, and you can add praise after praise. Yet it is only our creation, that you have so many people that are overeating, and dying, obesity and obesity related illnesses. And then you have the vast majority of the world that is actually dying of hunger. So from hoarding and from greed, you see this disparity getting wider and wider. Whereas if the laws of Allah subhanaw taala were implemented, there is more than enough

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risk for everyone. And this leads into a much more detailed discussion. I sort of told myself that you know, what, we're not going to get into this, but I think it's very important to highlight

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what type of economic theory do Muslims follow? Are we capitalists? Are we socialists? Are we Marxists? You know, where do we stand on all of this. And I think it's very important to understand this. So capitalism is like, basically, by any means necessary, right? Get rich or die trying, that's capitalism. Therefore, you, each person is responsible for themselves, little to no government intervention should take place, then you have the opposite of this, which is Marxism, that no matter how hard you work, no matter how technical your skill, everyone gets the same salary, the same food, the same clothing, the same lifestyle. Socialism sort of comes as a hybrid between

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the two, even though it's not a complete hybrid. Now, where does Islam fall into all of this? Right, and I think a lot of this will tie into our understanding of the deen, she caught them and how she had a beautiful Facebook post on this several years ago, when he said economic theory for Muslims is compassionate capitalism or merciful capitalism, that each person is responsible for themselves at the end of the day, but not by any means necessary within the boundaries of the Sharia. And as a part of that, we're also meant to be charitable, right? That the more we have, the more we're supposed to spend in the way of Allah subhanaw taala. We're not meant to be people that Hoard. And

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in fact, when you hoard that is when you have to be a cat. But if your money is invested, your money is in business, then there is no as the cat on that money wouldn't have itself there's no as a cat on that money wouldn't have itself, it becomes on the merchandise or becomes on the gains or the profits, but not on the business. It's self. So all that to say, I think it's important to understand economic theory, as well. So then telling me the goes on generic from Odin Cadabra, the Allahu Anhu. If you would only rely on Allah in truth, you will be sustained just like the birds. So just like Allah subhanaw taala has created enough risk, he would provide for you if you were to

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truly have Tawakkol in Allah. So this concept of Tawakkol over here is not just about relying upon Allah, that Allah will provide for me, because look at the second part of the Hadith, they leave their nest in the morning empty, and return in the evening with their stomachs full meaning as a part of Tawakkol in Allah, you have to go and seek your risk, you have to work hard for it, you have to go and seek out opportunities. And when you do that, Allah will increase you and your risk. But if the bird just stays in its nest, this is no longer called Tawakkol. This is in Arabic is known as Tawakoni. Faking Tawakkol right, you're faking Tawakkol you're having tawa cone, which means I'm not

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going to take any action. If Allah wants to feed me, He'll feed me if he doesn't want to feed me, I won't be fed. But the reality is he will create a level of desperation inside of you that the hungrier you get, the more willing you become to do to compromise on your principles to feed yourself. So this teaches us a very important lesson that when it comes to your risk, your Tawakoni and Allah is directly tied to the level of actions that you take the level of actions that you take. Now let's make this a little bit in

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for active, a person that is looking for a job, what are the steps that they need to take? Just raise their hand and tell me what they need to do? What are the steps they need to take a person that's looking for a job? What steps do they need to take?

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Go ahead. Bismillah make a resume. Excellent. What do they do? Yep.

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companies send your resume to companies.

00:45:31 --> 00:45:35

Excellent. Send your resume, what else do you need to do? Go ahead.

00:45:36 --> 00:45:44

Develop skills that you need. I'm going to try to do everyone wants, then I'll come back to you. So put your hand down. I'm gonna I'll come back to you and show what else develop your skills and

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make a lot of Doha. Excellent. What else do you need to do? Go ahead.

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Take an interview. Yes, go and take interviews were different positions. What else do you need to do?

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Cover Letter? Excellent. write a cover letter. What else? Go ahead.

00:46:06 --> 00:46:09

Excellent. Tell me more about that. Because I'm very intrigued by that.

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Excellent, I love it networking. And that's one of the things I really wanted to highlight that you have this special relationship with Allah subhanaw taala, which is through, then you have the effort that you yourself need to do, which is making your resume doing the cover letter, developing your skill sets for the job that you want. But something that doesn't get highlighted enough is the importance of networking. So whatever field you want to go into, go and meet those individuals, find out which companies they're at, find out if they're any job, they'll job openings there, find out if they can put a good word in for you. And you don't just go up to Bill and say, hey, you know, I know

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we just met at Joma. But can you put a good word in for me at your company, that's not how it's gonna work. Take them out for coffee, meet them somewhere outside, let them get to know you, you get to know them. And that way, once they feel comfortable with you, they can put a good word in for you. And that insha Allah will reflect positively for you, when you go and apply. Getting on to LinkedIn, you know, subhanAllah almost everyone is on like Facebook and on like Instagram and Tik Tok and all these things. But even being on LinkedIn will open up so many opportunities for you for when you're searching for a job. So when you're thinking about taking the ASVAB, and taking the

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means that Allah subhanaw taala has created, all of these things have to be created. Use those three categories, your relationship with Allah subhanho wa taala, the effort that you yourself are going to be putting in, and then you are only going to be as strong your potential for getting a job is only going to be as strong as the network that you have, is only going to be as strong as the network that you have. So you have to let people know that you're looking for a job. Let them know about your skill sets, develop relationships, so that in the future whenever they're thinking of someone for a position to be hired, you're the first person to come to their mind, you're the first

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person that comes to their minds. So this would all be a part of taking the means and putting your Tawakkol in Allah subhanho wa Taala

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we'll take one more Hadith and then I'll pause for questions inshallah. Hadith number five. Wealth is not having lots of possessions, and the say and ignore Hubbard collect from Abu Dhabi, livery Radi Allahu anhu, that he that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, oh Buddha, do you think that lots of money is wealth? Wealth is only the wealth of the heart and poverty is poverty of the heart. Whoever has wealth in his heart, the nothing he faces in this life will harm him. Whoever has poverty in his heart, the nothing he accumulates in this life will be enough for him. The only thing that will harm him is his miserliness is his miserly Ness. So now, this Hadith from the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you see this interaction with him, and another companion Abu Dhabi 30 And subhanAllah Abu Bakr, Radi Allahu Taala and who has such a fascinating life, such a fascinating life. One of the, you know, most important the the companion that you learn the most important characteristics wrong, are the likes of a Buddha. So here's Marxism teaching about wealth. In other Hadith, he's teaching him about leadership, and you find those Hadith that are related to a Buddha. So here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is talking to a Buddha about what is wealth? What is wealth, and what does

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being wealthy actually mean? So over here, the Prophet SAW

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Aloha ano Salam says that wealth is wealth of the heart in Cana and knifes and poverty is poverty of the heart. So our understanding of wealth is often related to possessions. But here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching us perhaps the most important lesson with regards to wealth and poverty. There are a state of the heart and their state of the mind. And before you seek physical richness, seek richness of the heart first, what does that mean? Make yourself someone that is grateful to Allah subhanaw taala for all of his blessings, and the more grateful you become, the more gratitude is instilled in your heart, and the richer your heart will become. But the less you

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focus on gratitude to Allah subhanho wa taala, the more poor your heart will become, and the more miserly your heart will become. Because no matter what it receives, it will always find something to complain about. The more rich your heart becomes, the more it will find things to be grateful for, the more it will find things to be grateful for. So focus on being grateful to all of the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given you, and the more you focus on that, the more Allah subhanaw taala gives you the insha carto that as he then know, that if you're grateful, then Allah subhanho wa Taala will increase you. So now let's focus, what do we mean by the blessings of Allah subhanho

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wa Taala right, Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells us in the same set of verses in Surah, Ibrahim,

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what are taco min Calimesa ultimo, we're in to Earth dunya amatola he that was so high, that Allah subhana wa Taala has given you from everything that you have asked for. And if you were to try to enumerate the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala, you would never be able to do so you would never be able to do so. So what does that mean? Exactly? Meaning that you have to understand the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala are infinite. Some of the blessings are related to the things that you asked for, and Allah gave them to you. But the vast majority of things Allah has given you, you did not even ask for you did not even ask for. So when you go to bed at night, do you ask ALLAH that oh

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Allah bring me back to life the next morning, as you are breathing, have we made dua that oh Allah allow my lungs to function? As we are seeing as we are hearing that Oh, Allah grant my eyes and my ears the ability to see and to hear? Have we made these demands? Now tried to put a price tag on these things? How much would you be willing to pay for those things? If they were taken away from you? If you're suffocating? How much would you pay to be able to breathe freely? If your eyesight was taken away? How much would you pay in order to get your eyesight back, and you can put this for everything, your parents, your spouse, your children, your ability to walk the community that you're

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in your car, your house, unit safety, being in Canada, add everything to this list, the vast majority of those things we haven't made dua for and we think that just because we didn't make dua for them. Gratitude is not due to Allah. And that couldn't be further from the truth. The true slave of Allah will thank Allah subhanho wa taala, for everything. And that's what you want to strive for. And when you do that, and you find the ability to be grateful, as much as possible, then Allah subhanaw taala places richness in the heart. But as soon as gratitude is taken away, and you complain about what Allah has given you, and you don't appreciate it, then poverty is placed in the

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heart. And no matter how much you get of it, you will never be content, you will never be satisfied, and you will always find something to complain about. So wealth is not having lots of possessions. Wealth is finding gratitude and all that Allah has given you. Right I'll conclude with this point that Imam Shafi Rahim Allah, he was talking about being grateful to Allah subhanaw taala. And he says the fact that ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala guides you and grants you the Tofik, to say Alhamdulillah as a favor with Nova itself, that you have to be grateful for Subhan Allah, meaning that gratitude is a never ending journey, that you will always need to be grateful to Allah subhanho wa Taala for

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now, this is our first set of questions inshallah. I will take three questions and then we'll move on three questions and then I will move on.

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Brothers Sisters, and you want to spend a Go ahead

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I can hear you? Well, yes. My question is, is the risk

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preordained? Or does Allah alter the magnitude of risk based on one's own striving?

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Or striving really means

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already been clear, but scattered about different paths that

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must walk through the stripe in order to do so what exactly is?

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Excellent. So the brothers question is with regards to risk and the effort that we put in, right, we always keep hearing that your risk has been ordained for you. And what is the relationship between putting effort into that? So this is a greater question about God. And when you look at Goddard, Goddard is of two types, the type of color that changes and the type of color that doesn't change. So risk is written in your model right. So that is, which is written in a local method, that is the color that will never change. This is the ultimate sealed document with Allah subhanaw taala. And that is the final thing that will happen. That is when Allah subhanaw taala. But then there are

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other that change, this will change based upon the sins that you commit, they will change based upon the good deeds that you do. So for example, the prophets of salaam telling us that nothing changes Kadar, like dua, and the process of them telling us that keeping good ties of kinship will increase your risk and will increase your lifespan, right. So those are not referring to what is written and a lot on my food that is written in the color that changes. What are examples of the colors that change. So when when you study a mountain always for the Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he tells us that when a child is born, four things are written about him, right, here's a

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risk where he will die, will it be happy? Will he be sad, where he is destined to be in the end? This is something that changes right? So that cover that is written at birth is something that changes Allah subhanho wa taala, he tells us in shorter Rockman Kula Yeoman who officia and that every day, Allah subhanaw taala is engaged in updating the color of the people based upon the sins and the good deeds that they do. So now getting back to your question, what is the relationship between color and or risk and the effort that we put in?

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If you want to maximize your risk, and is the simplest way that I can put it if you want to maximize your risk, maximize your physical and spiritual effort? If you don't want to maximize your risk, then fall short in your physical or spiritual effort. Does that make sense?

00:57:48 --> 00:58:00

So by physical effort, we mean all the things that we spoke about resume networking, all that stuff. Spiritual means the stuff that I discussed in the hotbar today, like it's the far like, do our like sadhaka and there's actually a great book called

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15 ways to increase your risk according to the Quran and the Sunnah, basically, as a kadhi. I will never advocate downloading illegal PDFs, but there may or may not be one on the internet.

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That is what I will say, but just because I know it's impossible to find the book anywhere. But I for the official disclaimer, I'm not advocating downloading books illegally, but it is a great book to get your hands on 15 ways to increase your risk according to the Quran and the Sunnah.

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Question number two Smilla.

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excellent. So diminishing Musharaka is like rent to own is like rent to own, because what's happening over here is eight is purchasing part of the house with each transaction, as well as paying rent as well as paying rent. So we were saying that Zetas paying Abdullah $2,000 every month $1,000 is going towards purchasing a percentage of the house, and $1,000 is going towards paying for the rent of the house. So technically speaking, because they only owns 20% of the house, he should only be allowed to use 20% of the house, because that's what he owns, but they is using the whole entire house. So he has to pay rent on the 80% that he does not own as well as he wants to buy this

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house. So each month he's paying a little bit to get percentage points. Now where is Abdullah's profit in all of this in the money from the rent that he is receiving? So as Abdullah is receiving money each month 1000 is going towards purchasing the price that he paid for the house. And then 1000 is going for the rent the rent is the profit over here. Yep.

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Question number three Ismaila Go ahead.

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a bank, or

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can you work for a tech company when you know that a direct client is a bank or an entertainment company.

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So I think these sort of scenarios always require a specific specific fatwa. So if this does apply to anyone, always speak to a local Imam and lay out your scenario and get a fatwa on it. But the general ruling with regards to Islamic finance is that we look at the vast majority of income. If the vast majority of income of the company is halal, then it is allowed for you to work there. If the vast majority of income from the company is haram, then it is haram for you to work there. So this tech company, if they have 1000 clients, and five of them happen to be banks or entertainment companies, that still means 995 are halal. And that should be perfectly fine. However, if this tech

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company only has two clients, one is the bank and one is the entertainment company. You're only serving haram, then I would say it is I would say it is better to refrain from that situation. And Allah subhanaw taala knows best. We'll do our next SEC section of q&a.

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After Hadith number 10 Hadith number six, whoever is permitted to take something is permitted to ask for it. Muslim collects from Abdullah from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he used to say, Lord, I asked you for guidance, piety, chastity, and wealth.

01:01:44 --> 01:02:32

So now, this is one of the few situations where I think the Arabic is imperative. And the only reason behind this is because as we mentioned, the hotel as a part of spiritual means, is making dua, right. And here we have a dua from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with regards to this topic of wealth. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he used to say Allahumma in the local Hooda was Toka, while Alpha One Hina, that Oh Allah, I asked you for guidance, piety, chastity, and wealth. So now, let's look at the title heading. Let's look at the title heading. Whoever is permitted to take something is permitted to ask for it.

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The word that will change in order for us to understand it better, that whatever you are allowed to consume, you are allowed to ask for whatever you're not allowed to consume. You're not allowed to ask for whatever you're allowed to deal with. You're allowed to ask for whatever you're not allowed to deal with. You're not allowed to ask for we'll take practical examples of this. Can you make dua that oh Allah grant me alcohol, you can't? Can you make dua that says that Oh, Allah grant me a haram relationship with so on. So no, you can't do that. So if that relationship is haram, then you can't ask for it. If drinking something is haram, you can't ask for it. So this is what that

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principle is referring to. So the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is asking for wealth, it shows the permissibility of wealth, it shows the permissibility of wealth. But if you look at the order of this dua, there's always divine wisdom, in the order of the doers of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the first thing that he asks for his guidance, and there is nothing that is more precious and more valuable than guidance. What Toka piety meaning make me God conscious, allow me to think of what is most pleasing to Allah. In every decision and action that I take, well, alpha five, he translated as, as chastity, but it's a deeper meaning because when we

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think of chastity, we may think of it as physical chastity, right? Not falling into haram relationships. But our five over here also means staying away from asking people from needs, right? That if you're able to do something, do it yourself, rather than being dependent upon people. So our thoughts over here can have those dual meanings. And then Rena means wealth. Now we can interpret this in light of the previous hadith is gratitude in the heart and richness of the heart, but there's nothing to indicate that it is restricted to that meaning, there is nothing to indicate that it is restricted to that meaning. So the general principle that we use is a jamberoo Oh, laminate

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theology journal Hola, Minotaur Jia, to combine between multiple meanings and interpretation.

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This is better than giving interpretation or giving preference to one meaning over the other. What does that mean over here? So again, I can have two meanings. Again, I can mean physical wealth. Again, I can mean contentment of the heart. Can we say that this dua is referring only to the contentment of the heart, we just took the previous Hadith that's exactly what the pastor said, I'm said, but we don't have any evidence to restrict it to that meaning. And in the cases that you don't have any evidence to restrict it to that meaning, we take all of the meanings and make it inclusive, saying that physical wealth and contentment of the heart are what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam is referring to. So this shows us the validity of asking for wealth, and dua as a spiritual means that needs to be used along with physical means.

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Number seven, earning four worldly delights is permissible, if no headband collects in his saw here, from it's supposed to be sad DPW Of course. What do we have? It says, side but it's supposed to beside the BW ACOs, who said Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, four things are from happiness, a righteous wife, a spacious dwelling, a good neighbor, and a good mount for things or for misery, a terrible neighbor, a terrible wife, a cramped dwelling, and a terrible mount. I think the only thing that's not clear over here is the mount, the mount is referring to the horse, right? So you can make the equivalent of that a car. So the promises are seldom is saying that four

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things are from happiness, you have a righteous spouse, a spacious dwelling, a home that is spacious, a good neighbor that doesn't curse you that doesn't bother you that you know, isn't being loud, and a good means of transportation. So a card that will get you from point A to B without you having to wonder is it going to break down is something going to happen. And then fourth things are from misery, the exact opposite. A terrible neighbor, a terrible wife, or a terrible spouse, a crime to dwelling and a terrible mount. So now, you look at this hadith. And a person may think that why did the process I'm not saying husband? Why did he mention wife over here? The Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam is addressing the men over here. He's addressing the men over here, right? So based upon addressing the men, he's telling them about wives, if he was addressing the women, he would address them with husbands do it applies both ways. It applies both ways. And I want you to think about this for a moment, that when you have those things, it makes your life so much easier. You live stress free, as much as you can. anxiety free, if you don't have to worry about your family, you don't have to worry about your home, you don't have to worry about your neighbor, and you don't have to worry about your modes of transportation. Right? All of these things bring stress and

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anxiety into your life. And if you don't have to think about them, they bring happiness to your life. Now the title heading heading over here is earning for worldly delights is permissible. So if you go back to Hadith number one, your intention for earning money, what is your intention behind it? Can we make one of our intentions that I want to earn money for buying a nice car, I want to earn money to buy a nice house. I want to earn money, particularly for the brothers so that I can pay the dowry of a sister. And I want to highlight this just for a moment. You know, when it comes to paying the dowry

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I don't know what happens but like stinginess or miserliness kicks in, as if we want to propose to the sister, she's the girl of your dreams. You started negotiating the MaHA I'll pay you $500 For your mother sister, and you want to negotiate that but you paying a Maha that she deserves that she is worthy of that a woman of her status would get should be an honor for you. Right? Never tried to cheat a woman out of her Maha never tried to cheat a woman out of her Maha but when you pay this, this is you fulfilling an obligation of your contract that makes the Haram halal for you. So this is something to be proud of. Now addressing the sisters the exact opposite is true. You know asking for

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$100,000 Mahal from a brother that you know miskeen is just starting off his career and like a 40 $50,000 salary is absurd and ridiculous. Right? So there has to be a balance for both sides. Brothers should not try to cheat sisters out of their mouth. Nor should sisters ask for an exuberant Mahara, what is average and decency look like in this. Look at the state of the people. So look at the type of job that brother has and the potential that he has for earning and

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Also look at the social class of the sister, and then try to come to an agreement in between try to come to an agreement in between I digress and go back, you are allowed earning money for the sake of good things. What is not allowed is being excessive. What does that mean?

01:10:21 --> 01:11:03

When you buy things for the sake of a name, but not for the sake of quality, and when you buy multiple things that you know you're not going to need when you buy multiple things that you know you're not going to need. So sisters that buy shoes and handbags, it's okay, you want to spend money on a nice quality handbag and nice quality shoes, even two or three, I can understand. But to have more than that, to have like a pair of shoes to match with every single outfit. Allah knows best but that would be excessive. Same thing with a matching handbag for each and every outfit. Allah knows best with that would be excessive for brothers. I don't think we will have that issue. It is

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happening now man brothers with sneakers, right? It's happening with sneakers and then mashallah when you make it even with watches, like why do we need 10 watches? Why do we need a watch for each outfit or the mode that we're in right? Or 10 cars or whatever the case may be. You can buy something nice focus on the quality not on the brand name not on the brand name. If you need more than one thing, make sure you can justify to Allah subhanaw taala on the Day of Judgment. If you need more than one thing, make sure you can justify to Allah subhanho wa Taala on the Day of Judgment

01:11:38 --> 01:11:39

Hadith number eight

01:11:40 --> 01:12:22

and I think let's break over here because I can sense people are getting tired so this will be our last Hadith inshallah and then we can open up the floor for q&a, and then get ready for us a lot of mock levels one, Hadith number eight, artificial scarcity and divine abundance. Most of them collects from Abuja, from Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, from that which he read relates directly from his Lord, that He said in a long Hadith, all my slaves, if the first and the last of you, and the men and the gin of you were to all gather in one place, and what to ask of me, and I were to give each of them what he asked for, that would not decrease from my dominion, more

01:12:22 --> 01:13:04

than a needle can decrease from the ocean when dipped in it. So now let's go back to the beginning, Muslim collects from other from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who narrates from ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. This is known as the Hadith Potsie so a hadith could see, the original statement is from Allah subhanho wa taala, but is transmitted to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how is it transmitted to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah can speak to the process of them directly. It was conveyed through the angel Jibreel or it was even inspired to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or it was even inspired to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and

01:13:04 --> 01:13:47

then the process Allah Nari said therefore, that is what makes it a hadith Kotze. Differentiation from the Quran. Allah subhanaw taala spoken the Quran to Jibreel gibril spoken to the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that is how the Quran was revealed. That is how the Quran was revealed. What separates a Hadith from a hadith kotse. The origin of statement is from Allah subhanaw taala. Whereas in irregular Hadith, the original statement, action or consent is from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So that is how you understand this component. So now Allah subhanaw taala is speaking, he says that all my slaves, if the first of you from Adam Alayhis Salam, to the

01:13:47 --> 01:14:22

last of you to the very end of mankind, the men of you and the Jinn of you so not only mankind, you know, we're about a billion just about on the planet right now. SubhanAllah. But think about all of the human beings that existed from the time of Adam Alayhis Salam till now and then think about all of the jinn from before either Malay Salam, all the way till the end of time, if each and every human, and each and every Jin asked Allah subhanho wa taala, for all of the things that he desire, tell your heart can no longer crave tea, their heart can no longer desire.

01:14:24 --> 01:14:57

And you were to look at how much this impacts the milk of Allah, the dominion of Allah subhanho wa Taala it would not impact the kingdom it will not impact the dominion of Allah subhanho wa Taala except the equivalent of when you take a needle and you dip it in the ocean. How much water remains on that needle? Absolutely nothing, right? A minimal minimal amount. That is what remains on the needle. And the ocean is still plentiful with water. It's still ocean, my brother, what did I tell you last time from the back

01:14:59 --> 01:15:00


01:15:00 --> 01:15:00


01:15:02 --> 01:15:55

it will not reduce from the ocean, except a little bit except a little bit. Now that you understand the Hadith, let's look at the title heading, artificial scarcity versus divine abundance. Meaning Allah subhanho wa Taala has so much to give to you has so much to provide to you seek it through Allah subhanho wa taala. And you will always have whatever you desire, and more and better. But if you try to seek the dunya this dunya always wants to promote scarcity to you, oh, I want to buy these shoes. There's only 150 of them in the world. And then you get one of these shoes that you pay $1,000 for you wear them. And yes, you can brag I got a pair of shoes that there are only 150 of

01:15:55 --> 01:16:34

them exist in the world. But are they more comfortable than another pair of shoes? Will they bring you closer to Allah subhanaw taala? Have they improved you and your character? Like what has it done? What value has it brought? So the dunya uses scarcity to bring exclusivity? Where as Allah subhanho wa Taala tells you there is more than enough for everyone to not be diluted by this scarcity that they try to create by the scarcity that they try to create. Well, Allahu taala. Adam, let's conclude with that. Inshallah. I'll take three questions, and then we can continue next week. They have nella heeta Allah.

01:16:39 --> 01:16:47

And if no questions, then we'll just break for salata. Maghrib and I believe they are done. We'll be in about three minutes in Shama. Bismillah.

01:16:54 --> 01:16:59

They work together, what happens when they reach the price? But

01:17:00 --> 01:17:35

how does inflation get created when you don't connect? Excellent. So are you talking about scenario number one or scenario number two? So scenario two, where there's a joint partnership, partnership, so he's taking the rent? Yes. But let's say he pays the rent in the year, like, he wasn't paid off. But after one year, like what we saw last year, but does eighth county pay the rent off in one year? Because as long as he doesn't have 100% of the house, he has to keep paying rent? Well, let's say the house cost 500,000. Yeah. Yes. And he's gay and agreed, that they wanted to sell.

01:17:36 --> 01:17:39

So let's say after one year, the house just move on

01:17:41 --> 01:17:41


01:17:43 --> 01:17:54

say states like, went somewhere else to work? So the brother that to get us all proceeds to utilize we agreed to the other brother, you know, you didn't he's doing something?

01:17:56 --> 01:17:57

How does? How does the one get?

01:17:58 --> 01:18:46

How does one get to compensate for inflation? So inflation from an Islamic perspective, is a concept that doesn't really exist. And I'll explain why. Because wealth from Islamic perspective is always meant to be substantiated by something else. So we never used paper notes, we always used gold coins, or silver coins. And inflation can exist in those commodities. But it always finds a way to level itself out. Whereas when you have currencies that are backed by debt, as opposed to a commodity, you know, I'll take the United States government because they have the reserve currency, there is no restrictions as to how much money they can print, they can print as much money as they

01:18:46 --> 01:19:26

want. And as countries are indebted to them, those countries have to pay them back in American dollars. So all that to say, is within Islamic economics, the economy will always balance itself out based upon the scarcity of the products, and the availability of the products based on supply and demand, inflation will take care of itself. Now, in our day and age, when you're dealing with a debt based economy and debt based currency, what can you do in this situation? There's a couple of things. So you can create a set clause at the beginning of the contract, that you have to stay in this contract for 30 years? Right. So therefore, Zaid is restricted that over 30 years, he has to

01:19:26 --> 01:20:00

continue paying rent, and they have you know, set prices that they're dealing with number two, a second thing that he they can do is that every five to 10 years, we can reevaluate the price of the house. And whatever the fair market price of the house is, is what we will choose to create the rent price as well as the ownership percentage points as well. So those are two ways that you could take into consideration but all that has to be negotiated in advance. So imagine we negotiate in advance that Abdullah and say they're gonna purchase this house, and all of a sudden

01:20:00 --> 01:20:17

In COVID, happens there's a huge demand for houses. A biller can't just tell ze that, hey, you know what the price of the house has gone up, I want to increase my rent on you. He can't do that. Right? It has to be negotiated in advance that every couple of years, every five years, We'll reevaluate the price of the house and the value of the rent. That's how you do it.

01:20:19 --> 01:20:21

Questions from the sisters?

01:20:22 --> 01:20:23

No, no, go ahead.

01:20:27 --> 01:20:35

To say, hey, the price of the house went up pay me more saying the opposite. Let's say, you know, Mother's Day, for one month he

01:20:37 --> 01:21:14

loses his job or something he can't afford to pay the house, but there's a contract that he has to pay every month. Yes. Can is it? Is it an obligation to have other obligations make it easier for brothers day to make you know what? You can push the payment till next week or next month or when you get a document? Most Excellent question. So the scenario over here is, is the opposite? What if Zaid cannot fulfill his payments, this goes back to what stayed in the contract. Ideally, in the contract, you want to put you know what the date is allowed leniency for three to six months for catching up on his rent, I will stipulate something like that in the contract. And this gave gives

01:21:14 --> 01:21:52

Zaid some flexibility. Now in a situation where even that is not enough. Abdullah should show kindness and mercy that is the better and Islamic thing to do. However, if the contract states that, if they defaults, after three months of not paying rent, I get the house and everything that is paid me this technically would be would be fine. Right? So it's all about what you've negotiated in advance. But the fair thing to do is, you know, give back to people what they owe and and what they've paid. And you take what you've taken and the profit you want from the rent, and you parted ways that we that will be the fair thing to do. But technically, if they've agreed upon the

01:21:52 --> 01:21:57

contract, then whatever they agree upon becomes binding at that time. Allah Jota Anna

01:21:59 --> 01:22:02

Yeah, merciful, compassionate capitalism, right. That's the way it's meant to be.

01:22:04 --> 01:22:05

Last question.

01:22:09 --> 01:22:14

To separate, but in reality, like no couples,

01:22:15 --> 01:22:23

like there's no preparedness in both, in cases, the prices of the houses has increased or the personal.

01:22:30 --> 01:22:32

It's just better not to not do it.

01:22:33 --> 01:22:34

So then how do you buy your house?

01:22:37 --> 01:23:12

So I'll give a summarized answer, there's actually a webinar that I did with Brother hushmat, called How to buy your home the halal way. And the conclusion always is, if you're able to buy your home in cash, that is the best thing that you can do, don't get into debt, don't get into any of these weird contracts, that is the best thing to do. If you're not able to do that, then try to find means within the legal system, as well as you know, Sharia compliant way to purchase your home. So leveraging your RRSP to mortgage your house,

01:23:13 --> 01:23:57

using debts from family and friends that are interest free, and then purchase your home that way. If that's not possible, then get into an Islamic financing situation. But this always goes back to you always have to decide for my dunya and akhira. Is it better to purchase a home? Or can I continue to afford to rent, so a couple that don't have any kids? There are a lot more flexible than a couple that has four or five, six kids, right? A couple that lives by themselves versus a couple that has their in law staying with them a lot more flexibility, right? You add others to it. And that's why there's all of these different scenarios that come into play. So in an ideal case scenario, you

01:23:57 --> 01:24:32

know, yes, purchase our houses on cash, that'd be great. But it's not realistic for everyone and I think that is why these Halal financing corporations are actually needed. And Allah subhanaw taala knows best. They folks, let's conclude with that in sha Allah will have the event and the karma will be at 1001 the karma will be at 1001 in sha Allah and I'll see you all next week at 830 Bismillah heeta Allah we will continue with Hadith number nine Subhana Allah humma Byham take a shadow Allah Allah Allah and a stockbroker to Lake wa salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh barakato

Friday Halaqa

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