Nadim Bashir – Khatira – Allah Always Listens and Hears

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The title of Islam is used in various context, including a woman named Holub and a woman named Alaysha. Other examples include a man named Omar who reminded a woman of not being irritated by a woman named Benkou. The story provides context and references for each story. Jesus also talks about his wife's behavior, including being emotionally abusive and lying to him. The story highlights the importance of finding intimacy in the cathedral and listening to people in their moments.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah Hubel Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah he Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi. Germaine

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in the Quran, there is only one surah there is only one surah that has the name of Allah subhana wa Taala in every single Aya and that is aku Allah Allah HUD because let me read what I'm you that there's no Allah's name in there, that one surah in the Quran is a very first Surah of the 28th Jos or the 28th Farah and that is called Sewell Mujaddid Allah and in this surah Allah subhanho wa Taala in the very beginning, Allah subhanho wa Taala he mentioned a story about a woman whose name was Holub into Salah and Holub. In the Salah by she was married to a man by the name of Oh has been Summit, and I was with the summit one day he came home and they had an issue between them. And he

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said something which really made her really upset. And he said to her that Anta aleja calvario me that you are haram upon me, the literal definition is like, the back of my mother is like Unto Allah Yeah. Because the you are upon me like my mother's back meaning that just as my mother is haram upon me, you are haram upon me. Now Osen sama left the house, he was able to cool himself down, he came back home. And the Hadith mentions that he wanted then he wanted to become intimate with her. And that is when hola Mendez Alaba she pushed away and she said that I cannot do this till we find out that what exactly you said, You You You put me on the same level as your mother. And so she went to

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Allah subhanho wa Taala he revealed this idea or the semi Allah who call a Leti to Jaya DeLuca fees oh gee Ha, what does Turkey eat Allah and Allah subhana wa Tada. He even revealed that how the expiation and how do you get out of this oath that he made. Now one thing that we learned about this woman, first of all, is that Allah subhanho wa Taala there are many there's only one woman that's mentioned by name in the Quran. And that is we all know is my Amati has Salam. However, there are many other women that are mentioned only by pronouns. And this is one woman that was mentioned with a pronoun and Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions her story

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now, we also learn about hola better thought about that she was such an amazing lady that in the time of Ahmadi Mahatama, the Allah Who and first of all, you know, the demeanor of almond Mahatama, the hola Juan, you know, we know the attitude of Amara photogra, the Allahu Allah and, and we learned that Subhanallah one day, she came to Omaha, and she began to remind him when he was a child. And he said, and she says that I remember when you were all made, by the way, the way that were made is that it's not as lean it's an it's a, it's a kind of noun, that arms were used at that time to refer to something that was small. So the word Omar becomes a man. And she says, I remember

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the time when you used to take care of animals and used to graze animals, and so forth. And she then says, that she begins to remind on the hotbar, because he is a middle, middle, middle, what we need. And she reminded him about the hereafter that there is something called accountability. There's something called punishment. And then she began to remind him about death in this inevitable reality. At that time, the servant of Ramana hottub, is standing there. And he began to tell this woman how Holub and the caliber that Do you know who you're talking to? You're talking to, I mean, we need this is not the way you talk to him. And that is when a woman, really Allahu Anhu said that

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do not say this to her. If Allah subhanho wa Taala says that I listened to her, I listened to her complaint, then even now, as a Hatha Yoga one, it is my duty to listen to her what she has to say. We also find intimacy in the cathedral. And by the way, you know, that story I just said, this also goes to show you that never get ticked off or never get irritated. Especially, you know, when our uncles and you know, the singers, uncles and Auntie's when they come to you, and they say, Oh, I remember when you were a small kid, and you know, kitten, but much tear, you know, used to run around and do this and do that and so forth. Don't ever get irritated by it. This is something that

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the seniors they like to do when they see people growing up, they like to remind themselves and you know, jog their memory, and, you know, they have flashbacks, so there's nothing wrong with it. I'm gonna Hatami just let it go. Now, the next story, we find it even a cathedral also is that Columbian. So is mentioned that Aminata was talking to a man he's I mean, he's talking to a man of the Quraysh Holub in the Taliban walks in. And on top left this man he wrapped up his conversation, and he went to her, and he asked her what she needed. This man, there was another man who's watching this, and he went on to Hatami he says that this is a Jeep. I've never seen something like this

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before you draw

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Have this man he's a Qureshi man. And you went to this woman who this woman, and that is when I'm gonna hop off said that you don't know who this woman is, this is hola been to South Alabama, and I must give her my attention and I must listen to her because Allah subhanho wa Taala gave her his attention, and he listened to her. And then he says that if, if I had to sit here all day long, and she will not leave, I would give her company and I will listen to her. And if it was a time for salad, I would go and take care of my salad and come back and then give her my full attention until her needs are met because this is holed up into Thalassa so this is something very interesting that

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we find that Allah subhanho wa Taala he's the reason why she is so well known in our Islamic history, because Allah subhanho wa Taala he listened to her now once again, what did I say earlier that this is certain Mujaddid Allah, if you study this entire sutra, from beginning to end, Allah subhanho wa Taala he mentioned his name and every single idea to make us aware that Allah subhanho wa Taala it knows every single thing and he listens to every single thing. Whether it's a person who's speaking verbally, ALLAH SubhanA wa listens to that when a person speaks from their heart now even verbally, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala hears that. Now, what's interesting to note about this is that

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there are many very, you know, subtle gems and lessons to be learned from this story first or from the sutra, first of all, is that Allah subhanho wa Taala he talks about the story. This is a man who is abused, who is emotionally abusing his wife. The lesson in this is that even within our families, when we talk to each other, it's not only a husband to a wife, but even a wife to a husband, when we emotionally verbally abuse each other. The kids may not know the community may not know the inlaws may not know but you know, who knows. Allah subhanho wa Taala knows Allah subhanho wa Taala has heard it and this is something a lesson for all of us. Because a lot of times we say things at home

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that will Allah He if people heard what we say sometimes to our spouse will lie we will not have a face to show in our community. Allah subhanaw taala is reminding us just like he heard hola admit the Salah and her complaint, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala listens to every single thing that is being said, and lo and behold, on the Day of Judgment, when we say things that are considered as emotionally abusive, verbally abusive, there is accountability for this in the hereafter. Another thing that we find the same surah is Allah subhanho wa Taala he talks about secret meetings, people coming together to discuss how to hurt Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, people coming

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together to discuss how to hurt each other. So Allah subhanaw taala he mentioned his name again in those Ayat why? Because to remind us that when people get together to inflict harm upon someone else, when people come together with the wrong intention to hurt someone else, Allah subhanho wa Taala is reminding us that you think that no one else knows about your conversation. But Allah subhanho wa Taala knows about your conversation. When Allah subhanho wa taala. He talks about either updated or open modality for several years

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that makes space and so forth. The old man have said that this also means that when you give up your rights, when you give up your rights, that even in that kind of situation, Allah subhanho wa Taala is well aware that you have rights, but you have given up your rights when people they will turn their back to Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam, the munaf 18 and Medina than the Prophet this Allah subhanaw taala reminding them that you think that you turn your back and Allah does not know about it. Allah knows about it from beginning to end in Surah, Allah subhanho wa Taala he reminds each one of us that every single thing that we do, every single thing that we say whether it's in public,

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whether it's in secrecy, Allah subhanho wa Taala he knows about it and Allah subhanho wa Taala he hears strays from Subhan Allah so many times we hear people say I keep on making dua Allah does not hear Allah does not hear Allah is a Samir Allah subhanaw taala he listens, most definitely he listens, but the results of our DUA and the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala may come after some time, but we should never never forget that Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who always listens, anything that we say anything because from a heart, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala will listen so let's remind ourselves that before we say anything before we do anything, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala is

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listening and there is something called accountability. I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us amongst those who are aware of the author at all times. Ask Allah subhana wa that to make us feel amongst those who is a man and the pole is according to the teacher in the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW Selim immunoblot Amin is that Kamala Harris Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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