Muiz Bukhary – Mind Hack – The Super Mario Effect

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The segment discusses a mind hack created by former Apple engineer Mark, which involves creating a game where players take a car and try to get a score of failure, and then receive a message saying they lost five points if they failed. The Super Mario effect involves players trying to get a score of failure to save a princess, but failure is not just a loss of performance, but rather a result of pain, shame, embarrassment, and how we perceive it. The speaker emphasizes the importance of avoiding failure in games and offers advice on how to master it.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh My dear brothers and sisters, this is why as Buhari with a brand new episode, and for today's video, we're going to be talking about an interesting mind hack.

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And this mind hack is about how we are supposed to view failure. And that's an interesting one. So I was watching this TED talk of a former Apple engineer, his name is Mark. So he actually conducted an experiment, he wanted to basically prove a point. So what he does is he creates this this game.

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It's a pretty simple game, you know, kind of like a Pac Man version, where you are supposed to get a car, a tiny car across a maze to the from point A to point B. And, and you're supposed to arrange code accordingly in a computer code accordingly in a move to ensure that the car gets from point A to point B. So if you were to arrange the code properly, then you would end and you when you hit Run, when you run the sequence, you're able to get the car from point A to point B. And if there was something wrong in the code, then then the car wouldn't get from point A to point B, and you would be served with a message saying that, you know, you you failed, and you can try again. So he

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basically had two versions of this game one that stated that you have 200 points, and each time you failed, five points, where to be deducted. So basically, you start off with 200 points. And then if you were to fail, you would see a pop up message stating that, you know, you lost five points, you have a remaining 195 points, you may try again. So with each failure, you're losing five points, the other version of the game did not say anything of that sort. So it will basically say you failed, try again, you failed, try again. So after conducting this experiment, even though seemingly, it seemed as if he was trying to, you know, prove that anybody could start off with basic coding, he

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wanted to prove a much

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deeper and stronger point. And, and this is with regards to the perception of failure. So once it concluded with the experiment that, you know, he had some statistics. And interestingly, he found out that the group that did not lose any points average did about 12 tries, you had people trying, on average, but 12 times, and then people who lost five points, they average at about five trials, and in total,

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about 50,000 of his followers on social media took the test. So what's interesting here is that you see, depending on how we view, how we perceive failure, it impacts our tries in it impacts how many times we actually, you know, put in effort to achieve a final result or to achieve success. So having having established this experiment, he goes on to now talk about this, this concept known as the Super Mario effect. Now I'm sure you'd all recall this game Super Mario, it was it was trending, even during my childhood. And now you have different variants of it on different platforms. It's all about getting this tiny miniature guy in a plumber, basically, you know, from one point to the

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It used to be very, very basic, then now it's, I mean, I don't know the game is very advanced these days. But nonetheless, it's basically to get Mario from point A to point B to save the princess. Alright, so the goal is to save the princess.

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Now what needs to be highlighted and this is the hack, you know, each time a player takes the controller to play the game, alright.

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He obviously understands the objective of the game he's supposed to get Mario from point A to point B, avoid the fire spitting plants, you know, eat mushrooms grow, become bigger, you know, flatten those, those creatures that come at you. It could be turtles, spiky turtles, you have you have so many other things that come at you and eventually get married to the princess. So the objective is that

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each time you fail, each time you're bitten by an appliance uppland or spiky turtle. Do you ask yourself how do you view that failure? No player picks up the controller, okay, for the first time and after falling into a pit or by bitten off to being bitten by, you know any of the creatures. He does not think Oh, I'm so ashamed. That was such a failure. And he does not leave the controller and leave the game. No, he tries again, and tries again and again and they

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And basically what happens is, you learn from each failure, you learn that, Okay, you know what there is a pit here that I need to avoid the next time, there is this creature that I need to avoid the next time so you don't perceive failure. So as you can see, failure is not necessarily the culprit. It's how we perceive failure, we coupled failure with with pain, with shame, with embarrassment so much to the extent that we drive ourselves not to try again. But if you were to view failure, the way you do so in these games, you would keep trying, you would keep trying and a believers mindset maker, he says in the model, grocery use raw, that indeed with difficulty comes

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ease. And and if you look at the achievers out there, the ones who have achieved things, for example, we know of Edison trying 1000 times to invent the light bulb, and after 1000 tries, he does what he arrives at, you know, the discovery of the light bulb. Similarly, you have authors who have been rejected left, right and center, maybe put out books, 10 1520 books being rejected by different publishers. And then finally, after so many tries, they put out a best selling book, and then every book after that is his best selling and takes the world by storm. If they were to have been, if they had viewed that failure, as you know, something that you know, they're so ashamed that they can't

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face and if they have, if they if they were to turn away from trying that they wouldn't achieve that success, and they wouldn't have scaled those heights. So many brothers and sisters, let us not look at failure as a dead end. Let us not look at it as you know, this dark tunnel where, you know, almost like it's the end of the world No, let's have a optimistic approach towards it. Let us be let us have a bright perspective towards it. Let us look at it as a means of us learning from it, gleaning lessons from it, let us let us ensure this like in the game that we don't fall into the same pit again we that we don't make the same mistake again and let it be even 100 times 1000 times

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keep trying keep trying you fall you get up you fall you get up you learn and you master and you move forward. This is basically the short message that I wanted to share with you all in this video. I hope it was of benefit please do share it around if it was and if you haven't subscribed to the channel, do subscribe to my channel so that you are notified knows when a video goes live. And I look forward to talking to you all in another video soon inshallah. Allah Allah wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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