Muhammad Salah – Gardens Of The Pious #391

Muhammad Salah
AI: Summary © The importance of praying for the funeral of a deceased Muslim is discussed, including the use of the operator's name during burial practices and the importance of not hesitting to pray. The speakers emphasize the need to avoid disrespecting the funeral girlfriend and avoid missing funeral plans. The importance of praying for the forgiveness of the deceased and following funeral plans is also emphasized. The segment emphasizes the importance of not hesitting to pray and not forgetting about past deeds.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah God is the greatest

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glory to Him, He bought me you must to be the best and give his best religion to them. Allah God is the greatest, the one and only Glory to him on any illness to be the best, and give his best religion to a Salam. alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Nabi he almost have her say he didn't have medicine while early he was so happy or Manuela, or that by the viewers welcome to another live edition of our program. Guardians of the pious and today's episode is number 391.

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It would be also the first

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in studying chapter number 154. The chapter which is known as Babel Caffee, Amaya Rahman and maggoty Minh moko and this chapter consists of only one Hadith, one Hadith.

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It's a very interesting Hadith. And it talks about the importance of taking part in Washing the dead body of a Muslim and also the significance of conceding whatever the person sees if you happen to watch a dead body of a Muslim

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the prohibition of disclosing the physical defects of the deceased the Hadith which we have is Narrated by Abu Rafa Aslam Mola Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, and it is Hadith number 928.

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and I'll be offering as Lama Mola Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam, and Rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a con

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man de la silla may eaten for cutomer ie offer Allahu Allahu arbury in Amara

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and our cinema heat and forget Mr. Lee, offer Allahu Allah who are Barina Mara.

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And the meaning of this hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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forever washes a dead body and conceals what he notices of physical defects, he will be forgiven 40 times. Okay.

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There is another narration but it's a weak narration which says 40 major sins.

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But the correct one it says 41 Mara, Yanni 40 times or 40 cents, but it doesn't talk about 40 major sins and a condition which is stipulated here is concealing not disclosing the physical defects of the dead person, because it's an Amana

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the priority and the preference is for the family members to wash the body of the loved ones. And it is permissible for a woman who lost her husband to wash her husband's dead body. Aisha Radi Allahu Anhu said

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that was tough beltmann Emily and Mr. Barth, if have a chance to be given the choice again, I would have watched the body of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam me and his wives.

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And as Matt been to mice, probably Allahu anha washed the disease of Abu Bakr Salim. When he passed away she was his wife. And there is no essence whatsoever to what some people claim that once a husband or a wife dies, then the relationship the marital relationship between them is broken and the marriage contract is sees and that's why the cannot see each other. So they say that if a wife loses her husband, she cannot even take a last look at him or kiss him between the eyes or any of that this is baseless has no origin. Because

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the wife of Abu Bakr Saudi as Maven Tomasz always washed his body and that is definitely permissible.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam once say to our Aisha Radi Allahu anhu, that if she were to die before him, he would wash her body and bury her by himself SallAllahu sallam. So, this is what has been narrated with the from the sayings of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his wives, or the actions of the companions. But sometimes the people do not have an experience, so they resort to a person who does this as either voluntary work, or he does it as a professional.

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In either case, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam tells us to be trustworthy, and if you see anything, you should not talk about it. Anything anything? No, I'm talking about defects. But seeing good signs is good to share it with the family members have the disease with the rest of people. You know, sometimes when you wash the body of a person, and this person his face, or her face Subhanallah like light shining out of the faces, because those people were in regular reciting Quran we're, you know, charitable, we're fasting on regular basis. So, the MaHA Sal demersal is a term and the name of a person who washes the body would inquire what does this person used to do? What is so

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special about him or her? So they will hear that Masha Allah every night he used to pray 200

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Or he used to finish the Quran every seven days or this person was a very charitable person. So the MaHA still in this case is encouraged to share what he has seen have good signs is in washing the body.

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The know that is coming out of the body of this person, okay? with others. Some people happen to be sick before death. And they had because or due to long recumbency in bed, they had ulcers all over. May Allah protect all of us. It's not their choice. One day those people who are physical effect or jogging, we're working hard, but they become disabled. He wasn't their choice. So if you see what offends you, don't share it with others. It's haram.

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But is it always haram?

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Sometimes the person or the dead person

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if he or she were wicked people, or pursers. troublemakers, people want to know how did they end up what was their fate? You know, somebody died while being intoxicated. Somebody attire and one of the tyrants

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their death, what happened to them? How did their bodies look like it's okay to reveal that for the sake of giving an admonition to the living?

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will remember in the Quran, Allah Almighty said about the Pharaoh, fellow man when a de can be read and he can eat a cone early man Hall FACA Naka, Thea Ramana Nursia and Tina, law flew

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out of

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you know, 10s of 1000s in the army of the Pharaoh, who are all drown, the army of Brown was all drowned

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everybody including the Pharaoh himself.

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But Allah subhanho wa Taala saved and cause the water to wash off and kick out the body, the disease of around alone. The rest of the disease of the bodies were devoured by the fish or settle in the bottom of the sea. But he said fairly OMA Luna jika Biba Danica Lita, hakuna Lehmann Hall, fucka,

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so we saw his body on the shore, so that it will be picked up. And the ancient Egyptians were very good in preserving the bodies, and they did so, so that the generations after generations, when they see the dead body of the Pharaoh, and compare his condition right now, to what he you to claim when he was living, what did he use to claim he claimed enter a Buccola and that is the worst claim ever. He said, I'm your load the Most High and only he argued with Moses peace be upon him on Musala Salam delivered the message to him and invited him to believe in the Oneness of Allah and just to humble himself, he's just a human being.

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So he argued with him he said Alexa Lu Li will call Misra will have the hill and how

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rota God mentality, not you guys see, I own Egypt. It's my domain, and the rivers are running and flowing beneath my palace. I possess all of that. So he was so arrogant to the point that he claimed that he is a creator. He created all those creations.

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And as Musa Ali salaam, invited him and he showed him miracles after miracles, He still should arrogance resentment, and our Guru Musa al Salaam. He gather all the sorcerers, the sorcerers who will gather to change Musa Salam ended up accepting Islam on PS Sahara to Sergio de Kado am an adorable Alameen Robbie Musa Hoon. They came but submit the submitted themselves and they all accepted faith and they followed musante sunnah. But the Pharaoh

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threatened to kill them to crucify them and took out their hands and feet from costs. Not only that, he said to his minister, her man yeah man with nearly a sword halali a global ASVAB as well as some IoT for our Thalia Illa Illa he Musa. We're in Nila ovenware Khedira.

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He asked his minister Harmon

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to build him a tower. Why? He said, I'm going to check out on Moses God because Musa said that God is up in heaven. And subhanAllah he did climb the tower and he shot an arrow, and it returned back did I kill Moses God, Hollis is

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So when Allah Almighty drowned the Pharaoh

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he rescued only his body that is the meaning of today we shall save Nona. Jika vivid annex shall save your body so that the generations to come will look at your rotten body and compare this miserable condition. This person, you know, I happen to see the mummy of the claim, perhaps is a second or Moses Pharaoh.

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And I was like, you know, in a very strange, I had a very strange feeling, looking at this dead, rotten body and imagining that this is the man who gave Moses peace be upon him very hard time. And the period of Dawa that Musa Selim gave him was 40 years.

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Four years was nine miracles at most Ali Salam was supported by Allah Almighty rejected all of that. So you will get the body.

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It's a sign and it's an admonition. And it doesn't benefit everyone. It only benefits the believers because Allah Almighty said in a Kathira, Mina nurse and Tina, love Rafiu many of people are negligent of our ayat and of our signs. When a person talks about the miserable death of one of the tyrants, it is not bad. How he died, he took his life, how would you pose it to him how you shot? It's not bad. Why? Because it gives a listen to others. It's a warning to others. As we talk about the good signs of the malicious people, the righteous ones, when they lie, look, sha Allah the faces were full of light. They were very light in weight, but the physical defects please not to talk

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about it. You carry somebody and they were overweight and you keep talking about we will not able to flip the body and they were vomiting still. A lot of the priests were coming out of this is Hara. So what happens when a person who is watching the body of a dead person

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and he conceives the physical defects of the dead person? The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam I said man was selama Youth and Family Law for Allahu Allahu Arbaeen Amara, Allah will forgive him for any of his sins. And this is such a great word. And a person who does wash the body will be rewarded for that, in addition to gain in the forgiveness, for

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the sin, or for your sense of a person who would conceal what he sees.

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There is another Hadith in which the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is a man of a salami eat and forget Mr. Li Ophir Allah who are buying Amara woman care Pheno may eat and Casa hula Amin soon this stop Rockall Jana when a half hour only meet him cover an agenda who he Audrey Allahu Minh allegedly kg mackanin Eli yo milky ama this hadith is also off

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indicated by Chef Bernie so it's a sound Hadith, on the condition of Imam Muslim, and it extends a word. It's not only about the washing the body, it's also about the coffin. And normally the person who does the washing does the shrouding as well. Women can Pheno mate and Kassa hula hoop mean soon do see ya stop rockin Jana, as soon as holy Sabra are two different types of thick silk, pure silk of paradise. Okay, so Allah Almighty will clove a person who trout a dead person out of the silk fabric of paradise. And that's why when you get a cold, and it is two or 3am and they say we have somebody who died and we don't have anyone to wash his body, you jump off your bed, and you're ready

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to do the worst and you're ready to do the coffin people wonder, why would a person you know and this person is well off, he's not waiting for any money. They do it for free. They don't charge for washing the disease of Muslims, they do it for free. Why? Now you know why? For you, the sins will be forgiven. You shut out the body, Allah subhanho wa Taala will close you from the fabrics of the silk fabric of Paradise, and Easterbrook was sinless. And then the prophets Allah Allah Allah Silla mercy

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whatever the exact grave to bury a dead Muslim, the he will be given a word of giving him a housing until the day of judgment.

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So in the other hadith of Muslim, that the hookup the rights of Muslims upon each other among the rights is, whenever a Muslim die, it is the responsibility of the rest of Muslims, to offer the funeral prayer to take him to the burial place. And all of that even though this is a communal duty, it is not an individual duty. If a few people do it, then there is some not blameworthy, but those who do it.

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And those who undertake the mission of attending a funeral prior, and also following the funeral to graveyard, they will get their word and others will not be rewarded, because they did not take part in this process.

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What happens if we

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attend a funeral prayer and there is multiple diseased multiple Genesis 345 You get the word of the collective funerals, even though it is only one janazah because the number of those who attended the funeral prior, do not miss this opportunity. And it's a shame for Muslims would live in, in, you know, Muslim minorities living in non Muslim countries when somebody dies, and they don't know how to wash the body of a dead Muslim. You know, in many cases, some brothers attend training course or a few classes to learn how to wash the body, whether of a child or a grown up, man, but in the case of a woman, what to do, you know, some sisters, you know, think it's a bad omen to take lessons and

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to learn how to wash the body of a dead woman. It's a bad omen, it's not a bad omen.

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Everybody will die. What happens if your own mother dies tomorrow, what we're going to do are we're going to get a man to wash the body or call a non Muslim or just do anything. The process is very simple, and it is very easy and it's one day class a couple hours class you will learn. But the most important part is internship is to attend actually as an assistant with a person who is watching and shrouding the body of a dead Muslim or Muslim and that will make it easy for you in sha Allah and do not hesitate when you know that there is a chance to wash the body of somebody, whether you know them or you don't, to proceed on because of the magnificent word that Allah Almighty have promised

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and save. For those who will wash the bodies of the Muslims conceal what they see of the physical defects, shroud the bodies and also if they carry on the whole mission, all the way to the burial process. It was only one Hadith in chapter 154 And now with the new chapter, chapter number 155 Double salotti Alabama ut what a shear he will huddle he definitely he will karate T bear and Nisa l Jana is the

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This chapter will deal with the participation in funeral prayer and the

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and the dislike of women participating in the funeral procession. Okay.

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The first Hadith we have, we're going to take two consecutive a hadith and we want to read to a hadith together because they're relating to each other then we'll explain them in sha Allah, Hadith number 929 and Hadith number 930 The first Hadith 929 Abu Hurayrah are the Allahu Anhu call Allah rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Min shahidul Jenner's had titles Allah Allah Allahu Pirot. Woman Shaheed, a hatter tooth Fenner fella who clear upon peeler women appear upon color Miss Lulu gibellini Lovely main motif upon Allah. The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said in this hadith, whoever follows the funeral procession and offers the funeral prayer for it will get a

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reward equal to one Pirot.

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And whoever attends it, till the burial, will get a reward equal to to clear out

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and he was asked Salallahu Alaihe Salam will clear out on what are the two clear arts the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is set equal to two huge mountains. This is a Hadith which is agreed upon its authenticity. While in the following Hadith which is collected by Imam Bukhari May Allah admission him with the same Narrator Abu Hurayrah the Allahu Anhu said and our school Allah He is Allah Allahu Allah He was a lemma call.

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Many Tera Argenis zetten Manitoba Argenis atta muslimin Amen. What is Herb Walker Now who

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are you? Where are you from? I mean definitely find who you are do menial Edgerly be clear of any cool loopy or often Miss Lu offered

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a man Salah Allah Yeah, so now Raja Kamala and tude Fenner in our era Giro be clear our hadith is collected by Imam Buhari. And this hadith, our most beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam has said, Whatever attends the funeral of a Muslim believing and hoping for their word from Allah, and remains with it.

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Until the prayer is offered over it, and the burial is completed, he will return with a word have to clear out each Pirot is equivalent to Mount Hood.

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And whosoever offers is prayer over it, and returns before it's Darien he will come back with one Pirot.

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As I say, the two a hadith are relating to each other. And they're talking about the virtues of attending a funeral prior

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whether you know that person or you don't, it doesn't matter. He said, many turbogenerator Muslim, whatever follows the procession of the funeral of a Muslim, male or a female. And here the man is teaching us Allah to Allah and what

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come and attend the prayer upon the dead Muslims doesn't have to name them.

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You know, and whether you know or you don't, it doesn't matter. And what do you say the intention of beginning the funeral prayer

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or Salah to Allah Madhava Rahman M YT Muslimeen have intended to attend the funeral prayer

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over whoever is there of the dead Muslims, whether it's he or she, I don't have to know their names. It is not required to mention the names in the intention or even contemplate the names in the intention of the funeral prayer.

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It is the right of every Muslim upon every Muslim

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to follow his funeral to visit them if they were sick. If they say if they sneeze and they say Alhamdulillah you do touch meat you say or Hanako moolah and so on.

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How much reward will I get? In the second Hadith the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam explained the exact role but he put a term Eman and what is happen which we heard very oftenly

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in the Hadith, whoever the so whoever the

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such and such things Amen and what is urban Eman and out of faith? It is urban, anticipating the promise or word in this hadith and in the following Hadith, Hadith 229 Hadith sorry mind 29 and Hadith 930. Both are talking about the promise for word which you should anticipate for attending the funeral prayer is a word equivalent to a mount.

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A great Mount gibellini are the main two great mountains Jabara and Avi when great mountain

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what is a great mountain, the second hottie says, Miss LaHood, the mountain of

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its wet, varies between two to three kilometers, the wet

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and is extended over several kilometers. So this is like a huge mountain. It surrounds a huge part of Medina. Correct.

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For attending any funeral prayer, you get a word equivalent to the mountain of that is a meaning of the carrot.

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As I say, whether you know who is dead or you don't. And if it is more than one person in the same prayer, you get a word for each person whom you're offering the funeral prayer over.

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Having said so, what makes people leave even though they are in the masjid, especially in Al Masjid Al haram, in Mecca, or initially never in Medina, what makes them just show no interest. And after the prayer is concluded, immediately they leave. The only explanation I have in mind and Allah knows best is that they don't know what they're missing. They don't know how much of a word is in the funeral prior for attending the funeral prayer. This is one thing the second reason is obviously because they don't know. They don't know how to offer the funeral prayer. I'd like to seize this opportunity and go over the funeral prayer quickly. Less than three minutes you offer the funeral

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prayer, Allahu Akbar.

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Only the Imam raises his voice with the taxpayer. While the followers pray without raising their voices. They must make that beer too, but like the regular prayers, Allahu Akbar, then you recite Surah Al Fatiha. Afterall STR and verse Mela. There is no beginning supplication like the rest of the prayers You don't say. Allah that'd be new awareness and OB Camerata and and Michelle Colombia. Don't say any of that. Because salatu Jenessa is supposed to be short and brief. The funeral prayer is supposed to be short and brief. So Allahu Akbar and then you recite al Fatiha then the Imam mix second Takbeer Allahu Akbar. And then you recite

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the peace and the blessings upon the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, some people call it the doot Sharif as in the last part of the shahada in the prayer. You say aloha masala Allah Muhammad Ali Ali Mohammed can also Lita Allah Ibrahima, early Ibrahim. Well America Allah Muhammad wa ala Ali Mohammed came about Allah Ibrahima while early Ibrahim indica Hamid Majid that's it. Third taxpayer, Allahu Akbar.

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And you make dua for the dead person.

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I know some people will ask, I don't know Arabic.

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Can't you say Allahu MFI Allah? Will Allah forgive him or her their sins? Allah Who Marham That's it? Okay. So keep praying for the forgiveness that said, Oh Allah have mercy on them. Oh Allah, forgive them the sense. This is the whole purpose of the funeral prayer to benefit the dead person, because you invocation matters. Make time this person will be either saved or ruined, based on the funeral prior, how many people attended, how much do they made, you know, and this is a sign of a good conclusion of the lives. So make sincere do it. For the person who is dead, even though you don't know them.

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You don't know him or her or them. In the case of a child. In the case of a child, you make dua for the parents of the child. Say Oh ALLAH Grandin patients, give them better what they lost, and ask Allah subhanaw taala to

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reward them the promise toward building a house for them in paradise for their patients upon their law.

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Have their child. Then after the fourth step beer, you make dua for yourself the prescribed dua to say Allahu mulata Hatena ADRA while at 15, Nevada welfare Allah whom Allah Allah, Allah, who Allah, Do not deprive us from this word of the funeral prayer,

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and do not try us after him or her. Well, Phil and Allah And forgive us and him or her, are they very simple, as I said, three minutes, four minutes, five minutes, is not much. So we attend this simple funeral prayer, and you get that much reward. If you decide to follow the funeral until it is buried, then you get another mountain of reward, like Miss LaHood. Those who happen to pray in admission and never we,

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especially those who attend in the first and first few rows, have a wonderful opportunity not to be missed. After he attend the funeral prayer follow the funeral procession to the burial place which is Alba Kia,

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you know, a few meters away from the door and mash it. You follow the funeral prayer until it is buried. You get the word of two mountains of Hassan ad or good deed similar to the mountain of May Allah subhanaw taala guide us to what is best. And in sha Allah. We'll take a short break and we'll be back in a couple of minutes please stay tuned.

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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and welcome back, our phone numbers a code 002 Then 0238 treble 5132. Alternatively, record 002, then 01 double 05469323.

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A couple of questions before we begin with the last Hadith in this chapter, the permissibility of pointing with the index finger upon seeing a deceased or a funeral procession.

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Also the standing up upon seeing a funeral procession as far as the pointing with the index finger and this is very common. You find people in the street whenever they see a funeral. So they point with the index finger and some would say a shadow Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola, ilaha illallah and in fact, there is no origin to this practice whatsoever. It's pure invasion,

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as far as the standing for or upon seeing a funeral. It is something in Malmo Shafi may Allah have mercy on him, and similarly even has midwifery said it is highly recommended, because of several Hadith have been collected by Imam Muslim and others sound a hadith. The Prophet salallahu alayhi salam once stood up upon scene, a funeral was passing by and guess what this funeral was even a funeral of a non Muslim. So the Sahaba Cydia rasool Allah in the Herman L. Earth, Yanni. The guy who is this is his funeral is not even Muslim, he's a Kitabi he's either a Jew or Christian. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, la set nevsun Sahaba refer to the funeral of the Jewish

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person as enamel and art.

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You know, the prophets Allah Allah is an MSc na set nevsun And he got up and his companion has stood up, out of respect to what he said it's a soul, whether it is a soul of a Muslim or a non Muslim. So standing up is recommended and it is not a mandatory practice. Also the Prophet sallahu wa salam assayed in the hadith of Anirban, or via, or the Allah, either a Tamil Janessa for whom Allah had to khalifa come Altova

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which means whenever you see a funeral passing by, you should stand up until it passes you or the day before it like you know if you're, if you're sitting in the masjid and janazah comes stand up, because now we're going to attend the funeral prayer. Or if you are in the street, and you see the janazah passing by, then stand up until it crosses you or passes by you.

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And this practice, as I said, is recommended and it is not mandatory.

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But the practice of pointing with the index finger and saying the shahada or the Kalama is not something that the prophets Allah, Selim or any of his companions have done. The remaining Hadith in the chapter is a very interesting Hadith and very important meanwhile and it is agreed upon its authenticity. The hadith is collected by both Greek Imams Bukhari and Muslim and when we say so, I also know Gemma and the ministry Muslim Ummah, they rely on the Quran, and on the sound statements of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam to establish the hope the proof for any practice, the better that we can do any better. A list if there is a reference. Okay. And for the halal and haram, the

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original condition is everything is halal or less if there is a specific reference that says No It's haram or it is disliked. Keep that in mind, because we're going to need it right now. And only our two year tour of the Allahu Anhu caught Mahina and Teva and Jana Izzy Well, I'm yours Mr. Lena that is Hadith number 931

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indices of the other Salah Hain by Imam nawawi May Allah admission

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no Hina anity burial Jana easy while amuseum Elena

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so otter year is a good lady companion say we have been forbidden from following the funeral procession. But we will not compelled not to do so. Wait a minute. What do you mean? She says no. Hina and you've been teaching us in the past couple of Hadees you get that much of a word and there is a huge virtues in attending and in following the funeral. Correct. But who's the narrator here? Oh, more oddly, or the Alana or the mother of Altea? It's a woman. Yes. So it seems like to left the fog, that following the funeral for men, you get that much of a word.

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Attending the funeral prayer for men and women, you get that mature word. The issue is concerning women following the funeral procession to the graveyard. Then, as a result of that we'll get to speak about the hope for women visiting the graveyard, not necessarily at the funeral procession but layer and whether it's permissible or not ignore Corian. May Allah have mercy on him listed the different views and opinions in this regard and they happen to be three. Some have said it's absolutely forbidden, some will say it is near disliked. And some said it is permissible.

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And each opinion and each set of scholars have their pros and their you know evidences and there he had that. But I find that with this reference

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is very obvious that the maximum you can say it is disliked. But a woman may follow the funeral prayer with conditions. If she doesn't wait. If she doesn't say anything which is forbidden. And if she does not expose herself to fitna or the mingling with meanwhile pushing to bury the dead person.

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And if she is patient enough not to say or act on anything that may displace a lot of mighty

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so all it has said we have been forbidden as women against the funeral pray the funeral procession not to follow the funeral procession to the burial place to the graveyard well of yours, Mr. Lena, and as is put in emphasis. So Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam forbade us even though she's using it in the passive format, we have been forbidden who forbade us when a Sahadi particularly a companion say so. Then this hadith is Marfa. Yanni she is quoting the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam. She is not saying something out of her mind. She is not guessing, saying that we have been forbidden it means the Prophet have forbidden us, again is following the funeral procession to the

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graveyard. While I'm you as Amala inna and he did not put emphasis you are them in the passive that there was not emphasis. Yanni. The prophets Allah Salam did not really put stress on that, which means people could still go, but it's better not to do it. There is a difference between

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prohibition and this likeness, okay.

00:40:04 --> 00:40:34

So the opinion which says is a slight because of the obvious meaning of the Hadith which is agreed upon its authenticity. But as far as attending the funeral prayer, men and women are alike they will get the same word if they attend the funeral prayer. What about visiting the graveyard? Also, the Hadith concerning visiting the graveyard for women would help us sort out this conflict and recognize what the difference of opinion between the scholars is coming from.

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Initially, the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam forbade everyone from visiting the graveyard unless if you're going to bury a dead person,

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the reason behind that is because of the overwhelming and the so widespread Jahai li practices that people used to do at the time of the burial.

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The statements that they use to alter at the time of burial,

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which Allah Almighty have forbidden us against, slap in the face during the close, wailing and weeping and all of that, so they have been forbidden. And that's what I said, you just bury and you take a hike, you don't stand there.

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Then the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him when the OMA evolved, and now the companions are aware of what is faith and what is,

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you know, shirk, major and minor, what is soon and what is better, he said in econ to know how to command the RTL COBOL LFS, who have an inner to the kiboko moon mount. In fact, I had forbidden you earlier, again is visiting the graveyard now, I'm asking you to visit the graveyard and visited awfully since it reminds you of death and this is a great quality. Because when the person the living remembers death, they become God fearing they pay heed. They become conscious of Allah's Presence. Okay.

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So the Hadith does not specify min Orweb some people say but the prophets Allah Allah, Allah selama said,

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Latin Allah was a World War. In fact, this is a very weak Hadith we can rely on to establish a hook. So we say if a woman is visiting the graveyard for the same reason, which is taking heed, remember in death, perhaps making dua for the dead, that is permissible. Especially when you know that Isha Radi Allahu anha heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam saying that Gibreel just visited me and said go and visit the graveyard and make dua for them. So she said oh prophet of Allah, if I visit the graveyard, if I visit the cemetery, what should I say? So he taught her he said you should say,

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As salam o Allah, Allah dear imminent menina al Muslimeen, our insha Allah who become law healthfulness, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Rafi, the DUA which will explain its meaning before PSB with you that the rulers of these homes, the cemetery, we ask a lot more power than us and to power the new and soon we will join you. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam could have said to our Isha, no, you're not allowed to visit the graveyard? Why are you asking about that? But he didn't. So I wish I visited the grave of her brother. She did. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam so the woman who was crying at the graveyard after she buried her son, and he only objected to her

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wailing and weeping and saying whatever which was not right. But he did not tell her not to be here, who do not visit your son. He only objected to her impatience. And he said, Yeah, I'm at Allah. It tequila was very big at feeling Be patient. So that was the only correction.

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In one of the funerals, which the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam attended. The hadith

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is Narrated by Abu Hurayrah Oh, marine, Hatha Raja Allah and so a woman fossa, heavy hair. He cried out loud. Don't follow us. Leave the funeral procession You shouldn't be here. So the prophets Allah Allah, Allah selama said Daheia I'ma leave her Yama. What do you understand from that? It is not hard. So if a woman is going to attend properly, and she's not going to say or act on anything that will display a lot of mighty or make any foolish statement that would reflect that she's not being patient. She's objecting to Allah's decree. If she's going to observe the source and conditions she may it's preferable though, that a woman she shouldn't follow the funeral procession because it is.

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It is not easy.

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To endure that patiently, but visiting the graveyard afterward, to take heed, to receive the admonition to remember death, and to make dua for the dead.

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I believe and Allah knows best, the more I view, it is permissible for women, as well.

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only have one minute left. And I was about to begin with a new chapter, very interesting about the excellence of making sure that we have more and more Muslims who attend the funeral prayer, because that will reflect on the intercession and benefiting the dead person. I prefer to save that to begin with it next episode in sha Allah. So my dear brothers and sisters, may Allah grant us the best conclusion to our lives. Alone murder, I'll hire Marina, our Hara will hire our Melina how it Ma. This is a beautiful supplication or Allah make

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the last of our deeds the best and the best of our deeds the last and the best of our lifespan is the last part of it the remaining part of it so that it will be the best conclusion since in the Hadith Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said in an admirable Herati these are by their conclusions may Allah grant a sincere Toba and repentance before death so that we will die in a state of faith and we will die while having no sense of who Holy * that was stopped for a while it will come on until next episode as Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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Love of God is the greatest

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glory to Him. He bought me to be the best and gave his best religion to allah God is the greatest alone annoying Glory to him on any illness to be the best and give his religion to them. So why did they know that forgetting all about and in paradise, we're shipping cows fire and stones sending their best with the cheapest

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they know that forgetting all about how bad guys are shipping cars fire and stores selling the best and cheapest.

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