Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2014 – Day 3 – Umar Pt 2

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The segment discusses Omar Assante, a man in the 1800s who was considered valued in the Greek world and disrespected to others. Omar had a history of drinking alcohol and was a man of pride, but was disrespectful to others. In the later half of the segment, Omar was shot by a man with a stick and killed by his sister. Omar eventually became angry and ultimately decided to kill his sister. The segment also discusses Omar weight's success in accepting Islam and the importance of accepting Islam in one's life. Omar was a hero and valued by the Muslim men, and he was the first man to use the Quran and develop the system of taxing imported goods.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam o Baraka alma mater, Lila al Ameen. Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Tabby in a woman tabea home BSN in Isla yo Medina we're back.

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We commence by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala sending blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his household and all his companions May Allah bless them and every single one of us, I mean, my brothers and sisters, we started discussing the life of Omar Abdel Fattah Brody, Allahu Allah. And I made clear mentioned that this man was feared in Polish, and he was a young man at the age of 27, approximately, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had achieved Nobunaga. And as we had heard, it was not befitting of us to make mention of the history of Amara Malhotra, Dr. lavon had he not mentioned it himself. And this was prior to him accepting

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Islam. He says he engaged in all the vices, he was a person. And as he has said himself, who worshiped idols that he carved with his own hands, and he was a person who was involved not only with alcohol, but even with women. And then, as he grew up, he was well respected in Polish, because he was a businessman. He used to travel a lot with his own caravans and with his own wealth up to the northern part of the Arabian Peninsula and coming down to the south as well. And he earned a lot of his wealth. So at a young age, not only was he wealthy and eloquent, but at the same time he was quite feared because of his power and might impoverish. And over and above that he was a person who

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used to use to go to other parts of the peninsula whenever they needed to explain their position, because of a difference that they may have had with the others. They used him as an ambassador, he was known as a pharaoh polish, which means one of the spokespersons of Quraysh, and an ambassador that they used to send to other regions or other parts of the peninsula.

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So this was Omar Abdullah and when Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, presented Islam to the people of Mecca, Omar Abdel Fattah De La Hoya, and was one of those youth who used to constantly listen to the older people saying, we need to eradicate this man, we need to kill this man, we need to get rid of this man, this is what they used to say. So the young people used to all talk to each other who's going to do this? And each one would say, I will do it this one would say I would do it, but no one would actually end up doing it. Because they were upset that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam was telling them that what your forefathers have been doing is wrong. And what I have come

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up with is actually correct. don't worship me, but worship my maker and yours who is Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, so they could not understand what is the catch. Normally, for those who grew up in that particular era, anyone who tried to say someone else was bad, it was because they had their own agenda. And in this particular case, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam had no agenda of his own Rather, he would call people to develop a link with their maker alone. And this was something unique. So Omar Abdel Fattah the Allahu anhu, as much as he detested Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam at that time, and he detested those who are believers. He used to go to everyone who

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to speak to after he had left

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and he would tell them Be careful don't follow this. Be careful. Watch this man. Don't listen to him. If you do, your life will be made difficult and I will be the first one who's going to sought you out. May Allah subhanho wa Taala safeguard us. So Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there was an incident that occurred

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in Safa. Safar is where one of the mounts are where we do the same when we go for camera, we actually have the walking and the running between Safa and Marwa, so close to where Safa was, there was an incident that had occurred. And in fact, another incident that occurred which is of importance and we will make mention of it today was just near the Kava, when Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was praying. A Buddha Hall came to him and struck him with with his stick or with part of his bow. And so what happened is, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was hurt, but because he was just a man in Abuja, who was a very strong leader of courage. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said nothing at the time. And here comes Hamza hibben, Abdul muttalib, who was the uncle of Muhammad Salallahu alaihe

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sallam, he was out on a trip to hunt. And when he came back from his hunting trip, something strange happened. Someone told him Do you know your nephew was beaten up by Abu Jamal? So Hamza Abdulmutallab got so angry and so upset. He went to beat up Abu Jamal and he told him how dare you? How dare you speak to my nephew in these words when I do am amongst his followers. So this was a declaration of faith. No one before that knew that Hamza Abdulmutallab was one of the followers of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But at that stage, he became known as one of the followers of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now, Omar Abdullah harbor the Allahu anhu was related to Abu

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Jamal, Omar's mother and Abu Jamal were brothers and sisters, meaning that was his sister. So he was the uncle of amagno hottub. So he was very upset that my uncle was actually beaten by Hamza or he was disrespected by Hamza. And he said, as a result, I'm going to show this man Mohammed out, may Allah subhanho wa Taala safeguard us. So he decided amargosa tabula rasa decided on that day,

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that this is the day he walked out with his sword. And he was very angry. He was ferocious, vicious, he had a bad intention. And he walked out it was clear for all those who saw him that this man has intended something that is huge and big, he's angry, he's upset. So on the path he met, no, I'm not I am even Abdullah

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narembeen. Abdullah was a man who was a Muslim, but he did not say he was a Muslim. Later on, people found out he was a Muslim. He accepted Islam, but he was silent about it because he was worried and concerned about what the people would say, or his family and so on. So he, he had actually later on, made his Islam clear to the people but not in the initial stages. So he saw Omar and he asked him, where are you going? Is everything okay? He says, today, I'm going to execute Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I'm going to execute him. Now. Now I am even Abdullah said you know, you are a man. You are intelligent. You are a strong man. Quraysh respects you. Omar said I don't mind I will

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execute him and I will hand myself over to his own clan. And I will then be executed because as a result of him I don't mind but I will sort this problem out now. Because it has split into two pieces and we don't like that. So what I am even Abdullah tells him You know what? You have a problem in your own family. Why don't you start with them? Your sister among Jamil. Now own Jamil Her name was Fatima bentall hottub. If you recall, we mentioned her two days ago. omo Jamil not the wife of Abu lahab but the daughter of Al hottub, the sister of Omar, her name was Fatima bentyl hapa, also known as Omar Jamil binfield.

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So name says Why don't you deal with them? Your brother in law say they've been Zaid, he is a Muslim. They are openly Muslim. They follow Mohammed they support Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam go and deal with them. So Omar katabi Allahu anhu designs. Okay, let me go and deal with them. So he diverted and as he diverted, he walked through and he knocked on the door of his sister. At that time, there were three of them in the house. There was Fatima bentall hapa. His sister, his brother in law say they've been z and a teacher who came to teach them or an by the name of hubub liberal arts abarbanel arato De La Hoya and he brought with him some parchments and he was teaching

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them parts of the Quran. So as the door was not according to one of the narrations, hubub norat happen to hide and the parchments were actually hidden as well. Amata bill satara, the Allahu anhu flung The door opened and walked in and started beating up his sister and brother in law.

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Now to pause for a moment, something had happened a little bit earlier.

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When the Muslims at that particular time were given permission to migrate the first migration to a senior, there were a few of them who started migrating. And at that time, there was the wife, one of the wives of one of the companions known as Amira murabba. She was about to leave for Abyssinia and Omar bin Al Khattab saw her and he was very angry at the time. But when he saw her he felt pity in his heart, as strong as he was as fearless as he was as powerful as he was as fierce as he was. He felt something in his heart seeing this lady go, and he told her, may Allah be with you. That was a statement before Islam. May Allah be with you from this

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The wife of this Sahabi American Arabia, she knew that this man has a soft spot. There is something in his heart as powerful as he seems. There is a soft spot in his heart. So she told her husband that I have hope in this men he perhaps will understand the truth. And his wife said no ways I sorry her husband said no ways. It is impossible for Omar to accept Islam. And the wife says, Don't say that there is nothing impossible. May Allah subhanahu wa taala help us learn a lesson from this. Nothing is impossible. No matter where you have been, and what you have done. Allah's mercy is near, no matter who has done what on a global level. If Allah once they will turn into the mercy of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala always have hope, and always make positive to always have hope in the mercy of Allah. So Omar Abdullah hottub, as he is beating up his sister and his brother in law, he noticed he notices that she began to bleed. And when he saw the blood, that's when the soft spot was struck. The cord was struck, and immediately he stopped because he realized this is my sister, what am I doing? You know, we share the parents, what am I doing with the sister of mine? And he said, Look, what are you people doing here? So she said, we were reading the Quran, where is it? I want to see it.

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So kebab melara, had come out, and they brought the parchment, they told him if you'd like to read this, you first need to wash yourself. So he washed himself in the wisdom that he had, in whatever way he did wash himself, and he came forth. Now he started reading and coincidentally, for him, but not coincidentally, for Allah subhanho wa Taala. The verses he read were the opening verses of Surah Taha surratt Baja. And amazingly, he used to tell himself, the Muslims are very strong, no matter how much we persecute them, they're not quitting. That was something that used to impress him because he was a fearless man. When a man is fearless, he is always impressed by others who are

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fearless as well. To say these people are being persecuted we beating them, we are doing so much against them. There is a slave girl of my own. He used to tell himself, I persecutor from morning to evening, but she doesn't quit. And she says, No, I still say what Mohammed has brought is correct. He was amazed by it in a certain way. So he always used to say, but all these rules and regulations that have come, surely they are coming in order to govern our lives, and we should be people who must do what we want. Take a look at the globe today. People teach us that you are the happiest person if you do as you please. But Islam says no, you will be the happiest person if you do as your

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maker pleases or as it pleases your maker.

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So this is why people are so depressed on the globe. When they do as they please they commit sin and they don't even realize there comes a time when they are depressed, they are upset, the families break and so on. Everything is in disarray. But that's because they have done as they were as they pleased, but not as Allah would be pleased with. So here are the Allahu anhu reads the verses on ma

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later on in

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del z

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man holla Obama was

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Baja, ha, indeed we have not revealed this foreign to you Oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in order for it to be a source of distress for you? No, it is none but revelation from the Most Merciful. Allahu Akbar, from Allah subhanho wa Taala. It is it is a reminder for those who fear Allah. May Allah subhanahu wa taala grant us that fear, May He grant us that humbleness and humility and that surrendering and on top of the Allahu anhu was drawn to tears. He read these verses and he was shocked. He was actually amazed. And he said, Take me to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Imagine all the hatred, and all the enmity and all the evil that he was engaged in prior to this

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moment. Suddenly it came crashing to the ground, and his heart was filled with instant love for Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, believe me He is one of my heroes, and I'm sure he is yours too. Subhana Allah, oh my god, Allah and one of the greatest of those to walk on this earth after the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala and after Abu Bakar, acidic rhodiola and

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so the Allahu anhu was taken

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to the house of alchemy, where Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used together

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39 men had accepted Islam. He was the 40th. According to most of the narrations, he was the 40th man to accept Islam. So he walked into the house of alchemy. And they allowed him to come in. One might ask, why did they just allow him to come in when he had the sword with him? And according to some narrations, there was a sign that he was, you know, just in a bit of a quarrel earlier on, because of blood and what have you. They allowed him because Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam had made the dua that the companions were aware of.

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That Tao was Allahumma is an Islamic Jihad ilmarinen Oh Allah strengthen Islam through the acceptance of Islam by one of the two strong men, either Omar Abdel hapa or a sham who was known as Abu Jamal, and the Prophet sallallahu. wasallam later says, In my heart, I always knew that Omar was a better option. Oh, la kabara. Allah grant us goodness. So this goes to teach us again, remember to make good prayers for those who sometimes might do something bad. We have a weakness, our own children, we curse them. Sometimes when they do something bad. It happens. It's the weakness of men. Don't ever do that. It's the moment of acceptance of prayer. Why don't you make a good prayer for

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your children ask Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah my child has disobeyed me Allah bless the child, make the child obedient to you. Yeah, Allah subhanho wa Taala May Allah bless us with the best of children. I mean, so here on the Allahu anhu is faced with Hamza bin Abdul muttalib who was at the door of alchemy Arkham rhodiola and, and he was walking in so Hamza says Oh Allah, this is Omar. in UAE the law will be higher on you slim if Allah intends goodness from this man, he will accept Islam and Oh Allah. If anything else is intended by this man make it easy for us to overcome this man. In year Coronavirus alika yakugaku Allah in a hyena. Allah make it easy for us to overpower and

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overcome this man if he intends any evil. So as he walks in, according to some narrations, he declared the faith and according to some other narrations, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Omar, you are welcome into the fold of Islam. And he says yeah Rasul Allah in the shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa

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rasuluh I bear witness a messenger, that there is none worthy of worship besides Allah, our maker, and I bear witness that you are indeed a messenger of Allah subhanho wa Taala. At that moment, there was a tech bill that was heard, that was heard all the way to the Kaaba, so many people heard it in Makkah, it was an amazing tech meal. And this was because the Sahaba was so happy because of what had happened to Omar Abdullah satara the Allahu Allah, may Allah subhanho wa Taala guide us as well, the first thing that happened? He says, Oh messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, are we not on the right path? Yes, we are. Well, what are we fearing for? Let us get up and go and pray at the Kaaba.

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Why must we do it in the house of Allah come here.

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And he was a leader of Quraysh. And he says, one of the things that delayed him to accept Islam was the fact that he thought to himself, I'm a big ambassador of courage. I'm a wealthy businessman. I have so much respect and courage. If I accept Mohammed, I'm going to lose everything. And he says that actually kept him back otherwise he would have been one of the first to accept Islam, but because of his top position, and his wealth and he was fearing to lose so much, he said, No, let me not accept this man. However, this day of turning is so amazing. Allah subhanho wa Taala gave him in Islam more than he had prior to Islam in terms of his status and level and respect up to today when

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we say his name we say of the Allahu Allah, may Allah be pleased with him, Omar Abdel Fattah

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so he got up and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam got up and they made two lines of people. Hamza bin Abdul muttalib was the leader of one and Omar Abdullah, who was the leader of the other 20 people on either side and they marched all the way to the Kaaba. And that was the first day that they congregated, and they prayed right at the GABA and the people of Quraysh were gobsmacked. They did not know what to say, no words to utter. Why? Because Omar is with them. What should we do now? They're just watching strong men whom we had hope that he would deal with the crisis became a part of the crisis according to courage. May Allah subhanho wa Taala Have mercy on us all. This was the

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power so hey, by Rumi or the Allah when he says, When Omar accepted Islam of your lover and that is when we became powerful, that is when the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was literally accepted the strength was granted to Islam, to the acceptance of Islam of Allah and we could sit in groups in public, we could tell people we were Muslim and no one dare lift a finger.

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upon us, this was

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now the day that Omar Abdel Fattah radi Allahu anhu migrated to Madina munawwara. And this is one of our heroes we are talking about, he became an instant hero amongst the Muslim men. He defended them, no one dare take the name of a Muslim. When it was his time to go for his ra to Madina, munawwara he did not do what the others were doing, what was everyone doing? They were all quietly going by night, they would go away because Quraysh and their relatives were persecuting them, they would go on to the road and path and take away whatever they had, beat them up some cases, bring them back in some cases, and do so much in terms of harm to them. So Omar, heard all this and he knew he had a

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big family. And he knew he was large. He went to the Kaaba, according to one narration, he made his tawaf around the Kaaba. And then he went on to the macam. And he called out very loudly, he says, oh, Quraysh, I am going out for hegira. I am leaving to Madina munawwara anyone has a problem with that, see me on the other side, see me on the other side of this valley, anyone who wants their mother not to see them again, anyone who wants their children to be orphaned, and anyone who wants their wives to become widows see me on the other side. Try and mess with the mill hottub come see what happens.

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Nobody followed him. They saw him leave, and he left with his group that he had, and nobody did speak about. Hip Hop. This was the man and this was the hero when it comes to saleha davia when Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had intended to make Romana with his companions, the 16th of hegira and they went to Mecca, just outside Mecca, they camped in the place known as today be the man who was there. And Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his companions were denied entry into Makkah. They were told after the agreement that look come back the following year, and the agreement was signed. So Omar, Abu satara, the Allahu anhu tells Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, we intended the Roma and we should go in no matter what happens. Why should we agree to come back next year? We I don't want to do this I want to go in now let us go. And Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam says, You know, I am a messenger of Allah, I have been sent by Allah subhanho wa Taala. When I told you we will go for Amara, I did not say that it has to be this year. So we will come back next year. Anyway, he was quite upset in his heart. And as he walked away, he was upset up to the degree, that revelation came down when Allah revealed the opening verses of surah two. In fact,

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indeed, we have granted you a clear victory O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And this is when I'm on top of the Allahu anhu. And some of the companions asked, Is this a victory? And the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says, Yes, it is. It is a revelation from Allah. Then he was happy. And amagno satara the Allahu anhu later on says that in my life, I engaged in so much of seeking forgiveness of Allah, so much of charity, and so much of fasting, and I freed so many of the slaves, because I feared the speech that I had on the day of davia must never be held against me. SubhanAllah because obviously it hurt his heart. How could it have hurt his heart? It only hurt his heart for a good reason. Because he was a fearless man he wanted to go in and he was saying let's

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go. So this is why he says that I continued to do good May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless him and bless every single one of us.

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I have already made mention of what happened at the time of the death of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and I've already made mention of the fact that Omar Al Khattab said Whoever says Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam has passed away, I will execute him and Ababa Casa de la who got up and he is the one who explained the truth. And this is when he calmed down. But one of the famous statements of this hero of ours was that ni AB reborn ohada Muna. VTR Rasul Allah. He used to say on messenger, let me slice the neck of this man. What that meant is let me deal with this man on messenger. He was the one who always had his sword out. Anyone who did something wrong, he would say, oh messenger,

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let me deal with him. And the Prophet sallallahu wasallam would say, relax, relax, take it easy. I have not been sent to be harsh. I have been sent as a mercy to mankind. Allah subhanho wa Taala bless us. So this was the man at the time of Abu Bakr Siddiq Ravi Allahu anhu. He was the first person who stretched his hand and said, Oh Abu Bakar I am the one who pledges my allegiance to you. You are the most worthy of khilafah and of being the leader and successor of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Here is my hand I pledge my allegiance and everyone followed

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so much

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That Abu Bakr Siddiq radi Allahu anhu says that in my life as a Khalifa,

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I loved from amongst those who are on the earth, meaning obviously Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had passed away. But I love from amongst those on Earth, the most honorable satara Allah and he is my helper, and he is the one who has been with me all through my period that I have ruled. This was the statement of Ababa Casa de la one.

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So, when Omar katavi Allahu anhu took the reins of leadership. I'm going to go through a list of what he did, because he is our hero, really. He is a champion of note. We know of so many stories of his I'm sure, but I want to mention what he achieved in the 10 years that he ruled. Remember I told you he was 13 years younger than Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam approximately, and he ruled for 10 years. So he was murdered when he was at the age of 63, approximately 62 to 63. Here is what he did. He was the person who started the use of the Hijri calendar. Today we have the calendar hijra 1435 hegira that was Omar bin Al Khattab Allah one, he is the one who started that calendar of and

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he said from now on the Muslims, whenever we talk about the years, we should relate them to the hegemon. And he made it compulsory. And that is what we are using to this day. He is the one who gathered the people in taraweeh in Ramadan, so the Torah we read today in a gathering of this nature, Omar Allahu anhu was the one who started that off because before him, they used to read in small groups and the smaller groups later on became larger groups. He said Let us read in one group in the masjid and inshallah we will follow one Imam even though there were so many recitals amongst them, but he put a blue cup in the front row, the law one and he said, we will all read behind you

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may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us an understanding. He was the first person who created a proper army, an army that had a job, and that was only to defend the Muslims. And he was the first person who had actually sent his army to the borders in order to protect them full time, the borders of the Muslim nation. And he was the first person who created the police department amongst the Muslims, where he had people who would walk around at night and he did do himself, finding out what happened and maintaining law and order and seeing that everyone was okay. There are so many incidents. In fact, I can mention to you one very touching incident, one day

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amagno sobre la Han who decided to walk through

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he decided to walk through the galleys of Madina munawwara at night, and he was followed by El hombre de la. And he walked into one home quietly when no one was watching. And he came out after a little while, and he went back. And he had a home that no one would distinguish, because when he became the Calif, he did not change his house, he remained where he was all along. So Paul had the Allahu anhu decided to go the following day to that house to see who there was and what happened. And he found there was a very old blind woman there. So he asked her who came to you last night? And why did he come here? She said, I don't know. But it's a man who told me that he will come every so

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often. He brings me some foodstuffs, and he cleans my whole house in a little while. And then he goes back

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palheiro Viola and says, Subhana Allah, this is a mirror meaning this is the leader of the meaning. And he goes himself at night to clean the house of this blind woman and to bring her some food once in a while. This was Omar Abdul satara the Allahu anhu. The same man Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam says, If Rama walks down the galley shaitan would never walk down the same galley shaitan would walk down the other galley, because even shape and fear the power of the law and this was a man, the hero, he was the first man who maintain the roads and built roads between cities and towns. He actually employed his men to service the cities by creating drainage and so many other facilities

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for the people of the cities and the towns. He was the man. He was the first man who developed what we know today as the registrar general you know, everything is recorded, the births, the deaths and everything, who is a civil servant? What do they get and so on. Everything recorded that was

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he is the first man who decided that anyone who memorizes the Quran shall get an allowance from me Subhana Allah from baytril man, you memorize the Quran, you deserve an allowance. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us today, people who memorize the Quran, one wonders what is their standing because in so many countries, the Imam is the lowest paid in the whole community. May Allah protect us. Look at Omar Abdel Fattah he knew these are our leaders. They are holding within them the deen let them get a stipend from

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By tomorrow and muslimeen, from the treasury of the Muslims, he was the one who developed the treasury of the Muslims in such a beautiful way, he had so much that he used to spend even on the Christians and the non Muslims who were poor, from the coffers of the Muslims. This is the man, he was the man who developed the system of taxing imported goods. When people brought goods from outside, he would tax it according to what he felt a certain percentage or whatever it was, he was the man, he was a man who decided that the coins need to have specific weight, and all the weights should be recorded. And when we are spending, we should have these gold and silver coins have

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specific weight and size. That was the law when he was a man

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who told his people never to destroy a place of worship that belongs to those who are non Muslim. He was a man who was very kind to one and all he was so just that he was known as alpha rock. Even prior to him becoming halifa. He was known as alpha rock, the one who distinguished he was a just man, It is reported that one day, a man came to him and told him, you know, this man was supposed to be penalized because he was a thief. So he said, Oh, you mean, how can I be penalized for having been a thief? How can my hand be cut for having been a thief when it was predestined that I was supposed to steal? You see, that is a statement he was using against the law. And so the man says,

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How can this happen? Omar Al Khattab says, Well, do you know what it was at this time that you are going to be penalized as well? So here's the man punish him. Allahu Akbar. So he was one ahead, always sharp. This was Omar Abdullah tabela de la and there were so many other stories of Omar Abu Qatada Allah and he was a man who had surveyed the land. He measured it everyone's land and he literally what we have today as the surveyor General, he started it all off. May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless this great man, but they came a day. 10 years later, they came a day when there was one person who was disgruntled for some reason. His name was Abu Alma juicy. Abu was a man from the

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Persians. And what he did is

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he stabbed Omar Malhotra, the Allahu anhu. Whilst he was leading Salatin fudger towards the end of the 23rd year of hijra, he stabbed him six times and Amara. Allahu anhu fell down. He was taken away, and three days later, he passed away. And that man who was known as a bolo, Pharaoh's Alma juicy, he killed Omar Abdel Fattah by stabbing him, and he stabbed several other companions who tried to catch him. Some of them were, were killed instantly. And at the same time, Abdul Rahman, Allahu anhu managed to get hold of him by throwing like a sheet over him. And when that happened, this man committed suicide and died. So to this day, we do not know the exact motive behind the

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killing of Omar Abdullah.

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But what we do know it was a Persian man known as Abu al Medusa. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all goodness, and May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless Omar Abdullah pobre, the Allahu anhu with the rank of martyrdom, and may we be united with Him what a hero of Islam What a great man What a powerful man while law he we have only touched on his life but I call on you to go through the details of the life of honorable Allah and you will find volumes and volumes. May Allah bless him and May Allah bless us all are Sol Allahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad Subhana Allah who become the sudanic alohomora hamitic Misha to Allah Allah Allah and anastasiou kawana to buoy Lake

Day 03 – Getting To Know The Companions Of Muhammad SAW (peace be upon him). Mufti Menk continued discussing Umar (RA) Delivered at Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin Musjid today – 30 June 2014, 3 Ramadaan 1435.

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