Surah Summaries #08 SurahAl-Anfal

Nadim Bashir


Channel: Nadim Bashir

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The history of the United States is discussed, including the rise of the military, loss of the US military, and similarities with the Quraysh and Muslims. The importance of helping Muslims achieve their goals, finding support through Jesus' image, trusting him, and fostering brotherhood is emphasized. The segment also touches on the importance of helping Muslims achieve their goals, finding spiritual support, and turning to Islam.

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The next hoorah the last time I was here on Wednesday morning, we talked about sorted out off today inshallah the next Surah after that is totally unfair. And before we get into sort of on file, right after certain file comes through to Toba or surah. Bara and many of us we are familiar with the fact that there is no Bismillah R Rahman Rahim written in the Quran for Surah burrow. And there's a story behind this and that is that when the Quran was compiled, I mean, not going to the history of how the Quran was compiled, and when it was compiled by the time of Earthman even though I found on the Allahu Anhu. He made many manuscripts of the Quran and he distributed them in the Islamic world that

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time as the Islamic kingdom and world was expanding. So Abdullah ibn Abbas, while the Allah Tala and Houma he began to read the Quran that was compiled by orthopod Banagher fan and he noticed at that time that there was no Bismillah Rahman Rahim. So he asked my brother a fan, that can you provide some kind of explanation that why you find two sutras first of all, he said, the sutra unfurl is shorter than SUTA Toba or Sudha Bara yet it has come before Sudha Baba. So that's number one, which was confusing to him. Because if you look at the sutras before Bacara Ali Imran Nisa, ma either these are all longer Sudha Sudha Sudha. Bara is a longer sort of soda and fall. So logically in his

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mind, he's thinking that Sudha barrage should come before so to unfold. Number two is why is there no Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim? So to which orthonow Even our fan he responded by saying that when we even though, so the unfiled is shorter than sorbara, but because of the unfurl and the theme of surah and file, and when it was revealed, it was revealed prior to sorbara That's why in the Quran, this is the order I put it in. Number two is he said that as far as the know Bismillah matter, he said that if you look at the the theme of surah and file, and Surah, Bara they're very similar to one another. And we have written this down in the Quran. And this was one of the matters that we

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wanted to take back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to ask him, and to inquire from him, shall we have the Bismillah or not, but before we could even get to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he had departed from this world. And that is why many of the Sahaba they say that they are very similar because they're very similar in their themes and so forth. That is why there is no Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, Allahu Allah. Now, the connection between Surah unfurl and the surah before the sutra are off, very interesting if you think about it. So the unfurl was revealed when, after the Battle of better, it was revealed after the Battle of butter, because after the Battle of

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butter, because this was the very first military victory that the Muslims had experience. Remember, before this, they were in Mecca, they were suffering at the hands of the Quraysh. Now that they have come to Medina, the police aren't coming now on their turf, on their land and trying to fight with them. Now, of course, when I say their land, it was unnecessarily Medina, they had to go to a site which is known as butter, that is where they fought. But nonetheless, the Quraysh not being on their turf gave the advantage to the Muslims. And not only that, but the muscles got the land of butter, the area of butter, and they basically scoured the area, they made sure that the they find the right

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place in butter. And not only that, but because they were strategically smart about the situation. This is one of the reasons they actually won the battle. But if you look at are off, so they are off talks the last story and so they are off, talks about Musa defeating further on and in the Battle of budder. The Muslims also defeated the kuffaar in suits are off you find Musa defeating a tyrant by the name of fit own. Here in the Battle of budder. The Muslims are defeating a tyrant by the name of Abuja, when you see the similarities, you find that in the case of the case of Musa alayhis salam, they he and the Muslims had to flee Egypt. In the case of the Muslims before the Battle of Buddha,

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they had to flee Mecca, and they had to come to Medina. So there are some similarities that we find from Sudan are off to sootel and fall. And not only that, but the story Institute and file gives us this peace of mind, especially especially of what we are witnessing right now in the situation of Gaza. That Allah subhanho wa Taala He grants a victory to those who are

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The oppressed. When those who are the oppressed, they may go through persecution for some time, just like we find the case of Muslims. The Muslims were persecuted without any mercy for 13 years constantly in Mecca. Then when they came to Medina, only then I mean at that time Allah subhanho wa Taala he gave them victory. So when we look at the situation that is unfolding in Azusa, and we reflect on to the unfurl so that unfiled provides that consolation to us that Allah subhanho wa taala, though the victory of Allah may come after some time, but the victory of Allah is with the Muslims, and Allah will grant them victory eventually, I mean, no, but I mean, now when we talk

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about but that in the Gaza, there is a lot of there are some similarities there too. We you cannot simply ignore the fact that right now or going back to whether the Muslims were outnumbered right now, the Muslims are outnumbered, we find that in the Battle of Budda will, from a resources perspective, the Muslims had no resources or very little resources compared to the Quraysh. And here also, we find that what do these people have said they have compared to the apartheid state and on all the resources that they have, and the resources that they are receiving from other from other oppressive countries and so forth, including this one also, that we're sitting in. So all this we

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see that the the similarity between brother and Rosa and also we find that in the case of Budhha, Rasulullah sallallahu, ala he was setting them the night before he was making dua to Allah subhana what to Isla that, yeah, Allah grant some Muslims victory, because if they lose this battle, then they're going to lose their morale and they're going to lose their faith in this. So that is why one of the reasons because of this dua, the Prophet SAW Salem, Allah subhanaw taala granted the Muslims, a very illustrious victory. And we find also in the case of Gaza, that so many people are asking what's going to happen to our brothers sisters? Are they going to get all wiped out and once again,

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we put our trust in Allah subhanho wa taala. We put our trust in Allah that Allah will aid them, it may come after some time, but Allah subhana wa Tala has helped is always with the oppressed. Now, from SUTA and fall, there are three there are many things that we can learn, share solid father Sameera in his seat, he writes a very beautifully, that there are two things primarily to be learned from this surah number one is, if you want the victory of Allah, if we want the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala there are certain things that we have to do as an ummah. And then when we do those things, then the health of Allah subhanho wa Taala will come just like in the Battle of butter, the

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Muslims, they were outnumbered, they were out, they were did not have the resources, and they had to go away from Medina. And not only that, on the on the other hand, the quotation out there were outnumbering the Muslims and so forth. The advantage was on their side and by the way, it is mentioned about the Quraysh that they were so confident in their victory that in some books of Syrah it is mentioned that they brought brought in musical instruments and women that they will celebrate and they will dance for them after their victory over the Muslims. This is how confident they were just like today this apartheid state May Allah destroy them. They are also saying we will wipe them

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out inshallah Allah will wipe them out in sha Allah. So we find the similarities right now. But once again, what can we do as a Muslim Ummah to begin with, if we want the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala there are many things that we can take take from the sutra. I'm going to share just three things with with you today Inshallah, the very first thing is that if we as the Muslim ummah in the Muslim world, we want the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala we cannot be trade Allah and His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah says in the Quran, yeah, you Halina and Manu let the hula Hawa Rasulullah Huerta who knew a man from Tala moon, Allah subhanho wa Taala says believers or

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believers, men and women do not betray Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or knowingly betray other people's trust in you Subhanallah look at the Muslim leaders. Well Allah He I say this very clearly, they can say whatever they want to do and how much to do for the Muslim ummah. But right now when the Muslims are being massacred, for them to sit and sit down quietly Wallahi they don't have a spine and they have to answer to Allah subhanho wa Taala This is them doing Jana when Allah says lead to whom Allah wa Rasulullah do not do Haryana do not betray Allah and His Prophet SAW Salem when they see Muslims being massacred and they are staying quiet. Wallahi

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they are betraying Allah and His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and as a result, why are they doing this? At the end of the day, it always comes down

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to money and that's why in the next verse, Allah says why Allah mu beware be cautious of the fact a nama I'm why LUCAM what Allah do confit. Now, your wealth is a fitna for you, what Allah who are into who? You're looking for more money, you're looking for more resources, you're looking for more gain, the gain is in the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala so today Subhanallah we see that people are betraying each other betraying Muslims, why, for this temporary gain? Allah subhanho wa Taala saying, if the Muslim ummah wants to be successful, they cannot betray each other. That's number one, we learn from this surah number two is if we want the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala we go

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back to the beginning and find Allah says yes, I Luna Canyon and follow Padilla and follow Allah he will Rasul Allah was the database become the Muslims were fighting with each other, not fighting with each other, but they were in a quarrel. They were arguing, arguing with each other about what about the luxury of this? Dunya Yes, I Luna candle and fall. Allah is reminding the Muslims that do not fight with each other over temporary gain. Do not fight with each other over this worldly gain boodle unfairly Allah who are Rasul Allah because he's of ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala was the database Unicom and keep the sola nd keep the slip between yourself, keep the reconciliation between

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yourselves be connected to each other. And then after that very beautifully Allah subhanho wa Taala he mentions the characteristics of believers in the mean Woon, who are the true believers and levena either look it Allah Who what Gee, that coloboma, when the when the name of Allah is mentioned, their hearts they tremble what either totally, utterly him to Zadie Imana when they hear the words of ALLAH then their Iman increases while Allah Robbie him yet our cologne and they put their trust solely on not on people. They put their trust of their victory and their success on Allah subhanho wa Taala Olivia up Munna salatu wa me meraas Aparna whom you and these are the people who get who

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pray this a lot. And they give their zakat. Hola Iike. Holman Mina haka. These are the true believers Lahoma Raja tuna in the rugby union. They have a great status, they have many great sentences in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa taala. And not only that, but they will be given the mouthfeel or the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala what is only Kareem and a very generous giving by Allah subhanho wa taala. So the ALMA they say that if this Muslim Ummah wants to be successful, and they want to earn the nostra of Allah, then the Muslim world has to come closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala see, there's a difference between being a Muslim and being a movement. A

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Muslim is a person who verbally declares there is none worthy of worship but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. This is what makes a person a Muslim. But what makes a person a moot a movement is something different. A person who lives their lives their life, according to what Allah and his prophet Ali Assam has asked from us. That is what makes a person a movement. And by the way, read the Quran, study the Quran and you will find and we will find that whenever Allah talks about giving us whenever Allah talks about his promises, he promises not usually the Muslims, but he promises the believers and that is why as a Muslim Ummah, if we want to have Allah in the newsroom

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of Allah, we as a Muslim Ummah, collectively, we have to turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala and we have to make Toba to Allah subhanho wa taala. And the third and final thing, if we want the Nusra of Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran, wealthy, wealthier Allahu wa Sula who wala tena zero FATF shallow water the hubba Ryoko must be true in Allah ma Sabreen another verse Allah says what I love obey in Apollo be him Lo and Fatima Phil early Jimmy on my left the vainikolo be him while I can Allah Allah Verbena home, in the WHO Aziza Hakeem ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala says the Prophet sallahu wa he was setting up the importance of what of brotherhood, when you have

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brotherhood when the Sahaba were together, no matter what was their background, like does not matter what their ethnicity was, it does not matter where they came from, when they when they were connected with Allah He that brotherhood, that connection that they had with each other, the love they had between each other with Allah He that would put fear in the hearts of the enemy today will Allah He if the Muslims came together, if the Muslims come together and wallah, you will see even all these leaders these so called Muslim leaders will lie that they are spineless and they have no fear. They feared the apartheid state will law he I say here

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They don't feel Allah subhanaw taala when they are in the situation, but we see those people who don't have that power, they don't have the authority like these Muslim leaders they have, but what Allah He because of what they have done, the boycotts that have happened and so forth, and all the movements that has happened and has put a dent in their pockets, it has caused them some kind of pain, and it has hurt them in a certain capacity in a financial capacity. We have seen certain companies and how they have suffered losses and so forth, when the Muslim ummah comes together, and they are united Wallahi that united front is the biggest threat against the enemy. There are even

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Subhanallah you will find on social media, when animals come together. The other day, I was watching a just a small video that there was a pond, you had a colony of ants traveling above water and Subhanallah anytime a predator would come one way or the other one is being carried away being taken away from the entire pack, the other end would come and it would take away and push away the predator. When the Muslims come together. This is how even animals they function together. And by the way, when the Muslims are separated, that is where the enemy they collapsed and they will they will get onto the Muslims. The enemy will get onto the Muslims and we find even Subhanallah when a

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cheetah or a lion when they go after a deer or anything of that type. We find that usually that Impala or that deer that has separated from the overall pack, they are the ones that are devoured eventually they are the ones who are who become the prey, we as the Muslim ummah, if we remain separated Wallahi we will become the prey. But if we are united, as Allah says in the Quran, will I left eBay in Abu Dhabi him Allah is telling the value some I'm the one he's the one who united the hearts, low unforgotten, Mafia early Jimmy on even if you spend everything on this earth, my left obeying Apollo be him you would have not been able to bring their hearts together. Well I can Allah

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Allah forbade him, but it's Allah who brought the hearts together. And we see that no matter how less they were in the Battle of butter, they were able to be victorious over a bigger army. So the third thing is if we want the help and the Nusrah of Allah subhanho wa taala. Then we have to come together as the OMA, which we see the surgeon capacity and I pray to Allah, that he keeps our, my united. So if we want the help of Allah, and by the way, when these three things they came together, What did Allah doing the Battle of butter, even though there were less than a number, Allah sent the mullah Iike to the aid of the Muslims, Allah will send his aid, but we have to do our part. Allah

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says in the Quran when Lavina Jaya hadoo fina Leonardi unknown sadhana first we have to do our part whoever strives that Allah says He will open up the ways er cannot do what er can assign. First we do a dari bada then the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala comes it's not the other way around Allah you first send your aid and then we will do what we have to do not that we first have to do our part, then Allah subhana wa Tala will send his aid. So three things that we can do. Number one is that we do not betray each other. Number two we find in this surah is that due to duniya we should not fight with each other, but rather we need to come closer to Allah and increase in our

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spirituality. And number three is that we have to always foster brotherhood. If we want to succeed as OMA, I ask Allah subhana wa Taala to grant us the trophy to apply these teachings of the Quran in our life and overall in our community. A little bit I mean, what does that come Allah? Hey, I said I'm on a coma to live with our cattle

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