Muiz Bukhary – Tonight Could Be Laylatul Qadr!!

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the meaning of Laila toccata, a time period after sunset until dawn, and the use of "naught" in Arabic language. The transcript also discusses various types of divine ordained men in Islam, including the use of "medicals and "medicals," and the importance of "will" in achieving success. The segment emphasizes the importance of avoiding being too busy during difficult situations and prioritizing good deeds and charity. The segment also highlights the use of multiple signs to determine when events are later or later in the day and encourages the audience to participate in Facebook groups.
AI: Transcript ©
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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala nabina Muhammad, wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam. We begin by praising Allah azza wa jal, the Almighty the majestic the exalted, we asked him to send his choices of blessings and salutations upon our beloved messenger, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of gamma. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, we have arrived at the last stretch of this blessed month, the month of Ramadan, we pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses each and every one

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of us with long, healthy and productive lives to attain many more Ramadan in the future. Now with regards to the last 10 nights of Ramadan, the coming night is the first night from the odd nights of the last 10 nights of Ramadan inshallah loudhailer

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and we learn from the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that these last 10 nights. They contain a special and powerful night known as Laila toccata.

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Allah azza wa jal, he says Rob buka here hello ko Maya sha Allah.

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So Allah azza wa jal, he creates what He wills and he chooses what he builds. In other words, he gives superiority to whichever of his creation that he wishes. So when talking about the passages of time, Allah subhanho wa Taala, he created time, and he chose certain passages of time to be greater, to be more virtuous to be superior over other passages of time. When talking about month, the month of Ramadan is the best month when talking about days, that 10 days of the hedger are the best days. When talking about nights. The last 10 nights of Ramadan are the best nights. And if you were to pinpoint one specific night Laila to recorder is the one specific night that is full of virtue that

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is that is considered the best night

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and during a week if you were to pinpoint or to or to specify a day, that is full of virtue, and that is better than the other days. It is your mazuma Friday.

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So now in this video, we're going to unpack and discuss Layla Takada. So let me throw out the term later through kata it consists of two words, you have Laila and you have the word elkader be iscan it doll, you can read it as a powder by putting a sukoon on top of the dial. Or you can also read it as a corridor in the Arabic language with a Fatah on top of the doll. So Laila,

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Laila is loosely translated as night and is defined as the time the period the time period after sunset until dawn the next day. As for alhadeff, Now, interestingly, you obviously have the literal definition and you have the technical definition. Let's start off with the literal definition. So under the literal definition, you have a couple of meanings that have been suited upon this word. For example, you have the meaning Alcala will help them in the Arabic language that has been suited upon this word. In other words, I will call and I'll help them can be translated as decree. And here we're talking about the Divine Decree of allies of the Divine ordain ment of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and this meaning to Beckett, because each of these meanings are going to try and back them from with evidence from the Quran and the Sunnah. You have the hadith of jabil, or the loved one that has been recorded in the book of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah, that that illustrates and talks about the powerful dua of Al istikhara.

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Now we know that it is from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to pray. Well, it's harder to make the dua of Alyssa hora. You see when before sitting out on an important matter if you're faced with you know two options in front of you, it is upon you it is from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to to to to pray and to make a dua with regards to da to make to use the DA Felice taharah with regards to that particular matter. In other words, you seeking goodness from Allah subhanho wa Taala before you set out on the matter. So in the DA in that particular da by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he teaches us.

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The word in goes as follows Allahumma in me as the hero Kabir Helmick was taco De Luca biquadratic was Toluca min follicle out to him for inaka taco dweller after their water Island wala Island what enter I lambu Allah Houma incontrato Alamo unhaggle Umbra Hyrule leafy Dini, where Marashi will ultimately Omri, Falco Dora who lead by yessir hooli somatically

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So basically in a nutshell you are in that door are praising Allah azza wa jal and then going on to say Oh Allah, this matter in Quinta diamond under hyrulean This matter is good for me. If it is good for my Deen, if it is good for my livelihood,

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then for coder who Lee, decree it for me, ordain it for me. So Maya said hooli and then facilitated for me some robotically fee and then bless me in it Subhan Allah, on the other hand, if it is something bad for my life for my Deen for my livelihood, then for serif one he was roughly and then turn me away from it and turn that thing away from me or work me away from it and award that thing away from me work or do really allow higher highs who can and then again the word is used to walk the door again decree and ordained for me, goodness wherever it may be. So as you can see the word earlier on for coder holy and here what could do really. So this is in the imperative tense but it's

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the same word basically, it stems from the same roots for coder holy which means to decree to ordain. So, this is one meaning that is suited upon the term elkader. Another meaning that can be suited is at the be at the debate in the Arabic language, which is to plan to to plan to in a in a very strategic way to plan and to put things into motion. And this is Allah subhanho wa Taala has Allah says, with regards to this particular night in sort of the one fee her youth Rocco kulu Umbrian Hakeem and during this night, every precise matter is made distinct. So, there is this very strategic very precise plan that is put in place during this night and we will discuss it we will

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unpack it in just a bit. Another meaning that is suited upon the word elkader in its literal sense, is a tactic in the Arabic language, which can be translated as a sense of narrowness constraint, as Allah says, in certain federal Well, I'm not either Mbit Allah hoffa hadera Allah here is fine.

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But when Allah when he tries him and restricts His provision when Allah tries the human being and restricts His provision for kada Riley here his car when he restricts when he confines when he narrows His provision for a call Robbie a hand and then he says, My Lord has humiliated me. So here as you can see, the term for padala has been used with the meaning of the restriction and and you know, constraint.

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So these are the literal definitions and interestingly many brothers and sisters, the literal definitions actually go hand in hand with the technical definitions with regards to a little further with regards to level two. So now with regards to the is the law, what is the law, what are the technical definitions, meaning number one that can be suited for layer two is that it is a blessing night, a blessing at night. Little powder can be translated as the night of power, the Night of Decree a blessing at night and if you're wondering where we got the meaning of it being blessed, Allah says in Surah 201 ham him well kita Bill mubin in anzahl now houfy Layla, Tim Moo Baraka

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indeed we revealed it ie the Quran during a blessed night, live through quarter feel a little more Baraka a blessing night, then it is a matter of IT IS A Night of Decree. So it is known later Potter is known as The Night of Decree, the night of the beat like we mentioned earlier on because Allah in the same surah goes on to say if you are you for cuckoo amblin Hakeem, the idea that we discussed earlier on on that night, every precise matter is made distinct. There are matters of divine ordained moment that take place during Laila to other as we will discuss in just a bit.

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So divine ordained moment takes place there you may be wondering, divine or detainment, but I seem to recall that everything was determined before the creation of the heavens and the earth. Yes, my dear brother, my dear sister, you aren't wrong in that regard. But with regards to divine ordain meant you need to understand that there are five types of divine ordained men and this is deduced from the Quran and the Sunnah. Firstly, it is from the articles of faith to believe in Al Qaeda again the same word

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from the articles of faith and men ability to believe in Allah Allah, he could be he his angels, what could be he his books were Rasul Allah he his messengers, well, you will have to believe in last day will further and to believe in the destiny, that everything has been pre determined by Allah subhanho wa Taala and that

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Good and Evil is from him. subhanho wa Taala. So this is what we believe in. So when discussing that particular article of faith, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, you have to understand that we have five types of Kadir in the Arabic language. Number one, the podere as le de podere azulay, I'm going to very quickly unpack each of these categories for for us to gain a clear understanding in Sharla. But for now, I'm just going to quickly list them down taqdeer as a Li, and then you have the podere for your millimeter.

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Then you have taco de Rouen or ohmori pudieron Hao Li and taco de Rouen yummy.

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So let's start off with the first one taco de Lune SLE, it's almost like we're talking about this established permanent type of taco deal, divine attainment.

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Now this is the podere This is the divine attainment that took place before the creation of the heavens and the earth and as per the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. This took place 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earth.

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We have a hadith that has been recorded by Muhammad Rahim Allah. And remember to me the Rocky Mount that is a an authentic hadith. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam is reputed to have said that

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the first of what was created by Allah was the pen.

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And then Allah commands the pen octobe.

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Okay, and then the pen writes it, it basically writes, by the will of Allah by the commander of Allah, everything that is to take place until the day of karma until Judgment Day, until Judgment Day. So this is the main database, if you will, and none has access to this except except Allah subhanho wa Taala. You see, we live upon a landscape where information is so valuable, yes or no. So just imagine if if, if someone were to have access to this, this privileged classified information Subhana light is only Allah is a virgin who has access to all that information, as Allah says in Surah, two comer in coolessay, in Hanako, nahi cada, indeed, everything, all the things we created

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with pre

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determination, be other.

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So this is number one, the codere as Ellie, I hope it's clear. So you have the pudieron as a Li, which is the primary form of

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DACA deal. And the second type of coddle is basically the order or the decreed that took place on Yeoman mythique now with regards to Yeoman mythique, Allah subhanho wa Taala he mentioned in sort of an hour off what is a hoarder Rob backcombing, Benny Adam in the hood him to reata homeboy shadow whom Allah and footsy him, allow us to be or become Kala Bella shahina. And remember when your Lord took from the children of Adam, from their loins, their descendants, and made them testify of themselves, so it was asked from all of us, from all of us, allow us to be or become it was asked from us, Am I not your Lord Allah azza wa jal he asks us, Am I not your Lord? And we all responded

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to Allah question LS to be Robbie combi responded Hello, Bella. Yes, shahida. Now we have testified. So on this day, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

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it was decreed by Allah azza wa jal with regards to who is going to go to Jenna, who is going to go to Paradise who are going to be the fortunate ones, and who is going to be going to jahannam Hellfire who are the unfortunate ones. Now obviously, this discussion is a lengthy one with regards to other in and of itself with regards to the Divine Decree and it is something that scholars like Imam Abdullah Rahim, Allah and others have said when if you are to try and traverse the ocean, the shorter less ocean of hadith of Divine Decree, then you can only attempt to do so

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on the ship of salvation, ie the ship of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because it is something so deep, so deep that our weak minds find it difficult to wrap themselves around May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us clear understanding I mean, so this is a second type of taco deal. And then we have the third type of

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taco D, which is known as taco de Rouen or ohmori. Taco de Rouen, ohmori and with regards to a taco de ruler ohmori now we have

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a Hardee's for example, the one in the book of Imam Al Bukhari, Anima Muslim rahima Homer lava Eva Massoud rhodiola, one who is report prep said that in the Ahad accom that indeed each and every one of

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You You are gathered your creation is gathered in the womb of

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your mother for 40 days where at one stage you are an iloka clot and then you become a model a piece of flesh and then an angel is sent where the angel breeds the root into the child. And then he goes on to basically

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write with regards to and this this information is given obviously, from Allah subhanho wa Taala certain things are decreed at that juncture with regards to the that human beings risk with regards to that human beings provision with regards to that human beings lifespan with regards to that human beings actions and as to whether this individual is going to be fortunate or unfortunate. Shaka Yoon outside and when we say Shaka inside Shaka, he basically so these two

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traits, one is this individual is going to be fortunate is going to be from those who are going to please Allah is Virgil and become from the people of Jenna eventually. And unfortunate in the sense this individual is going to go into anger Eliza gel and then become an individual from the denizens of the fire of * May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all I mean, and now you have the fourth category of taqdeer known as the pudieran Hao Li. Now this is the category that is to be highlighted with regards to later to Ricardo because this this particular ordain men takes place on a yearly basis, on a yearly basis during later quarter. And you have to understand my dear brothers and

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sisters in standard all these categories referred to as le, which is the main database, it is from there, that information is passed on to the second category, the third category, and then the fourth category is on a yearly basis with regards to what's going to happen during that year. How many people are going to be born, who and who is going to be born who and who are going to pass away from this world. You know, what kind of incidents what occurrences are going to take place, all of this is decreed the codere on how early on a yearly basis during the lateral quarter fee hi you for coo coo Lu and then Hakeem, like we mentioned earlier on the last category very quickly is taco de Ron

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Yomi, where there is divine ordained moment happening on a daily basis. Allah subhanho wa Taala he says in the Noble Quran, Kula Yeoman, who officiant that during every single day, Allah azza wa jal brings about matters. So, from this we understand that on a daily basis, there is divine ordained moment and decrees taking place. So, as you can see, there are all these categories in in place, and that is why, this night is a night a blessing night, a very powerful night it is known as the night of power, it is also known as The Night of Decree. Now along with that we mentioned earlier arm and discussing the literal definition that there is a meaning suited

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for the word powder as

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narrowness and constraint. You might be wondering how are we going to reconcile that meaning with

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the technical definition?

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To gain clarity in this regard, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

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you have to look at suitor coddle, but Allah subhanho wa Taala he goes on to say Mama draka Marlena Takada Laila to Qadri hieromonk, elfish tenez, l will Mullah equal to what rule so jabrill Elisa to Salaam descends during the night of power, and jabril Isla to Salaam is an angel who does not descend for ordinary matters. So if he is descending, it's a pretty big deal and along with him 10 oiselle will mela iica angels are descending in hordes so you have tolerance of angels coming down.

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And as per the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they'll be so large a number like pebbles, but you won't be able to count them. And there'll be so many angels flooding Earth during layer two recorder The day will actually be taught the

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narrowness and constraint of space Subhanallah water bless at night. What a powerful night May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless each and every one of us to attain later Condor Amin. So Allah azza wa jal he says Laila to Qadri hieromonk Alfie Shahar. This is a nightmare your brothers and sisters in Islam that is better than 1000 months do the math 1000 months divided by 12 you have 83 years and four months Subhan Allah. So if you were to coincide with this night,

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your deeds, you'll want to be rewarded equivalent to 1000 months at three years and four months Subhanallah can we even guarantee can we assure assure ourselves that we would live that long

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And even if you were to live that long are you able to spend every single second of each day from those 83 years in a bad? No, you will involve yourself in other things, you know, you know, perhaps your own personal matters. It's not like you're going to be in a bad day from morning to evening. But by coinciding with later to recorder, you stand to accrue rewards for being engrossed in a bad day from morning to evening for 83 years and four months Subhan Allah Subhana Allah look at the virtues look at the virtues mind blowing. So it's such a powerful night. And this night is hidden within the last 10 nights Maria brothers and sisters in Islam. We have the hadith of

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robots that have been assigned Metro de la one that has been recorded in the book of Imam Al Bukhari. He says hora de Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam leave mirana been a little further. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam came out to inform us about literal fodder. But two Muslims were fighting with one another. They were arguing with one another they were quarreling with each other. So the prophets Allah and Islam at that juncture, he says, I came out to inform you about length or other, but such and such persons were quarreling. So the news about it has been taken away from me. I came to give you the information but because the two of you were quarreling, the information has been

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taken away from me. And then he said along while he was lm, he goes on to say, Well, I saw a corner fire or Lacan, and perhaps you know, it might be for your own good for Tammy Sue Harvey Tassie, it was savvy, it will Hamza, so search for little powder during the 29th 27th and the 25th of Ramadan. You know, Imam Ibn hija Rahim Allah and others go on to actually list almost 40 to 50, if I'm not mistaken, 46 views 46 opinions that have been put forth with regards to specifying literal codon. Now, there are some scholars who would go on to say that you know, it is during the 21st night, there are others who would very strongly advocate for layer two corridor falling on the 27th night.

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And there are others who would say perhaps 29 tonight, now when you look at the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, there to you have companions reporting a spectrum of opinions. And the best way to reconcile all of these narrations and all of the views put forth by the scholars, media, brothers and sisters in Islam is that the best way to do it is encapsulated in this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam with our mother eye shadow the Allah one has reported to have said that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said the hair row laylat al Qadri filby, three minella Srila Allah He remained Ramadan, Allah His Messenger sallallahu Sallam said search for Laila to

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powder in the odd nights of the last 10

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days of Ramadan of the last 10 of Ramadan search for laser cutter during the odd nights. So what we can conclude is that little clutter is hidden within the last 10 nights and to be more specific, hidden within the odd nights of the last 10 nights of

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Ramadan. And like the Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah Islam said in the previous Hadith, perhaps it's for our own good so that we seek out that night, so that we just don't keep ourselves busy with good deeds for one night, but rather, we end up seeking that night and actually doing a lot more good deeds across the last 10 nights

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of Ramadan. You see, there are things that are hidden from our knowledge for our own good. For example, if you take something like Saturn is the Java the hour during which you do as a answered on Friday, there is a special hour now that hour is hidden. There are views put forth by scholars, there are some who would say that it is the time

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in between the two sermons when the when the Imam slash Hatim sits down in the pulpit, it's that timing. And there are those who would say it is from the time the khateeb stands on the pulpit until he gets down. And there are those who would say that it is the last hour during Friday, that's basically just about one hour before sunset on on on Friday. But in a way it's hidden so that we strive to make as much to AI as possible during the entire day of Friday. Similarly, if you take something like a smaller Hill album, The Greatest Name of Alliance which is Professor Allison and he tells us that if one were to invoke call upon Allah subhanho wa Taala using the Greatest Name of

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Allah, his or her do, I would be answered, but now with regards to which name is this, it's hidden. So in a way so that we would study the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so that we would use as many of the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala in our doors and ideally what you need to be doing is us you need to

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be using the different names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala you need to become creativity to us. Let's say if you are asking for the forgiveness of Allah azza wa jal, you would use the name of Allah, Allah, Allah for when asking for provision, you would use the name or rezac. When asking for the mercy of Allah, you would use an M R Rahman r Rahim. So they are by, you know, by using all of these names, there's a possibility that you would coincide on one of those names and your two eyes would be answered but Allah subhanho wa Taala. Similarly, with regards to when you are going to pass away from this world, it is hidden as well so that we make the most out of every single second

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that we have, for example, if we were told, okay, on this date that you're going to be passing away, then what do you think we would do? We would, you know, procrastinate and wait till the last minute, okay, and then try to rectify things. But this way, because we don't know when we are going to pass away. We strive to make the most out of every single minute and every single second that we have in a move to please Allah subhanho wa Taala. So there are things that are hidden for our own good media, brothers and sisters in Islam. So if you are wondering why this night is hidden, it's for our own good as per the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, having said that, we

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do have certain signs that have been put forward to us by the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam that we can use to determine. So let's say you are in worship, and you witnessed the signs it can serve as a means of putting your heart at ease. It can serve as a means of encouragement that perhaps this night may actually be later Potter. So from the signs I want to mention a few. We have for example, the hadith of Abu Syed and Audrey rhodiola one that has been recorded the Book of Mormon boy Rahim Allah it's lengthy Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that had these two, he instructs his companions, and by extension, all of us search for it in

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the odd nights of the last 10 days of Ramadan. And then he said, Allah while he was telling me, he says, I also saw myself in the dream. So basically, it was a dream that the Prophet sallallaahu Selim had witnessed, he comes out and he talks to his companions about it and he tells them to look for little fodder during the odd nights of the last 10 nights of Ramadan. And he goes on to say, in that particular dream, it was there through quarter and I saw myself prostrating in mud and water, as in the understanding, because the narrator goes on to say on the night of the 21st, so I was ended up alone. He goes on to say on the night of the 21st, the sky was covered with clouds, okay,

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this is I mean, in reality, now we are out of the dream. The companion says, because the Prophet comes and says, I saw myself in the dream I was in, as in I was in the midst of later to coddle and when I prostrated I prostrated in mud and water. So now the companion goes on to say on the night of the 21st, the sky was covered with clouds and it rained, and their rain water started to leak through the roof of the masjid, at the praying place of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and I saw with my own eyes, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at the completion of the morning prayer leaving and his face was covered with mud and water, as in due to the fact that you know, the

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roof was crude, you know, in those days water would leak it was made of palm fiber and palm leaves, so water would leak into the mastoid onto the flow of the muscles in the floor obviously consisted of dry sand and mud. So when water mixed with the sand, you have mud now and the prophets Allah Allah Islam had prostrated on on the mud and now there was water and mud on the forehead of the Messenger of Allah salallahu alayhi wasalam. So what we can deduce from this hadith is, there's a possibility that it could, that there could be a slight rain, if you will, a slight drizzle, if you will, during the night of power, along with that, we also have

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the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the book of Muslim, Abu huraira, or the Allah one who he says that we were talking about later powder in the presence of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and then he said, He who amongst you remembers the night when the moon arose, and it was like it was like myth, Lou, shifty Jaffna, it was like a piece of a plate. So when looking up at the moon, if it is like a piece of a plate,

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flat and round, and if it's like a piece of a plate where you see half of it like a piece of a plate, that too is a sign that it could be

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little Potter. And then with regards to the atmosphere, that's another sign where we have the words of the Messenger of Allah, Allah and Islam by his report rep said Laila to Qadri lay Latin,

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somewhat on the prophets, that is him his report reps

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The night of al Qaeda is a calm, serene and peaceful night. It is not hot, nor is it cold. So, as you can see now, these signs By the way, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, these signs do not mean

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that I mean as in if you don't see these two signs don't arrive at a conclusion that Oh, you know what if I don't witness these signs, then that would mean that it is not Laila to coddle. No, not not necessarily. But you do have these signs that have been put forth by the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And, you know, you should attempt to as much as possible, involve yourself in doing as many many good deeds as possible, you know,

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because some of us might think, Oh, you know what, let me instead of doing good deeds, just go out and start looking for the signs. And only if I see the signs, I'm going to be keeping myself busy with the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. No, that is not the right attitude, but rather, you should be busy in the ibadah, the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And along with that, if you witness these signs, then so be it that is well and good, Masha Allah. So I hope, you know, this video was of benefit. And as you can see, with all these narrations that are in place, what we can safely conclude is that he is the night of power is hidden within the odd nights of the last 10

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nights of Ramadan. But let's not conclude and say you know what, I think that it is the 21st night or the 23rd night or the 25th night or the 27th night. And let us not just only restrict our a bad day to one of those nights No, rather, let us strive to revive the nights across the last 10 nights of Ramadan, try to do as many different good deeds as possible. For example, try to allocate a small amount of charity for every single night during the last 10 nights of Ramadan. That way, you're going to inevitably coincide with little quarter because you have to understand that on a yearly basis, other moves around, he doesn't just stick to one particular date. Now let's say last year, it

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could have been the 27th night this year, it could be the 25th night, next year, it could be the 23rd night so what we understand from this is that every single year we're supposed to strive during the last 10 nights of Ramadan. So make it a habit to alternate between different types of a burden where you spend a portion of the night in Salah you spend a portion of the night in the remembrance of Allah in the reading of the Quran in the studying and reflection of the Quran in making as much as possible. You see we have another narration where I show the other one how she asks the Prophet sallallahu Sallam Yeah, so like if I and the narration goes along the lines of these words, if I

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were to know as to whether, you know if I were to know for sure that this is laced with codder what do I should I make and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he teaches her Allahumma inika fulbourn to Hebrew as

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well la alum in the castle, you are the most forgiving to Hebrew last when you love to forgive

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me Forgive me to make this beautiful too. And along with that there are other dogs that have been taught to us by the professor allamani when he was in a rock band it naffy dunia hasn't offered our karate has now worked in either. But now and along with that, I mean if you don't know do as an Arabic Don't, don't let that overwhelm you and intimidate you. You can always raise your hands and make in your own language, the language that you are comfortable with, be creative, write down your dollars, instead of instead of making the same thing in a monotone way. Write down your two eyes. Each and every one of us we have different requests that we would want to put in front of the

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generous Lord in front of our generous Lord. So let us be creative in our do eyes and make as many doors as possible. Let us make the arm for our brethren for all those who are suffering around the world. For us to go back to normalcy for those who are suffering within the pandemic, so many countries within lockdown and that's another thing as well. If you are amidst a lockdown and if you can't go to the masjid, you should adhere to the laws and guidelines put in place by the by your local authorities, you shouldn't break the law because at the end of the day these you know lock downs and whatnot are for your own safety. So you can always revive the night.

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At home with your family. You can pray in Gema you can pray with your family you can read the Koran you can study the Koran you can revive the night with your family members with your spouse with your children and and make this Ramadan a memorable Ramadan where you raise your hands and make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala cry and to Eliza Virgil. And he the most forgiving the Most Merciful is waiting to answer your door has muddier brothers and sisters in Islam. So let us strive let us strive to make the most out of these last 10 nights of Ramadan. Let us strive to do as many good

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as possible during every single night where we have a variety of good deeds that we put forth unto our maker subhanho wa Taala and we pray sincerely and earnestly that Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses each and every one of us to make the most out of these last 10 nights to attend a little cuddle, to witness many more Ramadan in the future and to attend many more later to other in the future. And just as how he united us here across this video across these platforms may unite us in the beautiful end of the gardens of China, with our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam, I mean, I mean why, why and in hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Salaam Alaikum

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warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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