Muhammad Hoblos – You Are Affecting The Ummah

Muhammad Hoblos
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the rise of obese people in the United States and the need for people to be aware of their weight. They also talk about the success of Islam and its impact on society, particularly on women and children. The importance of acceptance and love in community is emphasized, along with the need for acceptance and love in one's own actions. The segment ends with a call to action for young people to address issues related to their parents' lack of acceptance and struggles with parenting.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah we praise Him supine of what Allah the king, the master, the Sustainer, the creator of the seven heavens and the earth, and we send peace and blessings upon His Beloved Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. My brothers and sisters, they used to be a time in history

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with things were very clearly and people would not argue about them. I'll give you an example.

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They used to be a time when someone was obese,

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fat, like myself,

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it was clear why the man was fat.

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It wasn't something people used to talk about.

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The man is fat because he ate too much. He doesn't exercise he's eating at the wrong times. It was known it was my roof. It was common knowledge. People didn't sit there and get into the theory as to why the man is fat. It's pretty clean.

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But today, we no longer live in that time. Today we live in a time when the reason and the excuses for me being obese has to do with anything and everything except me.

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You see, when I got married, I was 90 kilos. Now I'm 130 I weigh as much as the highlights.

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And God forbid I should put my hand up and say that the reason why I waste so much is because I eat too much no one way I point the finger at anyone and everyone except myself.

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My wife my in laws, I travel too much I do this I do that paint whatever picture you want the truth and the hack is that you're overweight because of your own actions and nothing and no one else

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like the man that went to the you know, there was an obese man that went to the doctor. an obese man went to the doctor

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say Guess what, the doctor is going there for random blood tests or whatever the case is. So when the results came in, naturally like what we do yeah.

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He says from Doctor obesity runs in the family.

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Doctor system brother, it's not obesity that runs in the family. He says no one runs in your family.

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Today, my brothers We live in a time and in an era where nobody wants to put their hands up and say and take responsibility.

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Today we live in a time where like we want Dean we want takeaway, Dean. We won't drive through Dean. I want to come to the masjid. I want to sit down for five minutes. And you better allow me

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today the only video that goes viral around the world is any video under seven minutes. Anything beyond that too boring meant too long.

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I want to learn for an hour to memorize Quran. But isn't there something quick? Is there something I can do online? God forbid we should sit down and do the long yards. God forbid, there used to be a time when if someone wanted to get big. It was maruf it was common knowledge. People didn't talk and argue about it. You want to get big. You have to go to the gym. And when you went to the gym, you picked up Brian and you put the dumbbells and you put her on to the benchpress and you sat down and you ate well and you worked hard. It was known today it's not the case today your brother in law in the UK but in Sydney. One week is a pencil Nicola if the wind comes too strong. Yeah, you got to

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pick him up down the road. Because the window pick him up and take him the banner vanishes for two three weeks. He comes back he's got muscles on his easier muscles on his ease.

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But how did you get so big? how children potato bro.

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All the symptoms of steroids are all over his face. But he's trying to convince me that he got big because he's having to learn potatoes.

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And when you take shortcuts and when you take shortcuts when your dean becomes Joyce through Dean, you know what happens, the side effects when you take steroids

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The side effects

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we live in a time my brother's you know the condition of the oma, I challenge anyone to stand up and tell me brother, I am happy and I contend with the condition of the woman whose fault is it? whose responsibility is the oma whose responsibility is this community that you want to live in every single person he will stand up and give me 150 names off the top of his head and not one of those names will be himself

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that the problem with DOMA, the problem with this data and the other is because of the because of the machine because of the data is because of the seniors because of the committees of our machine. They're too old school doesn't allow us to do this and and allow us to do that. And it's this that and the other but God forbid any one of you should be man enough to stand up and say that the problem with DOMA is people like me.

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Responsibility has left the Muslims now. We've become pansies. That's what we become. They used to be a part of normal

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When we were men, we were men we were transcend See, we were man enough to admit when we were wrong today we don't do this anymore. When men came to Alibaba Vitaly and of course we know during the time of fitna men came to Alibaba Vitaly, and look, look how turning they were. They said Alibaba, Vitaly brought the law. No, they said to me, I mean, and they're running amok on him. They're obviously playing jokes on the men. They said to me, and so Pamela, why is it that in the time of The Hobbit was golden times? Yeah. In our Syrah, the ease of armor of the hot tub is known as the golden years of Islam was during the rule of thumb, I said, I said to him, look how cunning they

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said to him, how come in the time of armor of the hubbub, Mashallah everything was going well, Islam was expanding, money was coming in. And why is it now? Early Now, during your time? We see the fitna that's happening around.

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You know what he said?

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He said, because in the time of Amara, he had men like me around him. Whereas now we might find I have men like you around me.

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The Prophet of Allah when he spoke about the oma sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he gave the analogy, I don't know what analogy did he give? He says the analogy the example of my own mind is like that of one body.

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The Soma is one body.

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He says, when a part of it hurts, the whole body feels the pain when a part of the body hurts. He says the whole body stays up the night in sleeplessness in favor. Why? in fighting off the pain in fighting off the infection? Today? Do you feel like we are one body?

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Today? Are we honestly genuinely concerned about what's happening around the world?

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Do you feel Do you honestly deem yourself to be a part of the body and to be responsible?

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You know, my brothers, my time is short, you know what, let's drop the issue about what's happening around the world.

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Let's talk about what you do, because what you and I do has a direct effect towards the soma. Every scene you can meet has a direct effect on every single person that has to Hayden even in his art, you know, the sister that's getting raped in Syria? What do you do in this town has a direct effect on her.

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Because I have news for you, that day that she decided to be a Muslim, the day that she decided to say, Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah, you entered the fold of Islam. And when you entered the fold of Islam, you fell under the umbrella of dogma. And when you become a member of the oma, you became a part of the body. So what you do has an effect on the Allman

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Brothers are walking around tonight telling me Listen, and please excuse me, and I was sitting in the masjid. But I'm not here to give you these nice stories. What do they need to speak the heart? Honestly, oh, let's just shush up and go home. And let's just go sit down and watch TV. Today you walk around and every single one of us has this disease. Every one of us has this disease that ya know, cannot handle I'm not the best Muslim. And yeah, maybe my Quran has shortcomings. And here maybe my Salah is not this, that and the other, but it's alright. No, it's not alright.

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People seem to listen, you know, what if I don't want to pray, that's none of your business. It's between me and alive ever heard this? That no one can judge me. Only God can judge me. Wow, big round of applause for this brother.

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Only God can judge me Will do. Yes, only God can judge you. But unfortunately, but I have news for you. Your shortcomings has an effect on me has an effect on my wife has an effect on my children and has an effect on the rest of the oma.

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So it's not up to me to allow you to do you're wrong and to do harm and not stand before you right and give you a warning that what you're doing is wrong and bopping

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the path of allowing the Sahaba will not enough CBD, the prophet of Allah takes an oath by Allah, He says you either enjoying that which is good. And you see that which is wrong. This is a responsibility upon everyone. This is not the responsibility of a boss. It's not the responsibility of the machine. It's not the responsibility of the holy man. It's the responsibility of every person that has a moment of writing is up to code to that which is good and forbid that which is wrong, why are profitable or what if I don't want to do it? What if it's not my business? What if I want to do my own thing? He says you will do it or by Allah, Allah azza wa jal will send down his punishment

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upon you. You will raise your hands and make God and Allah Spano tala would not accept your praise.

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Allah will not accept your praise. My brothers and sisters, please don't you see what's happening around you. Don't you understand that this is around the corner for every single one of you.

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Every one of you did you know this? Did you know death stares you in the face every single day.

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What are you doing with your life?

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What are you doing with your life?

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Look at what's happened. Look at what's happening to us around the world. Look what's happening to you in your own country.

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You know, when I left my house when I left my home in Sydney to come here, I I went to the airport four hours early.

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Four hours early. Why? Because I was mentally prepared for the interrogation to why I'm leaving my own country. I become a criminal in my own house.

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I had paperwork ready and prepared. Why because I was mentally prepared that when I get to London airport, I was ready for a three four hour interrogation for what for no other reason except for the fact that I look like a Muslim and that's the truth

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Yeah, what are we doing about it?

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We are an oma we are one unit we are not individuals we don't have that luxury. You don't have the luxury of saying but the only God can judge me Leave me alone. No one you know you know that look, it's none of your business. Let me do as I please know my brother because what you do has an effect on me and what I do has an effect on you. So you're probably thinking you know, you know what, but what's your delille bro? That's unfair. What do you mean that whatever he does has an effect on me. Yes, because when Allah subhanaw taala deals with the Muslims he deals with them as an oma when the hierarchy and the Baraka vamos para tala falls down who doesn't fall down upon

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it falls upon everyone and when the punishment of Allah falls who doesn't fall on course upon everyone. This is our system you like it you don't like it? It works in Joe's gonna hang on this one making sense none of my business. This is how the law works.

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When it's not my fault, everyone feeds off it. And when the hubbub and the and the and the and the and the curse and the anger of Allah falls, everyone cops it

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when musala is salat wa salam when his people were going through a drought and please I'm sure you've heard the story before. I'm sure you've heard the Hadith before. But why you know I really want you to try and live it. Try to understand put yourself in this position.

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You know, we we really have to break away from just we sit down we read the Hadith, you know Allah we become like deadbeats,

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live live the Hadith try to understand what is going on here. The Prophet of Allah alayhi salaatu wa sallam The only perfect that had the luxury of speaking directly to Allah Spano tala, ma imagine the Prophet of Allah, his people were going through a state of drought, no water, you know what that means? That means everyone was suffering.

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no water, no food, no crops, the plants were dying. Nothing was growing animals were dying, nothing to drink, nothing to eat. Human beings were dying and suffering amongst them is a profit.

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So the people came to me and said there Moosa what's going on.

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I'll cut the long story short, so moose and his people died. Go to the desert. Moosa raises his hands and says, our law, you can see what's happening to my people, you're alone, we're begging, we're asking for rain.

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Naturally, when a prophet asks what happens?

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Allah answers yes or no.

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Musa asked for in the waiting for the clouds to come in, nothing happened.

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You know, forgive me, these are my own interpretations. I'm making it clear. These are my own interpretations. These are the, you know, I have this problem. Whenever I read, these thoughts go through my mind. I'm thinking well imagine being a prophet at that moment. My people who already there a man is with the wind going and coming. Right? True. Allah, Allah, Allah again and again. In other words, yes. You can imagine imagine the pressure he was under. My people are turning to me. They're waiting for the response. I'm a prophet of Allah. Right? I have direct relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. Y'all know I clearly asked you for rain and nothing happens.

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Talk about heat under the collar.

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So who says yo what's happening?

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I asked for rain, no rain.

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Now listen to what Allah says.

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He says yamasa from amongst your people, there is one sinner.

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how many seniors in our towns?

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How many of our Muslims don't pray?

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How many of our sisters are still unscathed?

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How many of our elders still cannot read properly

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Yo Musa from amongst your people is one sinner, and because of him and him alone, I have deprived the rain from falling.

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So you can come to me now and talk to me about justice and wisdom and Is this fair all night long, doesn't change the fact that a lot deprived rain, upon a profit upon people upon innocent women and children and animals and crops because of the actions of one men.

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One men,

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Somoza turns to his people, he says, Oh, my people amongst you is a sinner, come out and make yourself known.

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You know, I was thinking about this story. And I think imagine being that man at that time.

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You know,

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while I with all respect to everyone, I already know without anyone, every person in this room is a sinner, including myself.

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Every one of you is a sinner, whether you like it or not, because the Prophet of Allah will never lie. Only bunny Adam hapa every single human being is a sinner.

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But we have the luxury of hiding our sin. Sometimes we have the luxury of knowing local hamdulillah at least no one knows about it. It's in private. It's only between me and no one knows. Imagine this man has never been addressed by a prophet. And now he comes to realize that because of my sin, because of my shortcoming that I thought no one knows about except me and Allah. Now this man comes to realize that because of my shortcomings, all my people have been suffering because of my sin. Imagine that feeling.

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Honestly, how many of you feel like because of your sins, the oma suffering?

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How many of us

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samosa says make yourself known come forward.

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Imagine the embarrassment.

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So this man now realizes that hey, I'm the guilty one.

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Unfortunately, something most of us are not prepared to do.

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So the man repents, he makes all that one law,

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but doesn't make himself known to masala

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samosa waits for the man to come forward. No one comes forward Moosa goes back, asks a law

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and to his amazement, the rain comes and starts falling down.

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So yes, of course, moose is happy The rain is there, but now he's baffled, is he? He says, Yeah,

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please, some clarification.

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I asked for rain to begin with. You said there's a sinner I asked for the singer to come forward. No one came forward. I asked for rain the second time and now the rain comes down what's going on?

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Now listen to what Allah Subhana Allah says thing. He says your Musa I deprived the rain from coming because of him and him alone.

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But that person he turned back to me and he asked for my forgiveness. I accepted his Toba and now because of him and him alone, I've allowed the rain to fall down.

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samosa is now interested. He says, oh, Allah

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told me who these men is.

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Allah, Allah system also. He says yamasa I didn't expose him when he was a sinner. What makes you think I'm going to expose him now that he's repented and turn back to me?

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You see, when you and I sit there, where are well Masha Allah Subhana Allah, what a lovely story, the rain came down and everything worked out at the end and happily ever let you know. And you know, everyone lived happily ever after. Yeah, and thanks for coming.

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You know, what's the amazing part of this story is not the fact that a lot allowed the rain to come.

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You know what I find this interesting.

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What I find interesting is this man that was man enough to admit, was men enough to stand up and say, Hey, I am in the wrong. He was man enough to acknowledge the fact that he shortcomings made these people suffer, and he was man enough to acknowledge it. And he was man enough to turn back to Allah. He was man enough to ask Allah azza wa jal for forgiveness, and my most part of what Allah accepted him

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a quality that most of us fail in.

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Where are those that are? Where are those that are prepared to stand up and say, Hey, you know what's happening around the world? It's because of people like me. It's because of my shortcomings. It's because of my lack of Deen. It's because of my sins at night. It's because of my long time that I can't keep sharp. It's because of my eyes that I can't keep down. It's because of my actions. No

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We point the finger at anyone and everyone except myself.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala. He says in the Quran and English is a very loose translation. You can never give the Quran Huck in any language except Arabic. Let's make this clear. And you can never do justice with in any language, except in Arabic. But Allah spirit, Allah says, Listen to what Allah says, Allah says he will not change the condition of the people into they change the condition of what? Of who.

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So what's all waiting for?

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But even now, as we're saying that you're thinking, Well, why are you thinking about the man next to you that has to change and you're not thinking about yourself.

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And law says he will not change the condition of the people. And today, the people in today change the condition of themselves.

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Brother and sister what you do in your life has a direct effect, not only on the Muslims, but upon yourself.

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What you do your lack of deem your lack of understanding, you're, you're not praying or you're not whatever it is, your sins, whatever it is that you have in your life, that is wrong and wrong. It has an effect on your children, it has an effect on your mother and your father, it has an effect on the home.

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And the opposite is true allow you when when any one of you does a good action knows that not only do you benefit, but the rest of us also have benefits from your good actions.

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We have tawheed we fall under the we fall under the banner of Islam. This is an

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amazing the Prophet didn't even give some awesome he didn't even give the analogy of the family. He didn't say that my alma is like one family. You know why? Because even as a family, you have the right. It's Haram, but you still have the luxury of choosing not to speak to your brother, I can choose to not speak to my mother. I mean, it's Haram, but you still have the luxury of doing that. So now I can choose to not see my son, I can choose to disown my children. Whether or not it's accepted by law, this is a different conversation. But what I'm saying is, I have the luxury of not speaking to my child, I have the luxury of staying away from my brother. Yes, but as a body, does

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any one of you have the luxury to look at his ad say no, I don't like the look of this thing. I'll just take it off right now.

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No, you don't have that luxury. Why? Because it's a part of me, I have to live with it.

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And that's how the Prophet of Allah spoke about.

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Whoever has La, La La, Muhammad Rasool Allah, and he says this sincerely, he is a Muslim, whether you like it or not, whether he prays in your machine or not, whether he follows your email or not, whether he prays and fast, that's the same doesn't change. It does not change the fact excuse me online, forgive me, whoever has emailed hate and clearly says it, whether you like it or not you accept or not, it doesn't change the fact that he's a Muslim.

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And unless there is clean copper on his tongue, and on his hands, he's a believer, whether you like it or not. He's a part of

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this, sometimes the boys they struggle. What do you mean? What do you mean?

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He died and gave every one of us the authority to say the least. And who is it the Muslim?

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Something that the companions never dead on doing? The

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cliffs around him. They lived around him. He had him on the list. He had them on the list that even his closest companions didn't have the luxury of knowing

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who is and who isn't a Muslim.

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What a sickness.

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And people told me Islam is love and peace, man. Rubbish. Women have peace in our own communities. We have disunity.

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And we want the world to love Islam.

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Who are we kidding, man?

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We don't have love in our own families. We don't have love,

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tolerance and acceptance.

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This Unity has become the norm.

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Loving and mocking and ridiculing one another has become the norm and accepted. Any cowboy picks up a phone records himself crushing him humans and scholars and this that and the other.

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All of a sudden he's become an authority to speak on Dean

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And we ask why is this happening to us?

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You will know you're responsible

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you will know my brothers what you do has an effect on the soma

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I'm sure I'm sure that if I was to ask you brothers you know are you happy with the fact that there's no love and everywhere I go here blah blah blah you know our machines need to pull up you know and our limit and our demands you know what's the so what's

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what are you doing to spread the love

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but I'm a nobody man no one's gonna listen to me

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see this mentality that I'm a nobody that I'm a nothing

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when you start believing that you are nothing

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you become nothing

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when you start believing that I'm a nobody. I don't use for you you become a nobody

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spirits been broken.

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Our attachment to our Deen has been lost

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when Mohammed Al Fatiha was four years old, four years old.

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For your Allah four years old, his mother used to take him to the seashore.

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And she's the show him Constantinople by the seashore. And she's the tellem hammer. Do you see that place there?

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Stella? Yes, ma'am.

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She's telling one day you're gonna open and conquer that place

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for you four years old.

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Today when a young four year old can

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get out of here, man. Get out here.

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Today the brothers 10 years old 15 years old and you and I let's be honest. Look at this. He's young. He's an idiot. I just go home and play your Sony PlayStation.

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When you start addressing our children like they're nothing they become nothing.

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Whose fault this?

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What Western government is telling you to speak to your child like he's an idiot.

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Which system ever put a gun to your head and sit you to speak down at your wife and speak down at your children?

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We've lost their way.

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We've lost our way.

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Today we live in a world and forgive me honor this is gonna definitely shake some cages. I know this is definitely gonna upset some people. Yeah, but I'm a nobody. I'm not an authority of Dean's so forgive me for my ignorance. Today we live in a world where you know what we love to talk about. We love talking about jinn and black magic and Rukia this Rukia that

00:28:04 --> 00:28:12

you're unlife I had the luxury to speak my heart to talk about this filthy topic. That's become that's become.

00:28:13 --> 00:28:31

It's It's It's It's possessed domeniul now every pumpkin Harry's possess now every Tom dick and Harry's got black magic. Now every single relationship that is failing is because someone made katiba and someone made black magic on them. And I need this chair and that chair and my brother will

00:28:34 --> 00:28:43

start shaking this. God forbid your marriage is failing. Because you're a miserable father. You're a terrible husband. God forbid. God forbid. That's why your marriage is failing.

00:28:46 --> 00:28:52

We love these topics. Why? Because he takes the responsibility off my shoulders and puts her on something else.

00:28:56 --> 00:28:57

Nothing to do with me.

00:29:02 --> 00:29:25

Going men My friend has stopped back home in Sydney. And I'm so old The thing is he would tell me what's wrong with the youth tonight our youth have become out of control our youth is this than in the other people told me all the time. Baba you need to talk to the youth you need to do there's nothing wrong with the youth. The youth that you see the complaining about the youth that you become embarrassed about. It's a byproduct of who you are and what you stand for.

00:29:28 --> 00:29:31

Your disability and child is a mirror reflection of you.

00:29:33 --> 00:29:37

Your son is a failure because you failed him as a father. That's why

00:29:43 --> 00:29:45

but now we don't want responsibility.

00:29:47 --> 00:29:51

My son's a bad kid because his friends take him here in there. Why? Where are you brother?

00:29:55 --> 00:29:55

Where are you?

00:29:56 --> 00:29:59

But I drive a taxi for 12 hours of the day.

00:30:00 --> 00:30:01


00:30:02 --> 00:30:04

so who's raising your son

00:30:08 --> 00:30:09

brother we got to live

00:30:11 --> 00:30:12

you know you got to live

00:30:17 --> 00:30:32

but when you choose to have you know when you choose to go to a restaurant every week and you choose to live in the upper side of town because it looks and feels better than down and when your car has to be at Oh 1504 a model you chose that life

00:30:34 --> 00:30:35

now you pay the price for it

00:30:39 --> 00:30:45

anyway I've spoken too long I'm sure you know where I'm going with this will lie in my brother's we need to wake up

00:30:47 --> 00:30:51

the solution to all of your problems is ElDeen

00:30:53 --> 00:31:01

that that's that's the way it's done. Sometimes people come and they waiting for some unique there is no other answer.

00:31:02 --> 00:31:19

a last minute alysus and your magma to lacantina contura your your religion has been completed and perfected. Any problem any trial, any tribulation, any hardship that you ever face in your life. You will find the full answer in the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala and in the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

00:31:22 --> 00:31:25

You want answers? Come to the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala

00:31:26 --> 00:31:33

I left you on the clear road the Prophet of Allah says I left you on the clear road. It's day it's like it's night.

00:31:35 --> 00:31:36

Clip if I left you on

00:31:39 --> 00:31:43

you know why this dealt? You know why this confusion because it's missing in our lives.

00:31:45 --> 00:31:46

It's missing in our lives.

00:31:47 --> 00:31:51

Today the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what's become now

00:31:52 --> 00:31:53

Who can tell me

00:31:55 --> 00:32:07

the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam what is our current modern understanding of sooner when I tell you rather This is a son of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam How does your mind interpret that automatically? I'm looking for someone who's honest enough that told me

00:32:08 --> 00:32:09


00:32:11 --> 00:32:12

more here I want to give

00:32:15 --> 00:32:17

you because you are mad enough

00:32:28 --> 00:32:29

The sooner rasulillah is

00:32:31 --> 00:32:32

better as a photo sooner sooner.

00:32:35 --> 00:32:37

Photos photo before I had to do

00:32:39 --> 00:32:40

you see the statement?

00:32:45 --> 00:32:57

You know now we have this common language. Our bro that the sooner of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam is the best way. Does anyone disagree with this statement? The sooner masala means the best.

00:32:59 --> 00:33:01

Let me tell you how much poison there is in the statement alone.

00:33:03 --> 00:33:12

When you say that the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the best. What you're saying to me indirectly is that there's a lot of options and that the best of them is his way.

00:33:13 --> 00:33:19

No, my brother, the son of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the only way you don't have any other option.

00:33:24 --> 00:33:28

I asked one of the machines once I said what's the difference between us and the Sahaba?

00:33:29 --> 00:33:31

You know what he said? I'll end with this.

00:33:33 --> 00:33:35

He said the difference between us and the Sahaba is

00:33:38 --> 00:33:42

we left every sooner of rasulillah because it was only sooner.

00:33:44 --> 00:33:47

Whereas they performed every sooner because it was a sooner

00:33:52 --> 00:34:30

they performed every you see just Just so you know, you know this thing about sadhana and follow the Sahaba didn't have these amongst them. This came years later when the full cohort came and then it had to come in theory and they had to differentiate you know, like it was issues like what do you pray first? You know, if the sun is rising, do you pray the fragile the actual budget or do you pray the summer it was only then when these Messiah he came it was only then that the whole amount were forced to differentiate between the father and the son as far as the priorities concerned. But it was by no means it was by no means to say that this is optional and that you can and that you have

00:34:30 --> 00:34:40

the luxury of choosing to do or not. Today you and I have the understanding font unfortunately means I have to sooner is it's an option. And if you do while you're such a good boy.

00:34:44 --> 00:34:45


00:34:46 --> 00:34:54

you want happiness and success. You won't change their understanding will not come into the full suit of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam comes into your life.

00:34:55 --> 00:35:00

So I've spoken too much. I think I'm pretty clear with what I'm saying.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:07

We need to stand up and start taking responsibility. We need to start raising our hands and say I am responsible. It is because of me.

00:35:08 --> 00:35:10

It is because of me.

00:35:11 --> 00:35:36

Don't worry about the next Majid and don't worry about the next Imam and though you and I need to change you and I need to be that man that was from the people of moose and said, I am the one that's in the wrong, you and I need to stand up and repent, you and I need to start making a move you and I need to take a step closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala if not for your sake then do it for the women. Do it for the children of our Alma who are suffering because of our actions. Are we ready inshallah.

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