Muiz Bukhary – Can You Make Du’ in YOUR own Language During Salah – The Answer May Surprise You

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the views of different schools and their approaches to making an argument about the use of Arabic in a language other than Arabic. They explain that while some schools hold a strict view of the word "can" being the preferred language, others do not. The speaker suggests that making an argument about being on the safe side of a language is best for those who want to avoid a cultural difference of opinion.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh My dear brothers and sisters, a question that many of you have asked is, is it permissible to make dua in a language other than Arabic during Salah. So, you know, very quickly, let me give you the scholarly perspectives with regards to this important issue. Let's start off by discussing the views of the different schools that are out there. So the main hub of Imam Abu Hanifa Rahim Allah they generally consider it dislike, they consider it mcru in Salah, and they argue that this is not the preferred way to make dua the preferred way to supplicate Unto Allah subhanho wa Taala the Metalab of Imam Malik Rahim Allah they hold a stricter view and they

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consider it almost haram impermissible to make dua in Salah in any other language other than Arabic. And they hold this view, especially if the meaning of the foreign language is not clear. For example, if you're trying to you know,

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you know kind of make a dua that is originally in Arabic in English and if the meaning is not clear,

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then then they're very strict with their view in this regard, and they basically believe that this compromises the sanctity of the DUA, the sanctity of the Arabic language.

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And this is very problematic as per the Muslim of Imam Malik Rahim Allah. On the other hand, the madhhab of Imam Shafi Rahim hola and more importantly, the Muslim of Imam Muhammad, even humble Raheem Muhammad Allah, they offer a nuanced approach and this is what I incline and gravitate towards. So basically, they opine that if you cannot speak Arabic, if Arabic is challenging for you, then it is permissible for you to make dua in another language in the language that you are comfortable with.

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And along with that, you have to understand that a lot of scholars who hold the view that making Doha in another language in Salah is problematic, they actually view articulating the Doha as being problematic. So if you're making your DUA in your heart, then you can make Doha in any language. And as per the view of what I just shared with you the view of a mathematical humble, if you're not familiar, or if at the the the Arabic language is challenging for you, then there is no harm in making Doha in your own language as well. So to sum up, the In conclusion, if Arabic is not your native language, if it is challenging for you, then obviously you do have scholars who deem it

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permissible to make dua in your own language to be on the safe side. And to avoid this difference of opinion. If you are able to make it in Arabic, then by all means, do make it in Arabic. But then if you do have certain curated do as certain customized do as you'd like to obviously make for yourself, your loved ones, your family, and you don't know how to do it in Arabic to avoid the difference of opinion. One way to go about with it is you can fall back onto this view and then make it in your own language without any problem in sha Allah. And just to be on the safe side, you can choose to make the DUA in your heart thereby not articulating the DUA. You can make it in your heart

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you can go with either one of these two approaches in sha Allah, Allah Allah, I hope I've shed enough light I conclude by saying Allah Subhana Allah knows best was salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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