Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari – Understanding Bid’a Innovations

Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the use of turran in Islam, including its significance in rewarding employees and creating a movie with decorations and lights. There is no clear context or topic, and the conversation is difficult to follow. The speakers apologize for being cut short while discussing these topics.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Rahim. So, continuing with our class on 40 Hadith, so phenomenal, Allah to Allah and one of the animals. Today we have a very, very important Hadith and a very important discussion, Hadith number five is where we reached

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now we have this hadith in front of us I actually have two versions of

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the PDF.

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This is like a PowerPoint that

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we sometimes used and the key concepts are already there in the book that you have.

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They also have

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read the Hadith first

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if you see that this is the version that

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is in the book basically. Hadith number five, we read the translation here because the translation is not in the other PDF and I will just go to that so this this is a Hadith famous Hadith and Aisha Radi Allahu Anhu call it Paulo Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when I had a marina herder, Melissa Minh, who for her word, this is the Arabic coffee rewired and the Muslim men Urmila Ramadan late sorry for her right translation

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on the authority of the mother of the faithful Mother of the Believers

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translation says abou, Abdullah Aisha

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so you should be on Abdullah? Aisha, that was the cornea the the title name of see the eyeshadow the Allahu anha So Omar Abdullah alright Michelle, the Allahu Anhu. She said that the messenger sallallahu alayhi salam said the following.

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This is the translation he who innovates something in this matter of hours, that is not offered will have it rejected. This hadith was related by Bukhari and Muslim whoever innovates something introduces something

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brings something new in this matter of hours.

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This matter means this religion of house referring to Islam and Deen this Deen of ours, this because deen is a matter, it's an affair of life.

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So whoever innovates something introduces something new brings into this matter of hours, something which is not part of it.

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Which is that is not offered,

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will have it rejected. The word in Arabic is for who don't read don't means in Arabic, we'll have it rejected.

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And in one version by Muslim, so this above is the version that's in both books, Bukhari as well as Muslim.

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And then in the Muslim version, there is a slight variation,

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which is like an addition, which states when Angela, Angela, whoever, He who doesn't act. So in the previous agreed upon in both books version was whoever introduces something, or innovates something.

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Here, it's here who doesn't act which is kind of similar.

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First one is more general you introduce it to yourself and others. And in this version is like the person is just acting himself or herself on something which we have not commanded, ie Allah and His Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him. We have not commanded we have not issued a verdict we have not told you to do it.

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Then for who are doing then that thing that you've acted upon, that action that you've carried out, will be rejected. So that's the basic

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meaning of the Hadith.

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now going into the key concepts

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just chips change the ship screen. This is the basically Hadith key concept is the same as in the other version, but because the translation was key concepts of a bit

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better, you know, sort of displayed in a better way.

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This prophetic tradition is considered one of the most important traditions in Islam. That's the first

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I think I remember mentioning in the previous class and the class before as well and maybe right, right at the beginning the first introductory class as well.

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That among no we,

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may Allah have mercy on him.

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has very carefully chosen the cream of narrations and traditions and Hadith, it's 42. And I also mentioned why this 42 And we call it the 14 right in the first introductory session.

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And the point I made was that numerous may be in the 1000s, that are collections of 40 Hadith. But why has this one become probably the most popular? Maybe not even probably, it has become the most popular throughout the world.

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Over the centuries since Imam No, we compile and gathered all this Hadith from the various books in the seventh century. Till today, for the past 800 years, 700 years.

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This collection is very famous, and it's taught and studied throughout the world.

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And there was too many reasons I mentioned. But one reason that I mentioned which I want to mention again, just briefly, is the fact that he very carefully selected the absolute core of Hadith, upon which you can say that, because he thought in the 1000s, if you wanted to pick out 4042, the most essential ones, then you would not pick a better fortitude and the ones that you know, no one has picked.

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So they basically cover the all aspects of religion, these Hadith, and that's the reason why we're studying these Hadith. And then I mentioned that from these 42, as well, there's about four or five, which many Imams afterwards came and said that out of these 42, if you wanted to pick up pick out

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a few which are which can be deemed as the summary and the core of these 42. So 42 Out of the 1000s. And then from the 40 to the absolute core, there's about four or five, some have said five Some have said for and this is one of those, some many Imams have said this that if you look at all the 1000s of Hadith, if you want to pick out for you know absolute, you know, essential hadith of Islam

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we've already covered two, definitely one which is the first one in normal our mode of being yet the actions are going to intentions. And number two is the Hadith Jupiter eel,

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the long Hadith and we studied and then number three is this one, and there's a fourth one will appear shallow and when we come to it highlighted. So this is a very important Hadith and this hadith has a connection with the first one.

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The first one which is probably like a very, very absolute like the cream of headlights. The first one

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which is in no Malama Lavinia actions are

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by the intentions, actions are rewarded by the intentions actions are

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accepted or rewarded. The importance of sincerity the importance of Nia and the importance of having a good intention

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this hadith is connected to the first

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the first hadith is like the Hadith that most books of Hadith start with that hadith. If you become Sahil Buhari, maybe in your time, just go on line and check Sahil Bukhari you'll see the first Hadith actions according to the intentions. So he Muslim first Hadith, most Hadith books, the major ones, they all start off with this hadith and then they start there, you know, different chapters. And the reason I mentioned down there as well in the first time, because everyone's reminding all the great scholars of Hadith, they are reminding themselves and reminding others reminding the writer, the reader, the teacher, the student, whoever picks the book up until the Yeoman pm until

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the final day, find out

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that before you study before you teach before you read before you write, it's really important to correct

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the intention that we are seeking knowledge for the sake of Allah in order to act upon it not to boast not to, not to, you know, so having the right intention.

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This is why that first hadith is really important. Now, I will say that

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There's a connection between the first one and this hadith fight. Number one, number five are connected. Why are they connected, is because every action, every deed that we do as muslims,

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every action of every deed that we do as muslims, there's two aspects to the action.

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One is the internal, and the other is external.

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Internal, external, like with everything else in the world, we say, you know, like, make your external good as well as your internal good, externally remain clean, pure. in a good state.

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Don't yourself, that's external beauty. And then there's internal beauty that have good character traits and have good qualities and good attributes and have a good heart, good soul.

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Sometimes you'll see something like you've got food, which has got good packaging from outside, but inside, it's gone off and it's dirty, and it's harmful. So it's no use and if the inside is good, but the outside packaging etc, is bad as well, then that's also people will, you know, not pick it up. So

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every action we do, as Muslims, there's two aspects to the action. There's an internal part there's external.

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Like, let's take for example Salah prayer.

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There is the external of the prayer and there's the internal of the prayer.

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Both are really really important. The first Hadith talks about the internal

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and this hadith number five is talking about the external. This is how there is a connection.

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This is why Hadith number one and Hadith number five are connected. Halina number one is to do with internal so when we pray, we have to ensure our intention is correct. We're not praying to show off, we are praying for the sake of Allah. If we're giving charity, we are ensuring that our intention is not for boasting or pride or arrogance or trying to show off that we are very generous. Any deed, class and sorority internally, the mind and the heart has to have a good intention.

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But that's not enough. That's 50% Then the external is also important, which is that the way that action is carried out, that action has to be carried out in accordance with the teachings of Allah and His messenger. So

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if either one is missing, then that deed is not considered to be a deed that is accepted by Allah, if the first part is missing the first Hadith and the second, the second part is Hadith five is taken care of example is that the action is done really well.

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The person is praying externally, really well, he's learned that properly he performed or she performed wudu ablution, properly, offering prayer, you know, externally, in accordance with how Allah and His Messenger has taught us and guided us to do an action so that the person is praying on time praying Maghrib for example, three rock grandmother in the way it's supposed to be prayed reciting Surah Fatiha doing ruku is not like doing his the person is not performing Salah in a wrong way. He's not making two proofs, for example, he's not making these two Judo wants to do. He's making two suits, because that's what he has been commanded or she has been commanded. Allah and His

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Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, When you stand you stand like this, you stand like, you know, you're going to bow down, you make a record and you say something about him and Hamidah. So this guy's doing look good. So externally, everything's in order.

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But internally, all the time, the guy was trying to show off. He was just trying to show off like somebody was there. He was pretending like, Oh, I'm so pious, and I'm praying. So the internal part is not there. Because the intention is not sincere. This deed will not be accepted by Allah.

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And if we take it the opposite way around.

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The first part is taken care of. The person who's praying is praying really like for the sake of Allah, he's very sincere, she's very sincere. She's praying with full heart with for Allah and not to show off.

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But the way she is praying, or he is praying is not in accordance with how Islam has taught the person to pray. For example, the person instead of one record makes two calls. adds one more. Imagine we prayed Maghrib right now, we after we went Allahu Akbar Subhanallah Bill Adams Subhanallah Bill Adams honorable Alim sent me Allah Freeman Hamid batuu Allahu Akbar Allah subhana wa Sallim Subhana Allah, semi Allah human harried bacterial crew. Somebody says you know what, I just love ruku so you know what, I'm just going to do three recruits. You

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Imagine someone does five superfoods.

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Wrong. It's sinful. If you do it deliberately, it's actually sinful. It's really, really bad.

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If someone did it by mistake, then fine. It's not, I mean, the salah will be invalid and you have to repeat it but you won't be sinful because it was a mistake or you owe the salah you know, if you, you have to make Suzzallo, etc, the rules for crews. But if someone deliberately thought you know, I'm going to pray in a different way than the way that's taught to us, regardless of how sincere you are.

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So sincerity itself is not enough. The first hadith is not enough sincerity is not enough, the external aspect of the deed has to be in accordance with the teachings as well. And likewise, just the external is not enough

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that the deed is done in accordance with the correct teachings in a correct way. But internally, the mind and the heart and the focus is on something else are not Allah, then that's also not accepted. So this is how the first and second this fifth Hadith are connected. Hadith number one is to do with the internal the intention to be sincere, that we pray for the sake of Allah we given charity for the sake of Allah, we perform hajj for the sake of Allah, like for example, somebody is going for Hajj. Now the internal of it is that it's not to be called * sob or, you know, show off the you know what, I can go for Hajj? No, it's for Allah and external is that that hajj, that pilgrimage

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must be done in accordance with the way taught to us by a oneness messenger peace and blessings be upon him. Go in the right time on the right dates. Imagine somebody went for Hajj tomorrow.

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Yeah, we are in what month are we are in Islamically

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are the authority

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of your authority of your locker with today's 20th reveal 3014 43

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Somebody thought you know what?

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Last hedge was locked down. You know what, let me just go into hedge today.

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So tomorrow, someone's taking a flight tomorrow, the day after tomorrow starts the hedge five days of hedge. And

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on Sunday, the guy's going to Mount Arafat. You know what? Amazing

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this place is packed with so many people so difficult how much time? This is me. You know what? One man one man hedge one man out of one man out of a mound out of the hole of God the hole I refer to myself. And there's nothing there's no one there. You go on the mountain Tada. There's no one that you relaxing. There's no pushing, shoving, no, nothing. Best hedge you can do next five days, go to Mina. There'll be no tents. Nobody that is Chi will be cheaper as well.

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And you'll be so sincere. This is only for law, nobody. That hedge will be thrown back at us. Because Allah says I didn't tell you to do hygiene this way. Well, you might even do it according to the way but I didn't tell you at this time. So externally, it's not just about how it's done. It's about when it's done, how it's done.

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All of that is also necessary.

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So this hadith by is talking about the extent

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that whenever we do an action, it has to be done in accordance with the way taught to us. Regardless of how sincere we are, regardless of how much we do it out of love and emotion and our zeal and our you know sort of love for Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi salam, that's fine. That's the internal part. But that does not justify doing it in a wrong way. Because actually, part of that love for Allah and His Messenger SallAllahu Sallam is to do it according to the way Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us to

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somebody who says you know what, I, I love Allah so much. You know, imagine you're offering theater cameras, Salah

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and you are really loving the prayer. And now after the third Rucker, you have to sit down and then reject the show hood that the yard makes alarm and complete your prayer.

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On that day, you are just on a different level of spirituality.

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Some amazing level of spirituality. You said you know what I can't. I don't want to end this salah. I'm so loving, enjoying praying for Allah my heart is so much to pray

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for today Allah I'm just going to give you one more call. I'm just going to pray for God.

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Now if someone does go off of photogrammetry

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imagine three rica but he's adding one more. The whole Salah is invalid like it's not going to be Muslim anymore. You might become nothing but you still have to pray because if Allah said less you have to pray less. If Allah said three we have to pray three, four

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fasting ends at sunset.

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Somebody said hungry for 18 hours Maghrib time and Ramadan, all I love to this fast, I'm enjoying it, I feel like I want to be hungry. Today I'm going to give you another two hours extra. So I'm going to fast if somebody didn't eat just for some reason that they couldn't find food or something that's different but someone who religiously thought, You know what, I'm going to extend my fast for another two hours.

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This is why then that's wrong. This is why the Hadith says

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that those people who break their fast on time early, they will be on hired on goodness is zaru nurse be hiring my general fitter.

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The it's recommended as early as possible as soon as sunsets. That's why we shouldn't even delay. Like some people ask this that, you know, can we delay we pray our mother. And then we'll open our fast no is wrong. If you're going to go offer your mother a prayer for 10 minutes and then delay. Yeah, you don't have to eat the full biryani and the full you know the whole unhealthy samosas and pastries and all the oily food. No, you don't have to do that. You can just have date and water or just a sip of water. But you have to just break it. Because Allah has said up to this time, you just break it at that time.

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This is what it's more cruel to delay it. Why? Because we can't add to something Allah has said till here that we can add more, we can make a less. Like if someone says you know what I'm going to make it to us first. That's wrong.

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Decreasing is wrong. Increasing is wrong, decreasing increasing, minuses adding,

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reducing, adding, both are wrong. Because we are slaves of Allah. Allah says here, that's the point. That's it. If Allah said three Riccar, reducing it to two is wrong, extending it to four, that's wrong. Three, Allah said three, and a story three.

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So this is basically the summary of this whole issue. That in Islam just as internally the sincerity, the love for Allah and doing it for the sake of Allah is necessary. Likewise externally is also important and not doing it differently than the way taught to us by Allah, His Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him. Because that is also a form of love that you do it. As you've been told, by your master, by your heart, by your Creator, by your God by your Lord, and your beloved messenger peace and blessings be upon him.

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It's like servitude, and some, it's being submissive,

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you know, submissive

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to the Command of Allah and His Messenger, sallAllahu Sena, you know, just to finish off this fasting thing, and then we'll get to this. This is just like the introduction of the subject. This is a really important topic.

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The fasting

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in fasting, taking such rule is highly recommended mandelman Sana,

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see if someone doesn't take the Social Meal fast is valid.

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But we are highly encouraged that fast. Sorry, take the subtle mean. Why?

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Reason being

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is that imagine yours fast begins that, let's say 4am.

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Now it's recommended. The more you delay your soul, the more reward we get.

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I can take the surgery like 12 midnight.

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And that's it not eat anything after that. If I start

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making an intention of fasting at 12, midnight, then that's sinful. That's actually adding that's better. If I say okay, I'm taking my support at midnight. And that's it for I'm starting my fast that's extending, like I said, you can add, I'm adding four more hours from 12 midnight to four o'clock, I've added four hours of fasting which Allah didn't tell me too fast. It's sinful if I do it deliberately. But let's see if I didn't think it's a fast I'm thinking fast starts at four but I just can't eat that I'm just gonna eat now. Then it's not sinful, it's fine.

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What if someone just slept through the night and couldn't eat whatever. They're still thinking fast starts at four. My intention is to start a fast at four. But I'm just eating right now because I might not have food later or whatever, then it's fine. There's nothing wrong, nothing sinful about it whatsoever. However, it's better. If you eat at 12 Then will you eat at 1am 1am is better than 12. If you eat up to 2am Eating is better than one eight. If you to three 3am is better than four. Then 2am If you to 330 That's even more better. If you eat or if you start it up 30 Or three, four

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At basically eat until the last moment to three minutes before 4am is when fast starts, it is more rewarding that we eat until 338 30 3:37am Sorry 357 358 Maybe don't go to the last minute because you don't want to go overboard and over but until the last moments

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358 359

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and to open the fast as soon as sunsets. Okay, now the timing when the sunset depends like some than in the masjid is probably based normally what they do is they do like three minutes later, so just It's okay one or two to three minutes over just to be precocious is good. Most massages what they do is if you check on Google sunset, sunset might be like 803 The Athan in the masjid timetable will be 806 or 805, that's fine, just wait till later five, because they're just trying to be sure the sun is fully gone down. Because sometimes the when they sense that, you know, because the full sun has to go down, not the beginning of the sun, the sun setting, and then when it's disappears behind the

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that's when we can eat the full sun. Yeah, the whole of the round Sun has to be fully behind, you know, the same for both, that the whole of the bowl has to go past the goal line. You know, if the ball goes even three quarters, but a tiny bit is left.

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That's not a goal.

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If you follow sports, you probably notice that's not considered to be a goal, the whole of the bowl has to go fully behind the line, the line sticks, he has to go right below it. So this is what the ruling for the first thing is the whole of the Sun has to go. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make here is that look at this from both ends. In saloon, the more you delay, then later you eat the better. With Iftar as soon as the earlier you eat, the better.

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Why? The wisdom behind this which is being taught is that it's not about staying hungry. It's not about fasting. It's not about eating. These are small things. They're important rules. But there's a bigger picture here. And the bigger picture is that we are being taught slave hood. The bigger picture here is we are not eating because Allah has told us not to eat. We are eating because Allah has told us to eat. So So who time you eat right in the end. It's like you know, it's like a practical implementation of service servitude. That Okay Oh ALLAH. It's like you're talking to Allah Allah. Can I eat a lesson? Yeah, you can eat Okay, mutated, and I carry on eating? Yes, yes. 350 and

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then carry on eating all right, yes, you can carry on eating. It's 357 Can I carry on eating? Eat 358 59 Can I eat now? No, stop. Okay, stop. Now as soon as he told me like we're robots. And then throughout the day 9am Can I eat Allah? No, you can't eat

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the whole time. Can I eat a lot? No.

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5pm can i Now eat? I'm hungry? No. Seven. Can I eat? No. Eight o'clock is mother. So eight o'clock. Can I eat? Yes, eat Okay. As soon as Allah says Eat, eat. When he says eat we eat.

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When he says don't eat, we don't eat. So one of the lessons that are that is being taught with the fast is served. Or when we tell you to eat you eat than eating is a burden. When we tell you not to eat, the not eating is a good act. When we tell you to pray and praying is good. When we tell you don't pray. Sunrise don't pray then praying becomes sinful. When we say sunset, don't pray. Then praying the consensus. The same prayer. If we don't pray when we're supposed to pray, then not praying is sinful. And when we pray when we're not supposed to pray then praying yourself. fasting in Ramadan is necessary. Because Allah has said fast if we don't fast, we are sinful and fasting on

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a day. We will fitter and we do love her. It's sinful. It's haram to fast I'm sure you guys know the two days of our eat and the three days after Adel Abba which is absolutely haram sinful agreed upon by everybody that is not permissible to fast. Somebody thinks Oh Allah, you know, like you know, madonn 30 days they fasted for a long time I loved it. They are so spiritual, tomorrow's or Ebola. You know what I don't need it. You know, these people everyone can eat totally no morning and have all the time a tie and all the sweets and you know, they can feast on the biryani and celebrate all the you know me. I'm just so much in love with you. I'm going too fast for you too. If somebody does

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that, then that is better and then sinful. That's haram and that's really bad.

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Really sinful. Because Allah says today I have told you not to fast

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So this is what's being taught. And this is the concept of this idea

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that the external action has to be done in accordance with Allah and His messengers, guidelines teachings. Now, this hadith is all about now there's a few concepts that I need to explain a lot of people, you know, ask these kinds of questions, questions related to this topic. This is a very controversial topic. There's a lot of things attached to it. And this is why I try to tend to explain this in the most comprehensive way as possible, so that all angles are covered, and we have a clearer picture about innovation.

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In Arabic,

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we say, bid bid. I'm sure everyone's heard the word bidder. Probably the most common word used with our brother Aki Haleakala. Did you know, you have some bizarre busters? No, they have Ghostbusters. There's some people call them the big brothers. They want to just count down and sorry, cloud the clamp down on every bidder that is happening on planet Earth. They take it like as their job. They work, the busting bidder, there's actually I think a website called bid Abbas. I'm not sure I think there was many years ago, but maybe it's too late.

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Now with this issue,

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what happens is that there's two extremes.

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We find two extremes of this issue.

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One issue one extreme on one side is this extreme approach to Buddha,

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which is translated as innovation.

00:31:40 --> 00:31:54

Where some people are so extreme and so stringent and so narrow minded and so strict and so aggressive in their definition in the understanding and the application of be the innovation.

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more or less everything is kind of bizarre, there is no scope for anything else unless it is clearly clearly explicitly mentioned in some verse of the Quran or some Hadith exactly what you are doing.

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Other than that, it's a bit that's the definition.

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This is an extreme on the right.

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Where they are so strict about this hadith

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because the Messenger of Allah Allah Islam said whoever introduces something, bring something new into our religion. And it is not from it or malaise early on Runa which we have not commanded. So they say we need a clear command. Give me a hierarchy hierarchy Allah Quran and Sunnah bro, give me an idea of the Quran or give me a hadith sahih Hadith? No, it has to be authentic as long as if it's not in Hadith explicitly mentioning exactly what you are doing. Then rather this is bigger

00:33:05 --> 00:33:10

and bigger is the law innovation Mokulua dollars infinity and every innovation takes it out

00:33:20 --> 00:33:28

now this is a very strict kind of approach because we're not going to find explicit and there's no Hadith saying you know what?

00:33:29 --> 00:33:35

Oh, you will believe study with see if you will, Adina Manu study with see

00:33:36 --> 00:33:45

the Drosophila see La La Quinta tahune so that you might fear Allah on a Friday evening and use a laptop as well as a laptop. I don't

00:33:47 --> 00:33:51

know if the Quran is talking about use a laptop and you know, do a online UTI.

00:33:53 --> 00:33:56

You're not going to find explicit things, these arbitrary sort of

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so many things. So it can't be as black and white like that you has to be explicit. Otherwise, everything our you know, Juma talks, you know, Friday Jamar talks in the mosques, that's a bit and they actually say that some of them say that this Jorah talks pre July, you know, the lecture the Imam gives in English. Sometimes they give only the hotbar. But so many massages and mosques across the UK, especially when they give the hotbar only in Arabic. And that's a different discussion. Can you have it in another language but they have beyond or a talk or a lecture in English, or some places they do tend to do as well. The mom will give a talk and then after that the football is

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done. These guys say is bigger because it wasn't done. Even the you know, like a data center measure will be a bit every Sunday or every Saturday night. There's a class taking place after Isha prayer in the mosque. So the mom is giving you a fifth class. The books become big, everything should be good. Because one of these things I explicitly mentioned

00:34:59 --> 00:35:00

and they can't see

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To the definitions, and that's why they become, they pick and choose based on what they think is not better. Because if you don't want to be absolutely strict than 99% of the things is better. Having a university Islamic University having a madrasa or having a dark room have been classrooms having, you know, classes and pre that classes, everything's a bit random. They don't, they don't. So basically, it's pick and choose.

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That's one extreme.

00:35:28 --> 00:35:29

There's an extreme on the left.

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Where some people, because you know, whenever there's a fight and argument and a debate and a discussion and contention takes place,

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there normally what happens is that it's all as a reaction, because of this group, this group, the lower extreme on the left, they will react, and they will, they were supposed to stay somewhere in the middle. But because of the opposition, and they want to really oppose this group on the right, they go more to the left to make a point, they actually you're wrong. No, we're gonna go there. And these guys, they were here, strict, but then they go more this way. So these guys then on the left, will go bit more left, and then the right one goes more, right. And then the left one, what are you doing more right, now we're going more left. And they both end up on one on the North Pole and on

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the other on the South Pole.

00:36:20 --> 00:36:22

One on One in the east, one in the West.

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One in the east, one in the West, because they've gone to two opposite ends. Now the extreme on the left, they there are some people who are so lenient

00:36:40 --> 00:36:42

and so

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lenient, and so accommodate

00:36:51 --> 00:37:02

of this issue of the idea No, no, everything's a bit initially is like, no, there's certain rules and conditions and not every, there's been a lot of different types. But there has been a good bit by bit.

00:37:03 --> 00:37:09

But to the what happens is they go so extreme that more or less, there's nothing better.

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There's nothing better. They become so accommodating

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to the point that they they go so extreme in their definition, they go so lenient,

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and accommodating in the definition of breeder is that they actually say this, that look, as long as you're not doing something bad, sinful haram,

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then there's nothing wrong with it. And you always we always hear this from people on the left, who who do get involved in innovations, that look, you know, what, am I doing anything wrong? Is if I'm if if if someone tells them that this particular thing is bizarre, like it's introduced something in religion, it shouldn't be done. The normal understanding the normal public, they think that look what bad What wrong have I done? Because remember, the action will always be a good action and of itself.

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But they will always say, Look, I've not committed Zina, I'm not fornicating I'm not taking drugs. I'm not taking weed. I'm not slapping someone, I'm not killing someone. I'm not murdering someone. I'm not stealing. I'm not causing havoc. I'm doing a good deed because it's always to do with Islam something good.

00:38:21 --> 00:38:49

So their definition of data is as long as you're not committing something which is clearly sinful, as long as if someone's drinking alcohol, then yeah, that's wrong. But if you're not drinking alcohol, if you're not fornicating you're not killing someone. You're not shooting, you're not murdering, you're not swearing, slandering, then they think it's not better. Or the point is this brothers and sisters, that this is the point that always be the actions in of themselves are good, like the examples I gave.

00:38:51 --> 00:38:53

The person was offering three to Karma Grip.

00:38:55 --> 00:38:58

Okay, three requirements. This is why I use those examples.

00:38:59 --> 00:39:09

He is so focused on Allah, that he thinks you know what, Oh Allah, I'm going to give you one more God, I'm going to pray for truck. So I'm going to do for now in the fourth car, what has he done?

00:39:11 --> 00:39:12

drank some alcohol.

00:39:13 --> 00:39:33

taken some drugs, swear, slander, kill, murder steal only Kate. No. One extra car. One most surefire. One more surah. One more good. Three more times. Subhanallah will are the two more so Jude is doing two more sessions. Like he's not doing anything bad. It's a search though.

00:39:34 --> 00:40:00

So the actions are always good in of themselves. Otherwise, there's not even a discussion with this bedarra With our can't be on alcohol. That's haram that's gonna do it better. Better is always innovation is always about actions which are good enough themselves. The other example I gave you about fasting, the one who fasted till sunset and for all I know what I'm going to give you one more hour. What did you do one more hour, he actually fasted instead

00:40:00 --> 00:40:02

Hungry for Allah. That's actually a good thing.

00:40:03 --> 00:40:10

Didn't go eat pork sandwich is doing a good thing. The one fasting or eat day is fasting for Allah.

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So it's always a good action. It's a fast it's a prayer. It's a bigger it's a gathering. It's this be it's moulded some you know it's good things in of themselves Salawat on the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam etc. But the point is that these things are good in of themselves. But

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has this way been prescribed? Because it's not about these actions is about a time? Is it the time that Allah has messenger told us to do it? And is it the way is it the amount in quality in quantity in duration, everything has to be in accordance with what Allah has messenger so nobody's gonna tell us if duration is what we can extend it, we can't decrease it. That's the duration and the timing as well.

00:41:00 --> 00:41:16

If the time of Allah said fasting Ramadan, the first Ramadan he said, not only the not only day, so the timing has to be in accordance as well. And to fix the time and this is the point the to fix a time for something where Allah his Messenger hasn't fixed the time by for example, sending Salawat

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or reciting Quran, reciting Quran can become a bit as well, if I was reciting Quran on Friday,

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at a given time, let's say after hours that I'm reading some particular Surah of the Quran.

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There's nothing wrong.

00:41:36 --> 00:41:45

But if I thought that to read it at this time, this particular surah is highly recommended and more rewarding to read it at this time.

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And it's probably mentioned in Hadith, or by Allah and His Messenger Salallahu Alaihe Salam that this surah to be read at this time is better and more rewarding than that becomes innovation. If I didn't think of that, and if I just thought it's just, I just wanted really at this time, then it's fine. So fixing a time for something for which the time has not been fixed. But anyway, we're talking, we're going to talk about all of this now, just some rules about it. So right now, we're just talking about these two extremes. So the extreme on the right is wrong as well, where you have a very strict narrow vision and understanding of the term that everything has to be explicitly

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You can't do that, because 99% of the things will be innovation, and nobody sticks on it. And it's not that loose as well.

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To the point that this hadith becomes redundant, because it's so loose, I know everything's fine. As long as a good thing. There's no good, whether it's a good whether it's a good bit if it's not, it's not a bad bit.

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That's what some people, they say, this is all good with good weather, because action is always going to be good. So there is in their definition, there's no such thing as better unless you're drinking alcohol. But that's not even to do with with that. So then this hadith becomes redundant.

00:42:58 --> 00:43:01

So what's the middle balanced approach to this issue?

00:43:03 --> 00:43:06

What is the balanced approach? And this is what we're going to just quickly look at.

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Does rolling my laptop slightly? Hopefully, it should be should be okay, shall we?

00:43:22 --> 00:43:24

So, first of all, we look at the definition

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linguistically introducing something new, regardless of whether it is connected to religious affairs or other worldly matters, regardless of whether one practice is it, considering it to be part of the you know, otherwise. This is not that important, but there's a linguistic, Arabic language point of view, linguistic definition of the term vida.

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What does it mean linguistically? You see, there's a linguistic definition and as Islamic Sharia our technical definition, and that's where people get confused. And then they say, okay, but isn't this a bit odd and everyone's doing it and isn't this some things are built out from a linguistic point of view, but not from a Sharia point of view, but linguistically introducing something new, even in worldly matters regardless what is to do with religion? Now I just introduced a new phone into the world. So linguistically, all of this has been

00:44:19 --> 00:44:44

the rules are not attached to the linguistic definition. Whether it's religious affairs or worldly matters, regardless of whether one practices it considering to be part of deen or otherwise whatever this is linguistic. But what we need to know is how does a matter become a matter? How is something deemed to be innovation bigger? According to Islam according to Sharia understand?

00:44:46 --> 00:44:53

Because when it when it's defined as a bidder according to Sharia, that's when it is problematic, and that's what we need to avoid.

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00:44:58 --> 00:44:59

it's three, three things.

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It comprises three parts.

00:45:08 --> 00:45:22

Number one, it was not done in the time of the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, or the rightly guided Khalifa and the very early generations despite being a need for.

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So, if someone doesn't actually

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that was not done in the time of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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as well as the rightly guided qualified early generation of Islam the Sahaba time because the messenger sallallahu alayhi salam said, Allah can be so naughty, was so Nadella qualified or rushed in alma de follow my sunnah my way, and also follow the way of my rightly guided successes. Another Hadith says Takata do believe in embody, ensure to follow the two these two after me will Bakr and Omar he's so bakr Omar Osman Ali, the early Sahaba. It was not done in their time.

00:46:13 --> 00:46:29

And this despite being a need for it, there's a technical meaning further behind it that, you know, sometimes there was something that was not a requirement at that time. That's why they didn't do it. It was just not like the era. It wasn't required at the time, because that thing wasn't around. It wasn't.

00:46:32 --> 00:46:37

It wasn't travaillent therefore there was no need to do it. Like, for example, you know, let's,

00:46:38 --> 00:46:41

you know, some compilation of a book,

00:46:42 --> 00:47:18

the Quran, that was compiled, you know, in the towel, but over COVID Allahu Anhu on them, so that's fine anyway, because it was done in that time. But imagine, let's say it wasn't, it was done later, to something that wasn't required at that time. And then later was done, then also, that wouldn't be good. So, but the main point is, number one, these are the three sort of parts to the definition of it. It was not done in the time of the messenger Salallahu Alaihe Salam on the right regarded holofoil and successes and urges harbor and early Muslims. That's the main point. So someone's doing the deed, which was not done by Okay, number one.

00:47:20 --> 00:47:21

Number two,

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someone is doing it with the intention of gaining more reward.

00:47:29 --> 00:47:34

So this, all three things have to be met. So the action was not done.

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And then someone's doing it now.

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And when doing it this person has

00:47:44 --> 00:48:01

this intention, that doing it like this in the form that I am doing it in the manner that I am doing it in at the time that I'm doing it in fact, there's more reward, like there's significance attached to it.

00:48:03 --> 00:48:11

So sometimes people think that this particular method of doing it right now is more virtuous or more rewarding.

00:48:12 --> 00:48:16

Or at this particular time, on this date on

00:48:18 --> 00:48:19

10s of stuffer

00:48:20 --> 00:48:22

or 14th of February.

00:48:23 --> 00:48:26

Random they came on 14th of February.

00:48:28 --> 00:48:43

Someone wants to do something on 14th of February like offer a particular type of love Salah someone says you know what? On 14th of February, me and my husband me and my wife, we are going to inshallah offer Salah together in congregation

00:48:44 --> 00:48:47

Yeah, what kind of Salah this is going to be a forecast.

00:48:48 --> 00:48:54

Forecast Salah in the first raka Surah Fatiha and then we're going to read

00:48:57 --> 00:49:15

some these verses which talk about marriage, but in different ways. I mean it and halacha communion physical massage a little school really how was your alibi in a coma with a dorama we created from his signs we created for you, a mate a soul, so that you find peace and tranquility.

00:49:16 --> 00:49:26

And in the secondary account, we're going to do thank you whom are called welcoming and these are married women matter. Now we'll do that a little while. In the third record. We're going to read Surah Fatiha and then we're going to read

00:49:29 --> 00:49:43

another verse about marriage or something. And number 4/4 regard I'm going to read this verse now. There's no such a verse of the Quran or Hadith or anyone saying that on 14th of February there's a four o'clock prayer.

00:49:45 --> 00:49:49

Okay, this was not done in the time of the messenger SallAllahu Sallam on the right.

00:49:51 --> 00:49:59

If someone did it, number one, and number two, if someone did it, thinking that there's this particular way is established

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thinking that this reading on this 14th day is more rewarding is more better. This is exclusively attached to the 14th of February, rather than the 13th of Feb, or the 18th of

00:50:13 --> 00:50:46

October. They give more significance to the time they're doing it, the date they're doing it or the day they're doing it, or the way they're doing it as well, these particular verses, they think this is a better way to perform for Carnival. Then someone comes and says, Okay, I'm reading for the carnival as well. Oh, brother, are you as well? Yeah. What are you reading? I'm reading Surah Fatiha. Surah to class. I'm reading Surah out the parable for Apollo's rubina's, an auto brother, today's a 14 This way, you need to read these verses, there's more reward.

00:50:47 --> 00:51:22

That becomes better because you've added more significance. But if someone didn't do with that intention is just randomly just for you. I'm reading. I know this is not stablished. I'm not saying it established. I'm not saying that there's more reward on this. I'm not saying that. If someone else you're reading that maybe you might get more reward, whatever. It's all flexible. Anyone can read anything, but I'm just doing it just as long as you know, which third points I'm just really miss. Can I read for the carnival on a day time? I can do. Okay, yes. And then the last part is it shouldn't go against the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah.

00:51:23 --> 00:51:40

So the third thing is you have to check whether it's not going against. So beta is when it goes against the teachings of the Quran. So, so like, for example, Maghrib Salah is three aircard that's clearly mentioned. It shouldn't oppose something clear in Islam. Someone offers photogrammetry

00:51:42 --> 00:52:01

it wasn't done. Number one, it wasn't there in the time of the messenger Salallahu Alaihe Salam, right. Okay. Number two, the person is not even doing it with more intention of gaining reward, it just says look, you know, I'm just reading for but still not permissible because it is going against the teachings of the Quran. So no, which tells us that mother is only three.

00:52:05 --> 00:52:35

So, these are the three parts of a bit of a definition. So back to that intention. That example on the 14th of February, a couple married couple husband wife fought Okay, today after the her we are going to in our bedroom next to our bed, we are going to offer Forca knuffel optional prayer

00:52:38 --> 00:52:45

national prayer together in congregation right next to the bed and after the goes through into the bedroom and urbanised cuddle

00:52:47 --> 00:52:49

next to the bed we're going to offer for

00:52:51 --> 00:53:13

the first record like I said Surah Fatiha, these particular selected verses of the Quran, second raka Surah Fatiha then these selection versus third record so to refer to the selection versus fourth raka Soto Fatiha this. Okay, that's an example. Based on this. We've just read

00:53:15 --> 00:53:41

we have to see someone says is this a bit or not? So, let's pass it by these three points. Number one, it was not done in the time of the messenger so I love it you said rightly girl qualified. So we checked was it done by the messenger SallAllahu listen the Companions Is It Anyway in Bukhari and Muslim Telemedia without any any Sahai authentic or husband or even in a maybe slightly weak narration nowhere this example that I gave is no way

00:53:42 --> 00:53:47

there is no such a for a kind of a pro recommended okay. So, it's not

00:53:48 --> 00:53:53

in that it was not done, but still it does not become better because all three things have to be met

00:53:55 --> 00:54:03

then you check number two, it is done with the intention of gaining more reward. So, now, these two this will all depend on this.

00:54:05 --> 00:54:27

If they are thinking that this particular form of praying Salah whether they think this form of crank sauna gives them more reward or they give it more importance or they give more importance to praying on this particular day which is a 14th of Feb or this particular time which is 2pm or reading those particular suitors

00:54:29 --> 00:54:54

but if they have none of that in mind is no just random. It's okay It's like this you know, it's random we just just thought we just pray. I mean just selecting the suitors because there's these chapters these verses on the Quran because they're good verses that are both about husband wife marriage relationships now is it do you think you're gonna this is a like a more significance to read it on this 14 Different No, it's not it's just random. There's nothing they know clearly in the brain.

00:54:55 --> 00:54:59

Then it will not be a better because it's not dealing with it.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:15

This is part two isms. And number three, you check. Does it go against the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah we check. Does it go? No, it isn't because it's for a novel allowed in Islam. Yes, it's allowed. Is it allowed

00:55:17 --> 00:55:46

in during the day? Yes, it's allowed for a carnival is allowed during the day. So you check, that's a lot. Is it permissible to have read these sewers and these chapters or these verses on the Quran? Yeah, that's allowed. It's not it's not going against the teachings of the Quran, sunnah. 2pm in the afternoon? Is it allowed in Islam? Yes, it's allowed. If they were reading that same thing at sunset or sunrise, then you wouldn't be allowed because of Reason number three, because it's going against the teachings of the Quran.

00:55:48 --> 00:56:02

But reading a 2pm it doesn't go against the teachings of grace. So will I be a better or not? It all depends on number two, and how they're looking at it. So sometimes it's a lot to do with that intention behind it as well.

00:56:04 --> 00:56:10

So this is basically an easy way to understand what is innovation with and what is not.

00:56:11 --> 00:56:12

Okay, now

00:56:13 --> 00:56:17

there is there are some checking on the people that are mashallah people are still here.

00:56:21 --> 00:56:22

And haven't been bored off

00:56:23 --> 00:56:25

and run away. Okay.

00:56:27 --> 00:56:36

Now, this is a Hadith, same country. Yeah, this this hadith, there's another Hadith that is basically

00:56:39 --> 00:57:00

just emphasizing this last part, point number three, because whoever introduces or, or integrates in our religion, something contrary to our way. So basically, it shouldn't go against the way prescribed will have it rejected. And that's why if it falls under General permissibility, then it's fine.

00:57:01 --> 00:57:17

They're reprehensible and sinful. Innovation is the show that rebid not the linguistic type, like I said, is big innovation, which is the Islamic Shery, which is based on these three elements, that's the one that sinful, that's the one

00:57:19 --> 00:57:25

which is considered to be reprehensible. Now, few more points to further explained this

00:57:27 --> 00:57:28

as more or less examples.

00:57:30 --> 00:57:33

These further points are like more explanatory points

00:57:35 --> 00:57:42

on these three elements, especially number two, because a lot boils down to number two,

00:57:44 --> 00:57:46

lot boils down to this.

00:57:47 --> 00:58:21

Because it's to do with intention, and it's to do with your mindset. And that's why it's sometimes it's difficult to distinguish between what is innovation what is not, sometimes, it's like one person did for one person doing that is innovation for that person. But for another person doing the same thing is not an innovation. I know, external we're talking about it's not to do with internal but this aspect is there as well. So because normally the point number one is quite clear, everyone knows

00:58:22 --> 00:58:33

easy to check wasn't done by Allah's messenger. So Allah and Islam are not that easy to check. Okay, if you if it wasn't done, if it was done, then it's you're already at the first hurdle fine. Not only that,

00:58:34 --> 00:58:45

but if it wasn't done, then you move on to step two. And then you think why you're doing what's your thought process? What's your mindset, like? What's your intention? How are you looking at this?

00:58:46 --> 00:59:10

And this and then if you're thinking that your mindset is everything's okay, your intention is right, you're you're not doing it you're not adding significance to it you're not thinking this is you know, established, etc. Then you just go and check point three, does it actually contravene any established rules of Sharia? No, then it's okay. But this second one is very, very delicate second point. That's why that requires a bit more explanation.

00:59:12 --> 00:59:21

These points are more to do with point number two to be honest. This also includes adding extra significance

00:59:23 --> 00:59:26

or elevating the status.

00:59:39 --> 00:59:40


00:59:42 --> 00:59:47

elevating the status of a specific act or deed from its actual position.

00:59:49 --> 00:59:56

Okay, now, this is also a really important aspect

01:00:00 --> 01:00:07

point two was, was point 2.2 was, it is done with the intention of gaining more reward.

01:00:09 --> 01:00:28

That's when it becomes an innovation a beta when it's done with the intention of more reward. But to explain that further, it also includes adding extra significance. adding extra significance, something is significant, or you're adding extra significance

01:00:30 --> 01:00:34

to the significance that it holds in Islam.

01:00:35 --> 01:00:45

Or elevating the status of a specific act or deed from its actual position. For example, something is sooner in Islam.

01:00:46 --> 01:00:49

Someone adds extra significance

01:00:50 --> 01:00:55

and elevates its status rather than keeping it at the level of sunnah

01:00:57 --> 01:01:01

elevates its level and takes it to the level of an obligation

01:01:03 --> 01:01:23

that's also been like for example, some people become super super, you know, like obsessed with certain deeds in Islam, the good deeds, but they become super obsessed, and they act and behave as though it is an absolute obligation in Islam. So for example

01:01:26 --> 01:01:27

take an example

01:01:29 --> 01:01:30

wearing the turban for example

01:01:32 --> 01:01:32


01:01:34 --> 01:01:38

are men wearing a turban it is so another messenger peace and blessings be upon him

01:01:40 --> 01:01:55

so I'm sure you wear it some non show your credit as well. Check publica teaches you sometimes he wears it different times. It's so nice it's good inshallah you do it in emulation and love for the messenger salAllahu alayhi salam, you get a reward.

01:01:57 --> 01:02:08

But if someone adds extra significance now you know this is so important because this extra significance adding of extra significance and this elevating of the status, it can be very subtle.

01:02:09 --> 01:02:11

doesn't always have to be voc.

01:02:12 --> 01:02:26

One is very, very clear. Like someone comes and says brother Aki wearing a turban and a mom on your head. It's unformed in Islam, you better when you're going to hellfire, it's sinful if you don't worry Stavroula you know, you know wearing you come to the masjid, you know, wearing an armor.

01:02:28 --> 01:03:15

That's quite clear. And you the guys made something which is not necessary into something necessary. But sometimes it's more subtle. It's not being vocal about it. But you have a friend, you wearing a turban, and you're looking down upon you and your student fellow students, there's a group of students who all follow a particular chef, and they all wear turbans. And they all wear like a pink turban, for example, or I don't know if they can wear pink. But imagine they were a particular type of term. And they make it so aggressively sort of, you know, in a way that silently this state is telling us that they are adding significance to this in Islam, there's no such thing as in Islam, it

01:03:15 --> 01:03:27

might even be recommended the Messenger of Allah who recently wore a white turban, and what a black one stablished. Maybe one ration for green as well. But regardless whether it's green, or white, or black, but

01:03:28 --> 01:03:56

there is so much significance attached to it, that if someone goes to their mosque where there's out of 400 people, there's 399, all of them have green turbans, and you're just going to go with a white hat, or maybe no hat is just going to be out of place. You You are automatically you feel uncomfortable, not doing anything wrong. This is a subtle way of adding the status of something and that becomes better because of the way people have approached it.

01:03:58 --> 01:04:22

Because it's the soul like this is why scholars say sometimes now leave it out once in a while something which is not necessary. Don't make it as though that people feel compelled and obliged, psychologically, to do it. So elevating the status of something. This is all to do it this point to this point, too, is that you're you're doing it with the intention of getting more reward. Because

01:04:23 --> 01:04:39

you're thinking that the reward of this is sooner but you're adding more reward to it. You're making it harder or necessary or you're looking down upon someone who doesn't. Considering something that is merely permissible, which is MOBA in Islam, considering that to be recommended

01:04:40 --> 01:04:43

or considering the permissible to be necessary

01:04:44 --> 01:04:58

or something recommended considering it to sunnah are necessary for something sooner as necessary. I gave an example of this sooner. So making something permissible as record because you have three stages permissible recommended

01:05:00 --> 01:05:28

So, no unnecessary for something nests is permissible someone makes it takes the status above something is permissible and takes it to the state to the level of recommended or the level or sooner or the level of obligation something is on the second level which is recommended taking it to the level of sunnah or obligation some things on this third level which is so not taking it to the top level anything which is taken a level above or two levels above or three levels.

01:05:30 --> 01:05:41

These are all innovations, there is a different okay, this point, there is a difference between continuous practice and firm insistence. Sometimes something is done continuously.

01:05:42 --> 01:05:54

Now, this this act is something maybe recommended in Islam, like the wearing of the tub. Is it permissible to continuously wear it every single day of your life?

01:05:55 --> 01:06:00

Technique speaking yes. continuous practice doesn't make it

01:06:01 --> 01:06:03

stink, you know, but

01:06:04 --> 01:06:07

firm insistence what that means is that

01:06:09 --> 01:06:10

we look down upon someone

01:06:12 --> 01:06:13

who's not doing that,

01:06:15 --> 01:06:26

then it becomes problematic, then that means that this you've elevated the status. And this is why generally scholars say that looks something which is not necessary, every now and then give it a mess.

01:06:27 --> 01:07:08

Do it differently every now and then. So people the public, because what happens normally, most of these things start out innocently like everyone knows this is not necessary. This is not this is a sooner or sometimes, like it's not even that these are things which are directly stablished from like the AMA is directly. But imagine that example I gave the for a car, the husband and wife really unfortunate effect. Okay, they for them, it wasn't bigger, because they didn't do it with the intention of getting more reward to do it on the 14th on that particular time with those particular verses of the Quran. But then they told another couple and they told another couple and they told

01:07:08 --> 01:07:46

another couple and then basically there's one chef who's recommending it to all his moods. So all the married reads like everyone and the chef has given this special ruling for all the moody it's like it becomes a cult, a lot of these Sufi groups then end up becoming close, not all of them. A lot of them some are very good, but some are very, very problematic. Now, this thing is not established in itself was okay. It wasn't a bit because nobody was giving it significance. But now they're doing it every year every year has to be done every the shack is asking did you do that? Did you to do doo doo doo doo doo doo doo? It's as though and then after about 20 years, people actually

01:07:46 --> 01:08:22

think it's in Surah to Dhaka in Surah Fatiha Alhamdulillah Hara Bill Alameen Armani, Rahim O you who believe, make sure on 14th of February read for a carnival. That's how psychologically people started thinking like that. Subconsciously, people start thinking this is some major ruling in Islam that is like clear as black and white. We probably it's probably mentioned in the first chapter of the Quran or Providence or in Makati. So over time, is what happens. Because you look down upon someone who's not doing it, you can this is adding more significance. And a lot of things today, that's why they've become better.

01:08:23 --> 01:08:31

A classic example is mold. You know, a lot of people talk about mold, okay. Now, this mold issue.

01:08:32 --> 01:09:05

I actually was going to do a video for YouTube this year and actually did go recorded and then I wasn't too happy with certain things. So then it's an unedited version and we just left it I didn't I didn't release it on YouTube. Maybe I'm gonna re record it maybe for next year now. Because it's an old age debate that people just fight and argue about the moment. Now a lot of people would ask about what is the issue with mode? Okay, what I explained in that I did a 40 minute in this office, I actually got recorded our admin guy, he did a full recording 40 minutes recording, but I'm not releasing it on YouTube.

01:09:06 --> 01:09:27

Because you have to be very careful, every sentence every word we speak because people from all different backgrounds, everyone wants, everyone has a view. I tried to be as balanced about this issue, but it shall be recorded some of the time but let's just I'll give you the summary here. What is the issue with demoted mole it is the day on which the messenger SallAllahu sallam was born.

01:09:28 --> 01:10:00

Now, the point is that there's a lot of confusion that's taken place there's a lot of not just confusion, but there's a lot of suspicions about other people like people get emotional thinking the other party is like got some hatred or some some something you know bad about, you know the intentions and of the other parties and that's what people find. But look, the point is, initially there is no Muslim as long as the person is a Muslim, which is more or less anyone

01:10:00 --> 01:10:11

on who's basically a sound, even a sinful Muslim. But is there's no Muslim who does not realize the importance of the day that the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam

01:10:12 --> 01:10:15

14 143 years ago came into this world.

01:10:17 --> 01:10:24

Okay? That's not even a matter of debate. Nobody debates this. Oh, I'm actually sad that Allah sent the message you will be a Kaffir

01:10:25 --> 01:10:53

Well, I don't want to be happy. I can't be happy that Why did he come into the world struggled? Nobody's gonna think that of course not. There is no bigger. There is no bigger event in the history of humanity. Then the day that the messenger SallAllahu Sallam came into this world, the day when he came 14 143 years ago, not today, robiola world we're talking about first, that day when he was born, actually born.

01:10:55 --> 01:11:22

And then when he was given prophethood, those another milestone and a very pinnacle of humanity. And then when he made hijra, so there's some days 14 143 years ago, like an absolute unique days, standout days in our history, and not just his history of humanity. So you could say probably there is no greater day than 14 143 years ago,

01:11:24 --> 01:12:00

in regular wall, and when it was Somalis and bond is actually we're not even sure, the more authentic opinion is the ninth of the Bureau have some scholars have said eight, some have said seven summits and eight, some of the nines and 10s. Some have said elevens, etc. Actually 12 was the day he passed away. And that's agreed upon, there is no difference of opinion that's probably recorded, because they weren't recording properly, because nobody knew who was going to be a messenger. So Allah sent him. But when he passed away that was recorded that this is the date. So the 12 is the day when he had over a year old when the messenger SallAllahu son passed away. As for

01:12:00 --> 01:12:05

birth, some say 12 Some say 11. But the more correct is nine and eight.

01:12:06 --> 01:12:20

And some have said some other data for a bureau and some have said even outside of the Bureau, so we're not really sure but anyway, regardless, point is there is no two opinions about the importance and the happiness regarding it and the significance of course.

01:12:22 --> 01:12:23


01:12:25 --> 01:12:26

The question is,

01:12:28 --> 01:12:42

every year until piano, when that month arrives, or when those days arrive, or when that day arrives 1443 1444 1445 1446

01:12:43 --> 01:12:45

Even after 1400 years ago,

01:12:46 --> 01:12:49

on that day, so let's say nine to Robin over

01:12:52 --> 01:12:53

that day

01:12:56 --> 01:12:57

to do something,

01:12:58 --> 01:12:59

to do an act.

01:13:01 --> 01:13:09

Is it a bit out or not? That's the question. Now it depends a lot of people say molded and they mean 100 and 1 million things.

01:13:11 --> 01:13:14

If someone says that day, I'm just going to smile.

01:13:15 --> 01:13:26

Why? I'm happy that 14 143 years ago, the messenger Muhammad came into this world and because of that among Muslims, I'm so happy nobody would say that Sandra,

01:13:27 --> 01:13:28

of course not.

01:13:29 --> 01:13:49

Just happy starting No, you're not even doing something you're just happy. Yeah, if you go back to number two, that with the intention of getting more reward if someone says you know what, on this ninth overview lol If I smile, and you know be you know, keep on smiling Allah is gonna give me extra reward for smiling today.

01:13:50 --> 01:14:20

And whoever smiles on Ninth Robin Oh, well, you get 10 times more reward than smiling on 27th of Ramadan, or more reward today than smiling on a day. And then that becomes bitter. Because it's not something that's clearly done in the time of the Sahaba nobody was saying on this day you smile and the prophets Allah some smile and everybody and and to add that you get more reward. Whatever extra adding, you're adding, that's not established. And then you're doing it with that thought in mind.

01:14:22 --> 01:14:53

So then, but it sounds there's no it's just me just smiling. I'm not saying you get specific reward. Someone says if you smile on the 12 year old you get two castles in Jannah where is that? No I mentioned you get to castles. So if someone thinks like that, then is a better if someone doesn't just happy then it's not a villa. Then other people do other things. We do a gallery. What we're going to do in the gathering, this is where some people when they say Look, we're not doing anything bad. We're not fornicating we're not stealing wood. We're just having a gathering Molad get what happens in a world of good

01:14:54 --> 01:14:59

cause I know she the Buddha mashallah you know see I will do will do one as well property or

01:15:00 --> 01:15:03

You know, who's reading the bullet? I don't know, suppose that group that.

01:15:06 --> 01:15:12

You know, I've been to, you know, many bullet gatherings I've recited Buddha myself, you know, many times.

01:15:14 --> 01:15:19

So we're going to have some the Buddha recitation and reminders, things like that going to have a go.

01:15:20 --> 01:15:32

Now, is that a bit out or not? Let's pass it by this. It was not done in the time of the messenger, sallAllahu, alayhi, wasallam. Right. Was it done or not? This specific way,

01:15:33 --> 01:16:16

on this particular date, wasn't probably wasn't every year on the ninth or 12th, or Viola world, reading the boulder. Boulder wasn't even made that read in this side. So it wasn't, but it doesn't become better just by that. That's the extreme people on the right, who make everything better. I just on this point, one. Oh, he wasn't done with that straightaway. But like I said, that's a very extreme approach because everything would be better. So we have to get back to number two. Ah, we need to see what you guys are doing right now. This gathering of knowledge? Are you doing it with the intention of gaining more reward? It's the million dollar question.

01:16:18 --> 01:16:55

Do you think that this gallery, this Salawat on the messenger Salallahu Alaihe, salam, your sittings, Allah houmas, Elijah, Muhammad Sallallahu, Mohammed, Allah, Allahu Allah, He will sell the whole is reading etc. This Salawat if the people who are doing that function that gathering think that today's this specific way of gathering or gathering on this day specifically in review, oh, what are in this month is more rewarding, then, you know, someone says, Oh, you guys gathering we do the same mold gathering in Ramadan.

01:16:57 --> 01:17:13

Okay, it's fine in Ramadan is fine today, it's fine, everything's fine. There's no, there's nothing extra significance attached to this month, then install of it. But if they think that doing it in this month doing it on this day, doing it on the 12 gives more reward,

01:17:15 --> 01:17:19

and is more significant than attaching extra significance to it.

01:17:21 --> 01:17:52

They're reading Salawat on the messenger, salallahu Alaihe Salam, and they think that reading Salawat on the 12th or below one is more rewarding than reading on Friday, any random Friday. And that becomes better. Because you've added extra significance to something which doesn't hold that significance. And like I said, it can happen in a very subtle way. So sometimes some people are very vocal. Yes, brother. He used to be a Sunni, you have to do mode, you have to know that if you don't know mode, that's clear vocal, you're really Aveda. But many people don't do that. It's a no, no, we're not saying nobody has to do it.

01:17:54 --> 01:18:35

But then people are doing it for years, years years. It's when the thought process becomes such that it becomes as though that this is like there'll be so many Muslims that will actually think this is established later on something that carries on for years and years, years on end. And then people people subconsciously start believing that this actually, in the Quran, oh happened in the time of the Muslims. So the bottom line is something which did not happen in the time of the messengers of Allah alayhi salam, but you're doing in a particular way, we have to make it clear, we have to understand we have to realize the share with students, everyone the community, that this is not

01:18:35 --> 01:18:48

something that was done. And there is no extra significance. And the point is that when we make that clear, so many people might not even do it. That's the point that it has to be so clearly understood by people.

01:18:49 --> 01:19:23

That okay, if you do it, some people might say, Okay, if there's no extra significance, then why should I do it? I'm gonna stay okay. Don't do it. But that's the point. That's what makes it permissible. That's what makes it a non Buddha. Because you've made it clear that this is not extra significant. This is, this is what takes it out from it being an innovation. And the last thing you check, does it go against the Quran and Sunnah? No, it doesn't, that's clear, because you're reading what Salawat you're reading qasida you're praising the Prophet service. And all of this is in line with the Quran. And sunnah is based on the prophetic message. So that's not a problem at all. So

01:19:23 --> 01:19:25

this number two is really, really important.

01:19:27 --> 01:19:33

And, you know, the point of all this with this knowledge is really these are issues and that's what really even

01:19:34 --> 01:19:35

you can have two opinions on that.

01:19:37 --> 01:19:59

The problem today, rather than systems with the mold issue is not that this is a debate, whether that gathering of qasida and Rashid, all of that whether that's whether or not and someone might say look, no, we're not adding chickens. And they might even prove it to be like even if you do add significance could be under something. Okay. So that's a small difference. You can have two opinions not a problem.

01:20:01 --> 01:20:26

But this is what I said in my video that this is a small this what I just discussed as a small part of the debate. And we don't you can even have two opinions respect to agree to disagree not not an issue. But there's a bigger issue that everyone knows is wrong. And that's what's happening majority of the time. If you go on YouTube you will see in many parts of the world especially in the subcontinent

01:20:27 --> 01:21:10

in the name of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam in the name of moly than Mila Sharif in review our as Bhangra dancing, Glee. There's weird weird dancing going on. There is like, crazy, you know, it's like you're in a nightclub. Seriously. There's things like you go on YouTube, all of this is happening as people who there's people who make make it like a festival, and the festival people are taking drugs and things like that all day all night long. They're coming out in the name of Milla lights and decorations and drums and people are doing little doo doo doo doo doo doo doo and all this kind of stuff just go on YouTube, and they all think they do Mila you know the foods and Salah

01:21:10 --> 01:21:56

is being messed and all day party. That's what Christmas became. And this is why the Scholars used to coach at Christmas initially was just a fact of debate. Should you do a like a gathering in the church and read the Bible and, and you know, talk about the teachings of Jesus. That was a fact debate, ya know, could be permissible as a small issue. But later on down the line will be people who will be the greatest nightclubs will you know nightlife and partying and alcohol will be during Christmas time. And this is what's happening in Islam as well. In moly time, the greatest part is taking all sorts just this this year last month. I saw videos on YouTube that they actually brought

01:21:57 --> 01:22:10

there was dancing going on and then they made a stage and they though there was a there was a sister a woman they put her on top of that like like a small stage this in Pakistan many videos on this

01:22:11 --> 01:22:27

and she was properly adorn and dressed and her hair was open and makeup and you know that she had always properly done up and you know, like bangles and jewelry and all sorts sorts you know, sorry but then you know, the description the person who wrote it talked about this

01:22:29 --> 01:22:31

and they said this is the full agenda.

01:22:32 --> 01:22:49

And and they basically dancing around her. So there's there's drums and the reading considers the readings Allah Allah Muhammad the way in Jana, and this is a hook and then looking and then and then one person went and kissed her hand and you know, a beautiful woman. And this is a whole agenda like crazy stuff.

01:22:50 --> 01:22:55

Even this decorations, one brother was saying in Pakistan that you know, during

01:22:56 --> 01:23:41

11 months of the year, when I traveled from my home to my workplace, or when I returned home from my workplace at night, I have to go through like a road where there's some cinemas, but during 12 months of the year, it's dark. So I don't really don't see anything, you know, I just drive in my car goes in Ruby roll well, there's so much decoration and lights, and these decorations are all over the cinemas. So right now in Ruby 101. In that month, I have to drive and all the pictures on top of the cinemas of Bollywood actresses that all are illuminated Rabbir over illuminates all the Bollywood stars because there's all lights and people are got all this cheese and lights and

01:23:41 --> 01:23:44

greenery. So that that is a real problem.

01:23:45 --> 01:24:05

That shouldn't be this is what everybody should unite all those groups from all different backgrounds. Because everyone disagrees with that the things which are clearly bad and wrong and sinful. And this is not the small other debate fact debate that's you know, having a gathering, whether you have it or not, etc that's smallish. That's a fetish.

01:24:07 --> 01:24:14

Anyway, we've gone quite a bit but this this important this subject is very important. That's why so I thought I'll explain the best

01:24:15 --> 01:24:23

last this point as well look at same thing fixed part of that point to fixing a particular method for general acts of worship.

01:24:25 --> 01:24:29

This is again remember all these points are discussing this point to

01:24:31 --> 01:24:36

part of this point to is fixing a particular method for general acts of worship.

01:24:38 --> 01:24:42

Or considering it to be suits hear the word important is fixed.

01:24:43 --> 01:24:54

Okay, highlight this word, fixing a particular method for general acts of worship. What does that mean? There are some acts of worship in Islam, which have been

01:24:56 --> 01:24:57

taught to us in a general way

01:25:01 --> 01:25:06

Now when it's taught to us in a general way there are, let's say 10 Different forms of doing that.

01:25:08 --> 01:25:18

10 different forms, all of them are equally okay? All of them are equally fine. Okay? We have times when am I forgetting one time I'm gonna finish this in two, three minutes. All of them are equally

01:25:19 --> 01:25:20


01:25:21 --> 01:26:00

But someone fixes one particular method, one particular method, and thinks that that particular method is more important. Like for example, greed. The general act of worship is solid and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Allah, Allah says in the Quran joven Levine Amundson Do you believe send Salawat on the messenger Slovaks is general, which means is, we've been given like a general encouragement to send blessings, whether we're at home, whether in the bedroom, whether in the office within the car, whether standing with a sitting, whether resting within group, whether individually, all of its allowed, if people kept all the forms equally allowed, and equally

01:26:00 --> 01:26:29

rewarding, fine. But if someone fixes a particular that in my bedroom, on my own, sitting on my bed, is a better way than other ways, and that becomes better. And considering that particular method, someone thinks that a group one is better than individual or individuals better than the group. And that also becomes innovation because we've fixed a particular moment. And then this, this is just finally the messengers of Allah. Allah Salam comments is someone with the words, we end with this.

01:26:30 --> 01:26:42

I just read this. He said, Verily, the best which is a book of Allah and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam and the worst of affairs are the new things and every new things and innovation, every innovations and this guidance and everything this guidance is

01:26:43 --> 01:26:59

this was the quote by the messenger Salallahu Alaihe. Salam Thurmond used to start with these. So these are just some big, big points and the fifth behind what is innovation or innovation, and I knew that the whole lesson will go in 100 because it's very important. Sorry, I think I've gone 10 minutes over I completely forgot. I kept on thinking it's 930

01:27:03 --> 01:27:05

Thank you so much. I'm sorry to cut you short.

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