Navaid Aziz – 04 Tafsir Juz E Amma Surah Al Ikhlas The Sincerity

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The transcript discusses the "soak of Subhana Hospital" and the "soak of Subhana Hospital" message, emphasizing the importance of protecting morality and worshipping the creator's. The speakers also touch on the "will" used in various aspects of Islam, including marriage, education, and social status.
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And then,
when I
was shadowing them Mohammed Abu Wallah solo solo la vida he while he was off, he was seldom at the Sleeman kathira on my back, my dear brothers and sisters.
Let me apologize for being late. First of all, what ended up happening was since the snow was coming down, my windshield actually froze. So I thought I could get straight into my car and you know, come straight to the machine. But then as I started to drive, I noticed that it wasn't able to see the hole on the side of the road and, you know, scrape it up and wait for it to melt off. And that's what caused me to be late. We're going to start off by talking about food. You know, I know it's dinnertime, some of you may have not eaten some of you who you know, may have eaten already. But I remember my time in Medina as a bachelor, you know, it was a very fun time that we will survive off
of amazing things.
So I remember that in the university itself, you had one of two options, you can either eat at the university canteen, the University restaurant, or they had like an outside restaurant that was catered outside. I'll tell you about both of them. The first one, the University canteen, I survived there for three days, for three days, I had breakfast, lunch and dinner there. Then I remember on the fourth day, after Serato legend, I went there. And so one of the most atrocious things, there was a brother that you know, had just finished mopping the floor. And he had just walked in the whole thing because the whole floor was just wet. I saw him take this mop. And he started mopping
our trays with it.
These are like old school trays, and plastic trays you get here, these are metal trays that they put the food directly onto.
And I'm really surprised no one's died of sickness.
Now the second situation was the university canteen, the University restaurant, this is like an outside catering company. And this outside catering company, it was I don't know what was wrong with them, they tried to cut corners every way possible. I clearly remember, you know, like once walking in, and they had like this, this piece of like pasta, it was like baked macaroni, or something like that. And no one was buying it. And you know, I didn't come back until after the weekend is over, I came back.
And you know, it was like one of those places. So even that you couldn't eat. So eventually, you know, the students have to find their own way. And I remember, you know, literally, literally for a year and a half. This is like, for those of you who remember Hudson shaxson used to live upstairs on the third floor nice and the one the second one in the same building. And I would go to his place for dinner. And he had like a small stove. And we would have like pasta and like different things. He had variety that was dinner time at night. And then for lunch, they would come to my room. And we had the same thing for a year, which was to another nice and sweet court.
Now why am I mentioning this, like in the bachelor days, you're not too picky because you have to survive, you know, you do what you have to survive. Now when you get married, all of a sudden your expectations COVID higher. And everyone relatively something interesting this week, you know, watch the water bottle, come on, my wife is an exceptional cook and exceptional cook. And since she is such a good cook, if she ever has an off day that she doesn't make something properly. I get upset at that. I'm like What's wrong with you? Why don't you get up properly? And the reason why that happens is because there's a level of consistency that you know she has such a high standard that
the day that she comes down to normal that the bachelor individual he would love to have this food, the person who was used to something better he doesn't appreciate it. Now why do I mention this is because as I was thinking about this panel, Ah, look at the blessings that Allah Subhana Allah provides for us that allow us to find the ones that will come to see when we call him a summon and on a hunt. These two unique characteristics of Allah subhanho wa Taala It is about providing for his creation at a consistent level. Meaning that I know what the other provides us with greatness and with excellence and with perfection each and every single time. There's no fluctuation in the
performance or delivery of Allah subhanho wa Taala and that's what I wanted to start off with today. That today we're discussing Soto Los Angeles.
Surah is called pseudo class because it deals purely with Allah Subhana Medina, it deals with no one other than Allah does not deal with the dunya does not deal with any folk, it purely deals with Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is why this is called sort of Exodus because it is purely for Allah subhanho wa Taala along with this sutra was also called sort of to compete, it was also called sort of Kentucky and it is called silicon Shaheed because it deals with the essence of tapete the essence of something being the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So it was called so within the philosophy because it's only about Allah, and it is called to at the top here as well because it talks about
the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. Now getting into the virtues of this surah there are quite a few virtues there are quite a few virtues in this sutra. I want to start off by mentioning the textual virtues of this sutra the textual virtues of the surah. Number one, the first textual virtue of the surah is as narrated Sufi Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam calls it the full court file, it is one third of the Koran, meaning that the message in this surah is the message of one third of the time. And if you were to look at the whole Quran, the Quran can be divided into three sections, the Quran can be divided into three sections, it is divided into great rules and
regulations meaning account, so its rules and regulations. The number two, it deals with promises and punishments, meaning gender and not and the people of gender, and Johanna, that is the second section. And then the third section is Athena, the third section is about the third section is about creed and our belief in Allah subhana wa Tada. And the fact that this sort of deals solely with belief, that is why it is equivalent to one third of the court art it is equivalent to one third of the Quran. Now one should not think that by reading the surah, one will get the reward of reading one third of the Quran mean that you recite the surah, three times you read the book of life, that
is not the message behind the heavy. The message behind the Hadith is the mess is the spirit behind the soul of May that deals with al Qaeda. And the aqidah is one third of the message of the Quran after rules and regulations and then dealing with the promises and punishments that Allah subhanaw taala talks about. So that is the first version that it is one third of the time. The second virtue of this is that there is a companion that used to recite the soul of every single seller every single summer. And one day his people came to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he started complaining. They said the auto solar lights as if this man knows no other part of
the Koran, that he always recites this sooner. Can you please speak to him on our behalf that he recites something else? So the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam calls this metal and he asks him, why do you do this? So this man responded by saying, I do this because this sutra talks about Allah subhanho wa Taala. And I love Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is why I recited this all the time. So the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said that know that Allah subhanho wa Taala loves you as well. So the scholars like half of the knowledge they derive from this is that part of love of Allah subhanho wa Taala is loving this sutra. And a person who loves this surah in
particular, will attain the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So one of the ways of attaining the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala is loving the sutra and loving the message behind this sutra. That is the second virtue of this sort of
a third virtue of this surah is our spine, what's the other name to this sutra and another sort of the most oft recited sutras after certain factor, that if you look in terms of recitation, the three most often cited as soon as that any Muslim recites his Surah Fatiha, that's a given because you have to recite it. But what are number two and number three, number two and number three, without a shadow of a doubt, are in our financial health, and sort of death loss? Now we laugh at this because we do this out of laziness. We do this because we're in a hurry, but it is actually a miracle from Allah subhanaw taala it is an actual miracle from Allah subhanaw taala. So now Why did Allah
subhanaw taala make these the two most oft recited sutras after sort of in fact, if you were to look at the message of both of them, and here I'm quoting one of the scholars of the facility memorizing mahalo Tada. He says that if you look at the message of these two soldiers, what is the message of these two soldiers in our clinical culture is a defense of the messenger of a loss of a loved one in the center, that almost no doubt is being defended from the allegations of the shortage, meaning that the allegations of the coronation word that departments have a large value system didn't have any male children, or in fact that, you know, his lineage would not
Continue, and this is what they criticize him for. And this was a deficiency according to their custom. And Allah subhana wa tada revealed this surah by saying, in the Sharia, who would have done that the one who criticize you, the one who curses you, He is the one that will be caught off he is the one that will not be remembered. So now there is a defense of the Messenger of Allah so Allah Han he was someone
who a lot more high as a defense of Allah subhanaw taala meaning that those people that say that Allah subhana wa tada had a child, or that Allah was born, but that almost kind of went down as he had had a wife, just the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam was defended. Then the sutra came to defend Allah subhanho wa Taala. And what's interesting over here is that just like Allah subhanaw taala defended the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam here the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Newson is being commanded to defend Allah subhana wa Tada. And this is a very important point than living in a time where you know, secularism is so rampant, and atheism is rapid, and you know
veneration of God and I must have done is negligent and does not exist. It is important to remember that it is our responsibility to defend morality and to defend Allah subhanho wa Taala. Because this is what the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam was commanded with in this sutra. Another point of reflection, that remember, as he mentions on this surah is that look at how different Allah and the creation part that's in the creation. If you don't have children, this becomes a point of deficiency, it becomes a defect in the human being. But when you attribute a child to Allah subhanaw taala, this becomes an attribution of a defect to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So a perfect God will be
a God that has no offspring, and has no partners. And the perfect human being will be the one that has a continued lineage with children. So remember, as he points out this difference between the God and the creation, as well.
A fourth benefit, it would be number, this will be number five. Number three was as oft repeated, and number four was that it is a defense of Allah subhanaw taala and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, and the fifth benefit pertaining to solten and philos. Is that Allah subhanho wa Taala, literally made dependent on this surah the protection of the Quran, the protection of the Quran, how's that? So, you'll notice that these last three sodas that we've covered, they all started off with corn, they all started off with rice, and you just start talking. They all started off with corn. Now, what is the significance of starting off with corn? Because you'll notice that
throughout history, people have discussed was the Koran preserved in wording and the meaning or by meaning only. So you had fractions of Muslims, you had sets of Muslims that said that the Quran was only preserved in meaning that Allah subhanaw taala inspired the Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah to send them and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he spoke the Quran as he please, as he understood, but in these three suitors that we've discussed, is a clear evidence that the Quran is preserved in wording and in meaning, because Had it been in meaning only then Allah subhana wa Tada, His Messenger sallallahu Sallam would not teach us this sooner by starting off by phone, it
will not start off by phone, it will just go into a wahoo I had a lawful summon. But rather, the fact that we say school is a clear evidence that this Koran was preserved in wording and in meaning that the sooner was preserved in wording and the meaning. And those are the five virtues of this rule. And like I said, there are many, many more, but those are the five that I want to share with you. Now I'll emphasize this within the next week, you will be tested on that you will be tested on that, we will have some prizes, and we may also have some punishments, so be careful
study. That is let's get into some details about the Sula let us get into some details about this sooner. The first detail about this song is was this Sora revealed in Mecca or Medina was the sooner revealed in Makkah and or in Medina. Who can tell me what was revealed and why was it revealed?
There was really Michael white Why do you say that? Because
nobody's home it
was revealed
we're making fun of
him because he had no meal children. That's enough. Oh,
okay. Well, cause
who shikun are the fire came to
salah and we asked him, What is the lineage
Okay, so that is the reason behind revolution but that doesn't pull it was revealed that much
Okay, in fact, there's a difference of opinion. In fact, there's a difference of opinions, the vast majority of scholars from the early scholars from the Sahaba. They said that this is what was revealed in Mecca. This was this was one of the two opinions of other novelists. This was the opinion of deliberateness. This was the opinion of the students of Vivian Massoud, like towels, and Mujahid. And other than that, so this is the first opinion. The second opinion was their way of advice that it was revealed in Medina. And this was an opinion of some of his other students as well. But the majority of scholars held that it was a market surah. Now why do we believe it was a
McKinsey tsunami? We believe it was a McKinsey surah because of the nature of the source. So if you were to look at the market size versus the madonie Solas, you would notice that the American soldiers predominantly deal with dealing with faith and increasing Eman whereas the majority, they deal with fear, and rulings, they deal with rules and regulations. Number two, the mother needs sodas are actually quite long, whereas the murky sewers are quite short. And that is why they noticed that drama, The vast majority of it is mucky, and they are the shortest surah in the Quran. So these are two predominant reasons why I was not diagnosed best, it seems that it is a murky
surah. The third and most important reason why we believe it is a murky surah is because of the crucial message behind the soil that this is at the very essence of Islam. So it seems that this is speaking to be one of the first sutras revealed as it describes and talks about who Allah subhana wa tada is. Now as our brother, you mentioned, what was the reason behind the revelation of the soul of why did this sort of come down?
The sooner came down as reported in the Muslim that Rahim Allah, that the Muslim when they came asking the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what is the lineage of Allah subhanho wa Taala what is the lineage of Allah subhanho wa Taala meaning who were a lot of ancestors a great grandfather's and all of that. And this shows you something, some kind of a one the mentality of the people, that it was common for the people to worship the creation, it was common for the people to worship the creation and that is why they would come and ask for the lineage. Number two is that how forgotten the concept of oneness had you know had disappeared, mean this concept of being honey from
worshipping your Creator, it had completely disappeared and it was replaced by worshiping the creation it was replaced by worshiping the creation particularly that which was already alive and hiding lineage. So this shows you two important things. So the Muslim Imam Muhammad, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked who is you know, what is the lineage of Allah subhanaw taala and that is one of us panels Allah sent this surah dump that has been almost sent this ruler down. Now let us get into the text of the surah itself, that is get into the text of the surah itself. So the sooner starts off with Cohen, who Allahu Akbar. So as we mentioned, who is to say and as we
mentioned in the previous Sooners, this was a command from Allah subhanho wa Taala to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam himself, that this is how he used to teach it to the people, that the reason we mentioned oil is because of us. dollar told us to do so. And this is how the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam taught his companions to do so. Then who Allah that He is Allah, He is Allah. Now who is Allah subhanho wa Taala? Where does it come from? If you go back to our study of certain fatsia, we mentioned that a lot of comes from
an either and enough that there are two or three different opinions on the name of Allah. And that the correct opinion that we took is that a lot comes from Anita meaning that it is a conjunction of these two mean that Allah subhanaw taala is the one that is worshipped, that Allah subhana wa tada is the one that is worshipped. So when we discussed the read, we talked about how there are three categories of tapete tauheed of the worshipping of Allah subhana wa tada or Toki that Olivia, then talk eat in the Lordship of Allah subhanho wa Taala once you stop hidden obeah and then the third type of tawheed is the aid of a smile seafight are the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa
Taala. So here are lots of pangalan data starts off the sutra, at the very beginning, talking about the importance of worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala that Allah subhanho wa Taala is anila He is the object of all of your worship, he is the one that you direct all of your worship to. So that is what was kind of Allah is Allah is also the most perfect name of all of the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala. As we discussed I was going to Allah has an infinite amount of names, amount of names that we do not know when all of those names are encompassed by the name of Allah because the
One that possesses all these names and all these attributes is the one that is deserving of our worship. And likewise if we direct our worship towards something or someone then it has to have all of these names and attributes as well. So it is the most perfect name of Allah subhanho wa Taala number three, Allah subhana wa tada the name Allah is the name that Allah subhanaw taala possibly created as the greatest name. What do we mean by that? If you go back to our solar Fatiha, we mentioned that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he used to make mantra, Allah subhanho wa Taala, he will make up Oh Allah, I asked you by the name, that if you are asked to
buy it, you do not reject that if you are asked by this name, you do not reject. And we mentioned that the scholars were two opinions on this one was a lot. And what was the second opinion Does anyone remember?
The second opinion was the combination between a height and a combination between height and I'll tell you
best with the correct opinion, or the one close to the truth seemed that it was the name, almost kind of what's the angle. So that is for allies, then we go on to the first attribute or title that almost no data is mentioned. And that is a HUD that is a HUD. Now this is interesting over here, because you'll notice that while this is one of the shortest Sooners, probably the second shortest store in the world, and it has two names of Allah subhanho wa Taala that are not mentioned in any other sort of two names of Allah subhanaw taala that are not mentioned in any other surah they are a height and a summit. These two names are not mentioned in any other surah even though this is one of
the shortest sutras in the Quran. Now what does it actually mean? If you were to look at the Arabic language, you will see that there's two terms that can be used for one, you can use ahead, and you can use why. And then you can notice when it comes to the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala, Allah subhanho wa Taala has three names that are derived from this concept. You have a height, y, height, and weight 100 y head and Wahid. Now, this concept of oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the vast majority of scholars have *. They said that I had, and why hate are exactly the same, that there's no distinction between these two terms. But in reality, if you were to look at it, there is
a distinction. There's a very big distinction, that when you count in the Arabic language, you start off by saying why is named the latter
till the end of it, but you never start off by saying if and if needed. So clearly this shows you that there is a distinction. Now, what is the distinction? Now, the distinction is that when you talk about something, which is why it is one of many, so when someone is in the race, he finishes first out of many competitors, but if someone has a height that I had means that there was no one else in this race to begin with. He was the one that only and that is how it is described to Allah subhanho wa Taala that I had is the one and only that there was no one else mentioned. And there's no one else like Allah subhanho wa Taala. So that is the difference between a husband and wife that
y is one of many was 100 is the one and only and you'll notice that when it comes to some of the characteristics of Allah subhanho wa Taala there are some characteristics that are only for Allah subhanho wa Taala. Whereas there are other characteristics that even the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala shares in those characteristics. And we'll come to that discussion later on. And here's the important tangent to understand that you'll notice in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala sometimes uses the plural. So he'll say we'll call up another instance that we created mankind what einzelner Koran and we sit down the Koran. Why does it use the plural over here? If Allah subhanho wa Taala is
only one. This is a question for the audience. Why does Allah subhanho wa Taala use the plural if Allah subhana wa tada is only one Go ahead. In some languages, we use a term of respect. So when Allah says we he's saying it is.
Excellent. So number one, it is a way of royalty. And you know that, you know, when you even hear the Queen's speak, she's like we did this and we did that, even though she's one. And Alyssa kind of went down as more deserving of this glorification, that magnification. So this is a way of royalty that almost kind of other uses, but there's a further reasoning behind it. There's a second reasoning behind it and I believe this is more important to understand. Why does the last final down to use the plural sometimes?
Go ahead,
sir, excellent. That is the reason
behind it. So you'll notice that in certain incidents or in certain actions, the angels are involved or the creation is involved. So when I was talks about the creation of the human being, we all breathe and believe that all animals are created all of us, but didn't know what the other creators directly. No, he did it, we are going through our parents. So that's where the human being has a share in this creation of Allah subhanaw taala. And you'll notice that the revelation of the Quran, Allah subhanho, wa Taala spoke to the Quran and gave it to God or spoke, it's to Djibouti, and it was gibreel, who revealed it to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu send them so that is why when the
enzyme of the Quran is mentioned, it is a plural because she really had a part in it as well. And Allah subhanaw taala is speaking on behalf of that whole realm. So you will notice that the times when I was pregnant, Allah uses wheat, for the vast majority of the times, it's because the angels are the creation have a share in that act. But what's interesting to note is that when it comes to the worship of Allah subhanaw taala, the plural is never mentioned. So Allah subhanho wa Taala will never say and worship us, or direct your environment towards us.
That's good, except for the IRA was very bad. And
so what's wrong with that type?
II burden, meaning our worshipers, worshippers is plural. So all of these prophets that I mentioned are the worshipers of Alyssa Reynolds. Imagine our worship or
Okay, you're talking about the Bible. Now over here? Why does Allah Allah mentioned the plural over here? Good question. There's something interesting to look into. Look into an event let's find out the challenge. But that's a very good point in Sharma. Why does Allah subhanaw taala mention the plural overhead?
What was the context? I will have to look it up in Charlotte.
But one of the things that can refer to think about over here is that what is the point of this verse over here?
Yeah, that's very possible. That's very possible. So over here that permit the purpose behind this verse is that Allah subhana wa, tada is not talking about worshiping Allah subhanaw taala. But rather, he's talking about to the worshipers, and unless I know it's on, and that's the point that I was trying to make is that, while this kind of data mentioning these worshipers is not talking about that they directed the worship to other anyone other than Allah, but rather, these were the worshipers of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. So it could be a way of royalty over here that could be possible. or number two, is that Allah subhanho wa Taala is reminding the creation, who the
worshipers are. So these were these were the ones that worshiped Allah subhana wa, tada, it's possible again, we can look into it, but I'm sure there's a different understanding and Allah knows best. So, that is why sometimes almost no other uses the poor. Now, getting into again, this concept of 100 and worried and worried. One of the key distinctions again, that needs to be made is that so what are the things that human beings have a share in what are what are the things that human beings do not have a sharing. So you'll notice that when it comes to Allah subhanho wa Taala, while Allah Subhana, WA tada does some of these actions, they are done in a way that is befitting of Allah
subhanho wa Taala, they are done in a way that is befitting of Allah subhana wa Tada. And when mankind does them, they are done in a way that is befitting of the creation itself. And I'll explain this towards the ending of this one. So that is where I had comes from. So then almost kind of goes on into verse number two, a lot who have summit, that a lot is a summit. A summit linguistically comes from two meanings, the linguistic meaning of a summon, it means two things. Number one, it is an object that you desire, a summon is an object that you desire. And then the second meaning is that it is something which is not movable, and something that is very rigid, something that is not
movable, and something that is very rigid, and then the scholars discussing these linguistic meanings of the word summit, they said, both of them apply to Allah subhanaw taala. But the first one applies more than the second. So the first one be that a summit is that which is desired. And this is, you know, the second name in the sutra, that is only in this sort, it's not mentioned anywhere else in the Quran, and it is one of the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala that the creation cannot be named with. So for example, when we were discussing the
name, we mentioned that the creation can be named Rahim. But he can't be named off man, because of mine is the one that owns and possesses all mercy. Similarly, the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala can be named ketene. But they cannot be named a summit they
can be named curry with a cannot be named a summit. And we'll come to see what the actual contextual meaning of our summit is. So now in terms of the shot a meaning of a summit, the scores of Tafseer had many, many meanings. In fact, you will find over, you know, close to 10 meanings of the word summit. What we want to take is the three most popular meanings, the three most popular meanings. The first meaning is that a summit is the one that does not eat or drink. And this is the seal of approval of in advance for the love of someone is the one that does not eat or drink, meaning that he is not in need of his creation is not in need of anything, he is the one that can survive without
anything. That is what a summit is. The number two, the second meaning of a summit. This is the opinion of a Mike Maloney is that a summit is the one that everyone turns to, and that he turns to Noah. So a summons is the one that everyone turns to, and he turns to Noma meaning that as an alternate times of despair and ultimate times of need, who does one turn to it is almost the final time and that is why you will see that you know, not anyone's falling out of a plane or the plane is sinking or you fallen off the building, you're making black holes. Sincerely, because that is what the hardest column to to call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala. That natural reaction, this is turning
towards a summit mean that people are compelled to turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala in terms of diversity, and in times of difficulty. And then the third popular opinion, the third popular opinion.
There was a place called somebody okay.
wrote somebody
what is that? What is that Mr. Nice place? I there was a famous pastry place that was
London's best? I don't know, I don't know. So the the third, the third opinion will save all questions till the end and shall save all the questions till the end. So the third opinion when it comes to a summit, is that a summit is the one that does not be get, nor is he got meaning repeating the last verse that we're going to come up to that it is in repetition of the last verse, but in one way in one word. So you'll notice that here, the scholars mentioned the eloquence of the Quran, that Allah subhanho wa Taala, he delivers the same message twice, the first message, he delivers it through a summit meeting, and almost no doubt it doesn't have any children, nor does he have any
parents. And you will notice a lot of repeats that again, in the last verse. So they said that that is what a summit means. That is what a summit means. And this is attributed to some of the early scholars of Islam as well. Now, for our intents and purposes, the opinion we're taking is the second opinion and as the opinion of Vietnam.
And the reason why we take this opinion, is because it sums up all of the other opinions that you'll notice the eight or nine or 10 different opinions that are mentioned, this opinion of ignore claim that it is the one that all of the creation turns to and he turns to none of his creation, it encompasses all of his all those opinions, in one opinion, and almost panels Allah knows best that that is the correct opinion. Then we move on to the next verse, that lemonade, whatever unit lemonade, whatever unit.
Now the scholars of the Koran, they actually different. Is lemonade when you will add one verse of the Quran, or is it two verses? Is it one verse of the Quran? Or is it two verses? So the vast majority of the Quran, they said that it is one verse is recited straight, let me edit one of you that straight without a break in between, but the scholars of a sham and the scholars of Mecca, the scholars of a sham, and the scholars of NACA, they said that lonely added one m unit is actually two verses is actually two verses, meaning that certain a philosopher dead had five verses, as opposed to four would have five verses as opposed to four. Now for some of us, this may seem very shocking,
you know, how can someone change the number of verses in the Quran. And this is something that is very important to understand that when it comes to the numbering of the verses of the Quran, some of them were done by Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and His Messenger, sallAllahu wasallam. And some of them were done through the eyes of the companions, and some of them were done through the HD highs of the companions. And it seems that this is one of those tools that Allah subhanaw taala did not specify when this before verses are five verses. And then we want to look at the practical value of it. From our perspective, when we're reciting the sutra. Will it actually make a difference if we
were cited in four verses or five verses? No, it doesn't make a difference at all because the message is exactly the same. So you'll notice that at times, even when you study, orientalist studies, these are one of the things they will bring up
against the Quran that the numbering of the Koran is inconsistent. And then our response to this is that the numbering of the Quran is irrelevant to us what is relevant to us is the message of the Quran, that the message of the Quran is exactly the same, the wording of the Quran is exactly the same, whether the numbers change or not, this is something trivial and does not make much of a difference. And I'll do that I'll tell you my first the first shock I ever had. So I remember that when I first arrived in Medina, you know, Mashallah was a very special experience, they give you a tour of a machine and ugly, and there's like a small museum inside I mentioned the number that they
give to like VIPs. So that was a very nice experience. Then on the second things we did was we went to the Koran printing complex, the Quran 20 complex in Medina, and then going to the score and printing complex in Medina, you know, they give you a free copy of the outline. So, you know, some people asked me English, we had some Boise students asking for a positive translation that Chinese students are asking for Chinese translation. And like, I already have an English translation, I wanted to, you know, get another translation. And for some reason that at that time, I was trying to learn Spanish, I'm not going to get into the reasons behind that what I was trying to learn Spanish.
So I was like, You know what, let me get a Spanish.
So I get the Spanish translation of the Koran. And then they open up certain bhaker how many verses certain but who can tell me
286 verses, that's how many verses are supposed to be concerned about that? I don't know the Spanish translation under 287. And, you know, the audacity that I had at the time, I was exchanged.
Major scholars, you know, revising this and going through it. But you'll notice that in the Spanish translation, the answer, the Baka has 287 verses, again, mentioning the fact that the number of the verses is completely trivial, it does not make a difference. What's important to us is the wording what is important to us is the wording let me added 1am unit, what does this mean? He begets not, nor was he got to let me hear that mean that he does not have any children, he does not have any children. And I want to mention over here, when this great, your own scholars that defended Islam, against Christianity, he defended Islam against Christianity, his name was Imam and Bukka. Donny,
and he died somewhere around 491. So, in this, we're in, like, around the Spain area of silver in Europe at that time, mountain Bakula is a squad of a court on a scholar of the Arabic language, and one of the scholars of al Qaeda, you know, with his differences of opinion, that's a different issue. But the Christians invited him, they invited him. And he said, you know, you being a great scholar of Islam, we would like to invite you to this blessing gathering of ours, where our head Bishop or our hard head priest, is going to be there. So what was interesting is that they had intentionally put the door really, really low, meaning that you know, the door instead of being like
six feet tall, so the average person can enter, it was, you know, shorter than that. It was maybe about like, 5859, me that when you entered, you had to put your head down. And that is where the priest is sitting. sudo is the way of compelling people to show respect to the priest. So now imagine that he realizes this, he's watching people going, he's like, what's going on? Why would they create such a small dorm? He sees the preceding there. So what does he do? He enters the door backwards.
But that's not the interesting part. That's not the interesting part. The interesting part is that he walks in, and, you know, they put him next to the head priest, and he starts talking to with the head priest. And he starts out with a talk by talking to the priests, you know, how are you? How is your wife? And how are your kids. And this inside the Christian church is blasphemy, because they're all supposed to be celebrated. They're not supposed to be getting married. So they all the people, they start getting angry and upset. They're like, how dare you criticize our priests, but asked me about his wife and children. And then a madman, he said, he stands up and says, How dare you
attribute these same defects to your very creative? I mean, the remedies are different for your priest, and then how could attributing it to God Himself. And this was like, you know, one of the great debates that took place between the southern Christianity between Mr. Botha Donnie and the Christians of Spain. But this is the point of this verse. This is the point of this verse that always find the one that is emphasizing this very fact that almost kind of with the other does not have any children. And then Allah subhanaw taala does not have any parents. Now, from a theoretical perspective, why is this important? Why is it important? We know from an Indian perspective, Allah
teaches us that he is one. But from a theological perspective, why is it important to believe in the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Who can tell me from a logical perspective, why is it important to believe in the Oneness that Allah didn't have any
Should you know did you have any parents?
degeneration, continuation of generation? So what if it stopped at that second generation?
Who will die?
Why does someone have to die? Because if somebody died,
okay, I'm looking for something more. Go ahead. It's a weakness. having children is a weakness.
It could be household
motions and emotions.
Allah loves his creation more than the mothers love their children.
About Nothing can be nothing can go on infinitely, it has to stop. That's one logical thing that there has to be the beginning of something. And nothing can have an infinite number of origins or something like that. Or the other thing is that if you have you cannot have two creators or people in power, in order for things to exist in a perfect system, they will
not have to all powerful beings.
Okay, excellent. So let's go with that. Go ahead. Emma had an example for that if he was close. But example. For example, if you asked me to help you with that table, and I say I will help you example if this brother helped me. And he says that he will help me and he said he will help you and go around the whole class. And it will never end in the last sprint. If someone else will help me.
Write the table.
Interesting. So, let's continue. Logically speaking, why is this impossible? Number one, is that you'll notice that perfection breeds perfection. So had Allah subhanho wa Taala. If it was physically possible, Allah subhanaw taala had a child, that child would have to be perfect, then who would be the queen? Who would be the God at that time? Would it be a lot? Or would it be this chart? Because imperfection breeds imperfection and perfection breeds perfection is where this continuum comes from. That when you have infinite perfection, this perfection can never be broken off. And that is the perfection of Allah subhanho wa Taala. then number two, is that who would be obeyed that
what if the son wanted one thing, and the other one did something else? Who do you obey at that time, and this is where you start seeing the illogical discrepancies inside Christianity, that, you know, there's a discrepancy between the Father and the Son. So these are some of the logical discrepancies that would take place that even logically it is not befitting to allow for us to have a child, then moving on to us. Allah having parents that almost final data having parents, the fact that Allah subhanaw taala doesn't have parents, again, is it perfection for Allah subhanho wa Taala meaning that a promise panatela had parents what it what would it mean, then unless finally to
unhide it beginning and do something before almost done. Whereas when it comes to Allah subhanaw taala there's nothing before it was no time and therefore even logically, it is not to be fitted. So meaning that the people who would affirm a parent for God, what existed before that gods that mean there was either nothing, or there was something that was imperfect, and both of them are not possible when it comes to sustaining the creation when it comes to sustaining the creation. And that is why logically It is not possible as well. Then we move on to the last verse, where unless I know what the other says one of them you couldn't know who Khufu was. And what's interesting about this
verse, and we'll get this out of the way right away, is that this verse can actually be recited in two different ways. This verse can be recited in two different ways. The first way that this verse can be recited is the way I just recited it right now. And the emphasis is on the word who for one, so what am Yakuza who, who who won a high so you pronounce the word, and this is the way the majority of the Quran recited, they pronounce it with the world. A second way of reciting this verse is one of them you're putting the who who flew and I had to the wild is not pronounced, the one was not pronounced. So if you ever see someone reciting it, you especially with shake hands Him you will
notice that she had them recited in this way, he recites it as Khufu and I have not Khufu one. So if you hear someone recite it, it is a valid difference of opinion, the meaning does not change. And both opinions over citing this verse this way are valid. So that is in terms of changing reputation. Now what does it mean when you're putting a roof over your head in the translation dimension and there is no co equal or comparable to him. There is no co equal or comparable to it. mean that when it comes to Allah subhanho wa Taala There is nothing like Allah subhanaw taala to either There is nothing like Allah subhanho wa Taala and this becomes a great theological discussion in terms of
understanding the names and attributes of Allah subhana wa
And I want to summarize it for you in three points be delighted when it comes to understanding the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala number one, they have to be derived from the Quran and Sunnah the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala have to be derived from the Quran and Sunnah. Meaning that just because in our times, you know, something may be considered virtuous, like let's just say the color pink Mashallah brothers wearing a pink shirt, the color thing is virtuous, right? And our time making this up, by the way, it's a virtuous thing. So we can see that one of the, the attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala, is that he is pink, that just because it's gorgeous
in our time, it doesn't mean that it applies to us either once either. So when it comes to deriving the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala, we have to be purely derived from the Quran, you have to be purely derived from the Quran. Principle number two. Principle number two, is that while we affirmed the meaning of these names and attributes, the hardness of these names and attributes is only known to us.
So let me give you an example. When we talk about Allah subhanaw taala being alive, that he is all living higher, is also an attribute for the creation as well. Right? And you'll notice that the difference between our life and the life of Allah subhanho wa Taala is that the life of Allah subhanaw taala it has the beginning, it has no end, our life has a beginning and it has an end. So both of these attributes are, are affirmed one for the creation and one for the Creator. But the reality of the life of Allah subhanho wa Taala is beyond our comprehension, like how do we understand infinity? For us to display infinity is not possible, we cannot show something that has
no beginning nor something that has no end right to the mind to comprehend this, it is not possible. So the wholeness of these attributes is only known to Allah subhanaw taala be aware but we affirm the appearance meaning of these names and attributes. And this is why in the Quran, there's one explicit verse we're also gonna define this for us, what Allah subhana wa tada says, there is the chemistry he said, that there is nothing like Allah subhanaw taala what was Semyon Basia?
is it was the worst in two
days the commissioner he she will force me when
I believe it's something unforeseeable we'll check that out. But in this verse, Allah subhanaw taala starts off this verse by saying that there is nothing like Allah subhana wa Tada. And he is the all hearing and the unseen. So
yeah, so our final tally, he starts off by saying that there is nothing like Allah subhana wa Tada. And then he affirms the sight and hearing for himself. And this is a commentary that we share with our panels on we hear, we hear things and we see things with the sight of Allah soprano and the hearing of other animals Allah is completely different from our hearing and from our set. So that is the second thing that the happiness of these names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala is only known to Allah subhanaw taala alone. The third and last thing that will mention in terms of the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala is that these names, they are taken upon the
appearance meaning they are taken upon the appearance, I mean, what does that mean? That you'll notice that when you get into theological discussions, you'll get several groups interpreting things. So one group will say that we take it in a metaphorical way, meaning that when Allah subhanho wa Taala says that he is above his throne. This means that Allah subhanho wa Taala conquered the throne, it doesn't mean that almost no other is actually above his throat. So they go into interpretation, then you get an other group that takes the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala, extremely literally, extremely literally, that will allow us to kind of want to
understand something and it is taken literally. And then you get after the sooner which comes in the middle, which says that we take the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon the appearance, meaning that based upon the context of the verse, and what the verses are, what the Allah subhanaw taala is speaking about, we take it upon the appearance of meaning. So we don't say that the act names and attributes are taken literally nor do we say they are interpreted or metaphorical, but rather we say they are taken upon the apparent meaning. And this is a small introduction to understanding the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And if Allah
gives us life, Allah will study these in more detail. And this is what's the message of this verse is that there is nothing like Allah subhanho wa Taala that the wholeness of how Allah subhanho wa Taala is there is nothing like him, and unless I know what that is reaffirming what you said.
In the beginning, and you'll notice that the scores of C or D really emphasize this point, that almost everyone starts off the suit up by saying he has 100. So in one word, he summarized the last verse of the song that he has 100 million, there's nothing like him. And then they said about a summit. There are some way to summarize in the third verse, meaning that he did not have any children, nor did he come from any parents. So the emphasize this point is is something I would reiterate over here, so I was kind of a downer is reiterating what he said. And I had accepted a longer sentence and showing us the power of the Koran, and the perfection of Allah subhanho wa
Taala, on how great meanings can even be conveyed with single words do to almost kind of over time.
Now, was there anything else I wanted to mention about the virtues of this sort of?
Yes, the last, the last is a reflection. What is the very first prayer that you will pray in the day, the very first prayer that you pray in the day?
It is pleasure. Okay. That is a lot of the budget. What will you pray First, the sooner
you pray, the sooner first, and what was the sooner the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to recite in the in the center prayers? What would he recite?
accent, he would recite circle capital on manasota philos. Okay, so now let's put this aside for one second. What is the last prayer that you will pray in the next the last prayer that you pray?
Is the winter prayer. Excellent. And what would the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam recite in the winter prayer?
Let's do the proper border only chapter as we can and then put your capital and then sort of the floss. So if you spend three weeks that is why that is what he's received, without assuming of the Messenger of Allah, Allah. So now it's interesting to analyze and assess why would Allah's Messenger sallallahu Sallam start his day by resetting swords in the class? And why would he conclude his night by resetting sort of ridiculous, this is one of the things that infocomm quotes from Sheryl Sandberg and he says, I heard she would say, the sooner prayers before budgin act as the commencement of deeds for the day. And the winter prayer acts as the as a succession of deeds. It is
for this reason that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would recite sort of airfloss in both of them, since they gather together some heat in knowledge. And indeed, the hidden knowledge and intense and hidden belief and motivation, mean that it is a constant reminder that the whole basis of your creation is to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. So firstly, reminding that you were created to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala. Number two, it is a form of motivation, that your Lord created you for this purpose, and he will facilitate for you to the fulfilling of this purpose as well. And that is why the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam used to start off his day by
resetting sort of the class and used to conclude his day by reciting sort of the philosophy as well and the with a prayer, and it was an ode to Allah knows best. And with that, we'll open the floor for questions. However, before we open the floor for questions, I do have some announcements. Just one announcement, actually, next week, there will I will not be presenting the halaqa. Here we have a guest speaker from out of town, a colleague of mine ship bill and his main, he will be here presenting the hasakah. If I'm not mistaken, he will be talking about some of the lives of the companions, some of the lives of the companions. So he will be replacing me next week. And it's an
honor and a privilege for our guests from out of town. So please, all of you that are here, please do try to attend to the the lights on. So that is the only announcement and then we'll continue again, two weeks from now at 730. And we will discuss the HIPAA certain muscle skeletal muscle.
We will discuss that in two weeks. That is the only announcement. And with that we'll open up the floor for questions.
We didn't get
all the names that we know come from, no, they come from the island, the sooner so there are some of the names that came from the tsunami processor. And they're not mentioned in the quote. I'm trying to think of one right now. And Charlotte Mason when it comes to I'll get back to the
questions. You mentioned that about the way in the last one that I mentioned we and they give two reasons. One is first one is Yes, that's
right. So this morning, he said enzymes or some other creation, so but it is not the confliction alimonies
anybody's heard
anything from anybody
to do anything because as you know, that
could be an accident. So is this second option should we take out from this? I actually believe it's a more prominent answer it because if you look into the Koran itself, it's filled with, you know, linguistic miracles. And this linguistic miracle is that when I was Angela Thomas talks about worshiping Him, it's always in the singular, but when he talks about other actions of other creation was involved in it, that is when it meant it is mentioned in plural. And now in terms of what you're saying, from your perspective, it seems like then unless I don't that is not in need of any help. And this is completely perfect. But if you look at it from another perspective, how does Allah
subhanho wa Taala give privileges and ennoble some of his creation, by allowing them to do those very tasks, but allowing them to do was very test. And this brings me to a very important point, that even when discussing the term of summit, a summit we mentioned is that everyone turns to in times of need and of desperation. In other words, to be commenting on this verse, He said that a summit even though it is the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala, that we cannot take it as an attribute that we should try to have. So even though it is a name that we cannot take, it is an attribute that we should try to have meaning what does that mean? That when people are in desperate needs and
situations, that you should be the individual that they turn to, then you should be the one that is known, that helps the community and then he mentions examples, like the example of subpoena authority, and I love that he would be like, Mashallah, Allah subhanaw taala with a lot of money, and the rest of the people that didn't have this money, so so if you're an authority, when he used to have meat in his house, he would tell the people which one of you wants to eat, come and have meat. And the reason why he would do this was an implementation of this horse that people wanted meat, and he wanted to be the one the one to help the people as well. So this is the way that I no
doubt it nobles, people by allowing them to partake in some of the actions of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That was a very good question.
You mentioned those three virtues for the test, you mind repeating number two,
what was number two? How is this startup? Because I didn't remember this was the one that you had written down, well, I have nothing okay. So who was taking notes what was number two?
Sorry, he recited he continuously reciting sort of the philosophy and then they brought him to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, and he said he honestly well will not speak to him. It's as if he does not know any part of any other parts of the Quran. So he said, Yeah, so I do this only because of my love of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So then the messenger of the month of alarm I do send them said that know that almost I know Tyler loves you as well, that we mentioned that one of the scholars that
you mentioned that part of Eman and loving almost I know it's Allah is loving this surah in particular, and one of the ways to attain the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala is to love the soil. That's what the second version was. Go ahead number four.
linguistic meaning and
linguistic meaning becomes very technical, linguistic meaning it has two meanings behind it. Number one, it comes from alpha and alpha five confab needs to have a partner. It comes from how to have a partner. So when you're looking for marriage, one of the things that are stipulated by the scholars is that meaning that they have a similar social status, a similar financial background, a similar educational status, that is one aspect of fulfillment. The second aspect of Kufa, one comes from copper, meaning that it is something that is similar to that thing, so similar to so here, what is the meaning that is implied is the second one, that there's nothing similar to Allah subhanho wa
Taala there's nothing similar to Allah subhanaw taala and this refers to two things. Number one, in the essence of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the oneness of Allah subhanaw taala there's nothing in this world that is only one other than Allah subhanho wa Taala so that's one side of Khufu. And then the second side of Khufu one is that when it comes to the specific attributes of Allah subhanaw taala. So like we mentioned, Allah is life and our life, we both have life, but the life of Allah subhanaw taala it has no beginning it has no end our life, it has the beginning and has an end. So in the particular details or the particular attributes, when it comes to those attributes. There is
no Khufu and there's no similar tool or something similar to Allah subhanaw taala in those attributes, and Allah knows best, can
you ask the question already, we do one for each person. Last one, and you can ask me after this question Go ahead.
Lot of times, well,
isn't there any other service in the ground that like, as more or less is in a class like cost?
There is no surah in the Quran that is purely dedicated to Allah subhanho wa Taala so the brothers question is that Isn't there another suitor that talks about the virtues of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he mentioned that there's no other surah in the Quran that purely talks about the virtues of Allah subhanaw taala other than the soil, and there's no other sort of the does so, so succinctly meaning that in four verses, you have pretty much everything that you need to know about Allah subhanho wa Taala meaning that you should worship Allah alone, that almost kind of data is one in terms of Islamophobia, and His Lordship, and that almost no doubt is one it is a small snippet. I
was fine with Allah did this in four verses, and there's no other sutra that does it in such 66 succinctness or levels. So that will conclude a reminder again, next week six plus nine will be here and our tafsir Hanako will continue in two weeks with swords the muscle at 730 in Santa
Monica shadow