Yasir Qadhi – Wisdoms of the Quran #25 Excellence Will Be Rewarded With Excellence

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of excellence in the Bible and compares it to a promise made by Jesus to his own employees. He emphasizes the need to practice excellence in every interaction, including praying with an ihsan and giving charity with it. The speaker also mentions the importance of ihsan in witnessing the beauty of life and allowing people to live up to their levels of ihsan.
AI: Transcript ©
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Our Quranic gem and wisdom on this blessed

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night of 27th of Ramadan

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comes from the 27th, Jews of the Quran.

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What do you think the reward of excellence

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will be in the eyes of Allah

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other than excellence?

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1 of our scholars of the past, he

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was asked, which verse do you think

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is the most optimistic verse in the whole

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He mentioned this verse, Hal Jazaw lihsani ilalihsan.

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He was

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said, this verse, there are so many other

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verses. Why did you choose this verse to

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be the most inspiring

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and the most optimistic?

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He said,

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Allah is promising

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His excellence

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in return

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for ours? And is there any comparison

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when we put in our 100%,

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when we do the best we can do,

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and how imperfect that will be.

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Allah has promised

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that He will do the best He can

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And how can we compare

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the finite with the infinite?

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How can we compare that which is gonna

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be fallible with that which is infallible?

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How can we compare the meager temporary efforts

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of this dunya with the infinite blessings of

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, and yet Allah has

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opened this door. Haljaza'ul

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Ihsani illal Ihsan. O Muslim,

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be inspired by this verse. Know that this

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verse comes in the context

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not to the person who is praying and

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fasting the max. He promises it to all

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those who are practicing

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And Ihsan is practiced not just in one

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area, in multiple areas. What Allah is saying,

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oh Muslim,

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you do the best you can do,

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and I promise you I will give you

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the best you can ever imagine.

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This means, oh Muslim,

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is open for every single one of us

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right here without exception.

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Equal opportunity.

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There is no discrimination.

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It doesn't matter who you are, what your

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background, how much you have been blessed with

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the wealth or not, doesn't matter.

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Every one of us, if we put in

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our max with what we have, with the

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resources we have, with the influence we have,

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if we live our lives with the best

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then Allah has promised us that He will

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give us His ihsan, and there is no

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comparison between my ihsan and your ihsan. So,

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oh Muslim,

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when you stand up to perform wudu,

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perform it with Ihsaan,

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and make sure you wash yourself the way

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Allah wants you to wash. When you stand

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up to pray, monitor your prayer with ihsan,

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and pray as if this is your last

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prayer. When you give charity, give it with

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ihsan. Look at where you're giving, and feel

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a sense of humility, and awe, and thankfulness

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that you're giving charity. When you interact with

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your relatives and family, do so with the

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ihsan. When you meet your parents, do so

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with ihsan. With your business partners, interact with

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them with the ihsan. When you buy and

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sell, buy and sell with the ihsan. In

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every single

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interaction you do, do it with Ihsaan. And

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if you live your life like this, no

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matter who you are, where you are, if

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you live your life with this level of

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ihsan, then guess what? Allah is promising you,

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Oh Muslim,

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be of the muhsinin,

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wallahu yuhibul muhsinin.

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Be of those who practice excellence in every

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single minutia of life. Whatever you do, do

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it with Ihsaan. Whatever Allah has blessed you

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to do, do it with Ihsaan. And when

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you do so, you will live and die

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as a Mursin. And when you give Ihsaan

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to Allah, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala promises,

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Haljaza ul Ihsaani illa Ihsaan. May Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala on this blessed night of 27th,

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may Allah Azzawajal

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grant us to be of the mursineen. May

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala make make us of

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those who can live up to Ihsan in

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our rituals, in our Ibadad, in our salawat,

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in our muamalat, in our akhlaah. May Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to witness the

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beauty of this ayah. Aljazawl ihsani illal ihsanwakrudawal

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alhamdulillah. InshaAllah, we'll continue tomorrow with

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