Muiz Bukhary – Ramadan 2014 – Day 2 – Tadabbur

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the proper use of words in the Bible to describe the process of removing loss, including the use of "will" and "willow" to describe the process. They stress the importance of understanding the language of the creator and reading the Bible to become aware of its power. The use of "will" and "willow" in describing the process of removing a loss is also discussed, along with a recent hospital case involving a patient reciting the Koran to make the best out of it.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim.

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My dear respected elders, brothers sisters and the viewers of the daily reminder network as salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Alhamdulillah. Here have been I mean, also llevo Salim Allah ashrafi lamea evil mursaleen Nabina Wahhabi bin

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Mohammed ibn Abdullah, Allah insha Allah, he was Harvey he of course of salatu wa automata slim.

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As always, we begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala who is our Creator, sustain and nourish, protect and cure, and we ask a loss of behind water either to shower his choices the blessings and salutations upon our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of the AMA, Masha Allah May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless this gathering, and may He the almighty make the melodica the angels shroud us with their wings and may the Sakina tranquility of Allah behind Edward Island descend upon us and may hear the almighty envelop us with his rock Ma and may He make high

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mention of us in the seven heavens inshallah tada for today's hot software, we will be touching on the double four. Because sadly, even though we are in a month otherwise known as the month of Quran, many of us including myself, we tend to neglect reading the Quran reciting the Quran, let alone making a double of the Quran. So what is the double? The double is to ponder and reflect on the verses of the Quran and what better and opportunity than to apply this in this beautiful month otherwise known as the month of the Quran. Allah subhanho wa Taala he states in the noble Koran chef Ramadan Allah de

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la FEA

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Ramadan, the month of Ramadan is in which ones in official Quran the Quran descended in this beautiful month. So my dear respected elders, brothers and sisters in Islam, it has make use of this blessed month to make the double of Iran because after all, Allah subhanho wa Taala also stated the noble cause and effect

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Do they not ponder on the Koran on the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Oh, have they got locks on their hearts of Acrobat? Now you see how closely making the deadbolt upon the Quran is related with an individual's heart. Allah Subhana Allah He questions Do they not ponder on the words of the Koran, or have they got locks on their hearts Allahu Akbar. So if you cannot ponder on the Koran, the means your heart is sealed up Allahu Akbar. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah save us all. After all, the heart of an individual just as how Abu huraira the Allahu anhu is reported to have said that the heart of an individual is like a king in his body, while the limbs of that body, they are the subjects of that King for whatever the king commands, the subjects will

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abide and obey. And also he is reported to have said that the heart is like an army commander, and the limbs are its forces and troops, whatever the army commander commands, the forces and the troops abide. And also our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said much more beautiful words. an hour, an hour in the field just said the mandala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said that in that in an individual's heart, there is a piece of flesh, either swallow hot swallow *, just a Dooku. If that piece of flesh is upright, if that piece of flesh is proper, than the whole body is proper, and only good will come out of that body,

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the narration goes along the lines of these words. But if that piece of flesh were to go bad, if that piece of flesh were to become evil, the whole body of an individual will become evil will become corrupt will become perverted. May Allah subhanho wa Taala save us all for if an individual's heart were to go back, only even good come out from that body. May Allah subhanahu wa taala help us all to purify our hearts because the more

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we ponder on the powerful and beautiful words of our maker, the more we will understand how great and how powerful a creator we are subject to, the more we ponder on the Quran for the Quran is not just only for reading or only for listening because Allah Himself states in the ayah I decided earlier a fella.

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Do they not ponder? Because Allah could have said, Do they not recite the Koran? Do they not hear the Koran name, but rather he used the word taboo, do they not ponder on the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala so like I said, the more we ponder, the more we will be able to understand the greatness of our Creator. The more we ponder on the ayah Say for example, where Allah subhana wa tada describes himself

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in his

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Allahu Akbar, Allah there is no deity worthy of worship other than Him as the EverLiving the eternal, I'll call you the one who sustains all of his creation, last, Hulu.

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Neither the sleep or even a tiny slumber ever overtake a loss behind them with our makeup is so powerful and so great. Hadith is a Muslim, Abu Musa Allah Sharia law honbu he reports the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said in Allah ha Lyanna Indeed Allah the Almighty, He does not sleep well under the law who aiyana nor does it benefit His Majesty and His glory that he should sleep the narration goes along the lines of these words. Yes.

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He lifts the scales of things and he lowers them. You refer Elaine here I'm an old lady cobalamin in

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the deeds of the night, go up to him before the deeds of the day. And then the deeds of the day. Go up to Allah subhana wa Taala before the deeds of the night, hey Jabu Allahu Akbar, the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala is made of light Allahu Akbar, the whale of Allah subhana wa Taala is made of light, low cache for who if Allah subhana wa tada would ever remove that whale of his rocket super hard to YG mentor ha la de basura hoomin holiday Allahu Akbar Allah save us all. If Allah the Almighty bow to remove his way, the light of the face of Allah subhanahu wa tada would burn. Wood burn every single creation in the site in the path of the site of a loss of a hyena who had eila and

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scholars explained that would mean that every single creation would burn to ashes, because nothing is hidden from the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Nothing is ever not even uttered, not even an atom not even a molecule is hidden from the sight of Allah Subhana Allah. So if Allah the Almighty were to remove his whale, the light of his face would burn every single thing other than Allah subhanho wa Taala into ashes. This is how powerful our Creator is the mole we ponder on the Koran The more we understand how great Allah Subhana Allah subhanho wa Taala is and the more we ponder on the Koran, the more we stand a chance to become from the Quran. Allah who Medina

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Allah make us from the people of the Quran, make us so closely attached to the Quran that we recite the Quran earnestly that we recite the Quran often, we live in modern times, I would say most of the gathering over here 99.9% all of us would have smartphones. And it is so easy to download the Koran applet onto our smart phones. But sadly the question that we need to ask ourselves, do we open up the Facebook app? Let mo do we open up the Twitter app? Let mo do we open up the Instagram app let more or do we open up the Koran? No. We It is so fascinated. You don't have to carry the hard cover of the Quran everywhere you have it as a as an application. Wherever you are, you can open it up and

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start reciting the Quran so that we become people of the Quran. We become so closely attached to the beautiful words of our powerful maker. There was an incident that took place in Cairo and this was narrated by a scholar

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This was an incident that took place in a hospital that doctor narrates this incident to the scholar, a very reputed notable scholar.

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There was once a half $1 for an who had to undergo a surgery. He goes to the hospital, he meets the doctor, he's an elderly person, but a person who is extremely pious and very closely attached to the Quran, he goes and meets the doctor asks about the surgery, and that the doctor informs that have failed, that the surgery will take almost around four to five hours. The half is the half of the Quran, he starts to cry and weep. The doctor, the surgeon, he says there's nothing to worry, please don't worry. It's just a minor surgery. It will be over before you know it. And anyway, we are going to administer anesthetics, you won't even feel it. Why are you crying than the half it'll come on,

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he explains. I'm crying because today if I were to undergo the surgery for four to five hours, I would miss my daily build my daily recitation of the Noble Quran Allahu Akbar v the father Koran, we should spend so much of time with the Quran, we should make a fixed amount of reciting perhaps three chapters, four chapters, five chapters, and even the people who are not profitable for us. They should also intend strongly to recite as much as possible from the Quran. So nevertheless the patient the half, then he says, I have a request Doctor, can you please give me one hour, lay me on the on the table to perform the surgery. Give me one hour. Let me start reciting the Quran. After

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one hour you come and you conduct your surgery and finish it off. The doctor. He says Of course Allahu Akbar, by all means, I give you one. You recite the Quran, me and my team will come and do the surgery after one on one.

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He's on the table. He is reciting the Quran because after all he is a half with he has memorized the Quran, he recited beautifully out of his memory. Right after one hour the doctor and his team they enter the room and they start the surgery. The doctor he informs the scholar, voila, he or she will lie. The surgery took almost four to five hours throughout the surgery. Even though we administered anesthetics, the patient the half was reciting the Quran throughout the surgery.

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He was reciting the Quran throughout the surgery. My dear respected elders, brothers and sisters in Islam. If we live with the Quran, we will die with the Quran. Because after all, pondering upon the Quran is closely connected to your heart. And this tongue of yours is the spoon that takes out what is in the heart. So if you have the Koran, if you have the love for the Quran, in your heart, the love for the speech of your powerful and beloved maker, even when death comes to you leave alone, a minor surgery, even when molekule mouth comes and stands in front of you nothing other than words that will please your maker only will come out of your mouth. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us

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all from the people of the Quran. And I don't find it hard. I don't find it difficult to believe that story because I have a personal experience. Just a few weeks ago, my own beloved father had to undergo a small surgery. I took him to the hospital and the doctor. He said we have to administer a very small a general anaesthetic but the only issue is it is like a truth serum. The side effect is the patient might start to matter things that are in his subconscious, so don't take notice of it. So the doctor he administered the drug for my father. And after a while my father, he started crying out all types of anger. So behind Allah Alhamdulillah Allah Akbar La ilaha illa Allah, that is the

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minute I witnessed that shudders and shivers ran down my spine. Because I was thinking if I was in that place, I don't know what may come out from my mind, because the things of our mind are all hidden, we show a different picture, but the secrets those deep secrets are within us. So if we are truly sincere and close to Allah subhanho wa Taala even at a time like that, or even when molecule mouth comes in front of you, only things that will please your maker will articulate or will come out from your tongue. So please, I implore make use of this blessed month to ponder on the Quran to make more and more recitation of the Quran and to ponder on the words of our powerful maker

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resulting in US becoming close to Allah subhanho wa Taala and resulting in us making the best out of this month. So May Allah bless

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What Allah help us all to ponder on his words, and may He the almighty help us to make the best out of this month of Ramadan. And may He unite us in the gardens of Jenna just as how he united us here tonight with our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam well after Dawa Anil hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen Joseph de como la jolla. subhana wa rahmatullah.

Day 02 – Heart Softeners – with Sheikh Muiz Bukhary – ‘Tadabbur ponder & reflect’ at Masjidul Hasan, Lower Bagatalle road, Colombo, Sri Lanka 2014/1435H

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