Muhammad West – The Revival #07

Muhammad West
AI: Summary © The conversation discusses the evolution of Islam, including the transition from the four Imams to the two Imams and the importance of learning in the age of Islam. Malik Rahim Allah became a successful chef and leader in his family, and eventually became an artist. The "monster" method was key to its success, and the "monster" method was used to avoid legal regulations and encourage people to use their minds and experiences to make a better um. The "monster" method was created to encourage people to use their minds and experiences to make a better um.
AI: Transcript ©
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shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala should have been more discerning and CDM Muhammad Ali he also have ah Mehreen Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu.

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Make dua, you all well Hamdulillah, seven days of 707 tarawih. This evening, Allah subhanaw taala, except this last week of Ramadan, grant us the best of what remains. I mean,

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we continue our third part of the survival series and this really centers around saving orthodox Islam. But as things change in the Ummah, we need to have a framework that doesn't change. Rulers will come and go, empires will fall and come and fall, but our deen must stay the same, but it must also be dynamic enough to adapt to the changes in time. And so the scholars that we are discussing now the four Imams, they were able to establish a framework that remained but kept our deen consistent way it needs to be consistent, and also a framework which could be applied as modern issues arose. We spoke about Abu Hanifa Rahim Allah has contribution in the Hanafi madhhab applying

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a framework where he could adapt the legal rulings through through reason and logic, applying the Quran and Sunnah to solve problems of a modern age. The other big issue that was happening at this time was the age of the Sahaba had already ended. Sahaba had passed away, we were now at the end of the taboo at the 38 of the students of the sahaba. And as they died out, we were getting further and further away from that visa Salam. And the risk of losing Hadith was now a very real risk to Quran Alhamdulillah Allah had safeguarded it from the time of Satan Abubaker it was stabilized. At this point in time, we had no body we had no Muslim and almost 100 years have passed since then. So Salam

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and so there was a real risk of the knowledge of the Sunnah of the Hadith disappearing, and this is where our next great Imam Imam Malik or the Allah and Rahim Allah comes in Imam Malik. As I said, I'd like you to have an image of these imams in your in your mind. Imam Malik Rakim, Allah in His time was the undisputed king of the Orlova. Anyway, whether you were in Spain or China, if you asked who's the biggest chick in the world, it was Maliki and Medina was the center of learning. Medina was the place of where knowledge was based. And he was the Imam of Medina. And Mr. Malik had a very imposing personality. He had a big personality. He was serious, didn't smile a lot, very strict.

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This is like your professor, your brain surgeon, your nuclear physicist. You didn't ask him just a question by the chair, however, masala for you? No, no, no. You make an appointment of this man. And only kings and rulers. They made an appointment. He never ever went to them. They came to him, you come to my office, and I'll see if I have time for you. This is Mr. Malik Rahim Allah, the leader amongst the scholars in his time he was and he also had the looks to go with it. He was tall, fey striking eyes, very charismatic in his appearance and his looks, he was always particular in the way he dressed. He dressed very smart, very expensive clothing, very expensive perfume. Even as a young

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child, he took care of his his appearance. And he had the strong personality that he spoke his mind even as a child. And it's interesting that he came from a family of scholars. His dad was a type of Imam, his elder brothers were Imams and him growing up, he did not want to be an imam. He said, I'm not going to be a chef. I don't want to be like my brothers. He had a nice voice said I want to be a singer. And that was his plan. And his father would criticize him and fight with him. And he says, I don't care, I'm going to be a singer. And eventually, his mom found a way to soften his heart. His mom knew that he liked to get a get an image of himself, man. And so she dressed him like a little

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scholar, she put a turban on his head and said, let me take you to my children who grows up in Medina. And she says, okay, Malik, I make a deal with you. I'm going to enroll you in one of the classes in the Haram. And if you if you don't like it, after one semester, we'll take you out and then we can talk about the singing thing. And you can be an artist, or if you like it, you can stay there. And she went from cloth, okay, imagine this among going in the harm of Medina sitting in each lecture, until she found the Imam, the scholar that she felt would really resonate with the sun, she found a young dynamic scholar named Robbia, very, very friendly, very jovial, very soft hearted, and

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she said, This man has very good luck. I'm gonna enroll Malik in this class. And so in my Malik role in roles in the scholar or Robbia class, and he loved his teacher so much, and so began his journey of learning. And Assad. Once he started to learn, he realized that he has an amazing memory. And he soon dominated the field of Hadith. And he became so you know, obsessed with Hadith, that he would go to every scholar, and even on the day of Eid when he went to greet the chef. He would say shift and you have a hadith for me to memorize. I don't have I don't want to waste time and this became his motivation.

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until he acquired and he mastered the science of Hadith. And he was able to compile them into a book into an encyclopedia And subhanAllah as he's mentioned, the in Hadith sciences, it's all about authenticity. hadith is all about being authentic. We want to know this is from the visa, if you tell a story, is that story really from the Navi Salam o is it's a made up story. Imam Malik at the time when he was now the head of this hadith scholars in Medina. It is regarded as what we call the golden chain of Hadith. He was the gold standard in authenticity. If Imam Malik put his name next to it Palace, you know, it's authentic. And as the scholar says, you don't get a more a more precise

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chain. When Mr. Malik who narrated from his teacher called mafia, generated from satan or under the sun, even Omar who narrated from the enemy Salam, three people between Mali Imam Malik and unabIe only two people. And this is the most authentic chain of narrators in the world.

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He was a hadith master. And like Hadith masters, they were literal. They didn't like speculation. They didn't like what if scenarios, you if you came to him and asked him firstly, you don't just ask him a question on the side of the road. He is the leading scholar in the world. Like I said, you make an appointment with him. But if you asked him a question, and he said, what if this happens? This is don't ask me what if this happens, you don't make an appointment with a brain surgeon and say if I have a tumor, what is the treatment? No, no, no, no. When you have the tumor, you make an appointment with me very, very strict. In his classes, his classes were only for the elite, the top

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students, especially toward Hadith, and he was given the chair. His class was way than a visa set. When he gave his lectures this was reserved for only the best of the best this way Mr. Malik's students would come and when he came into class, you didn't come late, or those who didn't attend the class. You didn't talk? You're not for question. You just sit and you listen, Mr. Malik is giving you a hadith now. In fact, this hadith Annalisa mentions very soon the Prophet says the people will beat the camels in search of knowledge. And they will find nobody more knowledgeable in the world than a man in Medina and everyone unanimously agreed this is Imam Malik. And it so

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happened that when Islam of course was in Spain, it was part of the tradition, whether you came from Hajj was from Spain, or China or India, you would make a trip to Medina, one to visit the Nabil Saddam's zero, and also to bring all the questions that you people at Cape Town, we don't know all the fatawa we bring it to Malik and he looks into it. And he answers Subhan Allah, this was it was a tradition that the judge would have to pass by Medina to present the questions or that Rama the questions they couldn't answer. They brought it to him, and then he would look into it, and still Subhanallah in his humility. It was a once a year the scholars of Spain sent him a list of a list of

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40 questions, and you could only answer two. And they said but how do we go back to Spain? And we said we don't have the answer. He said tell them the answer is Manik doesn't know I don't know. spell them. I don't know. It's I'm fine. I don't know. Mr. Malik Rahim Allah. What he had. What he also achieved was he compiled the first major book of Hadith called The Ultimate bomb. This is before Buhari before Muslim, he compiled a book of Hadith all the things are going to be Salam, and the scenes of the Sahaba and the fatawa of the great dilemma he compiled in an encyclopedia when this book became well known and published around the world. This was as Imam Shafi said, this is the

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most precise, authentic book on Earth after the Quran, of course, was OHare Musharraf This is the greatest book on Earth, after the Quran. And when Harun Rashid the Khalifa in Baghdad, got a copy of the book, he sent a letter to Dr. Malik, he says, Imam, give me permission to force all the mud hubs, Abu Hanifa, and all of the members closed down, and everybody must follow this book. And you might have said, No, I have some knowledge and other scholars have other knowledge, allow them to continue. But this is just the knowledge I present. In fact, he wanted to put this as the cloak of the Kaaba so that everyone knows this is the motto, everybody in the world follows this method.

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So this was Mr. Malik, and this was his contribution in terms of Hadith. Now, again, if we just get a little bit detailed here, how is his madhhab structured versus Abu Hanifa Smarthub. As we said,

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all the four Imams agree that the first source of evidence is the Quran, then Imam Malik because he's a hadith expert, he would rely heavily on Hadith, whereas we said Imam, Abu Hanifa lacked the tools of Hadith and so therefore, he used limited Hadith that he knew was authentic. Imam Malik has a much vaster collection of authentic hadith. And Imam Malik was more literal in his understanding more literal in his application. As we said he did not like he did not like speculation. He did not like using reason and logic if you could avoid it, and he also has an interesting thing in his mouth up if you found the people of Medina had a special practice. He can't find it in the Quran and

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Sunnah. But he finds every Sunday the people of Medina sisters, there's no Hadith on this. He believed this is something something we It must be an Islamic concept. And so the Amal the practice of the people of Medina is something in his mother you won't

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find this in the other mud hubs. And like Abu Hanifa, he agrees that if the Sahaba made each MA The Sahaba agreed on something, then we need to follow that we don't have a choice but to follow it. And way it had to be used. He would limitedly use class like Abu Hanifa. And is this what we call this this law? We like Abu Hanifa in the interest of society, you would come up with new ideas for the benefit of society, the western part of the Ummah, all the way to Spain, up until the Spain and the loose fell in about four or 500 years ago, it was all Maliki. And what's very interesting about the Maliki madhhab, because it's it, it dominated West Africa, and Spain in the Maliki method is also

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the foundation of many Western philosophies and Western legal systems. If you look at the founding fathers of the Renaissance, they it's those people that the Europeans who inspired them, were philosophers were some legal scholars, which were all Maliki. So his framework of the legal framework of the Maliki method really underpins a lot of European legal framework. Now, interesting moment in Abu Imam Malik's life was as we said, he's a literalist. He is a man that doesn't like deduction. He doesn't like overly using reason and logic stick to the Quran and Sunnah. We heard about this guy in Abu Abu Hanifa, coming up with all kinds of new fatawa using speculation using

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opinions that we haven't heard before. He must have thought what better it is this. And Abu Hanifa comes for one year. And so now these two great Titans are about to meet his students, Imam Malik students is our chef, you know, went out one day and Abu Hanifa came to Medina, and the two of them had an appointment they were going to meet. And we thought, what's going to happen here these two superstars of the Ummah having very different philosophies, very different ways of thinking, are going to discuss matters. They so they met privately. And they said we waited very long. The students were Malik waited very long. And our chef came back and he looked completely the shovel

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disturbing was upside down. Mr. Malik never looks out of out of place. But in my mind, it looked a bit disorientated. And he said to his students, this guy, Abu Hanifa is a genius. This man the way he thinks, I haven't seen someone that thinks like him. He is he can convince you this piece of wood is gold, if he wants to his mind works like you know, 100 kilometres an hour. You can't keep up with him. He's a man on the truth and Hamdulillah He is someone that you can take knowledge from and ask for email Abu Hanifa is it to his students? Guys, there's no one in the world like Malik, this is the greatest scholar on Earth. And what you find what is amazing, yeah, you have authentic Sharia

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evidence, and you have pure literal or logic and reason, coming to the same conclusion. That's what we say. The sound heart and mind will agree with authentic revelation, everything that is in the Quran and the Sunnah, if it's authentic, it will agree with a mind that is sound and a heart that is sound. And so you find two Imams respecting one another, and there was a great love and respect for each other, even though they had completely different very different frameworks. Well, hamdulillah and so we find Imam Malik preserving the Sunnah, and Abu Hanifa finding a way to apply these things in a in a contemporary world. These two strands of thought though, need to be harmonized and

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synergize. And that we're going to talk about Imam Shafi tomorrow who will bring these two worlds together in sha Allah, Allah. Just a few announcements we thank everyone once again for your support on the orphan program. And we must give a shout out to certain businesses who contributed spur here in strand Street is halal now. And Alhamdulillah they gave all the meals for free. So in sha Allah if you haven't, take the wife out, go to spurt, inshallah Yang's transit, and then our icecream truck team, the Halevi treats, they are a food truck, please go on Instagram and support them and put stuff as well. They brought the orphans as well as we asked Abu Hanifa was a witch brand affic

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He was of course of the euro, ie the people of logic and reason. And the

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Iqra white

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Sorry, okay, over the Mashallah.

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And then,

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as arrived in here,

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yes, she is. Okay. Sokka Hi, both. She's Yeah, it's an hamdulillah shukran and Hamdulillah. And in today's answer the next question, what was the name of the book that Mr. Marley compiled? The Alma Mater, the Mr. Dirac al Maliki l jamea. What was the name of the book just Aquila? He said I want to come work with the library got to

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