Muiz Bukhary – Gems From The Qur’an – Ramadhan 2016 – Day 8

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of Islam and its use in relation to sex, as well as the potential presence of aliens and life forms on the surface of the Milky Way galaxy. They also touch on the idea of "overwhelm" and the importance of feeding fish and maintaining healthy eating. The segment ends with a discussion of the difference between Easter Sunday and the real world.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen or salat wa salam O Allah Shafi nambia even mousseline Nabina. Habib, Bina, Dr. Nina Mohammed bin Abdullah, Allah, Allah He was happy

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to see him

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so for the fall along with

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RO Billahi min ash shaytani Raji hanumanji

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feet being

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a chef

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one can have your own

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name on a long hola ilaha illa

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planta cuando whoa senior

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level map is

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to fill out the map

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in the evening

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been a de mama

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you're gonna be shaming me in Bhima she

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was the

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Jolla Oh hoo

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hoo li li o now the

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we start off by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala who is no doubt our Creator sustainer nareesha protector and cure. We asked him the almighty to shower his choices of blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam his family members his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of their

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My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, inshallah Tada.

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Today, we're going to be talking about the greatest

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The greatest idea in the novel for

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the Firstly, which AI is the greatest idea in the novel. Oh, and before we delve into that, what is an AI? At times we loosely translated as a worse we say, verses of the noble fun but trust me, English never does justice to the Arabic language. And this term worse is not doing justice at all to the term.

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It's a loose translation of because the term AI can be defined as a sign as a proof as evidence as a miracle. There are a number of meanings that can be suited to the term ayah and there are a number of aspects that are incorporated within the term AI. So each and every ayah in the Quran is just not merely a worse is just not merely a worse like any other words. There are a number of lessons that can be deduced and derived from each and every IRA. There are a number of reflections that can be derived. As you must have been noticing or hammered over the past few days we have been choosing iron after iron, and very briefly talking for about 30 to 45 minutes if you really want to delve

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into the Tafseer of the ayah we can go on and on and on. Mashallah, Mashallah Rahim ALLAH hafiz Muhammad Allah, we have written volumes like encyclopedias in regard to the ayah of the novel.

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And today, we are going to be talking about the greatest of ayat in the Noble Quran, and the few minutes that I have with you all 30 to 45 minutes, I cannot encompass all of the information, the knowledge that is there out there in the books of the sea in regard to this particular Ayah but I'll try my level best to highlight some important points in sha Allah who died. So let's start off with a narration where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once he went to obey in Cambodia laquan obey even capital the loved one and why I'm mentioning this narration is to prove which is the greatest idea in the novel. Because for example, I may say I like the idea this particular idea

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called Eva da Latina Ashraf Wiener unforseen but that by me liking it that does not begin

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The greatest idea or perhaps you might say I like was he called Lavina cafaro Villa Johanna Masai Mara and that whole passage perhaps, but that does not mean that that would become the greatest idea. So how would we determine which is the greatest idea? Either Allah subhanho wa Taala would have to state that this idea is the greatest idea or sort of like you said a long Winding usnm would have to state that this idea is the greatest idea

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so to license Islam once he went to obey human capital the law one and he asked him Yeah, obey the remember obey human capital, the law one was from one of the most knowledgeable companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in regard in regard to the Quran. He was from one of the most knowledgeable companions obey even capital, the Aloha personality and goes to him and asked me to obey, which is in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the greatest Ayah which ayah in the Quran is the greatest Dyer obey. Just like all the other companions, he would not, you know, they're a step ahead of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he knew the answer, but he said Allah pseudo Allah,

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Allah and His Messenger know best that's what I said I repeated the question yeah, okay. Tell me which I because as soon as li li Salam is more or less testing of a given cap, but the other one which i is the greatest idea in the novel, once again obeyed human capital, the last one Allah,

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Allah and His Messenger Novus also like salesianum knows that obey human capital the law one knows the answer. So he keeps repeating the question yeah, obey tell me which is the greatest idea

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after repeating a number of times finally will be even capital the last one who he responds yes to the law. I could see I could see the sort of law he said a long while you it was a limb then taps to be human capital, the loved one you know, like how we would do you know, when we went to friends meet, they basically, you know, you tap the shoulder of the person or tap him on the chest, you know, it's a manly, manly gesture. He did not punch him. He just tapped him. He tapped over human capital, the loved one and said, Yeah, well, Monday. Yeah. Monday, that was the cornea of human capital, the law one by one in whose hand is my soul.

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Okay, before that, he said, Congratulations, congratulations upon your knowledge. he congratulated obey human capital, the law one one in regard to his knowledge. And in regard to getting the correct answer. specialized knowledge, let's acknowledge the answer have already been calculated. I said, congratulations. Yeah, a Bellman there by the one in whose hand is my soul. It has a tongue and two lips ayatul kursi has a tongue and it has two lips and it glorifies the savarin. It glorifies Allah subhanho wa Taala at the foot of the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala ayatul kursi. Now, let's move to translate ayatul kursi

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kursi is translated as the worse of the footstool of Allah subhanho wa Taala the words of the footstool of Allah azza wa jal, some people translated as the words of the throne, but there is a difference between ash and cusi. Ash is the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala. We will talk about the difference when we come to it in ayatul kursi. But now to go ahead with it I takushi is translated as the words of the footstool of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is understood even in this hydrophone Islamism states that it is by the foot of the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala. It has a tongue, it has two lips, and it glorifies the sovereign it glorifies Ally's origin. Amazing.

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So from this we understand, which is the greatest idea in the novel for an

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ayah I could see I could see is the greatest iron and now we're going to talk about why ayatul kursi is the greatest idea in the novel for us. But before we do that, there is another heading that I would like to share with you on a very interesting heading. And this has been recorded in the book of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah, what happened was once there was some wealth that came in Zakah, money and soda money, you know, money, charity, money, if you will, that came in, and it was accumulated somewhere close to the vital man, if you will, and also nationalism, he appoints Abu huraira, or the other one, we're all familiar with Abu huraira, the alarma he's aligned Islam

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appoints him to guard that money to be a guard over that money. So the last one, he takes on the task after he has been appointed by the prophet sallallahu Sallam and he goes and guards the world of soccer. Now what happens nightfalls and now whilst Abu huraira the last one was guarding the wealth, suddenly, he notices the silhouette of an individual you know, the shadowy figure of a man slinking by the wealth and robbing from the pilfering from the well, there must have been money, there must have been, you know, food items, a lot of stuff. So this man was pilfering away from the web. The other one was put in charge to see that this does not happen. So he runs to the man and he

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catches them and he catches him right hand and he says, Your Honor, I'm going to produce you in front of the

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as allies, why are you stealing? Stealing is a bad thing? Yes or no. So I'm going to produce it in front of the office ally. Listen, we have been stealing from the wealth of the cat from the wealth of South Africa from the charity. Well, how dare you, I'm going to produce you infinite promise. Alan is now the man. He orchestrates the drama. He says, Oh, please forgive me. I'm a poor individual. My family is starving. And he, you know, he puts out a fancy story. And he begs and pleads by Abu huraira. The last one, the last one in general. He was a very kind hearted individual, soft nature. So after listening to the story of the man, he felt sorry for him. And at the end of

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the day, he hadn't taken anything because he had caught him red handed. He warned him and he let him go. He want him and let him go. Now morning comes and Abu huraira the other one, he crosses paths with the professor Allison. Allison and they both meet and before he could say anything nice. Alison asked me about Herrera. What happened to your visitor last night? What happened to visitor last night now over the long run? He's bought red handed now, you know,

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who knows about it. Then he told him about what happened. And then also, like I said, I listen to Jabba Herrera. He will come tonight as well. He will come tonight as well. Now. The last one he is on is God.

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This guy's a troublemaker. He came last night I let him go the Prophet sublicensing he'll come tonight as well. This time I'm going to catch him and I'm not releasing him Come what may 9 comes in Alberto Devon is on his guard. He is very, you know, alert and he wants to catch the man. Just as how the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said so the man comes and he sees him pilfering

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the alarm and runs and catches the man and says Look, I'm not gonna let you go. You can say whatever you want to say. I'm not letting you go because the prophets Allah is no more than me that you will come you are a sly cunning man. You promise me you told me all kinds of stories today. But here you are no pilfering again. Again, the man orchestrates a long story and he please and cries and he almost you know, falls down by the knees of the bigs above the other one once again due to his kind nature. Due to him being soft hearted. He lets the man go from this, we understand that the Sahaba didn't lay down I lay my mind. They were very kind hearted. They were very kind hearted. He was so

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soft hearted that he let him go a second time as well. morning comes. And again he crosses paths to the promised land Islam and he's expecting it also lies Alison have asked me about what happened to your guests last night. And the other one tells him the same story teleprompter lies in the same story and also nice knowledge and

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he will come tonight as well. This time I will forever have

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Nothing doing. I'm going to produce this man. You know, whatever he says he can cry tears of blood, I'm going to produce them in front of him. He's not getting away this time. third night, the man comes up whoever catches him. And this time, the man knows three strikes and you're out three strikes and you're out so he knows he doesn't stand a chance. He tells the alarm on Yamaha. Barbara, what if I teach you have something really important narration goes along the lines of these words. What if I teach you have something really important, something of vital importance. Now this intrigued about Rio de la he thought, What can this man who's pilfering away, he's going to teach me

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something really important. That's one thing that we can understand. Another thing that we can derive from this is that they were ardent students of knowledge. Abu huraira, Yama, Juan Romero de la when they were students of knowledge, and they wanted to seek knowledge wherever possible. Now this man was saying that he's going to share something,

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piece of information, a piece of knowledge. And the last one was very inquisitive and very intrigued by this. He said, Okay, fine, tell me what you want to tell and then we'll see.

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Then the man says, whenever you go to sleep, whenever you go to sleep, read ayatul kursi. Read. I could see the verses that I read at the beginning, from Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah for you, until the end, he says, read ayatul kursi. And if you read ayatul kursi a God will be appointed by Allah subhanho wa Taala as you sleep to look after you to protect you until morning comes.

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Now, when this man said this, a boomer era, the loved one was intrigued, because he knew of the power of ayatul kursi he knew of the grandeur of ayatul kursi. And he felt that this man has to be telling the truth. No, because he had agree. He lets the man go, morning comes he meets the prophets, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Islam once again asks me about what happened with your guests. Now it also

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tells the prophets Allah, Allah, this is what happened. And something amazing he taught me about ayatul kursi and he said, If I were to read ayatul kursi if I were to read kursi every night before I sleep, a God will be appointed over me by Allah subhanho wa Taala to protect me from the devils to protect

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From the gymnasts to protect me from all forces of evil that are out there until morning comes, and I was really amazed by

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this and then at that point, he says

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sada will who can do? He has spoken the truth, whilst in reality, he is a liar, a filthy liar.

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Yeah, but do you know who that man was? He was none other than shavon

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shavon who came in the guise of a human being? Okay? And he taught about where are the alumni who this?

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Now we're not taking the statements of shaitaan we're not taking the statements of shaytaan noisy our hosts that you understand, but we are taking the words of the prophets of Allah while evaluating. Islam acknowledged. He said, sort of he has spoken the truth whilst in reality, normally he lies he keeps on his a bag of lies. But this time, he has spoken the truth. This time, he has spoken the truth. So the work I do so many brothers and sisters in Islam, this is another aspect of ayatul kursi in regard to its power, in regard to its

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the attributes that have been associated or rather the power that Allah subhanho wa Taala has given that particular verse, When you read the ayah Allah subhanho wa Taala appoints a god, Allah subhanho wa Taala protects you until the next morning. Apart from that there is another Hadith of the Prophet of Allah Islam that whoever reads it in the morning and in the evening he'll be protected from all harms, from all forces of evil in the morning and in the evening. We should make it part of our daily as

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well. There is another Hadith where the prophets Allah Allah Islam is report perhaps the one who reads it tuberculous Allah, the One who reads it after every Sora after every Salama tuba after every five of after every follow from the five daily Salawat that individual lamium now whom in the Julio Jana Illa mo nothing will prevent that individual from entering gender except death. So death will be the only thing that will prevent you in the in the sense that would result in you entering gender so by reading it, you are securing gender for yourself. By reading ikusi you are securing gender for yourself. Now, let's talk about the ayah word toward inshallah very swiftly the study the

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idea a little bit Allah subhanho wa Taala starts off by saying Allahu Allah,

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in in La Jolla, high Europa,

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a la la ilaha illa, who alpha alpha yom. Now the term of law, like I mentioned the other day is laughable jalala, it is one of the greatest Names of Allah subhanho wa Taala and all the names of Eliza that Allah has an infinite number of names. Allah has a number, a number of names, an infinite number of names, and all these names point out to the term Allah. And this term Allah is mentioned roughly around 3500 times in the noble Koran Allah. So this is the term that we are very familiar with. This is the term that Allah subhanho wa Taala is known by so Allahu La Ilaha Illa there is no deity worthy of worship other than him. Now at times people translate law in the law as there is no

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god worthy of worship other than Allah. But in reality, the translator let the translation Islamic Buddha be Hopkinsville will do the law in the sense there is no deity worthy of worship other than Allah, all of our worship needs to be rendered unto Allah subhanho wa Taala I'll hide the ever living, the eternal, the one who lives forever and ever Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah Hi, you and I, we are all going to perish we are all going to die. Allah subhanho wa Taala has no beginning Allah subhanho wa Taala has no end who will who will ask? Allah subhanho wa Taala is the beginning and Allah subhanho wa Taala is the end there is no beginning before Allah subhana wa tada there is no

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end after Eliza budget. Allah is everything. Allahu La Ilaha Illa who has high alpha you? Allah, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Al hamdu and takashima sama was one of the woman fee him He is the one who is sustaining the heavens and the earth. Every single atom, every single molecule that is present within the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah is the Sustainer Allah is the maintainer. So you are declaring all of this when you start off the verses Allahu La Ilaha Illa will hydrocal you And like I mentioned the other day is moolah Hill out on the Greatest Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala is encapsulated within this higher because there is one particular Hadith where the Prophet

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sallallahu Sallam his report rep said that is McGraw Hill album The name of allah if you were to invoke him by that name, you will be answered it is in three places and realize the mental dimensions local bacara. So Allah imraan and Surah Taha Surah Baqarah surah imraan surah Taha is hidden within these three sutras and they ask God

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Those who have commented that in SoCal Baccarat The worst is Allahu Allah ilaha illa

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Allah imraan and if

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Allah hoonah in LA who will hire you for you?

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And in Surah Taha wanna deal with juvenile high yield for you so as you can see a high alpha Yun comes in different all three if So based on this there are scholars who stated at higher volume is his mobile hit album The Greatest Name of Allah subhana wa tada so my dear brothers and sisters in Islam as you can see you're starting off Allahu La Ilaha Illa What are you and then you launch into stating

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who the who sinner

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sinner means slumber like some of the brothers at times, you know when the cotton climbs on top of the carpet and he starts reading the football What do we do Mashallah.

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this was the rock like a rocking chair. This is sinner. This is the tiny nap slumber. Now, deep sleep, we're in the night you go and you sleep. You sleep and even if a thunderstorm happens, it doesn't wake you up. You're fast asleep. That's a deep slumber, a tiny slumber not a deep sleep. None of this overtakes Allah Subhana Horton who the Who? Senato while No, sleep never overtakes alized origin. There is a famous Heidi abou Musashi, the long one who he states in a lot

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of a lot while he when he was selling his report to have said in Omaha Elena De La Nina

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uniform La la la la Molina, Rama Luna Hari favela Emily lane, hey Jabu, loca, hula hopper to the heart what he meant. He was a woman holiday, alchemical

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powerful words the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Indeed, Allah does not sleep nor does it benefit his majesty of glory that he sleeps. Yes, we do. Notice though, he raises the scales of things and he lowers them. You found Elena cobalamin in the heart, the deeds of the night go up to him before the deeds of the day. the deeds of the day go up to him before the deeds of the night. Now comes about the important part of the Hadith. Hey, boo No, the vein of Allah subhanho wa Taala is made of light, the veil of Allah subhanho wa Taala is made of light, low kashia who

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had to what he meant to her he basalt human, if Allah subhanho wa Taala were to remove that veil of his, the light of the countenance of the face of Allah subhanho wa Taala the light of the face of Allah subhanho wa Taala would burn every single creation in the path of the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now talking about paths of sight, you and I, we have paths of sight Yes or no? like say for example, I can see until that wall, I can't see beyond the wall. You all can see until the wood carving perhaps you can see what's happening beyond the wood carving, it would be really interesting if we could see inside walls, and Mashallah, there'll be a lot of gossip and there'll be a lot of

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things happening, we'll be able to see in everybody's houses. But these days, you know, with Instagram and Snapchat, you actually are looking into everybody's houses. But anyway, there is a part of site that you can see limited distance like say if you were to climb on

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a tall building, whichever the building may be bah bah, bah, whichever the building, you climb on top of the building, there is a limit that you can see. Perhaps you'll be able to see for miles but there is a limit and past that you won't be able to see. But does Allah subhanho wa Taala have a limited path of sight.

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A lot of sight Allah sees everything, not a tiny black and crawls on a dark surface in the middle of the night. Except that Allah subhanho wa Taala hears the footsteps of that end, and except that Allah subhanho wa Taala sees that end. So scholars explain if that's the case, if nothing is hidden from Allah subhanho wa Taala like say for example, what Allah, Allah Allah, I'm not giving you this example but I just want you to understand this.

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Now what is the state

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if Allah were to remove the his way, the light of his face would burn every single creation in the path of his sight. Now let's take that example to a human being and I'm not attributing it to Allah, I'm just trying to make you understand if it were to be attributed to a human being like say, for example, if the light of your face or let's say the light of your eyes, were to burn every single Think of yourself as Superman, and Superman has a laser that comes from the laser that comes from his eyes. So think that if the laser were to come from your eyes, it's going to burn every single thing in the part of your sight. So basically, wherever you look, the laser is going to burn. So if

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I'm going to look at you, I'll burn all of you. Yes, but then I won't be able to burn past the wall because my site ends there. Allah subhanho wa Taala

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As site does not end well in this example is in no way in comparison to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Lisa committed he said there's nothing in comparison to Allah subhanho wa Taala but just for our weak minds to understand, nothing is hidden from the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So if Allah were to remove the way in the light of his face would burn every single creation of his because nothing is hidden from the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala we would all be burned to ashes, Musa alayhis salam wanted to see Allah subhanho wa Taala because he learned so much. He asked Allah azza wa jal that he wants to see him, Allah azza wa jal did not remove his way, but instead, a part of

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his light was deflected onto a mountain not to move onto a mountain and that mountain crumble to bits in awe and fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala and that left musalla is that was Salaam, unconscious. This is the power of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Not

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neither the sleep loss number overtake a lost animal. So Henceforth, whenever you read it to see when you come to this point that

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you're not skimming over it you have to think of all of this year to ponder and process all that I mentioned in Nevada, Hannah, Montana. Hey, Jabu Jabu, your think of all of this when you read a lot who the who's in Atlanta. Okay. But amazingly, it is not in there. lahoma, Mr. Tomasson, everything that is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala Lahu. Matthew somato McLeod. Now here My dear brothers and sisters and stuff. There's a lengthy discussion there's a lengthy discussion similar to what I mentioned the other day that we are part of the Milky Way galaxy, there are 100 billion galaxies apart from our galaxy. Within our galaxy, we have the solar system, we have

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the sun, we have all the other planets, and we are part of planet Earth. Now just think of it this way. If you have Google Maps on your phone, Google Maps take it and when you open it up, what happens it will show you the globe. It'll show you the globe and you click that button to show where you are. It will show you it will rotate and show you that you are in the Maldives. Mashallah beautiful country, Maldives, and then when you zoom in, it's a beautiful country, but you can't even see it on the map. It's so beautiful. You can't even see it on the map. Why? Because obviously it consists of an archipelago of 2000 islands that fit you on one island. you zoom in, zoom in zoom in.

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Then you come into Marlin you'll see Marlin The only the letters but you can see the spec and then you zoom zoom zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom. You have to keep zooming zooming, zooming, zooming until finally you will hit here must ignore Masha Allah. Nora miski you will come here and then you will see yourself here. Think about it. One tiny speck in the grand the universe of Allah subhanho wa Taala nothing if you were to zoom out, Mali, Maldives, Asia keeps zooming out Planet Earth keeps zooming out. And then the other planet you see Mars you will see the sun keeps zooming out and then you come to the Milky Way galaxy keep zooming out, and then all the other 100 billion galaxies out

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there. The Houma mafia, everything belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala. There is a discussion here that there is a possibility that there could be aliens. Although Allah Allah knows best, we're not being definite here. We don't know. But there is a possibility. There are 100 billion galaxies out there. Maybe there can be some life forms that are present in those planets in those galaxies. Just in case hypothetically if there are any aliens, they are also under the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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they don't have another inner they don't have another god. They're all subject to Allah subhanho wa Taala the Houma mahatama everything belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Mandela vs Pharaoh are in the 1180 and then Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to say that who can intercede who can even intercede but Allah subhanho wa Taala except with the permission of Allah subhanho wa Taala the home office Mr. Tomasson Oh the Mandela the short window in the evening Okay. Now, this intercession shefa is generally the weakest position like say for example, if you go to an individual you have different levels of power, like if you were in control, you would order like say for example, if you were in control, you would say switch off the fan switch off the lights because you are in control. But if you are not in control, you make sure that you would go to that person

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and say you know what, can you please get a job for so and so, can you please do this for so can you please perhaps consider this can you consider that you make shefa but even that is not possible except by the permission of Allah subhanho wa Taala mendon at the ash flower in the evening. Yeah, I never been a de mama for an okay in terms of intercession. Well, last panel that I mentioned that is because Allah owns everything, and even seeking intercession by Allah subhanho wa Taala should happen to the permission of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And even if we were to all ask Allah

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Hannah Montana, nothing would reduce from the ownership from the kingdom of Allah subhanho wa Taala famous Hadith from his report, perhaps it is good to see at the school This is basically the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala that have been reported to us by Rasulullah sallallahu is not considered the Koran it is from the mid to late 90s. numerous reports have said that Allah azza wa jal said no and I wonder

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if the first from the first of you onto the last person basically, if all of mankind from the time of our father administer to Islam, until the last person to set foot on the face of this earth, all of gin came from the first gin to the last gen, if we were all together on a huge plane on a huge, flat area. And if we were to ask Allah subhanho wa Taala each and every one of us were to ask Allah subhanho wa Taala something. And if Allah were to grant all of our requests, not just 7 billion human beings from the time of Adam Elisa to slam onto the last person to set foot on the face of this earth is allowed to give all of our requests.

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Nothing would reduce from the treachery of Allah subhanho wa Taala even to the extent of you dipping a needle into the ocean, if you were to dip a needle into the ocean, how much of water would that needle contain? That much, even that much would not reduce from the treasure is and from the kingdom from the dominion of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah is that powerful. He is a big mama hold for him. Allah subhanho wa Taala knows there are a couple of ways of translating this. Allah knows what is in front of you and what is behind you. In the sense you can talk about it in literal directions. Allah knows what is ahead of you, what is behind you, what is to the right of you what is to the left of

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you, Allah knows all around you. That is one way. Another thing is Allah knows your past. Allah knows your future. Allah knows where you came from. And Allah knows where you are headed. In terms of Allah, Allah knows everything where you are headed, what you're going to do, Allah knows everything. Nothing is hidden from Allah subhanho wa Taala right after this talk, where you're going, perhaps you're going home, you're going to the office, perhaps you internet msgid perhaps you're going to Mashallah play some cricket or football. Allah subhanho wa Taala knows what you're going to do. Nothing is hidden from the knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala not only falls in the

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far away jungles of Africa, except that Allah subhanho wa Taala knows about it, nothing is hidden from the knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Another way of translating it is that Allah subhanho wa Taala knows all that which is apparent and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows all that which is hidden. What we make apple and Mashallah You look very righteous, very pious, we make those things happen and I'm a very well mannered, good natured gentleman. Allah knows this. And Allah knows the deep dark secrets that we hide inside of us. We all have skeletons in our closets. The deep dark secrets that behind Allah subhanho wa Taala knows each and every secret that you hide, there is

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nothing that you can hide from Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah knows that with that which we hide in our hearts and in our minds May Allah subhanho wa Taala purify our hearts I mean two three ways of looking at the time yeah Nemo Marina de mama cellphone. Wanna you here to Navy shaman enemy ilahi Masha? Allah subhanho wa Taala declares that he knows everything. And then Allah goes on to say in terms of our knowledge, whether you hate to be shaped nothing, this Akira is ccfp nephew in the sense the innocence it comes in the in an ambiguous state to state that we know nothing. We know nothing. What are you hating to be a mean enemy? We know nothing in Alabama except that which Allah

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subhanho wa Taala has given us Houma ot to Manila, la minakari de las panatela states that we have given you from knowledge a very little, sometimes with that little we think, Oh, I'm so and so genius, PhD holder, Doctor, engineer, and we think you know, I'm a scientist, I know how this works. I know how that works. Does God really exist? And we ask all these questions with that little knowledge that we have was Allah subhanho wa Taala states that we are the ones who gave you that little knowledge. And if we were to think not to give you the knowledge, we wouldn't give you that knowledge, but Allah knows everything.

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And then it was for Hannah Montana states was the hukou see you who somehow it

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is could see extends over the heavens and the earth now malphur by natural rock man well kusi now comes about the discussion in terms of the difference or the comparison between the arch of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the cusi like I mentioned earlier,

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aatish can be translated as the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the term Arash is mentioned in the number four and roughly around 11 times, while scusi is only mentioned in ayatul kursi in this particular verse, only once. Now we have a hadith that has been recorded by economist Rudy Allahu anhu. He states that we have, how many heavens do we have? We have? How many heavens? seven heavens, okay, seven heavens. So he says the distance from each heaven from the first heaven to the second Heaven, 500 years

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The 500 years it could be in our time, it could be according to the time of Allah subhanho wa Taala if it is according to the time by Allah subhanho wa Taala one day by Allah azza wa jal is methodology. It is equivalent to 1000 years of our time, one day of Allah Farah is equivalent to 1000 years of our time, one day, it could be 500 years of our time, which is also a very long period, five centuries, basically five lifetimes, you know, or it could be 500 years by Allah subhanho wa Taala then you have to do a lot of math. You have to multiply each day by 1000 years and do the math. I don't think the calculator will be able to handle it 500 years but I was promoted

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from the first heaven the second Heaven, second heaven to third heaven 500 years third to fourth 500 years fourth to fifth 500 years 50 to 600 years, six to seven 500 years, seven to the kursi seven to the kursi 500 years. And from the kursi above the kursi there is water according to Heidi there is water, there is man water, and over the water is actual rock man the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah azza wa jal is above that throne as he states in the noble Koran.

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Thomas novalash

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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it will be no more visit to Mr. Weiland ash, Allah subhanho wa Taala has ascended over his throne Kama elocution he regularly in a manner that befits his majesty and glory. So you can see there's a pussy there's water and then there is our chef Allah subhanho wa Taala and this hadith is malkuth malkuth in the sense it stops by even the Machado de la one, but the scholars have classed as Morocco Morocco in the sense they attribute it to Islam because he was older the loved one would not speak in regard to matters of the life except that he would have heard it from the prophets of Allah when he when he visited. He will not concoct stories even he was older the other one he would have

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heard it from sola he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I hope that's clear. There's another Hadith and this hadith is just outstanding. Emma Kathy Rahim Allah He mentioned in his book, I'll be there when he had the book of the beginning. And the end, if I'm not mistaken is Abu Dhabi, the one who makes mention of the narration in terms of the comparison between the action the kursi he states

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listen to this example.

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If you take a desert

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for this example, let's take the Sahara desert you know how was the Sahara desert is say at times you're flying over the desert and you see the rocky barren lands and you're just amazed you know, look at this land, it's so bad and it's dry. Such a huge was desert and desert in a sense. I'm not talking about the chocolate desert, talking about the barren desert people are hungry.

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now in this desert,

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if you were to throw one tiny iron ring, ring that you were on your finger, if you were to throw it on the desert, say you're flying above the desert and you dropped the ring. You just throw it out of the window, you can't open the window in the plane but say if you could it maybe you're taking a chopper if you're going in a helicopter, you throw the ring

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will you be able to find that ring? Yes if it had a GPS tracker you would be able to find it but if it did not if it was just a traditional ring, would you be able to find that ring, it will be like looking for a needle in the haystack like they say you would never be able to find that ring. Because why that ring is tiny, tiny so tiny in comparison to the vast desert. Now that is the comparison between the seven heavens and the earth put together in comparison to the cool see. The seven heavens and the earth is the tiny ring and the kursi of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the was

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the example doesn't end there. Again think of an iron ring in the desert. But now the kursi has become the iron ring and the audition of Allah Subhana Medina is the was desert.

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Your mind just fails to comprehend. It's just mind boggling. mind boggling. Our minds cannot comprehend the grandeur and the greatness of the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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This is the difference between the Irish and the koozie. So you can just imagine such a vast difference. And the Irish belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So scholars, the scholars, there's a difference of opinion there are scholars who translate as the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And some say that the Guzzi is part of the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala the foot part of the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala and there are others who stayed the course is the footstool of Allah azza wa jal because it is located by the foot of the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala I hope it's clear. So this is the grandia of the cusi and the arch of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And Allah says, What's

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the accuracy you will somehow it will have the cushy metallic extends and encompasses over the heavens and the earth while Whoo hoo

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and the maintaining of them both

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He the heavens and the earth and all that it contains, does not tie Allah subhanho. Just say if someone were to the other day also, I told you this example if someone were to put you in charge of feeding all the fish in the ocean, just imagine how tired you would become that you may be in charge of the Ministry of Food finance or whatnot. Perhaps you're the president of the world, you may have all the money with you. But if you were to be entrusted with the responsibility of feeding every fish will that will that not tie you we will become stressed within I think a couple of hours we won't even be able to think of it to feed every single creation of Allah Allah, Allah azza wa jal mo

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sama hamachi while

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he maintains everything and he does not tie Allah subhanho wa Taala, the tiny, tiniest bit even and then Allah capsule of the ayah by saying well eyelid julho de and He is the Most High, the most greatest, loosely translating it we can translate as the Most High, the most greatest, but li li in and of itself is a lengthy discussion, allow them in and of itself is a lengthy discussion. And it in essence, Allah is high above high above his creation, high above everything. Allah is the his motto because Allah Allah is the highest, there's nothing more higher than Allah Subhana Allah, Allah is the Greatest there is nothing, no one greater than Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is what

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we declare when we take with Allahu Akbar, we put everything behind us and we say Allah we declare, Allah is the Greatest, there is no one nothing greater than Allah subhanho wa Taala My business is not greater than Allah My office is not greater than allow my family is not greater than Allah, nothing is greater than Allah, Allah is the Greatest for me. And this is how we kept off the ayah when I lead unity, so my dear brothers and sisters in Islam. Now do you understand why this ayah is the greatest is the greatest ayah in the noble form, because it almost encapsulates roughly around 20 odd names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala within this one

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and this is why this ayah is the greatest if

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I'm sure and I hope that most of you must have memorized it to see if you have not please do memorize it because it is the greatest idea in the novel and make it a practice to read it often. If you want to protect yourself from all the forces of evil that are out there, the Jena the devils are shouting that was worse if you want to protect yourself from Blackmagic from evil I have said all these things that I read it to see as much as possible. If you want to protect your house from the forces of evil, read it as much as possible. scholars say that if your house is disturbed by the Janata by the devil's lead circle buffer the entire super buffer if you cannot read the entire

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circle Baccarat at least read ayatul kursi because it is part of pseudo Bukhara and as you all know for the Baccarat itself is a powerful surah that protects your house from all the forces of evil. If you cannot read the entire surah then read ayatul kursi it will protect you it is like an armor. You know the soldiers wear this armor before they go on to the battlefield to protect themselves from harm. Likewise ikusi every single day when you read it, it is a spiritual armor that you dawn on yourself before you head out to protect yourself from all the forces of evil that are out there. May Allah subhanho wa Taala save us all. May Allah azzawajal open the doors of understanding for all of

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us. I mean with that I conclude ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive us of our sins to accept our good deeds. And just as how he united he invested No Man United in the gardens of general our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Meanwhile, hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen de como la

Day 8 of ‘Gems From The Qur’an’ series – Ramadhan 2016 presented by Sheikh Muiz Bukhary at Masjid Noor, Maldives.

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