Muhammad West – Back to Basics – Episode 06

Muhammad West
AI: Summary © The importance of understanding one's religion and the reality of their religious experiences is emphasized in the podcast. The concept of a " greater power" is recognized in Islam, and the importance of understanding one's actions and qualities is emphasized. The central theme of Islam is the desire to worship only one creator, and the importance of the declaration of faith is emphasized. The segment also discusses the importance of achieving perfection in life, including belief in the spiritual dimension, faith, belief, body, mind, and soul, and protecting others. The segment ends with a discussion of the history of slavery and the use of slavery in the past.
AI: Transcript ©
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salatu salam ala COVID mursaleen Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa Sakurajima in my beloved brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Desert Allah Hi, and thank you so much for joining us in this episode six of our series back to basics, understanding the essentials of Islam, I begin with a warm welcome to a very special group of people, a special group of our audience who have started following the seas, I've come to know that a number of non Muslims are following and part of our audience and we welcome them, and we thank them so much for joining us, it is truly humbling for us here to understand, to find that people outside of the Islamic faith

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turn to the CDs for guidance than to the CDs for discovery in terms of understanding this religion. This religion, of course, practice by one quarter of the world's faith. It's very important, of course, for people of different faiths and different beliefs, those who don't believe even to discuss and to get to know one another. We are at the end of the day, friends and neighbors and colleagues, and we share a common space and we can only draw closer to one another. And we can only, you know, make this world a better place if we understand what it is that we believe and why we believe those things. And yes, they are areas that might be they might be differences in the areas

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that we don't agree on. But I think understanding one another is the first step to that. And therefore I commend those who have the courage to come out and at least listen to a podcast to understand bits of this religion that is, is you see all around you. And it's a very misunderstood religion, what you see on TV is very different to the reality of it. And I also understand that Islamic times is seen as a very closed off religion, and people might find it very difficult to ask certain questions to be open and frank with it. And one of our philosophies here is that when we talk about Islam, and we talk about matters, whether it is about introducing the fundamentals of

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Islam, or discussing any controversial matter, it's very important for us to be open, and to have that dialogue in a very mature respectful in a safe way, that if things we disagree with, we disagree with love and understanding. We disagree with respect. And we should always have the courage to ask the questions. And I personally encourage you, I really insist on this that people you know, if you disagree with me, or you have a question, please feel free to ask and especially another I extend a further hand of Welcome to the non Muslims to ask those questions about Islam. And I hope that it's beneficial to you as it is to all our listeners. Well, hamdulillah thank you

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again for joining us. So we took a bit of a break last week because of Neeraj dissension. If you don't know what that is, it's very further down. Now our lectures we might get to that too, with time the ascension of Nabisco Sanam, but we were speaking about in the previous five lectures, we started with what is the meaning of the word, Islam and in a Muslim, we said Islam is the term for religion, and Muslims are the adherence. So we would maybe as an allergy, Christian was Christianity. Muslim is is a devotee of the religion of Islam. And we said Islam means submission. And a Muslim is the one that submits to the Creator, when we spoke about the belief in one creator.

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And we spoke about those arguments in favor of the belief of a supreme deity or being the creator of everything. And we discussed some of the arguments of atheism and responded to those arguments. And we said, some of the great the great evidences is with the creation itself, the perfection of the creation, the harmony that you see in the universe, the magnitude of the universe, and the fact that the universe has a finite beginning. But it started, at one point in time, there was a time when the universe did not exist. And all of a sudden, spontaneously, it came out of nowhere. This is all evidences of a supreme being. And we said, furthermore, for us as human beings, intuitively we have

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this fitrah that we should be a greater purpose in life. And then after death, we should be motivated in this life. So most people on this planet, believe in some sort of a greater power creator. And this is something that is agreed upon by virtually all religions in the world. And all cultures, if you go back to all different cultures, there is a concept of a creator. And there's a great benefit in that in the belief in a creator is a great social harmony, this great, greater love for the creation, because these are all, you know, children and ultimately of the Creator in a metaphorical sense. And of course, it gives one great sense of humility and hope in times of

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adversity. It gives you thanks, having the spiritual connection. While we cannot see the spirit. Well, there is no scientific study we can do to prove the spirit. Most people on this planet believe that is something more than the tangible into the human being. There's something that goes beyond the flesh and bones of the Spirit. And the Spirit needs to be nourished and nourished by connection with its creator with its maker. And this is something which is hard coded in our DNA, whether we like it or not. So Islam, as I said, along with most religions in the world, in the world, most belief systems, there is a creator. Ultimately, after we spoke about the Creator, the easiest

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creator out there, we said let's talk now last episode, we spoke about the nature of this creator from the Islamic concept because different beliefs and different religions have different

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concepts about God, really we use the word God, a God in the sense if you ask a ancient Roman or those of Greek mythology, what is the understanding of a god, very different to the understanding of a god from a Persian or ancient Egyptian pharaoh, to a Jew to a Muslim to a Christian to Hindu, the word God is a very loose term, basically. So we asked, What is the concept of God in Islam? And in fact, you might get this question someone would say, Oh, my God and your allies, two very different people, God And Allah is your Allah different to the god I'm worshiping, we worship different gods. In reality, when we speak on what the God we said, we talking about this ultimate creator. So

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whether you are a Jew, or a Muslim or Christian atheist, the concept of believe that is one creator, whatever name you give him, whatever term you label Him, He is the Creator. And he either exists or he doesn't exist. And we say we spoke about the fact that He exists, and the minute he exists, He's the God of all creation. There is no creator for the Muslims and a different creator, for the Christians a different cater for the Jews. In fact, we believe that there's one creator for all creations, and Islam goes into detail describing him through his names through his titles. He's the Creator, the Sustainer, the nourish of the Lord. He has infinite power and knowledge, and the

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characteristic that comes out most strongly from an Islamic perspective. When Allah introduces himself in the Quran, and he begins he says, I'm hungry law horrible Allah mean, Praise be to Allah, the creator and sustainer, the nourisher of all of creation, please be to me, R Rahman r Rahim, who is most merciful, and most kind and most benevolent. So this concept of benevolence, of goodness of love, of affection of mercy, this is the number one component or the number one characteristic of this creator, that Islam wants you to know about him, that along with his power and his might, and His Majesty, along with his control and supremacy of all of creation. He is merciful and kind. This

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is the number one quality that he wants you to know. And when we interact with him, we should interact. Understanding this is what our Creator is also from an Islamic perspective, which is really different to certain belief systems, we always believed that the Creator is distinct from the creation, that he himself is independent of his creation, that there was a time when his creation did not exist, and he was alone. And then he created his creation, and he does not share his creation does not share any qualities with him in terms of his qualities of perfection. He is laser chemically he shaped there's nothing in the creation that resembles him. There is nothing in the

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creation that that he needs, but rather he is completely external to that creation, and therefore nothing in the creation is divine, he is the only one that is divine. So this concept is maybe a bit different to certain religions that believe that God is incarnate that you might find certain belief system that God came in the form of a man. Christianity, for example, believes us that Jesus is the incarnation of God incarnation means God in human form, when in physical form. And in other religions. Of course, there are certain beliefs that are divinities in terms of different creatures and different beings. They are divine, but they are at least one creator. But within the creation,

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they are elements of divinity. Islam, of course, does not believe in this that we believe that divinity is exclusively to allow the creator and we explain the term Allah really means the one and only deity, the one and only that he's deserving of worship, when you look at all these qualities, that he controls every single aspect of creation, there isn't a leave, that rattles and moves in the wind isn't a drop in the ocean is an atom in creation, except that he exerts complete independent control, that he has complete knowledge of it, when there is none, that she's in his kingdom with him. There is no partner with him, that the he is completely independent, when you believe that this

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being is Allah and he alone, is deserving of worship is alone deserving of, of divinity. So this is the Islamic concept of God, if you will, and with from an Islamic perspective, he has a number of names, and not limited to, but he has 99 specific names which are mentioned, each name gives us a clue as to his character, his characteristics, and he has an infinite number of names, which he has named for himself. And that's where we left off. attached to that. If we look at the central theme of Islam, and what makes Islam so so far, much of what I'm saying is very similar to Christianity, very similar to most religions. Look with one creator, there's one God, and we should have a

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relationship with him. That sounds really good and sounds really easy. So how does Islam differ? Islam is fundamental message. And I mentioned this before, that if you were to read the Quran, from the beginning of the book to the end of the book cover to cover and you were to extract one message from this book, what is the overall theme of this religion? The overall theme is what we call the declaration of faith, and Muslims calling the kalama the statement, the Shahada, which is the declaration it is the words that you do

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which you will say if you were to enter into the faith, you're going to join Islam. This is your slogan, this is the thing that we say. And for us as Muslims, we hope and we pray, and I pray, and I pray so much, maybe I'll accept that this is the last statement that I utter before I leave this world, which is La ilaha illAllah, that there is no ILA except Allah, that there is no deity besides Him, that there is none. A deity is an object of worship. Jesus is a deity. idols that people worship are deities, ancestors that are worshipped that are devoted to a deities. So Islam is a central theme is that there is no deity, no one in creation, deserving of worship, deserving of

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prayer deserving of sacrifice deserving of fasting deserving of prostration, there is none that deserves this besides God, the Creator, Allah, the one and only creator, Supreme Being, he alone has the right to be worshipped, and that every single human being has a direct connection to him, that your prayer does not need to go through any intermediaries. So if you look at most religions, in the world, most religions, the worship is not directly at the Creator. So while they acknowledge that there is a creator, they acknowledge that there is one supreme creator, and that creator controls the cosmos, you ask, then who is it that you worship, and you'd find that is not the creator that

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they worship, rather, they worship deities, they worship idols, or ancestors, or saints, or the graves of saints, Subhana, Allah, even Muslims, monolog even even people that are that are Muslim in the worship, they give parts of the worship to others besides Allah, and this is the most serious of problems. So this is the sinful belief system of Islam, if you can believe that is a creator, that he has control over everything, and that he alone has divinity and therefore he alone has the right of worship. In this is really what Islam is all about. This is what the religion of Islam is all about. And this is the message that will ultimately Muslims believe is the reason why God sin

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prophets. Why God, why Allah sin? Well, these are the prophets, he sent down the books. This is the ultimate theme of the Quran. This is the reason in fact, why we created from an Islamic perspective, if you look at what is the purpose of our creation, the purpose of our creation is to choose to worship Him alone, that to be given the freewill and the intellect to discover the creator and then to choose to worship Allah alone, and not to associate any partners with him. The worst sin from an Islamic perspective is to associate a partner to give God an equal and equal in terms of his in terms of his worship. So this is really what the kalama the declaration of faith means. Even if you

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were to Google, the meaning of the declaration of faith, you might find different meanings on the internet, they will say there is no god but God, God is one. most religions on earth believe that there is only one God, you will find. Even a religion like Hinduism, which has multiple deities also, we only believe in one God meaning one creator. So it's not the belief. And I say this to Muslims in particular, Islam is not the belief in one creator, this is not anything new. Rather, it is the worship of that one creator. It is the worship of the one creator. And this is very clear, when you look at the society that the Quran came down to the people of Makkah, the people of the

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Prophet peace be upon in the society. They of course, worship idols, and stones and graves, they had many, many deities that many, quote unquote, gods or objects of worship, many healers, let's use the word Eros, there are many healers, amongst the healers that they worshipped was one called Allah amongst them, and he was the creator. So they said, We have the creator Allah, and we have many in as so Islam came to say all these other ilas are now invalid, you should only be worshipping Allah alone. And this is this is really the tension that started that the people they, of course, believe that these idols have power or the saints have power, these graves have power, and therefore they

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worship them. And Islam, therefore abolished or Islam's message was that these should not be worshipped besides Allah, and what might ask if we believe in the concept of one creator, every single person should look at very clearly and they should think very seriously. And these are matters of not just life and death. These are matters of eternal salvation. These are matters that have ultimate beating off the life that if there is such a thing, as a creator, and the essential thing is an afterlife, that we need to ask ourselves very clearly. What is it that I believe in? What is it that I worship? Who do you worship in times of need and what is what do we mean by

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worship? worship is pray, of course, raising your hands and besieging a supernatural being for assistance, going down in prostration, fasting, all of these things that you do from a spiritual aspect, who is it that you turn to in your times of difficulty who you give thanks to when you about to when you eat when you have a blessing would you turn to and if you are

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answer is I turned to anyone besides the creator and sustainer. So then a lot asked a really, really important question. On what basis Have you ascribe divinity to this thing? So you might find people that they worship the ancestors and also the ancestors to heal them of the illness. And the question is, on what basis Have you concluded that the deceased grandfather has the ability to cure your cancer, they are those we know used to worship the stars or even today, they believe that the stars or certain planetary bodies have a bearing in terms of fortune and misfortune that a certain star indicates that you will meet your soulmate tomorrow, peoples Finally, look at the horoscope. So

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Muslims, it is haram for you to look at your horoscopes to believe that the motion of the planets has any bearing on your future. And if you were to believe that you were taught that, the question is Who told you that? Who gave you that you believe that there's a God and that he has all power? So how did God give his power to these objects other than Him, they are those who turn to the graves of saints, comets, and they would go to these saints and ask for assistance for help and ask for forgiveness, or as intermediaries and say, look you in the grave you will take my daughter to Allah, On what basis Have you concluded that you need to sort of look at evidence is the evidence for that

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Allah asked this question over and over, who say that these people these objects, these strings that you weigh for prediction that they actually do it. Or rather, it's a belief that you've attached to it without evidence, many times, you've just sort of followed what your forefathers have done. And this is a very difficult thing for many of us to come to terms with. And before the central question that Islam asks you. What is it that you're worshiping, and Islam says you should only be worshiping the one who really has power over all things is the creator. And again, just think of it logically that if there is this creator, and he controls all things? Why would I turn to anyone other than

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him? Why would I turn to any other of the creation? When I can pick up metaphorically speaking, I could pick up the phone and speak to the king directly? Why would I turn to any others besides a man will allow me to lie to God there is no resemblance. But if you can speak directly to Allah, the creator, the Sustainer of all things, then surely, in him with him lies all power and authority. And so he should be sufficient for you in terms of your worship. So this is the central theme of Islam. This is the message that every single Prophet came down with every single profit from the beginning until the end, this was the ultimate message in worship god alone, worship Allah alone, worship your

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Creator, alone, and none to be worshipped besides Him. And that is we said, this is this is the declaration of faith attached to the declaration of faith. The second part, I should know, Mohammed Abdullah, pseudo, and we should declare, we believe that Muhammad is the servant and the messenger, the last messenger and prophet of God. So what does this mean? From an Islamic perspective, which we'll talk about more in detail? We believe that Allah, God sent down messages and he sent down scriptures, that it is, you know, silly to think that there's a God and a creator, but he didn't communicate with his creation, we don't know what we mean to do. So as part of his purpose for life

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he sent us with with messages, and those messages, we will many of them, they will mean many 1000s of them, and Mohammed, peace be upon him, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. He was the last of a long line of illustrious messengers. And his purpose was to teach the message of God. We as Muslims do not believe that Muhammad himself as great as he is, and he's the greatest of the creations of God, and he's the most beloved of God's creations, we do not believe that he is divine. So as Muslims, we don't believe in the prophet SAW them as any divinity, that it is not possible for a Muslim to even go to the grave of Naruto Salaam and ask the professor lamb, give me this, bless me

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with a child forgive my sins, because these aspects belong to Allah alone, that those that which belongs to Allah should not be given to anyone, to anyone, even the prophets also lamp and there is no disrespect in that, to not to ascribe divinity to them. So seldom, it is necessary. In fact, it's disrespectful to him. Once a person said in sha Allah in CIT, if Allah wills and if you will, Yasuda, Allah I will do XYZ. And the problem center became really angry and he said, Are you making an equal with me and a lot of you making a line out equals, and obviously insha Allah and that's enough. The world is only the will of Allah, that matters. It's not even to the will of Mohammed

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souls alum, rather, he's a servant, a slave. And he himself worshipped Allah He fell in translation, as the Jesus of the Bible, as the Moses as the all the prophets before they would fall down in worship, worship to whom, to the ultimate supreme creator, the one who made them so this is the essence of Islam. And we said that the Prophet of Allah is one of a long line of messengers. And within came the final system and the last of the revelations of God, that really we live in close to the end of times, there was a time when Allah subhanaw taala

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had many profits and he sent Nabhi terribie profit off the profit with a scripture of the Scripture warning and guiding and reminding mankind to come to the straight path. And then of course, the final the end of the prophet who finally ended was Mohamed Salah. And he lost this element, which is the Quran is still with us today. And it'll be so until the end of times, which is said to be very, very close, based on on when the person Okay, so let's use a summarized version of what is the ultimate message of Islam? Of course, there are certain more detailed, more detailed beliefs of a Muslim and now today inshallah we'll continue. We'll talk about the Pillars of Islam. So I begin now

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with what are the fundamental beliefs if you want to be a Muslim? So if I'm anonymously, and I went to into this faith of Islam, and you were to ask me, Well, what should I believe? What should I tell me what I need to sign up for? Yes, you have a Quran, which is over 600 pages, it speaks about many, many things about, you know, marriage and divorce, it speaks about what to eat, what not to eat, what to dress, do I have to sign up for all of these things? Do I have to do all these things? Now? What are the priorities? And what are the essentials that a Muslim has to be ready for? Join the club, if you will. And there's a very beautiful Hadith a very beautiful story about a summarized

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version of what Muslims believe. If you ask what are the essential beliefs of the Muslims? This is the Hadith that I would give you. So if you ask was it was a hadith? That's a very important question to ask the Hadith is really a saying, or a moment, a snapshot in the life of the Prophet Salim. We mentioned the prophets, Allah was sent and commissioned by God, whatever he said, and had done was on the authority of God. So we have a snapshot in his life, the prophets of Allah was sitting one day in his mosque, he was surrounded by over 70 of his disciples. And he, the town that he lived in the town of Medina, is a very small town and everybody in Medina knew each other,

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everyone knew each other. And if a stranger was in town, no one knew then that person was a traveler, he was someone from the desert. So the Sahaba, one of the disciples said, No more of your lot. And one of the disciples in the Sahaba of the brothel, and one of his closest companions, you were sitting, and he says, and he narrates the story, he tells us the story. So we're sitting here, when they 70 of us in the mosque, and in walks the strange men that none of us had seen before. And his clothing was exceedingly white and clean. And His hair was magnificent black, and he was a wonderful, you know, was a very deep, very handsome person. And since he was someone that none of us

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knew, we assumed that he was a traveler, yet he had no signs of travel on him, there was no way we only no sand on him, No, no evidence of him being a traveler. So he walks in the strange men and you know, basically all the eyes are fixed on him. And he walks and unlike a person who comes to a gathering, and sits at the back of the gathering, he walks straight through the crowd, and basically over the disciples of the companions of the Prophet, Allah, and he sits right in front of the Prophet, and so much so that his legs are touching the legs of the Prophet Allah, and he's facing him. That's how close he is. And so this man says, oh, Mohammed, tell me what is Islam. And so the

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Prophet peace be upon him responds, and he said, Islam is to say that there is none worthy of the sila ilaha illAllah, Muhammad Rasul Allah, to declare, that nun has the right to be worshipped besides a lot, and to declare that I am his final missing his slave and messenger. And then he says, and is any continues, is, furthermore, Islam is to pray five times a day, and to give Zakat to give charity, and to foster the month of Ramadan, and to perform the pilgrimage once in your life, you're able to do so. So you see, these are the five things that Islam is declaring it is none worthy of worship besides Allah, and that Muhammad is His Messenger and serve within His Messenger, you pray

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five times a day, to give a portion of your income in charity, to fast in the month of Ramadan, and to perform the Hajj once in your life, you're able to do so. So this is Islam. And so the strange man is so lucky, you have told the truth, correct? And you know, correct. And the companions of the Prophet are shocked. They are amazed, they must be even offended. Listen, what kind of man is the one who has the audacity to come to the Prophet sanlam? And ask him a question about Islam, the religion and when he says correct, and so but the man continues, he's telling me what is EMA and what is belief? What should you believe? And so the prophet SAW Selim responds, Eman is to believe

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in the oneness of God, that He is one and to be lying in Allah. Why am I not eager to hear and to believe in the angels of God? Well, good to be here and to believe in the scriptures of Allah wa crucially he and to believe in the messengers of Allah. While y'all will ask you and to believe in the life of the death or the final day to believe in life after death, and to believe in color and to believe in the divine predestination of God, the good of it and the bad day of so you need to believe in six things to believe in Allah, his messengers, His angels, his scriptures in the last day, and in predestination to believe in the destiny in color and the supreme will of God.

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We're all things. And so the stranger says clicked. So that, and once again, look at the cloud, the companions of the lamp are amazed what kind of men asked the question and this one's and then says, The Prophet has spoken quickly. Then he asks the problem, a third question, and he says, tell me, what is a sun? What is the sun? So the first question is, what is Islam? Then what is a man believe? And now what is the sun? Sun linguistically, literally means perfection? What? So he's asking, tell me what is perfection. And so the prophets of Allah says, perfection is to worship Allah, as if though you can see him. And if you cannot see him, remember, he sees you, they live your life and

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paraphrasing you. The process is basically saying, worship Allah as if you can see him. But if you can't see him, and of course, we cannot see God, then live your life as if though you could see him and we live your life, knowing that he sees you always be mindful that he sees you if you cannot see him. And so the man says, quick, so then he says, Now tell me Oh, Muhammad, when is the day of judgment, we need all of us coming to an end. And this this day you speak about when is this gonna happen? Give me a date. And so the promises of them says neither the questioner nor the one being asked, has any knowledge or inclination as to when this is this is a matter which belongs

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exclusively to God? And the thing is, is correct, that is correct. So he says, but at least tell me some of the signs of the last day. What are the evidences that the hints of the last day, so the professor says, there are two hints. One of them is when a slave woman will give birth to her master, when the slave woman gives birth to her master. And when the Arab Beethoven's will compete in building very, very tall skyscrapers. These are the two signs when we are getting close to the times. And the strangest is correct. I mean, he gets up and he leaves the mosque, he walks out, and the companions are all, you know, shocked, who is this man? And so the Prophet sometimes sees the

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expression on the face. And he says to him, you know who that man was? And so they said, Yes, Who was he? And so the prophet of Islam says, that is the angel gibreel, Angel Gabriel, that has come to teach you about your faith. He's come here to teach you you about your faith, he asked his questions that you may learn, and so many of them jumped up and ran outside, and the man had completely disappeared. There wasn't even signs of a footprint on the sand, he was gone. So this is one of the most fundamental Hadeeth, one of the most fundamental heidy for Islam. This is one of the most fundamental authoritative texts in terms of what Muslims believe. And if we were to dissect this,

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this Hadith of the story down into its components, we see that Julio Julio Austin obeso, sanlam, three questions, three important questions. You asked, What is Islam and the prophesy Islam, he gave the five pillars to say, the kalama, to say, the declaration of faith with your tongue, to make Salah to pray five times a day, to fast and gives form Hajj, these are five physical things that you need to do. Then he said, What is the man belief, and he gave six things which are abstract, believing in Allah things that you cannot see, you can't see Allah to believe in the angels and the books, and the messengers, and keanna and other, these are things that we cannot see. So these are

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things of the heart to the mind, six things you have to believe. I mean, the third question about your son, which is perfection is basically of spirituality. One of which is the other two, the other two are basics. For every Muslim, there are five things you have to do the five rituals of Islam, the five pillars of Islam is recorded. And then the six pillars of Eman, you have to believe in it. Those are the basics for every Muslim, if you don't believe one of those things, or you don't practice one of the pillars of Islam, then you're not a Muslim, your Islam is incomplete. So that is a basic Muslim, you need to believe and do those things. But then the is perfection, the thing which

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we strive for, the thing which we try to achieve in life, which is to live our life as if Allah was always there. That is the perfection, the journey, which none of us will ever complete, but it's the journey that we take in life. So when we look at this Hadith, we realize that Islam speaks about a number of dimensions here. The first one is the physical dimension. For a Muslim, if you want to say if again, I take this back, someone comes to me and says, I'm interested in your religion. What is it about what do I need to do? What do I need to believe? What do I need to say? We'll say there are five things that you need to do physically. You need to declare with your mouth, the declaration of

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faith, you need to your body has to perform Salah, your body has to fast your body has to perform the Hajj, you have to physically give charity. So there are five physical forms of worship that you have to do. Every single Muslim has to do without exception. If you're able to do them, because you're not able to perform hard you weak, you don't have the money to give charity. Then of course you are exempted. So that's the physical dimension. Then we can say V is the theological or the mental the mind so you have the mind the body and the soul. So the body is the five pillars of Islam, the mind

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belief system is the six theological things you need to believe in. You need to believe in these abstract things, that there is a God that we can't see, that is a last day we will judge us, there are angels that God has sent their books and messengers, and that the he has well over all things. This is your theology, this is the clean this is the things that you believe on the inside your mind, and every Muslim has to believe in. If you reject any article of faith, it's not acceptable. If you don't believe in any of the messengers, and there are 1000s of messengers 25 of them are named in the Quran, if you reject any of them. So for example, you say, I don't believe in Moses, I

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don't believe in Jesus, then you are not a Muslim. Subhan Allah is a Muslim, if you don't believe in Jesus, Jesus Christ, then you are not a Muslim. If you don't believe that there's an angel Gabriel, then you're not a Muslim. So these are fundamental beliefs of a Muslim, the six pillars of faith, and we'll go into each one in detail. And then of course, the is the spiritual dimension. So the mind if we will, the body, the mind and now the soul, the spiritual dimension, which is this constant journey of getting closer to Allah, this is the sun, by the spirituality, that everything that you do in life, every decision you make, is done for the sake of pleasing God, for the sake of

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being closer to Allah, the partner you choose in terms of who you're going to get get married to, is to be closer to Allah, that how you treat your mother, how you treat your children, how you do your business, how you eat, how you sleep. All of this is about pleasing Allah, that your entire life. Islam now is not just about the rituals, that's the basics. But really perfection is about living a certain way of life. This is a Deen, that's why we say Islam is a Deen. It's not a religion that you do in the mosque. You rather it is a way of life, from how you use the toilet, to how you run a government. All of this is got to do with your relationship with Allah to live your life, how would

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you as if you can see him, if you could see a lot every single moment, every choice you had to make, and you saw Allah, you saw the consequences of those actions, then of course, you always choose to please Him. And this is what Islam boils down to what Islam is about. You need to do the basics in terms of the fundamentals of Islam, the Pillars of Islam, the pillars of Eman, but your life is about the pursuit of your son, you're trying to achieve your son in everything that you do. And then of course, the last part of the Hadith speaks about the Day of Judgment. So when an absence is neither I know you mean, you LGBTQ Gabriel, you are the greatest of angels. You don't know when the

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Day of Judgment is, I am Mohammed, the final of the messengers. I also don't know when the Day of Judgment is it belongs exclusively to Allah. And though and then he mentioned What are the signs and these are very interesting science. So the one which is being very, very relevant, when the when the ad a bidder wins the HVAC moron, those who don't have clothes, those who are naked and those who don't have shoes, the city First, the desert dwellers, when the people in the desert will start competing with one another in building big tall buildings. And this is what we see today. Dubai versus Saudi Arabia each year, one new plants really wants to bring this premonition into reality.

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He wants to bring kiama very close. So he builds a new tallest building and someone else's, and I will be the one to bring to him. And he builds a new tool building, I think wrong in building tool beliefs. But it's just something very, very interesting with this hadith. This narration the story 1500 years ago, say the time will come when the people who can't even afford clothing, we need to be the ones they will one day compete in building very tall buildings, we see that the other one which is a bit more cryptic, when the Prophet says the second sign is that when the slave will give birth to Hamas. Thankfully, we live in a time when slavery does not exist anymore. I have to some of you

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in terms of managing he says so.

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But in reality Alhamdulillah thankfully, Allah has caused that slavery has come to an end, and certain places in the world which still practices my life, save them and protect them. But slavery at a time was a horrible abomination against mankind. And then one of the rulings of Islam, one of the rules of Islam was that if a slave gave birth to a child of her master, the slave woman gave birth to a child of a master, the left child is not born a slave, rather, the child is free. And he obviously being the Masters child, he not inherit his mother, but his mother is basically set free. And very interestingly, you'd look at many of the Islamic kings, the calibers of Islam, of course,

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the hollyford, you would have many wives, and you will also have slave women concubines, this was practiced back in the day. And the children which were born from the concubines were equal to the children that were born to the the wives. And so and the eldest son, whichever way he came with, it came from a wife or a concubine, the eldest son born to the Caliph, the king, that one would become the new king. And so you found it really interesting situation, especially from an Islamic perspective, that many of in fact most the vast majority of the children of the Khalifa is of the kings.

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They were sons of slave women. And so you found a situation that slave women were giving birth to the Masters to the kings. And so this is one of the signs as well, of course, as a brother, brother, Nathanael Musk, is quite rightly pointed out, is it both these signs, whether you whatever you mean by slavery, it has come and it has gone. And now we are seeing the Arabs competing in building very tall buildings are both these signs basically, we have come and they've gone, which means that the end of times are very, very close. And and I end up with this thought that, you know, thinking of the Day of Judgment, we're always thinking, when would it be time I know 2012 everyone was talking

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about it. The prophets of Salaam when you will be asked people always come to me asking this very silly question, tell me Give me a date as to when the Day of Judgment is gonna happen. And the Prophet Salam will respond to him, he would say he would look at the youngest person. So look at the youngest person in the room right now. And the profits from the Satan when this young boy becomes an old man, then your day of judgment has come, then your Kiana would have come, don't worry about you know, the enough times and the sun, you know, being extinguished. In the mountains disappearing. You might not live to see those days. But the minute the Angel of Death pulls your soul, then kiama has

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come for you. So prepare for it. And this religion, as we said, it's all about back to it, to worship to come we put in this place to believe that this one creator, to live, to worship Him alone and to have no partners with him, and then to live our life to make every decision in his service to please Him so that when we die, we'll be with him in the life of the day. We'll talk more about these pillars of Eman of Islam in more detail in our next episode. Thank you so much for any questions, concerns or comments with [email protected] Thank you so much. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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