Musleh Khan – Life #06 How do I know Allah loves me
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How do I know Allah really loves me?
salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. This question is perhaps one of the most important questions we should think about each and every day. How do I know that Allah loves me, that he has accepted me that he has counted me from amongst the righteous? The scholars give us many things to think about, and I'm going to share with you three of them. Number one, it's your faith, it's your towhead it's your belief in Allah subhanho wa taala. See your belief system, our Arpita will determine how strong and committed we are into serving Allah subhanaw taala. So you have got to go back and ask yourself How well do I know Allah? Have I ever taken the time to really study who Allah
is? Now remember, the true biography of Allah, the only things that we know about who Allah is, lies within the 99 names and attributes of Allah. So if you study these names and attributes, that's how you're going to know who Allah subhanho wa Taala is. And when you know who Allah is, the default of that is you will begin to appreciate, you will begin to get closer to him, you'll want to serve Him, you'll want to submit yourself to Him. All of that is an extension of this enormous, an undescribable love that's starting to develop in the heart, in your soul and in your entire life. So the first point is how well do you know Allah? Number two, His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
In the Quran, Allah tells us, if you claim to love Allah, fit to be only your baby qumola Then you should follow the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam and intern Allah will love you back. So following the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, here's the question for all of you to think about. How much do you love him? sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? I can't answer that for you. You have got to figure out how much do I love the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, and one very simple, but effective way to assess how much you love the Prophet alayhi salat wa salam is look in your life and see what parts of your life reflect his sunnah. The decisions you make, the way that you dress, the way that you interact with
people, all of these things that we do on a daily basis, how much of that reflects the way the Prophet alayhi salatu salam would have done it. And it's really important to ask yourself, if he was here with you. Let's say he was sitting in your living room or he came to your message it? Would he be pleased with what he saw. These are questions you really have to spend some time and think about, if the prophet Ali's thought was salam was here, and he met me, would he be pleased with the way I look, the way I dress, the way I talk, the way I live, the way I eat, the way I interact with people. And then the third and the final point, that can help us to understand whether or not Allah
subhanaw taala truly loves us is how much of a commitment you have in practicing Islam. What I mean by that is really simple. If your entire life revolves all around the religion and with that you find the sense of comfort and peace every time you practice your religion. So whether it be you're performing a ritual like salah or fasting or Hajj or Umrah, or reading simple urn or making dua, that your heart is at ease, you find yourself in the sense of peace and comfort you enjoy it so much. You pray one Salah and your heart can't wait for the other Salah. So you have this enthusiasm and spiritual excitement in you to want to do the right thing and Please Allah, every opportunity
that's open in front of you to do the right thing. So you go to a masjid. I mean, we're in the month of Ramadan, right? So you're going to the masjid, there's a fundraising happening, and you're not thinking to yourself Subhanallah Why did I come here? Now I have to listen to this. But instead you say to yourself, This is an opportunity. It's an opportunity for me to give for the sake of Allah. And it's an opportunity for me to gain endless rewards. So the mindset of you wanting each and every time an opportunity comes up, to obey Allah to do something for Allah, you run at that opportunity. So you're constantly thirsty to do righteous deeds for Allah. It's a great sign
Allah subhanho wa Taala wants the best for you, and Allah will only want the best for those whom he loves. May Allah subhanho wa Taala love you, me and all of us love