Muhammad Hoblos – Which Side Are You On? #2

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The speakers discuss the importance of finding one's own success and finding one's own success. They encourage individuals to pray and pray with others, and encourage small businesses to help their community. The segment also touches on the need for change and the importance of individuals to take action. They stress the importance of helping small entrepreneurs and small businesses, and encourage those to pray and encourage others to help their community. The segment also touches on the need for change and the importance of individuals to take action. They encourage others to pray and encourage others to help their community. The speakers also mention the importance of helping small businesses and small businesses.
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A very, very, very big shout out. I know that I've been going a year man But anyway, it's always a very big shout out to the homeless run on my email last month, Allah reward them, they've worked effortlessly, effortlessly, effortlessly. Very, very big shout out. In fact, when you go outside, you'll notice I've got a little Ken the channel raise some money for a brother in Lebanon, his name is Abdullah, I think he has to do some sort of treatment. So please, if you want to help those brothers out, they're not asking for anything they just put in the box there. The food is free, everything is free. So if you want to help out, please help out. I've got a little box there. So my
last part Allah reward all the brothers in the homeless run, when they come out. And Bill and all the boys there are a lot of us actually only very, very, very special brothers, man, soldiers that on the ground, you never hear their voice, but they work out. The other thing is, is because I'm like I may forget to mention at the end, you know, sometimes people talk to me about change, but how do we change? What do we do? You know, this whole event. This however, was put together and funded and organized by one person
who's not from MSU.
Just he was frustrated with what's happening in the community. He gave me a course if we brother if I slap this together, would you come? I said, Yeah, I'll do. One brother. It shows you shows you that when one person cares. Look how much can happen. Imagine when 20 of us care
why we can move mountains
that brother nurseries are mentioning the
other thing I need to clear out it's gonna be a very sensitive topic. I'm sure you know. I'll try to keep my calm. Actually, I'm not online in the moment.
so let's get things off the bat. Number one I didn't get paid to be here. Number two, if you think I came out of my way to come here and offend you, you're very wrong. Like I'm here I'm sitting I'm talking for the sake of Allah smart Allah for us to better ourselves and to improve. But we're speaking about a topic where every one of us has one way or another connected and related. Sometimes I make examples, and brothers get upset.
Me many, many times I'll give a hook back and the brother will come up to me after why I've never seen him before in my life. I don't know his name. I know nothing about him. But he brother one lady, that's a bad guy. I can't believe he spoke all about me in your life here. Tomorrow.
Morning We are on our way of you mentioned me What's one.
So if you're wearing a Breitling and I mentioned a Breitling, it's not because when I seen you and I wanted to freshy you know if I mentioned title, you know and it's a very difficult situation. Yeah, and how many of the boys have tattoos? So what does that mean that I never talk about it because whenever you make a car
it's it's a very difficult situation so please don't feel like I need to offend or insult anyone with money I
certainly am.
And I'm already seeing Gucci head so if I mentioned that don't get upset, bro.
Salam ala rasulillah. We praise Allah subhanho wa Taala, the king, the master the Sustainer, the creator of the seven heavens and the earth. And we said Peace and blessings upon His Beloved Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, my brothers the event is titled which side that you want? Which side? are you on? My brother's very, very, very important before we start tonight, I don't want you to think about others. today. I don't want you to think about the boys in the area. tonight. I want you to think about yourself. Which side are you on?
Which side are you on? Because today many of us think that being a gangster and I've been told to not call them gangsters because when you call them gangsters, he gets a sense of us. A lot of us I'm against that. So tonight we're gonna call them pranksters because that's what they are.
So they are really and that's the truth.
Because many of us, we tend to think that a prankster is a guy that sells drugs and has tattoos Habibi, there are people that are 1516 years old, and he prays in the masjid, and he's a father, and he's a bigger prankster than the boys you see outside on the street. approach that is a way of life. It's a decision that you've made, selling drugs and having tattoos. This is a small portion.
But it's a mindset and what path Have you chosen? So the idea is, is Which side are you on? Which side of the fence? Are you on my brothers? Allah subhanho wa Taala has created us on this earth for a very, very short time. This world My brothers and sisters is not for you and I, Allah subhanaw taala made it very clear that we created the human and the jinn. And we've placed them on this earth for a simple task, nothing more, nothing less Allah. Allah says we created them for what do you have to do to worship me to know me to call others to me to glorify me to make me number one, the number one, the ultimate one. That's your purpose on this earth?
That's your Maxim. the very reason that Allah smart Allah gives you life. the very reason you're walking on this earth is this and only this. Allah subhanho wa Taala my brothers and sisters and please understand, Allah subhanho wa Taala does not care. Allah doesn't care about your money. Allah doesn't care about your cars and you women in your houses a lot doesn't care.
When when we understand,
Brother You were born naked, you are born naked.
Voila. It's amazing. You walk outside on the street and again, it's not just the pranksters, sometimes you see brothers that are even supposed to be religious brothers with beads and wherever you want egos brother egos the size of mountains, egos and arrogance have even a fallen Brother What? What is it that you're so proud of?
What is it that you and I are so proud of? This a prophet of Allah Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the greatest? Imagine the greatest
brother, nevermind what you and I think Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Quran when he's speaking to Rasulullah sallallahu. I said, What did he say? Did he say to him that you know what, you're one of the boys, that you're the best in the area, that you're the greatest prophet. He said, you're the greatest creation I ever created.
He says to the Prophet of Allah, you're the greatest creation I ever created you. You're Mohammed, you're the best. I didn't create anything better and greater than you. Yeah. What was his attitude like?
The Sahaba. They described him. They said he was more shy. He was more modest than a virgin behind the veil.
He was more shy, he had higher effects. shyness is a bad translation for higher because shyness is sometimes a weakness higher, he was modest.
He was modest.
And I tend to think that that's weakness. The brother doesn't talk. If you lead, you know, in my upbringing, the one that doesn't talk miskeen and
doesn't talk.
That's how we program that the one that's strong, the one that has the ability is the one that talks brother, the one that stands up and says, try even women do this brother gives an opinion that the women can fail.
Why? Because today, this is how we translate strength.
But the guys on board he keeps himself he doesn't say much. Now why no one even pays attention. So so so don't fall into the mistake and translate modesty to be weakness. For years, the prophet of Allah was more shy than a virgin behind the veil, but the same Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the Sahaba the Sahaba those that were on the battlefield, they described him they said when he when he was on the battlefield, and the fighting would get so intense. The fighting was so intense that we couldn't fight anymore. What did I say? They used to say we used to run behind the back of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Just to take a moment just to take a breather, just to have a
break when he said he continued fighting
so don't get the two confused.
But egos egos honestly.
What is it that you're so proud of? Shake on the slab even tinier? He says amazing.
He says it amazes me. How can the one that travelled through the passage of urine twice
when you left your father you left him late. You traveled through the passage of urine twice. He said how can this person still have pride and arrogance in exam?
I should say for not what is that you're so proud of what?
You were born naked.
You were born naked.
And you will die naked.
And everything you achieve in between all your houses and your cars and whatever it is that's making you look down upon others. All this stuff in between what is it? Do you think you take it with you?
Today just today we
have so much to do about it. Just today we are janessa healthy Guardian know
what it was on the street people used to feed and shake and Shiva and those that Nutella Hallmark Elian beautiful brother, whatever it is, he's not my point. Today when we buried him How did he go down? What did you take with him
make it like the day he was born. You know the shroud that we crossed him up with you know the one that we wrapped them up with. Not even a birthday. One more he I mean aside to
Sydney, Sydney, he's the guy who plays some Chinese guy used to get the cheapest white cloth. The cheapest material we can get.
Why? Food forms?
Brothers walking around with egos man.
But are you kidding?
Who are you kidding? Honestly, who are you kidding? And you know what the truth is? What? Why are you only arrogant on the one that you know he can't do anything anyway, he's in a scheme.
But as soon as someone comes in, that's bigger than him, richer than him more capable than him like a cat like a rock. He knows the spine he goes and he runs straight into it.
You know, like, there's always gonna be someone bigger, there's always gonna be someone stronger. There's always gonna be someone with more money. So relax and follow your profit. Which side are you on?
Which side are we on my brothers?
On the day of judgment, don't think you know what, why one of the names of the Day of Judgment is the day of regret.
The name of the Day of Judgment is the day of regret. Because the truth is many of us now we're living in Disneyland all the boys you know, we have this mindset that you know what I can do whatever I want. Let me run a mark. Let me do this, that and the other and then at the end, I'll do harsh or patch up or repent, and then everything is gonna be alright. But the wins you get this From
where did you get this from?
Brothers now when they die? Everyone asks brother did he make Shahada before he died?
One guy tells me you can swallow we seen his finger move. But what does that mean?
What does that mean? The guy lives on earth like a tyrant. What? Because he made sure that before he died, that means he's gonna be alright.
Who are we kidding?
The brothers gone away on holidays. Yeah, with the boys. He's doing heroin racking up drugs. Women girls. The guy drowned. He drowned in his heroin brothers told me about hamdulillah we heard that the one that drives you know that the guy that drowns it's a sign of law that he died the show he
won a brother we heard he died on a Friday. What does that mean?
You know, when that brother died, you know, the guy that got on the motorbike, and those that video, that video will know he made my blood boil bro. Those video that was recorded. video wasn't even complete. The brother actually recorded when he recorded that he called him. So this is what I for the sake of that brothers. I can clarify things for you.
When the brother was recording, he called me said brother, I'm telling the guide. I'm actually not making it.
But so what does that mean? You think that's a bad sign? I said brother, he responded. He said, Yeah, he's looking me in the eyes. I said, so when you're talking does he know what you're saying? He says, Yeah, he knows. I said, he said, he said he's squeezing on my neck. I sit in that seat, then he knows what you're saying.
The people have told your brother he died. He didn't say Shahada. I asked him why Allah from the time you've seen that video to now How many times have you made sure either
the brother went straight into a truck at 150 Ks the guys ripped up Yeah, of course it's not gonna make sure everyone thinks that you know what when I die it's gonna be calm and collected
well my brothers we live in Disneyland
but we hang on to these things we cling on to it almost as if in the loop you know what did the President make sure that Yeah, he makes your head that won't really be on a stick down in your hearts. How do you feel? He's gonna be alright. Really? My brother? Really? Is he really gonna be alright?
facts facts, don't get upset with me facts.
The Day of Resurrection is a day that's 50,000 years long.
Allah subhanho wa Taala. He describes that day facts.
He says on that day, the pregnant woman will lose her load.
He says a child on that day a child that this child is free. His body is never done any sense. He's got nothing to worry about. The kids got nothing to worry about. Fact Allah smart. Allah says on that day his hair is gonna go gray.
sack Allah Spano tala says in Quran, your mother's gonna rain. Your mother will run away from you. Your father will run away from you, your mother, your wife, your children, your husband, every single person that you know will run away from you.
Profits fact profits are going to be scared on that day.
profits are going to be scared
Prophet of Allah when he says,
He says on that day you'll be naked barefooted uncircumcised. Aisha.
I remember once I mentioned this hadith in the gathering, so one of the boys he came to me after he sent me brother, how can you mention that? You know, I've got a 12 year old daughter, he, you know that maybe it was a bit on appropriate, so I actually feel bad. Then when I was driving him on, it's the perfect of a law. Who was the king in the master of higher and China's and, you know, and and you know, and the best of character. He had no problems conveying this to his wife. Why should I be embarrassed to convey it?
He's telling his wife, Ayesha, naked, barefooted uncircumcised, I asked you by Allah isn't enough for me to tell you they gotta be naked. Don't you get the picture?
So naked, we understand naked finish done. No, make it barefooted and uncircumcised.
Why uncircumcised? Why?
Because he's letting you know, even that little piece of foreskin that left you when you were a baby, bro, when you appeal up, almost pantalla even that piece of foreskin online is going to bring it back. restore it. Why? Because not an inch, not the single each of you will escape on that day.
The brothers comfortably or handle it with the stringer.
hamdulillah he didn't pray, but while I had the best.
And everyone so
yeah, the brother didn't pray. My brothers and sisters. Let me clarify something because we have been polluted. Let me tell you something, just for the sake of understanding. Because there's many people who tell me Look, you know, maybe I'm praying, but you don't know what I do in secret. Yeah, you know, maybe I don't pray for somebody over a bigger, you know, we're lucky you know, I give a lot of money in charity. My brothers and sisters, let me tell you something and understand this as far as far as sin is concerned, and please understand this message very, very clearly. Of course, it's all sin. It's all wrong. None of it is good and accepted. But for the sake of understanding
because many of us want. We see a brother that's selling drugs. We see a brother that may be murdered another brother, we say father, look at these people who can rubbish Leon, Habibi. Let me tell you something in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. As far as sin is concerned, yes. The one that sounds good or bad, just very quickly, good or bad. But how about the murderer? How about the one who commits adultery Zina? What about the one who writes a trial? What about the one who drinks alcohol? What about the one who does the biggest of the cabanne good or bad?
This person, one person that commits all of these sins. He commits all of these sins on a daily basis. But he prays is better in the eyes of a more than the one that doesn't give me any of these scenes, but doesn't prey.
Stay here and you'll probably hear I'm a good guy. How can you be good pick that up? Because it's not going to work on the Day of Judgment.
Any person that misses one summer 111 a lie you miss one solid for no reason. You're worse than a murderer. You're worse than a *. You're worse than a terrorist. You're worse than a * in the heights of a law.
But it's alright because his finger moved that he died on a Friday.
Which side are you on? My brother's profits will be scared on that day. profits and beer. They're going to be scared and petrified and you annoy
me relax man.
losing his mind for
brothers who are we kidding? What side of the fence are you on?
fact that day The sun will be a mile above your head, one mile above your head. One mile. The Prophet of Allah He says every person who will be sweating salatu salam, every person who will be sweating each person according to his sins. Some of you you sweat to your ankles, some to your knees some key ways. He says some of you will be drowning in your unseen
fact Quran. He says on that day Allah. Allah says on that day you see people running around on you and you're running around like he's intoxicated or losses but they're not intoxicated.
I must say the severity of that day is so severe. People have people have been driven to madness.
And you and I were Where are we?
look the way we're living our lives.
is not against on the street. He works 24 hours a day. If it doesn't work,
24 hours a day he's about 24 hours of the day nothing to do.
I've used it at the house not too long ago one night I smoked pot from moderate to fortune.
And you know how many of these houses exist?
Brothers that are married with children, married with children, he smokes pot from
the Prophet of Allah on that day. He says there are seven that will be under the shade of Allah on the day when there is no shade except the shade.
only seven doby under the shade of Allah under his ash.
Which thought Will you be on that day my brother
my brother's
choose the life of the prophets, you'll have the ending of the prophets.
But if you choose the life around, you're gonna have the ending of running away from this moment.
You choose the life of around Allah is going to give you the ending of and how many times?
How many times have you seen my brothers? How many more times are we going to see killings and murders and drama ladies community is drowning. The community is drowning. drowning, and we're in a bubble.
We're in a bubble and what are you doing with your life? What are you doing with your time?
What do you want to be like? You want to be like the prophets and the Sahaba? Do you want to be like, why have we chosen the life of pranksters and fads? Why have we chosen this life over the life of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam? Please tell me what is it giving this happiness in that you honestly think there's happiness? I'm going to share with you facts. These are the things you don't hear about. But the prophecy especially those brothers that used to live that life, and they've genuinely changed and repented, you know, these people they actually need to start speaking up a lot more. Why? Because when someone like me speaks people think I'm twisting the truth while I tell you
exactly what it is, you know, my brother's these people you think they're happy? When you when I see pranksters outside on the street, we think they're happy, don't we? Why? Because he's driving an electric car when he walks into a particular area onto particular place. Everyone gives him the respect that you want. So we think these people are happy, but truth fact what what effect
look, you cannot run away from formulas that Allah subhanaw taala Allah subhanaw taala says he could no fat woman decree for in Malibu Mary Chapin.
Any person Hello Spa brightstar not a prankster. He's just busy. Any person any individual that stays away from the remembrance of Allah stays away from the deal of law stays away from the way of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, any person ask yourself, Am I miserable? Yes. Why? This is the formula. Any person that stays away from the deal of Allah, the promise of Allah for in Allahumma shaitaan banca for him is the miserable retroed life
and some of these people just to show you how powerful he is. Some of these people alone will give them women and the Lord will give them cars and alone will give them houses everything that you buy with buying for and they still miserable. Why? Because I'm not showing you
these people that you and I we walk outside on the shoe we look at him Did you see Did you eat? Did you have you become and see their lives and see how miserable they are? Have you noticed that there's always bags under their eyes?
I went visited someone in and I'll talk about have a slider so relax.
We visited someone in hubbas
Look how we glamorize it.
When was Havas ever an honorable thing when
there's a difference between the guy who's been imprisoned because of law a law this guy shut off.
That's have us that we take our hats off with honor. While he's he was imprisoned for standing for the sake of Allah. Allah, Allah Allah
but the guy who's ripping off the pizza man
so I went to go visit someone that's in Havas
life. He's a lifer. What's a lifer? He knows what our life is.
Ba ba
ba ba t drops and T's in
movies, movies, movies.
When I
was sitting down one morning for one hour one hour in the visit I haven't seen this guy he is one hour in the visit the whole visit.
paranoid Why? Because it's the wrong person walks through those doors it's
only for one hour just let's just have a decent conversation. That's the life that they give these people that you will know that we glamorize one way to go to sleep is on Sundays
to go to sleep is on Sundays that the stay up during the day he's either on top or he's on ice
but because you see him for that 1015 minutes when he walked in with his voice and his nice watch and he's like the car What do you want I think
my second bunker the promise of a law
you think these people happy?
You see them to hang out with their boys you know groups now groups that create gains and titles and representing brother
and you will not we start to think well I want to be a part of that. We left the omafra pseudo last we left the Brotherhood of Islam for them Why? Because it because on the outside run away for life cause we're all the way brother Vostok Cosmos Julia apparently it's * blood brother we like this
How many of these groups ever sustained and kept it how many
every one of them for you
know our best friends in the beginning at the end what what happened brother speak the truth. They killed each other
didn't kill each other they started running out on one another.
That's their life.
That's the lice
and we love it. One more here we love it. You know he loves it the most way the religious brothers will know you will love their life.
And I don't want to say even myself, we're applying
when a guy comes into the machine, he's a nice guy. He's miskeen is trying to get closer to the good kid. But because he sits in the corner who come to the masjid for one he no one even knows his name. But when a drug dealer walks into the masjid one way the chef comes from it all the way so I could please come in bro
Isn't that how we treat them be honest
skin that's been sitting in the machine for me How does he feel man?
How does it feel?
We love the life but we love We love talking about the life NASA in certain circles stuff a lot but it's got to change it's got to change but when he's around the right people find the SWAT guys loving gay man What did you want? I heard this I love it bro. He each we each
carry the funerals.
We see people you know this person had nothing to do with the guy that died. But what are you doing here?
Not Oh, of course. Just so we can do hot you know? Not all but why? You know you could see it all over their faces but what are you doing? Yeah, you know deep down it's an opportunity to get closer to their family isn't it?
We love their life. You think they're happy? You think they might
you think these people are really really true friends? What more he they love each other so long as you're doing better than him.
They love you And
so long as you're under him. But as soon as you're up and coming as soon as now you start to make waves you see ripples divisions hatred
and this this culture in our brother Now one way he doesn't understand well I'll take a bullet for him. Walla Walla brother Syria man.
I'll take a bullet for getting
these young kids you know they look up to these people they aspire to be what do you look up to filled?
filled? That's what it is, by the way like that. You know we'll all take a bullet for Habibi, trust me trust me Trust me. When this comes out Habibi. Everybody runs everyone runs but labor
My brother needs my coffee.
What's wrong with you bro? What's wrong with you? Why there's only one person in the whole world there's only one person in the whole world that will happily throw their life in front of us to protect you. Only one
you know what is
it it's the person you sold for your friends Habibi. She's called the alarm
laid out man she's she doesn't know that go she doesn't know that.
She knows better than you'd have to go.
She knows what's good for you better than you know what?
We sold our family we sold our mothers and our fathers. We've sold the machine we've sold the people that genuinely feel aligned with company for what what did we give it up for? For rubbish and filth? And we all think what these people will trust me brother, these people we care for one another?
Have you ever seen when these people go to jail?
Those of you who are looking at this job
and like everything in life, we glamorize it. We give it mad means.
Like I remember the first time I seen that
story, and he wanted to say basically he wanted to say that the garment came out but in that circle like you have to live just to talk a particular way
and in that case
he mentioned every other word Yeah, what would you say God?
Just like movies, movies, movies, I'm telling you it's all
anyway so these these friends these people that we sold them off for these people that we sold our mothers and our fathers for come and say hubby we come and say hello you your friends or when you got to have us come Come and see
come and see you know I share this with the boys all the time you remember your first prison visit? I remember I was very very young I was never really
you know at that age never sort of really mixed in that you know
I'm the biggest
shopper in the world when I got out of the car with
the car
it's an it's an attitude it's a mindset
I remember the first of all we were so excited and you know finger pretty much what are you happy to do the whole thing now when someone calls me for a prison visit
why you run for your wife?
why cuz that's
when you go to prison, my brother dies young and upcoming. Does that feel that you're not going to prison is like owning your colors.
Go Go Go and see what's happening in prisons. Those brothers that did real time, real 10 years and 12 years of people that have genuinely repented guys that are completely off the radar guys that you don't even remember anymore. Why? Because they used to be real. They used to genuinely do haram and genuinely changed and pulled up and now he doesn't want to know the world and he doesn't want the world to know him. These people when I sit with them when they open up and they tell you about habits these people that you and I we honor we glamorize on the street. And we think yeah, this guy scotch and this one more he did the biggest girls inside one of the biggest gills one more he will
lay there on drugs day and night to forget their worries. why some of them they told me books from Bella I heard them with my own ease, crying at night.
10 years of your life
10 years of your life.
Ask your brother to do solution for three days because that's
what do people come up with this rubbish
but 10 years in hubbas
he discovers
he owns these colors
and we love it.
Your friends will know your friends after one he
the boys for the first tee they're happy to put you there happy to put money into your bio fake and buy your tuna and your bread and your rice they're happy. But after he threes and threes and he's two
are seven keys left? Who's left?
Who's left?
Hush, Hush.
Your old man and your old woman.
Those of you that have
never have I been to a prison visit, except you see it, you see an old lady, she's 16 years old.
She's been driving for two hours.
They park their car, they're exhausted, you see it all over their face. She gets out of the car, and she knows now mental preparation, they're going to Frisco they're gonna search or they got a chance to touch the sun, and stand here and go through the glass bowl and move this. And she does it every single week.
never misses a week, every single week.
She saves money from her pension money from the welfare chick, she saves it so that she can put it in the account for her son, because he needs to eat man. If I look after my son, who's gonna look after him.
And what my brothers will buy. This is personal experiences. The brother has been doing almost 10 years. 10 years delicia because that's what happens when you live this life you become you mentality you become one more. That's what you become. Don't get offended. Please don't get upset from facts. If you choose that life, and you want to live that life and you know that there is good and that there is sooner but she still insists on this. One more he become an issue. Even if you don't realize it. Bob has been doing Teddy's his mother never left him never failed him a single weekend.
As soon as you get out what do you want to do, man?
What do you think he wants to do?
Go home and kisses man spray until I thank you for the years I've wasted of your life.
Thanks, Mom.
At your age, I'm supposed to be looking after you. You're the one that we're putting money in my account.
After 10 years, you know what he wants to do on the first night?
If he's not gone to a brothel, Where's he going?
That's the life
that we choose.
And it gets worse. What do you think these people do?
Come and see the money that they make the money that you enjoy our eyes and glitters? And there's no hypocrisy. You know, I mean, my weaknesses cause when I see cause, well, you can put the biggest I'll see a woman on the face of the * put the right car in front of me. I don't want to know about
an addiction for cars, you know? So for me, it's cars, but these things that they have these nice watches and these nice brand names and how do you think these people make this money? How?
How? Today, you know, the guy that works hard, the guy that wakes up in the morning he has a trade? Maybe he has a shop? Maybe you know he's working in an office somewhere? How is this person viewed in our community? He's a matar man.
But this was this was his honorable fire. Did you see the car he drives? How do you think he made that money? How?
How do you think he made the money?
Either he's taping women selling women and sometimes when they're Muslim women.
He's selling women. If he's not selling women, what's he doing? selling drugs.
He's selling a product he knows it's killing your community. You know, like my brothers, we live in bubbles. Wallah. We live in bubbles now and see how many Muslims are on drugs go go and see. But you know what we don't want to know. We don't want to know and we don't care. Because at the end of the day, as long as I'm alright, my wife is okay. My kids are pretty. And I think that's fishing at the end of the week. Have you What do you want from me? Man? What? What do you want me to do wrong? What do you want me to do?
Just see how many other women guys see how many of our brothers are addicted to drugs?
Who's supplying them kuffaar
Muslims are supplying them.
A junkie.
I just got a bite of someone else.
That's how they make their money. Selling rubbish intoxicating people. crippling no matter how he makes money.
And you would like to think what
are some of these bars? And why am I brothers to
some of these guys but they want to
So you sell your deed for 30 grand a week.
You sell a modest profit for 30 grand a week.
But he's got 30 you know, you don't have any of these people. They've got so much money. But can they do that? Who knows?
I know guys, I've got so much money. Ready for you guys, every single person in this room. If you get every person in this room five grand, he'll still have enough money to spend for his own life.
If I buy a car, the police jump on me if I buy a house, they're gonna jump on me.
But emotions you almost shows you that money is not happiness. Sometimes they have money, but I can't do anything with it. Can't do anything with it. And we love it.
Because we left the way of almost panatela His Beloved Prophet guru Salah.
Look what's happening. Listen to this. Because now how does if anyone wants to make money, right? Let's say you don't care about handling and you want to make money What is your one automatically go
to visa
more or less. He says your wealth, your risk, the amount of money you're gonna make in your life has already been pre determined.
not the day you were born.
But 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earth. Allah subhanho wa Taala already determined how much every single one of these gonna make in his life.
So if you work hard, you don't work hard. You do drugs, you don't do drugs, you will not earn $1 more than what Allah already predestined for you so many years ago.
You know, the difference is
you know, sometimes when I say drug dealer meetings are making money.
I tell Bubba europejski
you are going to make that money anyway.
You chose to make it and how
do you think that if I sold drugs now? Maybe I started selling drugs? Do you think I'm gonna earn money that I didn't already write down for me.
But I was already written down. Let's just say that in your whole life, you'll end up making $10 million or $5 million, whatever it is. I was already predestined that you're gonna own this money. Whether you crippled you on your bed, you're a trainee, you will, you're gonna own this money anyway.
The only difference is one.
Instead of making an 11 year old bloke he chose to make a decal. So come on the day of judgment and stand in front of Allah subhanaw taala and for every dollar you earned in her own name, you have to be held responsible for it.
Good wash now is not appealing anymore isn't.
It wants to wake up at seven o'clock in the morning.
How often does he make his money?
How does he make his money?
You know what's worse? You know what the worst thing for me is, you know this pranksters? You know, the worst thing is the filthiest thing is when he tries to bring Dean into his home and justify what he does to the dean.
Well, I've heard this my brothers they have a run brothers that have a drug run.
Who knows people that speak like this really? Honestly, and he just said the boys don't don't think I'm loyal. Please raise your hand. If you know boys that say that. He's drugged money is Rosa from Hamas? patala some of mine.
How does he make his money? You know, how was he makes his money.
Work on he
has been in the business for five years and still doing drugs in school. That's what he does. And
how often these people make their money.
You know what they do? To show you? We think then, these people are cowards. Why these people they're filthy, cowards, cowards, cowards. You know what they do?
Some guy 16 he's a simple man.
He opens a little shop, maybe he has a mobile shop, maybe he has a little grocery shop, whatever, he opens up a little shop, he's trying to make some money. He's trying to keep his family off the street. He's trying to not extend his hand out to the government and early warfare. So he works 20 you know 1212 hour days sometimes 12 you know sometimes seven days a week and he opens a little business is trying to make ends meet trying to make ends meet. Simple man is doing something halen you know the so called hate the gangsters do they come to the skin and I hit him up for
the guys struggling to make 1600 bucks maybe sometimes $2,000 a week struggling works four hours a day seven days a week and Mashallah he comes out beautiful boys to hit to hit up the brother for
protection money.
Sorry to protect me from all
to protect you from me.
So you want me to pay you money?
You want me to pay you money?
To protect myself from you? Yeah. But included in the package?
Well, I think it's funny. You have no idea how many people they live their lives like this petrified.
But don't worry, we're gonna throw into the package.
Someone else like me comes along. I'll do it for you.
And some of us now because because of political events now we've changed our approach with Twitter apathy. What do we do
next? What do we do?
We fight
we fight the Shiite community or the either the guy in our community that lives in the Sunni community but the one that has a shot that we put on him
and was justified that's for the sake of Allah and we don't call his money protection money. What do we call his money? GCM?
Yeah, do you think it's funny This is what's happening
Jeez, Yeah, why? Because it's a scary word. Why? Because he's unaware.
This look this is how Amar destroys people. This is how Baba is a show improviser. So he
is showing living in a Sunni community what do you think you should be doing? We should be opening our arms and inviting these people in if these people are lost and these people are confused if we don't open our arms the world I gotta go
you don't want to buy from Russia because you think you know that fine, but buy from him You don't have to buy you can boycott the brother. That's fine. My problem
I then say it's
one more
thing I gave a goodbye somewhere. And after the talk I had a shitty brother come to me. Sherry no one lawyer I never use a shield the guy standing there and the fool beat them out. He buckled me. machinery of the war. Okay. All right.
You know, I've been living in the area in one particular area. I've been in for 20 years of my life
ever since whatever happened in political areas? It is the man has shot gets by a bomb on a regular base.
Yeah, all right. He asked me to be honest with you. Yeah, I'm starting to think about selling our house and selling and going to where people are in the area.
This is cars on our doorstep. They were supposed to be Dennis was supposed to be inviting these people and calling them and calling them now what are we doing we're putting around a man one gotcha
that's the life that we want.
We often talk online you know I
we love this life so much that even now my sister's leaving.
Sisters now. Not all of them because we have to
believe it or not this two sisters that genuinely feel about
the sisters let's do one simple lives Helen living there are still these women.
Even the sisters now, what did I want?
I want to explain
Look, look look at poisonous,
poisonous or the beautiful we will only expect most of this guy who's genuine good team. He feels alive, not very loud Gustus who is an educated man he's trying to make a living, maybe simple life instead of giving our best women to Him Who does he take?
He takes the girl that nobody else wants. Look how awesome so this is the ones who
have the least pretended
just to be fair, because I've made this mistake those that are genuinely repentant, we must forgive all sins.
But I feel from the sisters they love and
they love a brother stereo just happens to go past the sleep.
While you can still see it, yeah.
And yes, while you might enjoy your memory,
and you want to enjoy a very nice car, and when you want enjoy the holidays, you
want to know the other side of that coin.
You don't know the sleepless nights
you don't know that when your kids come to you tell us we study man.
You don't know when your husband gets knocked he gets killed for something that you didn't know about.
And then you got to raise these kids on your own for the rest of your life. Why? Because you wanted the bad boy
You don't know
my brother's wife was not meant to be easy understand this. life wasn't meant to be easy. If life was going to be easy, then surely the Prophet of Allah would have had an easy inclusive nature. They didn't have an easier
system sister has always told me you know
I wish I wish I was married to the Prophet but
here it is.
I wish I'm married to one of the companions
Do you know what to do you know what it would have been like to be married to the Prophet of Allah.
Your husband he because he doesn't take you to restaurants you complain?
Your husband because it doesn't take you to restaurants you complain the new engine you want.
motto honor the authentic hadith. She's speaking to her if you
listen to the words, brothers and sisters, listen. She says what Laurie outwash has been doing if you're one she says one body we used to see the full moon then the full moon then the full moon to complete months to complete months would go past and not a single flame any no cooking and no boiling of any salt. She said not a single flame would be linked in any of the line houses have lots of long lines.
So Allah says he says I my auntie How did you people live?
She said
she said that as well. Then the two black things a taboo word man. Take some water for two consecutive months.
My mother's
body let me bring this to a close. My brothers dislike have we been shown again and again. Look throughout history. Look at the sooner look you could and Allah subhanho wa Taala showed us again and again. All those that follow the footsteps of around how to deal with the Muslim and non Muslim alike. This is how Allah subhanho wa Taala deals with them. Which life do you want? Which side do you want? Or you want that song do you want?
How do we change
one of my brothers I can give you a million ideas. The truth is if you're not ready to help yourself, this whole life they came together to help you.
Number one, you need to one yourself.
You need to want to change
you need to want to change. And today my brothers Let me tell every single person just a couple of minutes in Charlotte, just a couple of minutes and then we end so everyone just relax for a couple of minutes.
My brothers Let me tell you the truth. These are my thoughts over the last maybe the last week. This community is drowning far more than you and I will ever imagine and comprehend and understand. The truth is everyone
says what the machines need to do more. How many times have we heard this year? Who thinks that the machine is not doing enough just be real man so really don't be afraid Put your hand up
if everyone here knows I think humble yet who thinks the machines are not doing enough
to put your hand up be real yeah
my brother's Let me tell you the truth. If every chef in Australia got together and worked for 24 hours for the next three years, they're not going to be able to help the condition that we
this oma will not rise this oma will not change it to every single one of us, gets off his backside and starts working.
Understand we are drowning, and we need help. We need help
you for most women are lost. We are lost.
We need and we need to work together and stop thinking but what can I do? You can do a lot.
Everyone wants change, but no one's ready to pay the price.
We give a lot of scripts we give a lot of scripts. When we give charity How much do you give you give the money that you don't need? When we give clothes you know when they collect clothes for Syria and chairman and what price do we give?
Be honest, what clothes do we give
the clothes you don't need anymore? scraps? I don't need a product, give it away.
We give our scripts and in return What do we want?
Elijah, amen.
Brother, come to the machine. Join join the class, start making some change.
I'm very busy at work.
We're drowning? We're drowning.
And I'm telling you all we need is people to take on why if all you did was genuinely started tearing you see change. Brother, what do you do? What do you do? That's good. Use that. And hold on man.
Brother tells me one line, man and I love my fishing. Fine. Fine. Well, I you know what? I'm gonna come with everyone today. Fine. He loves fishing, walala fishing, I can go fishing for me.
I say fine.
Since you love fishing, and you go every single day, and there's nothing on the face of the planet that I can do to change your mind. I said, Well, are you fine? But I tell him Brother, listen, if you're going to go fishing, why not do this? Why not go to the machine. Find one of the many kids that's lost, has not been his father. Why not take one of these kids and making him
imagine every person did this.
Whatever it is that you take someone with you
take one of these kids. Let's take him with you taking a shot. Then take him fishing. Show him that look, you can have fun. You can do highlight things and stay off the street.
And while you're doing whatever you do you put your work and your work and your pawns or whatever film you're doing. Talk to him
the creation of a law and now this
everyone's busy.
Wake up my brothers wake up. Today you by thinking I'm busy. What mine is gonna come a day. Well, mine is gonna come a day either your son's gonna need it and if he's gonna need it, one of your cousins is gonna lead or your brother's gonna be fine. We're gonna rock
spoken much
smarter brother. I don't care what you do.
I do.
Do whatever you want.
Just don't leave your site.
Can you do that?
Just don't leave your salon.
Don't don't don't be an oppressor. Don't take the rights of almost
how many of us have we heard this?
How do you want me to pray? I have a girlfriend.
Brother, how do you want me to pray? And I go clubbing and I drink alcohol.
See the sales cycle works.
Brother explain something to me. Me drinking alcohol is hard on this one is so that's wonderful.
How does me not praying make that right? How did two wrongs make a right? You're drinking alcohol is one horrible, but you know praying Habibi. That's a whole new world.
Nah, bro.
You know, I heard that that's a sign of hypocrisy. Now that's not hypocrisy
and this burns me you know some of the boys they'll come to a drug dealer that does around right
around but he prays so what do the boys do thinking it's wisdom they pick on the only good thing he does Partnership Agreement what you did is you do that and you pray so what was the mother
What does the brother end up doing? Yeah of course.
I think all our brothers he said the only good that was in his wife You turned him away from it.
You want to go clubbing nothing you want to go but this is this is my advice, pray a shirt and then leave.
And what's funny
my brothers you and I laugh we turn people off
why because you think that Dean is according to what's in your mind. Brother two wrongs don't make a right you pray no matter what. Your peace between you and Allah and nothing can stand between it
pray I don't care what it is. Pray
brandstory brother I heard that if you drink alcohol that you praise not accept this for 40 days. But what filament is this? What did you get that from?
But that just turns you off.
So even if that's the case, let's say drinking alcohol means that you can price in 40 days is a really worth it.
Is that even a trick? Is that worth 40 days of your life? I can't pray babies are worth it. No you can pray no matter what's happening. Allah simply says no Quran do not come to prayer while you're in the state of New popsicles when you sober up and you know the difference between right and wrong How do you come straight back to solid
pray no matter what happens Are you ready for that inshallah
who's ready to make a change man
really genuine genuine not not not just talking lip service. Just ready to make a move bro start helping his community start helping these kids helping yourselves. Ramadan is around the corner how many of these brothers like Mr. Ramadan now how many of them