Musleh Khan – How the Quran teaches us what to do #14 Practice What You Preach

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The Easter practice in Atlanta is different from what they have experienced in the past, with people experiencing struggles during the pandemic and struggling to keep their children from bad companies. Pranks and praying for oneself and setting boundaries before others are important drivers of behavior and emotions. The importance of praying for oneself and setting boundaries before others is emphasized, as it is a shameful practice. The speaker emphasizes the need for updating technology and updating the book to avoid cultural sensitivity. The practice of divorce is a shameful practice in Islam, and individuals should learn to study and apply it to their own context. Prayer behavior and practices are key drivers of success in life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Sit Mr. Ajay Kumar to let you about account to Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah, He often sought a woman while. So this is part 14 and today we're going to talk about practice what you preach. And of course, that brings us to sort of slough verse number two and three. So let's get right into this. Actually, before we even do that, I wanted to share some good news in sha Allah, that here in Toronto, at Hamdulillah, we're going to be having an resuming our Juma prayers this Friday be in Atlanta, it's going to be very different than what we're accustomed to. But nevertheless, just wanted to take a quick minute to say and hamdulillah and continue to pray

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala makes this whole journey easy for all of us in America. And wherever we are, we get back to our normal routine, but with a renewed sense of gratitude and appreciation for one another, and everything that we've gone through and experienced during this whole lockdown during this entire pandemic. With that being said, souda slough has some of the most beautiful verses of the entire port and that really capture and put into perspective, what expectations Allah subhanho wa Taala has from us, particularly when we journey through the entire poor end. Now keep in mind that pseudo self is the 61 sorta of the poor earn. And that's pretty important because you've

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gone through at least 61 chapters of the poor end of knowledge, guidance, rulings, do's and don'ts. So you've gotten a lot of knowledge at this point. Allah subhanho wa Taala after beginning the sort of the very second a accent, he asks us a question and this question is directly from him subhana wa Taala it's as if Allah is putting us on the spot and asking us something that's concerning to him that's important to him. Yeah, even Latina mm or people have amen that's you and I in sha Allah limiter or Luna mela, tougher Allah? Why is it that you say things that you yourself don't practice you don't implement? Now the scholars of Tafseer explain this a it's not just, you know, you

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probably you will you speak, but you don't practice Case Closed. Next verse. They give us some exceptions, and they help us to understand deeply what the lie is really referring to. Yeah, you will let me know you already have a man. So you've already started that journey, you're in a good place already. To be an Athena me know it. Obviously, you have an intention. You know, who Allah subhanho wa Taala is you understand what is required of you, when you follow the messenger, so lilavati, who was seldom, so what scholars tell us is that if you have an intention to practice something, but for whatever reason, you haven't been able to practice that thing, you do not count

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or belong in the audience of this area. So for example, you have an intention to grow a beard to start praying to wear the hijab to practice something of the religion, you're required to practice, but you just haven't gotten there. And the reasons that prevented you from getting there are are valid reasons. They're not just because oh, I'm just too lazy, or it's not that important. You're trying to but for whatever reason, you're just not able to get there at that moment. It's been a struggle, it could have been a personal struggle, psychological struggle, could be your circumstance, whatever the case is, what the point is, it's a valid reason that we're the Met tell

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us that this particular scenario does not belong to the A because the intention still counts for something. But Allah subhanho wa Taala is specifically referring to those who obviously, they speak, they preach, they tell others to do things, but they themselves don't have any desire, no intention, no need and don't see the importance of doing that thing. So a very, very common example is parents with their kids. We tell our kids to go to Sunday classes, we push them and drive them to learn the Quran and Sunnah and practice, and stay away from pork, don't have girlfriends and boyfriends, make sure that you stay away from bad company, all of these things. Except for the parents. I can't even

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tell you how many parents I know that have their kids in eighth class topfield programs and they themselves the parents don't know how to recite and the poor and whatsoever, they'll drop their kids off, they'll go home, come back and pick their kids up or they'll drop their kids off go to like a timmies or something. Have coffee for two hours come back pick their kids up and pat themselves on the back like you've really done something you know, Masha Allah, you know, your efforts will be counted for something. But what about you?

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Do you not realize and remember, Allah subhanho wa Taala will ask you for

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First about your own deeds. Before he asks you about what you've done for others, you are accountable for you first. And there's so many had Ethan a. One of the things one of the famous heti that I like to quote is the Hadith about prayer. The first thing that the servant is asked about on the Day of Judgment is going to be with regards to their silhouette. If the seller is good, meaning if it's accepted by Allah, then guess what everything else in terms of judgment, the accountability will also be good. So the point here is the Sunnah. Do you pray for anybody? No, it's all about you. Can you tell somebody to pray for you know, you've got to do it yourself. So what scholars extracted

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is that the act of worship that's being asked about is the individual worship that you've done for yourself, which teaches us that we are going to be accountable for what we say and do for ourselves first before others. So this a a really puts us into place limit to Hulu mulata. Finally, you know, the style and structure of this area it's as if Allah is upset to an extent, because the sort of began with tests beer, so here you are, we're making tests via we're praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. We are raising his authority and status in our lives in our personal lives and the lives that surround us. We're raising the honor the status and authority of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That's

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test to be so now that you've graduated from that a, let's say, now you're doing tests A B, but you're not actually practicing what you're preaching. You're saying all of this test B. But you don't actually believe in it. You know, you say Allahu Akbar. But is Allah really the greatest in your life? You say he can do what yet kind of staring you alone a worship fine. with you alone, I seek aid and I seek help from Do you really turn to Allah? Each and every time you need his assistance? You need his help. This is what this area is talking about. But then verse number three, Allah azza wa jal continues with the same conversation and says kibbled Mk xR in De La Hoya and taco

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Lu meloetta, Fido caboto mk 10. mk 10 is a huge ordeal. It's a big problem in the sight of Allah. So what's mK 10 mk 10 comes from the word mced. meme puff tat mced Mk two actually referred to refers to some of the most shameful and disgusting social practices that you could imagine. So for example, in TIFF co2, they teach us that MK actually goes back to a very famous example, pre Islam, a man would have married many wives, many wives, and he would have children with each wife. But when that man died, his son would one of his children would actually take over the position and say, I inherit the position of my father. And now that son will end up marrying all the same mothers, the same

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women, and continue supporting and continue having children with them. It was a disgusting practice. But of course, Islam came and abolished all of them a type of divorce, where a man who once upon a time would say to his wife that you are similar to the back of my mother. It's a shameful it's a it's not a nice thing to say. It's a very insulting way to divorce your wife pre Islam. So he's basically saying, I would never touch the back of my mother intimately. So you are like the back of my mother, meaning you're like my mother now. Twins, I can't stay married to anymore you're divorced. So the Prophet it sought to sell them and Islam came in abolish that type of divorce.

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Again, it's a shameful disgusting practice. But now in our version of this when it comes to mK 10, racism, hate discrimination. These are all forms of mcdon shameful practices, shameful beliefs that are just openly and quite frankly, disgusting and wrong. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala says, that mcdon as a result of not practicing what you preach, now you fall into this category, and dakolo manner for everyone. So the next phase, if you don't counsel and get out of the situation of Okay, I'm going to preach this stuff. If I'm going to tell people to do certain things, then at least the bare minimum, I've got to have a good solid intention that I can work with. That leads me to action.

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It's not enough to just say it's in my heart and Hollis and walk away. I get that a lot. Actually. I get questions like that a lot that I have hijab in my heart, so why do I need it on my head? That's not the point. The point here is

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Allah subhanho wa Taala ordered certain things to be done. And so part of your submission as a slave to him is that you submit to His orders, you submit his commands, whether you appreciate them or not, he tells you to do something, whether we see the wisdom or good in it or not, we try our best to do it because that's the trust that we have in our Creator in his message. We don't try to reinterpret and reform the poor and and its teachings and be like, okay, it's really outdated now. So we need to get a new updated version of this book, just like how we update windows, we update our phones, we need to update to * doesn't work like that. Maybe our understanding needs to be

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updated. Meaning we need to continue to learn to study, to critique, to ask questions, to go to qualified teachers, and so on. So that we get some sense of direction in terms of how we apply some of these teachings in our own context. But it doesn't take change the foundation of what Allah subhanho wa Taala commands us to do. We are an owner of some Mariner, what are we here we obey. So this is what today's reminder really, truly is, as far as to really dig deep down. I mean, we've done just over a dozen of these episodes, I really don't know how long I'm going to continue with this. Because the commands and the things that Allah teaches us of how we should conduct ourselves

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are so many, I wouldn't be surprised that if I stuck with this series, I'll reach to more than 100 episodes, because there's just so much things to talk about and to interpret and to explain, but who knows, let's see how long this goes be with me later. I definitely won't go to 100 episodes, but inshallah we try that let's see what what interesting things that we can extract from the poor and that teaches us how to behave. So with that being said, my brothers and sisters, yet you have lesbianism and dig deep inside your heart, inside your life and ask yourself and look in the mirror. limitado Luna mela, Topher Allen, why is it that you're saying certain things that you expect

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certain things from your own children, from other people, from your spouse, from your friends from your community,

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but you yourself are missing the most important thing. It's what you preach, the practice is not there.

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And a long time ago, I met a brother who was smoking. He had a cigarette. And when the event was called, so he was having a cigarette outside of his store with Yeah, that was called he shut up. He closed his store, he went and prayed

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Alhamdulillah you actually were conscious enough. And you saw the importance for whatever reason, and you decided I'm going to shut my store and I'm going to go and pray. He went inside he prayed. He came back he had another cigarette. So I'm just like, What the What a dilemma to be in. Right. And this is the problem. This is the cycle that when you convince yourself that something like a sin or a mistake is not a big deal. You come to the idea to the place where you convince yourself Well, since it's not a big deal, it's not going to have much effect in my devotion and my practice with Allah subhanho wa Taala. This area clearly tells us that is not the case. So we pray that Allah

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Subhana Allah, Allah continues to teach us his book. But more importantly, what we learn, we practice we implement, we illustrate, we are examples to humanity, of how to be the best human being possible, not just with each other, but with our Creator. subpanel what our island. So with that being said, My alarm, so which will bless you all, always and forever. I will always do my best to remember to pray for all of us that we stay healthy, and we stay patient and we stay strong and persevere during this difficult time. We are starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel, things are starting to reopen some sense of normality is starting to come back. But it's our

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attitude. It's our heart. It's our mindset, it's our focus that has to be renewed. So when we do come back to our massages, to our stores, with our friends, with our businesses, with our schools, when we do come back to that sense of normality, our attitude has to change. It has to be renewed, we have to develop this sense of appreciation and gratitude for all that we have. And you'll see just like the poor end and assume that he taught us all along you'll see when you appreciate what you have and you and you are kind to one another. And you continue to improve yourself as an overall good person and a good human being. That is exactly the thing that contributes to an overall better

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sense of humanity and love and care for one another. This is where we want to be not just as Muslims, but just as human beings together. So I hope and I pray that we're starting to see that I'm starting to actually see and experience that the more I walk down the street, that goal

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Outside I do my workout I do all of these things, the more that I see people and interact with people, I don't know if this is happening with you guys, but I just find that people are being a bit more friendly. They're saying hello a little bit more. Hi, how are you a little bit more conversation. Just overall presence seems to be like there's something there. But we'll never know until things get back to normal in sha Allah if we've learned from this or not. May Allah subhanho wa Taala constantly teach us his book, and help us to love and practice the teachings of our messenger someone laquan He will send them always in forever, a loving man. I mean, she's like a

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little late on everyone until we meet again with Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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