Muiz Bukhary – Sahih Al Bukhaari #5

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The upcoming session of Sahih al Bukhari will focus on the history of Islam, including the use of intentions to protect against bad deeds and the importance of intentions to be sincerely pursued. The speaker discusses the use of words like "has been seen" and "has been revealed" to indicate confidence in the Prophet's weight and the use of fasting during the month ofento to stay safe. The importance of fasting for two consecutive months and the use of fasting for multiple months are also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen what will suddenly will suddenly more shut off in MBA he will mursaleen the beginner Habib been our karate ioannina Mohammed Ebony Abdullah la vida Allah He was happy of Lotus allottee we're done with the slim ama that

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we begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala we ask him the almighty to send his blessings and salutations upon the final messenger, our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of

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the brothers and sisters.

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Let's start off by

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wishing you all glad tidings. Yesterday when we spoke

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with regards to the Friday reminder, I did mention that in some parts of the world, they had commenced Ramadan, but in certain other parts like my own country, we only started Ramadan

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today, so Alhamdulillah we pray that Allah Subhana Allah Allah helps us all to make the most out of this month of Ramadan to do as many good deeds as possible and to make the most out of this month of Ramadan May Allah azza wa jal help us to attain a little pada May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us to attain His pleasure and to seek His forgiveness, I mean, So today, we're going to be having the fourth session of Sahih al Bukhari.

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I'm just going to quickly do a recap in regards to what we have already discussed for those of you who may be tuning in only today. And I also want to inform the brothers and sisters who have been tuning in the past few weeks and who may have tuned in today as well. That in regards to the Sahih al Bukhari series, what I hope to be doing is in sha Allah focusing on the YouTube videos, so I'm trying to work towards ensuring that there is a new episode that goes up every Saturday morning in sha Allah Allah and I'm going to try and live stream these sessions as much as possible but if I don't live stream the episode will insure a lot Come on, come up on the channel in sha Allah Allah.

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So for those of you on Facebook, I will go on to put the channel link

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after the session in shallow data so that you can follow the channel and subscribe as well. And when you do subscribe, you'll be notified when a new new video is dropped in Sharla for those on Instagram, there's no way for me to put the link

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while this particular stream so just go to YouTube and search for Islam with Chef Moise Bukhari and you come across the channel. Go ahead and subscribe and you'll receive the videos no sooner they are uploaded in sha Allah tala but given that today we are live streaming. I'd like to go into episode number four. The previous ones have been recorded and will be uploaded along with this one inshallah. So even if you do miss the live stream, you can always catch it up on the YouTube channel in Charlottetown. So we're going to be discussing

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we're going to be discussing

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a very important Hadith today

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as the fourth installment of the Sahih al Bukhari

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series. So in the previous class we spoke about the first chapter that Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah brings about in his book, we spoke about Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah we spoke about his life we spoke about what a great legend he was Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah. And then we went on to touch on the first chapter in the book of Imam Al Bukhari, which is kita boo did in the book of the beginning of Revelation, the book of the beginning, or rather the chapter of how sebab okay for Canada

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how was he? In other words, divine revelation began, how did it all begin? How did it start being revealed unto the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And under this particular chapter, we discussed Hadith number one.

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A very powerful Hadith. Omar Abdullah hotcopper the Allah one who makes mention of the Hadith, he narrates the Hadith and the

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narration goes along the lines of these words in Tamil Amma Lu Binya were in tamale Colombia in Manoa, Furman Canada Gerardo ilahe from in Canada he gerat hula dounia you Cebu ha Oh Allah Marathi Nian. rojava hirato illa Maha

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George Eliot.

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So he says that enamel, Mr. Lubin, yet that actions are backed by intentions and we spoke about the importance of intentions in the previous class, we spoke about how important it is to place your intention

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in regards to the deeds that you perform in regards to your Salah in regards to your sadaqa in regards to your fasting in regards to the deeds of our Deen, basically, in terms of all of the good deeds am Allah salejaw Nia intentions are of utmost importance. And I also shared a hadith in the previous class about three individuals

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who, you know, who are they the three individuals, we have an individual who was martyred, we have an individual who had studied Dini knowledge and gone on to teach others. He went on to read the four R's teach others, and we have a very generous individual who had given a lot in generosity, but these three individuals Subhanallah are going to be sent to the fire of * May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all. Why because the intentions were not proper. So when they are brought in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala they say that you know, I gave so much for your sake and to be said, condemned You are lying you have lied for you gave so that people will call you a generous person

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you gave to the you be called a philanthropist. So and likewise in terms of the martyr he'll say that you know, I died for your safety Allah and it will be said condemned, you have lied for you did so to be known as a warrior you did so to be known as a brave individual. And then the scholar will be brought and he'll say I taught I did everything for your sake, that the seek of knowledge will be brought. He'll say that I did it all for your sake. I read the Quran for your sake of Allah and it will be said, Caleb, you have lied for you did it for name and fame. You did it for pomp and show you did it to be looked at as a righteous person. And this individual will also be sent to the fire

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of * May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us also from this hadith what we understand is that last sincerity, doing it sincerely for the sake of Allah is that most is of utmost importance. Look at the Hadith, this generous individual as per the Hadith he has spent in every cause he has spent in every good cause for the sake of Allah. But due to the fact that he did that, with the wrong intentions, those deeds are not going to be accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala. So based on this Hadith, the first Hadith remember the Rahim Allah brings about in his book, we understand the importance of intention. And in a subtle way, the Imam is illustrating the importance of it by

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bringing it as the first Hadith in his book, to say that, you know, this is a colossal project that we are undertaking, the collection of the words of the messenger salallahu alayhi, WA alayhi wa sallam and we are reminding ourselves by reminding the readers, we are very, very reminding everybody, that this needs to be done for the sake of Allah subhanho data this needs to be done sincerely for the pleasure of allies. So likewise, my dear brothers and sisters, we're setting out on this journey. We're seeking knowledge. We've started the month of Ramadan, we're doing good deeds, we're reading the Quran, we're studying the Quran, we're benefiting so many resources out

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there hamdulillah we thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for this technology we are We thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for these platforms, and we pray that Allah helps us to use these platforms in a good way. And we pray that Allah Subhana Allah protects us from the evil of these platforms. We pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala protects us from the bad of these platforms. And we pray that Eliza gel helps us to use these platforms only only for Goodness me.

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So Alhamdulillah we can use these platforms to further our knowledge we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to open those of beneficial knowledge for all of us. I mean, so today moving on, we're going to be discussing Hadith number two,

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Hadith number two

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had this number two

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is narrated by our

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mother I shot audio logline. Hmm. And I shutter amirul mumineen rhodiola one huh. Who says that? Anil Hari Fibonacci Sham and then how determining a sham. She says that had it been a sham, or the long line? Salah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam. He asks the prophets that along while in reality, we send them a question

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for call and he asks the other sort of law or messenger of Allah kafer yet, decal wahi. How does divine inspiration come to you? How does what he come to you? You

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Rasulullah salamander I showed the last one how she's saying that a man, his name was heritability sham. He's asking the messenger so the longer I leave it will send him a question she asks the messenger Yasuda la carefree, Tikal. Wahoo How does what he come to you? jasola How does divine revelation come unto you? Now the prophets that a long while ago, it was in response for Karla Rasulullah he said a long way he was

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the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam say is a Hernan de ohana, Dini, Miss la sala del jealous.

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At times, it comes to me like the ringing of a bell mithila Sol Solitaire jers, like the ringing of a bell. And this form of inspiration, this form of body is the hardest of all. And this state passes off, after I have grasped what is inspired. So at times, it comes to me like the ringing of a bell. And this state is the hardest, this form of inspiration is the hardest of all. And this state passes off after I have grasped what is inspired. And then the Russell Allison goes on to say, Well, I hadn't yet Ms. Le l melaku. Rosalyn, and at times, the angel comes in the form of a man and talks to me and I grasp whatever he says, and I grasp whatever he says, ohana net mF le l melaku, Rosalyn for

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you can limani for our email cool. So at times, he comes in the form of a man and he talks to me and I grasp whatever he says. And then have another eye shadow the long one as she goes on to add that she says all that eyeshadow the long line Hmm, well, according to who yen zero I will walk up filio Misha de Dilbert. I saw the prophets that along while even he was saying them being divinely inspired on a very cold day. It was an extremely cold day feel yo Misha de Ville birth. It was an extremely cold day, Fire. Fire off someone and I noticed that there was sweat dropping from his forehead as the what he was over.

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So I showed her the last one how she says, I saw the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on a very cold day. It was an extremely cold day. And he was receiving Why? And the prophets that along with it when he was Selim, there was swift, you know, beads beads of sweat across his forehead as the inspiration was over. Now my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, this is an extremely interesting Hadith. And

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we need to go into it and discuss a few points. So number one, what do we see? A man asks the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. So now I'm going to be touching on a few for wide, a few benefits that we can glean a few lessons a few gems that we can glean from this particular Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So number one, what do we notice? We notice that a man is asking the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a question Firstly, you have to understand my dear brothers and sisters, the Sahaba at one light Allah Allah Jemaine, they loved the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a lot, they loved him a lot. One they loved him a lot, and they respected him a lot. So you

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know, they would actually think a lot before asking the prophets lie Selim a question. And at times due to the or due to the respect due to the love that they had for the Prophet sallallaahu Selim, they would look forward to you know, strangers like the Bedouin Arabs who would come from outside and come and ask the prophets of Allah while you earlier Selim so they would wait for such individuals to come, because these Bedouin Arabs, they would go straight to the Prophet Elias and I mean they will say Yasuda, the Messenger of Allah or yeah Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, clarify this for us clarify that for us. And the prophets that allowed Wiley when he was in him he

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My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, as you can see in this hadith as well, and open book, he was an open book, he would try to help as many people as possible Subhana Allah Now look, even with the Sahaba asking him this question, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not retort back asking him

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how does it concern you? Why are you asking me this? Are you Are you doubting you know the fact that I'm getting revelation? Are you doubting in Allah he coming to me? Are you doubting in my prophet hood? Are you doubting in the message that I have come with? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam retort as such, now put yourself in the shoes of the messengers that allow Ali Baba

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and think how you might respond Subhan Allah,

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how you might respond. But here the prophets of Allah while he was in a very calmly, he goes on to

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respond and also explain and teach the companions and by extension, his teaching all of us of Han Allah until today, we are discussing the words of the messenger sallallahu alayhi, wa ala he was seller, were discussing the words of the messengers are largely solemn, and we have been learning about it. The prophets are allowed only when it did not respond back saying Yeah, hide it, why are you asking me this question? How does it concern you? In other words, you know, just keep yourself busy with what concerns you? No, no, no. The prophets that along while you were you were selling responds in a beautiful way. So what do we understand from this study? Number one, the Sahaba they

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loved the professor Allison and they respected him a lot. They thought a lot before asking the prophets Eliza, but when they had to ask, they would ask. And then we see the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a very beautiful way, responding and educating the Sahaba in one of the hidayatullah I imagine marine and by extension is educating all of us salallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam.

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So we see these two pointers, and then now we come to the discussion in regards to why in regards to Revelation, now you see the chapter kafer with kitabi DeLuca. You have the book in regards to the beginning of Revelation. So this chapter is going to be discussing in regards to Revelation. So this hadith now talks about how what he used to come to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now in this Hadith, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned two forms of why. One is that it used to come to him, like the ringing of a bell, like the ringing of a bell missler, sort of solitary, generous, and number two, the angel would take on the form of a human being. Now I'm going

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to quickly run through the forms of wahi divine inspiration, and this is through this hadith as well as other hobbies that have been transmitted to us by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So as you can see, to these headings, we understand that one way is that it would come to him like the ringing of a bell sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now we also have Allah Subhana Hua Diana,

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talking to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now for example, when the prophets Elias lament on the amazing night to journey is raw and Mirage, Allah says in the Quran Suba Han Allah the strong via IV de la,

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Minas de de la

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manera de de Rami in anonymous deal apo Sol levy bow, Hola. So Allah say Subhan Allah de us Robbie IBD he glory Bian to the one who took a slave on the night journey with us Ravi Abdi Leyland mineral mustard in haraam from a signal haraam. ilma steidle aquasana to master the Aqua saw, and from there to the heavens, and it was during this amazing night journey, my dear brothers and sisters, that Salah was prescribed Salah was prescribed with this, this beautiful gift of Salah was given to the prophets that alone while he really was silom and his alma una. So during his run Mirage, the prophets that alone Why do you ever sell him he talks to Eliza virgin, now without an intermediary

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without jabril Alice Lazzara. So this is one form of divine inspiration where Eliza Virgil talks to the Prophet directly sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam, then we have another form of inspiration that's not mentioned in this hadith. So this talking directly is not mentioned in this hadith. And another form that is not mentioned in this particular Hadith is

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our Rukia Roja sada so were the messengers sent along it very seldom they see dreams, dreams now you have Ibrahim is led to Islam, where he sees a dream. You have use of alleys that was he sees a dream. And here you have the prophets that alone while he rarely would send him to where he would at times receive revelation, through dreams. Our mother eye shadow the long line her in another place decided isn't Bukhari? She says that

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the beginning when the prophets that allow it very wisdom started to receive revelation as in after the incident that took place in the case of Hara in the cave of Hara. The prophets that alone while he was in there was a period where he did not receive revelation at the very beginning. So during that period, he said alone, while he was seldom would see dreams would see dreams righteous and true dreams for known for Canna law hero ruya Elijah at miscella father pistol, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would see a dream and the very next day, he would say

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That dream materializing like mithila follow up is super like, like daybreak. You know like how dawn appears like how dawn appears like how Daybreak appears. So, for example, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would would go to sleep, and he would see something, he would see something in his dream, where perhaps an incident is about to take place, this is going to happen by the caliber, or so and so individual is going to do this, etc, he would see certain things. And then the next day, the very next day mithila fall of the server, like like Daybreak he would see it happening Subhana Allah, he was being informed by Allah subhanho wa Taala through dreams. So now you and I, our

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dreams, obviously we can't say that it is what it is divine revelation, no one can claim to say, you know what, I saw a dream last night where I heard a voice telling me not to pray. So I'm going to take it as divine revelation and not pray after this. No, this is only applicable for the prophets Allah He was salat wa salam, they are dreams are not ordinary. They are dreams are not ordinary dreams. their dreams are not tempered by the devil. their dreams are not tempered by Shere Khan or your our dreams, your dreams and my dreams are tempered by the devil. You know, at times we see nightmares. At times we see negative dreams at times we see scary dreams. We see dreams that petrify

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us make us scared we see horrifying and gruesome things. Now these are all things you know put forth by Siobhan as per the teachings of the prophets that allow Wiley but he was sending negative dreams nightmares, scary dreams are all from the devil Am I supposed to seek the protection of Allah as opposed to seek refuge in Allah from these dreams.

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But in terms of the dreams of the prophets are a mystery to Islam, they are Asana, they are righteous and true dreams that are considered a form of inspiration. Now, another form of walking is that it used to come through jabril la Sierra Tucson, and there are instances where he has come in his true form. The next idea we're going to be discussing how many times the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam has seen gibreel Islam in his true form, when and when did he come in his true form? Because he's come obviously, a number of times the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but did he come each and every time in his true form? And what is his true form? Or did he come in the guise of a

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human being? Now for example, we have the Hadith, of what the hadith of gibreel It is called the hadith of gibreel. Okay, it's a famous Hadith, where the Sahaba they seeded with the prophets, Elijah, the prophet of the other one who is making mention of the Hadith. And what happens, a man comes to the gathering. And instead of sitting at the edge of the gathering, a man with a very specific description, sparkling white clothes, jet black hair, and no signs of fatigue journey could be seen on him. He goes and sits by the prophet sallallahu Sallam and there is this conversation with the Prophet. He asked, What is Islam? What is the man and the Prophet answers all these

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questions and after a while, he gets up and he leaves. Now, obviously, I'm the last one when the Sahaba they noticed something different about this man. So the professor Listen, he asks, the asks Are Amato the last one after the man leaves your armor? Do you know who this man was? To switch the switch armor the alarm he says, along with a suitable Island, align His Messenger know best. Then the professor listened and he says Who? ajibade he was gibril attacking you Allah macoun Dena come. He came to teach you all your deen. So now did he come in his true form? I'm asking you all did he come in his true form, he did not come in his true form. He came in the guise of a human being

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wearing sparkling white clouds, jet black hair, no signs of fatigue or journey could be seen on him. So many brothers and sisters, as you can see jabra dallisa to Islam through the intermediary of gibreel what he would come to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and jabril Alisha wasallam at times, but it's very less in comparison to the other form at times he would come in his true form but like I said, it's very, very less in comparison to him taking on the form of a human being most of the time he would take on the form of a human being and come to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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in regards to this particular point about how jabril is that was number come to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we're going to discuss this in further detail in the in the next Hadith inshallah Tana.

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Now in terms of what is mentioned in the Hadith, that it would come to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam like the ringing of a bell and as for another Hadith, it would come to the prophets that along while you ever send them when when revelation will come to the prophets analysis, there would be this sound like the buzzing of bees, like the buzzing of bees, as revelation was revealed unto the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the prophets are long, widely available, Selim would start to

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sweat, he would start to sweat you could see beads of sweat forming on the forehead of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam. And as he himself says in this hadith It is very intense as revelation was being revealed unto the prophets lie Selim, it used to be extremely heavy and intense upon him in Nevada I shall do long one how she describes the prophets that alajuela you ever sell him would would sweat and you could see beads of sweat forming on the forehead of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam.

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In another narration, I shall have the long one how she says that once. Or she says if revelation would really be revealed unto the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam when he was on his mount, if he would be on top of his mount, be the camel or horse on top of his mount, and if he started to receive revelation, the animal would actually sit down because of the intensity and, and the severity of the revelation as it started to come down on the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the animal would actually collapse and sit down Subhan Allah, these are words from Allah subhana wa dallah. So no wonder my dear brothers and sisters in Islam.

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And there are other Hadith.

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I'm just going through them. Allah says in the Quran, and if you're wondering about the intensity, Allah says in Surah t i like Colin Sati Allah, Allah talks about revelation as overland a subpoena a heavy word, a heavy word, and that is why it used to be so intense upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as revelation would come down upon him.

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So many brothers and sisters in Islam now as you can see this Hadith, it talks about how revelation was revealed unto the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam and in this hadith we discussed two forms and I went on to give you other forms as well. One is that it used to come to the Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah Islam like the ringing of a bell, and at the other four mentioned this hadith is the Jabra Allah is that Muslim would take on the form of a human being and come to the prophets of Allah. It really was Selim with revelation, the Quran. And now you know, just to put things in perspective, we're talking about the Quran that you have with you, the Quran that you are eating

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Subhana Allah, when you take the Quran during the month of Ramadan during this beautiful month, and as you read it, now you can relate to the fact that each and every one of these ayat as they were revealed unto the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they were cold and the subpoena. So you take any idea

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any idea in the Noble Quran as it was revealed unto the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it was a heavy word that was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and it came through these forms that we just discussed was revealed unto the prophets of Allah ye various, so each and every I this is how it basically was revealed unto the prophets that Allah Why do you ever sell them? So for example, the prophets are alone, while he will, he will sell them he would, he would receive if he would receive ayat at times he would be on his mount and ayat would come down and the animal would collapse. At times he would be seated and it would come, the revelation would come and

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then you would see beads of sweat forming on the forehead of the Messenger of Allah Salah listen of the prophets face going right to Sudan Allah due to the intensity of the wahi for example, but is to be revealed, and then right after that the promise Eliza would go on to read the ayat out.

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You see once I mentioned an interesting narration yesterday, in a video that was uploaded yesterday, as part of the Ramadan remind is a man he goes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim. And he says, You are a sort of law. I

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have kissed a woman, I have kissed a woman.

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And it goes on to say the narration goes around with these words, I have indulged in everything that a man would indulge with a woman in terms of intimacy except for *, that's the only thing that I did not indulge in apart from that I kissed I hugged it, all of that era sort of law. And he comes to the professor Islam and he's basically confessing to the Prophet number Amaro the last one who was in the gathering and so Hannah law Omar, alpha key, the one with understanding he looks at the man and he says, Allah covered you up Why are you exposing yourself? Why are you coming here and exposing yourself in front of all of us? The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he

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looks at the man and he keeps quiet.

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And after a while, the man gets up and he leaves. The prophets lie Selim then summons demand, he sends someone to call him and he comes back. And then the prophets are alone, widely available.

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them says if have been revealed unto me, but after a miss Sala the Torah in de mazola. Mina lay in Asana to the Hebrew learners say

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the Quran is Katie.

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And he reads the ayah. So I have to reveal them and they're in regards to this man. and by extension is not only applicable upon the man upon the entire oma, so the Prophet says what I can offer you in a hurry. Vasudev Amina Lael, the Rasul Allah Islam says establish Salah establish prayer.

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And he talks about the different timings basically the five daily prayers in Asana to us he been a ciggy ad indeed, good deeds, expiate and earase evil deeds era is the sins that are committed Allahu Akbar velyka vikhroli Becker in so this man, he immediately asks the professor nihilism era surah Allah is this is especially for me, is it exclusively for me? I mean, is this ruling only for me that in other words, now that I've done this, I have, if I perform good deeds, my sins will be erased? Is it only for me? To which the professor along while he very seldom he says, No, it is for my entire oma, it is for the entire owner of the professor, listen.

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So this is how I act would be revealed depending on the context at times due to a certain issue, a certain matter, a certain question that was being asked in response to it, I thought would be revealed piecemeal out to the prophets that along while he was selling, and the prophets that alone while he was selling, he dealt with the Sahaba in a beautiful manner, as you can see in this handy, and even the one that we are the primary Hadith that we're discussing, you saw the way the Prophet responded to the man. And now here to the man comes and asks the messenger sallallahu sallam, he keeps quiet and look at how beautifully he educates the man, how beautifully he responds. You know,

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the other day when I was

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reading up on

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Vidya cafaro, and Vidya cafaro, and Kobo in because of the month of Ramadan and if you want to know more details about Vidya about kefar about Kabbalah as in if you break your fast How are you to make up for your missed fast? Let's say you're ill you're traveling Can you break your fast? Let's say you're terminally ill Can you break your fast and what are you supposed to do in terms of media in terms of cafaro? Maybe you have got old aged parents mother, a mother or a father who cannot fast and now they need to be giving out a video. How is it all done if you want more details, head over to the YouTube channel, my YouTube channel and you can check a video that has been uploaded a short

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but detailed video in regards to all of these concepts. And like I said, all you have to do is search Islam with Chef mo is Bihari on YouTube, and you'll find the channel you can subscribe and you can watch the content in Sharla. So whilst reading up on that I came across a Heidi

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where a man he goes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and it is an authentic hadith and he says Yasuda Allah, He says yes with Allah. I am. I have been burned. And I've been burned to basically says I've been burned. So the profit salaries for me says, What are you talking about? And the narration goes along the lines of these words, that Han says Yasuda during the month of Ramadan, I indulged in intimacy with my spouse. Now you have to understand that during the daylight hours of Ramadan, it is not permissible for spouses to indulge in sexual *. So this man says they are full of law I indulged in it with my spouse, so I have been burned I've been burned.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam calmly looks at the man

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and he asks him

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now because you have when it comes to if an individual person indulges if two spouses if they indulge in sexual * during the month of Ramadan, then obviously the fastest broken they have to make up for the broken fast, they have to seek the forgiveness of Allah because it's something wrong that they have done. And along with that, you have to give out a cafaro and expiation. So you have a couple of options, okay. As but how it is revealed in the Quran, one you need to free a slave. And that's not possible in today's landscape because the institution of slavery no longer exists. Then what's the next option? You need to fast for two consecutive months

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panela you have to fast two consecutive months Remember, all in one go you can break 60 days basically Subhan Allah for for indulging once during the month of Ramadan. If you cannot fast then you have to feed 60 poor people

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64 people.

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Now on the other hand, you see if you if you break your fast due to temporary illness or travel, you just have to, you know, sorry, when I, when you if an old aged person is not able to fast, you just have to feed one person per day. But here because of this breach, you have to fast two consecutive months or feed 60 people. So the province ally Listen to me asks the man, can you free a slave? To which the man says no jasola? Because it's a costly thing. It used to be a costly thing. So the man says no, jasola I don't in the sense, I'm not able to do that. Then the province Elias never asks the man Okay, if so, can you fast, two months consecutively?

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The man says, No or messenger of Allah. I'm not in a position to do that. In the sense I'm not able to fast two months.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam then says, okay, so you can't read a slave. You can't fast two months. What's the last option? Feed 60 people, right? So he asks the man, can you feed 64 people?

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The man says, I'm sorry, you're sort of law. I'm not in a position to feed 64 people.

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The prophets lie Selim, he keeps quiet now he keeps quiet. And after a while in the gathering, what happens is that some dates come as a gift to the Prophet. He gets the date as a gift. So he accepts the gift. He accepts the gift. And he asks,

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Where is the individual? Where is the burnt man? The one who was burned? Where is he? Then the man he was in the gathering? He says yes, I'm here. So then the professor is called him. And the professor says, Take these dates and go and feed 60 poor people. He gives him the dates because he said he didn't have anything with him, right? So he gives him the dates that he got and says, Now go and feed 64 people.

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The man looks at the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and he says jasola between these two valleys, who is more poorer than myself and my family are sorella the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he smiles until his back teeth could be visible and he says go and feed your family. Go and feed your family. Allahu Akbar. Look at the beautiful and gentle nature of the teaching of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. Look at what a beautiful educator he was. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam What a beautiful guide, he sallallahu alayhi wasallam you know, not doom and gloom and you know, Allah, when you read these a Heidi, you begin to think what a beautiful thing And no wonder the

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Sahaba they love the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they loved him. And obviously we love him too sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, me my mother, my father and myself be ransom then sacrificed for him son, Allahu Allah when he was sending so many brothers and sisters in Islam. With that we come to the end of today's class. We hope that we all benefited from this session. And if you did, please do share it with others as well on Instagram, not sure whether it's possible, but perhaps after the stream comes up, you can you know, dm it to your contacts on Facebook, obviously it's possible do share it on your platforms as well

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solely for the integrity solely with the intention of others benefiting so that we shine on the reward and we're doing this sincerely for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala And like I mentioned earlier on these recordings are going to go up on YouTube on my channel so do go and subscribe. The link has been posted on Facebook by brother shine Mashallah on Instagram for those of you who are on Instagram, there's no way for me to put it up I'm just gonna try to type Okay, so I'm just gonna type Islam with Okay, I just can't get the link right now but I'm just gonna type what you get what you need to go and search on YouTube that you are attracted on Instagram. So you just go and search

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for that on YouTube you the end the channel should pop up in sha Allah and do subscribe I meant subscribing This is little bell next to the subscribe button hit that as well so that you get a tiny notification each time a video drops so you can be from the the first to watch the video inshallah and benefit and share share it with others as well.

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So I look forward to talking to you all in another session soon. In sha Allah, Allah make the most out of this month of Ramadan. Stay safe stay in those pray make dua improve your relationship with the Quran, study the Quran and during the time of default, turn to Allah make as much do as possible. ask Allah for help ask Allah for healing. ask Allah for beneficial knowledge and for things of benefit ask Allah to forgive us of our shortcomings make a lot of dough ah don't don't waste the time that you have with you use it as productively as possible inshallah Allah does that. Come back here for Samar alaikum.

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But affirmative ly he was about to cancel

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