Want To Be Happy – Let Go Of 5 Things

Nadim Bashir


Channel: Nadim Bashir

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The importance of finding a consensus on one's happiness is highlighted, as it is achieved through personal challenges and socializing. Anything achieved in life is a temporary happiness, and anything from material and socialization is temporary. The speaker emphasizes the need to learn how to let go of control and find happiness in a way that is not distracting or annoying. The importance of impressing others and letting go of past regret is also emphasized, and individuals should let go of their past, current, and future negative behavior to find happiness and satisfaction in their life.

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Long like

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I ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that just

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as he has gathered us here today on

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this day of

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Jum'ah. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gather us

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along with our families,

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in jot for those of Allah, in the

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companionship of Rasulullah he salallahu alaihi wa sallam,

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and his Sahaba

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without any accountability.

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As we have learned from these scholars of

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the past, and our predecessors,

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and from

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the that after Ramadan, they will continuously ask

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for acceptance.

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So keeping that in mind, we ask Allah

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may he accept our Ramadan.

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May Allah accept our

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our siyam. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala accept

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all the duas that we made in Ramadan.

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And may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant us

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many more Ramavans.

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Brothers and sisters,

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if there's one question

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that many of us have been asked,

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And no matter what culture you belong to,

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no matter what language we speak,

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and no matter what the color of our

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skin is.

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If you were to ask everyone, what is

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one thing you want in life?

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Everyone will say They will have different things

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to say, but there was one There will

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be one answer

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that you will find a consensus

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on, and that is that everyone

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wants to be happy in life.

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And whatever we do in life,

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is It is there. We do everything in

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our life to find that happiness in our

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To find that contentment in life.

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We want a life

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filled with

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less challenges.

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No matter how many challenges there are, and

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how many we are going through, we want

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a life free of challenges.

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We wanna go through a life where even

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if we have to go through challenges, minimal

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We wanna go through a life where we

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don't have too many worries,

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too many episodes of anxiety, and depression, and

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so forth.

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And we have also

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thought about the idea,

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and the Society has taught us

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that any kind of difficulties in our life,

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any kind of hiccup in life,

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is a sign

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that there is no happiness in your life.

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Brothers and sisters,

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our ultimate goal of life is to please

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Our ultimate goal of life

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is to worship Allah

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And in worshiping Allah

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Allah will give us a situation, Allah will

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grant us

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a situation and circumstances,

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that no matter what the challenges are, we

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will be able to go through them.

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There is no such thing called a life

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that is challenge free.

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There is no such thing called a life

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where there is no episodes of anxiety or

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No matter the person who has nothing

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versus the person who has everything in this

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dunya, the most richest man right now on

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the face of this earth.

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If you tell me that they go through

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no challenges,

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and they don't ever experience anxiety or depression,

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or challenging situations in their life,

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then there's one thing I have to tell

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you, and that is that you are absolutely

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Every person in this dunya will have to

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go through challenges.

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But when we talk about happiness,

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first of all, there's a lot of debates,

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scientifically speaking,

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that what brings happiness to a person.

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For a Muslim, what we learned from the

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is that when a person has good things

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in their life,

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a person is able to pray salah, that

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should make you happy. Why?

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Because Allah has given us the ability,

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and Allah has given us the tawfiq.

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And a person who is consistent with their

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prayers, that is a sign that Allah is

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pleased with them.

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Because a

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person that Allah is displeased with,

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keeps them away from salat.

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Allah keeps them away from the Quran.

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Allah keeps them away from qiyam.

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So when we engage in ibadah, it's a

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sign that Allah is pleased with us.

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But many other scientist have also discovered, and

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they began debating

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that what brings happiness to a person.

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Some say that

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experiences of life such as entertainment,

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and this

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endless amount of freedom,

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and constant socializing and being around people,

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is what brings happiness to people. And I'll

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tell you, I have come across many people

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who have a very very social life,

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and they're not happy in life.

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That I have had people who come to

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me and say, that I don't ever get

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time to myself. Why?

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Because I'm constantly being invited from one dawat

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to another dawat to another dawat. And in

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order to please everyone, I go to everyone's

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place. I go to And I accept everyone's

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but what that has done in my life

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is, that it has caused depression in my

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So this idea

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that endless amount of freedom,

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or entertainment,

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or socializing,

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endless amount of socializing brings happiness,

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wallahi is false.

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There's other people who say that materialism,

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life achievements will bring you happiness.

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But this is also false. Why? Because anything

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that you achieve in life,

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and any materialism that you acquire, or we

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acquire in life,

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there will be some temporary happiness.

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But then after that, that happiness

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wears off.

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So the question is that where does happiness

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Where does happiness lies in? How can we

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find happiness

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in our life?

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And the thing that most scholars they say

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is, that a person who has spirituality

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in their life,

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mean that they have

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in their life. Their hearts

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are attached to Allah, and they're constantly seeking

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the love of Allah

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They are the ones who have a longer

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They have purpose of life, and you'll find

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these people that no matter if they have

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challenges in their life, they're you're still gonna

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find them happy.

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And there is no better example than Rasulullah

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A man, if you study his life from

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beginning to end, challenges after challenges.

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But what would he say when someone asked

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him about his long hours of to Allah

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He would say,

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Should I not be a grateful slave to

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This is a man that no other person

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in human history has gone through the amount

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of challenges

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as compared to anyone else. He has gone

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through the most amount of challenges,

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yet you see his attitude.

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It's not that as if Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam's

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and his

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issues that did exist in his society were

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gone. No. They did exist.

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He had issues in his own brethren. He

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had issues within the Quraysh. He had issues

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with the Jewish community, and the place where

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he lived.

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But he always saw

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the other side, and he always make sure

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that he was thankful to Allah

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So today, in this brief khutbah, I wanna

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share with you 5 things.

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5 things inshallah you keep in mind, that

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if we want to find happiness in our

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life, there's 5 things we have to let

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go of.

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Five things that we have to ignore or

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perhaps let go of, that you and I,

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we are holding on to so much, and

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this is why we're not finding happiness in

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our life.

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The very first thing

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is that we have to learn how to

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let go

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of control in our life.

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See, whatever we do in our life, we

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make sure our kids go to a school

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that is convenient for us. We make sure

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that we work, and we get to work

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in a in a way that is convenient

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for us. The places where we live, where

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we do things in our life, how we

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do things in our life, everything is based

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on convenience.

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But at the same time, there are many

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get And guess what? You have a flat

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tire on the way going there. And you

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can get out and be so upset,

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and say, Why did Allah make this happen

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to me? Why did

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Allah bring a situation like this upon me?

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And you're going in all these clean clothes,

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and now you have to get out, and

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you have to get, you know, your hands

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dirty and so forth. It is an unpleasant

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Or let's just say you've gone for a

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vacation with your family, and summer this happens

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often, And then someone gets sick during that

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vacation, and you're thinking to yourself that here,

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we're out here to have a good time

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with my family, and one of my children,

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or my spouse has become sick. There are

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things in our lives that don't go our

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way, brother and sisters.

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But this is where

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we have to learn how to let go.

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This is where we have to learn how

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to say that I put my in Allah

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I have to learn how to say that

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this is part of Allah's plan. This is

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the of Allah

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Whether I want it or not, that's not

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question. But the question is that am I

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satisfied with the of Allah

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How many times do we see in our

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own families, there's a sudden death in our

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family. We never expected it, but that is

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a time when we say, I put my

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trust in the qadr of Allah

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instructed Musa

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mother to put Musa in the basket. Did

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she want to do that? No. But she

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put her in Allah

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separated Yaqub alaihis salam and his son Yusuf

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alaihis salam for an extended period of time.

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Did he lose his trust in Allah? No.

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He put his trust in the qadr of

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When Mayim

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was told that she would deliver, and she

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would have a child

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in a in a way that is not

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normal, where there is no man involved.

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And the first thing that comes to her

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mind is, that what are the people gonna

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say about me? And they will accuse accuse

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me of immorality.

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And what happened is that in all three

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because they put their trust in Allah, and

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because they put their trust in the Qadr

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of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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Allah changed all of their situations.

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In the case of Musa

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Allah returned Musa back to the mother. Not

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only was she feeding her own child, which

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is a mother's responsibility,

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but she was receiving a stipend for doing

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something of that type. In the case of

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Yaqub and Yusuf

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Yusuf was returned to Yaqub

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but now as an as a grown man,

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and with so much izah and dignity.

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And not only that, but in the case

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of Mayim alaihis salam, not only Allah Subhanahu

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wa ta'ala exonerated her from all ill, and

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and anything, thing, any blame, or any accusations.

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But Allah

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gave her

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a dignity, and an honor, and a position

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that he did not give to any other

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woman in the history of mankind.

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When he says,

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This is Allah's way of showing these 3

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prophets, and all the other prophets, that when

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they went through challenges in life, but they

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put their trust in Allah's Qadr, Allah

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made the situation better for them. Brothers and

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sisters, we have a lot of plans.

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We have a 5 year plan, we have

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a 10 year plan. But when things don't

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go our way,

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in in that situation, instead of being becoming

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rather we should say that Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala knows something

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that I'm not aware of. Who knows if

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I were to hold on to this job,

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I might have been deprived from another better

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Who knows that this person got sick, but

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because of this I came closer to deen?

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Who knows that this situation that I may

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have gone through, I have seen people in

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my life

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who have gone through car accidents,

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motorcycle accidents.

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They did not die. Kept

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them alive.

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But this turn this situation

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was a catalyst for them to becoming closer

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to Allah

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Before this, they were not praying, they were

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not doing anything. But that one difficult situation

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caused them to come close to Allah

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Brothers and sisters,

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anything that happens in our life, always turn

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to Allah, and always be content with the

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qadr of Allah

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So the very first thing is, letting go

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of having full control over our life.

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Number 2 is,

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the how we can find happiness is letting

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of impressing

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Today, we are living in a time

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that we are constantly worried about other people's

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opinions about us.

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We will go on social media and post

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so many things about my vacation,

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about where I went, and where he went,

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or where she went, and so forth. And

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after every 5 minutes, we'll go back to

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social media to check how many people have

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liked that message. How many people have commented

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about that message. How many people have shared

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that message.

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Why? Because we are so obsessed.

00:18:11--> 00:18:13

We are so obsessed

00:18:13--> 00:18:16

with what other people think of us.

00:18:17--> 00:18:19

And this is a reality of a person

00:18:19--> 00:18:21

who has the love of this dunya in

00:18:21--> 00:18:23

their heart. Allah says,

00:18:29--> 00:18:31

This constant need

00:18:31--> 00:18:34

of impressing others, and showing others where I

00:18:34--> 00:18:36

went, and what I did, and what I'm

00:18:36--> 00:18:39

eating. Brothers and sisters, if we are constantly

00:18:40--> 00:18:41

obsessed about

00:18:41--> 00:18:42

impressing others,

00:18:43--> 00:18:45

What about impressing Allah

00:18:47--> 00:18:48

That should be our goal of life.

00:18:49--> 00:18:51

Because the reality is that the more you

00:18:51--> 00:18:52

try to impress someone,

00:18:53--> 00:18:54

and the more you try to reach someone

00:18:54--> 00:18:55

else's expectations,

00:18:56--> 00:18:58

and they don't give you the attention of

00:18:58--> 00:19:00

the day, it's gonna make you do more

00:19:00--> 00:19:01

and more.

00:19:01--> 00:19:03

This is the reality of the human being,

00:19:04--> 00:19:05

that it will make you do more and

00:19:05--> 00:19:07

more, and you will go out of your

00:19:07--> 00:19:10

own comfort zone to please someone else, and

00:19:10--> 00:19:11

to impress someone else.

00:19:12--> 00:19:14

And the reality is, brother and sisters, is

00:19:14--> 00:19:16

that today you might impress one person, and

00:19:16--> 00:19:19

you displease others. And that is why there

00:19:19--> 00:19:22

is absolutely no way you can please everyone.

00:19:22--> 00:19:24

If there is one that you try to

00:19:24--> 00:19:27

always please, if there's one that we all

00:19:27--> 00:19:28

try to please, it is Allah

00:19:30--> 00:19:31

And this is why Allah gives a very

00:19:31--> 00:19:32

beautiful example.

00:19:33--> 00:19:36

A very beautiful example in Surah Zumr, Allah

00:19:36--> 00:19:36


00:19:45--> 00:19:45


00:19:46--> 00:19:46

says, because

00:19:47--> 00:19:49

slavery existed a long time ago, of course.

00:19:50--> 00:19:51


00:19:51--> 00:19:54

when you had one person who was serving

00:19:54--> 00:19:57

multiple masters, Allah is saying, what makes more

00:19:57--> 00:19:58


00:19:58--> 00:20:00

that a that a person who has to

00:20:00--> 00:20:02

serve multiple masters?

00:20:02--> 00:20:04

Does that make more sense? Or a person

00:20:04--> 00:20:06

who has to serve only 1 master,

00:20:07--> 00:20:08

does that make sense?

00:20:08--> 00:20:10

It makes more sense that you have to

00:20:10--> 00:20:13

please only 1 master, Because we cannot please

00:20:13--> 00:20:15

everyone. Today you try to please one aspect

00:20:15--> 00:20:18

of society, you'll make other aspects of society

00:20:18--> 00:20:20

upset with you. So there if Therefore,

00:20:20--> 00:20:22

there's one goal of our life, and that

00:20:22--> 00:20:25

is that we don't try to impress people,

00:20:25--> 00:20:27

we don't try to impress others. If there's

00:20:27--> 00:20:29

one that we have to impress, it is

00:20:29--> 00:20:30


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And that is why Allah

00:20:33--> 00:20:35

says, when the prophet says,

00:20:39--> 00:20:40

You cannot

00:20:41--> 00:20:43

There is no way that you

00:20:43--> 00:20:44

you are obedient

00:20:45--> 00:20:47

to the of Allah

00:20:48--> 00:20:49

while you're displeasing Allah

00:20:51--> 00:20:53

Often, in order to please people, we displease

00:20:53--> 00:20:54

Allah The

00:20:55--> 00:20:57

prophet says, there is no such thing of

00:20:57--> 00:20:57

that type.

00:20:58--> 00:20:59

Number 3.

00:20:59--> 00:21:02

We have to learn how to let go

00:21:02--> 00:21:03

of our past.

00:21:04--> 00:21:06

There are so many times people come and

00:21:06--> 00:21:08

they say, I regret something like this happened

00:21:08--> 00:21:10

in the past. I regret I did not

00:21:10--> 00:21:13

invest here. I regret something happened to my

00:21:13--> 00:21:14

child. I regret I did not put my

00:21:14--> 00:21:16

child in this particular school. I regret not

00:21:16--> 00:21:19

taking that job. I regret, I regret, I

00:21:19--> 00:21:20


00:21:20--> 00:21:22

And this is where we have to understand

00:21:22--> 00:21:24

that there's a concept in the Quran, and

00:21:24--> 00:21:26

you will know this when I say this,

00:21:29--> 00:21:31

We're either worried about the future,

00:21:31--> 00:21:33

or we're worried about or we have regret

00:21:33--> 00:21:35

over the past. And Allah

00:21:35--> 00:21:38

is telling us, the only way you can

00:21:38--> 00:21:39

secure your future,

00:21:39--> 00:21:41

and the only way we can come to

00:21:41--> 00:21:44

peace with our past, the only way we

00:21:44--> 00:21:45

can come to peace with our past is

00:21:45--> 00:21:48

Once again, we put our iman and our

00:21:48--> 00:21:49

faith in the padr of Allah

00:21:50--> 00:21:52

Why does such and such happen in the

00:21:52--> 00:21:55

past? It was beyond my control. It was

00:21:55--> 00:21:56

in the control of Allah

00:21:57--> 00:21:59

No matter you cry a river over it,

00:21:59--> 00:22:00

it will not change the past.

00:22:01--> 00:22:03

As far as the future is concerned,

00:22:03--> 00:22:05

the people who are closer to Allah

00:22:06--> 00:22:09

Allah will secure their future. How so? Because

00:22:09--> 00:22:10


00:22:10--> 00:22:11

says in the Quran,

00:22:17--> 00:22:19

The of Allah.

00:22:19--> 00:22:21

The people who are close to Allah

00:22:22--> 00:22:24

There is no fear about the future,

00:22:25--> 00:22:27

and there is no regret about the past.

00:22:27--> 00:22:29

And who are these people? Allah says,

00:22:33--> 00:22:36

Those who have in their life, those who

00:22:36--> 00:22:38

have faith in their life, they are the

00:22:38--> 00:22:40

ones who are going to receive

00:22:40--> 00:22:42

no fear about the future, and no regret

00:22:42--> 00:22:44

about the past. And Allah

00:22:45--> 00:22:46

then says about these kind of people,

00:22:50--> 00:22:52

There is glad tidings for these people in

00:22:52--> 00:22:55

this dunya, and glad tidings for them in

00:22:55--> 00:22:56

the So brothers and sisters, yes there are

00:22:56--> 00:22:58

a lot of times we are worried about

00:22:58--> 00:23:00

the future. I've met a lot of parents

00:23:00--> 00:23:02

who are worried about their kids, But we

00:23:02--> 00:23:04

do what we have to do on our

00:23:04--> 00:23:05

part, and we leave the rest in the

00:23:05--> 00:23:06

hands of Allah

00:23:07--> 00:23:10

Let us remind ourselves the story of Musa

00:23:10--> 00:23:12

and Khadr. When they went and they erected

00:23:12--> 00:23:13

the wall,

00:23:14--> 00:23:16

that the people of the city had refused

00:23:16--> 00:23:19

to show any hospitality to these two people.

00:23:19--> 00:23:21

But Khadr went out of his way to

00:23:21--> 00:23:24

ensure that the wall is fixed. Why? Because

00:23:24--> 00:23:27

he says that this Underneath this wall, there

00:23:27--> 00:23:27

is treasure

00:23:28--> 00:23:30

that is secured for 2 orphan kids,

00:23:32--> 00:23:35

and their father was righteous. When parents are

00:23:35--> 00:23:36

righteous, then

00:23:37--> 00:23:38

Allah will

00:23:38--> 00:23:40

take care of their kids. But this is

00:23:40--> 00:23:42

where we have to put our trust in

00:23:42--> 00:23:44

Allah, and we have to apply in our

00:23:44--> 00:23:47

life. That is number 3. Number 4,

00:23:48--> 00:23:49

we have to always

00:23:50--> 00:23:52

We have to let go of being ungrateful

00:23:52--> 00:23:53

to Allah

00:23:54--> 00:23:55

We have to let go

00:23:56--> 00:23:59

of focusing on what other people have,

00:23:59--> 00:24:02

and not and not focusing on what we

00:24:02--> 00:24:05

have. We are so concerned about

00:24:05--> 00:24:06

other people's happiness.

00:24:07--> 00:24:09

This person, they're going to do this, and

00:24:09--> 00:24:11

they'll become so rich. And this family is

00:24:11--> 00:24:13

going for a vacation. And this family is

00:24:13--> 00:24:14

doing such and such, and

00:24:14--> 00:24:16

their kid became number 1, or their kid

00:24:16--> 00:24:19

got a scholarship, and so forth. Brothers and

00:24:19--> 00:24:19


00:24:20--> 00:24:23

whatever Allah has given us, let's be thankful

00:24:23--> 00:24:25

over that. Allah says,

00:24:27--> 00:24:29

If you are thankful to Allah, Allah will

00:24:29--> 00:24:32

increase in our blessings. So that is why

00:24:32--> 00:24:32


00:24:33--> 00:24:35

of worrying about others, let's focus on what

00:24:35--> 00:24:38

we have. Wallahi, there are people who come

00:24:38--> 00:24:40

to me and they say, Yeah, imam, I

00:24:40--> 00:24:42

don't have this, I don't have that. I'm

00:24:42--> 00:24:44

so worried about the future, I'm so worried

00:24:44--> 00:24:45

about this and that. And I have to

00:24:45--> 00:24:47

just sometimes just say one thing, look at

00:24:47--> 00:24:48

the people of Gaza.

00:24:49--> 00:24:51

Their homes are bombed and destroyed.

00:24:51--> 00:24:53

Where are they gonna go and live? They

00:24:53--> 00:24:55

don't have food to eat to eat. They

00:24:55--> 00:24:57

don't have clean water to drink and so

00:24:57--> 00:25:00

forth. And yet here, living in America, our

00:25:00--> 00:25:02

fridges are stacked from top to bottom. We

00:25:02--> 00:25:05

have external freezers in our garages, or in

00:25:05--> 00:25:07

our homes that are stacked from the top

00:25:07--> 00:25:09

to bottom. Our kids have comfortable beds to

00:25:09--> 00:25:11

sleep on. Even if they're sleeping on the

00:25:11--> 00:25:13

floor, they're not worried about their life. They're

00:25:13--> 00:25:15

not worried about a bomb dropping

00:25:15--> 00:25:17

on their house overnight.

00:25:17--> 00:25:18

Brothers and sisters,

00:25:19--> 00:25:21

we are so blessed in so many different

00:25:21--> 00:25:23

ways, yet we are so focused on what

00:25:23--> 00:25:25

we don't have.

00:25:25--> 00:25:27

Ramadan just went by.

00:25:27--> 00:25:29

What was one of the objectives of Ramadan?

00:25:30--> 00:25:32

Is that we apply gratitude in our life.

00:25:33--> 00:25:35

Allah is telling us, either you are amongst

00:25:35--> 00:25:37

those who are grateful to Allah, or you

00:25:37--> 00:25:39

are amongst those who are ungrateful to Allah.

00:25:39--> 00:25:41

And a person who's ungrateful to Allah

00:25:42--> 00:25:45

even the little that Allah has given them,

00:25:45--> 00:25:46

Allah will take away that.

00:25:47--> 00:25:48

So brothers and sisters,

00:25:48--> 00:25:50

the number 4 The 4th thing, in order

00:25:50--> 00:25:53

for us to be happy is we have

00:25:53--> 00:25:55

to let go of focusing on what other

00:25:55--> 00:25:57

people have. If someone has gone for a

00:25:57--> 00:26:00

vacation we see on social media, alhamdulillah for

00:26:00--> 00:26:02

them. Make du'a for them, and insha'Allah, you

00:26:02--> 00:26:04

will get the same thing too. But do

00:26:04--> 00:26:06

not make du'a against others. Do not be

00:26:06--> 00:26:08

jealous of others. And if there are things

00:26:09--> 00:26:10

if there are

00:26:10--> 00:26:12

things that we are doing that is triggering

00:26:13--> 00:26:14

that ungrateful

00:26:14--> 00:26:16

behavior in our life, then we learn how

00:26:16--> 00:26:18

to let it go. If I know that

00:26:18--> 00:26:20

going on social media, and seeing other people's

00:26:20--> 00:26:21


00:26:21--> 00:26:24

is making me ungrateful to Allah, then get

00:26:24--> 00:26:27

off social media. If I have friends that

00:26:27--> 00:26:29

every time I sit around them, all they're

00:26:29--> 00:26:31

talking about is where I went, and what

00:26:31--> 00:26:33

I did, and so forth, and that is

00:26:33--> 00:26:34

making me ungrateful,

00:26:34--> 00:26:36

then sever your relationship with those kind of

00:26:36--> 00:26:38

friends, and don't be around those friends. But

00:26:38--> 00:26:41

we have to be around people who remind

00:26:41--> 00:26:42

us of Allah

00:26:43--> 00:26:45

So that is number 4. And the last

00:26:45--> 00:26:48

thing, in order for us to find happiness,

00:26:48--> 00:26:50

the 5th thing that we must let go

00:26:50--> 00:26:51

of is

00:26:52--> 00:26:53


00:26:53--> 00:26:53


00:26:54--> 00:26:55


00:26:55--> 00:26:56

other people.

00:26:56--> 00:26:58

There are people, wallahi.

00:26:58--> 00:27:01

They're All their job is that they just

00:27:01--> 00:27:01


00:27:02--> 00:27:05

and they find faults and flaws in others.

00:27:05--> 00:27:07

And other people, and other families, and so

00:27:07--> 00:27:09

forth. And Allah

00:27:12--> 00:27:15

says, You're constantly worried about others, but you

00:27:15--> 00:27:18

forget about yourself. And this is why we

00:27:18--> 00:27:19

find even from

00:27:20--> 00:27:22

Abu Abu Umar says,

00:27:22--> 00:27:25

There were people in Madinah who had faults,

00:27:26--> 00:27:28

but they covered their sins, and did not

00:27:28--> 00:27:31

speak about the faults of others. So Allah

00:27:31--> 00:27:32

covered up their sins, and

00:27:33--> 00:27:36

they died as if they were without sin.

00:27:36--> 00:27:38

Mean that And then And then ibn Ummah,

00:27:38--> 00:27:40

he continues, he says, And there were those

00:27:40--> 00:27:41

who had faults,

00:27:41--> 00:27:43

but they bruise themselves with the faults of

00:27:43--> 00:27:45

others. So Allah

00:27:45--> 00:27:48

exposed their sins and their faults before entire

00:27:48--> 00:27:50

mankind. So it mean that if we are

00:27:50--> 00:27:53

constantly worried about other people's faults and flaws,

00:27:54--> 00:27:56

and we expose other people,

00:27:56--> 00:27:58

first of all is, we will not find

00:27:58--> 00:28:00

happiness in our life by doing this. Because

00:28:00--> 00:28:03

often when people criticize others, they're trying to

00:28:03--> 00:28:05

find a way to show others that they

00:28:05--> 00:28:08

are better than them. In their psychology, they're

00:28:08--> 00:28:09

trying to create a situation

00:28:10--> 00:28:12

that I am better than them. The only

00:28:12--> 00:28:15

way I can show and make myself feel

00:28:15--> 00:28:15


00:28:16--> 00:28:17

compared to them is when I put them

00:28:17--> 00:28:18


00:28:18--> 00:28:20

This is how we make ourselves feel better

00:28:20--> 00:28:22

nowadays, by putting other people down.

00:28:24--> 00:28:25

Subhanallah. And Allah is telling us that this

00:28:25--> 00:28:28

is not how you'll find happiness. When you

00:28:28--> 00:28:30

put other people down, Allah will put us

00:28:30--> 00:28:32

down. This is the reality of our life.

00:28:32--> 00:28:33

And if we try to find faults within

00:28:33--> 00:28:36

others, and we expose other people's faults and

00:28:36--> 00:28:39

flaws, then Allah will expose our faults and

00:28:39--> 00:28:42

our flaws within others. And what will happen

00:28:42--> 00:28:45

if other people find out about our flaws,

00:28:45--> 00:28:48

about our flaws and faults? Will we find

00:28:48--> 00:28:49

happiness? No, we will not find

00:28:50--> 00:28:52

happiness. So these are 5 things that we

00:28:52--> 00:28:55

must do, we must let go of, if

00:28:55--> 00:28:57

we want to find any kind of satisfaction

00:28:57--> 00:28:59

and happiness in our life. I ask

00:29:01--> 00:29:02

to make us from amongst those who are

00:29:02--> 00:29:05

the successful in this duniya and the akhirah.

00:29:05--> 00:29:05

May Allah

00:29:06--> 00:29:07

take us from this duniya when he is

00:29:07--> 00:29:09

most pleased with us. May Allah subhanahu wa

00:29:09--> 00:29:12

ta'ala make our last Amal, our best Amal.

00:29:12--> 00:29:12


00:29:42--> 00:29:44

Just to quickly recap, so we keep these

00:29:44--> 00:29:46

5 things in mind. If we wanna find

00:29:46--> 00:29:48

happiness, let go of 5 things. Number 1

00:29:48--> 00:29:51

is, letting go of having full control over

00:29:51--> 00:29:54

your life. Number 2 is letting go of

00:29:54--> 00:29:56

constantly trying to impress other people.

00:29:56--> 00:29:59

Number 3 is trying to let go of

00:29:59--> 00:29:59

the past,

00:30:00--> 00:30:02

and not worry about not and not be

00:30:02--> 00:30:04

overly consumed about the future.

00:30:04--> 00:30:06

Number 4 is always

00:30:06--> 00:30:08

letting go of what other people have,

00:30:09--> 00:30:11

and and and not focusing on what we

00:30:11--> 00:30:13

have. And number 5 is letting go of

00:30:13--> 00:30:16

criticizing others. These are 5 things, of course

00:30:16--> 00:30:17

there are many other things I can share,

00:30:17--> 00:30:19

but because of time I just want to

00:30:19--> 00:30:21

share these 5 things inshallah. We let go

00:30:21--> 00:30:23

of these 5 things, we'll find some kind

00:30:23--> 00:30:25

of happiness and satisfaction in our life. I

00:30:25--> 00:30:27

ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to bring ease

00:30:27--> 00:30:28

in our life.

00:31:16--> 00:31:16


00:31:53--> 00:31:54

Straighten lines, fill in the gaps.

00:32:00--> 00:32:02

There's plenty of space inside the main hall.

00:32:02--> 00:32:03

Brothers in the back two rooms, please make

00:32:03--> 00:32:04


00:32:04--> 00:32:05

to come inside.

00:32:07--> 00:32:08


00:32:08--> 00:32:10

please make sure rows are straight, gaps are

00:32:10--> 00:32:11


00:32:11--> 00:32:13

Please make sure the rows are complete, sisters.

00:32:15--> 00:32:16

Brother, Brother, there's still a lot of space

00:32:16--> 00:32:18

inside the main hall. Please come inside.

00:32:21--> 00:32:23

Brothers in the lobby area, please make sure

00:32:23--> 00:32:24

the rows are straight.

00:32:24--> 00:32:26

Look around you, brothers in lobby area. Please

00:32:26--> 00:32:27

make sure the rows are straight.

00:32:29--> 00:32:31

Brothers in the back two rooms, please make

00:32:31--> 00:32:32

Often, the rows are incomplete.

00:32:31--> 00:32:32

Often, the rows are incomplete.