Muiz Bukhary – The Prophetic Way The Art of Mindful Living

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the benefits of mindfulness in improving personal and psychological well-being, including improving relationships and interactions. They provide actionable tips for achieving mindfulness, including reciting the statement of the day, setting a tone of mindfulness, and taking actionable actions. The speakers also suggest creating a personal mindfulness habit and setting moments for mindful recitation, as well as sharing experiences and rewards for additional content.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh but the respected brothers and sisters, I welcome you all to another insightful episode of the Prophet Degray series. Today we are embracing the art of mindful living as championed by our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I'd like to start off at the outset with the psychological perspective, because modern psychology has brought out and unearthed profound benefits of mindfulness. According to author Daniel J. Siegel. He is the author of books like the mindful brain, the mindful therapist, the mindful therapist, the mindful brain aware all these books. So he says, Mindfulness means paying attention in a certain way, in a

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particular way, on purpose in the present moment and non judgmentally it not only alleviates stress, but also enhances our emotional intelligence, nurturing a deeper connection with ourselves and others. So let's delve into the prophetic side of it and see what Islam the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has to say about this. Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he provided because at the end of the day, he is our role model, like are the cannula comfy Rasulillah he was on hasna. Right. He is our role model and As believers, we strive to emulate him to follow him. He provided us the perfect blueprint for mindful living through his sunnah. And

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I'd like to point this out through examples from his life. Let's start off with mindfulness in daily prayers, Salah

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the five daily prayers, at the very least, because that's our obligation grants us several pockets of time, several moments of mindfulness daily, where we

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daily five times a day, recalibrate ourselves you know, recalibrate you sometimes you know you've got these apps on your phone, even the the tablet app sometimes when you want to check the tablet, you need to recalibrate the senses because the senses you know, could have gone a bit wonky. So similarly, our brains, our minds, our hearts, our souls need to be recalibrated and Allah has blessed us with five beautiful prayers, five moments of mindfulness. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he is reported to have said in the hadith is recorded in the Book of Imam Al by her prayer I'm Allah. Salah is a pillar of the deen he who establishes it establishes religion, and he who

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destroys it destroys religion. Therefore let us strive to engage mindfully in our salah. Because a lot of us myself included that times we tend to do it very mechanically. Yes, outwardly we are performing the rituals. We are reading what is supposed to be read like parrots, but our minds are in utter chaos roaming all over the place. So we need to tether our minds we need to rope them in and engage mindfully in our salah. And those moments as you engage mindfully tuning out from the chaos tuning out from the noise. You are reprogramming your mind you are enhancing your focus you are increasing your emotional intelligence and you are immersing yourself in a deep connection with

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Allah subhanho wa taala.

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The next aspect that I'd like to highlight from the life of the Prophet salallahu Salam is mindfulness in eating.

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When it comes to mindful eating the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he encouraged us to be conscious, he is reported to have said aka makalah to Salam, the son of Adam does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Adam to eat a few mouthfuls to keep him standing. But he if he must, then 1/3 for his foot 1/3 for his drink and 1/3 for his breath Hadith recorded the book of mammoth tremiti And Imam Ibn imager. Rahima Hola. Now, let us take this guidance of the Prophet salallahu salam to heart embracing the Sunnah. This is this one now embracing the Sunnah of conscious eating. Now you might wonder how are we tying, conscious eating

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and mindful eating with this hadith? Think Media brother media sister if you were to heedlessly eat, like most of us do, we will go on to stuff ourselves stuff ourselves stuff ourselves, to the extent that we might feel even though it's not humanly possible that we are full with food until until you know our our necks and our throats Subhanallah but if you were to take this hadith to heart that you need to eat 1/3 You need to keep space for liquids in terms of liquids 1/3 for breathing 1/3 You must eat consciously. You must be aware of the food on your plate, how much you are serving in the first place, how much you are eating

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and to ensure that you don't let any food go

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In vain and go to waste, so there is so much and then as you eat, you reflect and you ponder, you start off by remembering Allah, you conclude by thanking Allah,

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every morsel of food that goes into your mouth. You thank him because there are people out there.

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The worry on their minds is, you know, what are we going to put on our tables for our children for the next meal, they don't have food to eat. Here. Allah has blessed you with warm bread. Allah has blessed you with meat. Allah has blessed you with different types of vegetables. So you need to thank him you need to be conscious as you eat As the food goes down as this nourishment goes down.

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So as you can see, by doing this Subhanallah it elevates so many aspects in your life.

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Now the next area that I'd like to go into is mindfulness in interactions.

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being fully present in our interactions, is a sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allahu Akbar look at all of this. These as soon as that are forgotten or glossed over nobody talks about them sooner of mindful eating sooner of mindful interactions, and as a bit of Malika the Allahu Anhu he narrated. Whenever the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke, he would repeat his words thrice, thrice, so that the meaning would be understood fully from him. hadith is recorded of the book of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah. So following this example emulating the Prophet let us bring in mindfulness in our interactions where we don't heedlessly speak. See, it's very important.

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This tiny piece of flesh the tongue, it can mend hearts, it can build bridges, and it can even Subhanallah throw a person off a cliff. It can break hearts, it can annihilate and destroy relationships. So if we are mindful of what we are speaking of the words that roll off our tongues, then we're going to be careful that we don't say things to hurt others that we don't indulge in evil talk, in gossip in backbiting, in lies and falsehood. We're not going to use this tongue to drive a wedge between two individuals. We're not going to use this tongue in a negative way in a toxic way. We're not going to use this tongue fulfilled. Where swear words just roll off. You know, for some,

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they're so heedless, that you know, swear words or like punctuations, you don't punctuations like full stops and commands. You have to interject as well as well as the four letter word after every word after every few words. Subhanallah instead, replace that with the remembrance of Allah where you glorify Him where you thank him now you say words like in sha Allah Al Hamdulillah, Allahu Akbar, Allah Subhana Allah, you're remembering and glorifying Allah, you're mindful in your speech.

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Now I'd like to leave you all my dear brothers and sisters with some action tips. We are guided by the Sunnah. So here are a few actionable steps that you can take.

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Number one, create a personal mindfulness routine.

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You need to be conscious, so initiate your day with obviously Salat al Fajr. And then with the conscious recitation of your morning as Carl, this way, you are setting a tone of mindfulness for the entire day, as you wake up if you wake up for Salah, tahajjud, familia, Berlin good. And then your Serato fetcher and then your morning at car and then some recitation of the Quran. And then throughout the day, you have initiated your day with the with the stone. So throughout the day, whenever Salah presents itself, carve out time, don't look at Salah as a burden that you need to finish quickly. Instead, look forward to that pocket of time. Look forward to it so that you can

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engage yourself in mindfulness. And along with those pockets of time, reserve moments for mindful remembrance of Allah use those moments to consciously connect with Allah to make vicar to remember Allah through His beautiful names through reading of the Quran. See even the Quran in this video, you know, you can go on talking in regards to this particular aspect. A lot of us we take the Quran, it's all about finishing the Jews. It's all about finishing the surah finishing the chapter. Let's take total calf on Fridays. We're just looking to finish it. We're reading very mechanically. Yes, you're rewarded for every letter media brother media sister, but as Allah says affiliate adapt

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Bartonella Quran what about the burden? What about reflecting what about pondering, so you need to read the Quran mindfully. So carve out extra moments to spend these

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I in full moments, this way, my dear brothers and sisters when you set your relationship with Allah, right, your Salah, right? Your reading of the Quran, right? This will now start to spill on to other areas of your life. When you sit down in a meeting, you're going to be mindful. When you sit down with your family, your loved ones, you're going to be mindful. Look at a lot of families these days, yes, they go out for a fancy dinner, or they all get together for dinner. But they're all buried in their phones and their devices, they're not mindful. Or let's say we sit down with a loved one, with your mother, with your father, with your spouse, with your children to speak, your mind is all over

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the place. You need to tether your mind and the best way to do it to discipline your mind is through Salah is through these moments of the vicar and reading of the Quran. When you when you train your mind. Now it becomes easy to be mindful with that I conclude my beloved brothers and sisters remember mindful living enriches our daily lives, it brings us peace, it brings a deeper appreciation for the blessings that Allah subhanho wa Taala has granted us for us to appreciate the grand things and the subtleties of life. So therefore let us strive to follow the Prophet degree, nurturing a mindful heart and spirit. I invite you all to embark on this beautiful journey of

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mindfulness you can start off by sharing your experiences as you cultivate this profitec habit down in the comments or cross social media wherever you find me. In the meanwhile, do not forget to like this video, share the video around so that others can benefit so that we can all share in the rewards and so that we spread the beautiful sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and do subscribe to my channel if you haven't for more enriching content in sha Allah Tala until next time was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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