Musleh Khan – The Prophets Prayer #26 – Mistakes of the Adhan

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss mistakes made during recent events, including the sada and shadow, and stress the importance of removing oneself from certain words and phrases. They emphasize the need for practice and proper word and phrases to avoid mistakes and emphasize the importance of technicality and avoiding risky events. The segment also touches on five mistakes made by the Prophet salluaQuadiedi during the Sun airline flight, including reciting La Hawla, reciting the words La Hawla, and reciting the words La Hawla. The importance of technicality and avoiding mistakes is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hello horowhenua Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah he sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Manuela Baron, salaam wa alaykum.

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Very good. So nice little gathering that we have here today, inshallah Tada, we will have a short one of our shorter sessions today. So we'll we will stop around 10 o'clock anyway. So before I begin,

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are there any questions about us solar? And what we've been talking about in terms of the mistakes of solar? Any questions so far? Before we continue?

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This is when you're going into it. Oh, cool.

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Okay, this is all happening before real core. So you're talking about when you're finished your surah? It's time to go photo core, you raise your hands and then go to the local? Should you do that or not?

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Okay, I got you, I got what you're saying. So this is a good question. Just before you go down for the little core, in any oral care doesn't matter. Should you release your hands to the sides, then raise them and say, Allahu Akbar and go to the Roku, or from the folding position, raise your hands directly, and then go down to the little core? Honestly, this has no effect in the salon whatsoever, right? So either or is fine. I don't see any issue in terms of doing this in lasala. The only problem with this is if someone decides to attach any significance to when you're folding the hand, drop it first and then say Allahu Akbar and go down. But other than that, it's really just a habit

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that people have. And it's really doesn't have any effect on the sold out whatsoever. Okay.

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Anything else?

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Where you guys here for any of the other mistakes that we talked about?

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Where you told me two mistakes of Sala

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three seconds? Yeah, mistakes and so on. 30 seconds, one

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two and a half?

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No mistakes I saw, we discussed about like, what 20 of them? Maybe maybe more than that.

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Are you allowed to do this in prayer?

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Allahu Akbar

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are allowed to do that. Are you allowed to do this?

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A lot.

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Just you know, just flap your wings a lot.

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That's a mistake, right? Why is that a mistake.

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Okay, and it shows like, you know, when it comes to sell out, you're like, cares, you know, I don't care about anything. Just let my hands go freely wherever I want. I want to scratch my eyes want to fix my hair? Allahu acabado. And you're fixing your hair and you're doing everything and then you go for it. Okay. Very good. Let's just talk very briefly about the next chapter in this book, in terms of the mistakes of the sada, we have done all the individual mistakes in Sala. So each and every single one of us as an individual person, what are the mistakes that we have in the prayer we've done that now we're going to the gym era. Now these mistakes that we're going to talk about involve

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other people involve other people. So we're going to talk about first, a collection or a group of mistakes relating to the more than and those who hear the event as well. Then within himself and those who hear the event. The first mistake isn't them other than himself doesn't know the event very well. So they say things like this, instead of how Jarrell alfalah they say hallel fella, Halliwell fella, when I say this, the point that we want to make is that certain words in the event is pronounced incorrectly. This is a lot more common than you think. I want everybody when you go to a Masjid, and you see that old man with his cane. He's barely barely walking. But his that as an

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that microphone. You better dare not touch it because he's been doing it for like 37 years or something. Right? So you can't come near that microphone. So he's, he's getting there. He picks up the microphone, and he begins. I want you to pay attention very clearly to the event of someone like this. Even though the zeal like the thirst, the energy to

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Want to do the event is there we can appreciate that we can accept that. But the point is, is everybody should know their level when it comes to Erin. And their level when it comes to the things that they can practice alone never burdens a soul more than it can handle more than it can bear. So these people, they have to realize that you need to remove yourself from that sentimental attachment to performing the event just because you were doing it since you were a kid. Now if you're not pronouncing the words properly, it's time to step down and give it to someone else that can pronounce the event correctly and eloquently. The or n or generally speaking in Arabic, the Arabic

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language always has to be treated like polar n. When I say that the Arabic letters always have to be pronounced with all of its help. So you can say, I'm going to study this Heidi's or Siddharth, Allah, Xena, and naantali him, you can do that. Because you can't make those mistakes when it comes to the English language or any other language. But more so when it comes to the Arabic language simply because it's the language of the quarter end. So you want to treat it at every time you pronounce the letters and words of Arabic, you always have the mentality behind you that you want to keep it perfect, clear and eloquently, just as you would when you recite the Quran. So the first

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mistake is you have individuals who are not qualified to perform the event, who ended up performing that then second mistake when it comes to the event is people saying, now this is not common of hamdulillah. But it does happen. And that is people who say when you get to the part of the part of the shadow and Muhammad Rasulullah law, then you have some people who say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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This here is not part of the event whatsoever, saying sallallahu alayhi wa sallam scholars have rejected this. Events Li very, very, very just a tiny handful of a few scholars encourage that you should say some alohar he was solemn in this particular circumstance. But the reason why majority when I say majority, we're talking about over 90% of our lemma. Why they say there is no sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when you say a shadow one number Hernando de Soto Allah, is because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us to repeat after the more than exactly what he says. So this solves that problem. Because now when you have more than says, should want to have a little select,

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you say, and that's the case closed. But what someone decided to do, then, what if they can't say so the law how it was set up, and they have to repeat what I say. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to do this shared one number hammertone, Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam.

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So now, the people who hear the event, what do you think they're going to do, I should have went up however, the result of La sallallahu, I think is, so the more other than now he himself starts to say it. So he causes the people to repeat it. And this is his sneaky route around the Hadeeth. Again, it doesn't work, because you stepped into now a bigger problem, which is you have added something to the event that was not shown there, from the Sharia itself wasn't legislated initially or itself. And we talked about the event itself, we talked about the two types of Zen in the Sharia that are authentic. And we have an entire discussion with that, and the fact of the event, and so on

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that we've done in our fifth sessions. So that's the next mistake is adding something that doesn't belong to the event itself. Next to number three. Number three is and we've talked about this in one of our previous sessions, which is singing the event, singing the event. And we talked about this. I titled this part of the lecture when I discussed it, the relationship between the event and auditioning for American Idol, the relationship between the two. And we said that a lot of people when they go and they step up, and they take that opportunity to give the event for some strange reason. She's not a strange reason. This is usually culturally influenced. When you come from a

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culture where music is predominant. And having a good voice is important and it elevates your status. You become somebody respected and honored because you have a beautiful voice. Then what people do is they try to implement that and exercise their beautiful voice in every aspect of the religion, not just color anymore. Now you're going to do it in the air then now you're going

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Do it in your hotbar. Have you ever heard some people maybe not in the city but other cities and other countries? Where the Imam he stands up on the pulpit and he's going to give a hookah? What does he do? He starts reciting hardmetal, Hajj in Alhamdulillah. Na.

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Story, no one is still with you and he starts reciting, or even in some countries where it's really sad, so Pamela, the man is literally singing it. He's literally saying, I don't even want to demonstrate that to you. But he's literally singing the whole battle hatchet in his heart, but itself Why? Because in that culture, when you study it, singing is so predominant in that culture. But again, these are all the things that never came from the student of the Prophet salallahu it who was sending them. Now going back to the then we are saying that being eloquent in the event is Mr. hub, it's highly recommended for a person, when they give the event they should sound good, they

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should sound nice when they give the event, they should have a command with the Arabic language. And there shouldn't be no hesitation in the in the pronunciation of the letters, they should feel confident. So how do you do that? Singing design or structuring the words of the event is permissible with one rule. And that rule is that you have to give every single word and letter it's right, just like you would when you recite the Quran, and you know how you follow Tajweed rules of the poor n? Well think about it that the event also has Tajweed rules. You can't stretch a particular word, just because it's the right time and it feels good or whatever. But the only time

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you're allowed to stretch a word is if the Arabic language allows you to do that. So for example, in some events, what do they do? A lot.

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Now, you're calling Allah azza wa jal like this. Imagine if your name is like, imagine your name is Samuel.

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How would somebody feel if you walked up to send me it? And you're like semi auto? I mean, it's ridiculous, right? You're making fun of the person. And in addition, you're degrading that individual at the same time, nobody would like to be addressed in that way. Imagine if you address Allah azza wa jal by his name in this manner. So this is the first problem. And this is why you don't ever stretch certain words and letters in the air, then do you make sure that wherever it is possible, you can do that? there's a there's a couple of problems that happen when people lengthen the event. You know how when you walk into a question, and the event has just started, and you want

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to pray to here to the masjid, one of the etiquettes of to here to the masjid is that you don't sit down until it's prayed, right? So what's what somebody will do is when they walk in, and to hear the other end, what are they going to do, they're going to stand and they're going to wait until the event is done, right? Even though that's not necessary, it is permissible for you to start the to hear to the message during the event. However, when that person is standing there, and he hears one of the longest of than ever, then you know what he's doing, he'll end up standing there for like five or seven minutes. So you start to waste a lot of time. And you start waiting, you know, 10

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minutes, the event is still going on. So all of these things here are problems, then you're breaking the rules of the Arabic language. Then in addition to that, when you look at the meaning of the event, you're making fun of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So how should the event sound? The event should sound like literally somebody speaking. What with eloquence. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.

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Allah long, Kubotan long, bone.

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Shed one ILA in Long, long. How often? Have you heard an event like that? Very, very rarely would you hear and then like that, and a lot of people will say things like, you know, what is this? This doesn't sound like the agenda that is supposed to be beautiful to come in. And then all of these different things are attached to it. So author here makes it very clear that singing the then, of course, is a huge, major mistake when it comes to the next mistake, saying doras and prayers before starting the event. Have you ever seen a more ad than when he gets the microphone? He clips it on himself and then all of a sudden he's just

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like he's saying something. What are you saying? What do you What are you doing? There is no Dora before the then there is no idea or Hadeeth or anything to be saying before the end

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Then, but the author compiled a couple of things that people do say that he found was common. One particular verse and sort of that is Surah wakulla Al Hamdulillah, he led the lamb yet to his wallet, and praise be to Allah azza wa jal, the one who has not taken any partners or any sons. For some reason, in some cultures, this particular idea is a habit to recite just before you begin the event. Again, this is a habit in the event itself, it's an innovation, it's something newly introduced, and it shouldn't be there. There's only one thing that a person should say before beginning the, what do you think it is?

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Bismillah that's it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam always gave us one Hadith, which is the general manners and etiquette of anything you do in your life. And that is, you always started with Bismillah, the Muslim shouldn't say this out loud. So you shouldn't take the mic and say Bismillah, Allahu Akbar, and then start, this is something quietly that he does to himself. So the point here is the author mentions, there's no particular door, there's nothing that's been narrated in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, in terms of saying it before the next mistake, the next mistake is

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now this is a very technical detail. And that is to perform the adven

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in an area where everyone can hear you without a microphone, listen to this again, hearing and performing, then, in an area in the masjid, where everyone can hear you without a microphone. So imagine like if somebody was elevated, or the more than stood in the middle there. And the reason why this is important is because of technicality issues. So for example, suppose the person is using a microphone and the microphone shuts out it completely blank. So that happens, right? So the problem for this is the sisters, suppose they're following the law, then, then all of a sudden, it wipes out, then how do they know if the events continued or it stopped or what happened. So this is

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why it's important that if it is possible in msgid, now I know some massages can't don't facilitate this, they just don't have the facility to accommodate this. But if it is possible, then we'll then should stand in an area where his voice is projected, anywhere on all throughout the building, where is the best place for more than to stand when this for To achieve this, the best place for more than is to stand underneath a dome. If there was a dome in any Masjid, that should be his standing area. Why? Because the structure of the dome itself causes the voice to elevate and strengthen become louder. It's just one of those beauties in terms of the architects of that dome itself. So you want

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to make sure that you accomplish that and try to have them open in such a manner where people can hear him without having a microphone. And obviously this is going to reduce the dependent dependency on the microphone itself. The next mistake. The next mistake is the two events before salado federal, the two events before selected federal. Now this here is part of the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, to have two events before the budget. Now the first then what it's done, its purpose is to indicate the end of pm Elaine, and the beginning of Seoul for those who wish to fast. So generally, the more than what he should do is that if he's able to give the event at that

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time, he usually gives it in a time that is suitable, and enough for the people to conclude their pm will lay and go and prepare their support and have their circle just before the next event, which indicates the beginning of solid. But the mistake in this is not doing these two things. The mistake is a solid too high. You don't mean unknown, that prayer is better than sleep. The steak that the author mentions here is when that is pronounced. When should this be pronounced? Is it in the first event or in the second event? It's in the second event? So the mistake that the author brings to attention is of course, that sometimes this is done within the first event and this again, it goes

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against the sinner or the authentic a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam talking about this particular addition to the other then when you hear a solid to hydrometeor now are you supposed to repeat after that? Are you supposed to say a solar to hydrogen unknown? Yes, absolutely. So when you hear a celestial hierarchy now if you're at the masjid for a year, then the prophets

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lohani with Scylla mentions in an authentic hadith narrated by ignore Omar rhodiola. Han is a Samaritan one more and then for pulu Miss lahmacun masala LA, whenever you hear the event, then say exactly what the more than is saying. In other words repeat after him. How many times should you repeat after him once or twice?

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So if the more than says a shadow one no Mohammed Al rasulillah? How many times do you say it once or twice, once in some cultures, they do it twice. Again, it's just a cultural influence has nothing to do with authentic narrations of the event itself. next mistake. next mistake is wiping the eyes.

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After the event is over simple little silly practices where people have habits of doing this, I guess it's probably like the bulk of the event or something that they're flourishing on their skin I don't know. Then also, another mistake is simply not following them or add them. So conversation still continues. Some people are still on their phone, things like that while the event is going on, or somebody might be sleeping, and the event is going on. And he's going away and he's sleeping. So all of these are mistakes that the author brings attention to. next mistake is for those who hear the event. As for those who hear the event, saying la isla in the LA Wilds, the more than is saying

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it so at the end of the event when the event is about to finish, and he says hey alfalah Hey Allah, Allah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Allah. C'mon, la isla. Now that point, what happens is that people are sturgeon people are always in a hurry. So they start to say that ilaha illa Allah with them within itself. And of course, this is a huge mistake. The prophets I send them as we just mentioned, says wait, and then you repeat after him. So never should a person at any point be repeating with them or as then you should simultaneously with him. It should always remain after the event is over. The same with sada This is just a side point. Have you ever prayed beside somebody who's reciting with

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the Imam? It's really annoying. So if they know the sort of the DMM is reciting, they're beside you. They've got their own Imam thing going and the man in the front he's reciting and doing his thing. This person who's doing that? Is the solar button canceled out or does it still count, according to the majority of the solar still counts, but it is diminished in reward, you lose huge amounts of reward in the sada for doing that. It is a highly, highly disliked act. When something is disliked, it's only one step towards being held on. So you're one step be towards being held on in this particular act. Well, the same idea when it comes to the then last one in short, London, we will

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pause for today. The last mistake is

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not saying La hawla wala quwata illa Billah after Hayato Sala er la Fela question

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Why say La How old are porta ilhabela after these two statements, when allies so a gentle you know that was then he's told to say come to prayer come to success. And your response to that is law. How will Allah poet there is no power? There is no authority illa Billah except with Allah. What does that have to do with coming to prayer coming to success? scholars, they say this is actually a hidden secret if you'd like. But you also mentioned this as well, that this is one of the beauty in the secrets of the Zen and how it should affect that individual. When you say come to prayer come to success. And you respond by saying there's no strength and authority except with Allah. What this is

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saying is that when you get to prayer, that is because Allah azza wa jal invited you to that prayer, and gave you the strength and the authority to make it to the sada so if you are not there at the prayer, it means that Allah did not invite you to that Salah. And that in and of itself is an extremely sad situation to be in. How many Muslims you know, that are never invited to Sala they're never invited to prayer. Not just gemera but just in general just they're not praying. The first question that the people of the Hellfire are asked is masala cocoon fee support? How did you What did you do that caused you to tread a path to end in the bottom and the depths of the Hellfire

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sacado means the base of the Hellfire itself. And the first response that these people they say is what

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What's the next ayah Paul Alou? lemna camino mousseline, I never were amongst the people who prayed. Imagine those scholars they say because of this verse, this is one of the number one things that will cause the person to enter Allah's jahannam will Are you as a biller, and that is without not praying. And when these people, the inhabitants of the Hellfire, they respond, and they say that this is the first thing that caused us to be here. It shows that everything else that they've done, that we're wrong, doesn't matter anymore. If you don't pray, doesn't matter if you're committing Zina anymore, doesn't matter if you're stealing anymore doesn't matter anymore. This is the worst of

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the worst. If you're not praying, you could be doing every sin in the world. But just make sure at the end of the day you pray. And as long as you have that attachment, you will always insha Allah overcome every minor and major sin in your entire life. So having said them, just as pause here in sha Allah for today. The next couple of mistakes that we're going to look at is leaving the masjid running towards the msgid to get the first line and get the sada what are some of the mistakes relating to these two areas? Then leaving off the two here to the masjid? What is the ruling with the two here to invest in a lot of people ask this question. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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said there is no Salah after Asad, right? But then in another Hadith, the prophet Sam says don't sit down until you pray to her You told msgid so how do you do both at the same time? How do you reconcile this narration and that so those are some of the things we'll talk about. We're also talking about the mistakes in the Noah Phil prayers in the Sunnah, prayers in the fetcher itself and soldato loss and other particular sutras. And that will take us into the mistakes when it comes to the comma and the tequila total Iran, we are almost halfway done this book almost halfway Alhamdulillah so this is a great accomplishment for all of us that we're going through and inshallah

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I will try to complete the entire book before Ramadan in sha Allah the entire book will be done. Because just before Ramadan, we will have a couple of physical sessions of Ramadan here in the masjid, where we will have maybe two two hour sessions or for two hour sessions talking about the rulings pertaining to the month of Ramadan in order of course to prepare us and so we can take full advantage of that in sha Allah retirada May Allah subhanho wa Taala continue to give us are in continue to give us wisdom continue to cause that that wisdom and that knowledge to be a legit tune Lana wala huji tune arlena something that will benefit us and help us in this world and something

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that will not cause us to be punished in this world nor in the hereafter. What ethical gerawan uninhabited Allahu Akbar Al Ameen. Our helper series continues this Friday after Mazel Tov insha Allah was Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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