Muiz Bukhary – Sahih Al Bukhaari #7

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The Sahaba series covers the history of Islam, including the loss of parents and the emotional support of spouse. The Hadith, a belief that Islam moves one's tongue, is discussed, along with the importance of support for the Prophet sallama and legal war between Islam and Islam. The importance of disregarding distractions and listening to the Prophet's recitation is emphasized, along with the use of words like "verbal" and "servitors." The title of the book is given, and the discussion of the use of the phrase "verbal" in the Bible is discussed. The importance of being a servant of the month of Guinea is emphasized, and upcoming videos and playlist are mentioned.
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My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, I welcome you to the Sahaba Faria series. And we begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. We asked him for his help, we asked him to open doors of beneficial knowledge for all of us, and we asked him to send his choices of blessings and salutations upon the final messenger, our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Islam, as salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa Sallim wa ala
l mursaleen. The BG now Habib in our kurata unit, Mohammed, Abdullah, Allahu Allah, Allah He was happy he have little sadati bottom with the slim Ummah back, many brothers and sisters in Islam. I welcome you to the Sahel Buhari series. And we begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. We asked him for his help, we asked him to open those beneficial knowledge for all of us, and we asked him to send his choices of blessings and salutations upon the final messenger, our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam, his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of karma Alhamdulillah This is the first session
after the month of Ramadan, they're back on track and in Sharla. Every week we'll be having a class. So for today's session for today's class, this is the seventh class the seventh episode, I'd like to recap some of the content that we discussed in the previous classes in a move to jog our memories and in a move to kind of recap, all of what we have studied and discussed so far, and then take things forward from there. inshallah Tyler. So I think you will recall,
we discussed the beginning of revelation as to how y was revealed unto the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the beginning of Revelation, the first IR that revealed to the prophets that along Wiley, various alum, it was a very powerful incident that took place in the cave known as Hera, where the most powerful of angels, Archangel Gabriel gibreel, ali Salaam, he comes down with ye with divine revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the ayat that were revealed unto the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were caught up Bismillah bica, levy haluk, and the ayat from the onwards. So the first ayah, that was revealed, it cannot be spirit, because Allah read in the name
of your Lord who created so Subhana Allah, we are a nation that have been commanded to read. But unfortunately, we're drifting away from that command. This generation, we are known as Generation Z, we have all these devices around us. And we have this very strong digital presence. But unfortunately, we're losing touch in terms of the books, we're losing touch in terms of reading.
And so how to love this should not be the case, because we know that reading broadens our horizons has nothing to beat reading in terms of, you know,
acquiring knowledge.
When you look at the knowledgeable people of the past, it would read a lot, right? There's so much to reading. And that's something that we need to revive. And again, we can use these modern day devices to enhance our reading. See, in the past, you wouldn't be able to hold a tablet, or a Kindle or an E reader of sorts, and, you know, be able to pack in like 1000, or even more like an entire library into its panela, you'd have to literally go to a library, sit down and pull out books. And yes, it is an experience in and of itself. And I really like the smell of books, new books and pages is this amazing experience that you can never get with a digital device. With a Kindle or an E
reader, that's something that you know, that can never be replaced. But then again, it has also become convenient, where you can have a variety of books with you. And these devices, these readers are so powerful, that you know, if you come across a new word that you don't understand, all you have to do is just highlight it or touch it. And what happens is you have a built in dictionary that pops up and gives you the meaning of the words it actually enhances our reading. And there are applications out there to consign to basically summarize the book and give it to you in like a bite sized recording. And on top of that, you have audiobooks today, you know, provided by services like
audible and others, where you could actually listen to books you could have like at times as the author reading the book out to you or you have these powerful storytellers basically read out the book. And it's interesting the other day, I was listening to a book on Audible where, you know, like in a conversation between
to people, they actually have two different people narrating
the book. So it's just not one person who's reading it. So let's say you have a conversation between two individuals with two different accents, then they would actually, you know, at times, hire two people with those accents and have them talk. So it's, it's interesting, it adds these layers, you know, on top of the whole listening experience. So we have all of this at our disposal. So I think we really should use these tools to enhance our reading and to build better relationships with with productive books around us starting off with the Quran for us believers. That's right up there, the Koran, the words of our maker subhanho wa Taala if Bismillah become heavy holla
so I think you will recall that narration but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he comes rushing to our mother, howdy jar of the last one. Hi, it's an authentic narration and we're discussing the ratios in the book of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah, he he runs to her saying Zambia loonies and Maloney, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was was shaken. You see, I mean, we explained this, it was a very powerful incident. And this this narration, you know, each time I go through the narration and reflect on the narration, you know, really reflect on the humanly side of the prophets Allah, why limit Islam that's highlighted in this narrations of Han
Allah, and it is from the wisdom of our maker subhanho wa Taala that, you know, this narration has basically captured so much of emotion. And basically, the the raw sense of how this incident took place for us to relate to the human decide of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where he comes rushing to our mother, Khadija de la one zombie loonies, me Looney calamy up, cover me up, and he said aloha to you. It was Ellen was shaken. And we explained, this was an this was not any ordinary ordeal. This was we're talking about extra ordinary circumstances, you're seated in a cave all by yourself, contemplating reflecting, and then suddenly, the most greatest and most powerful of angels
come to you with revelation. And it's overwhelming and he hugs you and he commands you to read subpoena lights are very, very powerful experience, one can only imagine the adrenaline that must have been running through the body, the blood body of the prophets, that along with the excitement, that was running through the blessing body of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So he rushes back home and asks for his wife to cover him up. And then the the narration goes on to beautifully capture the conversation that took place between the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his spouse and the emotional support the physical warmth, the intellectual support these layers of support, that
this compatible and wise spouse of the prophets that allow highly valuable Selim gave at that juncture, we pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala helps us to deduce as many lessons to glean as many lessons as possible from these beautiful narrations of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So I think again, you recall, she goes on to talk to the prophets that a long while he really was a lamb, and assure the prophets that along while he was selling comfort, the prophets that along while he barely was selling, he mentioned, he, you know, pours out His heart to his wife Khadija the long one, huh. And then towards the end of the narration, we find out that she takes the profits that
alone while he rarely we sell them, to her cousin, her paternal cousin,
one of her one of her who fell out of the long one. And there's a conversation that takes place between the prophets that along Wiley, where he was Elam, and what are the what are basically was like we discussed a person from the People of the Book from the Christians. And he goes on to establish a very important fact that, you know, he would support the prophets that along while they were Islam, and by the way, he was a very elderly individual. He was in the latter stages of his life.
very weak. Yet at that junction with the brothers and sisters in Islam, he didn't think to himself Oh, you know what, I'm old. You know, what can I do know he went on to establish his support unto the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So these are lessons that we glean and and deduce from the words from the narrations of the prophets lie Selim, that you know, at even at this point, when you look at this part of the Hadith, regardless of where you are in life, if there is a worthy cause, for truth, for justice, and if you are able to, then you must stand up for it.
You must put forth your support.
So here he says that, you know, I wish I'm paraphrasing along the lines of these words, I wish that if I were to be alive when your people would chase you out, I would support you I would be there by you and the Prophet sallallaahu. Selim is surprised. He asks what aka our mythology, are they really my people they're gonna put me out. And why the surprise, if you're wondering is because they respected the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam he was known as I mean, the most truthful, they trusted him, you know, with with crusts with their belongings, because they held him in high esteem in high regard. So he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was surprised as to, you know, the fact that they
are they going to chase me out, and then what he goes on to highlight that, you know, whenever a person used to come with this message, he was talking about the prophets of the past. This is what they had to face with their people. And we see this too, and we go through the Koran in regards to the nations of the past, the people of the past and how they dealt with the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So he highlights this and with that, you know, the the narration comes to an end, I'm just,
you know, looking at the narration right now, going through it. The narration ends with the fact that I'll worry, divine revelation, right after that it seized and
so in the next class, we went on to discuss this period where federal why, because in the next generation, which is the Hadith number four, in the book of Imam Al Bukhari, Rahim Allah, that narration basically talks about how washy was paused, there was a pause that took place, and we discussed in regards to how long the war he was paused,
that our opinions put forth by historians that state because when you look at the timeline, you have, like we mentioned earlier,
that initially it was
dreams that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would see that was before this Mira beacon, Lady HELOC was revealed. And then we have the ayat that were revealed unto the prophets that alarm Wiley Valley was in the revelation of a corrupt takes place. And then for three years, you have a few opinions.
Now, when you look at the most authentic, or the strongest of these opinions, you see that there was a period of cessation a period of pause between the revelation for three years. And this pause it takes place, it takes place on two occasions.
The first one was before the revelation of Surah tilma death. And so certain Muslim male that was before that, in other words, after this miracle, every one of you have a pause. And then you have sort of certain Muslim a that was revealed to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wasallam. And as per this narration, we also discussed that that was when he said a long while you it was seldom he sees jabril,
Isla to Islam seated on a throne, in his true form, and his true form, covering the horizons between the heavens and the earth, it was such a massive and colossal form. That is the true form of Jubilee that is led to a solemn, and we also discussed that, generally speaking, jabril arisa to Islam would not come in his true form, because it was just too overwhelming a sight to to grasp and to comprehend, because it was such a powerful Angel of Allah Subhana Allah Allah. And we also mentioned that it is from the abilities of the angels that they are able to shape shift, they're able to take on the form of human beings, this is an ability that was given to them by Allah Subhana Allah Allah
because you have to understand that their composition is different from ours. Their bodies are made of something of lighter density, they're able to fly, they're able to shape shift. So there are certain abilities that were bestowed upon them that were not bestowed upon mankind. So he used to generally come to the prophets of Allah Islam in the guise of a human being. And this is established in other nations for example, you have the hadith of gibreel. It's known as it is known as a hadith of gibreel. Where Omar of the hottub rhodiola one who he describes a man wearing sparkling white clothes having jet black hair, no signs of fatigue journey could be seen on him and he comes to the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sits with the prophet and there's this conversation that ensues between him and the prophets, Allah Allah Islam, it was the end of the Hadith. It is an authentic hadith. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself asks, Amaro de la Juan, yeah, Omar at a dream and he said, this was after the man had left the gathering. Or Omar, do you know who this man was?
Ahmed Abdullah one who he responds Allahu, Allahu Allah, Allah and His Messenger know best to which then the Rasul Allah Islam says we're gibreel attacco Halima come, Dina come it was jabril who came to you all to teach you all your deen? So it was basically a conversation that took place like a q&a session where he would ask questions and the professor is and would respond to his questions. So this had this proves to us that the angels could take on the form of human beings and the fact that gibreel used to take on the form of a human being when coming to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wasallam. So, the second pause that took place was after approximately eight tours had been
revealed unto the prophets of Allah while he while he was selling, so and this is basically after the first period of cessation. So in total, we're looking at about 10 sutras because we mentioned Mr. Millan with death. So after 10 sutras in total had been revealed, there was a another pause that took place and this is the opinion of
historians. These are the opinions put forth by historians lucubra kaseya Rahim Allah, he mentions in his book, I'll be dire when the higher the book of the beginning and the end. And there are there are other scholars as well who have gone on to mention and talk about these periods of pause. Now, we also discussed in terms if you're wondering in terms of
what wisdom is behind these periods of cessation as to why there was a pause, at the end of the day, Allah knows best and To Him belongs.
You know, all knowledge in regards to the wisdom behind it, but from a human capacity, if we were to try and deduce a wisdom or to
one thing that we can conclude upon is that this was to make it easy upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is established in ayat like this one for example, or Koran and for acuna, Lolita for a while and Nancy Island, Brooklyn, when is Allah who Tansy Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, it is a four iron which we have separated by intervals, that you might recite it to the people over a prolonged period and we have sent it down one as well now, who attends de la. Now students of the Arabic language would would relate to this that the the scale that is used in terms of the word naza, Allah Nazzal now file, which means to send something down stage by stage
piecemeal. And this is something that we discussed right at the very beginning, that the Quran was not revealed unto the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam all at once, no, it was across a period of 23 years across his mission, it was revealed piecemeal, stage by stage by Allah subhanho wa Taala.
So these were all important topics that we discussed, related to this hadith as well as the previous one. So right after that, if you were to look at
the next Hadeeth This is also something that we discussed hedis number five, where sorry, they've been Jubail, Hina rates and a bit adverse in the last one who might be holy, he dial up from even at birth or the long line who he says in regards to the iron law to had Rick be here, Lisa, Nicoletta jalebi. Now this ayah is in sort of a Yama where Allah subhanho wa Taala, he says led to Henrik B Healy, sanika, addressing the prophets that allow highly valuable Islam do not move your tongue, let the tarjolla be in, in in haste basically. So the understanding here is that and I'm just you know, condensing the Hadith to summarize it because at the end of the day, it's a recap.
When jabril Allah slot was Salam would come with ayat and to the prophets that along wily Valley B'Tselem, the Prophet would, now when he would read ayat now for example, if Jabra said Muslim would come to the prophet and start reading al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen Ar Rahman AR Rahim, Maliki ohmi Deen, the Prophet would, in a very hasty way, read after jabril la slat wassalam because he wanted to try and quickly capture it from jabril. So now gibreel is reading al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen and the Prophet is repeating after GPRS that was 100 Nairobi, Mohammed Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen.
In a move to committed to his memory, as jabril Alisha to Islam was reading it so whilst he was reading the Prophet is repeating you know, almost like when someone's telling you something and you want to quickly committed to your memory, you kind of repeat it to yourself, if there's like an important thing that you want to remember and, and you're only going to hear it, you know, or it's a in a very important setting and you're being told something and if you want to
Remember it and if you want to recall it, what you would do is you would at times repeat it to yourself and this is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was doing he was listening very attentively and repeating it to himself in a move to commit it to his memory so I add were revealed law to have Rick be Healy Santa Clara de jalebi or messenger of Allah do not move your tongue hastily in the eyeliner Gemma Hua Khurana and Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to say that indeed it is upon us the compiling of the Quran.
And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was relieved of this in terms of lessons that can be deduced from this hadith I think I highlighted this when we when we discussed the Hadith during the month of Ramadan as well.
This Hadith is known as a muscle cell Hadeeth because if an Ibis or the Allahu anhu Omar when he was narrating the Hadith, he actually went on to move his lips and describe, he moved his lips he moved his tongue and went on to describe how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to move his lips. So a hadith that includes such a description.
These headings are known as musasa. Now, for example, you have another Hadeeth.
This is to bring about some clarity, I think, if I'm not mistaken, was able to Miss rhodiola one who talks about the last person to enter gender. And towards the end of the Hadith, he goes on to smile. And then he looks at the people around him, his students perhaps, around him and he asks them, why don't you he tells them Why don't you ask me why I'm smiling. And then they all go on to ask him. Why are you smiling? So then he says, when the Prophet was narrating this hadith to us, the prophet smile and we all asked the Prophet salesianum era sola, why are you smiling? And the prophets of Allah Wiley, where the wisdom then went on to educate the Sahaba saying that, based on the statement
of this man, the last person to enter Jannah, Allah subhanho wa Taala would smile, and so the prophets lie Selim. He smiled at that juncture. And then the narrator's narrators who went on to narrate from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, also smiled and this was, you know, carried on,
from narrator to Narrator And that is why the Hadith is known as a muscle cell, Hadith. And an important thing to be noted in the prophets that Allison says that Allah subhanho wa Taala smile, he obviously smiled in a, he will smile in a manner that befits his majesty and glory kamalu bisha. And he will generally So having said that, this hadith is known as a muscle cell Hadith, why? because it includes certain descriptions of the actions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now coming to one important lesson that is highlighted in this hadith
is the fact that
if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is being asked to listen attentively, remaining quiet,
whilst the Prophet was not doing something else, he was listening very attentively,
and trying to committed to his memory.
Yet the instructions that were given to him by Allah subhanho wa Taala, were to remain quiet and listen to the recitation.
So then just imagine how much more important it is for us to ensure that whenever the Quran is being read, that we listen to it attentively. Today, unfortunately,
tend to want to have the Koran playing in the background.
You know, we somehow think of it as
how we would think of white noise, maybe,
you know, so we feel like you know, Subhana light de stresses me. And in a way, it's a form of Rokia. So let me have it playing in the background. So at home, we have it playing in the background. Maybe now officers we have it playing in the background in our vehicles as we get in the car and starts I'm not saying that is a bad thing.
But having the foreign playing in the background, and then you busy talking to people and just you know, having it playing in the background and you completely disregarding that is what is bad.
So for example, you have it playing in the vehicle, then pay attentive pay, pay attention, be an attentive ear to the reading of the Quran. You have it in your office, while you're working as long as you are you are paying attention to the Koran and not involved in a conversation with someone else. If you really have to talk to someone then pause the recitation of the Quran. Go on with the conversation.
done to the conversation you can get back to the Quran, it is a sign of disrespect and disregard to have it playing in the background and you, you know involved in something else and this is just playing in the background, may Allah protect us, May Allah help us to
fulfill our obligations in regards to the words of our maker subhanho wa Taala. So as you can see, if the prophets that allow you it was and I was asked to do so then it is definitely upon us. And again, I need to reiterate, the prophet was not doing something else. The Prophet was listening attentively. And he did so in a move to commit it to his memory and yet he was asked to listen. So then you and I, we're not trying to commit it to our memories, we're just you know, blatantly doing something else may Allah protect us, I mean, so, that's a very important lesson to deduce from that particular Hadith. And then with that,
the next heading that is in place is Hadith number six. And this is a narration from azuri and obey delay bin Abdullah bin Baba and even amberson buddy Allahumma again, kala Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ijmuiden us So, the idea then as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the most generous and he was the most generous.
Fisher had Ramadan during the month of Ramadan and we discussed this during the month of Ramadan. Subhan Allah talking about the generosity of the prophets, Allah Elisa. And by the way, I'm not going into a lot of detail with regards to these narrations because we have already covered these narrations during live sessions and during the live sessions in the month of Ramadan, so I'm just recapping these sessions and inshallah from the next class we're going to be starting a brand new Hadith and going into a lot of detail with it a brand new headed as in a brand new had it in terms of the series. It is a recorder in the book of Imam Al Bukhari Hadith number seven, basically. So
how did number six talks about the generosity of the prophets that along with it when he was in terms of how generous and individually he was during the month of Ramadan? Generally speaking, he was a generous individual. And this is an important lesson to be highlighted My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, that we must ensure that we don't end up becoming servants of the month of Ramadan. Are you a servant of the month of Ramadan? Or are you a servant of Allah? Your mama David Hanbal Rahim Allah was told about individuals who would do a lot of good deeds during the month of Ramadan. So when the month of Ramadan would come about, they would you know, do good deeds left,
right and center, they would give out so much of charity. It would be very, very enthusiastic in terms of reading the Koran in terms of in terms of praying in terms of ensuring that they stay away from bad habits, that they stay away from certain destructive addictions that they are in Subhan Allah May Allah protect us from such addictions? They stay away from all of that, you know, but then when the month of Ramadan ends Subhan Allah, they go back to all their bad habits again. May Allah protect us. So Emma Macmillan Hamble Rahim, Allah even don't do very sternly say such individuals are not the slaves of Allah. They're not the servants of God, but rather they are the servants of
the month of Ramadan. Oh Babu, Shadow Ramadan, they are basically the servants of the month of Ramadan. So let us not become from that category. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a generous individual throughout during the month of Ramadan, his generosity enhanced and it increased.
You understand? So likewise, we must strive to do good deeds and stay away, stay away from the prohibitions of Allah. be extremely generous and and try to do as many good deeds as possible and during the seasons like the month of Ramadan, we need to enhance those habits enhance those sheduled in such a way where we do more good deeds, we spend more for the sake of Allah to accrue more rewards from our maker subhanho wa Taala. So with that, I come to
you know, the end of the recap of these a hadith.
So inshallah dalla in the upcoming class we will start the next Hadith which is Hadith number seven. It is a long narration, a very interesting one, which we will discuss in detail of an incident that took place during the time of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So with that, I conclude, I look forward to talking to you all in the next class in sha Allah, Allah and these sessions will be put up on YouTube. If you were to go to my channel, you'll be able to see that we have structured the recordings in the form of a playlist. So you'll have Episode 1234567 and then the next one will be titled as eight in shallow data.
So do subscribe to the channel and share the videos with others you can share the entire playlist You can also share individual videos so that others can tune in so that we can all share in on the revolt in channel dalla and do look forward to the seer intensive episodes which will go up on Sunday mornings. So Saturday mornings inshallah Allah does that come about Farah sent out when he come back. He bought a kettle