Navaid Aziz – 08 Tafsir Juz E Amma Surah Tafsir Al Feel

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The speakers emphasize the importance of preparing for the end of time and protecting city while acknowledging the need for individuals to address their weaknesses. They also touch on authentic narrators and the importance of considering the chain of narrations when analyzing a story. The speaker emphasizes the need for individuals to address their weaknesses and address "offensive culture" and "offensive culture" in order to achieve their goals.
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Similar to him, he didn't have the Lila hinomoto to stay in a Honda stuff. When I was hoping that he would surely proceed I would say yeah try Nina. Maria de la Fernando de la vida de la, la la la la la la la sharika wa shadow under Mohammed Abdullah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira ama bad, my dear brothers and sisters celebrar la cuando La Habra cattle,
you will have to forgive me for the way that I sound, as you can tell, I have a quote. So bear with each other in a trailer. So we continue with our tafsir of throttle field, we continue with our F Zero SoTL field, baby lightoller. In order to understand throttle field, there's another story in the core art you sort of need to know first, and that is the story of us. haben Oh, dude, are the people of the trench or the people of the ditch. And what happened in this story? It is sort of number 85 in the courtyard sort of Butch Wallace minute Allah talks about these people that were thrown into a ditch and they were burnt alive. I mean, unless I know that explains what the
reasoning was behind this. And the reasoning behind this was, well, Morocco with whom Allah you know, Bella Elizabeth, that they didn't, you know, have a reason to kill these people, except for the reason that they believed in Allah subhanho wa Taala.
Now, what happened in the story was that you had a polytheist King by the name of doing the worse, and Hungary doesn't know us and Hungary. He was a polytheist ruler that burnt these Christians alive. He birthed these Christians alive, every cathedra. He will law, he mentioned that there were approximately 20,000 of the 20,000 of them.
And all these 20,000 only one managed to stay alive, only one manage to stay alive. And he fled from Yemen. This is what was happening. It was in Yemen.
This man, he now flees from Yemen, and he goes all the way to a sham. He goes to a shop, where Caesar is the ruler of a ship, and he is a Christian ruler as well. So explain to him what has happened at all the Christians in Yemen. They've been burnt your life they've been killed. So Caesar, he sends a letter now to Abyssinia where the ruler has this title of under joshy. So we'll be referring to the joshy and realize that what he was this title and the joshy. It is not the same as the joshy that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam refers to but rather This is just the title that is given to the ruler of Abyssinia. So the ruler of Abyssinia who is a Christian as well,
he receives this letter, and he decides to take action. He says I will descend two armies. One army is an army of them I have a man by the name of Allah yet one army is by the army of my mandate audience. And his second RB is the army of a man named Abra. A second is the army of a man named Abraham. So now these two armies, they make their way from ABCD all the way up to Yemen. And they start looking for the West and Hungary. They find those of us in Hungary and they kill him. Now since both of the armies captured them, there wasn't heavily together. They decided, you know what we will rule Yemen together, we will rule Yemen together. And this is what they did. And as time
goes on what happens when you have two rulers, disputes will begin they begin fighting amongst themselves. So the two leaders of the army are yet at Abra. They decide you know what, there's no point our armies fighting one another. So what we will do is we will have a duel be against you. Whoever wins he gets control of Yemen. So are they attack Abra they go outside of Yemen, our outside of the the main city that they're in, and they have a deal. Now look at the the treachery here, Sinaloa the original agreement is that it will be a one on one fight a one on one fight. So what ends up happening is our yet he gets the upper hand on abraha. He actually cuts him and it is almost
as if Abra is about to lose what ends up happening. abre has bodyguard he steps in and he kills idiots from behind. So while it's a one on one battle, the bodyguard steps in and he kills him from behind. And abraha he ends up winning. Now when Abra ends up winning. That is how he gets control of Yemen. And this is how the abyssinians they got control of Yemen through Abra winning this battle over Elliot, and now he is the sole ruler of Yemen. Now listen to this. And then he finds out that this is what happened. That's two of his armies, both everything is before to one another. He is extremely upset. He sends a letter to
Abraham and he says I'm going to come and tread on the soil and cut off your nasiha and now see if you don't understand is the
luck in the front. And generally in custom, the people of the past, they used to keep this part covered up, because it was a normal part of the body, it was a secret part of the body. Now Abra, he's an intelligent and cover man, he knows if he comes, he's going to lose his position in Yemen. So what does abre do, he sends a bag of soil to the joshy. And with it, he cuts off a part of his nasiha. So he tells
Jesse the letter, he says, and the joshy, I would never want you ever to break one of your words. So here I give you the soil of Yemen, walk upon it, and pick up my nasiha. So that you would be true in your words, that you would come and do this to me, why would not want you to be humiliated. So now at least he's on equal terms within the gesture and the gesture, he doesn't hate him anymore. He's given him in his Nexia. Now, the second thing that
Abra decides to do you know what, let me win over the love of the joshy let me win over the love of the joshy. What does he decide to do? He says, I will build a church, the Lake of which while he comes after the Lake of which you have never seen before. And he starts building this monstrosity of a church, I mean, an absolute monstrosity, the likes of which has never been seen before. And they call this monstrosity of a church alkalis. Now alkalis, it comes from the name alkalis, that it was so high, so big of a monstrosity, that if you're wearing something to cover your head, it would fall off your head. And that is where the name of the coolest comes from. That that is how large it was.
Now, Alberto wants to appease in the gesture even more, he says, You know what, in the joshy, this will be your legacy. We're going to tell the people all around this, that this annual pilgrimage that you make the heights, you're no longer going to make it at the Kaaba, but rather you're going to come to this building known as alkalis. And you're going to make the hedge over here, you're going to make the hedge over here. So they start spreading this announcement. And what do you think happens? Now I know Remember, this is has nothing to do with this number, because imposter syndrome isn't even born yet. But rather, this is a purely Arab sentiment. The Arabs of that time, they're
the ones known for Hajj, and they got extremely upset. And there were two major incidents that took place that caused agrahara to go and attack the Kaaba. Now these incidents, the first of them is hilarious. You would think that this is like a prank that you would see in our times. One of the Arab kids he hears about, you know, them saying that they don't want to go to the Kaaba for Hajj anymore. So what does he do? He goes inside this church, pulls down his pants deprecates inside the church, desecrates the walls, and he disappears in the middle of the night, not knowing who did it. They couldn't find anyone but then you would have to be one of the Arabs. Second incident, some of
the Shabaab some of the young kids of the chorus come, and they come inside this church in the middle of the night, and they light a fire, and it is a windy night. So this fire, it lights very quickly, and it spreads very quickly. Lo and behold, this monstrosity that was built is now burnt down. And this is what strikes abre has anger. He says How dare the courage to do this. Now the coalition members were caught. But the people saw them leaving and they recognize them that they were the courage. Now this is important thing to remember if you remember from our previous lecture, we'll talk about pseudo courage. We said that the chorus was not every word that he went, because
they were the inhabitants of Makkah. They were the Jago the Ashraf they were the local people of Makkah. So people would recognize them wherever they would go. So this is how they got recognized because they were the Salafi. They were the quote unquote, normal people that burnt this church down. Now abre, he sends a letter to the joshy. He says in the joshy, this great legacy that they wanted to build for you. The people burnt it down, it has been destroyed. And the joshy he sends a one man army. This one man army is one known as Mahmoud. And when they've moved over here, though the booth by booth is an enormous, a mammoth or an elephant. It's not even a man. It's a gigantic
elephant. And he described that it was an abnormal size that you would compare it to the other elephants of its time. And it will make it seem as if the elephants are just babies and infants in front of it. This is how big Muhammad was. And Muhammad he has played a very significant role towards the end of the story. So remember who made this. So now along with Muhammad Abra, he brings six, eight or 12 other elephants with Muhammad, and the plan is they're going to go to the Kaaba, they're going to tie up the camels with iron chains, and hook this iron change to the walls of the cabinet the bricks of the Kaaba, and each elephant is to pull back the opposite way so that they
would break down the Kaaba brick by brick wall by wall so that none of it would remain and that is why they have these enormous elephants. Now the story continues, and abraha he starts making his way towards Mecca. And one of the first places
stops he has his in this area known as hottub. This area known as Qatar. And what happens in Qatar, you have this individual by the name of the file, even Habib, remember this name the filing of the Hadith, because he too will play a significant role. At the end of the story, no fail no habit. Though the fader widow Habib, He is the Lord, the leader of the army of Qatar, they want to stand their ground and defend the Kaaba, and he tried to add most best, but it was the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala, that this army of the failures of Habib and hatami, they will be defeated at the failure of the Habib would be taken as a captive. So now eventually they move on. And they finally
get to a point. They're just around Becca, another five? What do bird was the piece of the pie for the tribe of five? What do they do? They say, Oh, abraha we will give you whatever you want. But please don't harm our God don't cover like leave our God alone. Now when you read this incidence of Allah, could you not tell the futility of this God? Like this, God needs to be defended by human beings, and it's unable to defend itself. In fact, it had to be ransom that to give a large amount of their wealth and so on. There's so many lessons in the story that you know, will derive later on. But this is a comedian one, that here they see the futility of shit, the thing that they're
worshipping, they're seeing the futility of it. Not only can they not speak not only can I not hear, but it's even unable to defend itself. What is the point of a God that cannot defend itself. So now as a human being if you come in danger, who is going to come and defend you, it won't be your God, you're stuck, you're stranded. It shows you the futility of what you worship. It shows you the futility of what you worship. So now, they give them all of this wealth, all of these treasures, all of these capitals, anything that they need, but O'Keefe gave it to them. Now they move on to the next point. Now they're reaching really, really close to Mecca. They're reading really, really close
to Mecca, in an area called a local homeless and Alamo homeless is literally the outskirts of Mecca. And what Americans used to do is they would take their camels and go and graze them in a limo campus. So Abdulmutallab, he had 200 cameras that were grazing animal cameras. So now abraha, with his army we come to and lo and behold, 200 cameras and many other things. They take control of them, they take control of them, and that is where they camp that is where they camp. So Abra he sends a messenger to Makkah, and he says, Go and get the leader of the koresh and tell him that as long as they don't stop me from destroying the Kaaba, I will not attack them, as long as they don't stop you
from destroying the Kaaba, I will not attack them. So, this messenger he comes in, he finds his individual body towards the metallic and Abdulmutallab, he hears this message of the messenger that we will not attack you as long as you don't stop us from attacking the Kaaba and Abdulmutallab. He says, You know what, we have no power to defend the cabinet anyways. So go ahead and do what you're going to do. So this messenger, he takes up the majority of people hashing back to abre, and of the Taliban to Hashem, when he sees my Abra Abra is extremely impressed. That here you have this tall, handsome, you know, standing up straight looking man, here he is coming. And then Abra says, what is
it that you desire? What is it that you desire? Now, what is the logical thing that he's going to ask for? What is the logical thing he's would ask What are you what do you think of the last word?
Leave the Kabbalah that should be the primary request that you know the correlation in charge of the Kaaba, please leave the Kaaba alone. But what does he do? He says, Oh, abraha Please, just return to me my 200 camels just returned to me my 200 cameras, and Abra he responds at this time, he says, You know what, you you had you not spoken because I held you in some sense of dignity. And now you're not even worth the feat, that before you smoky with intelligent man, but now that you've spoken I've seen you know how stupid you people actually are. Sabra he says, You know what, you guys are such a foolish people. Take your camels, and he gives him his camels back
of the muttalib. He goes to the doors of the Kaaba, he goes to the doors of the Kaaba, and he hangs onto the the circle that major, you know, normal of the door of the Kaaba, and he hangs on to it. And he says, oh, Allah, the people right now are only concerned about their own or their own wealth, and their own camels. And here you are, this is your house, just like the people are defending their cows that they are worried about their capitals. we plead you and we beseech you, please take care of your house. Please take care of your house. And this is what he pleaded with Allah subhanho wa Taala that abraha and sorry, then, Abdulmutallab, he goes up to the mountains and he tells the
people of course, go up to
The mountains abandon the Kaaba, you know, it's not our responsibility anymore. So the Quraysh they leave Mecca and the Kaaba is open. You know it's Free Territory. You can imagine like imagine this from a sports perspective. This is like the final minute. The goalie has been pulled. You have an open net. All you need to do is get the the puck or the soccer ball inside the net. That's all you need to do. abraha in his arrogance, he says, You know what? They've left. We'll do this in the morning. We don't need to do it tonight. Let us relax, let us chill. morning time Carlos. Lo and behold, the adverb of Allah subhanho wa Taala cups. Allah subhanho wa Taala says upon the birds. Now
look at these words, the actual descriptions, the scholars different would agree the words with a blackbirds, but they agree that they were birds from the sea, they were not regular birds. So there are birds that were predators, they were birds that were predators. And these birds, they came with three stones, one stone in its beak and one stone each in one of its claws. And they came one by one pelting the people, pelting the people and the facility, they mentioned what were these pellets like these pellets were so strong that when they would hit it individual, they would come out to the other side, they would come out to the other side. So it goes through his head and it exits from his
backside. That is the exact narration that some of the people mentioned, that is exactly narration that some of the people mentioned. And not everyone was killed. So panela here is you know, the wisdom of Allah subhanaw taala. Not every member of Abra has army was killed. And abre, in fact, was one of those people that he was not killed, but rather, foot by foot, step by step, meter by meter kilometer by kilometer, the birds kept on following abraha until he got back to Yemen kept on pelting him each way each unit of the way. And it's not you know the same bird that is coming with different stones. But rather each time Allah is sending a different bird that is sending a stone
approximately. And just pelting it, so much so that the skin starts to you dissolve off of his body, and his bones start to be shown so much so that when he gets to Yemen, and he starts telling them this the story of what happened, his heart physically, it falls out of his chest, his arm physically falls out of his chest, and that is when he dies just as he finishes the story. And that is how Abraham passed away. That is how abraha passed away. Now that in summary is the story of Enfield. Now I was telling you about my mood I was telling you about the mood. This was the critical point. That how it was not only the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala sent these birds, but when it was
time that they were leading al Mahmoud to go to the cabin to destroy the Kaaba. This is when that man that I told you about Nephilim to Habib, he comes to the ear of Mahmoud. And he says all Mahmoud, you are the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And you are now in a sacred land. So do that which would be pleasing to your Lord do that which would be pleasing to your Lord. So at that time, as they would try to take Mahmoud to the Kaaba, he would refuse, he would sit down, but they tried to take him a sham, he would get up and walk, they try and came back to me, he would get up and walk. So what do they do? They start getting
other people to pull on bamboo, try to drag him, that doesn't work. He can't move. They try attack attaching him to the other elephants that are with them. But it still doesn't move. What do they do now they start getting hooks to hooks with each other, or being stabbed into the mood. And then the elephants are dragging towards the Kaaba and hopes that Mahmoud will start walking. Muhammad still doesn't walk and that this is how you realize that how monstrous of an animal Muhammad actually was. That even with 12 elephants that are six elephants, the minimal number that we each had two hooks in sitemapnode. And they're dragging towards the Kaaba and Mahmoud is still not budging. It shows you
how strong and bigger an animal that mode was. And then finally, Muhammad he gets up and he goes back, he walks out on his own and he hurries back and he leaves the cabinet. So that is how the cabinet didn't get destroyed. And it was through the birds that Allah subhanho wa Taala defeated abroad was through the birds that Allah subhanho wa Taala defeated abre now that you understand the gist of the story, let us go into the actual Tafseer of the surah let us go into the actual Tafseer of the surah. So let's hang on with Allah He starts off the story or the sutra by saying and then thought okay, for five years have been filled. Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the orders
of the elephant? Now important thing to mention over here? Why does Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned lm Tara, Have you not seen how Allah subhanho wa Taala dealt with the people of the elephant? Who can answer this question for me? Why does unless I know what Allah say, Have you not seen how Allah subhanaw taala dealt with the elephant, keeping in mind that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not born yet or if he was born, he was only a couple of months old, so he clearly did not see this. So why is Allah subhanho wa Taala starting off with Have you not seen how Allah dealt with the people of the elephant?
Is metaphorical explained?
Don't you know this knowledge? certainty?
So don't you know this knowledge for certainty as if though you had seen it? So that's a very good point. So that the strongest level of certainty is that what you see with your own eyes. So someone who hears something will not be as someone who is who sees something, he won't be as good as someone who sees it. So here listen, I know it down that says Be as certain as someone who saw this event, that is one interpretation of it, but there's a more obvious interpretation of it. Go ahead.
Excellent. They're here. Allah subhanho wa Taala is not addressing the Messenger of Allah says send them specifically, but rather he is addressing the courage that this is their invitation to Islam, that did you not see how Allah subhanho wa Taala defended the Kaaba, you physically witnessed it, that our Malmo did not move, and that was my new data, set these birds to destroy the army of Abra would you not then worship Allah subhanho wa Taala will not then worship Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. And then there's a third interpretation of this. There's a third interpretation of this is that in fact, it is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that is being addressed in
the suta, it is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam that is being addressed in the sutra and this goes along the metaphorical meanings or the allegorical meanings, that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam is being taught that in the early stages, remember this is being revealed in the time of Makkah, what's happening during this time, the companions are being persecuted, they're being killed. The Messenger of Allah Sanam is being mocked and abused. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling him and reminding the Messenger of Allah, that just like we protected the Kaaba, we will protect you don't worry, the Kaaba, you know, it had that challenge, but unless I know what Allah
gave victory to his people give victory to the Kaaba, similarly, he will give you victory as well, if you just show a bit of patience, if you just show a bit of patience, and it shows you some panela how each person has a significant rule that this individual will fail of the Habib, you think that his insignia is captured, but he is the one that came and whispered to my mood and my mood. He comes all the way from Amazonia all the way from Amazonia to Yemen. Anyone from Yemen goes to Makkah and from Mecca, when he turns away, he doesn't listen to abre that is a moral defeat, that this great courageous, you know, army within of itself that Abra came with, he refused to listen to its own and
listen to refuse to listen to its master, and there's a moral defeat that took place. So similarly, it shows that Allah subhanho wa Taala he is ultimately ultimately in control. And just like how he defended the Kaaba, he will defend you all Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then Allah subhanho wa Taala he goes on to say, and Amir al Qaeda home feel badly that did Allah subhanho wa Taala not turn their plan and turn it into misguidance. And in the exact translation? Did he not make their plot go astray? Did he not make their plot go astray? The important lesson to derive from over here is how the plot of Allah subhanho wa Taala will always be victorious. This is why you see in the
Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells us throughout very very various verses while macatawa Mercado la Wa La halal marketing that they planted in plant and Allah subhanho wa Taala potted plant and Allah subhanho wa Taala is the best of plotters and planners. So this shows you that if you try to have a plot against Allah subhanho wa Taala not only will you lose is a guarantee, but Allah subhanho wa Taala will make your whole plot astray and it will be go against you. So not only did it finish neutral, but rather you will finish humiliated and disgraced. And this is why Allah subhanaw taala again, he talks about the disbelievers he talks about the transgressors. And how Allah
subhanho wa Taala he turns their Cade, he turns they're plotting and planning for Allah that He takes it into misguidance he takes it into misguidance. Then the third verse where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Will our Salah lay him for urine adorabile Ensenada him pylon Abadi, so did Allah subhanho wa Taala not send upon them, birds that were about being that were about being? Now this is an interesting word over here about being what does it actually mean? Now again, you would think that the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu they knew the Arabic language they were raised in this they were with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, yet you look at the word about being, and
you'll find many, many different meanings of it. One of the meaning is that the birds came in groups. One of the meanings is that the birds came out together. One of the Greek one of the meanings is that they followed one another, meaning that they were in succession. And you'll notice that all of these meanings, they don't actually contradict one another. But rather, they took these meanings based upon the context of the verse, they took these meanings based upon the context of the verse. And even though this is an Arabic word, there was no specific definition that they came up with. And this is a very important point, that when you're trying to understand the Koran, you may
come to a certain word, and you'll be like,
Why are there so many interpretations for this? You know, why can't there just be one interpretation for it, but it shows you again, the diversity of the Koran, that the Quran was open to the interpretation of language, and they tried to interpret it according to their own understanding of the language. So this is how they interpreted it to mean groups, one after another, or in great flux together, these are the three predominant meanings of about being that the predecessors gave. So that is, what about being meant. Then, Allah subhanaw taala goes on to say to me, hemby ijarah team means a gene that striking them with stones of sigil, striking them with stones of C gene. Now, this
is another interesting thing that you come to notice, said, Gene, where did this word come from? The first thing that you notice about the gene is that the scholars said that you know what, the word c gene is not an Arabic word. It is not an Arabic word. But rather This is something that is taken from two fallacy words, it is taken from two fallacy words. Now,
are there non Arabic words inside of the Koran? Let's take a vote over here. How many people think there are non Arabic words inside of the Koran? Raise your hands?
So we have about four or 567? Okay, actually quite a few over here as well. Excellent. So how many people believe that there are no foreign words inside of the Koran that all the words are Arabic, all the words are Arabic, we have about four or 5678 910? A couple of people in the back? Okay, excellent. The answer to this is that there is HMR there is consensus amongst the Muslim scholars, that there are only Arabic words inside of the Koran. However, there is a big disclaimer over here, the Arabic language like any other language, it evolved, so it took words from other languages and made them out of rice. Well, what they call an alpha, alpha style, Mr. Oliver, that words that were
introduced into the Arabic language. And they say that a sigil is one of those words, that it was taken from fantasy, and it was made and introduced into the Arabic language. Now, the scholars of the year they argued this, they said, it is very possible that sigil has a similar meaning in Farsi, but it doesn't mean that the Arabic language took it from it. Why can we not say that Farsi took it from the Arabic language, what prevents us from saying that, likewise, what clear indication is there that two similar words cannot exist in the same language and have similar, you know, announced creations, so all these arguments are presented? Now we move on to the ultimate lesson we want to
derive over here is that when you're deriving tafsir Where should your tafsir be taken from where should your tafsir be taken from the ultimate tafsir that if you're following categorization, that is tafsir of the Koran with the Quran, if you don't find that, then you move on to the center of the center with the center, if you don't find that sorry, Tafseer of the Quran with the center, then the third level is if you don't find the fear of the center, then you move on to the opinions of the predecessor starting off with the Sahaba and then the third the end and that they had been, especially those that were famous for their tafsir especially those that were famous for their
tafsir and then after that, if you don't find anything, then you move on to or you can use as supporting evidence, linguistic Tafseer then after that, you can use linguistic Tafseer. Now, if you look at this very verse, I said, God, does Allah subhanho wa Taala uses cijena in other places in the Koran. Does anyone know?
This is a question for our forefathers. does Allah subhanho wa Taala uses everyone's looking at
this Allah subhanaw taala use the word sigil in other places in the Quran, You
don't think so? Anyone Going once, going twice?
suggests with a lamb.
Allah subhanaw taala does use this word in Surah who the verse 82 sort of hood verse 82, when I'm talking to him, Hey Jonathan Missy, Jean Surah Hood, verse 82. So let's find out what other talks about how Allah subhanho wa Taala stands down pellets upon the people of loot, the people of loot, they had pellets from sigil that were sent down. So now we know that the term said gene is used in the Quran. Now the second thing you want to look at and this is how you actually make the seal of the Koran with the Quran. So we found that yes, the word sijil is used in the Koran in another place. Now we want to look at when Allah subhanaw taala repeats this story, the the spells that were
sent down upon the people on food, does Allah subhanho wa Taala use the term sigil again, or does he replace the word sigil? And the answer to this is that in fact, Allah subhanho wa Taala replaces the words that Jesus was in other words, so if you look at surah verse 30, verse 33, the nocellara him ijarah 10 min. So ijarah 10 min three, so here we see that the word sigil is equivalent to the word
Or has a very similar word to to the meaning of the word feed. And what's the word thing mean? Anyone know, not seen as in the the fig, but plain that he created Adam from, from clay from mud. So these stones were stones that were made out of clay and from mud. And this completely absorbs that other argument that you know, what is the linguistic meaning? Or where did the you know the this word said you did it come from fallacies Originally, it eliminates the need for this discussion. Because there are lots of other words down that clearly explains where the what the words the gene means you don't need to look at other languages and other meanings because Allah subhanaw taala gave
you that meaning that said gene over here means pain. Now, here's an interesting point for you, for those of you who speak Arabic, that this is a very modern day work, but it is by far the best explanation of the Koran with the Quran. And this is why the Sheikh Mohammed Amina Sham treaty, Rahim Allah Tada. He has a famous tafsir by the name of adorable by an adorable bird. And the whole basis of the seer is to explain the Koran with the Koran. And this is one of the benefits that he brings up. This is one of the benefits that he brings up. Then we move on to the last verse, where Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to say for gyla home cassville macoun vajilla home cassville macoun.
And then Allah subhanho wa Taala, he says, and he made them and then there's like a lot of brackets and interpretations. gasseri macoun will explain what these terms mean qasmi macoun again, at the end of this sutra, the scholars of Tafseer different what is gospel McCool actually mean over here to summarize all of this discussion and debate. The Gospel macoun it refers to the outer seed, or the outer covering that is upon vegetables. So if you think about corn, the outside of corn, it has the green leaf on it right? What do you call this in the English language? Is there a particular name? The husk rate, the diversity of the husk, okay, now think about it. The husking compared to
the corn does it have any value? It has no value, it's insignificant. But in reality, what ends up happening to this husk so they rip off the husk, they eat the corn, and they just throw the husk away and people walk over it over it. This is what ghastly McCool means over here, that Allah subhanho wa Taala he didn't even you know, consider them to be significant to like the court, but rather you consider them so insignificant. He consider them to be like the husk that people came and got what was beneficial from it, and they throw the rest away and trampled over it and they trampled over it. And this is what Allah subhanaw taala refers to as the army of Abra that this is what
happened to them that not only were they defeated, and you have to say they were defeated is an understatement. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, not only were they defeated, but they were cast in McCool humiliated, disgraced, rendered useless, futile, have no benefit whatsoever that you can now even walk over and travel them and they're nowhere to be remembered nowhere to be remembered. Now, important lesson from this super important lesson from the sutra is that towards the end of time, Allah subhanaw taala will allow an Abyssinian man to come and destroy the Kaaba. The obsidian man will come and destroy the Kaaba and Al Bukhari and the book of Hajj. The Messenger of Allah
sallallahu Sallam mentions that from the signs of aside from the signs of the Day of Judgment, is that an Abyssinian minute, and you'll come destroy the Kaaba one by one and no one will do anything to stop it. No one will do anything to stop him, shake up no family, not him alignment is a very important benefit. He says, Look at this point over here, that no one is going to bother stopping him, meaning that the people will become so corrupt, they will be so unvirtuous that the the the sanctification of the cabinet, the other destruction of the Kaaba, people will allow this to happen. And he concludes his naseeha by saying that this is a sign for the people of Makkah, that
particularly then they have to be more careful in terms of the sins that they commit, they have to be more careful in terms of what they are allowed to happen in their city, they have to be more careful in protecting the city of Mecca, and SubhanAllah. You know, as you're preparing this, one simple thing comes in mind, does anyone know what recently happened in Makkah, there was like a huge, like uproar, and almost a protest that happened in Makkah. Does anyone know why?
Excellent Paris, Hilton spaniel of all places on the planet of all the places on the planet she could choose. She is granted a license to open up her store, just literally meters away from the camera. And of course the number that you know here you have an open classical, you know, open transgressor. If you look at the history behind how she became famous, it will become clear to you what type of person she actually is. This type of person is allowed to open a store right next to the Kaaba, and this is when people started to protest that this is you know, the the coming of the signs that here the messenger system is saying that the people will stop clearing that you see it
right here that here you have, you know, a clear transgressor that is all allowed to open up a store and no one is allowed to do anything, no one does anything. It is a sign of this of the times coming and that helps
the sanctity of the Kaaba will slowly be taken away. And this is how it happens that people start losing and regenerating and repairing the Kaaba and surely but step by step, this is when the destruction of the Kaaba will take place. And this was something that shaman, the shaman or him Allah mentions, you know, something like 2025 years ago that the people of Makkah need to be careful of this. And here we are seeing the signs. Another interesting thing to conclude with, is that I received a Facebook post today, the Red Cross in Canada. So the Red Cross is like, you will frame it, we're familiar with the Blue Cross here in Alberta. That's like the insurance for for medical
needs and stuff. The Red Cross is an organization that, you know, takes care of the weak, it takes care of the poor, particularly in you know, taking care of their blood needs. They if anyone needs a blood transfusion, they contact the Red Cross, they'll take care of them, you know, not volunteer work, but what is the word I'm looking for?
nonprofit when they go overseas to help people in distress, relief work, humanitarian work, you know, the Red Cross is like a leading organization in this, they sent out an important message to all Canadians an important message to all Canadians, that all Canadians need to start preparing for the end of the world. Friday, December 21, you should have 72 hours worth of water for sorry, two liters of water for each person per day in your house and be prepared to live through it for 72 hours. Same thing with the same amount of food, X amount of batteries, X amount of flashlights have money in small bills. I don't understand the wisdom behind that. But they want you to have that as
well. And if you have an extra set of your car keys in your house keys, I don't understand that one either. But the point being, you know, they're afraid about the day of judgment as to Pinilla. This is something that again, people get so overwhelmed with the Day of Judgment, they forget about the message of the of the of the message of the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam, I man comes to the Messenger of Allah, He says the rasulillah When is the day of judgment? What is the Messenger of Allah? So I send them reports, one by saying, Well, my dad, tell her that forget about when the Day of Judgment is, the question is, what have you prepared for it? And it's not about preparing your
house and getting these small bills and getting water? If they do judgment comes literally do you think the water and the keys and the buttons are gonna help you know, it's not gonna make a difference? You're about to meet your Lord. That's what you need to prepare for. You know, this is again, a reminder that these talks about the Day of Judgment, don't get caught up in these conspiracy theories don't get up in when all of these thoughts and you know, if you go to Walmart and not have to go to Walmart this morning, it is jam packed. You know, people are shopping like crazy. And it really, really seems that they're taking this threat seriously. It could be Christmas
as well. But again, batteries and water. That's not a Christmas present, man. At least I hope not people are that cheap. They're giving away water bottles. The last you know, here's a Christmas present for you. At least I hope not. That's not the case. Father Cooley has the point being as Muslims, yes, we're afraid of the Day of Judgment. You know, we're about to meet Allah subhana wa Tada. But that fear shouldn't lead us to buy batteries and get small bills, but should lead us to do righteous deeds, that if you know you have three days left, hurry up and repent to your Lord, you know, you made mistakes, seek His forgiveness, accept Islam, whatever the case may be. But that is
that is, you know, tying in directly to this that as Muslims is how you prepare for the Day of Judgment, that literally if the day of judgment comes the water, or the batteries or the small bills, none of it is going to prevail. You know, it's your heart that will represent itself in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And if it's not pure, if the righteous deeds aren't there, then you're in casada, even if you had billions and trillions of dollars now unless the panda was down to protect us And forgive us all. Without having been said, we open up the floor for questions and answers. We'll take five questions. Go ahead.
Good afternoon. Good draft. Yeah.
Okay, sorry. about that. We should have had this issue. Yeah. So they expressed their disapproval by killing 10s of 1000s of the judge. And they took the black stone. Yeah. The capitalism for 20 years. Yeah.
Bang Gotham to bring it back. Yeah, I gave it back and pieces and
pieces of black stone floating around, and that's why I'm
covering today.
So if Allah subhanaw taala protected his house.
Excellent. So now this is bringing us back to our discussion. That why would Allah subhanho wa Taala protect the house, the Kaaba at the beginning, but not protected towards the ending? What is the wisdom behind this? Now let us look what half of the Casio says. He says this is one of the favors that Allah did for the kurush. He saved them from the people of the elephant who try to tear down the Kaaba and wipe out all traces of its existence. Allah destroyed them defeated them, sorted their plans made their efforts in vain and sent them back routed. They were people who are Christians, and thus the religion was closer to the true religion of Islam than the idolatry of the coronation.
However, this was a means of giving a sign and preparing the way for the coming of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam For verily he was born during the same year according to the most popular opinion. So the tongue of destiny was saying, We will not help your people of course, because of any status or rank you may have over the Ethiopians, the abyssinians but we are only helping you in order to defend this ancient ancient tells the Kaaba, which we will honor magnify and venerate by sending the unlettered prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the finality of all prophets. So here, this is what will happen him because he had mentioned that this was a significant
year, so that the birth of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would be remembered. So in terms of the actual year, all these dates that he was, you know, born 570, after, you know, Christian era, that is a Christian calendar date that could be accurate could be fallacious. But in terms of Arab history, they didn't have these numbers. It was on Yamaha top there in his time, they decided to come up with the hinge law, that the hedgerow will be the starting point of our history, and that is why everything was measured in accordance to the law. Prior to that, everything was measured in terms of major events. So the birth of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it was
made intentionally to coincide with us hobble Finn it was made intentionally to coincide with this great event, so that when people know when was the Messenger of Allah sesamum born, it was the year of the elephant that is great victory Allah subhana wa tada sent it down, but a greater victory took place when He sent His messenger sallallahu wasallam. As I look at the dimensions, that this cover would be venerated and honored, through the coming of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam. Another important point point to mention related to this is that the story of the field the story of the people of the elephant, it's actually mentioned twice by the Messenger of Allah sallallahu
Sallam himself, that he refers to my moods twice. The first time is as for the beer, first time is that for the beer became a lovely pasta salad pasta is referring to move, and they said, your rasulillah you know, your camel is so disobedient It is very stubborn. It's not moving, but rather the messenger insulin response, it is not stubborn and not it is distributed, but rather the one that stopped the field from this horrible fear is the same one that is stopping it now. So this is the first time that he mentions it. The second time that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions the people of the elephant. And this is like the conclusion of what will mention
over here is that again, inside Bukhari, he mentioned, Verily Allah restrain the elephant from Makkah, and he has given his messenger and the believers authority over it, and indeed, its sacredness has returned, just as it was sacred yesterday. So let those who are present inform those who are upset.
Now, the point being over here, that this significant incident took place, to welcome the Messenger of Allah silom, to show the great victory that Allah subhanaw taala would give his people and to show that it wasn't the preferred status of the chorus that the Kaaba was saved, but it was saved so that a messenger named Mohammed Salim seven could come and show the people how the cabinet should be honored and venerated. In the very last, you know, pillar of Islam that was revealed with the Hajj the very last pillar that was revealed was the Hajj and he made it in the 10th year he made his Hajj in the 10th year, so towards the very ending of his life. So that is why Allah subhanho wa Taala he
defended it at that time, and it won't be defended at the end of time. Nor Allah knows best how factual this incident is. I've heard the incident, but I don't know how factual it is in terms of its credibility. And let's just say for argument's sake, that it did take place, again, the message I must find Allah subhanaw taala wanted to get across it took place already. After that you notice upon the Muslims to revere the Kaaba and to take care of it. And Allah Spanos Allah knows best question to
not question absolutely, absolutely, yeah.
Why is Allah letting him destroy the Kaaba because there's no point in protecting it at that time, you know, because people have lost the sanctity and the sacredness of the Kaaba, so people aren't making hydrogen or making throw off, you know, the world is filled with the wickedest of people at that time. So it shows you that the end of time has come that even the capital will be destroyed at that time. So that's what the message of a lesser someone is mentioning about the end of times, that there will be this man who will come and destroy the Kaaba, and no one will bother stopping him. No one will stop him because they've lost the sanctity, sanctity and sacredness of the Kaaba, make
sense? Go ahead.
How much? Are you sure that it comes from
historical sources, cruises around and so on? And how can we know about the
historical sources versus our origins? For example, like you often hear with the story of
directly spoke to Alberta Hi, Ed says like the Lord of the camels is taking care of them.
Exactly, exactly. Right. Excellent. So brother has a very important question that when it comes to historical analysis,
How incumbent is upon us to check for authenticity. Now dealing with Syrah and dealing with mikaze. And dealing with Tariq in general, the scholars, they mentioned a completely different criterion then had a different difficult but completely different criteria, then Hadith Does anyone know the criterion for a hadith to be considered authentic? What are the five conditions that need to be met in order for a hadith to be considered authentic?
You know, some colors let's try some of them. So every person
has to be a certain level.
Okay. This will be called the Arabic language added excellent.
of precision and accuracy. Excellent.
If the solid senate excellent, yep.
Excellent. We're missing one now.
No, no, no, no, let's repeat the four that he's given us so far. So he says if you saw the Senate, that the chain of narration it has to be connected from the time with the foster system that we've mentioned before they'll go to you from the terms of house and send them all the way to the was preserved in the book all the way to the narrator narrated. So at the solid Senate, a dalata robot that all of the narrator's in this chain of narration, they have to be known to be righteous people, meaning that in their Deen they were free from innovation. And in terms of their luck, they will free from any forms of fisc or disobedience, then number three time adopts that are perfect and
complete precision that can be just you know, one day Mashallah they have a good memory, because they slept and ate well, and the next day, their their memory is completely terrible, because they haven't slept or ate well, but rather at all times, they have to be precise, and they're in the habit of the process of them. And then the fourth condition is as the more enlightened cardia, that the narrations that they bring forth, should not have any hidden defects in it. Now there are certain defects are allowed in Hadith, however, they shouldn't be defects that, you know, mess up the meaning of the Hadith. And I'll give you an example over here, the famous Hadith about the seven
that will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala. There is one of those individuals where the Messenger of Allah says Allah mentions for that he gives his charity so secretly, that which hand does not know what the other hand gave, what is the narration say, which it gives the charity, the right hand gives the charity so secretly, that the left hand does not know what it gave the vast majority of narrators of Hadith. They mentioned it like this, you read this narration inside Sahih Muslim, a Muslim, he narrates a completely opposite version. He says that the left hand give charity so secretly, that the right hand does not know what it's give. Now, there's a whole
difference of opinion. Why did Mr. Muslim narrated like this? The point being we believe that he did this to teach a very important lesson that over here, this is an ala, which in its reality is not really called, it does not know change the meaning of the headings drastically, if you give the charity in the right hand, or with the left hand, is that the point of the Hadith? No, the point of the Hadith is to do it in secrecy so that no one knows that is the actual point of the Hadith. So this enlarge this defect is not an ala, which makes it kadia, which doesn't make the narration completely weak, but rather than the narrative mixed up with its meaning, but the general meaning is
that it should be an act of secrecy. Now, what is the fifth and final one
cent accent, this is the last one where it should, it should not have any contradictions in it, it should not have any contradictions in it, meaning it should not contradict the Koran, it should not contradict more authentic narrations and the wording should not have any contradictions in it. And you know, inshallah, we'll learn this in our master class. So, those are the five you know, conditions that need to be met in order for a hadith to be considered authentic. Now, when it comes to narrating history, when it comes to narrating Sera, these conditions are not the same. In fact, they said, You know what, we will even accept some narrators that are not precise, we will accept
certain narrators that may have not been completely righteous, they may have had some innovations in them. And in terms of the only one that even the the concept of it the solid center that the chain of narration has to be completely connected. They said, You know what, we won't even worry about this too much as well. Their main concern when dealing with co2, even dealing with Saudi dealing with Sierra is that it should not be in opposition to acts of luck, nor should it be in any opposition to that of al Qaeda. So as long as not contradicting it and it's not contradicting me you're not driving lessons of al Qaeda from Falcon it will be very lacks with it will be very easy
going with it. So that is why you look at, you know, the birth of the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam that the narrative about the birth that light came out of Amina and Rome was shaken and all
and the scores are agreed that all these narrations are weak, yet you will not find a single book of Syrah except that it mentions it in the beginning Why? Because it is part of the tradition, so that people should know that you know, this is what is being said in terms
of authenticity, since Norfolk has been derived system has been derived will be easygoing with it. So when it comes to, you know, such narrations as long as you're not driving frickin acleda you can accept the narration between the hits Allah and Allah Subhana. Allah knows best. That was question number three, two more questions. Four, and then five and six, and then we conclude. So go ahead to your four.
My question, Yeah, go ahead. I'm just kidding.
No, I'm just kidding. Please ask
the end of the show that's coming. But my first
question is,
is there
description of when the
possibilities to human beings closes? And is the
second part of it? Can we do it one by one? Okay, so the first question is that is there any indication in terms of when the vibe of Toba will close? The messenger muscle SLM, he mentioned that the doors of tob are open until one of two things happens? Man you gotta get meaning that the soul is leaving the body of as long as that state hasn't come yet. Toba will be will still be accepted. The second time is that when the sun rises from the west, so as long as the sun does not rise from the west, the door for Toba is open. And most of these are mentioned in authentic hadith. Second question
is there a possibility that we can wish? Since we think that the
acceptable Is there a possibility that
we can wish for the meeting of
Of course, the Messenger of Allah says Allah is attributed to him, that he will make dua to Allah subhanaw taala or Allah make the best of my days, the day that I meet you make this the best of my days. So meaning that we don't want our goodness restricted only in this dunya right. But we want the best of our days to make it the best of the blessings which is to meet Allah subhanho wa Taala to see his beautiful face. And you just as a tangent, if you'll allow me that if you understand this concept of hope and fear, I have no claim when I'm online mentioned that Madonna just said to keep that the predecessors when they were alive, they will prefer living in fear, they will prefer living
in fear and that is why this is what prevented them from sinning against Allah subhanaw taala but as they got older as the gods to their deathbed, they presented they preferred the wing or the the emotion of mercy in coincides with the Hadith of the Prophet Sunnah, that Allah subhanaw taala is with the slave with the slave expects from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the slave dies expecting mercy, then Allah subhanaw taala will be merciful with him. So not only should we long to meet Allah subhanho wa Taala but we should learn to meet Allah subhanaw taala while he is pleased with us, and happy with us, and this is why another messenger of Allah says Allah that He would say,
the Doha of
I can't remember the beginning right now. But it ends off by saying, I will watch a lady or Deacon that allow us you know, to live our lives, no matter that, you know, as long as you're pleased with us that as long as I'm always pleased with this, then nothing else in the studio matters because that is the greatest of blessings that a person will ever have to see the face of Allah subhanho wa Taala to attain the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala and all the blessings that come with the smell of Japan with Allah make us of those people. I mean, they've so those are your two questions
longing for death at his proper time inshallah
monsoon Go ahead.
Excuse me, I need to blow my nose.
No, like the Saudi government?
And how without the government,
the government, right?
Is it allowed for us to take religion and money?
Who takes money from the
government pays for some funds or
the government? Obviously we know that government is against
so many bad things
or other provisions and money that they get.
And so when I say that, for example,
a construction company open construction site and
lets you push it one by one. I'm going to completely forget what question one was. Okay, question number one. It hasn't been busted. He has a very famous statement where he says that the rulers that are appointed over people are the quarters to the level of their actions and the level of their a man. So that's the first thing to look at and we talked about the rulers of countries and the
Rule the rules that we have upon us. This is a direct result of the actions and the sins that we commit. So the first step in changing our rulers is in changing ourselves. This is the first thing that we need to understand. There's even a narration of Mr. Mohammed or him Allah, where he said that if I knew that Allah subhanho wa Taala, would only answer one of my doors, I would make that the draw for the ruler that Allah rectifies the rulers, so that the people can be rectified, as well. So shows you the reverence that the rulers were given in the past and how the predecessors understood the relationship with the rulers. Now, this does not mean that we should, you know, that
the rulers should abuse their rights and abuse, abuse their privileges, and, you know, not stand up for the rights of the Muslims. That's not what I'm saying at all. But I'm saying that it is easier to assess and fix your own situation first, and then fix the situation of others, rather than focusing on the mistakes of others before focus it before you know focusing on our own mistakes. Would that having been said, In such a situation where you have a government which for argument's sake, we will say that it is oppressive and it is corrupt, and they are trying to do some act of good should this act of good be prevented or not, and the action? The answer, according to this is
that the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam in Medina, when the Muslims, when the Muslims were in the state of Isaiah, he accepted the help of Bunnell, coryza by Takenaka and the other Jewish tribes. In fact, even when he passed away, his shield was used as collateral, something that he took from a Jewish man. And this was a clear disbeliever at that time, right, that the messenger system still allowed these people to help still allow these people to help for, you know, the caled cause, being that we shouldn't prevent people from doing acts of goodness, we shouldn't permit people from doing acts of goodness, and hopes that other people will be inspired, or in hopes that these acts of
goodness will be a cause of these people being guided, you know, that's the intention behind it. And Allah subhanaw taala knows best. Now go ahead with your second question.
construction site is just an example of an open your own site. Yeah.
Yeah, and that first pool of money was just build it on this construction site is based on the river, right, just a small shoveler. And that money direct
your money would be held at your money will be held on the general reason why because in Islam, we believe that when wealth changes hands, it is purified. When wealth changes hands, it is purified, except for one type of wealth worth which is stolen, wealth that is stolen will never be purified, until it is returned to its rightful owner. So in Islam, if I'll give you a clear example, for this, you have a father that is participating in the labor, you know, he's the head of labor, he owns a bank, you know, that's how much labor he's in his son. Now, he gets his allowance from his father, he is food that is bought in the house is bought through this money, the clothing that is bought is
brought through this money, his house that is bought, it is bought through his money, the scholars believe that all of this is pure for the son, because of this very principle, well, that tells you otherwise 02 is that one soul will not burden the the burden of another soul. So whatever mistake another person did, that is up to them, they will be responsible to Allah subhanho wa Taala whereas when the wealth changes hand, this wealth is purified and it is considered pure for that person to use in any form or way that the person pleases. Same thing over here. That is such a situation the sin is upon the person who took the Riba based loan, right and his workers and everything else. They
don't need to worry about this. As long as their work is valid, then that's perfectly fine. And Allah subhanaw taala knows best work. And our last question, you
parts of it have been done so completely it isn't done that book was called oddworld by a buyer and it is not completely translated into English but parts of it have been translated to English.
You know, a shaky Abraham he's translated like bits and pieces of it. So if you go to this website, I think Islamic network or Islam dotnet something along those lines. They have like bits and pieces of Sharia Abraham's translation of it, you'll find it all there. And Allah Subhana Allah knows best, so panicle law behind the shadow law
or to Enoch