Musleh Khan – The Prophets Prayer #02 – Facing the Kaba

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of praying during the Prophet's assurance and Sun statement is discussed, along with the importance of praying until the feet would swell and crack. The importance of praying for the right thing, specifically the holy month, is emphasized, along with the use of words like "angry" and "monster" in religion. The importance of facing the Qibla and finding a good spot to pray in a car is also discussed. The speakers emphasize the importance of praying in a structured way and not just in a car.
AI: Transcript ©
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It is a recognition for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the day of judgment of the prophets I send them he will recognize each and every single person who was praying, praying five times a day, each and every single time or day of their entire life as best as they could to the best of their ability. The next one is that Salah is the most important and beloved act to Allah subhanho wa Taala, which we mentioned was based on a hadith by Abdullah avian Miss rhodiola Horan, where he came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and asked him you know sola you are making a habit of Allah. So what is the one thing that Allah loves the most from us. And the Prophet says

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam response to him by telling him about an individual act of worship. He doesn't say, go to jumaane He doesn't say perform hajj, he talks about an act of worship, that is an individual act of worship, it's only to do with you and no one else. So he begins and he says, A sada to arella walk to her. Now, what's interesting is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam doesn't just say prayer, but he says prayer and prayer at the beginning of its time, which means that when a person they pray, it's the beginning of that prayer time, which is the most important when it comes to establishing the prayer is that it's done on time. Some people try to get into

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these doubtful issues where they say, No, I want to delay to make sure that it's certain No, I want to delay and make sure that you know, the the Arusha prayer should be prayed much later in the evening that's closer to the practice of the prophets of the lohani was send them so they do that intentionally. We're going to get to that when we get to the chapter of the mouthpiece or the timings of prayers. Then we're going to talk about when do you decide whether you can delay Arusha until the middle of the night, because a lot of people they do this intentionally, which is completely incorrect, the shittier I give some stipulates conditions on when you should do this. So

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we're going to talk about that when we get to that entire chapter, the beginning and endings of each prayer. Then we're also going to talk about that whole issue with the fetcher prayer, the true dawn versus the Kevin or versus the false dawn and all of those different things inshallah we will talk about them. Another important matter relating to the Sunnah is that this is the time it has a particular position that you become closest to Allah azza wa jal, which is of course in the prostration, or the sujood. The prostration is your core moment. It's like the nucleus of the prayer. It's the heart of the prayer. It's the time where the servant can pour his or her heart out

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and ask Allah for anything and everything. It's the time where you can lengthen that prostration as long as you wish. And as we all know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his prostration was as long and this is of course the his prayers during the night was as long as a person reciting surah, Baqarah, surah, Al Quran, and Surah Nisa all at once, like literally that's how long his sujood was. So this is important that we know that also it has some, it brings us the closest to Allah. So again, the next important matter is praying until the feet would swell, praying until the feet would swell. This is an encouragement and when we say it's an encouragement, it's a must have act meaning

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if you do it, Allah rewards you but if you don't do it, meaning if you don't stand up that long, Allah is not going to punish you for it, but you will receive inshallah extra reward for that particular effort. And we all know that the Prophet peace be upon him, he would pray during the nighttime until his feet would swell. According to one other narration, the heels on his feet would crack. Like that's how long he would stand up each and every single night.

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Number 10. Or the next important matter ism. This was also the final advice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before he died, the prophets I send them his last and final advice to his companions was a Sala a solder the prayer, the prayer. This is the one thing he wanted his own and his nation to be left with as their priority. You notice he doesn't. He doesn't say a law, a law. It doesn't say top quo or he doesn't say Hi Joe. He doesn't say anything like this. He says I'll swallow why. It's the perfect thing that you want to leave with. It's the perfect command. Because prayer has the remembrance of Allah. It has the protection of a lot has the security of that

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servant. It has every single focus that a person needs to strengthen their relationship.

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With a lung, so assala basically encompasses everything that he wants to say to them anyway. Another important manner is that the prayer protects us from filthy and evil deeds from filthy and evil deeds. Allah says in the Quran in NA salata, 10 her Anil fascia you want to monka Allah says in the Quran that the prayer extinguishes immoral acts and evil. You notice that the verse, it's single singles out immoral acts from evil. But isn't an immoral act considered evil anyway? Why would you separate both of these things, some of the scholars have to suitor or of the poor, and they mentioned that an immoral actor is at a higher degree, it's actually a it's a more shameful thing to

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fall into, than any general evil act. In other words, you could be falling into evil acts day and night. But the moment you do something that is immoral, the moment that you do something that changes your personality, that changes the way you communicate, and you deal with others, or it has a detrimental effect on the people around you, not just to yourself, then now you become in a separate category, although all by itself, as opposed to any other evil act that you might do. Maybe you talk too much, or maybe backbite, or something else. These are general evil acts, that people they tend to fall into more commonly than the immoral acts. And you notice I mentioned a person

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talking too much. This is also frowned upon in our machete on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one said that one of the groups of people that will be farthest away from me on the Day of Judgment, and he mentions a group called a thought or sewed on a thought or seldom are the people. They don't backbite they don't swear they don't involve in vulgar or evil language or anything like that. All they do, is they talk too much. They're chatterbox. You ever noticed when you might be sitting talking to somebody, and you can squeeze in a letter or two, you can get in one word in the conversation, because that person is talking about why the sky is blue, and they just bought a car

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and it got dirty, and they got rusted. And they threw salt unrolling and this happened and that happened and I went home and it and it just keeps going and going and going. This here actually is a very, very disliked at something frowned upon in our shed era. And the Prophet peace be upon him told us these people are going to be farthest away from me Why? Because generally speaking, when you talk too much, you also become a very bad listener. So it's very difficult for you to be a person that others can advise you and others can tell you look, you should stay away from this little This is better for you, you become that kind of personality. And the biggest problem with a person who

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talks too much, is that they will always feel that they never need advice. They always will feel that they have it all. Because talking too much also leads you into these dangerous areas where it doesn't just restrict to talking but it also includes giving answers to things you probably don't even know because why you're so used to talking is a no problem is permissible. I don't know and then you just keep going and going and see become very careless and lose your train of thought of what it is that you want to save.

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Another. Another important matter when it comes to the prayer is prayer is Amen. Prayer is our faith. Allah says in the Quran, woma can Allahu Leo lira, amen. akun that Allah will not let your E men be done in vain. What does this mean? It's referring to prayer. One of the names of Salah is a man or faith, because as we mentioned, as we've been reiterating, over and over, it's the core of your faith. Without it you can never be Muslim. Without it. No person can ever claim that I am Muslim, except by name. Their actions has to be it has to go hand in hand they have to link with each other. So this is why Allah also calls prayer. Amen as well. Another important manner is that

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prayer is like bathing. This is not a physical shower. Of course it's a spiritual type of bathing. In other words, it showers and cleanses all of the bad deeds and sins of an individual from prayer to prayer. And the Prophet peace be upon him uses an analogy that all of us here we've heard, imagine yourself bathing in a river five times a day. Would you find yourself with any dirt or any impurity on yourself? No, it's almost impossible. If a person was showers just put this into perspective. If a person showers twice a day, they're generally a very, very clean person. Most people don't shower twice a day. So

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The Prophet peace be upon him. It says, prayer if you do it five times a day, it's as if you've wiped out all of those sins and mistakes at least five times in one day. And this goes from prayer to prayer.

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Another important matter

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is that the soundness of the prayer follows on to other deeds, the soundness of the prayer follows on to the other deeds. In other words, the first thing that a person would be judged upon on the day of judgment will be the prayer. And if the prayer was good, then everything about them is good. This is why some of the scholars they say, prayer equals Jenna paradise. As long as you perfect it, everything in your life is also going to be perfected. You know, when you listen to something like this? Doesn't it make you wonder? What would happen to the state of Muslim brothers and sisters Muslims that we know what would happen to them when they meet Allah, and they'll have this huge

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portion of their scale missing with all of these prayers? What happens to the person where, when what I'm all done comes they fast each and every day. But they still don't pray. And this is the irony of all ironies. I mean, imagine that you can stay away from food 12 and 13 hours a day, but you can pray for five minutes, just get one prayer done for five minutes, you couldn't do that. And this is what ignited Josie rahima hold on one of these great scholars of Hadith, he mentions a very interesting statement about the person who back bites. And he says, I find it so strange that a person can stay away from fornicating can stay away from stealing can staying away from hitting and

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hurting or murdering and all of these different things. But when it comes to just controlling their tongue, it becomes impossible for them, it becomes like the most difficult thing in the world. So May Allah help us. Another matter that's important towards the prayer is the unification that comes out of the prayer. And this is something that we've been talking in our series in terms of the secrets of the prayer. before today's discussion before this particular series, we discussed one of them, the reason why we pray, the way we do, we stand beside each other, we touch one another shoulder to shoulder, we get into each other's private space, you know, and you get close to each

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other, then in addition to that our feet actually touch each other's feet. I mean, who wants to touch each other's feet, right? But you do this in prayer, then in addition to that, we all move in simultaneously in the same movement, and it's got to be perfect, then the lines also have to be straight, like so many different things all eventually have this hidden message or this hidden purpose behind it. And that is to bring our hearts together. This is why it is not permitted. For a person who sees a line that is not complete, but he starts a second line behind it. Why? Because Allah encourages and tells us that you need to stick together as much as possible until you have no

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choice then you can start again. So we see this from the prayer.

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Another important matter is Pinilla. I mean the prayer is even obligated during a Bible and an expedition. I mean if we have time I can show you how a prayer is done in a battle. And how the Imam is rotated depending on what level of the battle and how in terms of the combat that the Muslims are involved in all those different things. They still have to pray no excuses. Another important matter isn't that the prayer also divides us between belief and disbelief. In other words, it's the standard that separates us from disbelief. It's this Hadeeth here, that the scholars they use to determine that a person who doesn't pray out of ignorance in the sense that they don't acknowledge

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or see the importance of prayer, then this person believes by unanimous consensus falls out of the State of Belief and Islam. Another important matter

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is that the person who does not pray, especially in congregations, this is a this is for us, this is for the men, person who does not pray then there is a possibility that they may enter a laws punishment and Hellfire will be law May Allah protect us from this. What is the evidence? One of the first questions that alone will will cause the angels will ask the people of the Hellfire masala cocoon fee support what how did you end up here and notice the verses

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says fee sucker. sucker is not just in the Hellfire, but it's the bottom. It's the pits of the hellfire. So Allah will order these angels and they will ask those inhabitants of the fire. How'd you end up here? Like what did you do to be here? The first thing that they say pololu lemna akumina mousseline The first thing that they say is that we weren't of the people who prayed. So May Allah azza wa jal ki prayer firm in our life number or the last one I should say is

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that Allah is angry at the one who is careless in their prayers. Allah is angry with the one who is careless in their prayers. So this here, Allah has laminated if you like and rebuked and very strongly address those who are weak in offering their prayers, and end up offering their prayers at the last minute, you know, or they they pile up all the Sala for the end of the day. So when they get home, it's going to be the mother of everything all in one package. You know, there was a question I read just I think it was yesterday or the day before of a question or that asked the shape. And he asked him, he says, I work in a environment where I have to operate a machine. And

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this machine if I leave it for a split moment, it could be detrimental to anybody around me like it always. As long as the machine is on it needs somebody to control it. So I can't leave for prayer. So the the chef asked him a very clever question. This is what happens if you need to go to the bathroom. What do you do? So he says, If that's the case, I usually get somebody who would come immediately and take over the machine while I go to the bathroom. subpanel imagine you can find an avenue or a way out to go to the bathroom. But you couldn't do that for prayer. You couldn't do that at least you might even spend less time praying than you would go into the bathroom. Because

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wherever you were you could just literally just find a quick corner somewhere and just pray for two minutes and come back to your machine. So it shows here that the people who are careless this here Allah says

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that in the dresses isn't sorta nice. So what either palm Isla solder palm or corsola your una Nasrallah, yes Karuna la Illa. Pauline, Allah says in this particular verse in Surah, Nisa that these people, when they stand up for their prayer, they stand up very lazy. I'm sure we've all seen this. Imagine when you you when you walk into a mess, if you ever find that you might see a brother or somebody who was praying like this.

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or every two or three minutes, they'll have their hands folded, and then they'll drop it. It's like it's too much work to hold your hands up or something, then they'll go again, and then they'll go back one more time. I even saw one time a brother What like literally did this. He's holding his stove and he just, he just kind of put his hand there just to prop up his hand. And then you know, when they go down for the little cool, it's sort of like they just kind of sweep themselves into the Roku and then back up like, it just seems as though it's the biggest burden of their life. This is why Allah mentions and sorbitol Baqarah.

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What in Naha, la cabbie Ratan Illa. Aloha Shireen? The Sala it's something cambiado it's something heavy on the shoulders of every single one of us except one group of people. Allah calls them the Hashi are in the people who have devotion, the people who are focused that people who know when it's time for Salah nothing is going to get in their way they know and they think about it and they look forward to it. When I get to the discussion of how to improve your concentration and focus in the prayer. inshallah we will go through many at least 40 different ways of how to do this. And I will we will discuss that enough in further detail.

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Having said that, brothers and sisters, we come to the book, Chef holoband his book The Prophet sprayer describe slifka to Sala to nebby. Minh attack beer illa tasneem. Can Nikita raha Wow, what a beautiful name for a book mentions here the prophets prayer. Describe from the beginning to the end as though you see it as though you're just sitting there and you're watching the Prophet himself pray what a very beautiful and profound way to start a book and a title of a book. This book actually has a very interesting story behind it. You know, one time a man came from Egypt to visit shake a little belly and he had a small version of this book in his pocket.

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It and the chef chef Taliban he saw like a bit just a bit of the the title of the book sticking out of the man's pocket. So chef a little Benny pulls out the book from his pocket and, and sees the title and he knows it's his book when he sees that the author name is written, Chef Mohammed Nasir rodina. Benny, the point is that hatch Schaefer there. So shuttle van, he takes out his pen, and he scratches it out shell and he scratches it out, and then it gives the book back to the man. So the chef Mashallah really had a lot of humility in his character, never considered himself to be anything. Every time he was lost, he was asked to travel to different parts of the world. The first

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thing chef will do is refuse. And then he would say ask somebody who deserves it. I mean, who would deserve it more than you, chef? All right. And everybody here I'm sure some of you have probably heard the story of, you know, the one and only year of hedge. It's a hedge. You'd never forget. Shallal, baddie Schiff, or sabeen and Chef bin Baz all three of these shoes and the performing hedge together and they ended up sitting in the same tent in Mena. And when it came time to lead the sada there was a big commotion ft laugh now who is going to lead the prayer? So one share like for example, share with a mean He will say to share Hello Bernie. You're a little Hades. So you should

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lead the prayer shuffle Benny will say to share with me No no, no, no, no, you're from lakita I mean, this is arcada you know you know a lot so you are the one who should lead and then shall say mean will say no, let's get chef been best because chef bin bash, he has fifth. So we know our prayer will be perfect inshallah. So they keep going back and forth and who's going to lead the Sunnah. Then eventually, they decided Shahada Benny, you go and lead us because you are the scholar of Hadith. And therefore you are the scholar closest to the revelation of Allah, you have had anything with you, which is also a type of way and revelation from Allah as soldier. So chef or semi

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ends up leading the prayer. Anyhow, let's get into our first topic. Facing the Kaaba in Arabic We call this is talk about Kabbalah. This is also the first,

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the first chapter that cheerful Bernier Rahim Allah starts off his book. Now, he mentions here, that whenever the Prophet peace be upon him would stand up for prayer, he would make sure that he fate he would face the parabola or the curb. The first thing that I want to define for you is what exactly is the word Tabler? The word Tabler means a direction. But when you refer this to the carrabba then what that means is that the direction where two points meet together, so this is us, and this is the carrabba we both meet together that's why it's called pivoter. So Kibler means the meeting point between two things. Now just a side point that carrabba a lot of people don't know what the word

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Kava means. The word caravan. Have you ever prayed in a Masjid where the Imam would say al Cara will be terrible, and he will say sto r dededo. Mo, so fulfill Overleaf in our l Caribbean, Arab. What he's saying here is the word curb is actually the name of your ankle. It's the name of your ankle. Now, why is what does that have to do with Kava because the word Kava comes from the word carrabba, as well. So what does your ankle have to do with the caribou? Basically, carob is something that, that that sticks out of the ground, something that has a 3d effect to it. That's called character. So carrabba is called the thing the structure that grows or sticks out of the ground. That's why

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it's called carrabba. It's the object as if it sticks or it grows from the ground. It's the perfect name because you know why number one aligning himself? Geron Allahu carrabba tbaytel harnam. Allah says in Surah, ADA, he is the one that has placed the carrabba in the sacred house invested in a home. The point is, is that it's called kariba. Because of the way Ibrahim built it, Ibrahim would build the caribou and he would build it stone by stone and then slowly in the carrabba would raise, raise, raise raise higher, it's as if it was growing out of the ground. And Arabs, they do this a lot. They give names to things based on the muscle or the origin of that particular thing. So this

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is why whenever you meet an Arab and they ask you where you're from, and you say to them, I'm from Canada.

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They'll say to you No, no, no, no. Where's what's your hustle? Where are you really, really from? Then you'll be like, Well, my great, great, great grandfather 300 years ago was from India sort of be like, okay, so you're Indian? No way I'm not. Right. But that's how the Arabs would look at it right to say, okay, fine, you're Indian. So the point is, they go back to the origin of things. So we start off with facing the Caribbean, to face the Qibla is a verse mentioned in sort of Baqarah verse number 115, that Allah says in this particular verse, wherever you go, woman, Hazel hachita fell one Li wedge Hakka, Chaparral masjidul, how long? So Allah says here, wherever you turn or

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wherever you go, your faces, your faces are turned towards Masjid al Haram. Wherever you are, turn your face towards it. Well hazelnut comb tune for what new would you have come shahpura. Now there's a couple of important issues when it comes to this particular verse here, but this is the central verse, verse number 150, in Surah. Baqarah is the central verse in the Quran that talks about the Qibla. Now there's a story behind this. Remember, there was once upon a time with the Prophet peace be upon him, he would face the masjid Al Aqsa, baitul upset in Philistine. So this is what he used to face. But eventually when the revelation came down to him to turn and face elevate or to face the

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Qibla invested in Harlem, there was a companion that was praying with him. And when this companion was pray with him, this was actually salata, lasota that was happening. When the Sala was over, he ran to what we call today, Mr. pebble attain. For those of you who've been to Medina, you must have visited Mr. Kabila team. A lot of people think that's where the revelation happen, where Allah sent down the revelation to turn from Philistines direction towards the carrabba. This is completely incorrect. There's no history in that area. why it's called fibula team is because when this companion left where the Prophet and his Gemma are, was spraying, he came into that area where Mr.

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COVID-19 was. And when he came to that area, he found that the companions them were praying towards Masjid oxa. So when he came in, he started to scream and he said that the revelation came to turn towards a debate to turn towards that garba. So in the record, and this was happening here, while they were praying, selectel thought this was another day. In the record, they turned and they face towards the pillar. Now those of you who go to for Hajj or Umrah, unfortunately, you're going to find some Muslims that really don't understand this concept. And you know what they do? They go into Masjid people attain, and they face masjidul upsetting Philistine. And when it gets to the record

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time they turn, and then they continue their prayer. It's like they kind of go through that routine over again. So obviously, we don't need to do that anymore. But this is how the the revelation came down where Allah orders his messenger to turn towards the Qibla. There is also a narration the Prophet peace be upon him, one said that he would love he wished that he could pray towards the Qibla. He wished that he could pray towards the carrabba. It was something that he was attached to, even before the revelation came down some important issues when it comes to facing the carrabba. There are some exemptions to this. There are some exemptions to this. The first exemption to this

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rule is the one who prays their compulsory prayers during a journey during a travel or a journey. So if a person is praying one of the five compulsory prayers, and they're on a journey, and this person here, do they have a choice whether to face the Qibla or not, by unanimous consensus, they have no choice when it comes to the five daily prayers, you must to the best of your ability, try to figure out where the Qibla is wherever you are, especially for these five daily prayers. However, when it comes to the non obligatory prayers, for the person who is traveling or they're on a medium, so they're on a plane or they're on a train or something, and it comes time for them, and they finish

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praying their prayers, but they just want to pray their Sunnah or voluntary prayers. What do you do here based on the statement of Eben Romo rhodiola one, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to pray towards which ever direction his beast was facing. This is a hadith in Sahih Muslim he would pray

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Which ever direction he's beast meaning, his, of course his horse or his camel. I just love the term that's used in this. How do you They call it a beast, man anyhow, so whichever direction they're facing, this is what he would he would face when it came to voluntary acts of prayer. So remember, this is only for certain prayers. The general rule is that it's permissible. However, even though the Prophet peace be upon him says and this was based on a verse for a NEMA for a NEMA to well Lu Fatima, watch hula, whichever direction you turn to, there is the face of Allah only applicable to voluntary prayers and not the compulsory ones. However, some of the orlimar some of the scholars

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have felt they put a dislike Enos to this that the general rule is we always try to face the Qibla no matter what we do, it's a general rule. Whether it's Sunnah prayers, whether it's netfilter head Jude Witter doesn't matter. The general rule is we always try to face the Qibla no matter where we turn to or no matter what where we are. Another exception to facing the Qibla is it only applies to the person who cannot face the Qibla because of some sort of fear or significant reason, some sort of fear the fear their life, if they were to face the Qibla, their life might be at Jeopardy, or just because of some particular reason, some solid reason that there should be our permits, then, of

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course, here, regardless whether it's a compulsory prayer or not, they're exempted from this rule. Now they're the direction of the prayer is the three different levels, the direction of the Kaaba is of three different levels. Number one, is facing the carrabba. Exactly. So you're exactly facing just the carrabba itself. You're not just facing the hadham you're not just facing Mecca, but this was we're talking about the actual cowboy, you see it in front of you, what's the ruling here when it comes to facing the carrabba in this particular circumstance, this of course is for the person who is in ministerial haraam. For this particular person, it is what jib compulsory without any

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exception that their entire body must be facing towards the carrabba. It's not like if you're in this part of the world where you might be one or two degrees off to the left or the right, we'll come to that in a moment. The second level or degree when it comes to facing the carrabba is towards the masjid al haram itself. So you see the first one, the first one was towards the Kaaba, then the second one is towards the actual vicinity or the actual message itself. And this, of course, is for the people who are praying outside of the atom. So they're praying within the compounds of the atom. Then the third category is towards Mecca. And this is of course, anybody who is outside of the city

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of Mecca like you and I,

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irrespective of whether it is a little bit to the left or to the right, as long as it's not completely off the direction of the pillar, then insha Allah by unanimous consensus, the pillar is accepted in this particular circumstance. So it's like you and I, suppose we're facing this direction, right now, the assumption that we have is that based on our calculation, this here is facing directly towards the Qibla and inshallah It is, however, if it was just one or two degrees to the left, or one or two degrees to the right, it's not a significant difference, that will be detrimental to you facing the paper, simply because we fall under one of the lower degrees of facing

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the pillar. So here scholars it's been HMR they permit this it's allowed, especially for us Why? Because it's based on a hadith in a Timothy where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, muy bien Allah Masha Ripley Wilma oribi Qibla. What is between the East and the West is a pivotal. As for the one who is living in an urban area over the city, lifer, then this person here, suppose you're trying to figure out where the Qibla is, you're in downtown Toronto or you're downtown somewhere else. You want to figure out where is Mecca? And this happens to me a lot because I travel a lot. So every time I go to a hotel, the first thing like if I'm in Saskatoon, or if I'm in some

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other province, or if I'm in somewhere in Europe, the first thing is I try to figure out is where can this parabola be? So one of the ways to get around this that the Shetty tells us the Amendment No, we mentioned this in as much more as well is that you should ask somebody who is trustworthy, somebody who is ideal, who is out there, a person who is just a person who is intelligent, and ask them where is the Qibla or where is the carrabba direction

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You know, Hamdulillah, even a lot of non Muslim countries,

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when you go to their hotels, they actually do have the sticker that directs you where the Qibla is. So this is actually a phenomenon that's very well understood by a lot of people all over the entire world. It's not something strange or something new. I remember one time I was in Europe somewhere, and I asked a lady at Starbucks. I said to her, look, I need to pray, but I don't know which direction to face. And she said to me, usually, you want to know where the Qibla is, right? And I said, I guess so. Yeah, that's exactly. And she directed me exactly where I needed to face. So you'd be very surprised a lot of people know this is just general info. Here are the shittier, as I

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mentioned, says that the person you should ask somebody who's trustworthy, if you can figure it out on your own. How, however, however, suppose that person made a mistake. So they told you where the Qibla is. And then later on, you met up with the shoe and you met up with others and you realize, wait a minute, that guy was wrong. He told me the wrong direction for the Qibla. What do you do here? Bill each humera unanimous consensus for this person who tried to figure out the Kibler using someone else must repeat the prayer over again, there's no difference of opinion regarding this particular category. So brothers and sisters, remember, categorize this in your minds. This is for

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the person who asked around until they figured it out, they found out the person was wrong, so they have to repeat it. Here's the second category. What about the person who is traveling so they're in like a desert jungle or something like that. In this particular case, here, what they should use is the sun and the stars and the natural elements around them to figure out where the Qibla is. And if he makes a mistake in this situation, then he does not have to repeat the prayer over again. So this year, based on a verse in the Quran will be naturally homea. to do with the stars, they use it as a guidance, basically the stars, one of the purposes behind it, the prophets of Allah Holly was

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setting to mention some wisdoms behind why Allah created the stars. One of them is that it is a decoration for the last level of paradise. And number two, it is used for direction, it is used for the travel to know which direction they are traveling towards. So the permissibility for one here can do that. However, based on their own, he had here, they don't have to make up the prayer. Here's the third category, if two people are traveling together, and the less knowledgeable should follow the more knowledgeable in this manner. So if two people are traveling, whoever has more knowledge of where the Qibla is, then they should follow that particular person. However, what if you're

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traveling with a scholar, and the scholar says to you, the Qibla is that way. But then so you pray that way, because he's a scholar of Islam. But then later on, another scholar says the Qibla is not that way, it's this way. And then a third scholar comes along and says, You guys are both wrong, but Qibla is that way. So what do you do here? In this particular case, these are all three scholars of Islam that different where the Qibla is,

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here, what you do, every single person faces their own direction. So that scholar will face that direction, he will follow this direction, and that will follow this direction. And both of them all of them are correct. This is Bill hmm, hmm. And now we mentioned this. And as a very, very good, interesting discussion about this. However, remember, brothers and sisters, this scenario here is rare. This rarely happens wherever you are in this world for three people to have three different tables, while they're all praying at the exact same time. Another scenario is if a person sees another prayer, another person praying towards the wrong direction. So imagine if you walk into the

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semester, one day, and you see a brother, and he's facing towards the bookstore somewhere, and he's praying, and he doesn't know It's his first time in this country, first time in here. So what do you do here? It is our responsibility, it is wise for us to correct that. How do you correct somebody who's facing the wrong direction? Do you what a lot of Muslims would do is you walk up to the person while he's praying, you grab his shoulders and you turn him and you face him to where he's supposed to be? That's okay for you. But what does that do for his Sala? This his solid account in the first place? Is he allowed to start off on the wrong foot, but then continue and finish up on the right

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foot? Or does he have to start all over again? Here, it doesn't matter if he's finished his entire setup. He still has to start it all over again. He has to repeat that prayer over. But it is part of our responsibility that yes, at least we don't cause any fitna and confusion when other people are

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Walking into a restaurant and they see everyone's praying this direction. But there's this one guy who's praying the opposite way, it'll cause an issue. So yes, you do turn that individual. But when he's done, he must be advised, you need to pray your prayer over again. Because facing the Qibla is a condition to a perfecting the prayer. Having said that, just two more dilemmas when it comes to facing the Qibla. And then we will conclude in sha Allah with today's discussion. shefali albergue Rahim Allah after this, he goes into standing in the prayer, standing in the prayer, we won't do that on Friday, there's a couple of things that you need to know before we get to this particular

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topic. So what I will do is on Friday in sha Allah, we will take some topics that will lead towards this covering the hour, and also just certain basic guidelines in preparing for the sada those are the two crucial issues that we will look at when we before we get to this. However, just a couple more dilemmas, how should the person pray when they're in a plane or in a car or in a train. And especially what happens if one of these things turn direction while you're in the prayer? Now hear the scholars, they advise a number of different things. Number one, is your primary concern is to try to figure out the Qibla to the best of your ability. That's the general rule, you never take

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that out of your head doesn't matter if you're up in the air doesn't matter if you're on ground or on the sea, your job is to always try your best to figure out where the Qibla is. Now you figure it out. So let's just say I'm sitting on a plane right now. And I figured out that I know for a fact 100% that the Qibla is behind me, it's that direction. But here's the problem. I'm sitting on the window seat. There's two people here, and the plane is going a different direction. So what am I supposed to do? A Believe it or not, I've been on a plane where I saw a brother praying like this.

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And that's what he was doing. Like he had half of his body facing that direction. But the other half, he's trying to get the Qibla behind him. This, of course is very silly, and is very, very incorrect. There's no half way towards the clip layer in this particular circumstance. So here's what the scholars say advice. Number one is, get out of your seat and try to find a spot on the plane or on the train, wherever, where you can pray. If you can pull over the car safely and follow the direction of prayer. If you cannot, because the weather is bad pray in your car, but face towards the table. You can pray sitting down literally This Is What You Can you may end up having to

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do. So you'll probably be in your car. And you'll do something like this.

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So imagine that this is the car seat. So it's pouring rain outside right now. And I can't get out of the car. So what do I do? I literally do this. And I sit on my seat. And then I pray and I pray sitting down. So you have the chair very close to you. But when you sit down, it's actually quite comfortable. I've done this before, where you can pray and then you do the movements for the record in the studio to the best of your ability. This is how important it is to face the peddler. Now if you're on a plane, the first thing you do is you find a spot where you can stand Believe it or not brothers and sisters, all stewardess on planes, all flight attendants, they know when Muslims need

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to pray. It is not a secret, you can literally go up to them and say, Look, it's time for prayer. Is there somewhere that I can go and pray they will either say to you where or they say to you that you can't you'll have to do it in your seat. Now if that's the case, if you're not like on Saudi airlines, so those of you who have Saudi airlines Russia law, right, they've got a nice little masala area at the back there. So if you're not on one of those now, what do you do here? So the next thing isn't that scholars they say is they pray they say pray sitting but try to face the Qibla. So let's just say the plane did actually turn, but it's going through turbulence, so you

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can't get out of your seat anyways. But now that you're facing the Qibla what do you do? Pray in your seat? There's a problem with this one. Because what if you're stuck beside a woman or a man and he orders a nice huge shot of tequila or something or some alcohol? So he's beside you there and he's chugging away and chugging away and you're like, Hola, hola, como la What better? Should we?

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How do you how do you pray with me? He's right there and you're doing this year. So what do you do here? It's irrelevant. It has no effect on lazada IBAMA sheffey Rahim Allah has a very, very deep understanding with this particular issue. That the spots on where you pray. That position on where you pray is what should be cleared.

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And pure, anything around it is irrelevant to the prayer. In other words, a machete goes as far as this. Imagine if you're going into sujood.

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And imagine that this was an impure substance, let's say let's just say this was an alcohol bottle. Now imagine if this alcohol bottle was right here.

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And I went down for surgery, but my hand is here and my hand is here and my head is here, this alcohol bottle is there, it does not affect the solid in any way. Even the chef really takes it one step further and says, even if there was a nexus between you and your sujood, so this is this magic spot right here. And your hand went down for sujood here and here, and this is your head, it has no effect on the solid whatsoever. Everybody see how this works. So you make sure that the parts where your body touches, at least should be clean handed, I don't think that this is a problem. No matter where you are in the world. No matter which circumstance you're in, you'll always find at least a

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general spot that's good for you to pray. Now, if sitting in your seat is an issue, this is the options that we have here, you basically will have to sit there and pray to the best of your ability. And as I mentioned to you, if a woman decides to come or if if a sister's there and a man starts to come, and let's just say that when he comes in, he sits beside you, he's a large man. So his hand kind of overlaps to your seat. So what happens? he's touching you now. And I've, I've been on a plane where you know, my show life, pretty big dude comes and sits beside me. And I'm just kind of sitting like this, I always remember this myself, insha Allah from is that we were both traveling

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together, we sat beside each other. But then a very, very big man came and sat beside me. And Portia Carla kind of nailed on, and laid over on his shoulder for the rest of the flight. point is I couldn't pray. I couldn't pray like this, because it was very difficult to maneuver here. Again, the rule is try to get out of the seat. And as a matter of fact, even if it is possible, try to change seats on the plane or wherever you are to accommodate that. Last and Final scenario that we will look at is if there is a Masjid that is built and structured, and it's slightly within the wrong direction of the Qibla 10 1520 degrees off of the actual Qibla itself. And by Honestly speaking,

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there are some messages, I won't say some I only know of actually two messages right here in Toronto that have this problem that initially had this problem when they were building their msgid. I don't want to tell you the name because really and truly, if I do that, for some people, it might be a fitna for them. And you know what they'll do, I'm never going to go pre in that message it again, or we better go there and let them know that they need to rebuild their their center all over again. So I won't say that you have the domestic rectified, and how do you rectify a problem like this? It's very simple. Let's say that this mess had had that issue. Basically, the masala will have to be

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adjusted to accommodate that. So the wall could be there. But all of us the carpet would be structured in such a manner where we're praying in that direction over there towards a pillar. So that's all that needs to happen. You don't need to rebuild the entire structure, if you can, inshallah, you know Bismillah. But if not, it's not a requirement. The Shetty doesn't have a major issue in terms of this. You just want to make sure that when people are sitting there and praying that insha Allah hooter, I love, their prayer is towards the Qibla as much as possible. So having said that, brothers and sisters, that concludes that first session of the Qibla itself. Our next

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session, we will talk about covering the private areas. How is that done in lazada? Is it permissible for a man to wear Levi's jeans that are really tight and shape him and pray in sorta, what happens if we, if you're praying, the guy in front of you goes down for surgery? And his shirt writes up? Poor guy for the one who's praying behind him? Right? So he's gonna see an outer that's exposing him? Does that affect his solar? Or what happens to the guy who exposes himself? What happens if you're praying besides somebody who just smoked a cigarette, and the smell from that smoke is affecting you was you're praying. And let's be honest here. What happens if you're praying

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besides somebody who just has a strong odor, and it causes you to be distracted from your prayer? Mmm, a chef. And he says says in his method, it's permissible for you to walk out of that line during the prayer and go into a different line. So we're going to look at a couple of those opinions and see how do you maneuver around this? What happens if children are running around in front of you? Is that permissible or not? What happens if you put your baby on the ground and was your

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Standing and you look at your baby's face, you just you just do this, you know, just to get his attention, keep him laughing, you know, but you still make sure that you're praying. What happens if you smile and solder all of these different issues in sha Allah is what we will look at, when, like I said on Friday, it will be what should we wear? What happens if you wear something and it has a picture of the angry birds sitting right here? Are you allowed to pray with that? What happens if it has like a statement? That's a derogatory statement or an insulting one? Are you allowed to pray with this? I remember a long time ago and MSG, just around the corner, a man came inside. And there

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was a chef delivering a halaqa just like this one. And he saw a man that walked in and in his t shirt had a swear word on it. So the shed what he did is that he stopped his halaqa and he said, you Brother, you cannot pray with that it is hot on you need to change that.

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What happened? The brother left. Not only did me not even take the advice. He just walked out and left. Eventually I saw the brother. I saw him he was outside and I eventually met him. So I asked him I said Why did you leave? And he said a man who would advise me like that in front of an audience is a man I would never listen to later on when I became a student of knowledge. I realized that that man statement that he said to me in the parking lot was the statement of mmm a chef Rahim Allah to anybody who would try to correct him in public. He said for a man who tries to do this to be in public is a person I will never take his advice. So Subhana Allah you know some of these

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things inshallah we will try to extract when we go through our discussion of how to look out for each other and correct one another. Having said that, brothers and sisters, for those of you who have any questions, I will designate some time for q&a. I just have to figure out when and how to do this for now. You can ask me your questions to me privately. Or in my office in sha Allah s for the sisters also I will try to do the same thing to accommodate your questions. Have a microphone for you or something where you can ask it in sha Allah in our next session? May Allah azza wa jal perfect our prayers, and May Allah subhanho wa Taala costed our prayers be the miftah of the agenda,

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the key to paradise, and May Allah subhanahu wa taala reward all of you for coming out this evening. And to be here to learn and understand how to perfect your prayers because this is a sign that you all have amen in your heart, and that you are all insha Allah on the path of subtlety, and we'll set up a metalized so again, keep us there will offer with our Anil hamdulillah Eurobarometer alameen wa Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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