Nadim Bashir – The Three Stories of Resurrection – Conversations

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The segment discusses Surah Al Bathily's message about life after death and the importance of the Prophet's theology. It emphasizes the importance of learning from the past and avoiding confrontational debate. The segment also touches on the history of Islam and how it has changed over time, including the use of time and the influence of Islam on people's behavior and emotions. The segment emphasizes the importance of understanding one's intention and not letting anyone know.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alikum, Talal you but okay to to everyone who's watching today, I hope that you all are doing okay. Today inshallah we are once again, this is another segment of conversations where we take a conversation that takes place in the Quran. And we take some lessons from that. Today I have chosen a passage from Surah Al Baqarah. And interestingly, this passage does not only include one conversation, but include includes three different conversations. Now, before I talk about all three of those conversations, if I want to summarize all three conversations into one word, the word is resurrection. Because in the time of the Prophet salallahu idea he was setting them while today, you

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know, when we talk about aka in theology, there are many things that we discuss about by the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, one of the most contested topics and one of the things that was always debated about is that what happens in life after death. And the question that always was asked was that can ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala resurrect or not, and the one thing that we find the Quran over and over again, is that Allah subhanho wa Taala he makes it very clear that ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala is the one who gives life and Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who gives death and when we die, and no matter what happens, Allah subhanho wa Taala on the day of judgment, He will resurrect

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us, and no matter how much we have turned into dust, Allah subhanho wa Taala has the ability to bring us back together in our original form. So this is the emaan in the AKI that we have in Allah subhanho wa taala. Now in this in sutra, Bacara, the passage that I've chosen, it begins with the story of Ibraheem Alehissalaam this is when Ibrahim alayhi salam, he comes in front of this king, but then you have in the mood. Now you have to understand kings long time ago were very different than kings today. You know, Kings nowadays, even if there's a concept of a king and so forth, the idea is that they governed the land and the pass laws and so forth. A long time ago, kings were not

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only that, but they demanded people to worship them. Now, when the moose found out, that this is who Ibraheem Alehissalaam is, this is what he calls people tours. He calls people to the Oneness of Allah. He calls people to monotheism. He asked him that what exactly is this Do you believe in? And so first of all, is that Allah subhana wa taala. He addresses Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as he does in all the ayat. And he says, Allah am Thoreau Have you not considered or have you not seen Oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the at the one who argued with Ibrahim alayhis salam about his Lord. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling the province Salam that don't you

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remember that story? When there was a person who argued with Ibrahim Ali Hassan regarding Allah subhanho wa taala. And what did he argue about that Ibrahim alayhi salam says, Rob BL levy up, will you meet Ibrahim alayhis salam said that my Allah, Maya Rob, he gives life and He gives death. And this man the mood he actually believes that he actually has the same capabilities. And so what he said was, he says, I know what will meet that I also have the ability to give life and give death. And what the Quran does not mention what is mentioned in the books of history, and different artha and different narrations is that his way of giving life and death was that he called someone who was

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an innocent man and he killed him. And he called another man who was completely guilty. And he was supposed to be executed and he let him go and he said, This is my way of giving him life again. So when he said this Ibrahim alayhis salam he said that in kala Ibrahim Ufa in Allah Yachty Bisham, seminal Mashiach fatty be having a Maghrib he says that my Allah in my Arab, he brings the sun from the east and he sets it in the West. And I challenge you to do to do what to bring the sun from the west. The Quran says Furbo heeta levy kufr. Eventually he was he was dumbfounded mean that he did not have an answer to this challenge of Ibraheem Alehissalaam Allah subhanho wa Taala then says,

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well, Allahu La Jolla del Calma volume in Allah does not guide those who are the wrongdoers. Now this is the idea and this is the the once again the conversation that took place between the kingdom road and Ibrahim alayhis salam, once again, in no mood is saying that I have Who is Allah He is saying My Allah is he's the one who gives life and death. He says I can give life and death Ibrahim Ali Hassan says, My Allah brings a son from the east you bring it from the West. This was the conversation. Now of course there's many things to be learned from this and the

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One of the things that we learn from this is there are many Dawa lessons that we learn from this. First of all, is that I want to take, I want to go all the way back to the beginning of this idea and Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, and I'm Tara Alam tara is when Allah is sent to the Prophet Salam Have you seen? You know, when you understand something, you say, Oh, I see like you understand something. So Allah subhanaw taala isn't power Salaam. He's telling him a story of the past. And why is he sharing the story with him? Is because Ibraheem Alehissalaam there are people who came to Abraham, Allah, his son, and he they argued with him, although they don't have a basis of their

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argument. Likewise, oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when people come to you, and they're having these kinds of debates with you, that don't have you know, that are baseless. Do not feel offended by this. Remember that there are prophets of the past that also went through the same thing. Now what do we learn from this because once again, the Quran is not just about, you know, sharing these stories. The most important thing is what do we learn from these stories? And today I want to share several lessons that we can learn from this lesson number one, when Allah says Allah, I'm Tara, and he's telling the person to reflect upon the stories of the past. By the way, every

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time the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was consoled, or whenever Allah subhanaw taala was said, any idea of the Quran to bring some relief to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he will always share the stories of the past. Why do you think that Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned the stories of Musa alayhis salam threw out the entire Quran why brothers and sisters is because just like bunnies saw eel, they were arrogant, just like bunny saw it despite the fact that Allah saved them. Despite Allah subhanaw taala giving them magnocellular and given us so many near misses, they were unthinkable to Allah subhanho wa Taala and they rejected the message of Musa alayhis salam and they

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kept on asking questions. Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, oh prophet of Allah. Look at what happened to Musa if this happens to you do not take do not feel too bad about this. Every prophet has been through this, when Allah subhanho wa Taala talked about the stories of Yusuf alayhi salam, that usually some of his own family members went against him or prophet of Allah, even you eventually your family members will go against you too. When Allah subhanho wa Taala shares the stories of Zakariya and yeah, and our isa Allah you sit down why, because oh prophet of Allah, when you go to Medina, and you will face the Jews of Medina, you are

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also going to go through something similar to what isa executor, yeah, and yeah, he went through. So this is eventually this is why Allah shared all the stories of the past with the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam, so that there is an error in it, and we can learn something from this. Now the lesson in this is that whenever we are going through something in our life, we always go back to the stories. Whenever we are going through some challenge, whether a challenge could be related to anything such as Islamophobia, a challenge related to financial hardship, challenges related to family, social pressures, spiritual challenges, pandemics that we're going through right now,

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whatever situation we find ourselves in, we always go back to the Sierra the Prophet SAW Salem. And we always go back to the stories that Amelia and I can almost guarantee you, I can really truly guarantee you that you will find some example in their life, you will find some consolation in their life. And you will realize and we all will realize that what we are going through is not even remotely close to what people of the past they went through. And that in itself brings us some comfort. So this is the very first thing that we learned is whenever we're going through challenges, always reflect on the stories of the past. The second thing that we learn in this story is that

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Allah says I don't throw in a lady ha Ibrahima mean that this was a man the mood was the man who challenged Ibrahim Ali Islam. What we learned from this is that a Muslim is never a person who goes around trying to pick debates and trying to create debates with other people, especially people, especially with people of other faiths. You know, this is one of the things that we learn in our deen is that the purpose of knowledge is not so that we can go and debate other people, you know Subhanallah there are many people today who are seeking knowledge just so that they can go online and they can say something to put someone down Subhan Allah this is not what the purpose of

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knowledge is. This is not why we study knowledge. The purpose of knowledge is that we can come closer to Allah, we can appreciate who Allah subhanaw taala is to learn the Quran and study the Quran so that we can connect we can come closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala The idea is never about going and creating debates. So this is why even the Quran teaches us that in this case, it was not able

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Are you Are you someone who went and created this debate or stirred this debate up? It was no mood who created this debate? But something else that we learned from this also is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from his life is that and the fact that Ibraheem Alehissalaam

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actually let me take a step back and say this, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he is by the way, the result of the dua of Ibrahim alayhis salam. Ibrahim alayhis salam is such a revered figure, that no matter even though the Quran does say, Makana, Ibrahim yahoodi, and wilderness Ronnie and what I can kind of Khalifa Muslim Allah talks about Ibrahim alayhis salam that he did this, and this is this is who he is, he is truly a Muslim. But still, nonetheless, when you interact with other faiths, especially Christians and Jewish people. They all say that all three of these faiths and all these three religions are considered as Abrahamic faiths. This means that Ibrahim Ali Islam is such

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a revered figure. And why do you think Allah subhanho wa Taala even shared with us the story of Ibrahim Ali is some in the Quran is because this is a man that even the Prophet saw some would refer to him as our forefather, he would refer to him as our forefathers. SubhanAllah. Like in the case of either Aloha, but nonetheless, why do you think Allah subhanaw taala he stood he he saved the story for us. We read the story in the Quran till the Day of Judgment. Why? Because this also teaches us that there is nothing wrong in having a respectful dialogue with someone of the other faith, especially when it comes to Dawa. We should always there's nothing wrong in having with having a

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dialogue. A dialogue is not a debate. A dialogue is where we respectfully we talk about things And subhanAllah you know, people who are in Dawa, they will tell you that they have met other pastors I have, you know, time to time met with other pastors and you know, talked about and discussed about commonalities and differences, but we're always very respectful to one another, so there's nothing wrong in having a discussion. Now, I want to also talk a little more about Ibrahim Ali Hassan because this man of course, is a very revered figure. Ibrahim Malik Islam teaches us when it comes to giving Dawa is that you have to be very respectful especially, especially when it comes to those

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who are the closest to you. In the case of Ibraheem Alehissalaam we have his father his father is a disbeliever Ibrahim Ali Hassan whenever he came to him, he will always seek Allah's mercy for him, he will always make dua for him. And eventually there came a time when ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada said, Now you cannot make dua for him, but who Ibrahim alayhi salam was, and his dad and his etiquettes was that whenever he would give Dawa he was always very respectful. Now relate to Dawa. There's some other things that we learned from this ayah and that is number one is that when it comes to giving Dawa, you know, you know, there are a lot of people who love to give Dawa but they don't know how to

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give Dawa and you know, we need to learn the adaptive giving dollar dollar has to be calculated. It has to, it has to be premeditated, asked me well thought out. And it's very similar to I sculpturing. You know, when you're, you know what a person is. He's in the business of icicle sharing. What they do is that, imagine if they had a sledgehammer, and they just tried to break the rock, you're gonna break the whole thing. Now, if they had a toothpick, and they're trying to chip away, eventually you will not get anywhere. So what they usually use is a pick axe, you know, slowly and gradually, you know, they have small, small tools. But that's what Dawa is that one has to be

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methodical it has to be well thought out. When you look at the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the prophet sums his Dawa life was well thought out too. And so this is why when it comes to giving Dawa, it's not about just going and giving Dawa. It's about thinking through and through, when it comes to giving Dawa. Also when it comes the time to giving Dawa. We see with Ibraheem Alehissalaam that when num root said that I'm the one also who gives life and death. And I brought him on a Sunday and I began to argue with him that How dare you can say something like this? Like how wrong is it that you're saying something like this? Right away? Ibrahim Ali Hassan went to the

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next subject, which is this the rigging of the sun from the east. And so what we learned from this is that when it comes to giving Dawa, first of all we need to ask ourselves is that what are we calling to, we have to call to Allah subhanho wa Taala and we can never become disrespectful. Just like in the case of Ibrahim, he never was disrespectful. He found he found the statement to be wrong, but he never was disrespectful. Likewise, we cannot be disrespectful or say anything that is derogatory. In fact, even when ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala told Musa to go give Dawa to fill out. He said, Be gentle with him. Allah subhana wa Taala teaches us that when you give Dawa to others let

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the Cebu Lavinia their own Amin dunya Allah He fears

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To below what I do on the radio and if you are disrespectful, if you say something that is derogatory about someone else's religion, then eventually they will say something disrespectful and derogatory about Allah subhanho wa taala. So also part of Dawa is that we don't say something that is viewed as disrespectful. And finally, when it comes to giving Dawa,

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something very important that we need to learn is that if the person who's giving Dawa if their purpose or the person who's asking the question, if their true purpose is just to create an argument, if their purpose is not to learn, then in that case, there's no need to waste your time honestly, in that case, you simply walk away, you listen to them to what they have to say, and you simply move on. And subhanAllah I have myself, I've learned from these kinds of experiences myself, where people are asking questions, and I will go on with answer after answer. But only later, I found out that they had no intent, but to just simply get a person, you know, to rile a person up or

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to get a person excited. So when you come across these kinds of people, we eventually just walk away. We pray for them, we pray for their Hidayat. And eventually we move on. So this is the very first dialogue that took place in this passage, the second dialogue that took place so the first dialogue teaches us that ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala is surely the one who is the father, he is the one who is truly the ruler, and he is the one who has the capacity to give life and to give death. The second story that we learn is a story of Jose Radha who Salam and you know, the one thing that we learned about this man is that while there are some people who have debated whether this person was

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or they are not legally allowed to and if knob so Viola Tron, they both say that this story is in reference to what was Adolphe Islam. Still, nonetheless, let's not get into who the person was. Let's learn from the story. Here we have a man who came to a place that was inhabited. It was a place where there was no one there. And what happens is that he sees this entire land, and he thinks to himself, that how can Allah subhanho wa Taala revive this entire town? So Allah subhanho wa Taala he talks about this too, in the Quran, and then very next ayah he says, Oh Keleti Muralla periactin where he ha we had an Allah Otto Shiva, or consider the example. So once again, this is a

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continuation of the previous ayah Allah is telling the Prophet alayhi salam, the thing about this example, that the one who passed by a town and it had fallen to its ruin, meaning that and Allah subhanho wa Taala so beautifully, he says, hall we had to not allow to share Allah talks about time. In words. What that means is that when Allah says that these houses had fallen, the roofs of these houses had fallen. What that means is that so much time had passed by, that these structures in these homes that did exist, their foundation became weak, the walls became weak, and eventually you know, when a wall becomes weak, what's the first thing that falls in is the roof. So Allah

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Subhanallah saying that so much time had passed by, and there was no one living here that eventually the roofs they fell on the under on the homes. That's how much time had passed by. This man said. And yeah, he had the level by the motiva How will Allah bring all this to life after his death? Allah says for America, hula hula me at the moment from Abba artha Allah says that so Allah caused him to die for 100 years from then he resurrected him all are coming up with he asked was there any he said, um, how long were you in the state? He says the birth to Yeoman. Oh Baba Yom I was probably in the state for a day or day someone a part of a day. And the owner they mentioned that when are

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they are they your son when he first slept? He saw the sun. And when he woke up, the sun was still there. So he's thinking to himself that I probably have slept for you know, probably for the some part of the day. I probably had like an extended nap. But that's all it is. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, All available to me at I am. No, in fact, you were sleeping and you were you were in the state for 100 years. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says funboard Isla atomica Warshaw, Bica, la mia to Santa, look at your food and look at the drink and it has not changed with the passage of time. And I want you all to pay attention to this because this is very beautiful here. A law that says one

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vote Isla hematic and the look at your donkey and we will make it a sign for the people and look at the bones of this donkey and how we raise them and then we cover them with flesh. So Allah subhanaw taala is telling us here that look at food. Now naturally speaking when we talk about food, and you have this to say you have food on one side and you have a donkey on the other side. What will go what will perish first

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Without a doubt the food will perish first, the donkey will love live on longer. But Allah subhanho wa Taala he wanted to show it was at some his power, and especially especially his power over time, that when it came to the food, that naturally it would generally first perish. Allah subhanaw taala preserve the food Subhan Allah and when it comes to the donkey, that naturally it will be, it will be it will be more sustaining, and it will live longer than the food. Allah subhanho wa Taala made that donkey perish and and turn it into bones. And so when it was a son when he wakes up and he sees that Allah subhanho wa Taala just like he was able to preserve this and he was able to perish the

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donkey. Likewise, we now I now understand how Allah subhanho wa Taala will bring everything back to life. And and finally ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala says phala mathema yen Allah, Allah Allah and Allah Allah aqualisa encoded and when it becomes clear to him that and he says, I know that Allah subhanaw taala is over all things and He is truly competent over all things. So now so this is the second dialogue which again highlights the Divine might of Allah subhanho wa taala. And once again we see that how Allah subhanaw taala is truly in control of life and death. And not only that, but also Subhanallah was very beautiful about this is that Allah subhanaw taala has shown us how much in

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control he is of time. You know time is something that no matter how many resources that person may have, how much wealth a person may have. Time is something that does not belong to anyone.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala is so amazing in his power, that not only does he have control over his time, Allah can at any time seize time and he can continue time and I just want to share with you one beautiful example. In sootel Calif Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about a few youngsters that sought refuge in a cave. They are not they were being called to ship, Allah subhanho wa Taala you put in their heart they went into a cave and they stayed in that cave for as the Quran says fella with me I didn't see Nina was dead with this for 309 years. Now I want you to think about this. After 309 years when they came out. They saw that you know what the Quran says is that was sort of

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golf says is that they were hungry, they sent someone else out to go get some food. And eventually when they went to the town, everything had changed the currency I changed, the king had changed times had passed, and they were confused. What we don't realize is Subhan Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala made time stop inside the cave, inside the cave time stopped, time seized because of the order of Allah and mean that because when 309 years gone by, they never woke up and they were extremely fragile and they were old. They were still in their own original state. They thought they probably just slept for just probably a day or so that's what the Quran says. But the Quran says that they

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had slept for 209 years. So outside the cave outside the cave, time had kept on going on and time continued. This is how much power and control Allah has over time. Inside the cave. Time Allah time stop outside the cave time kept kept on going on Subhanallah there's only one who has the power of that. And that is Allah subhanho wa taala. Now, what's interesting to notice this, the very first story again, the story of Ibrahim in the mood, the mood challenged ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada, right, and what Allah say he does not give Hidayat to these kinds of people. Then the story of Jose Ali's son comes around and he also asked a question to Allah subhana wa Tada. And what Allah do, Allah gave

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him and showed him an example why? See what's important to learn from these two stories is, there's nothing wrong in asking a question as long as your intention and your Nia is to learn. As long as you have the right intention, as long as your heart is clear, and you want to come closer to Allah subhanho wa taala. There is nothing wrong and asking a question. And this beautifully, so beautifully. brings us to the next story, which is the story of Ibrahim alayhis salam again, the third dialogue in this in this passage, where Ibrahim alayhis salam, he's asked asking ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada for he's here. He's asking Allah a question. Now, earlier on, we talked about the story of

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Ibrahim in the mood. And Ibrahim alayhis salam is saying, My Rob gives life and death. This is his or him. He knows that Allah gives life and gives life and death. But here, Ibrahim alayhis salam, he wants to see it. He has in Mali again. Now he wants to have it again. He wants to know that he wants to see it firsthand before him and

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And you know this is why when it comes to this is this is number 216. So the Bacara Allah subhanho wa Taala says What if Allah Ibrahim Robbie areni que for Torian Mota call? I will I'm talking. Remember the time when Ibrahim alayhi salam he said to Allah that show me how do you how do you revive the dead? Allah subhanho wa Taala said, Do you not believe in me? Are we Brahim? He says Bacala Bella wala can lead in Nickleby, Oh, indeed, Oh Allah, I do trust. I mean, I do believe in you. I have conviction in my heart that I and I do believe in you. But I'm just simply asking you just for the contentment of my heart. And what we learned from this is, you know, there's a very

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beautiful story that I want to share with you. And that is the story of Abdullah ibn Abbas. And I'm delighted with the hammer. Now these tools have a Villalta, on whom I'd like Obama came to Abdullah ibn Abbas. And he says, oh, absorbent ibis, according to you, in your opinion, what is the most what is the idea that provides the most amount of hope? And he says, and I believe it is, before he answers that, he says, Why don't you tell me, according to you, which I gives the most amount of hope. And he says that, according to me, in my opinion, the idea that gives the most the most amount of Hope is the idea that we find a sort of Zoomer and that is Pollyanna about the lady in Astra for

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Allah and foresee him talking to me Rahmatullah that, Oh, you people in all slaves of Allah subhanho wa taala, who have transgressed against Allah. Do not despair from the mercy of Allah subhanho wa taala. So Abdullah even almost says, this is the idea that provides me the most amount of hope, I believe. Now Abbas says, the idea that provides me the most amount of hope is this idea, the idea where Ibrahim alayhi salam is asking Allah subhanho wa taala, to show him how he does his things, how is he able to bring life from the dead. And the reason why this is so this is an ayah, that is considered as an ayah of hope is because this teaches us that there are going to be times when you

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and I we truly believe in Allah subhanho wa taala. But at times, we do have questions. And the questions are not there because we doubt Allah. In fact, the Prophet saw some has taught us that whenever you get to a point that you're doubting Allah subhanho wa taala. And shaytaan comes to your mind. And he and he says, you know, you're thinking to yourself that Allah created this, and Allah created that. And she thought comes into your mind, and he comes to your heart. And He says, For my Haleakala who has created Allah, now this may come to our mind shaitan may put this in our mind, the prophets of Salaam has beautifully told us that at that time, you simply say I'm into Billa, I

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believe in Allah. Because what that means is that when I know that Allah and what he says, and what the prophet some he stood for, and what he represented, when I believe in Allah and His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I believe in everything that they said, and everything that they brought, even there might be something I may not understand. And this is something very important for many people to understand is that when we do have questions regarding our deen, and we don't get that answered that we want, because you have to understand that not every single thing is going to make logical sense, there are going to be some things that it's hikmah is only in the knowledge of

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Allah subhanho wa taala. So why did Allah tell us to do something? There might be some reasons, but the true wisdom only is in the knowledge of Allah subhanho wa taala? If there are something that I simply have not come to, I don't know the true answer to or I don't get an answer that it truly satisfies me. Still, at the end of the day, we need to have a heart that is kind to Allah subhanho wa taala. And yes, once again, if you do have a question, that you just want to understand your deen better. And that's all it is. And you do understand that if I don't get the answer that I want, I still believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala that in those cases asking question is absolutely fine. And

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you know, especially when it comes to parents, I know that majority of our parents who grew up and they were raised overseas, they were raised in an environment that if they ever came to their parents and asked questions, that I have a question about Allah subhanho wa taala. I have a question about the Quran. And if they ever said, the statements such as this does not make sense. It was the end of the world. I mean, the parents would always tell them, You don't ever ask questions. You don't ever question ALLAH SubhanA wa taala. And people will just simply say that, but I just have a question. And so eventually what happens is that our parents, they grew up with this mindset that

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you don't ever ask questions. And what we need to learn is that there is nothing wrong to ask questions, if we have the right intention. Now remember, there are times that the Quran does talk about incidents and stories that when like for example, he is sorry and they would object they will not ask questions, they would object to Musa alayhis salam, Allah subhanaw taala

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How's the Sahaba that do not ever object to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Do not ever question him, so that you know you can try to, you know, try to corner the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you don't try to ask tricky questions. This is what the Jews of Medina will do. This is what the Quran will do in Makkah, but you don't do that. So once again, there is absolutely nothing wrong. And this is the dialogue that took place. Eventually, Allah subhanho wa Taala cetera Ibrahim Ali Sam to conclude his dialogue, he says take four birds, slaughter them, put them on different places, and then call them and the Quran says that Ibrahim alayhis salam did exactly as Allah told

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him, and when he called the birds, the birds came together and Allah subhanho wa Taala with his powers, he was able to bring all the birds together, right in front of Ibraheem Alehissalaam again, and this satisfied and this once again, you know, this satisfied the, the want of Ibrahim alayhis salam. And so this is the third dialogue that took place. I conclude by saying that ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala they may hear through these stories give us the ability to learn from these stories. Once again. There's a lot of Dawa lessons that we learn from the story of Ibrahim in the mood. We learn from the story of ozotic Islam, that Allah subhana wa Taala has power over time, and

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Allah subhanaw taala can resurrect anything as he wishes. And from the story of Ibraheem Alehissalaam We also learn that, number one, there's nothing wrong in asking questions as long as we have a clean heart, and we want to come close to Allah. And number two is that Allah subhanho wa Taala even if we're scattered, and even if we have turned to dust, Allah has the absolute ability to bring us back to life. Ask Allah subhana wa to give us ability to everyone's been sending her to ask Allah subhanaw taala through the stories of the Quran, he gives us the understanding and through the stories we're able to appreciate him and his powers. And through this we are able to gain the

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modifier of Allah subhanho wa Taala does akmola Hey, as salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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