Muhammad Alshareef – Perished Nations: People of Lut

Muhammad Alshareef
AI: Summary © The loss of Islam has caused a negative impact on people, including the loss of WhatsApp apps and the loss of various countries. The history of Islam is also discussed, including the use of gay language in media and the potential for it to be used in media, the use of gay language in writing and movies, the use of gay language in media and media, and the importance of protecting against sexual pestility with language. The "hamma" in the Eastern region and its impact on culture are highlighted, along with the shaping of culture due to the "hamma."
AI: Transcript ©
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We'll start tonight inshallah tada with the words of Allah subhana wa tada larger that says circle Hajj. Verses 42 to 47

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Hey Mina Shea you're on. You're watching Bismillah you're on, man you're on. He will he will get the Boca Chica, pabulum como no.

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FOMO Lu was taboo. madeon work with Viva Moosa family Juliana Cassie in a

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foster home. Second second anarchy FACA.

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Korea tiene alakina Giovanni met

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Paul we're here for we're to Narada Roshi halabi

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panauti swim machine need

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to be

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fed in.

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Wanna kill kulu Latif is sudo y star g Luna cabin La

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La who was in

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Iran bigger canopy center.

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In these verses, as I'm sure if you've taken with us the first and the second we spoke about the mood we spoke about. And if you've been following along and you've been reading the Quran throughout these weeks, you've probably started to notice more attention more you're noticing that there is more and more verses in the Quran that speak about these Paris and Paris. Nations speak about the people of Mecca the mood most Madea and all of these things your eyes start to open and you realize these are verses we've been reading for so long yet we might not have had that full awareness of what we're reciting Allah subhanaw taala says to the prophets that Alani sent him what he you can be

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buka that if they disbelieve in you if they say that you're a liar if they say that hey, you know what, this issue of Islam is not the truth they're not the first ones to do that. There's nothing special about them there. There was people for cat The cat that was popular home before them were people who disbelieved in the profits homeowner in wired with a mood that people have no and I and the mood will como Ibrahim, the people of Abraham, will como loop and tonight inshallah Tada, we're going to be speaking about but the people of the loop raisonne was hobbled medion. But Allah subhanaw taala has some lessons here in these verses that I wanted to start it off with. Last

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panelist, Allah says, what could be better Moosa? That Mu salesianum and inshallah inshallah that's going to be our next series is going to be about musala acnm and Farah Allen and how Allah Spano Tata destroyed them for Emily to little care feeding them. To whom Allah subhanaw taala says the emulator little caffine that I gave respites or the word in English to be translated is a gave them time to home. Then Allah subhanaw taala took them the kafer canon Akira and how horrible and terrible was the snatching and the rejection and pulling back of them for K for cannon a kid? And then Allah subhanaw taala says because when you're going around and telling someone about Islam, and

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then they say to you in response, I don't believe you. I don't believe that this is the truth. This person only a few moments on earth and then their life is over.

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And if they disbelieved, there were people who disbelieve before Allah subhanaw taala says, forget a human karya how many populations how many nations has Allah subhanaw taala destroyed?

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A man creating a hillock? Nah, he'll Voluma

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and how many nations had transgressed and you will see as we've been following along in these different nations, injustice was the key ingredient that led to their destruction amongst other things, but at the top of their sins that were committed was there injustice to themselves to a less panel and tada in a circle of women having him that indeed the greatest injustice a human being can do is to associate partners with Allah subhanaw taala even

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allies doodle created this person, they attribute all the gifts of Allah subhanaw taala to other than Eliza Jen. Well, he avani metron and then Allah subhanaw taala says for here how we are to Allah urrutia well the Maha politeama costume machine that Allah subhanaw taala says that how many nations he destroyed, and they've tumbled down on their roofs. And this is interesting when you go to Paris nations and you go to these nations, they're like tourist destinations. These places are, how many roofs have collapsed? Allah subhanaw taala says,

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for how we are doing Allah oroshi halaby mattala and wells like drinking wells that are abandoned? Nobody drinks from them anymore. Well, Mr. palatin, will custom machine and castles loft in wealth well, Bill, they're well built these castles, the wells are abandoned, and the roofs of collapse down how many nations has Allah subhanaw taala destroyed and so it is

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incumbent upon the person to turn back to a less panada for their own safety. Allah subhanaw taala says Flm ese roofing Won't they travel in the lands and we said this that if you have a son or you have family members that have issues in their Deen, one of the key dalot techniques is to take them traveling with you go and traveling the land and see what was the conclusion the final end of those who disbelieved in the last panel data, larger said Flm Yes, zero fill our first akuna longkou Yaki Luna beha so that they would have hearts that they could think with, then yes, morona behalf,

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or that they would have ears that they could hear with. And then a Lazarus has the inhaler, Tama absorb that it's not the eyes that are blind. And we said this before with these nations, they were skillful, they were intelligent, they could make the best computer products. I'm sure if they were alive today they could make them but when it came to Allah subhanaw taala they're completely ignorant. Allah subhanaw taala says in her letter,

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it's not the eyes that are blind, or lacking Tamil kuruvilla tea for solder, but rather it's the hearts that are in the chest that are blind. That that's what's blind is the person's heart is seal. So a lot of FEMA allies just keep all of our hearts alive and open to hear the message of Allah Spano Tata. Then Eliza says, Why is stodgy Luna cabin Lada and as we see a recurring theme is that whenever they couldn't get they couldn't argue they would insist upon the prophets to bring the punishment of Allah subhanaw taala right then and there. They're saying in Quinta, in quintus are different if you're telling the truth, then bring the punishment right now. This is the message that

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all the prophets got

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when you flee for LaWanda, and the interesting thing is even the punishment of Allah subhanaw taala when Allah is going to destroy them, they can't even hasten that and we're going to talk about that with Pominville that they have no power whatsoever. All powers to Allah subhanaw taala Yes, they will be destroyed, but it's with Allah subhanaw taala at the appointment, so don't try to hasten it even they're trying to put themselves into the driver's seat when it comes to their punishment. And Allah subhanaw taala is still in control. subhanho wa Taala tonight inshallah Tada. We're going to be speaking about Polamalu. Camila puppy, the people of North Korea Hassan

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Luthor, s&m was the nephew of Ibrahim alayhis salam, Allah subhanho wa Taala they were in our head off.

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And Ibrahim la Sam, as you know, that he was giving down to his people with the idols and so on and nobody believed in Ibrahim Ali Sinan, except Lord Palestina.

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Allah subhanaw taala says for Allah who loop

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that loop Allah and Sam, his nephew believed in Ibrahim A sinner. What color India Mahajan en el Arabi and they did hijra from Iraq they did his job for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala going to a place where they could worship Allah azza wa jal and so they went to Villa de Sham below the Sham and a sham normally when people think Sham they think Syria but in reality Sham includes much more than Syria includes Philistine includes Jordan and so on and so forth.

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Look, man,

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this Sham area, Allah subhanaw taala says allotey Baraka hola that the place that we've blessed surrounding and as you know, and certainly surah Subhana Allah The Asahi AB de Laila Mina messaged her on little mess ups la la de Baraka Hello, right? So this is the sip of the characteristics of a sham. This is where Ibrahim alayhis salaam did his

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too This is where a look at Sam. Um did he draw too as well? Lutheranism was sent to a people, a people by the name of Saddam. saddam, right and in English they say saddam, right. Saddam was the place that Luca la Salaam was sent to.

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Allah subhana wa tada begins the story of local Islam in the Quran by telling us the story of Ibrahim alayhi salam, when the angels came to him. When the angels came to him, there were three angels, Allah subhanaw taala doesn't mention in the Quran, who those Angel angels were, it doesn't mention who they were, they were three angels. And so these angels came

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in the form of men. They came in the form of men and Ibrahim la Sam, Elijah says, Hi lucilla Carla Solomon from levita and Jabir in Semyon

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they said Salaam to Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and in different verses les pans out he actually mentioned the story more than one time in the quote on Paula como Mankato, and he didn't know them, and he immediately brought some roasted lamb for them. Benjamin Simeon hedges Lammers, a camel,

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veal, okay, veal Kalki guys, Noah,

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Abraham la Sam, lesson number one we see from Ibrahim alayhis salaam, one of his nickname was a fan, which is the the father of the guests, that whenever a guest would come, this is the karma that we see in the prophets I am a sinner. The Prophet said a lot I sent him said birth to you tell me my caramel of luck that I was sent that the purpose of this message was to fulfill and complete this good character, the beautiful characteristics. So one of these beautiful characteristics is to have an open door to your house. And so that whenever someone would come immediately, they put on him at a cinema come invite them and take them to his house and so on and show them food. In one of the

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verses. Allah subhanaw taala says familiar levita though he didn't he wait a second, they were invited in in one verse it says there is Lin Semyon and another verse it says excellent honeys.

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And Simeon means fact. So it wasn't you know, some small portion like you get at some shawarma places or something like that, right? Some small portion, even though it might taste good, but it's a small portion and other places. They give you a big portion, but you wish that they never gave you anything because it doesn't taste good. And so from his cut on at h&m is he's giving them quality, that it was roasted honeyed, and also quantity that it was Simeon It was a large and so Ibrahim alayhis empezar guests he he doesn't know who they are for Cora bajo la him. Allah Allah Quran. So he showed them the food and this is also just a lesson on the side here is from the karma. Ibrahim

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Allison, you can keep going on we can do a lecture about how Ibrahim treated his guests and all the different things that you learned from him. He presented the food Allah subhanaw taala says for cottura bajo la a lot of times in this food itself serve buffet.

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In other words, you go to the food, oh guests, you go to the food. Right as opposed to you see when when people have caught on. They bring the food to the guests. Not only do they bring the food and just put it out, cut a robber who la him. He brought it he didn't just put it in front of them. He pushed it towards them.

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And he didn't just say you know, you know, eat whatever you guys want and Charlotte's All right, he said Allah Kowloon. And so now he's even inviting his guests on top of that, and in his center.

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And then he brought him on as an M, Eliza just says for oj SM and

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then he got scared of them.

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Because they weren't eating,

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they don't eat.

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And so use panela that this is the Prophet of Allah and he's afraid.

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And so he had that fear. And he sent him a letter Quran for older men whom khlifa he got scared. And they said to him patola huff is a Don't be scared of us in our sydnor illa kamelot that we were sent to the people of loath to destroy them.

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And so they first stopped in their mission. They stopped at Ibrahim Ali Sanam.

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They brought the news it's amazing that these angels of Alaska hunters on the form of men, they came with life and they came with death

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life that they were coming to Abraham Allah sent him to give him the glad tidings that he would have a son. For Bashar now who is happening Laura is happier yaku Allah subhanaw taala says that Sarah alayhis salaam she was there listening, and

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she heard the angels felt like he laughed, and then a less pint of data says the angels told her Frobisher Nabis Hakuna Matata is happy after they gave her the glad times that she would have a child is half an after us hop club. pilot. Yeah, wait at NRG Valley, Shay Ha. Hershey, Raji she said like how can I have children? How can I have children she was very old an age very old an age a law item the number 80 comes in my mind. I'm not sure specifically how old

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the narration say that she was. But she was very old than age. And not only was she old, but Ibraheem alehissalaam was old as well will have that body shape. In the head Allah shape energy. This is something strange indeed. And here I just wanted to mention this because it's a lot of brothers and sisters, they get married, and they don't have children for many years. This issue of infertility and this is Subhan Allah Allah tests everybody. If you're not married, less testing you you need to get married. Correct. When you get married, you're gonna have husband and wife issues just as any amendment msgid the fitna continues after you're married. And let's say you don't have

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children as a fitness in the family, there's no children. And then when you have children, do you think the fitness stops there? Then the fitness comes from the children as well, how to raise them, how to take care of them, and so on and so forth. And then you get very old will they take care of you the fitness of the children when they get old and you're old, and then their real fitness starts when you die, and the hereafter and all the tests Life is full of fitna it's full of tests. Correct? We agree with this. So your goal in life is to get bigger tests, good tests, how to guide a nation to Islam that's an amazing test to have. Correct. As opposed to people saying I don't know. I'm just

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This is my test Subhana Allah what kind of a test is this? It's like get up raise your standards and go get yourself a real test inshallah tada

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as the prophets of Allah as Adam said, that the people that are tested the most are the prophets of Allah, Samantha enter and then people under the from the rank underneath that and the rank underneath that meaning the closer you come to Allah subhanaw taala The bigger your tests become.

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And so just as some people they they wish for a child and maybe it's been many years they haven't had a child.

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Ibrahim Ali Sam's wife, Sarah said, Heather inhabit a shaman RG This is something strange. I'm so old. How can I have a child all these years? And then the angels responded to her they said Babu jabeen amin and Mila here off moto la Baraka todo rahmatullah wa barakato on a little bait in Mohammedan Majeed, they said the pod Atocha venum in Amity law, they said are you amazed or do you find it strange the power of Allah subhanaw taala Rahmatullah the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala and the Baraka upon you and your family lol bait in hamidah Majeed,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says, for them to have an Abraham or after the fear that had come to him, had gone away Ibrahim Ali Salaam started arguing with the angels about homie loot. He said, Don't destroy them. Give them another chance. He's like, maybe, you know, perhaps maybe there's some believers. They're low poly Sam is there you can destroy them. What are you going to do? Local Islam is there. And so Allah subhanaw taala says, Yeah, Ibrahim Ativan? hada Yeah, Ibrahim because I brought him out a Sam was haleem he was soft and kind and gentle la Sanam, that he was hoping that possibly that they would have like a second chance and Allah subhana wa tada says, Yeah, Ibrahim art

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Yvonne had to turn away from this in the whole caja amura back that the the decree of your Lord has come. We're in a de Mahadevan hieromartyr. And a punishment is coming to them that cannot be turned back. And it was interesting. We were citing in the ratio prayer here.

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There's a verse right at the end of surah. Two shrimps. Well I have for Aqua baja

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where Allah subhanaw taala destroyed the people of the moon.

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If Allah subhanaw taala destroys the people who can retaliate against the last panel.

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Even you think about it, right? Just think of Allah. When there's two armies. As soon as one army attacks the other army, they actually begin for retaliation before they attack. So they'll say, you know, something like, Hey, everybody from our country, get out of country so and so.

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And everybody sees these people leaving, they know something's gonna happen because they're already preparing for the retaliation before they even start.

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Because that's normal with human beings in the creation of a less amount of data. They do learn more, they do something like that, and they're expecting retaliation. Allah subhanaw taala. When he destroys a nation, there's nothing and no one that can retaliate. Allah subhanaw taala says, when I have for Aqaba, for them demma la Mora boom be them being emphasis. Allah subhanaw taala crushed them and destroyed the people of the mood for so where he made them flat, there's nothing left what I have to offer, and there is no fear of any retaliation anyone is nothing. And when the punishment of Allah subhanaw taala comes, nobody can turn it back and nobody can stop it. This is the

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punishment of Allah subhanaw taala Allah azza wa jal protect us,

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the people

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of love,

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the people of Sodom

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will notice and listen to these people. They were, you know, not only did they their sin, one of the major sins that Camilo it was known for was their homosexuality. This was the number one thing however, they were known for other things as well. They were known for robbery and murdering and pillaging and so on and so forth. They had other sins that they were involved in pomi lute was most known for their homosexuality. One of the things that

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they said to Lutheran Sam, when Lord Allah sent the message that all prophets sent, as a larger said, Wanaka bafna. fi equally Korea in an era bodum Allah, Allah subhanaw taala sent in every Korean, every village, every nation, that they should worship Allah subhanho wa Taala which then in Boca hood, and stay away from the top, who the law who is the transgressor the tyrant, the person who calls upon laws other than the laws of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so every nation was called to a large origin. And so loot Allison M is calling them for years after us calling them to Eliza Jad. And they refuse to do this they refuse to turn back to Allah azza wa jal, they said and

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Lutheranism specifically was speaking to them about the this indecency of homosexuality and we'll be talking about inshallah tada as we described lessons from what happened, but we're just giving you the general story of what took place. One of the things that they said to note on a Sam, they said, Paul Luna ellenton Lu, Lata coonan, Amina maharajji, when

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they said if you don't desist or loot from what you're saying that the coonan the minimum margin that we're going to expel you. So we see again, that when a people, they can argue anymore the issue they turn to violence, they turn to expulsion, they turned to physical harm of the profits early in the center. And you'll see that they said to their people, they are now creating public opinion against loot on a pseudonym, they will say a three to a Lutheran mencari article. And then they said a statement in una Sony Tata.

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They said expel locali Sam and his family from your from your Korea from your village in a home owner Sonia Tata Harun, they are people who seek purity.

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Now, this is an interesting thing that they said. There are people who seek purity and anybody any culture any reasoning says purity is something good, correct. purity, something good, but they're telling them these are pure people to get rid of them. In reality, what they did is they flipped things around, they took words and they took concepts that are good, and they use their medium to use the public opinion to change the words around so the good in their words became bad, and they're very good at flipping.

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We'll talk about the flipping later inshallah Tada. Interestingly, if people hear about a lecture like this at the masjid, they would say, homophobic, correct. They're like, Oh my god, a bunch of homophobic people. And I thought to myself, that's an amazing

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using Word to be called Alhamdulillah that you're homophobic. And now Now notice the propaganda and indoctrination that you've been when I just said that 100 Allah, I'm homophobic, you're thinking to yourself, you know, how can you say hamdulillah something bad phobic. These are words that they flipped in our minds. homophobic means a fear of homosexuality. Alhamdulillah we have a fear of homosexuality Alhamdulillah and then they will say it as if it's a derogatory term, but in fact, it's a praiseworthy term. And so the meezan has been flipped. And so the people they now use these terms and handle there's still people that are standing up for the truth and answering and calling

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and trying to hold people's hand back from the moon car.

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And I pray inshallah, tada, there will be more people that do this. There was one brother who told me we were inviting him to come move to Canada,

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Canada, the place of you know, there's so much justice here and so on and so forth. This brother told me said I don't want to wish I don't wish to move to Canada because of this gross rebellion disobedience to a less panatela that's so public. And I said Canada you mean America? Right? You said no. In Canada, haven't you legalized homosexual marriages.

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last panel, I didn't I didn't realize that Prophet sallallahu Sallam said and we'll talk mentioned this hadith.

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Basically, the Hadith is that

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picture let me let me pull up I

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want to give you the exact

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profit center line as Adam said, This isn't been magic, and it's authentic. Heidi's then told her Sasha Coleman had your own, you know, beha illa fecha de matar own will Oh, jollity them to komaba to slap him in LA Vina model, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, There is not a people in which aphasia, right? This is a virus and evil becomes widespread and public. Right. The key are like some people say, oh, in this country, they have homosexuality. Yeah, but it might be there, there's disobey their sin everywhere. Nobody. There's not a place that doesn't have sin. But it's not legalized, and it's not public. And so a person might be able to do it, say in a Muslim country, but

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they have to hide. And there are many other countries, not just Muslim countries they have to hide. But the key point is this, that when it becomes public, and the people announce it publicly and openly, nobody is stopping to say anything to them. nobody's saying anything. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, It's not possible for this to happen, except that our own will will spread amongst these people. But our own our own recent translation for Tyrone.

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Tyrone is like

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a plague.

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Okay, so a plague or a disease will spread amongst them? Well, our jobs and illnesses that did not exist in the people that came before them.

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This is a Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam and as you know, I don't even have to go into details, you know exactly what we're talking about. That diseases and and, and sicknesses come that the people that came before they didn't even know about this

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unknown, where this comes from what what any kind of cure this is that Allah subhanaw taala has this for the people who become public with these sins, and less pinata protectors. And I hope that a lecture like this will start to encourage people to speak up. I just wanted to say that whenever there's a gay rally is in an interesting they call them gay, they're happy people, right? That's a lot.

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There are a type of people that go to these rallies and stand up for the truth. They have signs that tell them to stop what they're doing or they will go to hellfire. Do you think they are Muslims?

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No, they are not Muslims. They are not Muslims. They are Christians. There are Christians who stand up for this. I was once in Australia. And and if you go to Australia, unless funds are protected, it's a nice place in general. But they have disobedience. So public. You're not accustomed to it in Canada in the US, meaning that the bars are like everywhere. And the casinos you're talking about in regular rural areas. There's like casinos in the middle there. Like the disobedience to Allah Spanner is very public very open. And I was giving a lecture there once and I said it seems to me that the Christians are not very active in your country. This is what it seems to me. Because the

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last 100 thought a lot of the vices, a lot of the vices have been held back by the Christians. And so if you look up homosexuality

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The you will find that it is the people who are fighting against it in the most part in a large way, or the Christian groups. And so I pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala that you will join the ranks and start to stand up and start speaking out against things like this is everybody will start to say to you, in the home owner, senior thought the heroine, you will be labeled, and we've been quiet for a very long time about this issue. And so you'll be labeled people start saying it's a hate crime, people started saying this, this and that, in order to keep you silence me unless panto protects you. And so speak up for the truth that Eliza delegates for the goodness of these own people to

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protect them. I was once listening to the radio. And this was like a popular radio channel. And it was like a Sunday or something like that one of these days, and there was a whole program dedicated to the destruction of homosexuality. And I thought this is amazing that they would have an hour dedicated to someone saying that if a person practice homosexuality, that, you know their chances of dying, it's like, the most deadliest thing that a person can do is practice this this sin.

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But this person who is speaking this lecture, I imagine you I was very excited because Muslim, was it a Muslim guy talking on a public radio like this paying many 1000s of dollars to get like a whole hour? No, it was a Christian. He was speaking long and long and long and long. And then I saw he's did something that you know what I was so impressed with this person. At the end of his lecture, he said that if you have any problems with homosexuality, then call church so and so and we will help you.

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And they said him because normally people might be shy about this, they gave them even a private number. And we will help you with this issue.

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SubhanAllah you have to have respect for someone that's not just talking. But at the same time, it's not about hating homosexuality or hating homosexuals. It's about hating homosexuality, the sin and everybody deserves guidance from Allah subhana wa Tada. And so as all the prophets that people have lost nobody said to the people of saloon Oh, you know what their practice homosexuality, so let's leave them, you know, or if they were worshippers of idols, we can go give it to them. But if they're homosexual, let's leave them alone. No, everybody deserves doubt. And they were sent their profit as other people were sent profits.

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Allah subhanaw taala. And I'm going to be speaking about the details of,

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of the people of Lord Ali Salaam.

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When these three

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when the three angels came, they came in the form of men, and they were very young, very handsome men. These angels are a mercenary. And so it's narrated that the first person to see the angels to see these men coming into town was the daughter of Lord Krishna.

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And so she got very scared because Subhanallah these people saloon is people have ruled that not only their practice homosexuality, but they would *

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and sodomized as they say. The guests that would come into their village, that's a lot haha.

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And so she saw them and she was very afraid. And so she quickly ran. And she told her father lute, Allison, that there's three guests who have come into town, I met them on the outskirts. And she said that we you know, she told them about him locally, Sam came running out, and he's very scared for them. And again, you see the mercy of the prophets, Allah in the center. When someone doesn't give Dawa to Elijah, Jen, a lot of people they think of the non Muslims as Oh, may they be destroyed, may they be punished, destruction and all of this stuff. In fact, the prophets are they in the center, the exact opposite, they're looking for the mercy of the people to be guided to

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Eliza. And the issue about being destroyed and so on, comes after a lifetime of doubt to the people.

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A stage that many of us are not at.

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And so you will see this prophet racing and running for the salvation of anyone that they could salvage anybody that they could help. So literally, Sam went to them. And so it is said that nobody Sam, he couldn't, because it was these people are very known for their generosity and hospitality. If locali sam tells them, you know what, you can't stay at my house, go somewhere else, what will they do? They will go into the place into Sedona, and they will seek

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a place to stay from someone else, which is not what salesianum wants, so he can't tell them, you can stay at my house. But if he brings them to his house that's like in the midst of Saddam, that they would, you know, be in the midst there and something bad could happen to them there as well. And so what could local Islam do? He told them

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To wait here until nightfall, don't move until nightfall

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so that he would be able to bring them into the city into the village when nobody could see them.

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And so a lot a Sam brought them in. And when nighttime came, he came to them and started bringing them into into his home and into you know, the village, he started cursing the people of Southern

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so that the elders would get the hint to go somewhere else. He doesn't know that they're angels. to him. They're just people who had heard just travelers, just three hands of men who had come in, and he would say things like, I don't know anybody more evil or than the people of Saddam.

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There's nobody more evil on the face of earth and the people of Saddam.

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And these three men were quiet, and it's mentioned, it's mentioned is not in the Quran. But it's mentioned that Lutheranism said this four times to them

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and that they were waiting, they said that we had orders from Allah subhanaw taala to not destroy the people of loot saloon until their prophet witnesses against them.

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And so he testify four times against him. And they're going to be destroyed loot Allison and brought them to his home.

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Now, nobody knows that these men are in the home and and these people, Allah subhanaw taala says

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what take them phenol, phenol ecoman mooncup, right, they used to in their negative and nadie is like a Sporting Club if you go to places they call a Sporting Club and nadie it's a public area where people go to do sports or do activities and so on. So it's a public area and nadie. And so these people the people have looked, what they would do is when they were practicing this homosexuality, they were not doing it in private. They were doing it in public. They would do it in in their nannies in their public gathering places.

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Allah subhanaw taala says that when they heard about these guests, of Lutheran sinner, and that they were young, and they were handsome, whatever Billa they came to commit * with them.

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It's really you think about the craziness of what's happening if they're trying to sodomized angels of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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would you wha hoo coma who yeah you harana la woman cabello Kenya manana see yet. Allah subhanaw taala says that they came racing to the home of lethal Islam. And they were just, they had just come from committing the * as a lot. They had just committed the act. And this mob of people started gathering outside the home of Lutheranism who told them

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the wife of law talisa his wife,

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Allah subhanaw taala says, well, Dharma Allahu methanex Dena cafo mata no ratar o. Allah subhanaw taala says that he gave the example and the analogy for those for the disbelievers that to the Day of Judgment, that for the disbelievers. They have two examples in Murata New Haven, one Murata loot, the wife of new Holly center, who didn't believe in no Holly center, and the wife of loot Allison, and she didn't believe in loot. alesina and so her piano that she had not that she told the people she said, Oh, did you hear my husband has you know, these people have come he has guests? And so she told them and then they came. They came running for HANA. Tahoma Allah subhanaw taala says they did

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Hannah. They were like cheaters to their husband. And in fact is their disbelief in Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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When low poly Salaam

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ceman Allah when the people started gathering around the home of Luther, they said, I mean, you're talking about a mob, we're talking about a nation. So that's just a few people talking about a mob of people. And Lutheranism is just by himself. He has himself and he has his daughters and he has these three guests that he has to protect Allah subhanaw taala says

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Elijah says while I'm

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him da da

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da see Subhana Allah, this verse of Eliza, Allah subhanaw taala says what am I to do so Luna Luca that when our messengers came to loot

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Abby when he became grieved.

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Well, da kabhi him Dada.

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And he became felt so powerless. Well Carla had a manasi he said that this is one of the most distressful days

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because he has these three guests and he can protect them.

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And then when these people came to the home of retaliation, and they gathered around he got so angry at them. He said lo and Nellie become Chua Wheeler of ninja Dean. He said, If only I have some power over you. Oh, we iraq ninja did or that I could be take myself to some powerful support, or I could turn to some powerful support the profits that alone he was selling them. He said

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And this isn't Sahil Buhari and ebihara Allah tala and who call Paula Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam yahama la Hulu de la Cana yet we larroque ninja de hit that may the mercy one Ruth Allison m said If only I had some though Emily become cool if only I had power to stop you. ll e latoken chedid or that I would be take or I would turn to a powerful support and who what powerful support does he have?

00:41:25 --> 00:41:27

It is Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And the prophets that Aladdin sent him said your harmala Hello Tommy the mercy of Allah be upon Luth la Santa la katakana Wheelock ninja did up until now, Lord Ali Salam didn't know that these were the angels of Allah subhanaw taala as far as he knew, these were his guests. And he was about to lose control of the situation. And he had no power as he thought at that point. And then the angel said to him bado in Jerusalem, pico de la. They said, We are the messengers of your Lord.

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Then Yes, you know, he like they'll never be able to come to the city and niqab, a full party Mina Laney will fit me

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in attack. Last time. This is the instructions. They told Luther a Sam Don't worry. We are the We Are the angels of Allah. We are the messengers of Allah lengyel sudo la we've come to destroy them.

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And now you have the instructions. This is upon Allah. This is his instructions. Lot. Leave the town tonight. You and your family leave and don't turn around.

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As the last Punnett Allah says in mo a the homeless

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that their appointment. Their scheduled time is the morning

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at A Soho bakery. Isn't the morning soon. And it's interesting. Some of them have a Serrano say that it was almost as if these people have lost even they're hastening the punishment. Right. They're saying is it bring us the punishment now?

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No, you can't even bring the punishment now. It's in no control of yours. The punishment is coming in the morning

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in our homes sobre la suburbia query, how many people left with Ruth Elisa? Whenever I hear Melissa is arguing with the angels that there's believers in there. There's no believers in Sedona.

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There is no believers in Sedona except latonya Sam and his two daughters.

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his two daughters, Ruth and Sam and his two daughters. That's it. And his wife. Some people say that Lot's wife didn't leave with Lupe, when he was leaving, she refused to leave. And others say that she did leave with the family. But she turned around.

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Allah as the angel said their instructions is well I have to fit my income. I don't illustrata none of you turns around except your wife.

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And she was one of the kuffaar she just believed in new and low poly Santa. And she was one of those who was destroyed by Allah Spano. Aton.

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Allah subhanaw taala says phenom

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casa de La Hoya. Allah subhana wa tada says that when our F when the decree came, Jana Alia has a fella we made the highest of it, the lowest of it. And so it is narrated that jabril ra Sam went into his angelic form.

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How many wings does gibreel Allah Islam have 600 wings with one of his wings gibreel alayhis salam

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picked up the entire nation of Saddam in the morning

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until the inhabitants of the heavens could hear the barking of their dogs that they were in the air with one aim with one wing of gibreel s&m, and then they were turned upside down and sent back to the earth. The area.

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Allah subhanaw taala says what I'm calling la him pujara ottomanson ji mumble that after Allah subhanho wa Taala after they were raised up and sent back down to the earth on their heads and destroyed as they like to flip things around in life, such that Allah subhanaw taala flipped their nation. They were flipped back down. And then after that, Allah subhana wa tada sent down upon them. Hey, Jarrod rocks mincing Gina Mahmood. CGL is a word that you're familiar with where Allah subhanaw taala says in Surah to the field, lm Tara k Fasano Ron mueck me as Haddonfield Allah Mia john K. qaidam Fie Tell me what are Rasul Allah him Hey Joe Ratan

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once our Salalah him

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fire on Abba veal, Jeremy

00:46:30 --> 00:46:33

CG Ji rajala whom

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Allah subhanaw taala destroyed abraha and the people of the elephant like this, Allah subhanaw taala destroyed Komi loot by raising them up sending them down back to the earth destroy them. And then on top of that, Allah subhanaw taala sent in dense and send down upon them, hey Giada sent down upon them rocks, Min Soo Ji leaser burning rocks that had their names on it had their names each one was destroying pebbles, they were destroyed with them to destroy them and and finish them off.

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The place where Saddam was destroyed

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is where the Dead Sea is currently, the Dead Sea. Now, a lot of you might not be familiar with the Dead Sea, the dead seas in Jordan and I'm not too familiar with it as well. But I researched a little bit about him. There's some interesting things about the Dead Sea, the Dead Sea is not the Red Sea.

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Okay, it's an inland lake. What that means is if you've ever gone to these, you know fancy suburbia places, all these nice houses and then there's a lake in the middle where did that lake come from? They built it. They dug some holes, they put like a water hose or something and then they just filled it up. It's an inland lake. This the Dead Sea is known to be the lowest area lowest place on Earth. It's known to be the lowest place on earth the dimensions of the Dead Sea

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it's about 76 kilometers in length 76 kilometers in length, about 18 kilometers wide and about 400 meters deep at the at the deepest point the Dead Sea is is very heavy, very heavy in its salt. And so the Dead Sea is known for when people go to the Dead Sea. For example, I'm not saying Muslims go to the but for people who go to the Dead Sea if you go into the water, you will actually float on top of the water because the water is so thick that you know it just floats things to the top. And it is said that this is the area that Saddam was destroyed this is what remains of them

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and that the people they pass by it inshallah Tada. You know, you might be passing passing at the mall or something like that. And you see dead sea minerals, cosmetics from the Dead Sea. How many people have seen that? That's

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again, shall it I will talk about it afterwards and charlatan, because that is people extracting minerals from the Dead Sea and making cosmetics out of it. And we learned about the mood and we learned about other places that's going into these dead places, not learning the lessons of what happened to these people. That's a lot happier.

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When we look at the story of military s&m with these people of Southern lessons, number one, and we've mentioned a couple of lessons number one is that the power is always in the hands of Allah subhana wa Tada. I imagine that, you know, if I talk about homosexuality, someone out there is going to be angry with me. And I'm like, I'm delighted. They're angry. I would not wish for a person like that to be happy with me. Because they're happy with me and they're in this type of agenda. And that's a lot happier that you know, something's wrong. So, in life, human beings, they seek out human pleasure. They seek out human pleasure, since you know when a child is very young.

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Young they're like, you know, Mama Baba, do you like you know, they're looking for that kind of like that acceptance. And as a human being grows older, they continue to try sucking out that love from other human beings. Right? They try sucking that love out. So they do things in order to impress the boss. They do things so that people will praise them. They do things so that they can show off. Oh, look, I read put on really good. Do you like my chronic or citation national law? You're an excellent party.

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Right? Is it is the action done for less data is it done for the human beings? And so this is something it's a shift. It's in association with the lesson Hello data, but it's it's a shakuhachi It's

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a hidden shake, a shield that many people might be slipping into and they're not aware of this. And so actions must be done sincerely for Allah Spano Tata, not for any human being you must do the action sincerely for Eliza gel. And you do not in this is an interesting point because a lot of people, a lot of Muslims, they might desist from an action for fear of people looking at them. Okay, so imagine this person comes into the message they want to pray to Rockers, but no, there's three people looking at them that want to know, is this person a righteous Muslim or not? So what did they do? I'm not gonna pray to rockers.

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I'm just gonna sit down. Even though the prophesized them said pray to rock as before you sit down, you're like, no, but I'm afraid of ship. And so this person wants to lead the prayer, and they have a good Quranic citation, but if they read good, everybody's gonna say, Mashallah, excellent Quranic Crusader. So what do they do? I'm going to read bad.

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I'm going to read like, sutras that I'm going to read bad so that every but nobody praises me after that. You guys know what I'm talking about?

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Has this person committed to react?

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The answer is yes. How so? Because they're desisting from the action for fear of the people.

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In this equation, the people have caused this person to not do the action. So whether you do the action or not because of the people you've got going on. So this person if they know how to recite the Koran, good and well, they're commanded to recite excellence. So when they go to lead the prayer, they're going to recite excellent, but the people might say good things about them. So they must recite excellent for the sake of Allah spirometer. You must do the action and you must do it sincerely for Eliza Jed. There's no other option. You don't just run away from doing good deeds. And another example of this inshallah Tada, some people benefit from it. a sister who may Allah subhanaw

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taala, preserve her wishes to start wearing the hijab. What happens shaytan comes to her and says, oh, what are the people are gonna say about you? What are the people gonna say, you found the image to go, oh, now you became religious on us. And her friends are gonna say, Oh, just yesterday, you weren't wearing hijab. Now you're wearing Hijab? Who do you think you are so holy. And so the fear that Oh, now I'm not righteous, I can't wear this agent. All of these things. shaytaan plays tricks. Here is the bottom line, the human being must do the action, and they must do it sincerely for a long time. So the woman must wear hijab, and she must wear it sincerely. So whether someone

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criticizes you or praises you, it should not make an effect on the person, they should be doing it sincerely for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Actually, I just, I want to make a side point for many of you good students of knowledge, inshallah, tada, when you're giving your lecture, someone's going to come up to you. And they're going to say, Nashville. Oh, that was an excellent lecture.

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A lot of people in the beginning stages, they don't know how to react to praise. So what they do is, I'll stop for a law

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as the federal law, how dare you praise me I'm so great. How dare you praise me.

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So as you can see this person, they think that it's something righteous to put the person down, who praise them. And when I was very young, this happened to me, someone gave a beautiful lecture, last Monteverdi. They're a great speaker. Now, let's find out protect that. And I went to them after and I told them, I loved your speech, as little kid, Mr. Mohammed is shitty.

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And this speaker

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looked at me He didn't even respond. He was just silent. And he gave me this ugly face

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and a face of how dare you praise me?

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I thought I felt so awkward and so embarrassed. I said, My apologies. I should never have said anything nice to you.

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And so as a young child, I learned that lesson Hamidullah as I grew older, how do you react to someone who's saying kind words to you? You say does como la Hira?

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Is it that difficult? Someone says some kind words to you say jack and Laughlin and what I like to do as well when someone says kind words

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Sage is knocking off here. And I really benefited from the lecture. I like to benefit from the person who said that I would say to the person hamdulillah does Aquila Hana for your kind words, what did you learn? What did you benefit from the lecture? What was the part that you remember the most. And then you know, I'll take my pen and start taking notes so I can benefit. If this person enjoyed something in the lecture in sha Allah, Allah for future lectures, I can perhaps put more of those things that people find beneficial. And they focus on this, just because it's a very important point, as you're doing clippers, and you're, you know, doing holofernes, and so on and so forth. All

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of you love him and Charlotte Allen, at tomorrow's shoe.

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I have, it's been my experience that a lot of people, they look down upon praise, but they seek out the complaints and criticisms of the people when they give lectures. So let's say someone gave a football or gave a halaqa, right. And so the people say mesh allows a beautiful * of a beautiful lecture. They're saying himself, Mashallah, that's really nice. But I don't need that. I don't need that. I just want you to give me the criticism, because I'm tough. And I can take all I want the criticism, because that's what really matters. When you insult me and say bad things and negative things. That's how I grow. So what this person does now, and when I train a lot of instructors, I

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would tell them that this is not the right attitude that a person only focus on the negatives, because let's say you have 100 students, out of the 100 students, one of them. And let's say two of them, are extremely angry and mad at the instructor, extremely mad and angry at the chef. But 98 of the students are so happy they loved it. The two people that are complaining, they'll say something like, how dare you bring up the issue of pomi loop?

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This is homophobia.

00:56:51 --> 00:56:58

How dare you speak like that. And then then the the chef might be like Pamela you know, maybe I shouldn't be speaking about things like that.

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Even though 98% of the people might be guided to a less Punjabi, they didn't say anything except She's like a lot higher. We really love the speech. If the person only focuses on the negative, they'd be they take the negative people as their guides and how they improve. And it's not the best guide. I'm not saying don't listen to the to the feedback. In fact, I'm saying elicit even the feedback before they come and complain, you already are pre looking at what's working good and what's not working good. So all of this is leading to love of human beings, back to the issue of love for human beings. When you start talking to people, you might miss out on this ingredient of

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love of human beings in the beginning stages. So you start going to your school and you start telling people that homophobia is such and such. It's something bless it and great and loved by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And I'm not saying use that term, it's a term that they made up and it's got conditioning behind it, find another word, inshallah Tada. But let's say you started speaking like this, who will be angry with you, your teacher will be angry, that lovely teacher, that's always so nice to everybody. Now, she's freaking out on you. And she's giving you detention because you're talking like this, who else is going to be mad at you, the fellow students. So you will see

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that the initial ingredients is that the people around you might start you won't get their love. And a lot of humans are attached to that love. You've got to turn to the love of Allah Spano. Tata. That's what's going to keep you going. It's when you turn to Eliza does love

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and you say Allah, this is an action I'm doing for your love. Now for the love of human beings. What happens to this person, they get expelled from school and then what happens? Then the news media follows them. And then what happens they go on national TV and then what happens they become a champion for the cause. And human beings all around the world love this person. So Allah subhanaw taala says in the Hadith footsy that when he loves his slave, and the last 100 are loves to stay well let's find out love all of you. I wish the same for me inshallah. Tada. When Allah loves his slave, he calls Julian a sinner, because he really says yeah, gibreel I love so and so. So love this

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person. A lot. I mentioned this person by name. And so jabril ra Sam calls out to the people, the angels and the inhabitants of the heaven. Allah love such and such a person named mentioned, Allah loves such and such a person. So you love this person as well. All the inhabitants of the heavens love this person. And then Allah subhanaw taala places a bull on earth for this person. And so if you this is the this is the thing, if you truly want human love, you're going to wear hijab, you're going to stand up for the truth you're gonna call to a larger agenda. If you truly want human love, then follow the steps. Seek it from Allah subhana wa Tada.

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When you seek it from Allah subhanaw taala, then you will get a large as love and then gibreel and asylums love and then all the angels of the heavens love. And then you will have Kabbalah of the human beings love inside their hearts for you. And so when you look and we're reflecting back on the story of Luther a sinner, do we love Luther a center? Of course we do. How many human beings have loved localizada he did his actions for the sake of Allah spawn Tada. Even though the people around him nobody believed in him. And you could say nobody loved him in that in that area of Sodom. And who cares if they didn't love him? The issue was that he was calling them to Allah subhanho wa

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The punishment of Eliza della we said, no one can hasten it. Also, when it comes to the guidance of Eliza, Jen, nobody can say with the machine of Mecca,

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they used to say to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that whenever we feel like it will become Muslim. We don't feel like it right now. You know what people will say something like, you know what, I want to become Muslim. But you know what? I'm doing something right now. Maybe later, I'll become Muslim. Whenever I feel like it'll become Muslim. Now someone who's saying that maybe they're not doing it out of arrogance, but the people of Mecca said it out of arrogance.

01:01:14 --> 01:01:25

They said that whenever we like me, you know, maybe will become a son, but whenever we feel like it, it's on our terms. And Allah subhanaw taala says, One, Tisha, una

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Aisha la horombo la la me in less than a dialysis will matter shout una. That you don't make any wills Allah insha Allah, except if Allah subhanaw taala wills it or burada me and so he died. It's all in the hands of Allah subhana wa Tada. The person has to humble themselves to Eliza someone says you know what, I don't want to become a songwriter. Humble yourself to a large I don't think that it's just like, you know, anytime you feel like you become Muslim, if Allah Subhana Allah gives you the message. Don't turn your back on that message. Don't turn your back on that message.

01:02:02 --> 01:02:04

Elijah Allah, Allah Allah me

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in Mr. Adama, Saba, as you see with the people who have looked, so Doom, they had an appointment in the morning, Elisa SoCalGas, hurry, it's something very soon, but it was at a specific point in time.

01:02:21 --> 01:02:25

And when that time comes, nobody can hold it back, and nobody can hasten it.

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And so on unless 100 Allah is going to destroy a nation it is under the commandment of Allah subhana wa Tada. All power is in the hands of Eliza.

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And Allah subhanaw taala says in the story of Sodom Camilo

01:02:45 --> 01:02:55

one there, he Amina Valentina Biba hate, Allah destroyed the people of Lord Allison and then a larger says, Well met him in a volume in and be buried, and it's not far

01:02:56 --> 01:03:00

this punishment is not far from the body, man.

01:03:01 --> 01:03:31

And the other verse that even though they said, you know, bring the punishment now, Allah Subhana Allah says, In the Yeoman render a baker and a day in the Ender, Rebecca with your Lord is the equivalent of 1000 years according to your accounting, according to your accounting is 1000 years. And so we're like oh hastiness. Oh, is it tomorrow is it this day, that day, one day is 1000 years to Allah subhanaw taala. And so it is by the appointment of a less pinata when the destruction comes. May Allah Spano tala protect us,

01:03:33 --> 01:03:36

the wife of law, Teresa, the wife,

01:03:37 --> 01:04:15

she was a disbeliever. Now the question is, did she practice this homosexuality? lesbianism? Did she practice it? The answer is absolutely not. She did not practice it. And the scholars have mentioned again and again and again. The no prophet was married to a woman who cheated on her profits in the marital sense. No woman of a prophet and a wife of a prophet committed Zina, no wife of the Prophet committed, you know, lesbianism or in such, this is not possible unless parents are married. And that you know, Prophet would be married to a woman like this. But she did piano

01:04:16 --> 01:04:22

she did a piano the standard was recover. What was her sin? What was her sin? If you look at it

01:04:23 --> 01:04:30

she didn't practice the action that the people of Sadoon practice so what was her sin? There's a great lesson in this her sin was

01:04:32 --> 01:04:33

what is your sin?

01:04:35 --> 01:04:37

What's the opposite of homophobia

01:04:39 --> 01:04:39

is what

01:04:41 --> 01:04:48

okay she she embraced homosexuality. If you could say that I don't have a word for people who support homosexuals

01:04:49 --> 01:04:50

simply sympathizers.

01:04:54 --> 01:05:00

She was a sympathizer or let's use an Islamic terms. She there was nothing wrong.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:05

With this action that she felt in her heart, in her heart, there's nothing wrong. What's the big deal.

01:05:07 --> 01:05:49

And so now this issue of inner heart, there was no intention of hating the sin. There's no intention. Understand this. Now we're living at a time we're living in a nation. That is publicly, I'm not saying everybody in the nation is in agreement with this. It's just the tables are turning more in favor of those who are promoting the homosexual agenda. The media is definitely supporting this. The movies that are coming out the popular movies that everybody's watching are supporting this, the language of the people is becoming is changing, so that they start using a homosexual type of language into their words. So someone will say, for example, to give you this example, a brother

01:05:49 --> 01:06:00

puts his hand on on on another brothers are another other shoulder or they're holding hands or something like that. Is there something wrong with that? No. But then the other brother will say Get off me, what are you gay?

01:06:02 --> 01:06:11

And the language starts it becomes in the joking of the language. Or someone will say, you know, brother, Mohammed, I was thinking about you last night, don't worry, I'm not gay.

01:06:13 --> 01:06:24

And it becomes in in the jokes of the common language, which is part of propaganda. It is a dissent, dissent. What's the word desensitization or something like that?

01:06:30 --> 01:06:43

If you think about the, the different movies that are coming out, and the different shows that are allowing this and it's upon Allah, may Allah spawn to protect you. But if you look at TV after I think, what eight o'clock upwards?

01:06:44 --> 01:06:47

Is that correct? What time does the homosexual stuff come out?

01:06:48 --> 01:06:50

What time What time is it?

01:06:52 --> 01:07:00

I was gonna start at 10 o'clock. But then I said, No, hold on a second. It starts at I think, maybe seven o'clock or something like that primetime?

01:07:02 --> 01:07:15

No, you'd be so after eight, okay. And and if anybody's pushing it further back, it's which group? It's the Christian groups. They're the ones who are pushing it further, if you went to Australia, it might be at you know, two in the afternoon.

01:07:17 --> 01:07:29

Because there's nobody pushing it further back. And so Muslims have to be part of this writing letter, they put something they say something, you tell them were offended by this, we want you to put this at 3am in the morning.

01:07:31 --> 01:07:58

Just push it further away until they have no more time, pushing it further and further away. But see, they have primetime shows, the theme of the Primetime shows, even if it's cartoon still has homosexual themes to it. They're cartoon and they're primetime. They come at seven o'clock, they come at eight o'clock, and they're common. May Allah protect us. When a parent is busy with their child, what do they do? Go watch TV?

01:07:59 --> 01:08:00

Salaam raffia.

01:08:02 --> 01:08:02


01:08:03 --> 01:08:20

gerade it's a story in in suhaila bahaya and you can look it up in Sharla tada he was a worship of a worshipper of Allah and and have known for his a betta to Allah subhanaw taala. His mother once called him this is before the prophets of the licen nations that came before his mother called him and she said,

01:08:22 --> 01:08:43

You know, he had your age. So he said in his Salah, yes. Era be salata, Mommy, oh, my Lord, my Salah, or my mother. And so he didn't break his Salah, and she called him again. She called him a third time. And then she cursed him. Her curse isn't able hottie. She said, may you see a prostitute.

01:08:45 --> 01:08:46

This isn't a curse to her son.

01:08:48 --> 01:08:57

And the story continues that a prostitute indeed, you can read up the story and look it up inside Bahati. But I just want to mention this, may you see a prostitute?

01:08:59 --> 01:09:06

Now just imagine that we're living we're here in Canada, America and all these European nations. So if you ever seen a prostitute before?

01:09:09 --> 01:09:13

Does the TV have these things on TV? Does it have it?

01:09:15 --> 01:09:19

Does it have something like this? Who brought the TV into the house?

01:09:20 --> 01:09:24

In other words, from where's this curse who had control of this curse?

01:09:26 --> 01:09:37

It's the parents who brought the TV into the house, who's allowing the children to watch these TVs? It's the parents again, until the child becomes old enough that if the parent says no, they'll go by their own TV.

01:09:38 --> 01:10:00

Now when they get older like that, that's their issue. You did your data to them and you hide them and protect them as much as you could and you guide them and help them and if they get older and they're misguided me unless you never stopped doing guidance to them, but you did your job. A lot of parents mistake they'll say I want to give them the moon card now. So that later on they

01:10:00 --> 01:10:01

Won't desire the mongkut anymore.

01:10:03 --> 01:10:35

And what kind of logic is that? allowing a child to commit sin for at a young age so that they won't become crazy excited about these things when they get older. Allah subhanaw taala says about the peep bunnies are ill and they were destroyed to Eliza just says Sri woofie, who became a legendary cook for him. They drank the love of the idol, the agent of that that calf the golden calf, because of him because of their cover. Because of their Cofer Allah subhanaw taala caused him to go further and further into the huddle.

01:10:36 --> 01:11:10

And so if someone says that possibly partaking in harm on a small scale is enough to protect the person from large scale harm, it's obviously a misunderstanding. Someone has misunderstood what the issue is. And and what I'm saying here, some Muslim parents would disagree with me, they're like, come on, you're being tough, you know, TV, you know, we got to work with the media. We got to go on the news stuff like that. keep forgetting that side of things. I'm talking about a parent and the children that are less petard has given them an Amana if you take out the TV.

01:11:11 --> 01:11:21

There's no more I'm not saying shut it off. I'm saying take it out. These are the parents, parents take off. There's no TV in the house. What will you do with your life now?

01:11:22 --> 01:11:23

What will you do?

01:11:25 --> 01:11:28

You'll go home, and there will be nothing to do.

01:11:29 --> 01:11:35

There's nothing honestly take the TV out. There's nothing to do. In other words, they have no life.

01:11:37 --> 01:11:47

They have no life except the television set. The tell nobody comes to the end of their life and says yeah, it'll be I wish I had watched more TV. I wish I learned more from the Discovery Channel.

01:11:49 --> 01:12:19

In fact, it's a pacifier. It pacifies the people so that they can do things they can come to halaqa like this, because their show is on who they can watch the video later. Right? They can watch and watch and watch and watch. It's just, it's just the people that sit back and watch it. And this, as we said, one of the most amazing thing for the mela, remember, we were speaking about the mela, one of the most amazing things for them is the advent of the television set. Because now they could reach all these ads.

01:12:20 --> 01:12:22

They could reach all of them.

01:12:23 --> 01:13:05

Just a couple of grasshoppers that own the TV stations, and own the programming a couple of groups that try to stop them and push the programming to 3am in the morning, but still, they still own it. Freedom of the Press belongs to people who own the press. They're the ones who have the freedom hamdulillah with the internet, though you can do many things. It's finally just another thing. The internet has leveled the field. If someone has an internet news website, and there are many examples of this, when something like what happens in like Lebanon, Lebanon when you know, the Israelis are bombing down on on Lebanon. And now in the olden days. It's just propaganda on the TV media and

01:13:05 --> 01:13:22

stuff like that. They are on the TV stations. It's not that they have lobby groups. they own it. It's their station, you're writing letters, please can you write nice stories about the Muslims? they own it? It's their TV station. Okay.

01:13:24 --> 01:14:00

Now the Internet has done is it's leveled the playing field, you don't have to go to that TV station anymore to get your news. What can you do, you can get the blog of someone who is in a town that's being bombed currently, and they're telling you the truth of what's happening. And these news media they see the power slipping from their hands, obviously they still have power in controlling it. But now you see they're trying to start their own blogs. They're trying to start a start things on the internet. You have the power you don't have to wait for someone to write a nice article about you. You can create the audience for yourself. So there's no more excuses and no more Muslims saying we

01:14:00 --> 01:14:13

wish this we wish that to stand up and do something about it. To stand up and do about it and call it a lie. So gel, Allah subhanaw taala is giving you the tools now it's about sincerity to Allah subhanaw taala from taking advantage of it.

01:14:14 --> 01:14:25

Allah subhanaw taala tells us that people they travel in the lands but they don't learn the lessons from those people that nations that were destroyed by Allah subhanaw taala says,

01:14:26 --> 01:14:33

Allah subhanaw taala says, Fnm ese rufinus will be failing vote okay if I can

01:14:35 --> 01:14:42

coddling him, dumb moron la hawala him. One caffine

01:14:45 --> 01:14:54

Allah subhanaw taala says fmu serial killer Won't they travel in the lands for young Ludo so that they will see Keith again How was

01:14:55 --> 01:15:00

the the destruction How was our fever to Lavina medicine

01:15:00 --> 01:15:34

Him, how was the final ends of the people who came before though? When you're talking to someone about a semi I'm thinking about imagining a brother or a sister on some sidewalk somewhere telling someone about is that the person is responding. I don't believe in this. It's upon Allah that this isn't it's not will the punishment of a lot come or not? It already came. And we watch it all the time. And these days that we're living in, we get live broadcasting of the punishment of the last pinata. It's being broadcasted live.

01:15:35 --> 01:15:39

And you see before and after pictures, you see spatola, that

01:15:40 --> 01:15:45

the tsunami that hit when the tsunami hit, when that tsunami hits.

01:15:47 --> 01:15:49

We heard that people died in Somalia.

01:15:52 --> 01:15:53

And people died in Indonesia.

01:15:55 --> 01:15:56

You're like,

01:15:58 --> 01:16:03

this is the same, the same event. How can this happen?

01:16:04 --> 01:16:30

That on one side of the earth, people are have been killed by this another side of the earth people died as well. How is that possible? And then when you see a dramatization if you see this on the internet, dramatization of the tsunami, they show you the epicenter where it where the tsunami kicks off. And the tsunami the waves of the tsunami, they actually travel faster than an airplane.

01:16:31 --> 01:16:39

They travel fast like if an airplane was flying and the wit like you're talking about an airplane right? airplanes flying a tsunami wave would pass the airplane.

01:16:40 --> 01:16:55

Even though the airplane is flying like this, you know you'd be in the airplane and the wave is just passing from underneath is leaving the airplane in the dust. Tsunami within minutes is traveling across the earth. What kind of destruction are we talking about?

01:16:56 --> 01:17:36

This is the power of Allah subhanaw taala met him in a buddy mean and be by it. That is not very fun. So a lot of FEMA, Allah Spano Tata, protect us when they talk about the tsunami talk about you know, punishments of Allah subhanaw taala. A lot of people immediately they will start to How can you say that's a punishment, innocent people died in those things, so on and so forth. This is the common reaction of people who don't want to answer the what? Why is Allah subhanaw taala angry? They don't want to answer that question. And instead they turn it to okay if it wasn't unless Vonda What was it? What will they say? It was Mother Nature Subhana Allah. He was mother nature that did the

01:17:36 --> 01:17:51

tsunami whose mother nature that brought the rain is that Mother Nature who is mother nature as a lesson hunter their intelligence intelligent, and they they're very smart, they can make computers and so on. But when it comes to the real issue, they call them Mother Nature.

01:17:53 --> 01:18:33

And they're they're just blind for in the highlights on the upside. The eyes are not blind, but I can tell them and foldability for sure. It's the hearts after the tsunami I was in. I was I went for Hajj that year. And I was sitting, I sat for lunch and there was a group of Indonesian people. And I sat down one of the Indonesian brothers Mashallah he spoke Arabic. He was like the chef of the group. And and I told him about you know about the tsunami inside he said a handler said We came for Hajj early. We came for Hajj early Ls pantile protected us. And so I said What is the situation of the people? Is everybody in Indonesia saying How dare you say it was from Allah subhanaw taala like

01:18:33 --> 01:18:55

the people in North America are saying, is that what the people in Indonesia saying? He said no. He said everybody's coming on the TV in Indonesia, telling the people to return to Allah Spano Tata, saying that this is a sign from Allah subhanho wa Taala that we have to get our act together. And so when you go to the real people, the lesson of power that they learn is that they need to repent to Allah azza wa jal.

01:18:57 --> 01:18:59

And so we must learn the lessons.

01:19:00 --> 01:19:39

How many people believed with Luther Allison and believed in Lutheranism? He said two daughters, two daughters of Lotus and one of the most intense lessons that we learned a lot of people when they're doing dour, if people don't enter into Islam, then the person thinks like, you know what, there's no hope in these people. I'm not doing any doubt anymore. Believe me, you got a lot more work to do. And as the prophets Allah said, they never use they don't give up. They consistently consistently consistently are doing the Allah to Allah subhana wa tada Lu la s&m. Only his two daughters believed him and then they left. They left saddam they were destroyed by Allah subhanaw taala. And so if you

01:19:39 --> 01:19:49

have the truth with you, the truth of Islam if you have the truth of Islam, do not be disheartened by those who don't believe in this message of

01:19:51 --> 01:19:59

Don't be disheartened by it. Your job is to pass on the message and alayka lol Bella Bella, the passing on the message

01:20:00 --> 01:20:07

It is what Allah subhanaw taala requires of you. The flipping of the hearts is something that is in the hands of Allah Spano. Dada. It's not in your hands.

01:20:12 --> 01:20:40

Allah subhanaw taala tells us when the people gathered around the home of Luther s&m, and they wanted to do this act with the guests of Lutheranism. Allah subhanaw taala says la amrok in the home Luffy Sakurajima Mohan, Allah subhanaw taala says la amuk Subhan Allah this justification Allah subhanaw taala testifies in the Quran. In this verse, Allah subhanaw taala says, by your life home Mohammed Salah Larissa

01:20:43 --> 01:20:48

there is no human being that Allah subhanaw taala has testified by their life except the prophets of Allah.

01:20:49 --> 01:21:02

And so Allah subhanaw taala says, Now I'm gonna buy your life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi Salaam in the home Nafisa, karate mama Hoon, that indeed they are, in their intoxication, blinded.

01:21:04 --> 01:21:06

Why have they drank alcohol?

01:21:07 --> 01:21:50

Did they drink, they're intoxicated with what with lust, lust led Liu St. Last, the shower, a shower, which is one of the techniques of shaitaan unless plans are to protect us, one of the techniques of shaytaan is to use the issue of lust to misguide the people. And so if the person is not going to be misguided with misconceptions, so this is like the intellectual person, they tell them, hey, it's them as terrorists and this and that person's like, you know, I don't believe in those things. What does shaytaan come to the person with after that with the lusts? And so when you see the whole media, someone will ask the question, is music permissible? I was gonna say Hillel

01:21:50 --> 01:22:16

within the obvious answer. We know, if you just look at the lyrics, the words of the music, go from song to song, song, song, song song, just go through all of them, what are they talking about? Last, that's what they're talking about shower, what the music is talking about showered the mute the movement of the music, is to mimic the dancing, the dancing of, you know, males only know and if it was more or less, to protect us, right?

01:22:18 --> 01:22:55

It's, it's provoking the lusts of the people in any which way that it can possibly in the TV, in the clothing and the music, all the whole. Society is lust driven. It's lust driven in every area of the thing so much that you see even little girls, even little girls, and even the parents are dressing their girls in a way that is lustful, that their clothing is tight the clothing is you know, this, this and that. May Allah, Allah protect us in this area, for Muslims, and for everybody who's listening to this.

01:22:57 --> 01:23:02

One of the ways shapen will get to a people is through this lust between boyfriend and girlfriend,

01:23:03 --> 01:23:30

which is something that you know, people, they don't even get married these days. You know why if they get married, the woman is going to after one year, the relationship is over. And she takes half of the property and she goes, he'd rather keep her as a girlfriend with no responsibilities by law. This is the way the issue lies. And when men are like that in a boyfriend girlfriend relationship, they're actually seeking only one thing. And so they act very kind and polite.

01:23:31 --> 01:24:04

This is interesting Shipside was was mentioning this when when a woman has a boyfriend, he's the nicest. He's an ICBC people sitting in a store. And the guy is sitting beside this woman and holding your hands and so on, you know, this is a boyfriend girlfriend relationship. Because if they were married, they would be sitting on opposite ends. And they would have a little fight and you know, they wouldn't be dressed up that nice. And so people said the ideal is to have that type of relationship. But what happens when the woman becomes ugly and fat?

01:24:06 --> 01:24:46

Oh, too bad. Too bad for her. She'll just have to go to a woman's only gym or something like that, where she doesn't want any men to see her and no men see her. And that's it. You're talking marriage? These things are like it just doesn't happen. And so the nation, their number one asset is this beauty that they have? May Allah subhanaw taala protect us. And so understanding this, now that you understand this, think twice about any music that you might be addicted to think twice about any shows that you have or think twice about even having a TV set and think twice about the advertisements and the way people are talking and so on and so forth. One of the scariest things. Do

01:24:46 --> 01:24:50

you guys know there was a TV show we're growing up is called I Dream of Jeannie.

01:24:52 --> 01:24:58

Do you guys know the show? It's a very old show. When I give examples of TV I get very old examples.

01:25:00 --> 01:25:09

One brother was telling me this, I Dream of Jeannie and Three's Company. Do you guys know Three's Company? when you're younger Subhanallah you don't see the hierarchy.

01:25:10 --> 01:25:45

You don't see it. When one brother was telling me that, when they were in older in high school, they were watching a rerun of I Dream of Jeannie. And then one of the boys in the class said, Oh, look at that woman, and he described the woman. And then this brother said, Subhanallah, my whole upbringing with this TV show, I never realized that this woman's belly was showing, and that her chest was like the end, you know, showing like this, and so on and so forth. He said, I never noticed that. But yet, this is a TV show that, you know, that generation, they all grew up with. Everybody knows that TV show, Three's Company, same thing about a homosexual man

01:25:47 --> 01:25:49

who lives with two women, but he's not actually homosexual.

01:25:51 --> 01:26:20

And this was like from the 70s, that they were still trying to promote these things and make it a joke. I said a lot off here. It's the last that they're indoctrinating. You take your child, and you say, go ahead, watch some TV, watch a good wholesome show, like Three's Company. It's a comedy, using comedy to lighten the issue. So that these children, they absorb these things and absorb these things until the time comes later in life, where then they say, what's wrong with them?

01:26:21 --> 01:26:26

Which is what the wife did. What's wrong with them? That's sort of

01:26:31 --> 01:26:56

the issue of this homosexuality. In other nations around the world, it is private, of the few nations that have made it public is the Western nations is of the very few nations that have done this in the history of human beings. The history of human beings always looked down upon always shameful. But you're looking and you were seeing this. I remember on you know, here in Canada, they had a gay marriage, if not last year, the year before or something like that. Was it in Ottawa?

01:26:58 --> 01:27:07

One in Toronto, one in Ottawa, right? public, all of these things? That's a lot off, you know, I think it was, what was it? There was something that they said special about it.

01:27:11 --> 01:27:15

Okay, they got married in the church that finally broke into the church, and then they got married.

01:27:16 --> 01:27:17

What's that?

01:27:18 --> 01:27:29

Okay, they came from the states to come to the free country of Canada to get married. Okay, that's a very good point. I that's why they said because in Canada, we're free.

01:27:30 --> 01:27:37

Because we allow homosexual marriages. I say one of the, you know, one of the amazing blessings of America is that they still forbid this thing.

01:27:42 --> 01:27:46

Anyhow, just another issue, different parties, and so on. So that's something

01:27:49 --> 01:28:08

it's unfolding in front of me. I just have some statistics in 1942, the American Psychiatric Association declared that homosexuality was a disease. In the books of diseases, homosexuality was one of them, they fought long and hard. 1973 they took it out of their books, they said it's no longer disease.

01:28:09 --> 01:28:55

It's no longer a disease. 1973 and so you know, what, they were also had to take out other things if homosexuality is not a disease, you know, it's just like some genetic lottery. Sam says, masaba can be ha ha ha demeanor. alameen. Truth, Allison, this action that they're partaking in, he said that there's no nation that has preceded you in this. So if someone says is, this is something genetic, they've lied, they just make things up. And how are you going to prove it? They'll just argue it is genetic, its genetic. Allah subhanaw taala did not create this in the person is something invented that they did something invented. And as long as and I'm said 1972, the United Church, Niger's,

01:28:55 --> 01:29:20

Christian United Church of Christ became the first Christian denomination to ordain an openly gay candidate. This is like the church and so your 1970s and as the churches, some of the churches have stood strong, and as I said that when you have gay rallies like this, there are Christian groups that stand up and say it and I hope inshallah, tada, there'll be more Muslim groups that do that. But as well, other churches have changed as time progressed.

01:29:22 --> 01:29:43

One of the sins is that they did not forbid the evil amongst themselves. So a person sees a sin. Lutheran Sam's wife is the example she's not forbidding the evil. Allah subhanaw taala says, and this is like Benny Salah Al canula, Tena, honan, Karen follow, they never used to

01:29:45 --> 01:29:59

LS monetize explaining why they were destroyed. They never used to forbid the monkey or the evil in the sense that they used to do. And so one of the causes of a nation to be destroyed is that the sin goes

01:30:00 --> 01:30:07

unchecked nobody says anything someone's like openly gay or something like that nobody says anything which is quiet. They don't want to be said

01:30:08 --> 01:30:11

Okay, we got the Two Minute Warning inshallah tada and I'll be done. I'll finish it off here.

01:30:13 --> 01:30:15

In conclusion in sha Allah

01:30:16 --> 01:30:20

number one, one of the things that we learn lessons that we learn is not good enough

01:30:22 --> 01:31:03

that a person remains quiet a person must speak out and must hate it in their heart must speak out and change things if they can with their tongue and must change and things with their hands if they can't. And so person is actively proactively this issue and many other issues in the society, they have to actively work towards this. Secondly, I hope and pray to a less petard, that our eyes are open to all the different ways that even though common Lord was destroyed, this action still lives on today. It's one of the main issues of the times that we're living in now. And so a person must insist upon standing up for the truth and calling the people to Allah subhanaw taala worship Allah

01:31:03 --> 01:31:26

alone, and calling them and protecting them from this harmful sin of homosexuality. That's Allah mafia. And so I conclude by saying is what all the prophets said to their people? Yeah, Colin Marabou de la Hamada combinator enviro Oh my people worship Allah, you have no Lord, but him subhanho wa Taala

01:31:38 --> 01:31:45

we'll start tonight inshallah tada with the words of Allah subhana wa tada larger that says circle Hajj. Verses 42 to 47.

01:31:47 --> 01:31:52

Amina shake on Johan Jean Bismillah.

01:31:54 --> 01:32:02

He will he will get vivo kassapa can pabulum como

01:32:06 --> 01:32:17

como Eva da Hema well FOMO Lu was taboo. madeon work with Viva Moosa family Juliana Cassie in a

01:32:18 --> 01:32:23

foster home. Second second anarchy.

01:32:26 --> 01:32:30

Korea in alakina, Giovanni

01:32:31 --> 01:32:37

Hall we're here for we're to Narada Roshi, Hawaii

01:32:38 --> 01:32:45

panauti swim Nasheed phenom Museo

01:32:49 --> 01:32:50

de aqui, Luna

01:32:54 --> 01:32:57

Luna beha in

01:32:59 --> 01:33:10

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01:33:12 --> 01:33:14

Wanda was in

01:33:16 --> 01:33:21

the wrong big v center team matter on

01:33:26 --> 01:34:06

in these verses, as I'm sure if you've taken with us the first and the second we spoke about the mood we spoke about had and if you've been following along and you've been reading the Quran throughout these weeks, you've probably started to notice more attention more you're noticing that there is more and more verses in the Quran that speak about these paracin parish nations speak about the people of Mecca the mood most Madea and all of these things your eyes start to open and you realize these are verses we've been reading for so long yet we might not have had that full awareness of what we're reciting Allah subhanaw taala says to the prophets that Alani sent him what

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he you can be buka that if they disbelieve in you, if they say that you're a liar if they say that hey, you know what, this issue of Islam it's not the truth. They're not the first ones to do that. There's nothing special about them there. There was people for complicated the problem before them were people who disbelieved in the profits homeowner and wired with a mood that people have no and odd and fair mood. We'll call mo Ibrahim the people of Abraham will como loop and tonight inshallah Tada, we're going to be speaking about but the people of Luth raisonne was hobbled medion. But Allah subhanaw taala has some lessons here in the in these verses that I wanted to start it off with less

01:34:49 --> 01:34:59

than $1 says, what could Viva Moosa that mu salesianum and inshallah inshallah that's going to be our next series is going to be about musala acnm and further on and how less Punnett

01:35:00 --> 01:35:40

Allah destroyed them for emulator little caffeine or thumb. To whom? Allah subhanaw taala says the emulator little caffeine that I gave respites or the word in English we translated is a gave them time to home. Then Allah subhanaw taala took them to kafer Canon akia. And how horrible and terrible was the snatching and the rejection and pulling back of them for K for Canon a kid. And then Allah subhanaw taala says, because when you're going around and telling someone about Islam, and then they say to you in response, I don't believe you. I don't believe that this is the truth. This person only a few moments on Earth and in their life is over.

01:35:42 --> 01:35:59

And if they didn't believe there were people who disbelieve before Allah subhanaw taala says, forget a human karya how many populations how many nations has Allah subhanaw taala destroyed. For care I am creating a HELOC. Now we're here Voluma.

01:36:00 --> 01:36:43

And how many nations had transgressed and you will see as we've been following along in these different nations, injustice was the key ingredient that led to their destruction amongst other things, but at the top of their sins that were committed was their injustice to themselves to Allah subhana wa tada in the sheer coloboma of him, that indeed, the greatest injustice a human being can do is to associate partners with Allah subhanaw taala even though allies would have created this person, they attribute all the gifts of Allah subhanaw taala to other than Eliza Jen Well, he avani metron and then Allah subhanaw taala says for here how we are to Allah urrutia Well, the Maha

01:36:43 --> 01:37:03

politeama custom machine that Allah subhanaw taala says that how many nations he destroyed, and they've tumbled down on their roofs. And this is interesting when you go to Paris nations, and you go to these nations, they're like tourist destinations. These places are, how many roofs have collapsed? Allah subhanaw taala says,

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For here how we are doing Allah oroshi how mattala and wells like drinking wells that are abandoned? Nobody drinks from them anymore? Well in La palatin were custom machine and castles loft in wealth. Well, Bill, they're well built these castles, the wells are abandoned, and the roofs of collapse down how many nations has Allah subhanaw taala destroyed and the interesting thing is even the punishment of Allah subhana wa tada when Allah is going to destroy them, they can't even hasten that and we're going to talk about that with Pominville that they have no power whatsoever. All powers to Allah subhanaw taala Yes, they will be destroyed, but it's with Allah subhanaw taala at the

01:37:51 --> 01:38:11

appointment, so don't try to hasten it even they're trying to put themselves into the driver's seat when it comes to their punishment. And Allah subhanaw taala is still in control. subhanho wa Taala tonight inshallah Tada. We're going to be speaking about Polamalu. Camila puppy the people of Luth praise Santa

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Lucia Sam was the nephew of Ibrahim alayhis salam, Allah subhana wa Tada. They were in our head off.

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And Abraham RSM as you know that he was giving down to his people with the idols and so on and nobody believed in Ibrahim alayhis salam except Lutheranism.

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Allah subhanaw taala says Fermin, Allah haulotte.

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That Lutheran ceram, his nephew believed in Ibrahim alayhis salam. What color in the Mahajan en el Arabi and they did hijra from Iraq they did his job for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala going to a place where they could worship Allah azza wa jal and so they went to Villa the Sham below the Sham and a sham normally when people think Shanti thinks Syria but in reality Sham includes much more than Syria includes Philistine includes Jordan and so on and so forth.

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Look, man,

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this Sham area, Allah subhanaw taala says ality Baraka hola that the place that we've blessed surrounding and as you know, sort of Sarah so Hannah Lydia sarabi, AB de la la mina messaged her on the upside Ella de Baraka Hello, right? So this is the sip of the characteristics of a sham. This is where Ibrahim alayhis salam did his shadow to this is where Luke la snam um, did hedgerow to as well. And so it is

01:39:33 --> 01:40:00

incumbent upon the person to turn back to a less pinata for their own safety. Allah subhanaw taala says Flm ese roofing Won't they travel in the lands and we said this that if you have a son or you have family members that have issues in their Deen, one of the key Dalat techniques is to take them traveling with you go and traveling the land and see what was the conclusion the final

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And of those who just believed in Allah Spano Tata, larger just said Flm, you Cyril Phil fetter? coonara kulu Yaki Luna, Bihar so that they would have hearts that they could think with, then yes, morona behalf

01:40:15 --> 01:40:57

or that they would have ears that they could hear with and then a Lazarus has the inhaler thermal absorber, that it's not the eyes that are blind. And we said this before with these nations, they were skillful, they were intelligent, they could make the best computer products. I'm sure if they were alive today, they could make them but when it came to Allah subhanaw taala they're completely ignorant. Allah subhanaw taala says for in a lotta Amel, absurd. It's not the eyes that are blind, or lacking Tamil kuruvilla tea for solder, but rather it's the hearts that are in the chest that are blind. That that's what's blind is the person's heart is seal. So a lot of coffee and may allow us

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to keep all of our hearts alive and open to hear the message of Allah Spano Tata. Then Eliza says why estado de Luna cabin Lada and as we see a recurring theme is that whenever they couldn't get they couldn't argue they would insist upon the profits to bring the punishment of Allah subhanaw taala right then and there. They're saying in Quinta, in quintus are different if you're telling the truth, then bring the punishment right now. This is the message that all the prophets got

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when you flee for law

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