Nadim Bashir – Hadith of the Day #07 – Which Islam is the Best

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The importance of fulfilling rights for those in need is emphasized, along with the need for collaboration between faith-based organizations. The speaker also discusses the importance of social distancing and spreading the message of Islam to those in need. The history of criminal justice systems and the use of deadly force during police shootings and cases are also discussed. The importance of establishing fairness and justice in the criminal system is emphasized, along with the need for establishing justice and matching needs.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Welcome to another segment of Hadith of the day, where we take a quote of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam and we expand upon it.

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I want to share with you a hadith, a hadith that really is very important for us to understand today. And not only that, but I want to also share with you a quote of another Sahabi or the Allah Ananda is found in Sahih Bukhari. First of all, the Hadith I want to share with you today is a Hadith narrated by Abdullah Abdullah Ahmed or the yellow time that a man came to the Prophet sallallahu ala he goes to them and asked him a simple question that which Islam is the best. Now when I asked you nothing about the problem is I'm being asked this question. Imagine if you were asked this question that which Islam is the best, or which version of Islam is the best? How can you

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live Islam in the best way possible? There will be so many things that you and I will we will say, and everyone would have something different to say, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he responds to this question by saying that which Islam is the best, he says, that total remote time what the Quran was salam, Ala Moana Arasta Warmerdam tarrif. That's it. These are two things. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he mentioned, the very first one is feeding those who are in need feeding the hungry. Now in times like we are in today during this pandemic, and whether this pandemic is going on or in sha Allah through inshallah we get through this pandemic, as soon as

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possible. We ask Allah subhanho wa taala, to bring us back to our masajid by the month of Ramadan in sha Allah Amuro. But I mean, but no matter what the situation is, feeding those who are in need, taking care of those people who are a need. brothers and sister this is one thing that we learned from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam looking after those people who are truly that horrid neglected in society, you know, one of the things that we find in the seed of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is even before even before the Prophet SAW, he began to preach about the hate. One of the very first things that we see that he took care of were those people who are neglected in

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society. And this is why you will see that there are many a hadith many a hadith, where the prophet some he talks about the importance of fulfilling rights. The problem talks about the rights of those who are the orphans, the rights of women, because at that time, women and their rights were neglected women were treated like property, you talk about those who are widows, and there were different people of the community who were neglected, abused, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he institutionalize rights for all these people, anyone who was neglected, no, they have rights, anyone whose rights were taken away the problem, sudden we would implement the rights in

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society. So this is something that we really need to understand that having this nature, this caring nature, that no matter if Allah has given me or not, I need to be the one giving back. And that means that I need to go and participate in my, you know, soup kitchens, in my local food pantries. And you know, a lot of times I really, you know, gets really frustrated at times, when we hear people say that, Oh, the the service or the organization has to be a Muslim organization. You know, subhanAllah the one thing that person has taught us in this hadith is, he's not saying that you only help those who are Muslims, he says, help those who are in need. So this is why it is very

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important. I understand that nowadays, how the officials are telling us to apply social distancing. But in general, we should be doing and partnering and joining hands with other charitable organizations, and there are Muslim charitable organizations, we should work with them. But at the same time, we should also work with other organizations, when we as a Muslim community, for when we when we join hands with others, other faiths, other faith based community initiatives, then first of all, we don't do it just because we want to bring them to Islam. We're doing this because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the man that you and I we all admire, he's telling us to do this. So

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this is the very first thing that we learn from this hadith. The second thing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, what was salam ala man out of the woman, lamb tarrif that making salam to those who you know and those who you don't know, you know, it is one of the things that we truly value now. And it is sad that we when we were coming to the masjid, we will make

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Salam to each other we will see each other. Today Subhanallah we for most of us, we are deprived from that. So I ask Allah subhanaw taala also to bring us back to the budget so we can be around each other. But if we are a situation makes it out to everyone. You know this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says another Hadith, Allah do lucuma Allah che in either for ultimo who Taha Baba tomb, you know, we always talk about that, what can we do to increase the love in the community? What can we do to increase the love between each other? There probably some has given us he has told us what we can do to do that. And he says, of Shu salaam, he says spread the salam to

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each other. And now there are in this hadith narrated by Abdullah Abdullah Ahmed are the Allah Tala. And he says that spread to those spread this around to those who you know, and those who you don't know. Now, how many times do we see this, I've seen this happening so many times and aches, my heart it hurts me, when I see this happening, that four or five people will be standing together talking to each other, and one person will come and make some only to one of them, because he knows only one of them. The problem tells us makes them to everyone, whether you know them or not. Now, the there's another quote of a Sahaba Villalta on whom this is from Ahmad ibn and yes, it will be Allah Tryon.

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And his quote is found in Sahara Behati. And it's very similar to the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says thanathorn that there are three things, man Gemma on Hoonah fucka, the GEMA Iman, he says, uh, whoever has completed all these three things, or whoever has all these three things in their life than they have completed faith. He says, number one insightful enough sick, that fairness from yourself to others, meaning that if you're ever put in a situation where you have to judge between who's right and who's wrong, being fair in all situations, and I want to talk more about this Inshallah, in a short moment, then he says, What burn through Salah

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He says spreading the salam to the entire world. Now, this could mean to me too, this could have two meanings either. This means that spreading the salaam, for example, in the Islamic context, when we see each other making a Salam or Aleikum, or this could also mean that as a Muslim, you know, when we are living in a city, the people around us in our community in our society, they should feel at peace when we are in that society, when we are in that community. They know that if the Muslims are there, they will come and we will and they will make sure that we are in a state of peace and security, they will take care of us and they will look after us whenever we are in this situation.

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And Alhamdulillah nowadays, there are a lot of Muslim organizations, may Allah bless them immensely, that they are going out of their way. You know, bringing food together, delivering at people's homes, you know, irrespective of their religion, and they are doing so much May Allah, may Allah bless them. But this is what the concept is of spreading that peace in the entire world. And then I'm my vinyasa are the yellow.he also says that spending in charity, while even your poor, so mean that in the situation like nowadays, people are losing their jobs, people their paychecks have been cut, sometimes by a certain percentage, yet there are so going out of their way. And they're caring

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for those they know that even though yes, we are in need. There are people, other people who are more in need than us and they're giving for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala. See, it's easy to give, when you have so much when times were great is easy to give. But when times get tough, then at that time to give is very, very beloved to Allah subhanho wa taala. Now the last thing I want to share today in this segment, is going back to what I'm mapping the asset, or Viola on who's he mentioned, and that is an insolvent enough sick, being fair, from you know, being fair, or applying fairness from yourself to others. You know,

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imagine you're put into a situation or you're called to make a judgment between two people. On one hand, you have a person who is truly guilty, and on the other. On the other hand, you have another person who's truly is innocent, but let's just say the if the person who's guilty happens to be your very close friend, or keeping that friendship there is a personal interest for you, or there is some benefit for you in keeping that friendship alive. I asked you in most cases, what do you think people will do? The answer is very simple. People will generally take the side of their friend because they are friends. They are friends.

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than the day that friendship means more to that person than applying justice. And the title I'm going to hop out of the allotted line, I want to this story is always a really, it really shakes me because this story really tells us that no matter what the situation was, and who it was almost able to toggle the Ultron always taught us to apply justice and fairness. So there was he, as you all know, according to Islamic history, when, during the time of the lava, he appointed many people into different lands, and the person who he appointed it as the governor in Egypt, was on live and also the allotted time. Now if you go back to one of our segments of Hadith of the day, I share with you

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a hadith of Omri, when asked of Yatta, and this was a Sahabi, who was close to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So he was the governor in Egypt. And one of the, one of the hobbies of the people of Egypt was horse racing. And it just so happened, that there was a race that took place between the son of honorable nos whose name was Mohammed, and a Coptic Christian. And this person also happy to be a slave. So in this while, you know, and Muhammad was a very expert horse racer, generally he was not defeated. But it just so happened in this race, he was defeated. And after he was defeated, because he felt like that he was humiliated. He got off his horse, and he took his

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whip and he lashed and he hit that, that Christian men. Now this Christian man was humiliated that how can he publicly dishonor me in front of everyone, I mean, this is just wrong. I beat him fair and square. And now he wants to lash me just because he feels like he is the son of the governor of Egypt, and he's gonna get away with it. And so this is how he was treated, you know, beautifully. What he does after that is he begins to go around the people in the city, and he says, Who will give me justice, like if I go to the governor, and I complain to him, about his son, I don't think now, it's not that I'm even asked to not do anything about it. But this Coptic Christian man is saying, I

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don't think he will do anything about it. I need to go to someone who has the higher authority. The people in Egypt are saying that if you truly when justice and fairness, you have to go back to Medina, and ask him or even a hotdog or the alotta and now let's stop here for a moment, let's think about this. Imagine people I mean, honorable kebab is so fair in his matters, that people are telling him that you go to Omar Nahata, and inshallah you'll find justice, how many are there? How many people are there in our community today? Who people can say that about? Like, are there many people in our community? Or is there anyone in our community, that people can say that you go to

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this brother, or you go to this sister, and no matter what the situation is, they will apply justice, we have very few people in each community. This is not supposed to be the case, every single person. Remember, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala is watching brothers and sisters, Allah knows what's in our heart, if I know deep down in my heart, that this person is truly guilty, no matter if they're my friend, but if I'm going to stand by their side, than on the Day of Judgment, when Allah is going to hold that person accountable, Allah is going to hold this person who is serving as a judge in the situation, Allah will hold that person accountable to So anyway, this man, he comes all

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the way to Medina, he talks to I'm going to help out with the allotted time. And he says, Oh, I mean, this is exactly what happened to me. I'm gonna hop out of the water, and he heard his entire case. And he gave him a place of accommodation in Medina, for for a short amount of time. And during that time, he sent a letter to amendment also Viola, and he says, I want you and your son to come to Medina now. So they came to Medina. And

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Don, he calls Mohammed, the son of omnibus laws. And he says, is this exactly what happened? Now see, once again, fairness has to be established. He's getting his side of the story to did this happen or not? And I'm, and Muhammad says, yes, indeed, this happened. So what he did was he told that, that slave, that there's a stick of mine, take that stick, and you strike him the way he struck you. And so he took that, that stick and he struck him in front of everyone, in order to help out didn't just do this behind closed doors. He did this in front of everyone to display the importance of justice, that no matter what the situation is, even though that this guy is not a

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believer in Allah, but yet justice should be applied. And then after that, he told this slave this this Christian man, that I want you to take the stick and put it on the head.

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Hi, I'm Ruben also the Alarcon. Now, you know, he was then confused. He says, I understand if you told me to hit him back because he hit me first. But now you want me to put the stick on his head. And on the Nepal, Bhutan, the message that he was trying to send was that, oh, I'm not even a us. You know, just because you have a person in your society, he happens to be your family member, too. But then because of this, you are sending this message to all your people, that if you they are close to you, then they can hurt other people, and they'll get away with it. And then Omer Mahato he says that all armor, armor, you treat this man and he's a slave. But he says, since when, since when

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have you began to make people slaves, when they are born from the mothers as free people mean that you're treating them in such a way that it's not appropriate. And so not only not only did this happen, but then when on top, he sent them back to to Egypt, he sent a bodyguard. Because see, once again, someone can say that if they were if this Christian man was sent by himself to Egypt with with Ahmed and his son, now we're not suspecting I mean, he's a Sahaba that they are moving us, we will not suspect foul play on his part. But we're saying that naturally speaking, if anyone was in this situation, then they will feel that some something harmful could happen to this Christian man.

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And so in this situation, I'm going I'm gonna Hakala Donnie appointed a bodyguard, to look after this person till they get to Egypt. And this in itself was a very strong lesson sent to the people of Medina. And not only that, but even sent to the people of Egypt. And so what we learned from the story is in Soph, we learned the concept of being fair, you know, being you know, when we're judging between two people, you know, applying fairness and all of our matters. And this applies in every single situation, whether we are an employer and it comes to our employees, whether it's you know, today's Subhanallah we live in a world where you have oppressors, oppressors leading countries and

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so forth, that they will back each other up and they will put down other people. When one when one person who's doing wrong, they support another person who's doing something wrong. Both are going to be hold accountable on the Day of Judgment. So this is why our deen teaches us to always be fair, in all of our matters. I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala that once again, may Allah give us the ability to first of all, spread the peace, be a source of peace for others, ask ALLAH SubhanA without to give us ability to help his mankind to help his his mother look and to be there when they need and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to give us the ability to practice the best version of Islam. I mean your

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blood I mean, does that come Allah Hi Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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in Mussolini now almost Lima D one meaning I will not mean it will quantity now look on it. He was slaughtered in pain I was slaughtered in Poland he was saw the Rena was Slavia before she you know under fire she

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won one four Shireen I want to call her she is the one downside BP now one downside the party was on me now was all in

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one heavy Lena photo gentleman one Hatfield law. It was good enough long I guess.

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What's going on? I don't know who

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