Nadim Bashir – The Inevitable Journey #05

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of burying individuals in the presence of a graveyard during the aftermath of the operation in Afghanistan. They emphasize the importance of avoiding touching the grave and the use of water to prevent damage. The speakers also discuss the use of the "has been" concept in various media and media outlets, including the Day of Jury and the importance of not being aware of events. They stress the importance of finding the cause of death and transferring bodies to the right person, and stress the importance of burying individuals in the presence of a graveyard to avoid complications from the disease.
AI: Transcript ©
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So don't want to complain but I'll get to Mr. Luhan or 100 later but I mean was there was someone that was sodium Mohammed Wallah early he was so happy here's mine was the same when Kathy Rama Subhanak Romana Ilana alumina in Nicaragua Hakeem Avishai so they were silly Emery without him listening if the Holy Oh my god. So So today is our last session regarding the Alberta doc. We have talked about believing Alberta doc. In fact right now

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brother Sammy was in fact in 14 right now that apparently there's, you know online you find so many different people who believe in so many different things. And he will just informed me that people there are some people who are saying that the idea of Aqaba is not explicitly mentioned in the Quran. So why do we believe in the idea of a power? So first of all, is that if you if you talk to anyone who says that I've ever covered is not explicitly mentioned in the Quran, you have to understand that this is as they call it. Calima to Hacohen readable HIT button that this is a this is a correct word, but the intent is botlane because there is yes there is no place in the Quran

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that explicitly Allah uses the word or that will cover in the Quran. However, we do find that in the Sunnah and the Hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Secondly, a lot of times when you get into this argument with people who say that such and such has not been mentioned in the Quran, you will notice that they don't believe in the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they are known as Al Quran. And if you ever find yourself getting into an argument or into a debate with someone who is known as Al Quran, or they are they reject Hadith, then there is Wallahi no point there is absolutely no point in sitting and engaging in that kind of conversation. Because our

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deen is made up of two things. And that is the Quran and the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and you cannot understand the Quran without the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So that's why it's very important that we understand this. We talked about the different types of people what happens to the roof? What happens to the knifes or the soul in the grave? Where is it exactly. And we also talked about the different types of people who will be punished in the, in the grave, the different types of people who will be blessed in the grave. But today, we want to I want to conclude with some certain discussions that come up when it comes to the grave, and we'll

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go through them in sha Allah. The very first thing is that can you bury two people in one grave? Can you bury two people in one grave? First of all, is that if there is no need, then there's no need to begin with. If there is even if there's a certain graveyard, where there's no space in that graveyard, that is still acquainted, the automat is not considered as an excuse to be burning. Is this still not an excuse a coin

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You don't want to dig up one grave and put another body in there. If there are other graveyards that even maybe far, you have to go to the other graveyard. If a person digs up a grave and finds that the only thing that are left over there are some bones, then what some alumni have mentioned was mentioned in some books of FIP is that those bones can be pushed aside can be put aside, and there should be like sort of like a line or some kind of like, separated area in the grave that you should be put, and then you can possibly put another body there. But once again, the best course of action is that if you know someone has been buried there, and usually it takes a certain amount of time for

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the body to be completely decomposed and turned into dust. If that amount of time has passed, then you can dig up that grave again and put someone in there otherwise, it is not usually allowed. And in the case that if a person does dig up a grave, and they find the body there, he has not been decomposed, then in that situation, the burn the grave should be covered up again. And that person that other deceased person, not the person who was originally in the grave, the other person who they have brought to the graveyard should be buried somewhere else. Now let's talk about being buried in the same most are in the same graveyard as non Muslims. First of all, we do find that it

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is not allowed for a Muslim to be buried in the same land as a or the same area as a non Muslim. Now, having said that, there's two things to keep in mind here. Number one, if there is an area like we find in wrestling, and you know, for those of you who have been to wrestling, the area is huge. And they have separated one entire area for Muslims. That is absolutely okay, because we know and that is demarcated, and that is separated that this is the area for Muslims. So there's nothing wrong in having something like that. But a lot of times what people do is that they miss understand this, because yes, we do find the suit from the Sunnah. And from the Sunnah of the Prophet salAllahu

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alayhi wasallam, that Muslims should be buried in a Muslim land. But a lot of times people they miss interpret this by saying the USA, the United States is the land of the kuffar. So I don't want to be buried in the Land of the profile, I want to be buried somewhere else. And one thing that we have to understand is that, you know, first of all, in Islam, the way we treat the body, like if you actually study the data of Janaza and whoreson, even in the adab, it is mentioned that you should use water, the type of water and the temperature of water that should be used on the disease, it should be such that you can use that to take your own shower, it should not be too cold. Because if

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you take a shower with that cold water, that would cause you discomfort, or if you're using extremely hot water, then that will cause you discomfort, whatever you would like for yourself, you use the same temperature of water for the for the maggot not only that, but even when the mayor has been taken away, what is one of the I doubt that is mentioned is that Be careful and do not tilt the box because it can feel now keeping this in mind, if you actually see, first of all, you know, this is why I said our deen is so beautiful. Even when we give the whistle to a maid and to a deceased person, we always are very particular about their their aura and so forth. Whereas if you go to a

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non western funeral home to a normal some funeral home, and I have been to normal some funeral homes, they have no understanding of what higher and what modesty is. I have been to normal some home where, you know, I have seen unfortunately and I turned my gaze away. But you see, like men and women completely exposed, and they're just lying over there. Just completely over there. There is no concept of higher and modesty. So one thing that we do learn in our deen is that, you know, first of all is that yes, we have to be buried in a Muslim graveyard. And not only that, but at the same time, the hosel of janazah should be given by a Muslim and not by a Muslim, and not by a non Muslim

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and the law. And as I was talking about being buried in America, there is nothing wrong in being buried here in America. Because at the end of the day, this entire world is known as the land of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says, we're out of the law he was the entire Earth is Allah was under Allah's dominion and under Allah's control. And so when people say that I want to be buried, for example, in Philistine or I want to be buried in Pakistan or in India, why? Because this is the land of the kuffar. We don't a lot of times we don't realize that what they do to the body, they cut up the body, they take out sometimes organs, and they will fill up the body with chemicals. They will

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fill the body with chemicals and alcohol and so forth, just so that the body can be preserved till the time it gets to the other country. So that's why why should we do that to anybody. If the Alama have unanimously said that if a person dies wherever they die

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That was by the will and the Command of Allah subhanho wa Taala and they shall be buried in that land. And because Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Quran says in Allah in the who are in Musa while Eunice is in the wife while you're alone or ham woman did enough sama the taxi Bovada woman did enough some big old intermode in hola Halima hobby one the signs are one of the one of the things that en that no human being knows except for Allah. Only Allah Subhana Allah knowledge of this is where will a person die if ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala had destined that we are never to be buried in a non Muslim land, that Allah will not give death to us in a non Muslim land. But wherever we are, if

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that is the place, then that is the place that Allah has destined, and we should be buried over there, even if the person says that I want to be transferred somewhere else or the family says the body should be transferred somewhere else you should talk to that family and say that the body should remain here now. Can a Muslim give whistle or arrange the funeral of a non Muslim in this matter the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he told us a little the along the line to make the funeral arrangements for his father Abu Talib Abu Talib, as we all know, was not a Muslim. So it is allowed, it is allowed. But it is highly preferable that in the case that a person is a non Muslim,

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the deceased person, then you should let the normal some give them and make the funeral arrangements for them and make the whistle, make the whistle for them. And not only that, but they also have also said that they should not be buried in a Muslim graveyard, they should be buried in a non Muslim graveyard. And likewise, a Muslim is not to be buried in a non Muslim graveyard. Even if a person uses the logic that I want to be buried in the non Muslim graveyard because it is close to me, then this is no different than if a person says that why should I drive all the way to the masjid when there's a church right around my corner, I rather go and pray at the church, because that's also

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known as the house of God, I rather go there and pray. So that's that logic cannot be used. And also in the case that if a person has to even I get a lot of phone calls, that can we go and attend the funeral services of a non Muslim Can we go to a church and that case, if that person if you knew that person and for Dawa purposes, if you want to, if you keep the intention of Dawa and to with the intention of keeping a relationship, an open relationship with this with this family than it is absolutely allowed for you to go to the church as long as you do not engage in any kind of religious activities as long as you're not engaged in any non religious activities. Now, the next thing we

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should keep in mind or the next thing I want to discuss, which is something that is highly debatable, actually not just debatable amongst the I mean, this is not like a Sunni and Shia thing. This is actually more even amongst the schools, the Sunni school of thought. This is a, I would say a theological difference that many people have discussed and asked about, and that question is that can the dead? Can the dead here in the grave or not? The subject of SEMA or moto can the Can they hear or not? Do they converse with one with people or not? You know, sometimes you will see people who go in they sit at a grave, and they just talk to the grave as if they're having a conversation.

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It's like a back and forth conversation. So can the dead here or not? This is a difference amongst the ALA mount de Jim hula, Allah ma, the jumhooree Allama This includes people like even a paymill Josie Rahmatullah la Imam. No, I'm not a lawyer. I don't even have some shareholders some immunity Mia Rahmatullah la Monica Rahmatullah LA, even even Amara, the Allah Tala and they all were of the opinion that the dead can hear, okay, they were of the opinion that the dead can hear now, you have to understand that this debate is actually quite important for for for one particular reason, is that because a lot of people there's also a whole debate about Watson, you know, to Watson or like,

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in order we say what Cena you know, was seen among our you know, through such and such I asked you to ah, so, that is another theological discussion. I'm not going to get into right now, because that is a very long one. But the reason why this discussion comes up about what Sita is because can they dead here or not? So, these are these are the my they all have the opinion that yes, they can and they have several things to put to backup their opinion. The first the first delete that they use is a Hadith narrated by Eva Amato, the Allah tonight where he says that the Prophet says someone says indeed the deceased person will be punished in the grave due to the crying of his family for him.

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Now once again, this is not crying out of grief. This is what they call an Arabic called Nia. Nia who basically means that long time ago, people were actually hired to cry over the deceased person. So if a person is engaged in this now of course there you know the rebuttal for this for

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example that I showed Viola Tron how she completely, even though Yes, she did regard this as a sahih Hadith, but she said that she would regard this disregard this notion, because she said that in the Quran, Allah says one to zero as the Latin wizard okra, which means in Arabic, that no person shall bear the burden of another person's sins, that means that if another person is doing something wrong, then the other person will not be, will not be held accountable for that. So the orlimar, they go into this big debate and this big explanation, and what they say in general, what they say is that what this is in reference to is that if a man knew If a man knew that there will be crying

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and wailing after he dies, and he's, he's okay with his family making those kinds of arrangements, because once again, this was a profession, people were actually called, and they were paid to cry. And so this is why this was something of practice of the past. And so this is why I showtimes she says that this person will not have it will not happen to him. So for because of this, number one, this is one delete that Obama uses to mention that yes, the people in the grave are, number one, they are affected. But number two is that they know what's going on. Number two is that there's a hadith narrated in Bukhari and Muslim about the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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said, that when Allah when when when the slave of Allah is put in his grave, and his companions return, he hears the footsteps, he hears her footsteps and the two ends of they come to him and they make him sit up and they ask and the Hadith goes on, in Oman, and all these automatic uses Hadith to mention, that this is how this hadith is proof that the dead can hear however, the other automa the the the people who are against the idea that the the dead can hear. They say to this, that this hadith is not mean does not mean that when they talk, when they talk, then these people in the grave can hear this just simply mentions that these people are walking away and they're hearing that and

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that's fine. We agree with that. The other Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in the Battle of butter in the when the when the person was addressing the, the dead disbelievers in butter. And so in that situation, also the problem was addressing them they were dead. So even if they meet with a lawyer or lay was asked whether the dead people can hear the visitor or not. And even if they meet with a lawyer, la he provided this hadith and he says yes, they can. However, once again the other Omar who disagree with this, they say that in the same Hadith, Ahmed Ibrahim photography, Allah Tron, was standing next to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when the

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Prophet was addressing these dead people, and Omar Maha Bob said, the jasola Can they hear you? Can they hear you when you speak to them? And so this is this statement or this question by Omar of your time is used by the other school of thought who say that the original rule was that the dead cannot hear. Because had Omar not found this strange, he would have never asked us law. So Allah Wati wa sallam, but the fact that he found is strange, and he asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this initial shows that the death they say that the dead cannot hear. And not only that, by another narration of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said in Arabic, he said and which means now,

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which means that in this situation, they can hear me otherwise in most cases, or in other situations, they cannot hear me. So once again, this is just once again the de la ADA is used. Another the leader is used by the orlimar who are of the opinion that they can hear us, they provide the Hadith which is which is found in Makati, and in Muslim, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he instructed the Muslims that when you go to the graveyard, say a Salam aleykum Allah dare me, Nina, we're in in sha Allah who become law hipbone, then that a Salam aleykum that we will join you one day. And this hadith in itself is proved that they can hear, why would a person make Salam,

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when the other person cannot respond, you only make Salam when the other person can respond. So to this, the other Allamah they say that, that this salaam that the person is instructing us to do is not the salam of the year. You know, what is the salam that we make to each other? When we meet each other, this is the salam of the higher but the salam here that also also someone is making is this salam for dua, that he's basically making dua for these people that made the peace of Allah be upon your people in your graves. So this is, this is what that is. And finally, the fact that in the grave, the angel can

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Um, so the province of Salem and he informs us Lhasa Allahu alayhi wa sallam about the salaams that we convey to the province of Sanlam. This is also used now. However, once again, as I said that there are many orlimar who are against this notion

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there even there's Sahaba such as I shall have the Ultron Ha, Ahmed, even a photographer, the allotted ion, and many other orlimar they are of the opinion that this they are the, that the maid or the disease people cannot hear us when we even say anything to them, and they provide three different ayat of the Quran the very first idea of the Quran, that I want to share with you is from sue the room of us as in Nicola to smear and Mota, what are some Medusa either William would have been in so verily, Omaha masala Why do some you cannot make the dead here, you cannot make the dead here. Now here, the aroma have unanimously agreed that this is not in reference to the dead people

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that are in the grave. This is actually in reference to those people who are dead in the in the heart. Those people that in whose heart emaan does not penetrate. So the problem somebody's being told that these people are just like the dead people now Qatada Rahmatullah era was one of those people who said that the people of the grave cannot hear, he uses this idea to say that Allah is saying that just like the May, it's just like the deceased person cannot hear likewise, the person who's dead in the heart, they cannot understand your message. So he says that this is why it is and that's why we say that it cannot be that they cannot hear there's another eye of the Quran which is

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little more explicit and this is their strongest delene of those people who say that they cannot hear this is it number 22 insulted father, so I number 30. So number 35 Allah says, well my unter be Muslim or a man filled abode that you cannot make those people here who are in the grave. Now, one thing to point out here is that if you look at any of these ideas, there is also another idea that is very similar to this and so the normal I believe that in the gratis neuron motor that you cannot make the dead here. Now those people you know, I was reading my article Quran a lot of you are familiar with Miko Quran. Mufti Shafi, Rahmatullah Allah is tough seeing in there he gives a very

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interesting remark he says that all these three is that talk about that the May youth cannot hear there is a certain word that is used in those ideas. And that word is yusmeiro or USMA yusmeiro See in the Arabic language send me i Yes, Metro means to hear, okay. Semi is well means to hear a smile or use me or means to make someone to hear something you're saying to make someone hear something. So in all these three ayat, mostly Shafi Rahmatullah, he says, that Allah did not use the word semi is smile, but he used the word a smile yusmeiro here, and this implies, this does not mean that they cannot hear this only means that you cannot force them to hear what you say to them, you're saying,

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You cannot force them, but none of these three Ayat actually negate the fact that they cannot hear it simply means that they can hear, but you cannot force them to listen to what you have to say to them. So, this is why this is a you know, once again, this is not something that should be a heavily debated matter. This is something that has been discussed amongst the aroma. And they say that there are you know, genuinely there are some there are Sahaba. On both sides. There are Omar who are divided on both sides, and both sides are, are they have the law in and they have proof for their opinions. Now, let's get into some of the last few things regarding Barza. The prophets, Allah,

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people believe that the prophets are aware of our worldly affairs, the prophets are aware of our worldly affairs. That is not actually true. unless ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala wants them to know of something. And there's two things about this. There's two different Dilys for this number one,

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it is mentioned about Sid histogram, is that he says

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we're going to allow him Shahidan, madam to feed him, we're going to allow him Shahida madam to feed him that I was aware of their actions as long as I was with him, for no matter what faith and he couldn't until rocky but Allah him, this is in the Quran and SOTL I believe this is sort of my either right at the end of the matter, in fact, that essentially Islam says that when I when the time came that I had to leave that I wasn't aware of their actions. So this shows that the Gambia are not aware of the actions of the people just dunya and not only that, but the second lien, is when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will be

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providing water with his two blessing hands, to the people to his followers on the day of judgment from the blessing well, then there'll be angels that will come and they will pull certain people out of the line, they will yank these people out of line and the person will say that Why are you pulling these people out of line and the angels will reply by and they will say that you are not aware of the things that they used to do after you passed away. And then when the Prophet Allah is on finds out that how they neglected the Quran, and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu it was said on the Prophet Allah some will say that leave me and go away, take these people away from here. So

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this hadith in itself is also the lien, that the Prophet Allah Islam is not aware of what is going on in this world. The next thing is can that can be dead people who have passed away? Can the dead people who have passed away? Oh, do they know about our affairs? Or not? Do they know about our friends are not. Now there is some a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which quickly I want to share with you that this is a Hadith Narrated by Abu Ayoub, rhodiola and iron, that when a believing when a believing servant soul is taken,

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at death, the soul of Allah servants who have been granted mercy, receive Him in heaven as eagerly as a carrier of good Glad Tidings is received in the first life. They come to Him, they come to him, and they ask him questions, but some of them say, give your brother some time to rest because he was in grief, because of the first life. Not only that, but this continues the Hadith goes on to say, then after a while they gather around him, they ask him, What does so and so's man do? What did so and so woman do? And what did did he get married? Does she get married? If they asked about a man who had died before him, they asked him about a man. They tell. He tells them he already died. They

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say to Allah we belong. They say in that Allah, he were in Alien Rajon so this hadith, I don't want to go into the all the way to the Hadith, because it is quite long. But what we do know is that when a person departs in this world, if they are a righteous person, if they're a righteous person, and they go their soul is with Allah subhanho wa taala. The other souls around them, they may come around, and they may ask questions, okay, they may ask questions, but once again, well, Allahu Alem. What is the extent of their questioning? How much is their knowledge of that time? And how many affairs or how, what do they explain? I mean, I just I was reading his Hadith. I was just imagining

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that if they told the people of Jana, that Donald Trump was elected as president what they would think in Genoa, but I mean, this is just something that, you know, you think about this, that yes, the people in Jannah, who are there, sometimes they do find out about what happens now, the next thing is, the dead cannot, the dead cannot answer any of our do ours. And they cannot help us. If a person goes to a grave and says that this is you know, he's looking for answers from the grave from the dead. That will never happen because it is it is against our deen. The second thing that we find many people doing is that they go to the grave with the oil amount. Now when they go to the grave,

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or their alma, there's two things to understand here, because many people did misunderstand what people do at the graves of the order mount. Some people they go to the greater the automa, and they simply make dua for them, they make dua mafia for them, some of them will just simply sit there and they might even reminisce about some of the things that they have probably explain, or they just missed their company. That's all it is, that's absolutely fine. If a person goes to the grave of a righteous person, and they're just making dua for them, that's absolutely fine. But if a person goes to the grave of the righteous, and they're making sujood, over there, and they're there, they think

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that through this person, I'm going to ask Allah subhanaw taala, then this is shift. And this is something that you don't see too often in America. But when you go overseas, you see this happening a lot, you see people or you see people just making sense out to the graves, you go a lot of different places, and they have made a shrine out, you know, where they were, these were this righteous person has been, has been buried, and people come there and Fox and they do they do shirk. The next thing is that the righteous cannot communicate with the people of this world, either. You cannot sit at a grave, as I said, and if a person is sitting there as having a conversation, and

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then that person, I mean, can that person here or not, once again, there's stuff in there, but that person cannot convey anything to you. So there is if a person says that I felt something from the grave, that would be false. Now the last few things I want to mention is that the whistle as I said, I'll talk about that some other time. But there's two more things I want to mention number number one is talking 13 is basically the action that what you see some people doing is that they come to the grave now see why

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is you come to the grave and you say that?

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You say that we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to give this person a Sabbath and steadfastness in the grave. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala that when he is asked, Who is your Rob, we ask Allah to give him the ability to say, my rub is Allah and so forth, right? We hear you, you know, we've heard this before we have done this at the graveyard before many people have witnessed that. But a lot of times, you will see people actually standing on the grave at the gravesite. And they will say that, you know, they will say to the deceased person that now the melodica are coming to you. And now the melodica are asking you here who is Europe and now you say Allah is my job is like as if it's like

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a, it's like you're cheating in your exam, you know, you know, you I'm gonna help you in your exam. So this is so this is something that is not proven from anywhere in the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and you've heard me saying this before, that in the grave. The test from these are these three questions that will be asked if I grab any small child, any small child who even comes from Quran here, if I asked him who is your OB, who is your soul? And what is your deen, they can tell me if I ask him, he can tell me, you know, small children can tell you, but the test in the grave is not the test of the mind. It is the test of the heart, whatever is in the heart

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will come out. If in the heart there was no Allah, then Allah will not come out. So this is why the heart is the most important thing. And we have to make sure that we have the love of Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the love is probably Salam in our heart. The last thing quickly is devata, as I quickly referred earlier, that seeking help through the disease from Allah subhanho wa taala. That is also or asking them to help you, that is called istikhara. And that is also considered as a bidder, or AR that's considered to shirk and that is also not allowed in our deen. So Inshallah, we're going to stop right here. This is the ending basically, of berserk, I don't

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think there's any other topics to be covered regarding or related to the subject of Bursa. Now, Inshallah, from here, we'll go straight to the day of judgment that how will people be resurrected? And how will they come? Because the question that many people ask is, that if a person is buried in Richardson, or a person is buried in Dallas, and there's a certain area where people will be resurrected, how will they get all the way there? How will they get the ticket flight that time, you know, so? So the thing is that, how will this happen? Inshallah we will talk about this next week and all the other related topics about about, about the day of judgment, because even in the Day of

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Judgment, there are different stations, and their different phases of the Day of Judgment. So in short, we'll cover all that slowly and gradually Shalom and Allah Subhan give all of us ability to everyone's gonna send hurt does that Kamala Yes.

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Go ahead.

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So, mostly in some parts of the world, the people they want very, with infants and children, their concept is this, that they are not punished. So, we would like to be very company with the influence of the child. Like the parents says they want to be

00:33:23 --> 00:33:23

they want to

00:33:25 --> 00:33:27

do the people who die

00:33:30 --> 00:33:33

see if you want, I mean, the thing is that.

00:33:35 --> 00:33:43

And I mean, the thing is that, can you put two people in one grave? Okay, you can put two people on grave. I mean, the thing is that if

00:33:45 --> 00:33:46

that is

00:33:48 --> 00:34:05

in that punished, oh, hey, so the thing is that if a person says, Well, I don't want to be punished, let me be buried next to an infant. And hopefully, because of him or her, I will not be punished, right? Okay. So first of all, is that regarding that every person is going to have their own

00:34:06 --> 00:34:25

their own blessings in the grave, or the reward or the punishment. And if a person says, I want to be buried, like some people will say, I don't want to be buried in this graveyard. I want to be buried in this graveyard. And he's a facet, for example, He's a faggot. And if Allah does not want to forgive him, and there is punishment written for him, and he's going to that he's going to receive the punishment. It doesn't matter where you are.

00:34:28 --> 00:34:34

The most people are new to this shortage of the place or the armory, with the infants.

00:34:35 --> 00:34:45

This idea of going back to your question, this idea that if I want to be buried with my infant, so Allah will protect me from the punishment of the grave. This is a flood, this is a flood.

00:34:48 --> 00:34:48

According to

00:34:50 --> 00:34:53

this is not found anywhere. Actually. It's not found anywhere.

00:34:55 --> 00:34:55


00:34:56 --> 00:35:00

that after the date, they donate you

00:35:00 --> 00:35:00

Go to

00:35:02 --> 00:35:41

Oregon donate Oregon, Oregon donors. Yeah, so the thing is that we can talk about this some other time because this requires some there's some verses of the Quran, the Hadith, the Prophet SAW Salem. But Islam journey does not allow that. Islam does not generally allow that. And the second thing is that, because for example, once again, if that is the case, then you have to cut the body after the person has died. And that is putting the deceased in unnecessary hardship and difficulty when you do something like this. So I mean, the one is like, can you donate blood? Yeah, you can donate blood, but start donating. After even after you die, you know, you cannot just start donating your organs

00:35:41 --> 00:35:43

to other people. Yes.

00:35:46 --> 00:35:58

See, the thing is with the autopsy is that if the autopsy can be if the autopsy can be avoided, then that'd be avoided. You know, I remember a few years ago, or this was several years ago, in fact,

00:36:00 --> 00:36:24

there was a an incident in some city, where there are two teenagers who were in a car collision. And so as soon as you know they died at impact, okay, they died at impact. So there was no question about what was the cause of their death, we know the cause of their death. And so the reason why the autopsy is usually done, and if any, there's any doctors over here or so forth, who who know differently, please do speak up.

00:36:25 --> 00:37:04

The reason why they do the autopsy is to find the cause of death, right? What is the cause of death? But if you already know the cause of death, and what's the point of doing the autopsy, so what happened with these two teenagers is that there was a Muslim doctor who said that, even though like it was clear why they died, how they die, but he decided to still do the autopsy upon the body. So the thing is that, because we live here, if they have if the best thing is to stay away from the autopsy, but a lot of times we is not in not, it's not in our control, if a person died, and there is no known cause, like there is no known cause of death, then they are going to going to do the

00:37:04 --> 00:37:12

autopsy. And you don't have a choice in that, because they need to find out the cause of death. And so then that in that case, you don't have you don't have a

00:37:13 --> 00:37:50

you don't have a say in that situation. But going back to what I said about earlier about like, you know, transferring the bodies, even I've seen cases where there was no autopsy that was required, there was no autopsy that was required, a guy got hit, okay, a guy got out the car to help another person on the side of the road. Another car came and hit that person, this is a true story. And then the car came and hit that person that that person died at impact. What is there any autopsy required? No. But the family insisted that we want this person to be transferred over to Palestine, that they said this, we are not going to listen, this is not the land. This allowed me to go far.

00:37:50 --> 00:38:30

This is what this was their words. So what they did was at the cut of the entire body, I walked into that room. And when I saw it, I mean, I was I was probably at that time, probably 17 years old, and, or 18 years old. And when I walked in, I had never seen something like this. And it shocked me, it literally shocked me. But that's what happened. It was just the person's like body was like sewn up, because they cut it from here and they go straight down. And they open up and there were just all these chemical bottles, and they fill up in the stuff your body with all these, these, these chemicals, and then the soul of your body. So the thing is that

00:38:32 --> 00:39:04

the organs are in there still inside, you know, they shift them around and so forth. And sometimes you don't even have to shift them around. You just put them in there. And that just dies used to preserve the organs for a certain period of time. And then they shift the body. Why would you put the body through that through that kind of difficulty. When our Dean has even talked about what kind of temperature of water you should be using for the minute, think about how much how much pain that maid has gone through. And then not only there but the Prophet Salam has mentioned in the Hadith too, that there are three things that you don't delay in you there are three things that you don't

00:39:04 --> 00:39:18

delay in a minute when there janazah is ready you bury them immediately. So if there is if there is you know if there the availability is there, you can bury a person why make that person go through this entire process? Bury them right away?

00:39:20 --> 00:39:20


00:39:25 --> 00:39:27

praying in general Bucky.

00:39:38 --> 00:39:41

Because he loved the thing is that it does not really matter. Like

00:39:42 --> 00:39:55

what we find on the highest levels of Sonam is that what happens to you in the grave is based on your armor. Okay. Whatever happens to you in the grave is based on your Alma nirsa Does that make sense?

00:39:59 --> 00:39:59

Not um

00:40:00 --> 00:40:01

If you are burning gentle Bucky

00:40:08 --> 00:40:47

Nutter I have come across now that come across yes I did mention one time I'm probably you are referring to that, that when Earth man was on who died when I was when I was born and died they did not actually bury his body in gentle Bucky. It was actually because the, the because the rebels were there in Makkah, his body was buried outside of gentle bulkier, but then later on gentle Bucky extended, gently Bucky extended significantly, and his body came actually in there. And we'll law Harlem I mean, I'm not sure I went there last year. But there's I think in Jersey Bucky like right in the middle somewhere. There's like an area where there's usually a sign. There's usually a sign.

00:40:47 --> 00:40:53

Some people say that that is exactly where with Musgrave is Willa Harlem? We don't know.

00:40:59 --> 00:41:36

We'll see the thing is that the general conception the general idea is that it does not matter what kind of person I am. If I get very gentle Buckley or gentle and Jurmala, then I'm going to be forgiven. So that's not that's not the case. I mean, once again, what happens to you in the grave is dictated based on what you have done is done. Yeah. You know, and what, what kind of what kind of responses you will give to them like dies, then that is how you will be decided, when when even before let's just say a person is not even buried yet. Okay, a person I've been burned yet. But the Hadith the Prophet SAW Salem about the soul being taken, right about the soul being taken. If he was

00:41:36 --> 00:41:47

a righteous soul, it goes all the way to Allah subhanho wa taala. If it is, if it is a wicked soul, it goes to the first first guy and then it gets rejected and goes all the way down to the

00:41:51 --> 00:42:25

it goes into great, but it goes into Jahannam basically. So the thing is that dies before gentle buckling, right? Yes or no? That is before gentle Buffy. Yeah, so the thing is that it the graveyard does not matter. The graveyard does not matter. You hear a lot of people saying that I wish I digested Bucky. If you want to say that's fine, you can make that dua. But if you're making that dua because I want to receive the I want to be protected from the punishment of the grave, then that is not the right dua to make rather you should rather make Oh Allah protect me from the punishment of the grave wherever I am, wherever I get buried, protect me from the punishment of the grave. But

00:42:25 --> 00:42:42

that should not be yes, if a person says I want to be buried in gender Bucky, because of their there's so many Sahaba who have been buried, that is the graveyard, right next question number we then yes, you can make that dua there's nothing wrong in that, you know, you know, we all can make the DUA. So but it has to be with the right intention.

00:42:44 --> 00:42:44


00:42:51 --> 00:43:13

I mean, the thing is that in Islamic history, we have never seen the fact that Muslims have always been very separately and so forth. That's why it shouldn't be separated for that reason, because this is the Muslim graveyard, this is the normal some graveyard. So the thing is, that is always been a practice of the province of Salem and in practice amongst the qualified Rashi don't and so forth. Until today, we maintain that

00:43:16 --> 00:43:49

if if the owner might have said that if you don't if you first of all, you should try your best to have it. If you do not have it in a dire circumstance, then yes, you can bury them in a normal some graveyard, but the ultimate have said it very clearly and very explicitly that every Muslim community needs to work enough or they need to work hard enough to ensure that they have their own graveyard. Every Muslim community is like the the automat have set to this to this extent that it is a further key fire upon the community that they have to do this they have to do this

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going to the graveyard there's nothing wrong with that.

00:44:10 --> 00:44:19

Now that's fine. If you want to make the cover a little more solid and so forth. That's fine. But the thing is that like if you go here to the to the graveyard, people have put pictures people you know,

00:44:21 --> 00:44:31

people have done all sorts of things people have robbed Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, why would you do that? Because people are walking right over it. So you don't want to do anything of that type. You can just simply put their name, their

00:44:32 --> 00:44:36

date of birth date of death. And that's it, you know?

00:44:38 --> 00:44:40

Specifically, even though you're

00:44:43 --> 00:44:44

going to

00:44:46 --> 00:44:47

have a person

00:44:48 --> 00:44:59

that's fine. If you want to go to a specific grade, that's fine. But when you walk into the graveyard, it was the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he would make this general dua As Salam aleykum added the air and

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have the yellow means all the people you are addressing everyone that's sitting. That's that's lying over there. Or everyone who's in their graves. You're addressing everyone, that's fine. You can do that.

00:45:12 --> 00:45:14

Yeah, that's fine. Yeah, you can do that.

00:45:17 --> 00:45:22

I look toward Allah Dr. The same thing. Yeah, by end of the year, as mentioned this is

00:45:33 --> 00:45:34

how they will live with around.

00:45:36 --> 00:46:07

So okay, so there's there's two different things and when it comes to the cupboard when it comes to the grave, there's two different types of grave they're generally dug up. One is called a shock, and one is called a lead. And I don't remember exactly which one is which I don't remember but one is, you dig up straight down. And the way we do here, and one is a you dig down and then you dig up a compartment on the side. Like that's what they do in Buckhead. I've seen in Buckhead, that's exactly what they do, they, you'll see that they will lower the body, and they'll push the body in

00:46:09 --> 00:46:48

that slot. And, and so all of a sudden, they put that inside, and they usually put like, you know, bricks there, you know, mud bricks, and they just close up, they just close that up. Now the thing over there about that is because the land is so so dry, the land is so dry, they can do that, here in America, because a lot of times because of the floods that we a lot as we encounter, like for example, even if you go to New Orleans, New Orleans as a city is below sea level, it actually is below sea level. So if you go to the if you go to New Orleans, they don't bury their people beneath the ground, they bury them above the ground. There's actually if you if you go home, and you simply

00:46:48 --> 00:47:10

just Google a New Orleans graveyard, you will see they actually have monuments above the ground. And they just slide them in. They just slide them in and they just stay in there. You know. So like the first I studied in New Orleans for a while when I first I'm going aside, I couldn't I couldn't believe my eyes. Like what am I seeing over here? Like I couldn't I never saw anything like this. But that's how it is there is like a small room and it is.

00:47:11 --> 00:47:28

I mean, for them. It's okay. But even I think so even in New Orleans, they still buried them beneath the ground because there's no such thing called bury them above the ground. But once again, here we go straight down, and then we just put like a cement lid on them. And then we put the dirt on top. That's both more fine.

00:47:30 --> 00:47:31


00:47:40 --> 00:48:18

You know, I was actually doing research today I did not come across that Willa, Hana, I've never come, I never came across, you know, seeing someone in your dream and so forth. Now, yes, there are people who have seen the disease in their dreams. But you know, and can that happen? Yes, it can happen. But does that mean that they actually met that person? There is no proof of that, you know, or if they say something, if they say something and someone says, Well, you know what the disease came in my dream last night and told me to do something. That's me. They may have said something but that doesn't have any kind of weight or does it have any kind of status to it is just words by

00:48:18 --> 00:48:22

something that you saw in your dream? So I haven't come across it

00:48:23 --> 00:48:24

as your question.

00:48:28 --> 00:48:29

Exactly. Okay. So hello and humbling.

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