Muiz Bukhary – Gems From The Qur’an – Ramadhan 2016 – Day 6

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The importance of staying true to Islam is emphasized in a series of segments and advice. Prayer, setting goals, bringing in Islam's elements, and avoiding confusion and misunderstandings are discussed. The Greatest Name of Allah is recommended as a way to avoid loss of worship and avoid wasting time. The importance of staying on the streets is emphasized, and the need to be persistent and not give up on drama is emphasized. The timing of events is also discussed, with a recap of upcoming panel discussions and a promise to write down questions and ideas.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam O Allah Ashraful ambia evil mousseline Nabina Habib in our union

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Mohammed bin Abdullah Allahu Allah, Allah He was happy he of sadati will attempt to sleep

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for patata la Cotabato COVID Salah for analyzes

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the villa he mean ashamed banyuwangi me

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Boko Madani

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Isa hono nyjah

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manda theory hearing me

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All praise and thanks we don't mind the loss of headphones

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with no doubt our Creator sustainer nareesha protect and cure. We asked him the almighty to shower his choices of blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam, his family members his companions and all those who tread upon his bath with utmost sincerity until the day of

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my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, inshallah Allah. Today I'm going to be sharing with you all a few powerful tips to unlock the potential of your

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we are in the last 10 nights of Ramadan

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to third of the month of Ramadan just flew past us and all that we have got remaining with us roughly around another 10 days of this amazing month. And you all know in terms of the word shoe that has been attached to the last 10 nights of Ramadan and especially the night that is known as the knight of power, otherwise known in the Arabic language as a Laila to Qatar.

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As believers you and I we all have to strive during the last 10 nights of Ramadan to achieve this amazing night known as Laila through cada Do we know as to when later through father will fall or will occur. This is something that has been hidden from us but Allah subhanho Medina, and there are many reasons as to why Allah subhanho wa Taala has hidden it from us there was a specific reason during the time of the prophets of Allah it really was Selim, but in terms of the general reason it is so that we strive throughout the last 10 nights of Ramadan doing as many good deeds as possible.

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And this night, as I'm sure most of you might be aware of Allah Subhana Medina he states in the Noble Quran in regard to it.

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FY 19 Wakanda wama karma Hina Toluca lane and to ponder a

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in Angela who feel a little colder indeed we sent it down either for our during length or during the night of power, Mama draw camelina Marlena ricotta and what will make you understand or perceive what this night of power is, and that Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to describe Laila to pottery higher amin and Fisher that the night of power it is better than 1000 monks 1000 months 1000 months divided by 12 mathematicians in the house 1000 divided by 12 83.3333 years roughly around 84 years this one night is better than 84 years so even though we don't know when led through further will precisely occur. What we can do is that because most definitely we more or less get up every single

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night yeah, we get up we pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala there are some of us who indulge in worship throughout the night there are some who wake up for part of it either way you wake up somehow or another throughout the these last 10 nights so make it a point to have your two eyes ready.

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I shall do one one ask the professor listen him if I were to coincide with this night What What should I pray for? So realize that a lot while he already was had a daughter read this a lot home in Nicaragua to hipbone laugh was funny, but Allah Allah,

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you are the most forgiving in the Garifuna to him and you love to pardon you love to forgive me, forgive me. So have all of these dryers ready? Perhaps you have specific requests. Each and every one of us we have our own list of specific dryers, keep them ready and make these dryers

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every single night because you're bound to coincide with each other, if you wake up every single night and make the same list of,

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say for example, you make a dua Allah make me a half.

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Or Allah make me a half, it'll give me an example. You make it on day, night, night, one night, two nights, three nights, four nights, five nights, six nights 799899 and 910, you're made the same day throughout the 10 nights. Now what is assured?

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You have coincided with later Truvada because you woke up every single night and you made this specific. So most definitely, this drive is going to be answered with Allah subhanho wa Taala because whether you know it or not, you would coincide with the natural color and Allah will answer this door and you will become a hospital for our insha Allah.

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Another example, make it a point to give out some sort of every single night, say you give out $1 at the very least $1 per night. Okay, so throughout the 10 nights you will end up spending $10 Okay.

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But inevitably, you will coincide with each other because you're given out $1 every single night that $1 is now going to be multiplied across at four years.

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30 days per month, 1000 months 32,000 30,000 days $30,000 by giving out $1 you're getting the reward of $30,000.

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So you give out $10 multiply that by 10 $300,000. Say you give $100 per night, multiply that again and the math goes on.

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Amazing mind blowing. So make sure that you do as many good deeds as possible. If you read the four and that is multiplied you give us other code that is multiplied you make the art that is most definitely answered by Allah subhanho wa Taala you pray for that that is going to be multiplied by Allah Subhana who wants to do as many good deeds as possible during these last 10 nights and most importantly focus on because this is the time for you to knock on the door of the King of all kings Allah subhanho wa Taala

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inshallah, we're going to be like I said, sharing a few tips.

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So tip number one is to when you're making dua, you are supposed to believe firmly in the head, in the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala you have to believe in the head and you have to bring in a flash this dry you are making solely under a loss of Hannah Montana because according to one particular had

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a bad outcome a college that was lambda is a bad one is worship according to the words of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and as you all know any worship any activity that you run down to a loss of Hannah Montana the element of a flask has to be present. If If loss is not present, it is not going to be acceptable a loss of Hannah Montana you can play 1000 rock ad you can play 1000 record but it will not be acceptable loss of Hannah Montana if you don't bring in the element of Islam sincerity unto Allah subhanho wa Taala. So this is tip number one And tip number two you have to believe firmly in tawheed in the oneness of Allah Subhana Medina and number two you have to bring in

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a floss. You have to bring in a floss Allah subhanho wa Taala he states in the noble Koran in regard to what does anybody need in Korea? What is Anika Diani if my slaves ask you or Mohammed sal Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam about me. Look, Allah subhana wa tada is directing the conversation towards Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then responding directly but he does anybody have any for Indian curry? Then let them know that I am most definitely close to them for any party, Allah subhanho wa Taala instead of at that point directing the conversation towards Mohammed said a long winding radius. And then he responds directly to us by saying for me, Kareem, I am close. So

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whenever you raise your hands to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, Allah is definitely close to you and Allah is waiting to answer your mela Horta, Allah accept all of our advice, I mean,

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moving on, tip number three call upon Allah subhanho wa Taala using his beautiful names, Allah azza wa jal has so many beautiful names and attributes that we can address him with. And there is a reason as to why Allah subhanho wa Taala has so many names for us to call him through Allah subhanho wa Taala. He stated the noble Koran

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when in asthma will house

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weather will levena Luna Fie asthma in San Eugene zona. We know that Allah in a sense, the Most Beautiful Names belong to allow why they let him smell pasta.

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To Allah belongs the most beautiful of names for there will be so called him make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala call on him using these names of Allah subhanho wa Taala whether levena Yun Haden, FEMA and leave the company of those who belie or deny Allah subhanho wa Taala are the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So you do zona Macondo, Dr. Malone and they will be recruited for what they used to do, they will be required for what they used to do. Now, my dear brothers and sisters is that there's an important point that needs to be highlighted here. And that is in regard to ismaila Hill. Do you know that there is something known as The Greatest Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala is Mullah

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Hill, the Greatest Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now this The Greatest Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. In regard to this, we have around 14 to 15 opinions from the scholars and I came home a lot discussing this particular Greatest Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. There are some scholars according to some hydroxylases they have said that the Greatest Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala is within the word Allahu Allah, Allah, Allah will tell you, there are some scholars who say that the Greatest Name of Allah is a law because all the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala point towards that name, laughable Jelena Allah, so Allah is the Greatest Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala there are

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some who say and how Europa Yoon is the Greatest Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And there are other scholars who bring in different names. And in regard to the Greatest Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala my development sisters in Islam, if you were to call upon Allah subhanho wa Taala using that name, most definitely your DRI is going to be answered but Allah azza wa jal most definitely, your daughter is going to be answered but Allah subhanho wa Taala but we should not think of the Greatest Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala like some magic lamp, you know, you have Aladdin's magic lamp where you rub the lamp and you get your wishes. No. Even though you call upon Allah using that name, you

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have to fulfill the other guidelines like say, for example, you have to have to hate you have to have a class you have to have DACA if you want your daughter to be answered by Hannah Montana, but interestingly, if you have all of this and you raise your hands using his mother in law than your daughter will be answered but Allah subhanho wa Taala it is guaranteed. Do you know during time of Solomon,

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Solomon It was a very powerful King, a prophet of Allah, and a powerful King.

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A powerful King, so powerful that he makes do unto Allah subhanho wa Taala and I'll be happy the Montana

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the in

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turn one

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Robbie heavily mukalla in Bavaria had him embody well Allah give me a dominion, give me a rule give me a kingdom that you will not give anybody after me in the center will have indeed you are the best of a You are the one who gives Allah subhanho wa Taala answers this two hour so they might listen to Sam. And he was given a kingdom where he ruled over the gin. He ruled over the winds. He ruled over the animals he could understand the language of the animals. The bird converses, he understands the bird, the ants Converse and he understands the ends. So they might realize that was he was given such a powerful dominion. Such a powerful rule, though, as you all know, so long story, but I'll go

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right to the point. There was a point in the story of criminality that was led by the Queen of Sheba. baltus Okay, she was supposed to come to see today man. That was Sarah. Now she and her followers were worshipping God other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. So so the man that was an M, wanted to prove a powerful point to her. It was a message of Dawa, he wanted to prove to her the power of Allah subhanho wa Taala and all that Allah subhanho wa Taala had bestowed upon him. Now she had a grand and magnificent throne, a huge throne, a throne very valuable, and a throne that she can consider very dear to herself. Now so the Mona Lisa, that was a lamp decides to bring that throne to

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his court before she arrived to prove a point to her to prove to her the power of Allah subhanho wa Taala. She is on his she's on her way she has lived she has left her kingdom and she's making her way to the kingdom of Solomon Allah is that was around. So the morality that Islam gathers all his courtiers, all his ministers, all his visitors and he asked them who can bring me the throne of the Queen now who can bring me the throne of the Queen now? Now amidst this court years, there were knowledgeable people, there were scholars there were the jinn there were a lot of people in his quote at that time. So he asks them who can bring me the throne of the Queen Now, a lot of what

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Allah mentioned in the Quran, there was one day

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Who got up and said, caller ID free tominaga Genie and it can be here cabela and Sakuma

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MC and I freed from the gin. Now this particular category of the gin is a very powerful category of the gin. They're very rebellious, and they're very defiant, strong and powerful category of the gym. This gym stands up and says, Okay, I can bring you the throne. And it will be here before you stand up from your place he was seated. So he said before you stand up from your place, the throne will be here. I think of it, he had to travel miles and miles far away to the other kingdom. And a lot of that throne must have weighed a ton, because it must have been encrusted with jewels and must have been made out of precious metals is going to carry the throne, he's not going to duplicate it. It's

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not going to be a made in China copy. It's going to be the real actual throne. It's not going to be an A grade copy. No, it's going to be the actual throne that he's going to bring all the way from there. He says I will bring it to you, before you stand up from your place.

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He declares that and then on the other side, there was a person from the people of knowledge called a levy.

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And it can be a person who had the knowledge of the book, he was a scholar. He says I will bring the throne in the twinkling of an eye before you back your eyelid. Okay, I will bring the throne. He says this statement. So the Mona Lisa blinks and the throne is in front of him. He says it so the Mona Lisa does not even approve. He just blinks his eyes and the throne is in front of him in the twinkling of an eye the throne was brought in front of him.

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Now scholars of the theater mentioned that this person he was able to do it because he knew his mobile health

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and he may do it to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah answered his door and the throne was brought right in front of Sulaiman Herrera introduced in the twinkling of an eye.

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So many brothers and sisters in Islam, it is important that we understand that this name of Allah subhanho Medina is a very powerful name of Eliza and if he is to be invoked using this name, he will most definitely answer your door. But like I said, there are a number of opinions and there are some scholars who state that the name is just not one name. The name is just not one name. It varies from context to context and individual to individual the name changes, Allah has a number of names. So it would depend on your context like say for example, if you want to seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala in your context, and for you as offer becomes a smaller helaba because you are

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seeking the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala so you will cry out unto Allah using algorfa Yaga forgive me and that becomes a smaller outcome for you. Look at the Absalom analizzato Sullivan he asked for the kingdom What did he say? Probably heavily Mukunda in Bosnia had him embody in the

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US as the name will have, you are the giver, you are the best over if you're seeking the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala you will invoke him and you will call upon him using a rough man you will use a Rahim then that becomes the Greatest Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala for you. You want honor? You want dignity then you will call upon Allah subhanho wa Taala Jamar is Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who gives there is honor and dignity that that becomes the greatest number Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala for you. You want expansion in your risk, you will call upon Allah subhanho wa Taala Rosa

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Oh the one who gives provisions and that becomes the Greatest Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So for this, the scholars highlight for you to be able to master this you need to study about the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala and that's why it's so important that we study about the names of alliances the region, if you study in you know the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala then you can use the names accordingly depending on your request, there are a number of names of alliances of origin and whatever your request may be, there is a name to suit that. So that name at that point, at that juncture becomes this McGraw Hill album for you. So for you to know is moolah hit album you will

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need to study about the names and attributes of Allah Subhana Horta. So this is also very closely connected to Mastering the Art of the law and to make sure that your do is answered by Allah subhanho wa Taala

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The next tip is that we should praise Allah subhanho wa Taala as he deserves before we commence our we should praise Allah subhanho wa Taala we have a hadith that has been recorded in the book of Imam intermedia Rahim Allah, that once a man he came into the masjid of the Broncos ally listen them he prayed and he started to ask blah, Oh ALLAH forgive me Allah have mercy upon me. He immediately launched himself into the

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violin when he was taught the man

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You have been too hasty to worship. When you have prayed and when you are sitting first praise Allah as he deserves to be praised. Send blessings upon me and then make dua for praise Allah send blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and then make dua.

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According to another narration the prophets Allah Allah Salamis report Reb said and after your praise the lion many have sent blessings and salutations upon me, then you ask whatever you want after that from Allah subhana wa Tada. So when the professor was teaching this man there was another man who prayed and did justice how the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, and then soon Isla is told this man, a worshipper, now ask whatever you want and your daughter will be answered but Allah subhanho wa Taala so make sure that you praise Allah send blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and then make you do the next step is to send blessings and salutations

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upon Mohammed said along YT videos. We have a hadith that has been recorded in the Sahaba moment Albania Rahim Allah, Allah Allah cinemas report website, every dua is kept back until you send blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam until you send blessings upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, your law is not presented in the court of Allah subhanho wa Taala it is held back it's put on a waiting list. When you send blessings upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that is presented to Allah subhanho wa Taala Do you want your daughter to be on a waiting list forever and ever? Or do you want your daughter to be present in the court of the King

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of all kings? Then make sure that you place a lot of Hannah Montana and send blessings upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Tip number six is to face the Tabler when you make dua. This is not mandatory. This is not obligatory, but it is nice to have according to mama NaVi Rahim Allah did you face the Tabler when you make the DA because there is a hadith that talks about the Battle of better the salicylate Islam and he was asking help from Allah subhanho wa Taala when he was seeking for help from Allah subhanho wa Taala he faced the fibula and he made the de semana de Mola. Based on that he states that it is must have to face the table when you make law. Tip number seven is to raise your hands when you make when you raise your hands. When you make a

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report to have said that your Lord may he be blessed and exalted is kind and most generous. And he is too kind to let his slave if he raises his hands to him to bring it back empty. Whenever you raise your hands on to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah is too kind to give it to to let you drop your hands empty, Allah will answer your door most definitely if you have that firm conviction. Now in terms of raising the hands the number of questions there are those who attempts question Should there be should we place our hands like this? Should we place our hands here? is a hands here? Should there be a gap this much this much this much? Or should it be close? tight? Should we make

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sure you've seen some people when they go for

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like, during

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the day after the keynote, they're very careful, because they don't want to have to fall down. So they carefully bring it down.

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You know, after dry is done so carefully, like it's a piece of glass or something, they bring it down slow. So they carefully that the adults when they make the door they're very careful as if there's some water in the hands. They want to rub it all over the face. So the number of questions that come about in regard to how one is supposed to make the door

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in terms of as to whether you have you're supposed to have a gap in between or not.

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Scholars lecture seminar samian Romulan at the state that in terms of having a gap or not having a gap, there is no sound Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that describes this if you wish you can have a gap if you do not wish you can leave it without a gap. You can hold your hands like this you can hold your hands like this. But what's important is you're not supposed to make it like this. Don't make it like this because it's as if you're saying no I don't want anything now you know just nobody likes to I like this. You're supposed to make your do I like this. But there's no harm as to whether you want to keep a gap in between or not keep a gap in between because there is not going to

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slip and fall in between the gaps. Are you supposed to wipe your face after the do this to the scholars date that there is no sound Heidi to prove this there is no authentic hadith to prove this Allah Harlem. According to some scholars, they said it is better not to wipe your face. According to others. They say it is permissible but there is no hard and fast rule that you must wipe your face after that after that why you must take it and wipe it all over your face for your work to be answered. But Allah subhanho wa Taala No, there is no hard and fast rule in regard to this. But in terms of as to whether we have evidence from the Prophet sallallahu sallam, there are only two or

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three Hadith that last week in regard to wiping your face after the law. So there is no hard and fast rule if you wish you can, but you must not impose it on others when they are making dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala. What's important is to raise your hands when making dua to Allah azza wa jal Tip Number eight, you must have yaqeen that Allah will answer you. You must have the attain you must have certain

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Allah subhanho wa Taala will answer your door. As soon as I listen to Mr. Porter upset call upon Allah when you are certain of a response from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And remember that Allah will not answer a door that comes from a negligent and heedless heart. There are some who May Allah forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, but it's from a negligent and heedless heart. They're not focused in that. There is no

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that sense of urgency in there. They're just making the art for the sake of making dua, that Allah subhanho wa Taala does not respond to such as like, say, for example, you go to someone's house, and you knock the door or you're talking to that person, you're talking to him as if, okay, you're busy with your phone, and you're talking to so and so. Like if someone were to come to me and try to talk to me and I.

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And if I disregard Him, He won't want to talk to me, even if he's busy. He's proud, he doesn't want to talk to me and he leaves. So if you are conversing with Allah, the King of all kings, and if you're going to act as if you don't care, then why should Allah subhanho wa Taala respond to you. But on the other hand, we need to be focused, this is a conversation between you and your Lord. Make sure that you put your heart and your soul into the DA and believe that Allah will respond Allah Most definitely will respond to your number nine, be persistent and keep knocking at the door of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Soon isolationism is report drafted in a hadith the slave will receive will receive a response so long as his law does not involve sin, or severing of family ties. And so long as he is not hasty when you make a draw, you must make sure that you stay away from sin. Because if you contaminate your sin you will not be answered by Allah subhanho wa Taala. If you contaminate your dryer, with the severing of family ties, if you're not talking to your father, if you're not talking to your mother, if you're not talking to your own siblings, your own brothers and sisters, if you have cut off family ties, you're angry with your family members for some petty reason, your advice will not

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be answered but

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there is no point in you coming to the masjid later through quarter or the last night and crying to Allah subhanho wa Taala Aloma fiddly Aloma philleo llama fiddly, whilst you're not talking to your brother, why is he not talking to your sister? Why is he not talking to your mother? Why is he not talking to your grandmother, your grandfather, your uncle, your father's brother, your father, sister, your mother's brother, your mother, sister, if you're not talking to them, you will not be answered by lots of animals and you can come and cry tears of blood according to the words of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that do our will not be presented unto Allah subhanho wa Taala so my dear

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brothers and sisters in Islam, if there are small family feuds, tiny issues in your families go and patch up things sought these matters out if they have you know two family members who are fighting with one another. You'll be the mediator go in between and catch up things Allah will reward you and allow me to bring blessings into your family inshallah. And then you make dua and Allah Allah will answer your door. And finally, the prophets Allah listeners report to have said, Do not be hasty.

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Then the Sahaba is only a limited mind, asked Professor Allison, what does hasty mean? the isolation of the mentor to clarify, if an individual says I may do I may do I may die but I have not seen any response from Allah subhanho wa Taala. He gets frustrated and he stops making dua that Allah will not respond. Allah will not respond. It can take a number of years, but be persistent in your drama and keep knocking at the dough of the King of all kings. And your drive will be answered by others Panama. The minute you give up. The minute you give up. That's it. I'm sure some of you might have seen on Instagram and other places the picture of a man who is digging, digging, digging, digging,

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digging, and there's just this tiny thin wall now he has come to the point where if he digs or taps it, he gets a whole bag of diamonds he has been digging for diamonds is digging, digging or like a person digging for water. he digs digs digs digs leaks here in Mali, you dig three feet Mashallah you get water, but in some countries you have to dig dig, dig 2030 4050 feet like barren desert that you won't find what you're digging, you're hoping Okay, I'll go one more foot and I'll get water. And now you've come to a point where all you have to dig is one more inch and water will sprout. But at that point you give up. Now like I'm tired of dug for 50 feet 60 feet, I can't dig anymore. You

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throw the shovel, you throw the big axe and you leave. But you did not know if you were to dig just one more inch sweet water would crush up. If you were to dig one more inch diamonds and gold would cascade if you were to ask Allah subhanho wa Taala one small Allah would open the treasures of gentle love would open the doors of Baraka and your whole life will be blessed. So you have to be persistent in your day. And you must never ever give up.

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Tip number 10 Do not be like a stick in the mud. When you're making dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala you must be firm in your

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report prep said hi this is in Bukhari and Muslim

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Have you should say, Oh ALLAH forgive me or Allah forgive me if you wish

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you shouldn't make do I like that Oh ALLAH forgive me if you wish. Or Allah give me if you wish, or Allah make me rich if you wish, or like give me a house if you wish, or Allah grant me Jenna, if you wish to act as if you don't want you don't really want it. I come to you and say brother, can you give me this if you wish?

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If you wish, they will. Okay, you don't really want it. There's no sense of urgency. There's no sense of urgency when you ask Allah ask it firmly or Allah forgive me or Allah grant me Jenna, or Allah bless me or Allah make me rich. Allah make me happy all that kill me. Don't say all that yummy if you wish. If you don't wish Don't kill me. Now you make with certainty you request with a sense of urgency and Allah will respond Allah will answer your door. Tip number 13. Make sure your food and clothing appeal and highlight if you want your device to be answered,

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we have a famous Hadith Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam his report in the La

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Ilaha Indeed Allah is good and pure. And Allah does not accept only Allah does not accept except that which is good NPR. Allah accepts only that which is good NPR, you understand? A lot does not accept except that which is good and pure. Only that which is good and pure is accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then this will lie slightly sentiment on to give an example of a man who has traveled a long journey. He's dusty, he's dirty, his disheveled is bedraggled, and he raises his hands on to Allah subhanho wa Taala also lies lies in the Hadith he went on to say, Madame Ohara Matura, Boko Haram, Boko Haram, Boko Haram for and now use the javelin Why is this food is hot on

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his drink is hot on his clothing is heroin. He has basically been nourished by all that which is heroin, and now used to Jabba How will he do ask the answer but Allah subhanho wa Taala if you are following in Riba for example, you are involving yourself in all Haram, financial transactions, the food that is on your table is haram. The drink that you drink is haram. The clothing that you have on you is haram. What's the point in you coming and crying in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala your drama will not be answered but Allah azza wa jal so make sure your sources of sustenance are highlighted and pure, if you want your desires to be answered, but Allah azza wa jal

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the final tip, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam is to secure special places and timings when your driver will be answered with a lot of controversy, the professionalism the especial timings when your driver will be answered but Allah as the virgin came in number one letter to the court that we all strive to get letter further like I mentioned earlier. Number two do I during the depths of the nights, we all know there's a hadith

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reporter of said Allah azzawajal he descends to the lowest heaven and he descends in a manner that befits his majesty and glory, Kamali position he was the lead, he does not descend like how a human being would descend. He descends in a manner that benefits his majesty and glory. He descends and he is waiting to answer our doors during the depths of the night when you make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala but we on the other hand,

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during the depths of the night, we fast asleep It was our maker, Allah subhanho wa Taala is waiting to answer our prayers during the depths of the night. It doesn't mean that you have to be up the entire night if you can rely on the Mashallah you are well you mean Allah Allah, but even if you can't wait the entire night try to wake up at the hatchet. Try to wake up a little bit or at least get up and make a drop. At least make the dua Ravana as you know dunia has an awful Afro Hashanah joaquina Davina Give me the best in this world the best in the hereafter and save me from the fire of Johanna beautiful in a nutshell you have covered everything best in this world Good job, good

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wife. Good family good children, good social standing. Good vehicle, good motorbike good car, everything good mobile phone everything has an effete dunya orfila Give me your pleasure Allah and Jenna, Bettina banana and save me from the fire of Johanna a beautiful two other encapsulate so many things.

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Number three between the oven and the apartment.

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Whenever the event is when whenever the event is called out between the event and the karma you do is answered with Allah subhanho wa Taala according to the hardest to prophesy lesson, so don't waste that time. If it is between the other and the karma quickly offer your sooner prayers and then make sure that you make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala because that will be answered by Allah subhanho wa Taala. These are special timings which are different from other timings. These timings have been highlighted by Rahul Isola highly valuable seller. Number six whenever it is raining whenever it rains.

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Glad because your drive will be answered by Allah subhanho wa Taala

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reporter said hi this is Anna Buddha with the book of Buddha Himalayan has been close to him a woman Alberni, Rahim Allah, they are to do as will which will not be rejected but Allah subhanho wa Taala due at the time of the call to prayer whenever the other hand has been called out, and when it is raining when it is raining, also your drive will not be rejected by Allah subhanho wa Taala it will be answered with Eliza version number seven on Friday. Friday is a special hour known as it is the job title is the job a special hour if you're going science with that hour your dog will be answered but

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there's a difference of opinion Mr. scholar, there are some scholars who state that it is the time from when the hottie climbs on top of the PowerPoint until he gets off the carpet that is the timing. There are some scholars who say no, it is the timing when the Hot Tip sits in between the two Juma between the two sermons. That is the timing

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in rahula and scheffel Islam in Lithuania Rahim Allah, both of them have the opinion that it is the last hour of Friday. So basically one hour roughly approximately one hour before forgotten Muslim on Friday. And I personally favor this opinion. It is one hour approximately one hour before Sinatra on Friday. But that is the time when we are all busy in the marketplace in the bazaar, Masha Allah were involved in trade, we are buying food we are getting back home. We have no time to make dua but that is a special timing. If you were to raise your hands wherever you may be, you may be in your office you may be at home you may be at MSG, you may be on the street, wherever you are quickly make a dua

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at that time set a reminder on your phone every Friday, every Friday. If mother is at six o'clock five o'clock pm the alarm goes off, brother sir to list the job Don't forget and then you quickly take the phone class we

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walk in. Don't forget that hamdulillah Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed praise Allah okay Send blessings and salutations upon Mohammed Salah Salem if you can face the table or face the table and then make one or two doors and rip off the door that door will be answered with Allah subhanho Medina

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number eight whenever you drink some some water whenever you drink Moussa, because as I said our listeners reporter said Matt ohsms Emily mashery by the water of Samson is for what it is drunk for. So when you're drinking the water of Zamzam think of good things. Think of positive things. Think of all the wishes and requests that you have and drink the water of Zamzam. Your dog will be answered but Allah subhanho wa Taala number nine whenever you read

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a sober

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sober Hanukkah in a two minute bow on me and whenever you read this make a do and you will be answered in this report perhaps said no Muslim reads this da concerning nm any matter except that Allah will answer his Hadith is in the book of mama telemedia Rahim Allah whenever you read this and make a dua I love it answer. So make it a point say al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen Allahumma salli ala Muhammad wa ala Allah Mohammed La ilaha illa Allah Subhana Allah in economy nobody may now make your daughter your daughter will be answered. But Allah azza wa jal, the last timing many brothers and sisters in Islam is when going to bed at night.

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When you go to sleep, you normally read all your glass, you read the item to see you read all your car and then make it a point upon one particular idea. social isolation has reporter have said Whoever goes to bed at night and says La ilaha illa Allahu Allahu Akbar what a How would quwata illa Billah whoever reads this and if he were to make dua, his daughter will be answered and if he performs booboo and if he prays his prayers will be accepted by Hannah Montana, just before you go to sleep. You can't forget it just before you go to sleep, you read this, and then you make a small dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala and go to sleep happily, knowing that your daughter will be answered,

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but Allah azza wa jal, so many brothers and sisters in Islam, these were a few tips around 10 to 15 tips to empower yourself with the powerful tool known as de la. And like I said, don't consider it an experiment. Do it with belief this last 10 nights have a list of specific brands that you want to make and repeat the same every single night. And that will be answered by our last panel that I know each and every one of you, we all have different requests. So write them down. Don't just, you know, like, say for example, if the president of the country were to call you up and say, Brother, come to my palace, I give you five minutes. Ask whatever you want. I will give them everything to you. But

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you have to ask what you want within five minutes. What will you do? Will you chill? Will you go to the coffee shop, have a coffee and then go and meet the president? No, you will think five minutes I need to write down every single thing that I have to ask because I've only got five minutes

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I've only got five minutes you will write down everything and you will go and find them one after the other. I want a villa I want this I want that I want you to ask all the things that you want to ask with you for five minutes. Likewise Think about it, you're going to pray unto Allah subhanho wa Taala and later the father will only come again next Ramadan May Allah subhanho wa Taala keep us all alive until the next one, I mean, so you want to secure this later to make sure that you list down the doors and read them in a concise manner every single night, and most definitely, you will be answered with Allah Subhana Medina. With that I conclude, I ask God to forgive all of our sins, to

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accept good deeds to accept to us and to help us all attain later father during these last and blessing nights. And just as how he kept uniting us may unite us in the future and may unite us in the gods of general our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I mean what after that 100 pleasurable I mean, I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow, same place, same time as Aquila hybl Salama Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Day 6 of ‘Gems From The Quran’ series – Ramadhan 2016 presented by Sheikh Muiz Bukhary at Masjid Noor, Maldives

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