Muhammad Salah – Gardens Of The Pious #004 06 Feb 2013

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The Hadith is a title given to the Prophet for authorization and the history of their relationship with Aisha and her father SalallContin. The speakers discuss the use of words like "by" and "by" to describe large groups of people being taken advantage of by the army, the upcoming army of the Prophet, and the importance of support for non believers during the COVID-19 pandemic. They also discuss issues facing the Muslim world, including protests and violent events, and provide personal information and advice for viewers to make the most informed decision possible. The segment ends with a promotion for a TV program and a mention of a woman named Jannette.
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allah God is the greatest
glory to Him. He asked me to be the best and give his best religion to them. Allah Our God is the greatest
going to
give his best to religion to
a Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Keba to little motorcade. What are the words of volume in WA Salatu was Salam ala so you didn't worry in all three in Anabaena Muhammad, while early also heavy arginine or bat, please be so Allah alone we all praise Him and we seek His help of Allah guide is a truly guarded one and whomsoever Allah leaves us say, No one can show him guidance may there is peace and blessings be upon Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we are brothers and sisters, will come to the fifth episode of gardens of the pious in explaining the marvelous book of friable soil Hane for Al
Imam nawawi. May Allah have mercy on him. Today in sha Allah azza wa jal we'll start with the second Hadith in the first chapter, which is sincerity. The second hadith is narrated by the Great Mother of the Believers I Isha to all the Allahu anha may Allah be pleased with her. She said Carla rasool Allah SallAllahu ala he was a learner. You have Zhu Zhi Shan will care better for either can be by either I mean I'll be yourself will be awarding him we're hearing him.
Call it a Omen Nina Aisha Radi Allahu Anhu your rasool Allah cofell SFX will be Awali him hurry him wifey him as well comb warm la Salman whom Allah Yousef will be Awali him What are hearing him so my oh Barcelona Hello Nice to him. And hadith is agreed upon its authenticity. It is collected by both al Bukhari and Muslim May Allah had mentioned him. And this exact text which I quoted earlier, is according to the quotation of LML Bukhari and may Allah have mercy on him. The Mother of the Believers are Isha, may Allah be pleased with her, rated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said an army will read the Kaaba will try to attack the Kaaba to destroy it. And when it
reaches a desert, Nan be Bader I mean, all of them will be swallowed up by the earth that is known as Al has.
So the Mother of the Believers Aisha Radi Allahu Anhu. She said he also ya rasool Allah K for yourself will be a Welly him won't ask you to him, how will they be all swallowed by the earth, yet among them, some who are not with the army, some of them will be in the market, like sis men and women, and people are not belonging to them. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam answered, all of them will be swallowed by the Earth, but they will be raised for the judgment according to the intentions and there is a catch in this hadith, the intention which no one knows, but Allah subhanaw taala and obviously the person himself, the doer, whether it's good or bad. The Mother of the
Believers are Aisha Radi Allahu anha is the daughter of the great companion Abubakar selelck Are the Allahu Anhu. And in the Hadith armoured the last May Allah be pleased with him upon returning from one of the battles in which he was the commander of chief and he was appointed by the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to lead this expedition. So when he returned, he asked the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, in an attempt to gain this great honor. He said Dr. Rasool Allah, Allah, whom do you love most? The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam Innocenti answered, I, Aisha, Radi Allahu Allah, his wife, the mother of the believers. So I'm going to then answer the Allah who can say, oh prophet of
Allah, I did not mean of women. I did not refer to any of your wives or other I meant of men. He said her father abou buck, probably Allah who he said then whom he said Omar
He said, Then whom? He said, Earth man, he said then whom? He said ally of the Allahu Anhu. Jimmy and then Ahmed the last May Allah be pleased with him, decided not to ask him any more. And that shows us how much the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam loved. Aisha Radi Allahu Anhu and her father are Salim Isha was married to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, by a decision that is coming from SMS.
Allah subhanaw taala ordered the Prophet salallahu Alaihe salam to marry her. And she taught us a great deal from the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, she was very young, she was very smart, and had a fever, she had a great memory and she was aware of the Arabic poetry and the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu is and so on. May Allah be pleased with her with her father, with all the companions of the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam, once she was sitting with the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam and he said that an army will try to read the Kaaba, this is approaching the Day of Judgment. There was one attempt before
that was during the year on which the Prophet sallallahu sallam was born. And this year is known as I am will feel according to the incident of l feel or the elephant and as you know that there is a small beautiful chapter in the Quran. As small as far as the number of verses are yet not as far as the meaning is all the Quran is great and glorious,
which is known as Surah Al fee, or the elephant. We will Charla study it shortly but after we continue the meaning the general meaning of the Hadith, so an army will try to read the Kaaba, then while they are approaching the Kaaba and they are in a plane in an open area. Before the inter Naka Yosef will be a William
L husk, I'd like to look at the word bank we have some very interesting words. And I think it's very assisting. So we can learn these words. l bay there is a desert plan. If the brothers in the control can show the word bank and show the word bay that means a desert land or Sahara an open area. So no one is threatening them. They believe that they have full power to capture Mecca and to destroy the Kaaba the same way that Abraha thought earlier. Then all of a sudden Yossef will be Awali him we actually want to look at the word you have zu Bader and Yosef
Allahu Allah Zois is an expedition Yazoo is to read try to attack. The next word is Bader
al Bayda is
the desert land, an open area or a plane yoke settle in the passive form means to be swallowed. And a horse is a landslide. A huge landslide that will cause everything that was on the surface of Earth to be swallowed by and the Quran talk to us about Al hos as one of the means with which Allah subhanaw taala punished some of the disbelievers and those who have been ungrateful to Allah subhanaw taala such as in the case of Qarun was being given plenty of wealth that no one was given any worth like him before Shaka Seffner, he won't be there he'll, then all of a sudden overnight, himself, his wealth and his home, and his empire belonging disappeared, why it was swallowed, and
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said about a man who was walking in His garment and he was very boastful. He was very pleased with himself. He was shown arrogance, Allah subhanaw taala caused earth to swallow him, and he sink in and you will continue to sink until the Day of Judgment. Why? Because he showed arrogance, and he is nothing. He is just a very simple, little tiny creature that Allah subhanaw taala created, and Allah is L moto khabar. And he is the greatest and no one has the right to show in any greatness or arrogance. Because here's a small tiny creation of Allah subhanaw taala. So this huge army, which you read the Kaaba, while they are in a VEDA in a plane or
an open area of the desert, your several watch the Awali him, we're hearing him, the very first of them and the very last of them will be swallowed by the Earth. They will entirely
They disappear none of them will remain the question which popped up in our issues mind may Allah be pleased with her. She said yeah rasool Allah Yossef will be Awali him were very him were fee him as well boom or mele, Sama home, Yanni or Melis I mean home.
The word as well means markets, and why would the market established whether a flea market or a stable market, because there are customers so it seems that this army will be huge, like a whole nation is coming to read the Kaaba and some of the weak Imam people and those who are only looking for dunya would go out to sell them water and food supplies and so on. This is not in directly assisting them rather this is directly assisting them. And we have seen this is happening in our modern time. Whenever non Muslims invade Muslim countries, and some Muslim countries, neighboring countries are assisting them funding them financially funding them by providing the health care for
those who get injured have them transportations, oil supply fuel, food water, the packaged water would come to them airborne so that the soldiers will drink mineral water while they're killing Muslims and attacking sovereign countries. So this will happen
not only in an ordinary Muslim country, this will happen with kava this army as a Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam assayed will plan to attack and destroy the Kaaba. And amongst them there will be people who will come out Muslims who will sell them food will sell them supplies will be assisted them. This kind of assistance is called direct assistance. So Aisha Radi Allahu Allah say Dr. Rasul Allah, because this huge army will have markets and so on. There will be some who won't out only to sell their goods. And some were passing by some people who happen to be there. Well a sending home. They did not plan to read the Kaaba, they did not agree to that what will happen to them.
The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam assayed, all of them will be swallowed by the earth, then they will be resurrected, on the judgment day to be judged, according to the intentions, somebody will have been captured as a prisoner of war. Nowadays, in many Muslim countries, a lot of innocent people were had been taken for no fault. When we know that in Guantanamo, some people who are 90 years plus and minus 1413 1415 and 16 years, all of them were captured, because, you know, they used to sell them and they just bought them. These innocent guys found themselves in *. So these people while they are with them, and this landslide measure, landslide or Al Hasan will take place,
everybody will die. What will happen then, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, when they will be resurrected, they will be sorted out based on their intentions.
We know about the incident of Abraham Abraha is a king who constructed a church in Yemen. he envied the Kaaba, because people would perform pilgrimage to the kava, which is constructed of stones. It was built by Ibrahim and Ismail peace be upon them.
Then he decided to build the church to attract more pilgrims, and to divert them from the Kaaba. He built it, as some of the Athar says that one brick of gold, and another of silver, very precious church, but still, people did not really bend and visit in the Kaaba, and they did not go to his church. So anyway, he decided to read the cover and destroy it
on the way and in one area, which is known as where they feel that Ebola lit a huge army. And on top of this army, he brought the elephant an elephant in order to destroy the Kaaba and take it apart. Subhanallah the elephant wouldn't move an inch. They beat him up with the reps with their experience with their sticks. The elephant would not react,
not an inch, but whenever they will reevaluate the elephant. I mean to retreat, to go
Right was to go left, the elephant will comply. But to move forward, nope, he will not even move an inch in that there was an N Enough sign that there is something about this house. There is something about the Kaaba. It is not a house of a creature or a human being for an elephant to understand and you do not then you deserve the following. Allah subhanaw taala says, LM Tara que Farfalla Rob Booker the US have il fi LM Elijah al Qaeda home feet, I believe. We're our cellar ally lay him by urine. Real Tommy him behavior. Rotten means a gene Phaedra Allah Who gas in code. In brief, Allah tells us the story of what happened to this elephant. And the army which came along with the
elephant, the army of a boy which came to read the cabin and destroy it. Have you not seen what happened to the people of the elephant? Allah subhanaw taala is addressing the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and every person of course, because the Prophet sallallahu sallam was born on the chair so he was not aware of the incident he heard about it as history. Have you not seen Mohamed what happened to the people of the elephant and I'm Tara kefan or bookmobiles have been field LM Yoda Alka he don't feel terribly well Salah Allah him Tehran ellaby. He made the plots in vain.
They came all the way from Yemen to destroy the Kaaba, rather they came to die in this place to be destroyed, and how they Allah subhanaw taala destroy them in a very simple fashion. He sent birds. Each bird was carrying a stone made from clay coming directly from the fire of *. Somebody would say how could a bird carry a burning stone? This is none of your business.
This is Allah's business. Allah subhanho wa Taala says,
while you learn you do know the similarity will art
when they are limited, you know, the Rebecca Illa, who to Allah belongs the horse and the soldiers of the heavens and the earth. And no one knows about them. But Allah subhanaw taala that malaria could eliminate a whole nation. This is a mosquito, a female mosquito carrying a particular coin coin in this killing a whole nation by the lives of Allah subhanaw taala maybe a hurricane, a tornado, a violent wind, a landslide, a flood, you name it on a screen. Like what Allah subhanaw taala did when he ordered Gibreel Ali salaam to do to other nations, the pupil of thermo the people of of Iran, that people afloat
Subhan Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is capable to take any person or any nation for with whatever mean that He desires. So he sent those birds carrying the burning clay, each person, it will drop the stones on top of him will penetrate his head and would come from his bottom and would kill him immediately. Fragile on task film that goal. The world asks him cool and he made them like an empty field of stacks of which the corn has been eaten by cattle.
The farmers are aware of that when they let their cattle graze in the field. So they eat the corn and they leave the sticks. This is what happened to this huge army, which they believe that no one can stop them. You know, also the grandfather of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who was like the chief of Mecca. Back then he had some camels are grazing. They were captured by Abraham. So he went to speak to Him.
Abraham was expecting him that he's going to beg him not to destroy the Kaaba and to leave it alone. Instead, he did not even discuss the matter of the cover. And he said he said, You've taken my cameras, set cameras. as such. We are a noble man, instead of coming to speak about the Kaaba, you're coming to speak about your camels. He said yes. Because the camels are mine. While the house or the car that belongs to Allah Lilibeth era Bonilla, Allah is gonna take care of his house. I was just walking by camels. And soon after that, this is what happened to
Abraham and his army in an in a valley which is known as worthy Alfie. In any case, also there are
Psalm a hadith indicating that amongst the signs of the Day of Judgment,
that another army will come to invade the Kaaba and they will indeed destroy it and so on but that will be approaching the day of judgment but Muslims will still will still perform Hajj and Umrah doe in this regard.
Al Bukhari yo Muslim narrated Hadith from Abdullah Hypno Amma Radi Allahu and Houma there is said, either Anzahl Allah who will come in other than I saw the other woman carrying a fee him some water so I learned here to him, which means whenever Allah subhanaw taala afflicts any nation in a people with a torment, then it will encompass all of them, the whole village, the whole city, then they will be resurrected according to their intentions. Those who are good will be saved and will be rewarded, and those who deserve the punishment, then the punishment or the seizure of the dunya is nothing compared to the term in which is awaiting them in the Hereafter. May Allah subhanaw taala
protect us
Allah subhanaw taala says in Surah Al Hajj in area number 25.
What may you read if he be ill had him Bill Holman, odaka hoomin Durban le. Al Kava is the most sacred place on Earth.
Maccha is the most sacred city on earth, then the medina of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, in the Haram and around the Kaaba. The person is not even allowed to think about committing a sin. We're thinking about the sin is considered a sin in Mecca. That's why Allah subhanaw taala says And whoever inclines to evil actions during will to do wrong we shall cause him to taste from a painful torment NewsOK who may not have an alien swallowtail had in a number 25
this hadith brothers and sisters teaches us that we should not be assisting the wrongdoers whether of the disbelievers or of the believers. In the Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, also a haka volume and almost Luma you should support your brother whether he is a volume a violin is an oppressor or wrongdoer, or Muslim woman and oppressed. Wrong. The Sahaba were shocked and the CDL rasool Allah had an en su ma lumen ver que Fanon Soto vitamin, we perfectly understand why should we support him if he's oppressed wrong, but how can we support him if he's an oppressor? He said, the N Timnah, who angered me by stopping him from his operation, while assisting the non
believers, again is the believers is an act of cough is an act of cough. So those who will be seized by Allah subhanaw taala by a punishment in the love of this world, for assisting the non believers, again is the believers, whenever they will be selected, they will be treated like the disbelievers. Why because it was the choice and they did not follow the Aqeedah of Allah and Allah they assisted the enemies of Allah subhanaw taala against the brothers and sisters
and Allah subhanaw taala put lot of emphasis in the Quran in this regard.
So mobile sunnah, our learning team in Surah till and fell also in a number 25 Allah subhanaw taala says what Tappu fit in that Allah to see Ben Nila de novo Allah Moon mooning, Comhar saw one demo and Allah has shady Dolakha. Allah is this in the believers? It will fit Nitin avoid a trial a fitna or a punishment. Avoid a torment which whenever it falls, it will not be selective it will not choose certain people the wrongdoers rather, it will be general it will cease also those who have been silent, passive, those who did not do anything in order to change what song that will see Bernadine Avila Moomin comparsa it will not only pick up during doors, but the assistants and those
who are passive as well. And that also refers to the vicious of enjoying what's right and forbidding what's evil and being proactive. Shouldn't Be silent. You shouldn't be quiet whenever you see your own happening in the lower Alamo and Allah has shady Dhulia card and you gotta know that Allah is Severe into a min May Allah subhanaw taala protect us the catch in this hadith brothers and sisters, the importance
of formulating a good intention, number two, making certain that you're not hanging around with wrongdoers, and whether a person's, for instance, those who would like to go to certain places for fun, they're going to Las Vegas, they're going here and there and they know that these places are places of faith and fascia. While I'm going to attend a business meeting, do not go to these places because any of these places may be seized by Allah subhanaw taala for the wrongdoing at any moment, then you will be in trouble. In this case, let's take a short break and soon after the break, Inshallah, we'll open the phone line for your questions and inquiries please stay tuned.
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Salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. And we'll come back with the second segment of today's episode of Guardians of the pious, our contact informations beginning with the phone numbers, area code 0020238 treble 52480249 The email address is [email protected]. Our Skype address is Hoda, Hu D A underscore TV. And our Facebook page is www forward slash insular official.
I believe we have a cooler Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
Saramonic. Can
you name Brother, please?
Jelly. Jamie, how are you and welcome to the program? Are you calling from
London? Okay, what do you have in mind?
I will
take my Shahada. Are you ready? To take your shahada to declare the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala right.
Yeah, how long have you been studying Islam? MashAllah
maybe like
maybe one year one year so you're fully convinced that there's there should not be any god worthy of worship but one God that is Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him is his last messenger, right? Yeah. Okay. So basically, thank you for sharing with us this marvelous and great news. I'm gonna say it in Arabic, repeat it after me. Then we're gonna say its meaning English, and I would like Masha Allah the picture is here too.
How are you Jimmy?
Can you
Okay, please try again. Okay, please. So again
this is a very special one.
Moment. And thank the brothers who brought this to us so that we can
let the viewers join us in celebrating this precious moment. Please try again brother, Jimmy from the UK.
The following Hadith which is the third Hadith by the time he tries again is narrated by Aisha Radi Allahu anha. The same Narrator The Mother of the Believers who narrated the previous Hadith call a call interview Salah Allahu Allah, he was Alana la hija rotta ba del Fett he Wallachian, do you have a one year low heat your water bottle fat here like in your head on one ear, or either stone philtrum fan fill, I'd love to see the Hadith on the screen please.
La Hirata bardahl, fat he Well, I can Jihad one year. We're either stone philtrum Fennville. Again, the hadith is agreed upon is authenticity, which means it is collected by both al Bukhari or Muslim. May Allah have mercy on both of them. When the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam has said that he thought about the fact it means
because by the way, this is a Hadith which is greatly misunderstood. La Hirata van bellfort. He there is no immigration after the conquest of Makkah. But what will count is only Jihad and a good intention, Jihad and good intention. So if you are summoned, or ordered to join the Muslims army to fight, then go forth and do not hesitate. When the Prophet sallallahu Ania cinema said lair Hirata, ba del Fett he is specified, there is no immigration after the conquest of Mecca, then there is no valid immigration for Metka after its conquest, because the immigration at one point was incumbent on every Muslim who's living in Mecca during this time, after the Muslims spent 13 years of
persecution. Allah subhanaw taala ordered him to emigrate. There are a couple of immigrations before immigration to and Medina to wise to have to have a senior then afterward the measure Hydra two and Medina it was not permissible for Muslims. To stay in Makkah, it was not permissible to conceal the Eman while they have an opening, they have a chance to emigrate to El Medina, the home of a man the home of peace, and so on. So most of the companions emigrated men and women, and a lot of beautiful sacrifices, stories and so on.
Some people stayed behind for a reason or another. So in the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam conquest conquered Mecca. Eight years later, the Prophet sallallahu Julius Malema said today there is no more immigration for Mecca. Why because Mecca has become a home of Eman.
It is not valid to leave Makkah in the name of hedgerow there is no point.
Okay, we have Jimmy again on the line. Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Salam, welcome back, Jimmy, I want to seize this opportunity. And I want to say the shahada in English, and I could see light coming out of your face. So repeat after me please, I will witness
I bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship.
There is no god worthy of worship, but Allah alone,
by Allah alone, another witness
and I bear witness that Muhammad peace be upon him.
That Muhammad peace be upon him was his last messenger is his last messenger. Okay, we're gonna say this in Arabic. I'm gonna say slowly so that you can repeat it after me. Ash How do
I shall do Allah Allah. Hola, ilaha IL Allah, il Allah, wash hair do
ye shall do. And Namo Hamedan
and Muhammad Rasool Allah Rasulullah Salallahu Salam pingit Congratulation by that. You're officially a believer. You believe in the Oneness of Allah. You believe in all the prophets before Muhammad and you believe that Muhammad peace be upon him was his last messenger. And he also believed that Jesus peace be upon him is one of the revered Prophets in Islam, and he was given a virgin birth and miraculous birth and he is the servant and the Prophet of Allah Almighty. I wish
that we will close so that I will give you a hug and I'm sure that all the viewers would do like to do likewise. But congratulation from the bottom of my heart. May Allah bless you and keep you steadfast, please leave your contact informations with the brothers would like to keep in touch.
They have any question? Yeah, yeah, go ahead, please.
Oh, question.
No, I'm not a coffee. A couple of questions.
Right now. Okay. In any case, I'll be, I'll be more than happy to provide you with my personal contact information for any future questions in sha Allah. And hopefully my next visit to the UK will can meet. May Allah blesses me, I'd like also to tell you that you're most welcome to keep your name and is if you want to choose a different name. This is perfectly personal and option, it is not something that you have to do. And we're very, very pleased to host you today.
In this special episode of Guardians of the pious May Allah make you, me and all the viewers among the dwellers of his gardens of Paradise, Amin, thank you so much, Jamie. Yes, thank you. You want to say anything before you leave?
That thanks for your time, and thanks for helping me do that.
Baraka Luffy, thank you so much. May Allah bless you and keep you steadfast. I just want to ask you a question. Before we leave this question is a typical question that I normally ask every person whom I give shahada anywhere in the world. How do you feel now?
I feel
I'm sorry, what do you say? I'm sorry? What was that? How do I feel? Yeah, how do you feel? Yeah, I feel good. I feel like
I don't know if it was good was good, like, opened up?
Excellent. I don't want to put words on your mouth, but I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty sure you're gonna start feeling feeling free. The real freedom is insurance servitude to the only God to feel being protected by your Creator, to feel that you're back to your birthright. You've gained your birthright once again, because every person is born as a believer,
as you know, and as every person knows. So we'll come back to Islam. And thank you so much. We all pray for you. And also like to encourage every person I know that a lot a lot of Muslims are watching Hulu, TV, any set of time that you feel you want to ask any question that will assist you to make up your mind to make the most wide decision in your life. Please do not hesitate to do that. You can contact us via the phone numbers or email address for whatever. Jimmy, thank you so much for joining us and please leave your contact information to the control. I'd like to contact you personally. Thank you so much. All right. In fact stick at Monica life said thank you Miss Baraka,
Luffy Zack Kamala Hannah, of course, I haven't I didn't know Jamie before. I haven't spoken to him at all before and this is a gift that Allah subhanaw taala gives us because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said yesterday Allah will be Corrado Lanois Hayden, Jairo. laka minute dunya, one fee. If Allah guides through you just one person, then this is going to be better for you than the whole world and what it contains what could be a better and a bigger gain than that. So I thank every person who's involved in making it easy for Jimmy to learn about Islam, and to accept Islam. I can picture the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam right now, while he was trying to approach this Olam,
this young man who was doing the Jewish boy, when he said to him, when his father was sitting on one side of the bird and the prophets, Allah, Allah Salam was sitting on the other side. And the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam kept telling him yeah, we'll call La Ilaha illa Allah, c'est la ilaha illa Allah, you will enter paradise if you say, I'll be able to intercede for you, if you say and the woolum Every time he looks to the other side and he sees his father, who's a Jew. He was reluctant to say, and Allah put the word on the tongue of his father and said otter about Carson. Listen to him. Say as he tells you do as he tells you. So the boy said a shadow Allah Illa illa Allah, wa
shadow Ana Muhammad Rasul Allah. Then he died. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam remarked saying Alhamdulillah
They're Hillary and Carter who be mean and now thanks to Allah and Praise be to Him who saved them through me from the fire of *. All of you brothers and sisters, the viewers and the supporters of who that we are partners in this marvelous event, especially the supporters who assist directly in propagating the word of Allah subhanaw taala and refuting misconceptions and shouldn't live in every house in this world. Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah Berkut.
Morocco here from Egypt as Salaam Alaikum and welcome to the program
I just wanted to say congratulation for the new board Muslim.
She has
against regulation for you
the efforts you're doing for all the Muslims
that come along here and
I hope more advanced for you and for the Muslims in sha Allah and this is very good
to see people are along the wall, it's still want to address Islam. This means that Islam is the only religion and is a true one. So I just want to say a message for the Muslims.
Just pay attention to your religion, and see how many people are dressing stem from everywhere. And now once again, congratulation for the new Muslim brothers journey. And for you too, thank you so much is that como la Helen May Allah bless you and your family is just brought to my attention, something that I skipped earlier, which is the G Jimmy now is a new born, Jonnie. Whatever is done before has been erased except for the good deeds. So he's just born today as the Prophet sallallahu Alia Selma said to Ahmed the last when he came to accept Islam out of the laws before accepting Islam, he led walls and expeditions against Muslims. And when he came to accept Islam, he was
reluctant after the Prophet sallallahu Sallam stretch out his hand to him to take the pledge of allegiance from him. He pulled his hand back and he said, Not before you promised me that God would forgive me my sins, because have done a lot of bad things. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam smiled and assured them and said, Don't you know that al Islam was a Booma cobbler.
And now I need to annul Islam, a Jew Booma cobbler. The accepting Islam would erase all the sins which are committed before this moment. So we envy Jimmy, that he is a newborn. You're starting from the scratch yet all the good deeds that you've done in the past, and surety in assisting others in being well mannered. Whatever is still stated, only if you've done anything bad, that will be raised and wired that way. Thank you so much sister, Omar Acharya,
the Hadith la hija rotta ba del fat. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam was addressing those who are in Makkah at this time it's over.
You cannot catch up with the immigrants and you cannot get their word because Maccha has been conquered and now it is the home of a man.
But why this hadith is misunderstood because some people they take it generally say there is no more hater. I know we spoke in the previous episode about the different types of Hydra and sometimes the immigration becomes incumbent worship. Sometimes it is merely commended, and sometimes it is MOBA and will know that HYDRA may be forbidden such as migrating from a Muslim soil to a non Muslim soil for no reason without any legitimate justification. Now, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam has said In another Hadith let on call to your own Hydra to have the third quarter October well done quarter October two had the whole session. So may Mallory be
the explains, removes any misconceptions and misunderstanding pertaining the hedgerow he said SallAllahu Sallam Latin cultural Hydra hatherton Quarter October el hijo and the command of immigrating will not be seized will not fall in effective until there is no no Tober and when exactly with the Toba will not be effective when the sun rises from the West, right before the day of judgment because when the sun rises from the West, it's over. So people who are living somewhere and they cannot practice the religious
duties and obligations freely are ordered to emigrate. But the earlier hadith of our Isha is pertaining emigrating from Makkah to anywhere else that said, there is no more command to emigrate from Mecca to Medina. Well I can jihad on Ani, I will speak about the meaning of jihad and Nia after this phone call is Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah cut.
Brother Abdul Hafeez from Nigeria
and hamdulillah Shukla thank you for asking the Kafeel
lonely for the sake of Allah, I have baccala the attorney fee thank you so much BarakAllahu li calm.
In your explanation earlier
you said a Muslim will not support a non believer as a Muslim.
Muslims are not supposed to assess the non believers in their aggression against Muslims or even non Muslims. Yes, I didn't mention that.
In the case where a Muslim and a non Muslim are fighting or you know, the Muslim is wrong. What do you do in that instance? Okay Baraka
a Muslim and a non Muslim fighting and the Muslim is wrong. Okay Baraka Rafi be the right position to take from Islamic Islamic point of view just a common law here. I did answer this question when I said also a haka volume and almost Norman, this hadith answer this question. Yeah. Manuel Kuno co Amina Elahi shahada, I will cost
Allah subhanaw taala older the believers to be just
to be fair, whether with Muslims or non Muslims. So if Muslims or if a Muslim is in conflict with a non Muslim and he is an oppressor, we got to stop him from his oppression. This is what the Quran says. When I read your iman Nakane Shanna Coleman, Allah. Tada. You know, I didn't know who Taqwa Let not the enmity between you and others and certain people to make you treat them unjustly
or unfairly. Now, do you know be just whether this conflict is between Muslim and a Muslim or a Muslim and non Muslim? So if a Muslim is an oppressor we're going to stop him from his oppression Baraka Luffy como Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah briquette. Whether because they're from Egypt, welcome to the program.
Well on equal labor, welcome. Salaam rahmatullahi wa barakato. Wendy, Vanessa, how are you? I'm fine and hamdulillah thank you for asking.
I just call to congratulate my friend Jen, for accepting Islam. Thank you so much Barak Allah if you come and I encourage the viewers to do likewise. And I encourage the viewers please.
This is not the effort of one person come in patience on the with a TV. The TV is the best channel ever seen in my life. And I'm calling the other non Muslim people to come and watch for the TV. And I'm also congratulating my friend Jamie for accepting Islam and the only religion that is in with the Allah Islam. Allah subhanaw taala in the Holy Quran, in Medina in de la Hill is Allah protecting against the agenda and Castro to sustain any family? Welcome. Salaam rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh JazakAllah Helen Preserve? Thank you so much for the nice words that you shared with us. You know, brothers and sisters, I was saying this is not the effort of one person. Only is men behind the
cameras, the cost, the lighting and the coffee man and the director who who keeps bugging me and
brother, Akhmad Femi, the manager here on the floor manager of Fouda. TV, the general director, may Allah bless them all. Thank you so much. Well lie they are working very hard. And
Yanni, I believe in sha Allah, they're all working for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. So at least include them in your DUA say to them, just like Kamala Harris, and I'm saying to them and your brothers and sisters Jezza como la Hieron all of you. Salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Sister ser from the case a welcome to the program, while a coma salaam but Mr. Pillai congratulation to Beretta chain from me and for my family. May Allah bless him and he is most welcome to our religion. And hamdu lillah Allahu Akbar Al Hamdulillah. Thank you so much.
Thank you system.
I have something to say. Regarding yesterday's question. One of my colleague complained the higher authorities that we are going to
Bring disunity in the gatherings by conducting Islamic quiz into this will spoil the entertainment as we are not allowed to now conduct change Shall I go in such gathering or a scene from a use your best judgment based on the situation if you think you can do a change? Yes if you think that you can avoid a song yes otherwise you can protest that by not showing up and you say the reason why is because I do not attend a gathering or a meeting where there is a Marcia Thank you, Sister ESEA Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa cattle Ibrahim from Nigeria Welcome to the program
Hello and
welcome Sam. Well that's not a lie. He'll Bala kettle
Go ahead, Ibrahim.
Yes, I just call to congratulate Guinea for
for taking from all evil.
I mean, thank you so much. Thank you. By the way, Ibrahim, there is every minute somewhere in the world, somebody's accepting Islam.
You know, if if these people who spend this tremendous amount of effort, money and time in attacking Islam and constantly stereotyping and bashing Islam and Muslims, what do you think about it? With all the effort they put and limited funds they put in order to hinder people from internet Islam and to brainwash Muslims and hinder them from the religion. Still, Islam is widely spreading, and it is the fastest growing religion were in their homes. So they say Islam is paid by the sword. I do not see any Muslim country in the world where there is a sword or a weapon, or even capable to defend themselves rather than all week. Mostly wasting their money in nonsense. Subhanallah if they spin,
if they spend 1% of their income 1% of the income in funding the Dawa.
It will be completely different. You will Islam will prevail in sha Allah in no time is known as prevailing with the least effort that is done by individuals here and there. Subhan Allah why because Allah subhanho wa Taala says well Allah homo Tim Monterey.
Allah definitely will fulfill his light and perfected you read rune and you will see oh nor Allah He BF where he him. Allah homotopy minority he will carry healthcare for your own. Who Allah they are Salah Rasulullah, who will bill Hoda Wadi in and help Kelly O'Hara who Allah de Nicola while I will carry heavy machinery cool Kuhn. Today I got a tourist who call me and to learn about Islam and she was asking serious questions. I'm pretty sure she's watching right now. Every day that our tourist places here in Egypt and abroad, I've seen a lot of people will come in, to dive in Dead Sea or to go to visit the Egyptian civilizations, ancient civilizations and the monuments and they come across
some Muslims and speak to them and they return back with a different faith. They return back after the accepted the truth. This is from Allah subhanaw taala.
Masha Allah, Allah, Allah brother, Jamie, just call and he chose the name, Kareem.
And carry means generous.
I believe we'd be more than happy to meet the generosity with an offer to offer. Jameel or Karine.
A free study in Hooda Academy in sha Allah lifetime in sha Allah azza wa jal so you're most welcome to join the Academy to learn about the deen absolutely for free.
And I encourage the viewers to support through the academy as well so that we can offer free courses and classes for new Muslims, especially those who cannot afford it. Once I had a student from the UK
and she was a great student. She was always straight A's in Islamic Studies Masha Allah, then she dropped one class and he asked her what happened. She was the best she said avert. She said because what I do is I work so I save up some money in order to be able to pay the tuitions my body
was shivering Wallahi it was a very, very,
very serious matter to know that a new Muslim, and she's a female. She dropped the class in order to work so that she can pay for the tuition for an Islamic education. hamdulillah Shukla would be more than happy to provide free education free from any tuitions for new Muslims for new Muslims who are studying with us. Once we know that they're new Muslims, it is our duty. Similarly through our sponsorship program, we can sponsor students who cannot afford it and meanwhile we'll be able to record new programs and courses for the Academy in sha Allah Azza will avoid the academy or any other there is a new Muslim Academy and it is absolutely for free. And I announced many times on my
Facebook page the courses are absolutely for for free.
May Allah subhanaw taala bliss all the brothers and sisters are put in an effort to educate the OMA and declare the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala everywhere we have another phone call salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah Abdul hakim from Nigeria Salam Alikum
walaikum salam Shaikh, how are you brother Abdul Hakim? Well, mostly I call to congratulate our new one misery. Thank you so much. We pray that Almighty Allah will keeping in his love forever and all over
me. Rally como salaam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Jay Sekulow head on Abdul Karim and thank you so much. I want
sister Salaam Alaikum
amidst the name Okay, the phone call was cut off peaceful again.
Sister study from Egypt try again please.
So when the Prophet sallallahu Alia celibacy Letang copper oil Hydra hatherton culty October well at uncoated October two hot Taku ashram so I mean Marguerite beheaded indicates that HYDRA will be
there with all its different again as we discussed repeatedly, until the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanaw taala praised animal hygiene. Those who emigrate for his sake in numerous yet in the Quran, I would like to quote a couple before the end of the program in sortly Bacara and number 218. Allah subhanaw taala says in Lavina Manuel Lavina, her head will be severely
eco drawn out Matan law, one law of war he rarely those who believed and those who emigrated they live their homes for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala to be able to learn their deen and practice their Deen what I heard if he's a really lie, such people they hope the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala to be upon them, and Allah will grant the mercy because he is the Forgiving, the Most Merciful.
number 100 of Surah a Toba Allah subhanaw taala says was Serbia Kunal Eduardo nominalism Mohammed URI in our own sorry we're living in
the SN you're probably Allahu unknown. What I'll do alone one whom one I'll do one more.
for Foley the Nephi.
Then he can reform was in love.
There is only a taco and where it says that God does not mean Tatia Allah Allah subhanaw taala says the foremost of the President Al muhajir. In the immigrants Alon Ansari, those who supported them, give them housing the lodging, give them money and supported them financially when Latina BSN and those who followed them with goodness. Radi Allahu Anhu modwen, Allah is pleased with them, and they will be pleased with him. Well, I had been home Jannette in 38 atoll on ha and has prepared for them. God is beneath which rivers are flowing hard enough he had a bad day shall reside in agenda forever eternally such reward is 1000 Avenue. That is the ultimate and the greatest success may
Allah subhanaw taala make us among them brothers and sisters. Until next time, I leave you in the care of Allah subhanaw taala because this is all the time we got for you today. It was a very special episode May Allah accept from all of us who have already had our stuff for a while you welcome Subhana Allah Mohammed a shadow Allah Allah and Mr. filco on YouTube like was all Allahu Allah say Ed now whenever you know Muhammad in voila
And he was like me he was Salam wa Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
allow our God is the greatest
glory to Him, the only humans to be the best and gave his best religion to them. Allah Our God has the greatest
glory to Him
to be the best and give his best religion to them so why did they know that forgiving all about an empire that was shipping comes fire and stones sending their best to the cheapest
day you know that forgetting about how bad or dies or shipping cause fire and stalls selling their best