Mohammed Hijab – Why Islam Is the Cleanest Religion

Mohammed Hijab
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the cultural acceptance of Islam, including its stance on spirituality and cleanliness. They also touch on the history of Industrial Revolution and the use of germs to prevent diseases. The cultural practices of the Middle East during the time before the rise of Islam include cleaning one's body and changing one's behavior. While some people may be satisfied with their current cleanliness, others may need to change their behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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I was actually thinking about this today, go ahead. I was thinking about this because you know, it's, you know, when we give our to our meaning, like we're given an invitation to them was going to look at Islam and to kind of be educated on it and become Muslim even.

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When we do that, we usually get very formulaic type evidences, you know, the Quran says this and makes these predictions and I'm guilty of this more than anyone else.

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I'll do this myself.

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But you know, it's a lot you don't want easy thing to kind of identify as that is, first and foremost, Islam is a religion, which aims to be all encompassing,

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in so much is that it actually attempts to be an answer for every little thing. We talked about sexual * before. And there's actually guidelines on how to pleasure a woman from a male perspective guidelines.

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There's guidelines on how to this is how deep it gets.

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One guy came to some mental fantasy seminar, fellas, he's one of the Sahaba and this and he said, he said to him, does your prophet tell the people how to clean themselves after using the toilet?

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And he said, Yeah, and he told them how the Prophet gave us guidance on that. The point is, Islam seems to be a comprehensive religion, in terms of purity and being clean. There are two kinds of purity once again, we'll go to our dichotomy. Yeah. There's a spiritual Could you please define dichotomy? It's like a dualism, right?

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So it's like two things. Okay, fine, right. So hey, on the one hand, we have a spiritual purity, which is the most important and it's came to purify people for joy.

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And the Quran is mentioning mentions that you know,

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the Abraham midwife for someone to come afterwards, we use a chemo your Alamo. Makita. Will Hekmati he purifies them. And he teaches them to Quran, GitHub and the hekman, which is on the Prophet Muhammad Hassan was referred to in sort of the geometry of the sigil the Koran is that

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we use a key element, well, heck my he, he is purifies them. So purification, and chapter 91 of the Quran, so to learn. So little shams, says, Allah Hammonds, aka, the one who has purified himself has already succeeded. So from a spiritual perspective,

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this idea of purification. Now, the thing is, I put to this, I don't know how I might do another inshallah with him. I'm going to do a discussion with him on consciousness and first person subjective consciousness, all this kind of things. But I put to you guys, and I'm going to make this I'm going to format this as a kind of thought exercise. Yeah.

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And this is actually experiential. This is not a deduction type argument. It's a thought experiment. It's kind of like, based on your experience. Yeah. I put to you guys that human beings have an innate inclination to that which is clean. I'd agree with that completely. Yeah. from your experience, I think most people in the world would agree that cleanliness attracts human beings now, actually, from a biological or even evolutionary perspective, there's no reason for that to be always the case. Okay. There's no reason for us to prefer nice smells, for example, or nice, beautiful things. Yeah, like a sunset or something. There's no biological advantage, it doesn't help

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us survive, it doesn't actually help us survive. So from that perspective, the question is, why do we like things that sound and that look look beautiful and actually clean? Why are we more content being clean? And why did the prophets according to the Islamic narrative, come to clean people, both spiritually and physically?

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Bear that in mind was I tell you that actually, there's very specific guidelines in Islam, on how to be spiritually pure, and how to be physically pure? And you might think, well, so well.

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It's common sense to be clean. That was a really common sense. Look, historically, and I was thinking about this. And this country, UK, which was the which was the house of the Industrial Revolution, it was the start of the industrialization 1760 you know, Britain started a lot of things, right. And because of the Age of Discovery, and all these kind of things, brain was at the top of technological development and achievement in, in what he calls in early modern period after the medieval period. Yeah, yeah. So

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in England, in Britain, it was not known that cleaning your hands and washing your hands, okay, prevented germs until 1895.

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Where Louis Pasteur came, and that's why the, by the way, where pasteurized milk comes from, really, yeah, he came and he said that, you know, he invented something called germ theory, germ theory where basically germs cause diseases.

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In this country in the industrial revolution, people were dying a very early age because they didn't even know washing your hands, prevents these things prevents

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For example, infections and prevents diseases.

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Now, I want you to consider that when you're thinking about the fact that we've had to do it from 1400 years.

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Think about that we had to do every time. Well, you have to do at least once a day because you had to pray at least once. You had to pray with one we'll do one today on the day. You have to pray five times a day with one model. At least one model. You have to hustle which is you have to wash your whole body. Yeah. If you have sexual * if you're sorry, I'm explicitly if your penis met the top top of your penis met the the tip of a *, not even penetration you have to do with door to door sorry, if a woman has finished demonstration she has to do hustle, she has to do she has to wash the whole body.

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If a man had a * and * or he masturbated and it's haram but he he had a shower he has to have a shower or woman same thing. So there are there are limited things that you have to have a shower because of right in this country we will not have a shower on a regular basis until well after World War One. It's a recent phenomena for Europeans and especially British European people to be hygienic in that sense to wash their hands to to have showers seriously about even using water after visiting the toilet don't even do that now and you know, you'll find that some highlight yet, guys and this is not to depreciate from anyone's cultural heritage here but just like

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the Muslims I mean, we had this looks for example of toothbrush. Think about this toothbrush. Yeah. When did toothbrush become popular in the UK? Let's answer that question bristles and a toothbrush. It did not become popular until probably after World War One. It wasn't really that popular before brushing your teeth was not part of thing in the Hadith.

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And the Bible hooray Raja llamando Yeah, the Prophet Muhammad Hi, Sam says Lola Shaka Mattila moto miswak Missy wacka and Dakota selected so that if it wasn't for

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that it would be difficult on my mama I would have told them to brush their teeth on every Salah. Now the Word Swag some people will think that stick Yeah. Which is actually I miss work but see work is an Arabic verb.

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So worker says you know, he cleaned his teeth. So you can do it. I believe the Prophet Muhammad SAW salams would have loved the toothbrush because you can do some work with it. So see work is not necessarily just with Miss work miss work is a is a is an Islam, which means it's a noun, it's talking about the stick. But I see work as a fan is a verb so it could be talking about the process of cleaning your teeth. So the Islamic recommendation is to brush your teeth five times a day.

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That's not even adhere to it's not even the dental thing in this country say okay, he said Lola show Kalamata, I want to see Rocky, and the Kurosawa I would have told them to brush their teeth. And washing, having a shower, doing window washing,

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washing your hands in your face in your feet. There are certain things we do now that other cultures are not they're not aware that we do. For example, an Eastern thought, putting water into the nose.

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Western sharp, taking it out of the nose. You know, a lot of people that become Muslim, they don't go through that process where they cleaning the Simon cavity because it's not something which occurs to them. They need to clean this area inside the nose. We have to do that every day.

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Cleaning the ears, obviously. So it's culturally acceptable. Nantucket is sometimes encouraged to clean the ears, at least the peripheral area.

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You're talking about cleaning yourself properly after you. You do you extreme basically. And there's an Islamic describe. Yeah, so Addison, the Maliki can know that you have to get rid of everything in terms of the excrement so and the Islamic standard for cleanliness, I would argue is more than any other religion in the world. And in fact, higher than the cultural accepted norm in the Western world. And you know, Subhanallah there's many ideas that say for example, I'll fit through to Hans Alfredo to Asha, that is five things. For example, one of those is fitted onto humps and fits about two humps. The fifth right is five things that you have to trim the beard the mustache and, and you

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have to shave the pubic hair and cutting the nails and these things. There are some religions would actually say you're not allowed to shave your pubic hair. Imagine a woman or a man or a woman or man, having to live a full life without shaving the underarm hair, or shaving the hair on the navel. For a woman or a man, that will be quite a disastrous thing. And even from a hygienic perspective, you can argue that hygienic you can argue that's clean. Some religions is composed you can't actually take a hair a single pupil caraway in Islam

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is this very specific guidelines on you have to you have to clean yourself in that way. You have to cut your nails, you know. So I feel engineers have had a lot of recent research on the beard recently. Obviously, the law or the law I know he said that was

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Shadow hopefully How was the shadow? holofil Yoda nassarawa trim the mustache he was lecturing the mustache Yeah. And and let the beard grow and and basically differentiate yourself distinguish yourself from the Jews and Christians and fee whites in Hollywood images, the margins The point being

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that the they found something recent things like it has some properties the beard actually has some properties which protects your face from certain conditions really is you know yes vanilla. So anyways, the point being is this is that it takes the West a long time to get to the same stages. We were talking about 1400 years ago. basic things like washing your hands and having a shower, which for us is so common sensical.

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It was not common sensical for the British man until you know, after the World War was not common sensical for them. So they have had to wait a long time to get to where we were a long time ago when they talk about barbarism and backwardness. That's what the things they have to kind of consider. Islam gave us cleanliness. But if you're if they were impressed by the toothbrush and washing yourself, they'd be even more impressed with the spiritual kind of cleanliness that Islam gives. Because what if they knew about what Islam actually provides in terms of purity, purification of the heart, and soul and mind, everyone would be fighting us with the sorts of numbers you have, as a

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famous person said it would afford us with the swords. But anyways, this is something which we we give as a because the thing is, the human project is a project which, as Plato would say, is divisible into three different things the man body and the soul. And all the things that have to be if you want to, if you want to satisfy yourself and all three, we content as a human being, you have to satisfy these three spheres, the Western world makes you gives you that illusion of Okay, you're satisfied, but it doesn't actually give you any solutions. It's an illusion with no solution. Islam is really very, very practical. And the evidence of that is that most of the things which we deem

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common sensical because it actually appeals to our First Person subjective experience like cleanliness and purity. That is non prescribed basic solutions for 1500 years ago to wash yourself to clean yourself waters by hiroto is purified and purifies. For example,

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