Navaid Aziz – 18 Tafsir Juz E Amma Surah Al Inshirah

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of expanding one's chest and finding the truth in one's life and society in order to achieve success in life. They also emphasize the use of "openness" to receive information about Islam and the importance of staying in a specific area for longer periods of time. The speaker emphasizes the need for a "help" in the context of the current pandemic and the importance of finding a "help" in the future. They also discuss the difficulties of graduating from university and dealing with hardships, the importance of learning to expect trials, and the benefits of trials in shaping one's life and creating positive experiences.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad in one early he was so happy he married my dad, my dear brothers and sisters, Solomonic Welcome to Lahore barakato.

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So Tom DeLay, it's been

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quite an eventful couple of weeks for me. As you guys know, I was in Malaysia, Singapore and Philippines. And then just recently actually just came back from Montreal, I arrived about,

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what, an hour and a half ago and home to LA.

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And I want to share a couple of experiences with you before we get into tonight's halaqa about sort of inshallah, and it's about this very concept that Allah subhanaw taala talks about in the surah. You know, a lot of the times when I travel around, one of the first questions I get asked is, you know, how do you manage to travel around? You know, isn't it burdensome upon you? How does your family handle it? You know, how is your wife still married to, you know, those sort of things. And, you know, for the most part, I don't have like a real and honest, genuine answer for them. And a lot of the times, I just think about this very, you know, suta itself, where Allah subhanaw taala, he

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keeps mentioning that, you know, after every hardship comes ease, and he asked the prophet shall I send them, no data, almost panatela not expand your chest to make things easy for you. And I feel that, you know, this is what happens a lot of the times of my life, and I want to share with you something, you know, very specific

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from this last trip, you know, as you guys know, my father has been sick for quite some time. So I went to go see him in the hospital. And he was actually changed, he changed his room this time around. And he was with a lady that has been in the hospital, for the last five months, she's been in the hospital for the last five months, and three times a week, she gets hooked up to the, to a dialysis machine, where the, you know, change her blood for five hours, three times a week. And if you were looking at this lady's arms, like on both sides of her arms, it's just massive, massive bruising, because of how many needles and things they've had to put inside of her arms. And I

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thought to myself, Subhanallah you know, what a difficult life that is one of the difficult that is that you can't leave the hospital, you have to stay there all the time. And you know, three times a week for five hours each time, the 15 hours each week, you just have to sit to a chair with your arm out. And a machine has to like, you know, transfer your blood and change your blood panel. So as I was talking to the lady, you know, I was just asking her, you know, how do you get through this? How do you get through this, you know, it's such a difficult life, like my dad's, you know, been in the hospital now, I think for about like, seven days. And he's like, on the verge of crying, you know,

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it's like, I can't stay here anymore. You know, I miss your mom's cooking. And,

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you know, I'm like, Don't worry, and Shelley will be out of here soon, everything's gonna be fine. So as the lady and I'm like, how did you manage to stay in the hospital for so long? And she's like, you know, I believe the Almighty has something in store for me. She was like a very practicing Christian, when I thought to myself supine Allah, you know, when you look at this concept of believing in God, regardless of whatever, or whoever that that God is, people need to believe in God. Because if you can imagine that, if people do not believe in God, they have nothing to look forward to. They have no concept of hope, no concept of fear, no concept of morality, whatsoever.

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And I thought to myself supine Allah, in Allah subhanaw taala. Even logically, he proves his existence through our need for this, you know, type of emotion. And I found it in the, in that instance with this woman.

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You know, unfortunately, she only spoke like, French and, you know, my French is okay, she's not the best. So I couldn't give her like too much power and stuff. But that was like a big, you know, lesson for me that, you know, in the sense, Allah subhanaw taala has blessed us with so much, you know, we don't have to go to the hospital on a regular basis. When was the last time any of us was in the hospital, right? And the fact that we're out able to breathe able to in our own kidneys transfer our own blood is a big blessing from Allah subhanaw taala. Now, let's get into this very soon that we'll be discussing tonight, which is social insurance. It is Surah number 94.

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It was narrated from the student of Abdullah bin Abbas by the name of Bauhaus. And likewise, Omar bin Abdulaziz that they considered pseudo Tolin shut off a continuation of Soto Doha. So when they would recite the Koran, they would recite from solo to Doha, all the way till the end of SoTL. inshallah, they considered it one surah. And one of the clearest evidences of this opinion is the fact that Allah subhana wa tada uses the same style of language so and so to do you notice that Allah subhana wa Tada. He says, Let me educate your team and for our did Allah subhanaw taala not find you as an orphan and you will grant you the support that you need it. And then finally to Allah

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He starts off this very soon in the exact same manner by saying, I'm not sure of La Casa de la. So it's a continuation in the language style. Now the majority of scholars they were of the opinion that it is not a continuation of

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But it is, in fact, a completely different and separate sutra. What they did agree upon, though, however, is that this was the very next sutra revealed after sort of Doha. So who remembers in terms of the sequence? What number was sort of the Doha? Who remembers when was sort of the Doha revealed? What place? Was it in terms of Revelation, number wise?

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And you want to remember sort of

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what number was it

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clearly wasn't the first sort of revealed, so you can eliminate that from the law. It wasn't the last sort of revealed. So you have 112 options now.

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Number three, no, wasn't number three. I'll give you another hint. It was from the McCune sutras from very, very early on very, very early on.

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Fourth, no, we'll take one more guess, Ibrahim, you want to give the last guests.

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No, the scholar said that it was either number 12 or number 13. They said it was the 12th or the 13th Sutra revealed to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And the wisdom behind that was that Allah subhanaw taala was establishing for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his exclusive love and telling him how to deal with hardships. So that is why a sutra like sort of the Doha needed to be revealed so early. And then you will notice that the exact same theme continues in social insurance, this concept of bringing about ease and how Allah subhanaw taala will always be there to support the Messenger of Allah. So if that was number 12, this was number 13. Or

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if it was number 13, then this is Surah. Number 14, then this is Surah. Number 14. Now if you look inside sort of Doha, you'll notice that sort of Doha, a lot of it deals with the life of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam, pre revelation did Allah subhanaw taala not find you as an orphan that Allah subhanaw taala did not find you as someone who is poor, there are lots of hundreds or not find you as someone who did not have any support. All of that is pre revelation. Now when we start talking about certainly inshallah, this surah even though it is the very next surah it starts talking about his life, post revelation, it starts talking about his life post revelation. So now

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let's get into the linguistics of this surah and the very first verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, I'm not sure of the Casa doc.

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Over here, if you look at this, if you were to translate it, the you know, literally and verbatim it would say that did we not expand for you, your chest do not expand for you, your chest. Now here Allah subhana wa Tada. He brings the term lukka the preposition laka forward, right? Because in traditional Arabic or normal Arabic, if you want to call without any, you know,

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I guess further beautification. It should read lm National sadhaka luck. Like did we not expand for you, we do not expand your chest for you. But here I was fine with Allah, He brings forward the lucky. So here he does duck Diem of luck to indicate something very exclusive over here. And this is what we call the toxis. To show exclusivity. Now what is this exclusivity that was given to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? It was the fact that Allah subhanaw taala expanded his chest without him asking for it. So now let's get into this concept of expanding one's chest. What does it actually mean? So the scores of the series actually different. Let's start off with the

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minority opinion. First, the minority opinion they stated is that when Allah subhanaw taala, expanded the chest of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It was when jabril came and physically opened the chest of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it is authentically reported that this happened at least twice in his life. It happened once when he was a young child, four or five years old when he was under the care of haleema idea that he was outside playing with the kids and the angel Gabriel came and he opened the chest of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam. And he took a black dot out of the heart of the Messenger of Allah wa sallam,

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and He cleansed it with Zamzam. Then this happened a second time before the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went for a liselotte well marriage. Now we want to look at what is the wisdom behind Allah subhanaw taala during the opening of the chest of the messenger of Lhasa Salaam and these two particular instances, the first instance when the Messenger of Allah Salaam is the child, the wisdom behind that is to indicate to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the rest of the people that this is not an ordinary young boy anymore. This is someone very special, someone very exclusive, preparing himself and preparing the people that this is the

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Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. then number two is that before the surah was Miraj, what is the wisdom behind opening his chest at that time, the wisdom behind opening his chest at that time is what we call the shock factor, what we call the shock factor. Now why we call it the shock factor is because if you look at this journey of Alyssa Mirage

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It's filled with so many unnatural, unnatural supernatural events. So for example, the messenger bot says I'm traveling from Mecca to Jerusalem, you know, on this animal known as El Barak that travels literally, you know, as fast as the eye can see. So that is one. Number two is that he is ascending up to the heavens, and he's going to see what is happening in the heavens, he's going to see the punishment of the Hellfire is going to converse with Allah subhanho wa Taala. He's going to see the other prophets and lead them in prayer. All of these are supernatural events. So now when the messenger mushroom already survives, you know, his chest being open, his heart being brought out,

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then the shock factor is much less, because it's like if I can survive through this, with the lights on I can survive through anything that is coming my way. So that is the first opinion. And just as a side point on this, the scholars of civil actually mentioned that there was a third time where the heart of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was opened. And in terms of change of narration, I'm not going to mention it, because it seems like it is a very weak narration. But it is mentioned in the books of Sierra that there was actually a third incident where the heart or the chest of the messenger of Lhasa Salaam was open. So this is the opinion of the minority, when they

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say, like a solder. They said that this means that Allah subhanaw taala, opened his chest, expanded it to Cody's heart and cleansed his heart and placed it back and then a symptomatic of the Allahu anhu. He says that as a young boy, I could see the scars still on the chest of the messenger of losses from from where Allah subhanaw taala sent jabril to open his chest, the second opinion, and this was the opinion of the majority of them of our city, and it seems closer to the linguistic style of what Allah subhanaw taala is trying to achieve in this verse, and that is that did we not bring your heart at ease, do not bring your mind to ease or Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So

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this is what lm national la casa doc means according to majority that did not bring your heart to ease and will not bring your mind to ease they will not bring your heart and mind to ease. Now you'll notice that Allah subhana wa tada he actually uses the exact opposite in the Koran. So when the Quraysh were taunting and cursing the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah subhanho wa Taala he mentioned that what occurred Nana, Mo and Anna who have a look at Nana, Mo,

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and who you deal with satoko be Maya Kowloon, that indeed, we know that your chest becomes congested and constrained due to what they are saying. So here Allah subhanaw taala use the exact opposite. And obviously when the chest constraint, again, that isn't literal, but it is metaphorical. And similarly, over here, similarly, over here as well, this is a metaphorical usage of the term chest being expanded meaning that we put your heart and mind at ease.

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Now, what is Allah subhanaw taala putting his mind and heart at ease from that is what we want to come and get at with the lights. And we'll get to that in the second and third verses. So unless I know it's either he continues on and he says, We're gonna anchor with luck, and we have lifted from you the burden we have lifted from you the burden. So in the Arabic language, when you say what this actually means to place something. However, when you add the term an after it, rather than placing, it means to remove now It means to remove now, now the term wizard over here, wizard is actually something very, very burdensome. So in the Arabic language, you'll use the term wizard, and you'll

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use the term hammann. Both of these things are a type of burden that a person will carry the difference between wisdom and Hamill is that hammann is something that an individual can carry, he will struggle to carry it, but he will be able to carry it. However, when the term wizard is mentioned, it means that this burden that you're carrying is out to destroy you. It's out to you know, make it impossible for you to carry this burden. And this is why I was honored Allah continues on and the very next verse, the one Allah V, uncover hudec, which was weighing down on your back, uncover over here, literally, it means to break something to negate something to you know, negate

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its presence, and lianca meaning that it was about to break your back and again, not literally, but meaning the spirits of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So now what was it that was causing him all of this hardship and it was causing him to have grief, the scars of the fear, we actually came up with a group of four things that were causing grief to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said, It is a combination of these four things that Allah subhanaw taala protected the messenger of those who saw them and brought his heart and mind to ECE number one was his own search for the truth, his own search for the truth. So let's find out and he

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mentioned the very previous surah we

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What's your Nan vida? Did Allah subhanaw taala not find you misinformed? And he granted you guidance. So when the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam used to go to the cave, he was seeking guidance from Allah subhanaw taala, that, you know, where am I headed? What is the purpose of my life? What am I going to do? Why am I here? So here, that constraint that was there was the message of all sorts of them trying to find the truth. And as an individual who seeks the truth, you know, when you look at the story of converts, they always tell you that when they accept Islam, it's as if this burden has been lifted from them, it's as if this burden has been lifted from them. Similarly,

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when an individual finds the truth, it is the exact same experience. So before finding the truth, there's congestion and constraint. And then after the truth, there is no vastness and openness. Number two, they mentioned was the state of the society itself, the state of the society itself, that you look at the corporation, and Allah subhanaw taala had blessed them to be the keepers of the Kava, they were responsible for the Hajaj, yet there was so much evil advice taking place in that community and the Messenger of Allah salam, he knew he had to do something about it even before Prophethood so that is why we look at the handful for don't helpful for donors for that very concept

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itself, that we were going to contribute to the society of NACA itself even before Prophethood. Then after prophet owed, it would, you know, it just became a lot better, you know, by the father level must know Tada. So the second thing that was bothering him was the state of his people. And then once Allah subhanaw taala made him a messenger made him a prophet, Allah subhanho wa Taala guided the people to Islam through him. And the ultimate guidance was one the fact of Makkah happened that the vast majority of the people of Mecca, accepted Islam on that day. The third thing that was causing the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam strife was the preservation of the Quran

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was the preservation of the Quran and its protection. So you will notice in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala. He tells us about the Quran that he has revealed upon you a heavy, heavy speech, Colin subpoena a speech that is very, very burdensome. And Allah subhana wa tada says about the Quran that had Allah subhanho wa Taala sent it down upon a mountain than even the mountain would have crumbled out of fear of Allah subhana wa Tada. So it means that the one that is going to carry this quarter on needs to be stronger than the mountain. And this is something that was burdensome upon the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but then Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed

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to the Messenger of Allah wa sallam that don't worry about repeating the Quran frequently, we are the ones who are going to preserve it for you. We are the ones who are going to preserve the Koran for you. Then number four, number four, and this is perhaps the most burdensome one of them all that knowing you are the final and last messenger. You know, I think about this and I think supine Allah, can you imagine having this burden upon you, that you are the last messenger from Allah subhanho wa Taala, that if you fail at doing your job, humanity till the Day of Judgment is destroyed, like you don't get a heavier burden in your life? Yeah, I mean, it's fine, like you think Superman or Batman,

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you know, the bird shelters, the messenger allows us to them hide like a real burden, that you're responsible for guiding mankind, till the end of time. So whatever limited amount of time you have in this dunya it needs to be so effective, that this message needs to last till the Day of Judgment. And this was the very last thing that the scholars of Tafseer mentioned that this was something very, very burdensome upon the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And in terms of this last concept, again, Allah subhana wa tada through preserving the Koran will also preserve the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So it was written, you know, even before the Messenger of Allah

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Salallahu alaihe salam was born, that you know he would be successful in delivering his message he would be successful in delivering his message. Before we move on to the next set of verses I wanted to mention one last thing, and that was when does Allah subhanaw taala use the term expansion of chest in the Koran, and you'll notice that I noted the use of the term expansion of chest in the Koran four times as well. It is mentioned four times as well. It is mentioned in certain Anam. It is mentioned in short, Zuma. It is mentioned in Surah Taha, and it's mentioned in sort of sharp. Now when you look at the first to insert on an arm, and sure to Zuma, it is about how Allah subhanho wa

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Taala when he guides an individual to Islam, or if he wants to goodness for a person, he expands his chest to goodness mean that he creates openness for them. And the benefits you'll derive from this is that one of the ways that you will know for yourself that you're upon the truth is that in your own faith, you should not find constraint you should not be finding congestion. You should not be finding the religion of Allah subhanho wa Taala burdensome because by definition

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The religion of Allah subhanho wa Taala will not be burdensome. So if you are finding the deen burdensome, it means that you're doing something wrong. Then in the third verse, you find the dua of Musa alayhis salam, we ask Allah subhana wa Taala or Bishop Lee suddenly that Oh Allah expand for me, my chest, because he's going to throw around and pharaon keeps coming up with these bogus statements like another Bukola that I am your Lord, the Most Thai and he keeps saying these ridiculous things, and it bothers most at least enough that he knows that this is the truth. So is asking Allah subhanaw taala Oh, like spine, my chest, Grant me patience so that I can handle you

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know, the burden of giving power to the likes of Phil around. And then the last time is in this very soon. The last time is in this very soon. And this is something exclusive again to the Messenger of Allah, Allah that Allah subhanaw taala expanded his chest without me even asking for it. Whereas musala he said he needed to ask Allah subhanho wa Taala and then Allah subhana wa Taala expanded his chest for him. Another you know,

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I guess point of beauty from the Taka Diem of NACA from the Taksim of NACA. So now we move on to the to the next verse where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, what a final look at the clock that we have raised for you or Muhammad, your remembrance, and we have raised your fame. Hi.

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One of the great scholars of the amendment, Lucy, he mentioned three ways how Allah subhanaw taala raised the name of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam number one is that the name of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would be mentioned With the name of Allah subhana wa Tada. So when you're in the shower, it is mentioned With the name of Allah subhana wa tada when the line is given, it is mentioned With the name of Allah subhana wa tada in the Koran. It is mentioned With the name of Allah subhana wa Tada. Number two is that in obeying the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you have obeyed Allah subhanaw taala. So Allah subhanaw taala

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tells us in Salatu Nisa, verse number 80, that if you obey the messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so then you have indeed obeyed Allah subhana wa tada and you have indeed obeyed Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then number three, and Lucy also mentions that the sending of salah and Salaam you know, something exclusive to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that for the previous messengers, you just say you know, alayhi wa sallam, but when it comes to the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you actually have to send someone answer them upon the Messenger of Allah sarzana. So these are three ways that Allah subhanaw taala raised the

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remembrance of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is actually you know, if you look with you remember when we did sort of co author, we mentioned that at the end of the surah, Allah subhanaw taala says in Shani, who will observe that the one who curses you and the one who opposes you, He is the one that will be forgotten. And if you remember the context of that verse, it was when the Quran said that look, you know, all the male children of Mohammed Salah shalom have passed away his lineage to will die, and he will soon be forgotten. And the one that made this statement, unbelievable mahira He is the one that became completely forgotten, but rather Allah

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subhanaw taala used his own progeny to defeat the courage, no college, no need. He eventually accepts Islam and he becomes You know, one of the greatest generals of the Muslim army, right? So he is the one that got forgotten and Allah subhanaw taala raised the rank of the Messenger of Allah so Silla now in the modern day context, I mean, you could say this as well. But if you look at you know, the most popular baby names, and it seems like right now, you know, we are in baby season, I know at least like literally about 10 people that when this past week or every two weeks have had children, Mashallah to watercolor, that the most popular name of you know, babies across the world,

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the most popular name is Mohammed, you know, after you know, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Ellison's you could add this on to his perhaps number four, from emammal eleusis list. Then we move on to number five, we move on to verses five and six, where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, For in US law in a serious law, that indeed with hardship comes ease, and indeed, with hardship, comes ease. There's quite a few lessons to be derived from the set of verses. Number one is that when you look at the term hardship over here, Allah subhanaw taala uses the term.

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So hardship is definite. Right? So the hardship and then when Allah subhanaw taala uses the term ease, Allah subhanho wa Taala uses the term use run. So rather than having a lift and lamb at the beginning, it has the Queen at the end. And what it indicates over here is that the ease is indefinite. The ease is indefinite, meaning that for every limited hardship that you have, you will have an unlimited amount of ease that comes with it, you will have an unlimited amount of ease that comes with it. Now you'll notice Allah subhanaw taala he mentioned this concept twice. He mentioned this concept twice.

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from our previous discussions we've studied that when there is repetition in the Koran. Rather than saying that it is for emphasis, we see that a new meaning is derived from it that a new meaning is derived. Now you'll notice that this is one of these, one of the verses that the scholars say go against this rule, they say that these set of verses actually go against this rule. Because Allah subhanaw taala, he has established an infinite amount of meanings for these verses, by keeping ease as something which is Nikita meaning something which is not defined. So if you're going through one particular problem, Allah subhanho, wa Taala, has already sent an infinite amount of eases your way

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already before that hardship, after that hardship in this life and in the Hereafter, as well. So they said that this is one of the verses that potentially does go against that principle that we established that when there's repetition in the Koran, it's not for the sake of emphasis, but to establish a new meaning. This is one of the set of verses that goes against that rule. A third benefit that we get from these verses, a third benefit that we get from these verses, is that Allah Subhana, what's out and the very first verse, verse number five, he has the fact he mentioned the fact over here, for in the merciless law, the fair over here, is usually used for continuation. So

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if you look at the verse before it, what a final look at the clock, and then the verse that comes right after now for in a studio, sir, so here, Allah subhanaw taala, he mentioned that, you know, to prove this very point, that is, you know, do it right now. So in that during the time of the chorus, when they would curse, the Messenger of Allah says Allah, this would bother the Messenger of Allah says to them, and you know, they would say that he would be forgotten. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala, he mentioned, what a final look at the clock for in the Manga Studio so that we raised your name and raised your fame, because with that hardship that you had, the ease is already written for you, it's

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already destined for you, that you will be glad that you will be remembered and that your faith will be raised. So Allah subhanaw taala is saying that, you know, that is that that is coming towards your way is already written for you. And it is related to the previous point, which is in your name being raised and in your name being remembered. So these are three points that we can derive from these set of verses than when an individual looks at his hardship. Allah subhanho wa Taala sends so many eases his way. Now, this is something that, you know, in our day and age and more so than you know, previous times, people no longer know how to deal with their hardships, you know, you look at

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communal hardships, individual hardships, people no longer understand how to perceive them. And, you know, there's five simple things that I believe if we understand, they will help us cope with our difficulties, they will help us cope with our difficulties. Now what is the you know, aim we're trying to get to the local pub, and this is actually you know, one of my fondest memories from being in Medina.

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When I left Medina, I believe it was a Sunday or a Monday or Sunday or Monday, I can't remember right now. And that previous last Thursday, Sheikh Mohammed Matata, chocolaty,

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used to teach in the mysteries of the prophet SAW set up every Thursday nights between Muslims in Asia. And what was unique about his doodles and still is unique to the rose is that while he's teaching fifth, He always makes it a point, to have some sort of heart softening inside of his does, he always make some sort of hard, soft link inside of his does. And this is usually at the beginning, or more than likely at the conclusion. So at the conclusion of the dots, you know, he starts talking about hardships in individual faces. And at that time was a very difficult time for me that if you remember my story of you know, what was happening. When I was trying to come back to

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Canada, I was trying to get my books shipped, you know, at that time, and each passing week, gas prices are going up, and the shipping company keeps raising their prices. And no matter how hard I worked, I didn't have enough money to ship my books. Until eventually, you know, las panatela made a way out through the brothers that helped them number two, is that when I was leaving, for the, you know, it boggles my mind still until this day, but it took them one month to spell my name properly on my certificate. I don't know if I've told this story before. Have you told the story before? Let me tell you the story now. So when I filled out my application to the University of Medina, you have

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to fill it out in Arabic. So when you fill out the application, my name was Mohammed Aveda Aziz. So there is no V in the Arabic language. So the guy is like, you know what, we will put the fat with three dots. We're in modern day Arabic, that is the equivalent of the VI. So in handwritten, you have a file with three dots. That is the modern day VI. So when I take this to the registration

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office now after I've been accepted, I show him my application, he looks for fat with three dots on his keyboard. And I honestly think this is the first year they're ever using keyboards inside the registration office. So he spends like a good 10 minutes wild exaggeration, trying to find the flap with three dots on it. And you know, he's cursing the keyboard he's cursing,

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is like, I don't know where this V is. So he's like, you know what, we can't find the file with three dots on it, we'll do the next next thing. We'll do the file with two dots on it. So for six years of my life now, while I'm studying there, instead of Mohammed in the Vedas is my name becomes Mohammed Nikita.

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So now when I'm graduating, I'm like, Look, you know, for six years I've lived with this. They're doing roll call they're mentioned and messing up my name. But on my certificate, I need to get my name, right. So every single day after I've graduated, I'm going to this office, I live outside of the university, I'm no longer eligible for their free transportation or any of that, because I'm no longer a student. So each day, I'm paying money to take a cab to come to university and take money to pay money to go back, I would come he would tell me it's not ready. Half the time. He's busy drinking tea. Other time, he's just disappeared. I don't know where he is. And then the Finally,

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literally after 30 days have gone by, I walk into the room, and I'm about to say, you know what, you know, let's just go home, it's probably not even ready. He says, I'm glad tidings for you is like, oh, by sheer luck. And like what happened? He's like, your Shahada is like a lot walk. And like tears are coming down my eyes. Now I think he misunderstood why the tears were coming down my eyes, he thought it was over happy that I finally graduated, that moment happened 30 days ago, why I was so happy is that I would never have to deal with this individual again in my life.

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There was a big hardships. And then the third bigger hardship was, you know, leaving the city of the Messenger of Allah saw Sarah, you know, again, this is something that only if you've lived in the city of Salem, you would appreciate but there is a level of tranquility, a level of serenity, that you know, there's nothing that you could pay to purchase, you could go to the world's best resorts, you go to the Maldives go to you know, Australia, wherever you want, they will you will not find the serenity, like you find in the city of the porcelain. So now is leaving, you know, it just felt like it was as if I had done something to upset Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, and Allah subhanaw taala

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was like kicking me out of the city. So now all of this is going through my mind that very last Thursday, and here you have Sheikh Mohammed, methodically, talking about dealing with hardships. And he mentions this, a statement attributed trauma, blah, blah, blah. I know that he says that we as the Sahaba. When we were tried, we would thank Allah subhanaw taala for three things, we would thank Allah subhanaw taala for three things. Number one, that the trial was not in our Deen. Number two, that the trial was not as great as it could have been. And number three, that Allah subhanho wa Taala allowed us to keep our composure and to be patient that Allah subhanho wa Taala allowed us to

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be patient that we were thankful to Allah subhanaw taala for those trials. Now this, you know, takes you to a new level. Because generally when you talk about trials, you think about being patient, right? You don't attribute you know, gratitude to being tried. But here I'm going to macabre de la Han, who is saying that while the Sahaba were being tried, we would thank Allah subhanaw taala for three things, that it was not in our Deen. It was not as great as it could have been, and that Allah subhanaw taala allowed us to be patient. So now the question arises, how does an individual reach that state? And that's what I want to focus on. That if you look at the life of the Messenger of

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Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you will find these reoccurring themes that help the Messenger of Allah Shalom, help the companions and be the light Allah will help us cope with our trials as well. Number one is learning to expect trials, right? A lot of the times when trials come our way, become off guard, you know, they come while you're off guard, you're not expecting a trial to come. So when it strikes, it strikes hard, and you don't know what to do. So you have to learn to expect trials, in almost no to Allah created this life as a test and let me call a call moto one iota, the locum Akuma Allah that He is the one that created life and death to test you which one of you would be

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best indeed. And Allah subhana wa tada tells us hasi bernasconi konnyaku Amanda home life to this mankind think they will be left to say we believe and not to be tested. So you learn to expect those tests so you're prepared for it to be the lucky Tada. Number two is that tests are one of the ways that Allah subhanaw taala shows his love for his creation. Now this sounds very difficult to understand that why would Allah subhanaw taala manifest his love through tests. But if you look at the statement of the Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah subhanaw taala as Mr. Solomon says that the most tested of people were the prophets and messengers, and the rest

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And those that follow in their footsteps and those that follow in their footsteps. And there's another narration that mentions the when Allah subhanaw. taala wants good for a slave, he sends tests, the ways he sends tests their ways. Now how is this a manifestation of love? This is a manifestation of love, because what is the natural reaction? You know, the plane starts sinking? What do people naturally do, they start calling out Old Gods safely, right? So it naturally takes you back to Allah subhanaw taala. Whereas in times of prosperity, very easy to forget the last panel. In terms of difficulty, though, we naturally turn towards Allah subhanaw taala. And Allah

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subhanho wa Taala loves when we turn to Him, and He loves the slaves that turned to him. So one of the ways that Allah subhanaw taala manifests his love for us is by sending those trials or ways. Number three, is that these trials are a purification, there are purification of our data and luck and a purification of our sense. So the Messenger of Allah says Allah, He tells us that the slave of Allah is not pricked by a thorn, except that some of his sins are being forgiven. So the greater the hardship, the more your sins are forgiven, to such a degree that the narrations mentioned, that the slave will show up on the Day of Judgment, worried about the sins that he committed. And after

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looking at his good deeds, he fears that he does not have enough good deeds, and he feels that he is destroyed because of the sins he committed. And he starts remembering the certain sins that he did, maybe lying, maybe stealing, maybe looking at something hot on, and then Allah subhanho wa Taala, he tells the slave that you've been forgiven for all of your sins, due to the patience that you showed in this dunya. Likewise, in terms of our luck, an individual that has never been tried, very easy for him to become arrogant, very easy for him to become boastful. But when an individual is tested, he naturally becomes humble, he naturally has humility, number four, number four, the fourth

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benefit, or that we can derive from this is that trials show us the true nature of this dunya. Then when you think about this, dunya Allah subhanaw taala. He didn't create this dunya to be eternal, he created this dunya is a place of toil, as a place of hardship, right, and our eternal happiness is in the hereafter. So when people get too comfortable in this life, when they start making this dunya their agenda, Allah subhanaw taala since trials, there are ways to remind them that you're not in this dunya to stay forever, you're in this dunya for a limited amount of time so that you can work towards the actual within the heater. And then the fifth and last point, is that the help of Allah

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subhanaw taala is always near that when you look at the story of Eunice Ali Salaam, you'll notice that we tell the story to our kids, as if it is like a fairy tale as if it is a fable. You know, it's no lessons to be derived just purely for entertainment sake. But in reality, Allah subhanaw taala teaches us a very important lesson.

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Unit salesianum when he is devoured by that, well, you would think you know what his life is over. There's no way he's going to survive. But Allah subhanaw taala he tells us that Fernandez de la Mata La Ilaha Illa and

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Fernanda Dona Mati La Ilaha, Lanza panic and Nikita Nevada me that he called out in the depths of the darkness, that Oh Allah, there's no one worthy of worship except for you. And I've been from those that you know, oppressed themselves. So when he confessed to Allah subhanho wa Taala his sin and he relied upon Allah subhanho wa Taala how soon right after that did the last panel to Allah save Eunice Ali Salaam from the belly of the whale, right he says what can daddy can agenda humanism, okay, Daddy can agenda meaning that we saved Uncle Sam from that which was calling it causing him grief. And thus we shall save all of the believers as well. So the Lord that saved you

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the Sunday so that is going to be the same Lord that saves you as well. As long as you call out to Him and as long as you turn to him. So these are you know some of the ways of dealing with the hardships that Allah subhanho wa Taala sends us and that it is a promise from Allah subhanaw taala as documented right here in this very surah in the Quran, that with hardship comes ease that in your moment of hardship, just wait a little while because at ease is just around the corner that is is just around the corner. Now in concluding the surah Allah subhanho wa Taala he goes on to say for either for the fun sub while Arabic I forgot. So when you are finished with your occupation, and he

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comes Salama from from the castle, so when you're finished with your occupation, then devote yourself to Allah subhana wa tada for either for a minute when you have become free. Now this is what is interesting over here, that here the Messenger of Allah says Salaam is taught, when you become free. What is it that he's saying it will become free from what exactly? He says when you become free from giving power to the people. Then dedicate yourself to longing for Allah subhanho wa Taala and worshiping Allah subhana wa Tada. So Allah subhanho wa Taala had dictated how the life of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam would be in the daytime. It's giving

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To the people and in the nighttime standing to Allah subhanho wa Taala. That is how the life of the Messenger of Allah Salaam would be. Now, for an individual in our times you would think panela what a difficult life that is that in the daytime, all you are meant to do is give power to the people and in the nighttime. What you're meant to do is to stand up in prayer. Now, from our perspective, while that seems very difficult, Allah subhanaw taala made that easy for the Messenger of Allah, Allah, because he taught him how to have the right perspective. There. When you look at the life of the Messenger of Allah set up, his feet are swollen and cracked, I shut out the law. Juana asks him

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on messenger of Allah, Allah has forgiven you for your past and future sins. Why do you stand in Salah for so long, he says should not be a faithful slave to Allah subhanho wa Taala. thankful for what thankful for the things that Allah subhanaw taala has already given him in this life, that he made him a prophet and messenger blessed him with the Quran, blessed him with great companions blessed him with you know, a righteous family blessed him with all of these blessings. And at the same time, his faith was so high in the Hereafter, it was as if it already existed for him. So he's thanking him for all the things that Allah subhanaw taala will give him in paradise as well. So the

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Messenger of Allah says Allah, that is why he can so comfortably and easily say, with joy, that kurata it for Salah that the coolness of my eyes, my comfort zone, is when I'm in prayer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So it's about a matter of perspective and a person enjoying the task that they're doing. And they understand the reward and the consequences that are coming with their actions. And there's no better action than giving down to the people for each person that's guided, you get that reward. And in the nighttime, you're looking for strength to serve Allah subhanho wa Taala during the day, there's no app that you can do that will grant you more spiritual and emotional and

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physical strength as well within it other than standing up and praying to Allah subhanho wa Taala and then Allah subhanaw taala concludes by saying we're a lot bigger for that keep longing for Allah subhanaw taala keep hoping for Allah subhanho wa Taala keep that positive attitude. Now one of the narrations of the Hadith and bootsy Allah subhanaw taala he says in the narration, that I am as the slave thinks of me, I am as the slave thinks of me. So the individual he has positive thoughts about Allah subhanaw taala that is how Allah Spanos, Allah will interact with that slave, an individual has negative thoughts about almost Allah and that is how it was handled, the other will interact

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with that slave as well. So here last minute Allah is telling the Messenger of Allah says Allah keep longing for Allah subhanho wa Taala because as long as you keep longing to meet Allah subhanaw taala, Allah subhanaw taala will want to meet you as well. And this is perhaps one of the most important lessons in the sutra that you'll notice that one of the key distinctions between high demand and low Eman is our perception of Allah subhanho wa Taala and open innovation individual whose Eman depths, you know, they start thinking that Allah hates me. Allah wants to punish me, you know, Allah doesn't care for me. But the fact that Allah subhanaw taala has given you life, he is

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giving you another moment to repent is a clear indication that Allah subhanaw taala loves you. But Maisano has allowed you to seek knowledge. He loves you so much. I know Allah has allowed you to act upon that knowledge, he loves you even more. You know, last minute Allah has given us so many signs of His love. And as long as we keep longing for Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanaw taala will keep longing to meet us as well. So the slave of Allah should always have positive hopes of Allah subhanho wa Taala that even if you do something wrong, there is no one that can forgive you except Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this law is a Rahman and he is Rahim, the owner and essence of all

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mercy, and the one that displays the most amount of mercy as well. So keep having positive and high hopes in Allah subhanho wa Taala as Allah subhanaw taala commanded the Messenger of Allah says Allah and all of us as well, we're in our beaker for one of the other lessons that were you know, was derived from this is that even though the messenger of ostracism is being addressed in this verse, For either for the funds of that when you become free, you know, start worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala, while Arabic Africa and keep longing for Allah Spano, Donna, this is for, you know, our benefit as well, that as long as you're praying your five daily prayers Alhamdulillah that is a very

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good starting point. And then working on top of that yet, yes, you have to study you have to work you have to do all of those other things. But it is part of the human cycle that you will have free time. So in that free time, it's up to you to decide what you want to do with it. So what you want to try to do is that try to spend as much of your free time as you can, remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala This is like the you know, the the point of this verse VEDA for the fansub that when you become free, you know, remember all those panels and in that time, and it doesn't have to be, you know, purely just praying a purely

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reading Quran even if you interact with people in the right way, then this serves as a reminder, it serves as you know a way of getting closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala and a way of remembering Allah subhana wa tada and increasing our hope in Him. But the particulars of this verse are that when you have that free time, then spend it in praying to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So perhaps on the weekends when you have a chance to wake up or kiama late, anytime you have a day off we call procurement a naturally sometimes you will wake up in the middle of the night, and you can sleep rather than struggling with yourself to sleep. Trust me, this is a tried tested and true goal make will do pray

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to lock eyes by the time you're finishing the second marker, she does knock you out. You say Go back to sleep. I don't want you to pray. You know, this is like a natural thing. You'll fall back asleep in the light and like a baby. So you know, remember Allah subhanaw taala during those times, and almost penalty Allah knows best will open up the floor for three questions and answers and then we will call it a night delight. Tada. So we will take three questions in Sharla.

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Excellent, excellent. What was the first complete surah that was revealed? There is a difference of opinion on that there is no consensus on that. But in terms of the first set of verses, that is what there's pretty much agreement on that it was the verses of Soto Ladakh, but in terms of what was the first complete sort of revealed, that is a matter of difference of opinion, you know, sort of fact he has seems to have the the overwhelming majority on their site, but it's not something that's completely agreed upon. And Allah subhanaw taala knows best. Number two, question number two.

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It's very important

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to keep

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only one day. Excellent. Very good question. Very good question. So when you talk about, you know, celebrating certain days, it is very important to look at, you know, what are the things that the messenger of our system, and his companions did during those times, the scholars of Islam mentioned that any narrations that talk about the virtues of Raja, there are, in fact, all week. So let's find out he did create the month of Rajab, as a month which is from the asuran forum. There they are from the sacred months. However, what this verse means is that these are the verses these are the months that you're not allowed fighting in. And these are the months that sin is magnified in that you

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know, if you commit a sin, it's not like committing sin and the rest of the other months, as well. However, in terms of practicing certain deeds, like waking up for pmla, or tahajjud, or fasting on certain days, there's no authentic narrations that talk about that. And it is better to stay away from doing those things. So we treat the month of Rajab, just like the rest of the months. So when individually, so fast Mondays and Thursdays or every alternate day, he continues that in our job as well. However, if we didn't do that outside of our job, that he shouldn't do it specifically inside of our job as well. And Allah subhanaw taala knows best. Third and last question anyone?

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Going once going twice, go ahead.

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Right. So yeah, the ease that has been mentioned is not restricted to this dunya alone, right, the ease of the individual that's being monitored, the biggest issue we'll get is in the ACA, right. So that is what I must find what that is referring to that it's very general, and it's not restricted to this dunya but it encompasses the ACA as well. And Allah subhanaw taala knows best. So we'll conclude with that panicle Domino become like a shadow law in the highlands. a stockbroker or a to a lake.

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