Nadim Bashir – Khatira – Four Instructions to the Prophet SAW

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the historical downfall of Islam's actions during the Battle of Oxford andheart, emphasizing the importance of facing setbacks and embracing opportunities to grow. The speaker also emphasizes the need to work with others and avoid harming others' hearts. The importance of blending blame and seeking forgiveness is emphasized, along with the need to work with others and avoid harming others' hearts. The speaker also mentions a woman named Zilla who wants to be like the prophets of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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100 in our Satara we have completed Surah Surah Baqarah and surah Al Imran and SOTL, early marohn Allah subhanho wa Taala he has mentioned many stories and sort of Ali Imran beginning with the Family of Imran in itself. And the story of my MIT has said and the coming of Sid history and how Mudumalai get some she was told that in Allah has Stafa key what the hierarchy was TopHat Jada decided I mean, Allah gave her such a prestigious position and gave her a position over all the women above the entire world. And Allah subhanho wa Taala as we transition into the fourth juez Peter Surah Al Imran starts in the third juice and it goes into the fourth joys, three quarters into

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the fourth joys in this sutra or in this part of the surah Allah subhana wa Taala he talks about how to deal with adversity. See ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada he tells us about the story of the Battle of heart in the same Jews and the the, in the in the negativity and some of the, the negative events that took place in the Battle of Oxford. And what happened was that we learned from the seat of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that the Prophet salallahu it was some to begin with with the Battle of heart. He was already facing opposition from the munaf econ halfway into the journey to mount or heard the munafo on Abdullah bin obey and his minions they had turned away, leaving

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Rasulullah sallallahu it was some sort of stranded in one way. And this was already a setback in itself. But the Prophet SAW Selim throughout this entire journey, he taught us how to deal with those setbacks in life. You may have a plan in life, but then there will be a time setbacks, but how do you deal with those setbacks? And what we learned from this is that when you have made an intention to do something you keep on moving forward, there may be setbacks, Abdullah but obey was a setback he leaving was a setback, but Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he kept on moving forward. And then the Quran teaches us the same Jews teaches us that when the Muslim they suffered

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immensely in this battle, and there were approximately 70 companions who passed away in this battle. Amongst those we have Hamza Radi Allahu anhu, passed away that when you go there till the venue of a hotel today, there is a graveyard. And right in the middle, you have Musab al Ahmed or the Allahu Allah and you have the likes of Hamza or the hola Juan, who are buried right in the middle of that graveyard. And not only that, but when you go to that hard site, you see that hill, that hill where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he posted those 50 archers and the Prophet saw some he gave them a very explicit responsibility that you are to not move from your position to I don't tell you

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to do so. And subhanAllah what they thought was it the battle was over what they thought was an opportunity to take from the Quraysh what they don't have, and as soon as they left their position, Allah subhanho wa Taala cause the muscles to suffer. And what we learn from this also from this battle of hearts is Muhammad Rasulullah when you and I will be c'est la ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah in the Battle of budder, we learned La Ilaha illa Allah, that quantity and quality when it comes to quantity versus quality is always the quality that trumps the quantity. And Allah subhanho wa Taala gave these few men victory over those who are many more. This shows the power of

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Allah subhanho wa taala. But in the Battle of a herd, we learned that Muhammad Rasul Allah, our success lies in following the orders of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and hence the sahaba. They suffered. Rasulullah saw some he himself suffered. And not only that, but very briefly, the Prophet SAW had to retreat. And when he retreated into a small crevice, a small cave, where the reason why he had to even retreat is because he was bleeding from his mouth. He was bleeding from his cheeks, the armor that he was wearing the helmet that he was wearing, had launched into the cheeks of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And then at that time, the rumor had began to

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spread what man Muhammad and this is why we find this ayah of the Quran, while man Muhammad Allah, Allah Rasool also in the same just in the same in the same context of verses, and Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling the Muslims that what if Ross was some is truly gone, you don't worship Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you worship Allah subhanho wa Taala his own only a prophet like before there were so many prophets that came, they came one by one and they left after a matter Okwu Dylan Oliver Tamala kabhi come, are you going to turn on your ways just because of a sloth some has passed away. But then Ross was some he emerged and he was able to support the Muslims. But then we also

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find that how does the person deal with this adversity? Because see, one is that when you deal with adversity, you want to put the blame on someone else. It's

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The human thing, it's a natural thing, when something goes wrong in your life, you want to blame someone for it. And so a lot while he was saying he wanted to put that blame on in one way, on the Sahaba that we suffered because of the Sahaba the Allahu Anhu. But Allah subhanho wa Taala he gave this beautiful advice to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the brothers and sisters, you and I, whenever we have setbacks in life, that we should never become harsh towards others. Yes, there's going to be setbacks in life. And yes, there are going to be people to blame. But as long as someone's being told Fabi Marah Murthy mean Allah He lint Allah who have a clean heart have a soft

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heart, Willow Quinta Fontbonne volleyball Albee Linford Dolman Holic, if you have a harsh heart, and when a person has a harsh heart, it becomes manifest in their tongue. And in their speaking, when a person has it when they're when a person's heart is filled with anger, it comes out verbally, it's a natural thing. Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us wa salam, he says that clean the heart may give yourself a clean heart, make your heart soft towards these people. They don't do it on purpose, what unfolds Alain fragomen How like the if you have a harsh heart, and it becomes manifest in your in your, in your in your speaking then people will distance your themselves away from you. People will

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leave you and people will leave you then for the woman who like five four and home that forgive them what still Fila home and not only that, but seek forgiveness for them wash with a home full armor and then you continuously seek their assistance and seek their aid and continuously consult with them. No matter what has happened. You consult with them at all times. And then Allah says for either Assumpta fatawa Quran Allah when you make a strong intention, what you know when we say the word intention, and irida in order in Arabic is also an intention. But in order is a very first step. When you make a stronger intention. It becomes an Azzam for you that is sometimes when you

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make the awesome fatawa Allah then you put your reliance on Allah subhanho wa taala. So what we learn also from this is that number one, as a believer, we followed us Allah so Allah hottie was salam, we emulate Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when there are setbacks in life, we want to blame others. But at that time, we do not have a We should not have a harsh heart towards others. In times of difficulty, people need to be at one another. People need to be assisting one another. People need to be consoling one another not to fight not to blame others. And in this case, we always try to make sure our hearts are pure, and hearts are soft. And if our hearts are soft, then

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we're going to say things that are going to be comforting. And if a heart is harsh, we're going to say things are going to be hurtful towards others. And that also means that we work with others and Subhanallah how many times especially when it comes to our families. We want to blame each other in our families for so many different things. No, in our families, we do the same thing. We apply the same teachings. Yes, we're gonna have setbacks in our families. Sometimes the wife, the wife may do something. Sometimes the husband may do something, and there's gonna be setbacks. But we work with each other. We have a soft heart. And this is why we learned from Rasulullah sallallahu ala he was

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sitting there in Sharla. One day I do want to talk about some family affairs that we can learn from the Quran. But what we learned from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the hydro compiler company and he won a hydro company and he that is the best if you are those who are the best for their families and I'm the best to my family. And so we're so someone's teaching us that one is a public image, one is a private image, that private image is more dear to Allah. That is what Allah sees. Today we are more worried about our public image, look, cabling it that's the thing that we hear all the time. What are people are going to say? Forget about what people are gonna say. We have

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to worry about what Allah is going to say about us. What is Allah's reputation about me? So this is who we need to be. And this is why we're talking about o'clock everyday after after. So for DACA after are we talking about o'clock, because this is the club of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us like the prophets of Allah. May Allah Subhana Allah grant us the o'clock of the Prophet SAW Selim amela Alameen Docomo Lochhead assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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Melbourne and the

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Zilla feel

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more than modelling NASCI Rabina Mina al Huda wonderful on

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Femto Shahida

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Gomez, Shahar fellow

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woman again and Maddie one elewana says

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mean I mean

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Read them long before you saw what you read to be cool no Serravalle took me all night that I wanted to go beyond law

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