Muiz Bukhary – Harness The Power of Du’a

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of tools like a knife and a dragon to overcome poverty and achieve success in Islam. They also discuss the use of tools like a tool to secure timings and needs, including dressing and praise for Allah's subhanho wa. The importance of studying the names and attributes of Islam's title and keeping up the faith is emphasized, as it is a significant victory for Muslims. Consent to repeat information and not giving up on Islam is also emphasized. The segment emphasizes the need to be mindful of timing for events and provide guidance on how to handle them.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa ala ashrafi MBA. mousseline. nebrija. Now Habib in our poverty our union Mohammed bin Abdullah la vida, he was VP of quality asleep

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for the phone along with Alberto COVID

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for analyzes bad

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Amina shaytani, r rajim.

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What is

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Near shadow?

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Rubbish roughly So, suddenly

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we commence by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala, who is no doubt create, sustain, nourish, protect and cure. We asked him subhana wa tada to shower his choices of blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of

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media respected elders and brothers in Islam. First and foremost, I advise myself and then all of you all present here to adopt a knife of taqwa. And that is to fear a loss of data and to be conscious of him gender Juarez, during every single second of our lives if we wish to attain success in this world, as well as the hereafter May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us all from the people of taqwa and make me make us from the victorious and successful ones. I mean,

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inshallah, Donna,

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the chutzpah today is going to revolve around the strongest, most powerful and impenetrable tool that we as believers have. It's going to be about realizing our desires in sha Allah da

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da is something so important that our beloved Prophet Mohammed said a long while ago and he was telling Sallam is reported to have said,

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Danny in the sense that is the very essence of our ibadah of our worship. It is such a powerful tool that we have at our disposal. But sadly what has happened is some of us Lama Rahim Allah except those whom Allah subhanho Medina has good otherwise have, you know, kind of undermined the power of this tool? Yes, we do resort to the law, but it has become something you know, where we do it as a ritual, we don't actually internalize and realize the value of this tool that we have at our disposal.

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If you were to go through the Koran, you would come across a number of Ayah to be specific, you would come across 12 places in the novel for where Allah subhanho wa Taala brings about ayah in a q&a session, if you will, say for example, a loss of Hannah hautala he states the number for an wias luneta and in Mohave, then Fantasyland, Nisa, filma O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when they ask you about my hair, my hair in the sense the menstrual periods of a woman are either menses of a woman who say oh Mohammed said about Marlin you it was lm that it is something painful and then the ayah the ayah goes on. In another place Allah subhanho wa Taala he states whereas a Luna Canyon

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from Raven myself, and when they come to you or Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and asked you about intoxicants and gambling.

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FEMA is known Caribbean and the ayah goes on say O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam analyzes the virgin in forms of life

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in regard to the answer, in other places, those behind hautala Estates West aluna and is it a Yana Moosa in regard to the final hour as to when it will take place say oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam call in in Dharavi say O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that knowledge in regard to that is only with ally surgery. So I mean, are you with me all in this in regard to the flow of the IRA? They will come and ask you say oh Mohamed Salah Why don't you and if and they will come and ask you say oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was aluna ganja row. They will come and ask you about are they asking you about the roof about the soul? Coolio. I mean, I'm Robbie say oh Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the roar the soul is from the commandments of my Lord or is from the matters of my Lord.

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So to be specific in 12, places Allah subhanho wa Taala he brings about ayah in this style and in this manner, except for this one is the ayah that I decided that the inception but he does Allah carry bandini

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in Me,

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and if they ask you what he does he daddy I mean if my slave asks you about me, the ayah starts off in the same style, but instead of saying, so say unto them, oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam the scholars of the sea they comment in regard to this ayah Allah azza wa jal removes all veils between himself and his slaves and he responds directly for India Karim. I am near Allahu Akbar. I am near what he does Allah kariba Annie and if my slaves asked you about me for in nippori there is no call for me per se or Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that I am close to them, no Allah azzawajal responds directly. Allah subhanho wa Taala is talking to us directly to emphasize and

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highlight the proximity that we enjoy with our maker subhana wa Jalla. When we are inside out when we raise our hands into our into Allah Subhana Medina because after all throughout our Salah, we are in the hands of Hannah Montana. As we read Surah Fatiha we are into and to Allah subhanho wa Taala we read Surah Fatiha a minimum of almost around 17 times during a given day. And each time we read Surah Al Fatiha he cannot Buddha canister in his dinner Serato most the time we go on to make this beautiful during certain times you know we don't really internalize the gravity and the depth of circle Fatiha but they are beautiful to us that we read in circle Fatiha on a daily basis on a

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constant perpetual basis 17 times my dear respected elders and brothers and Islam.

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So in regard to do

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what I want to focus on today is to touch on a few etiquettes that are related to doula so that we can perfect our doula so that we can perfect our invocations and Allah subhanho wa Taala and also so that we can secure you know, certain tips in regard to certain timings as to when our daughters will be accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala so that we can look forward to those timings, secure those timings and seek our needs from Allah as a wizard. So to start off, tip number one, in regard to making dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala Is that the one who is making the law should believe firmly that his drama will be answered.

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And in regard to that he needs to firmly believe in though he he needs to believe in the divinity of Allah subhanho wa Taala he needs to strongly believe in the names and attributes of Allah azza wa jal, he needs to study about the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala Let me tell you why. Some of you might be aware, there is a great and grand Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala known as this Mullah Hill album, there is a great and grand Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And according to the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam along the lines of these words if an individual were to invoke Allah subhanho wa Taala okay using his mala he'll album that do out of his will be

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answered but Allah has that do out of his will be answered by Allah subhanho wa Taala. So which name from the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala is Mongolian Allah, this is a secret. But you do have opinions of scholars, different scholars have given different opinions in regard to a smaller Hill album. There are certain scholars who deemed a La La Jolla to be a smaller Hill out of the Greatest Name of Allah subhanho Medina, and the proof and evidence they put forward is that Allah is the Greatest Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala because all the names and attributes of Allah Subhana Medina, at the end of the day point to that name of Allah subhanho Medina. Say for example,

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if you were to take a look at Hashem towards the end alliances of agility states, who along with levena in

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Ohio, in Ohio

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beer survey

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you said before,

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Murphy's law he won

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his own hockey game. This is

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the number of names and attributes of his and all these names and attributes go back to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So there are certain scholars who say that Allah is the Greatest naval philosophy kind of went down. And there are other scholars who stayed there and how you look at you and how you look at you is a snowball Hill out of these two names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala are the Greatest Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala they stay and they bring about proofs their supervisor allamani when he was lm, he is reported to have said the dismal law Hill album, The Greatest Name of philosophy, Hannah Montana can be found in three places in the noble Koran. And he went on to

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mention the ayah Surah Baqarah ayatul kursi Allahu Allah. In LA one hi Europa, you

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sarala Iran the first or the second Alif Lam Meem Allahu Allah, Allah, Allah, what for you, as you mentioned there as well Soraka What

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are you there to do is mentioned. So these scholars put this evidence forth and they state according to the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a human can be considered as the, you know, the combination of those two names can be considered as the Greatest Name of Abbas of Hannah Montana. And then you have another group of scholars who stayed, that is Mullah, he

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keeps changing and wavering from individual to individual. Now, maybe they don't have a lot of proof and evidence to put forth to back this statement of theirs. But in a way, it kind of makes sense. They say that say for example, if someone is poor, someone is in poverty, and this individual he turns to Allah subhanho wa Taala and he raises his hands at this junction, because he wants us Allah subhanho wa Taala to address his poverty, it is upon him to invoke Allah subhanho wa Taala using that great name of Eliza, Virgil Allah, that Allah subhanho wa Taala is the independent He is the one who is truly rich, none of us You and I, even if you are the richest person on the face of this

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earth, you can say that you are avani because at the end of the day, you have some need towards another you're not really independent, you're not really independent, we are all dependent and at the end of the day, we are all dependent upon Allah subhanho wa Taala but Allah azza wa jal He is Allah Varney. So this individual who is going through poverty, at that particular juncture, it is upon him to invoke Allah subhanho wa Taala. Using that name of Eliza to say an individual who is being oppressed he addresses with Allah. Allah didn't say an individual who is weak, he wants strength, he invokes Allah subhanho wa Taala using the name and attribute of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Allah COVID likewise, these scholars state that for any issue, any request that you want to make under last Panama's Allah, Allah azza wa jal has a name or attribute that you can use to invoke Allah subhanho wa Dan. So they say at that particular juncture, depending on your need, depending on your requirement, depending on the context, the Greatest Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala keeps reading. So these are a few of the opinions of the scholars. And what it all boils down to, is that we need to be well versed in terms of the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala Sadly, this is a science that many of us are oblivious to. We don't really know about the names and

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attributes. Yes, we have memorized it, we read it like parents, but we don't know in terms of the in depth meanings of the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala each name each attribute is a world in and of itself. If you only want to dive into that ocean, you are going to be astounded you're going to be dazzled My dear brother in Islam, you have to study about the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is important if you want to realize your desires. And this is why I said these guys we have you know, made it into a ritual where we just raise our hands and we make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala but when you look at the Sunnah of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he used to praise Allah subhanho wa Taala in a manner that befits Allah subhana wa that so you need to study you need to learn how to praise Allah subhanho wa Taala using the appropriate names appropriate attributes, you need to send blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which we will mention as we go inshallah. So swiftly moving on to the second tip, because I don't have much time and due to the brevity of time, you have to move swiftly. The second tip is to focus a lot on a flux sincere, you make sure that this law that you're making a loss of Hannah Medan is solely unto Allah azza wa jal solely unto Allah subhanho wa Taala

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because we just mentioned a narration of tradition from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Reba, that is the very essence of Alibaba. So Alibaba as you all know, be it

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an act of worship of worship which is the size of a mountain

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something trivial something small as giving out a piece of date, you know that a flask plays a big role in terms of that, that that act of worship being accepted by Allah subhanho ins and so we have to maintain this loss in terms of our desires that we're making dua unto Allah subhanho wa Taala, solely intending Allah azza wa jal and intending the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala there is no point

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in you making dua Allah subhanho wa Taala for Allah azza wa jal to help you to do something wrong because that is not going to be answered with Allah subhanho wa jal. It has to be something to do with the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa jal, and at the end of the day, we slaves of Allah subhanho wa Taala we yearn for nothing other than the pleasure of our maker, we adhere to the commandments of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we stay away from all that which he has prohibited solely intending to acquire the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala May Allah azza wa jal make us all worthy of his pleasure, I mean, moving on tip number three, it is to praise Allah subhanho wa Taala as he

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deserves, we have a hadith that has been recorded in the book of Deuteronomy, the Rahim Allah, football, obey the law when he mentioned that once in the presence of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam there was a man who came, he offered solid narration goes along the lines of these words, he raises his hands and he makes to an animal that llama fully along hopefully Allah forgive me, Allah forgive me. The supervisor

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immediately said, Yeah, you mustn't be a worshipper, you have hasten, you have rushed in terms of making you the app but instead you're supposed to praise Allah subhanho wa Taala as he Isaiah deserves, and then send blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and then make dua. Once he was educating this man, another man comes to the masjid and he starts to pray unto Allah subhanho wa Taala. He praises allies virgin initially he sends blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he goes on to pray unto Allah subhanho wa Taala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was observing this carefully, he said, Yeah, you have suddenly put the

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arrow to jump, oh worshipper. Now make dua you will be answered but Allah Subhana Medina. So it is from the etiquettes of derived from the other Buddha that you're supposed to praise Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is why you would have noticed many times of scholars when they start off making dua they start off by praising Allah subhanho wa jal Alhamdulillah here have been me This is a basic praise where you praise Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and you can add to this if you will, different forms of praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. And if you go to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there are many ways that are utilized Allahu Allah when you visit him has taught

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us to praise Allah subhanho wa Taala and then you go on to send blessings and salutations upon Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his household the Sahaba gone like mine and then you go on in terms of making your dua.

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The next tip is to try and face the Qibla it is to try and face the Tabler when you make dua. This is Mr. hub. It is not something mandatory, but it is preferable if you can try to face the table. In terms of proof for this we have the Hadith that has been recorded in the book of Imam Muslim Rahim Allah and this incident took place during the Battle of better as you all know, the Battle of better was a decisive battle which ended in an astounding victory for the Muslims with the help of a loss of Hannah Montana, the Kufa they were 1000 strong arm to the tea was the Muslim moon they were 300 but then the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala came down and it was an astounding decisive victory for

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the Muslims. Now at that crucial juncture, when the two forces were about to clash Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he faces the fibula in that particular narration the Sahaba who narrates the Hadith he mentions that Rama Mali very seldom he faces the fibula, he raises his hands and he prays unto Allah subhana wa Tada. Allah, our attorney Allahumma licchavi Swami Islam lecture but fill out what Allah bring about what you promised or Allah bring about what you promised or Allah, if this small group of Muslims were to be destroyed, then you will not be worshipped on this earth, then you will not be worshipped on this earth. So based on this particular narration, and

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because it also binds to the long run a value stream at that crucial junction as you all know the answer but Allah subhana wa Jalla Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was facing the Qibla So Amanda nabavi Rahim Allah the famous scholar from the Chef madhhab. He states that in his book in the shadow of the book of Mr. Muslim, he states that it is must have, it is preferable when an individual invokes Allah subhanho wa Taala, when an individual makes dua that he faces the Qibla so let us try to face the familiar whenever we raise our hands unto Allah Subhana Medina, moving on, next step is to raise your hands when you make dua. This is in the book of Buddhahood.

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Remember Buddha with Rahim Allah, Allahu alayhi wa sallam his report grep said along the lines of these words come upon it so that was Salam. Your Lord is most generous and

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He is to kind of us behind what Allah is the most generous and he is to kind to let his slaves if they were to raise their hands unto him to let them bring their hands down back empty, Allah subhanho wa Taala is to guide and he is too generous that if you were to raise your hands My dear brother in Islam on to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah is too generous to let your hands fall back down empty. So Allah subhanho wa Taala will answer your da as long as you have firm conviction firm belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala that Allah azza wa jal will respond to you. The second tip is in accordance to what I just mentioned, is to keep frequently asking and not to give up many of us we

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asked Allah subhanho wa Taala a few times and then when we don't see an immediate result, okay? Because this is the thing we are very impatient, we stop making dua to Allah subhana wa diamino. We give up we say, you know what, my glasses are not going to be answered, maybe I'm a sinner, maybe I'm too far away from a loss for kind of more than the eye a decrease otherwise, what it has,

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for me Karim, Allah is saying that Allah is close to you, my dear brother in Islam, it is upon you not to give up it is upon you to be frequent and persistent in your unto Allah subhanho wa Taala with firm determination in one particular Hadith Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reputed to have said when you make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala This is in the book of Imam Bukhari and Muslim Rahim Allah when you make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala Don't be like a stick in the mud along the lines of these words. Don't be like a stick in the mud. don't pray unto Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah forgive me if you wish, or Allah bestow Your mercy upon me if you wish, or Allah I want

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this if you wish, or I want that if you wish. To allamani value Islam in the Hadith, he educates us don't make it like that. Don't say Oh Allah, forgive me if you wish. Instead ask firmly Yeah, Allah forgive me, because a lot Islam went on to say because Allah subhanho wa Taala he cannot be compelled. You cannot compel Allah subhanho wa Taala. So don't use the word if you wish, if you wish, rather if you have a need, if you want something from Allah subhanho data, ask Allah azza wa jal firmly with determination and conviction and your maker will most definitely respond.

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The next tip is to repeat the data thrice. This is also must have something preferable to repeat whatever you are that you're making unto Allah subhanho wa Taala price where you repeat your three times. And in terms of proof for this we have a hadith that has been recalled in the book of Imam Bukhari Muslim rahima, whom Allah Abdullah even Mr. Udo, the alum, one who he mentioned that this was during the time in the Muslim moon when they were in Makkah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he goes by the Kaaba and he's offering sala de vida Mr. Otto the loved one was observing this is actually a tear jerking incident. I'm sure most of you are aware of it and Australia

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listened to it attentively. There were the Kufa the pagans at that time, like Abu Jamal and others were around the Kaaba at that time. They notice also the lives of a long while offering Salah, and they remember, they had just slaughtered the camel. A Buddha had immediately issues in order for someone to bring the abdominal contents the intestines over to where they were, the intestines were brought and as you all know, the camel is a huge animal with long, heavy interestings he has an individual take the industry in full of the fifth. It wasn't clean nothing It was full of filth, to go full of blood and filth, to go and place it on top of it for a long while you it was cinnamon he

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was in such a dire salovaara evaluation. It was so heavy that our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he could not get up from such that he could not get up from such

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news travels to

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Fatima Raja Mohan

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de la one the narrative the Hadith He states that he was a young individual at that time. So he says that I was, you know, scared. I was scared. I wanted to go and help myself as a member I was scared because these were all senior pagans of Makkah, Abu Johanna, this news goes to Fatima rhodiola Reinhardt She was also a young girl at that time, a young girl, little Fatima rhodiola wanna look at her pluck. Look at her courage. She runs all the way to the Kaaba, her father, she couldn't bear it. Her heart was, you know, beating so hard. She makes it to the cabinet and with her little hands, she cleans away all the interesting things from the body of her father, she's weeping. She's crying, one

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hand wiping the tears the other hand wiping away the intestines away from the body of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, after praying a supervisor about while in value asylum, he raises his hands and he makes two of us behind Medina. I gave you the context because you need to understand why this device is in the maintenance. These individuals were so stubborn. They were so harsh. They were so arrogant. You know, they were arrogant in terms of their disbelief in terms of their current Allah subhanho wa Taala. Listen, he makes a lot of Metallica declaration Allah Allah. Allah Allah can be foolish or Allah punish the Quran Allah

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punish the price or punish the price and the supervisor was so hurt he was filled with pain at the moment that he makes against these individuals by mentioning their names Allahumma Anika be abijah have been a sham Allah punish Abu Jellybean a sham Allah punished when he did an alpha and went on to mention the names of the individuals who are there at that time. They overhearing the door of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and they fooled with fear, the hearts were gripped with fear because they knew the power of the door alpha supervisor, reading the bestseller.

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thrice he repeated that twice. And then the narrator of the Hadith states that it was during the Battle of budget, it was in front of my own eyes, I saw all these individuals fall one after the other and their bodies were all dumped into the well of better into the wealth of better to do after profits for a long while evaluation was answered but Eliza

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as a ending note, I would like to highlight the importance of our securing the different timings that have been highlighted but also vice versa in terms of advice being answered. There are a number of timings it is upon you or believe it or fall over Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to study the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam identify these timings and secure these timings. Say for example, on Friday, there is a special hour known as it is to Java. There's a difference of opinion amongst the scholars in terms of identifying this hour. There are those who say that it is from the time the hottie climbs on top of the pulpit until it gets off the pulpit. It is this hour if you

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were to make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala you will be answered by a visor but there are others who state that it is the timing in between the two quote was where the scholar sits. Now I'm going to sit in a few minutes. There are scholars who say that it is that timing but the opinion that I favor is the opinion of Imam even opinion Rahim Allah He mentioned that this hour is the final hour of Friday, as you all know, accorded the lunar calendar our days end by salado Maverick by Serato. Maverick so the final hour of Friday is just one hour before Serato Maverick one hour before Salatin, so don't forget it today. One hour before Serato Margaret is known as an hour of St. Java

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of response from Allah subhanho wa Taala. If you make dua, my dear brother, you will do our will be answered but Allah subhanho wa Taala if you have firm belief and conviction, likewise there are other

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enemies reporter have said that throughout the travel is answered so whenever you travel make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala perhaps you're flying 30,000 feet above make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Another nation states that when it is raining your do is answered by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Many a time we notice it is raining but we forget to make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala. whenever it rains make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala you will be answered with Allah azza wa jal in another narration or supervisor Obama said in his report prep said the individual who reads La ilaha illa Allah Subhana Allah mean this is a famous and powerful invocation made by Eunice la salat wa salam when he

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was in the midst of the belly of that way. He led this invocation and made Diwan to Allah subhanho wa Taala. His dua was answered, so

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it wasn't even that Heidi he went on to say no Muslim reads this this Vicar and makes dua except that is his answer but Allah Subhana Allah Allah so whenever you want to make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala follow these etiquettes Follow these tips read this avec la ilaha illa Allah Subhana India come to me Nevada me and you stand a great chance for you to ask to be answered but Allah subhanho wa jal the sort of lies that a lot more elevated wisdom is also reported. I've said the time between a man and a farmer is a time in your hands will be answered but Allah Subhana Medan he said a lot more anybody listening is also required to have said after the salvar croissants after the

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prescribed prayers. Right after the prescribed prayers your prayers will be answered by Allah subhanho wa Taala. There is a slight difference as to when is after the prescribed prayers say for example scheffers Namibia Tamia Rahim Allah and his student imamoglu claim Rahim Allah they state that after the prescribed prayers in a sense it is just before Salah during the final portion of your childhood The door is made there will be answered but Allah subhanho wa Taala and there are other scholars who say that it is after Salam after saying assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah the two hours that you make will be answered by Allah subhanho wa Taala. So

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with that, I conclude my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam sees these timings sees this etiquettes taught by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and increase your honor to Allah subhanho wa Taala see is this powerful, strong and impenetrable tools that Allah subhanho wa Taala has given you and you will most definitely achieve great things in this world, as well as the hereafter May Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive us of our sins, many accept our good deeds, and just as how united see in this beautiful message men unite us in the gardens of gender with our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I mean we're further away and you can do the latter

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behind me

A Jumuah sermon delivered on the 05th of February, 2016 at the Wellawatte Jumuah Masjid, Colombo 06 in Sri Lanka.

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