Muhammad Alshareef – Perished Nations: People of Thamood

Muhammad Alshareef
AI: Summary ©
The " pest apocalypse" is a term used to describe the " pest apocalypse" that can destroy a nation, including the " pest apocalypse" and " pest apocalypse" in various ways. The " pest apocalypse" has been a topic of discussion, including the " pest apocalypse" and " pest apocalypse" in various ways, as well as the "we" of Islam, including the belief in the mood of Islam's people and the power of sound waves and the "we" of Islam. The speakers also mention a museum near a research facility in Houston and discuss the importance of protecting one's "we" in Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Al Hamdulillah, Medusa panna hoonah sarina wanna stop fertile? When I wrote the villa him in Shoreham fusina woman see Dr. Molina, Mayor de la who tada Fela mobile Allah wanting your little fella had the Allah wa shadow Allah, Allah illallah wa who la sharika Allah wa shadow Anna Mohammedan Abdul hora sudo a madman tonight inshallah, tada we speak about a nation. This nation has perished, the nation of Houston, Texas.

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And we were once they're in the museum in Houston near like NASA and so on. And there is in the museum as you're walking through the museum Museum, there's this

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sound in the museum. And people from Houston are gonna listen to this inshallah Tada, they probably know what I'm talking about. This museum has a section to it that is related to oil. And related to if you think about it, how does someone dig into the sea? Right? How does someone you don't see scuba divers with shovels and going like this, that's not how they dig into the sea. And as you're walking

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the sound, you hear it again. So I'm walking through the dark section. And then I hear this.

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And the glass even as shaking, I turned around, and there is an exhibit that is full of water.

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And what is what the exhibit is explaining is how they dig under the ground.

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What do they use to dig under the ground, they use sound waves, they use sound waves, and my technical language might not be perfect, exactly. But basically what happens is what they're explaining and what's shaking the museum is just a little bit of the power of the sound that goes into the ground. And they are able to dig very deep into the sea because of the sound that moves forward. And so it's an example of the power that Allah subhana wa tada placed, even in the sound and the sound because in the wind, the air all of these things, the sound itself, the sound has the power to destroy all of us. It can destroy it, just like an airplane will fly at a very low level,

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the extreme sound will smash all the windows correct, intensified the sound and it would destroy you. It would destroy you just from the sound.

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And that's where we begin today in sha Allah tala this

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tonight in sha Allah tada we are going to be speaking about the people of the mood, the people of the mood. Last week, we spoke about the people of God whom Allah subhanaw taala sent his slave who that is sin and Prophethood I listen to them tonight inshallah Tada, we're going to speak about the mood of whom Allah subhanaw taala sent his slave. sada alayhis salam, Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, O Allah azza wa jal tells us in suta to chumps, get them in the mood.

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Baha Falco Nana who masuku la Hina

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he wants to clean

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the Gaza boom

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boom be done. Be him for some wha wha ha for boba. This is a surah that many of us have memorized.

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And as a young child throughout your whole life, you will be reading about the example of the mood. The mood to be taqwa Allah subhanho wa Taala sent to them saw that Allah has sent him

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the people of the mood they live they were Arabs, they were Arabs. And they lived actually near to to book if you're familiar with like the hijas area, you have Medina, north from Medina is seven hours north by car is to book and in that area is in the area where the mood used to live. And that area till today is called and known as muda insula. It's known as muda and saw sila, meaning the dwellings of Sonic. And so these people have the mood. What they used to do is they used to carve homes out of the mountains. And we spoke last week about the people of Petra albatross, which is in Jordan, and we said that some mood was actually an offshoot of those people. Right and those people

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that and Petra, for those who have been to Petra, you'll notice that they they've built castles

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goes into the mountains, a castle by even today's standard. If you saw a castle like this today, you would say what an amazing castle. And these are castles that were built 1000s and 1000s of years ago, and they're carved from the mountain. They're carved from the mountain. The people of the mood were like this. This is what they did is the Prophet alayhi salam, Allah Spano tala says, What 10 hate to in a minute, he barely boo 10 meaning he said a new car from the mountains blew 10 homes and in in full of safety. Now, when you think about it, right? When you build a house, you build a house of wood, it can burn down, you build a house of, you know, you name all these different things. How

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can you destroy a mountain? How can you destroy a mountain?

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And so the people of the mood, their skill was that they would build homes into the mountain. Right? And it's not just a cave, it's not a cave. It's an actual like castle that's built into the mountains. Last week, there's a question one of the brothers mentioned. And I told them remind me so we'll bring it up in this weekend in Chicago this week in Charlotte, Allah as well. And that is we're talking about the lessons of how people were destroyed. Correct. So the question might come, well, how is a nation saved? How is a nation saved? What does a nation have to do in order to be protected from the anger of a less opponent in order to win a less patatas love? And the answers

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from Hannah law is so simple. It's so simple. Allah subhanaw taala says, well, Isla, thermo de Hong

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Kong, Marabou La, la come in Illa in one euro. That's that's the answer. If you go back to the beginning of all these stories, the message that perhaps gets lost as we're explaining it, is the secret to their salvation. It's a secret to how they could have prospered how they could have became such an amazing nation. As the unsalted were correct. What did the Ansari do differently than the other IRA? What did they do differently? They believed in Allah subhanaw taala and they worshipped Eliza alone. And what did the people of the mood do wrong? Step number one, they worshipped other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so what they did is they they attribute it all these gifts of the

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last panel of data to their idols, to their idols. And so just like the people of Eid were worshipers of idols same were the people of the mood worshipers of idols. We said about it, that they were extremely intelligent and extremely skillful, yet shavon was able to deceive them when it came to their connection between them and Allah subhana wa Tada. And similarly, the people of the moon, were they intelligent? In the dunya sense, they were intelligent, right? They had their fancy degrees and they're, well, you know, their PhDs in this and carving and mountains they're obviously extremely successful in their intelligence and their skill. But when it came to Allah subhanho wa

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Taala, they were the most ignorant of creation. They were the most ignorant of creation.

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When Allah subhanho wa Taala sent sila Harrison and as we said that these lectures were not necessarily focusing on the stories of the prophets. But what we're instead focusing on is the guidance that Allah subhanaw taala tells us about these nations and what led them to the destruction This is what their focus is on. But just summarizing what happened side had a Sam came to these people told them to worship Allah subhanaw taala told them to remember Allah monetize blessings upon them, which as we said, is a critical point of the Dow of all messengers. The Dow of any day is to remind people to remember a lost blessing upon them, otherwise it will be taken away from them

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because what they have is not from their own hands. It is from Allah subhana wa Tada. And so it is it behooves the person to thank Allah subhana wa tada for the gift before Allah subhanaw taala takes it away from them. And so sort of had a synonym would call them to a larger agenda and argue with them and debate with them. And so they became fed up. And so one day what they said decided how to use it and they said, you see this mountain, we want you to

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carve a camel out of the mountain alive camel, not a castle on a castle we want you to carve a she camel out of the mountain that is alive and is pregnant.

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And it's a huge why they they described has to be a camera like this a camera like this camera like this camera like this, and so saw

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Hello as Adam said, if

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this if if I make dua to Allah Subhana Allah and he blesses you with this sign, will you believe, will you believe and they promised and they said yes bring it obviously it's a mockery that there you know what the true intentions are la Island. And so sod Holly is Sam he prayed to Allah subhanaw taala asked Eliza gel to show them the sign and so called from the mountain. Allah subhanaw taala brought forth a she camel, naka de la the she camel of Allah subhanho wa Taala when you say something like Baitullah, the house of Allah, what are we talking about? the Kaaba. When you say keytab Allah, the Book of Allah, what are we talking about? The Quran and so again and again

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throughout the Quran, Allah subhana wa tada calls this camel Nakata law, the camel of Allah subhanho wa Taala This is the sign that SATA hallasan M was given to show to the people and so some of the people believed in Salah has the Quran does mention that there were people from the people of the moon who did believe in sada and he sent on, but the majority of them they disbelieved in solid even though the camera had been brought. And so the condition was that the camel was not to be harmed in any way that this is not for the law and that they should not harm the camel, and that the camel would drink one day from the water and they would drink the other day. This is such an enormous

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camel and such a sign from Allah subhanaw taala he would drink the water of the entire people of the moon. And it had its whole day for drinking. And the day when they weren't drinking from the water. They were actually drinking from the milk of this camel. enough milk to give to the entire tribe of the mood. And how many people were speaking about this is the tribe with the mood and this is enough but the law it was pregnant. The camel it's a she camel and it was pregnant. And it gave birth to its as they say fasciola gave birth to its baby she camel.

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And the story continues. This situation with the people of the mood. What I'm going to do is explain to you

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the different things about the mood in the beginning of the dour side of *, as Sam says to the people of the mood. Jaco Marabou de la medical Manila and Pyro worship Allah you have no no god except Allah. You have nothing to worship except Allah subhana wa Tada. And then sada hallease salam reminds them of Allah blessing upon them, that perhaps they would be thankful to Elijah gel indeed, in their deeds that they would say somehow this gift is from Allah Spano. Let us worship Eliza Jen sada had a Sam says to them as recorded in the Quran, who shall enter the war was start a Moroccan fee ha, who unshare communal or was dharmaraj comfy her sort of had a tsunami saying that

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he's produced you from the earth and settled you there in

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and in the other verse was 10 hydronium energy Valley butan ammini. And as we said, and you car from the mountains, butan ammini in these mountains. Now these muda insula and if you look at Petra, their construction of these castles is so strong, that till today, you can go to Petra, you can go to muda and sila and it's still there. We talked about alcohol and how long it was, maybe, you know, at least 2000 years. It's still there these structures.

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Now, I want you to understand this concept, I call it overcompensation, overcompensation.

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When where there's this excessiveness in materialism, if you were to go to the shoe rack, you will go to the shoe rack and I know some of you can actually try this. You go to the shoe rack after the lecture. And you see and this usually is sometimes the sister shoe rack for some reason. Maybe the brothers too little bit. But there's one shoe two shoes that are beside each other. One of them has a high heel

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and the heel is you talking about like 12 inches high. Right? They call them platform shoes. The prisons actually standing on a platform every time they put on the shoes, and then you see another pair of shoes that are flat on the ground.

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What do we understand from the person who has the high platform shoes? What do we understand from that? Someone? Tell me? What's the psychology behind it? Yes.

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What's the arrogance? No, not necessarily.

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Okay, they said arrogance, not necessarily that they're trying to be arrogant inshallah. Tada. It's okay. I have heels on

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I choose to sir. And so let's not. It's not a sign of arrogance. Okay, hold on. Yes. Okay, the person has high heels is taller. Are you sure about that? Yes, yes.

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Okay, they're shorter. And not only are they short, but they're probably a little bit on the shorter side.

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Would you agree with that?

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And so the person actually gets because there's something in their heart. Maybe they feel I'm not, I'm not as tall as everybody. Let me get this thing called platform shoes, so I can be a little bit taller. To give you another example of this is what's a person called overcompensating? Normally flat shoes, normally flat shoes, and this could still be someone who's shorter. But normally flat shoes, you would see the super tall basketball type of person super tall. What kind of shoes does he like to wear? Skechers the flat on the ground, no heels? Correct. Those are like the kind of like the the skateboarder type shoes, they're flat, because these are the tall people. They're not

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looking for super high heels, because they don't need to. They're tall. So it's not in their brain. There was one someone who, you know, he came into a village, and he's very famous scholar. And everybody said he has 1000 proofs

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for the existence of God.

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1000 he can prove in 1000 different ways that God exists. And so one of the old woman in the village she heard this. And she understood this principle of high heels. She said, then he must have 1000 doubts about a less pinata.

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And so this person heard that. And it actually it hit him in the hearts. Why do you need 1000 proofs that Allah exists? Because there's some issue going on. There's some confusion. And so the person says, I can prove in 1000 ways a filler check. Is there any doubt in Allah Spano? Dada. And what's interesting about

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the people when we spoke about last week, you'll see even though there was a sign, but it wasn't like the sign of the mood wasn't like the she camel. And if you look at the profits, they're not all coming with, you know, like, with masala Sam as a parting of the sea, and so on. But these profits, it's in their words, this message, there's no doubt in Ls autodata. And they know it. And when they disbelieve in the prophets, they're disbelieving straight from the from their, from their minds, and their heart is saying to them that you're a liar. The hardest thing you're a liar and the person's like, even if I'm a liar, I'm still going to disbelieve in these profits, as we will see with what

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happened with

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this issue of the mood. In fact, is they used to build buildings into into the the mountains, do you think that if they were capable of building skyscrapers? Do you think they would have done it?

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Do you think they would have done it? Okay, yes. So you have a different style, where people overcompensate when it comes to their buildings, where there's this huge focus in the olden days, when they when you see a big building, it was usually built in the name of God, Christian, Muslim Jews, you go anywhere, and you see the big buildings, this someone built it In the name of Allah, whether you know, intention sincere or not, their buildings built of

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there's religious basis to the big buildings. But then comes a time where we see big buildings, and what are they built under, for what name in the name of whom,

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and the name of whom, and the name of the business that can pay the most money to put their name on this building. That's who they're built for. And so you will see when you go into any city, and you see huge structures, what in whose name is this built, and they'll say, this is such and such corporations building, and this building is such and such corporations building, and this building is such and such corporations building, and then you'll see smaller buildings, and then you'll see that's church. So and so this is, you know, Mr. Jones, there, you know, times have changed, and people have turned more to the building of buildings in the name of corporations. And you can say

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almost, that there's this infatuation and overcompensation for material materialism. For materialism. When a person builds this wealth, if you think about it, someone's you know, how much money do they want to make? They want to make, you know, $1 billion. They want to become a billionaire. Okay, how in the world ever going to spend that money?

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How are they going to spend it? And if you notice the lifespan of a person, let's just say on average someone lives I don't know what's retirement age.

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Okay, so the person retirement age is 65 average person lives.

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What's the maybe like, say 72? Right, so you're looking at approximately five years after the person retires, they're dead. And that's the average. A lot of people die before that a lot die that's just in the middle there. So person, they're aiming in life to live forever. That's what they're aiming for, as if they're going to live forever. If you can imagine that everything in your, you know, like, I'm going to work this, I'm gonna save this, I'm going to do wise all this saving. And even when someone tells you don't rent, take out a ribbon mortgage. Why? Because 30 years from now, when you have three years left to live, you get a great deal.

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A great deal in the sight of home.

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In the sight of whom this this focus on the last four years of your life, that all of your life is built for the last three years. In fact, that's not what the focus is on, the focus is on that we will live forever. That's what the focus is on. As if we will live forever. That is the ml. This is the desire of any Adam, that they will live forever and you see the mood you see the people of Petra, as if they will live forever, but in reality,

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they will. It's just very short lived. How quickly can your life your day of judgment starts in a heartbeat. Your heartbeat just says stop. And that's it. And then your journey to the hereafter it begins.

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Allah subhana wa Tada. And so definitely these are lessons in the people of the mood for us to understand because the way that they were engrossed in materialism, and their focus that they would live forever in their building in the buildings in these mountains lessons for us is that we will not live forever. And if we turn to Allah subhanaw taala the same way the Ansari turn to Allah azza wa jal and worshipped Him alone, that they're the ones who truly live forever. In the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala says, but only Allah on whom What?

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Allah subhanaw taala is pleased with them. And he is and they are pleased with Allah subhanaw taala and another reason that actually below are the Allahu anhu, a slave in Mecca. And there are many slaves and below the line and believes in Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and Allah as Richard raises him in rank above even the uncle of the prophets that ally cinema who disbelieved in the prophets that allies in a Buddha. And so I remember this, this one time, I was at the Kava, meta Kava, and someone told me that you know, what, if you go to the Kava, go and pray in the first line. Because if you're praying in the first line, that's the first line of the entire world. That's like, a one

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in the whole Muslim world is that the Kaaba, right? That's where the line started. You're in the first line. I said, I gotta pray in the first line, right? So I went and I and I sat there you talking about a couple of hours before Salah, and there's still no room, but you get inside. And then the Saudi brother came out, and the Saudi brother was dark skinned, he was dark skinned, and he came out with the microphone, and it still was very white pose, very clean. And he looked like he was gonna say the event. look like he wasn't more than more than his like from bajada or something.

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He looked like he was gonna say the event. So sitting beside me. were some people from South Africa.

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When they saw this man come out, and they saw the darkness of his skin. They got so happy.

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They got so happy I'm talking about they freaked out. If they had cell phones with them, they would have called home.

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Now they would they would do that. Because there's more cell phones now in Mecca and so on. They would have called they were so happy. And they were telling their relatives that this person and I heard that they're speaking Urdu and I don't speak Urdu very well. But they said well, Bella's family.

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They're saying that he's from the family of Bella or the alojado. Now I want you to understand just what's going on here. They're in like this ecstasy and half of happiness because of their love for below the line.

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And so they saw someone with a similar skin, and they thought that he's gonna say the event and they were so happy. They were so happy for this. What raised Bilal in status?

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It was his belief in Allah subhanaw taala in the Messenger of Allah azza wa jal so when you talking about what protects the person so that they don't perish, it's exactly as all the prophets said, or Buddha Allah Hamada come in Allah enviro worship your Lord you have no Lord except your except Allah subhana wa Tada. And then when you start thinking, Well, why should I worship Elijah Jett when I have this nice bed when I have this nice car when I have this nice job and have this nice

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Where did you get it from? Where did you get it from?

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Allah subhanaw taala gave it to you. And so when it said arriba de la and right in the hands, what does kufr mean? What does kufr I mean, if you look in the Arabic cover is like to disbelieve, okay, and it has its terminology in Islam as someone who believes in a lot his messages so on all the details, you are an athlete, a class, but when you look at the Arabic literal word of capoeira, it means to be ungrateful.

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A kefir is someone who is who's ungrateful. So you can say to someone linguistically I'm not saying say this is how long you don't go around telling people this, but if you said to someone Kapha Nana,

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I'm grateful to the blessings of Allah Spano Katana, right, I'm grateful to the blessings of Allah. And so the essence of their cover is that they take the name of Allah subhana wa Tada. And they claim that it comes from other than Eliza. And so what I would say to a person like your voice, your voice when you were born? Did your mother like take a voice box from Radio Shack or BestBuy future shop and stick it down your throat? attach the wires read the manual?

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Is that what your mother did? Did your mother just take out eyeballs from her pockets? and plop one into your skull one left one right? Is this what your mother did? Obviously not. And so with the tongue that Allah subhanaw taala gave to the people with the eyes and he gave them they claim that this is from something other than a loss of a job. And their cover starts right first and foremost, from their ungratefulness to Eliza.

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These people have some mood, they thought that they would live forever they were obviously wrong. And when Allah subhanaw taala destroyed them, he wiped them out, as if they never live there. Allah Subhana Allah says, Allah Mia for no fee.

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It was as if they had never dwelt and flourish there. Allah subhanaw taala destroyed them. And so the person thinks that I'm going to live forever that's why I have to make millions and millions of dollars and billions of dollars and build buildings that cannot be destroyed for 1000s of years. It'll only be just a few years and then you will be moving on to the hereafter.

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In the when the camel the she camel was brought to them naka de la when they saw the sign of Allah subhana wa tada

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they disbelieved in the sign, and inshallah Tada. I'm going to be there's actually the story and I wanted to speak about the

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the camel before I go back to the story.

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One side had a Sam brought to them the message. They said when he said Aruba de la Melaka, Manila, Himalayan Ohio and Shalgam all these verses that speak about what Saul Alinsky Nam said to them, they said in response, Paulo el Swanee hapa con Tofino Mr. Raja One popular

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they said to Sol La Sanam, they said Quint afina module one module is like desired meaning that solid hallasan was very wise was very strong, it's very handsome. He's from from the from the there people a home sila right there, brother sila, and they had high hopes for Saleh, la Santa, meaning that he would have got a very high government position he would be working for the government, lots of benefits, permanent job, all of that he would have got a really good status and they were saying what a pity that you had to say this, because you know, you had a great career. You know, just drawing out for you. Why did you have to save this? Because now everybody's gonna say that you're

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A 10 Hannah and nabooda a Buddha owner, are you telling us to worship that which are you forbidding us from worshiping that which our fathers worship? Now I want you to understand something how many people

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actually killed the camel killed now? khatola how many people killed the camel?

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Okay, the number is nine. The number is nine. So you're taking notes? Allah subhanaw taala says what can Medina TT Satomura sido una feel our

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own Allah Subhana Allah says we cannot fit in Medina there was nine this octoberat and there is nine people you've seen when I fill out they were doing facade in the URL is written.

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And actually not only that, and this is something just so you understand is that when these people are not able when the draft of Allah Subhana

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On the servants of Allah, when they are strong and they carry the message of Allah clearly, verbally, they've announced it and they've told the people worship Allah you have no Lord, but him, then you will find the kuffar in the beginning to have misconceptions, doubts and so on and so forth. What happens when they lose the argument? they resort to something else, they resort to terror. They resort to violence, the kuffar and so they turned to imprisoning. They wanted to imprison musala a sinner. And they turned to expelling same thing. musala acnm they turn they want to expel him from the land, they turn to detainment, they turn to killing the profits, correct. And

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so not only did they kill Napa de la but a lot of people don't realize that after they killed naka de la, they attempted the next night's to kill sada Hey Sara

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Carlota Casa mobila Allah subhanaw taala says call upon Simone de la Helen obey

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Allah Mallanna polen early warning ye Masha Hey Jenna Monica Lee was in lasagna.

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They said to Qasim Avila, they promised the new baby 10 now that we will kill him in the night and they're not only killing, slaughter, Halle, Sanam they're going to kill his whole family.

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And so again, you understand that these people they don't stop at the die to Allah subhanho wa Taala they will proceed to harm the family of the person who's calling to Allah so that they will proceed to that. And this was their intention. And of course sort of had a cinema last panel data saved and before they could fulfill this.

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How many people were they we said nine

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when the nine people came to kill the she camel came to kill Napa de la.

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They the nine of them, there was only one of them who had the

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I would say the audacity

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to step forward and begin the killing of Nakata Allah. So not only out of the whole tribe of the mood, there were nine people who did the killing. And from these nine people, even only one of them stepped forward and did the killing the name of that person. Allah subhanaw taala even mentioned him in the crime in the Quran, even Botha skaha the worst of them, the worst of all them when you talk about one of the worst human beings to ever live. His name was

00:32:43 --> 00:32:55

cuidar even Salif QRadar Eben Salif was a scar had the worst of the mood, who went forward and killed and began the killing of now khatola.

00:33:02 --> 00:33:51

These nine people they did this one of them actually could not have been said it was the one who started it and then they killed it when they started killing the camel. When they started killing Napa de la, they first cut off the tendons on the legs, they cut off the tendons once they started in the cutting and the spearing and the arrowing of the camel, the shape of this camel now but Allah, he cried out, it cried out, and the whole land was shaking from her cry. She was crying for her child to warn her child's of what they were doing. And is the books of Teddy and Tafseer. They'll say that this fussy the baby camel, that the child of the Nakata law, it climbed up and ran

00:33:51 --> 00:34:00

away as they slaughtered the camel. And he climbed to the top of the mountain, and it cried out itself for the killing of its mother.

00:34:01 --> 00:34:03

It cried out three times.

00:34:04 --> 00:34:49

It called out and the land was screaming, the camel was screaming as they slaughtered the camel and chopped into pieces. And then the foreseeing that the child of the camera went to the top of the mountain, and called out three times, now sleight of hand is set up, made a promise with the people of the mood. He said that Allah is bringing the sign whether it's a super heavy suit, and do not touch it with any harm. And then the versus fair who the kumada bonavia that a painful an enormous, huge punishment will come upon you. And he's warning them he said, don't touch don't harm the camel or this painful punishment will come in another verse either Aleem a painful punishment either of

00:34:49 --> 00:34:59

them could even another and another. That punishment that is so near and they made the promise. The camel, the child of the of the Nakata law. It was

00:35:00 --> 00:35:45

The top of the mountain and called out three times slotta alayhis salam said to his people, Timothy, Wolfie daddy come Fela iya he said Enjoy yourselves in your places in your dwellings three days there Lika widen hydromax Zoo. This is a promise that has no lie in it. And sila had a synonym that people believed in salt they left they were going to kill them as we said that they were going to kill naka de la after they kill Napa to LA they attempted to kill as you said, this is the resorting when they couldn't argue anymore, and they're stuck there's nothing to say they resort to violence and terror and they attempted to kill sada had a son and his family. And the believers, those who

00:35:45 --> 00:35:59

believed in Salah holidays to them, they left from the tribe of the mood. And now they had three days. And so they started partying, and they were mocking and ridiculing. And so on the first day, their faces became yellow.

00:36:01 --> 00:36:07

On the second day, their faces and actually they would dress up and they would say Oh, the first day has passed.

00:36:08 --> 00:36:18

And then and they're like oh no punishment has come second day their faces became red. And they said oh, the punishment is coming. It's day two, day two haha.

00:36:20 --> 00:36:36

And then day three came and their faces turned black. And they said it's day three where's the punishment? Where's the punishment and they're laughing in the mocking so much so that they went to an exaggeration in their mocking that they started wearing their Kevin.

00:36:37 --> 00:36:54

They put on their their their shrouds and they put the high notes. It's like, you know, what would you put on a dead body in mockery? Like is like a party like Halloween or something like this, that they're dressing up like the dead and they said it's the third day.

00:36:56 --> 00:36:59

And then at that third day Allah subhanaw taala set down his punishment.

00:37:00 --> 00:37:10

Allah subhanaw taala says fed them demo lay him Rob boom be done by him for Sawa Allah subhanaw taala says that dem dem Allah

00:37:12 --> 00:37:14

be them be him first.

00:37:16 --> 00:37:18

Another verse Allah Spano. Tata says

00:37:22 --> 00:37:23


00:37:26 --> 00:37:28


00:37:33 --> 00:37:33


00:37:38 --> 00:37:40

Allah Subhana? Allah says,

00:37:43 --> 00:38:11

Allah subhanaw taala says that the mood and Eid they disbelieve and they claim that it was alive when you say disbelieve, they're saying that the Korea the Day of Judgment, the horrible when this, this shaking the quake that's going to lead to the Day of Resurrection. they disbelieved in it. Meaning they said that it was a lie. It's not happening. Because the mudo Adam belcarra then Allah subhanaw taala says, The M s mo jofa.

00:38:13 --> 00:38:14


00:38:16 --> 00:38:26

And so as for the people of the mood, they were destroyed, annihilated but parthia is actually interesting. coffea and Korea.

00:38:28 --> 00:38:32

I was like paying attention to these, these two words, the translations.

00:38:38 --> 00:39:17

The translation of the first one is they disbelieved in the stunning calamity in many verses of the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala speaks about the Day of Resurrection happening with al Qaeda, the sutra that you all have memorized. Claudia Metapod yahama moroccanoil Korea. It's one of the names a day of judgment when this this stunning calamity. Allah subhana wa tada says that when that Claudia happens, you know how they say that the mountains will be turned into stone. You know, they'll say when the mountains crumble to the sea, the mountains will not crumble to the sea when the cloud era happens. You know what will happen to the mountains,

00:39:18 --> 00:39:19

they will be turned into dust.

00:39:22 --> 00:39:59

Allah subhanaw taala says, What akuna ji battle kelleigh Needleman fouche he talking about like cotton is nothing like a feather. That's what the hottie is going to do to the mountains. And this is repeated again and again in the throughout the Quran. When the Claudia happens again, it's not something that's like a shaking, you're talking about when the Claudia happens, that's it. And now because the mood disbelieved in the khariar they said it was a lie. It's not happening. Allah subhanaw taala destroyed them with a thought here and the translation

00:40:00 --> 00:40:37

It's actually interesting, it says storm and lightning and so on and so forth. But that's not necessarily what a publier says some of the scholars actually, in fact, have mentioned. And this is something that you realize later because at that time, you couldn't understand what it is the power of sound waves, the power of sound waves, and its ability to destroy, and in fact, military wise, Nunu talking about, you know, the military and how they, you know, they always have these different weapons that they're trying and this and that talk about their sound waves type of weapons, where they're trying to make weapons that destroy through sound waves, they can go through mountains, and

00:40:37 --> 00:40:56

they can destroy things inside the mountains, using the power of sound as a destructive force. And Allah subhanaw taala mentions that when the plaza happened, they were destroyed. And Utah a destruction that happens like instantaneously, las panatela destroyed them.

00:40:57 --> 00:41:13

All right, how many people killed or gathered together to kill the camera nine people when they started killing the camera? Now? patola What do you think the other people of the mood started doing? Did they say no, don't kill the camera. They didn't do that. What did they do instead?

00:41:14 --> 00:41:45

They started cheering they became cheerleaders for the killing of the camera. And so with their pom poms in there, they're calling and this and that. They're, you know, the drum beats and the music playing all loud, and like, go go go all the people of the mood, even though that they all did not, not all of them actually physically killed the camel. nine of them gathered together out of the whole tribe of the mood, and only one of them started the killing of the camel. Yet Allah subhanaw taala destroyed all of the mood.

00:41:46 --> 00:41:47


00:41:48 --> 00:41:50

Someone could say I didn't kill the camera.

00:41:51 --> 00:41:52

wasn't my fault.

00:41:54 --> 00:42:11

What was the sin of all of the mood? They all disbelieved in Allah subhanaw taala. And what their punishment is coming from is that when the cover happened, the disobedience to Eliza, this breaking of the covenant with Eliza Jad, they were not against it.

00:42:12 --> 00:42:20

You can say that they were either silent observers or in their heart, there's not there's nothing wrong with it in their hearts, that if they see the harm happening, it's no big deal.

00:42:22 --> 00:42:35

And this is something extremely dangerous for anybody to harbor in their hearts. This lack of indifference that just having indifference to the disobedience to Allah subhana wa Tada. And so actually, when you see in one of the

00:42:36 --> 00:42:47

the mossy buzz that our our culture is engrossed in is this masiva masiva means like, calamity, is this masiva of homosexuality?

00:42:48 --> 00:43:30

And so, sure, Muslims, suffer Allah, you know, you know, don't want to talk about this, this and that. But when you see that the hearts don't shake, and don't quiver at this disobedience to Allah subhanaw taala. And then you see another generation of people that what's the big deal, that attitude leads a nation to perish, all of them, all of them. Because when a sin is hidden, that's something different. But when as soon as public, it's a totally different story. When it goes public laws are made and enacted for the benefit of these things. And then on top of that the hearts have no, they don't care about these, they're indifferent. They don't care. Then when the punishment of

00:43:30 --> 00:43:44

Allah subhanaw taala comes if the hands are not held back, not only do those people harm themselves, but they're harming the entire nation of people, all those who would listen but don't say anything in response.

00:43:46 --> 00:44:29

Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that this small group from the people of sada they were for the mood, they were what is known as elemental, elemental. How many of you have heard of that word before and mela? Okay, so not many people know it. And so I want everybody to pay attention to this one. When I was preparing one of the seminars for the anemometer Institute, shifted our guiding to Allah by the book, in this seminar in my studies of the Tao of the prophets and so on and so forth. There is a term that Allah subhanaw taala uses again and again and again with all these perish nations. And that is lm Allah, Allah subhanaw taala will say for example, in one of the verses,

00:44:30 --> 00:44:59

we'll call it metta or loving levina cafa Roman comi. Allah subhanaw taala says, we'll call al mela la Vina cafaro Allah subhanaw taala is not saying that the mood said this, Allah subhanaw taala saying that the meta of the mood said this, who are the mela okay. So this is what the metal arm Alright, pay attention if you got your pens. Take note. The mela are the aristocrats. They are the

00:45:01 --> 00:45:03

You can say what we would say the lobbyists,

00:45:05 --> 00:45:13

or the special interest groups, the few people, the secret clubs or people that run the whole show.

00:45:14 --> 00:45:28

This is the meta. They are the minority that runs the majority, the minority that runs the majority, if you have ants, and the grasshopper who is stronger, the grasshopper, the ant, who is stronger?

00:45:29 --> 00:45:32

The grasshopper is stronger than the end. Are you sure?

00:45:34 --> 00:46:06

He, of course is the grasshopper and come and just punch the end in the head and the end is finished. Okay, but ads for some miracle data. They come in many huge numbers. There's many ads. If you had 1 billion ads, and 10 grasshoppers who was stronger, 1 billion ads, what could they do 1 billion ads, the ads become stronger. The ads becomes they have power. Yet at the end of the day, it will be the grasshoppers that rule.

00:46:07 --> 00:46:10

So don't get a shirt that says grasshoppers rule.

00:46:12 --> 00:46:26

But this is the reality. The grasshoppers are the meta. The grasshoppers are the meta, and they always rule. They're always the one in charge. You can have a Muslim nation, the whole nation is Muslim. There's a couple of grasshoppers that run the whole show.

00:46:28 --> 00:46:39

And you know what I'm talking about. You can go from country to country to country to country to country to country, and just one person will say, What can we do? We're only ants.

00:46:40 --> 00:46:59

Correct? Isn't this the case? And many of you coming from different Muslim countries are you're like, yeah, that's definitely it. You just got a few grasshoppers, and then you like how in the world did we elect this president. And then you're like, because your aunt's that's why. And he's a grasshopper, and the grasshopper is just a little bit smarter than you. What you need to do is

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become a grasshopper, that's what you need to do, or get to get in on the grasshopper.

00:47:08 --> 00:47:09

The grasshopper crew,

00:47:10 --> 00:47:22

the meta, these grasshoppers that run the show, in the people of the mood, they were nine people, just nine. And it caused the whole direct destruction of the moon, right?

00:47:23 --> 00:47:57

They have ways in which they control the ads, they have ways in which they control the ads. So you can have a whole nation, 1 billion people, they can all be controlled with these techniques. And I will explain to you the techniques, and when they use the techniques on you, as they are already doing, they will still work. So you have to be paying attention number one is understanding what techniques are they using to try to keep you as an ant? technique number one is called fear. technique. Number one is called fear.

00:47:58 --> 00:48:05

What's the security alert right now? It's orange. Be scared, be very scared.

00:48:06 --> 00:48:10

And even some of you getting scared right now. And I say that, like this is being recorded.

00:48:12 --> 00:48:36

Because you're, it's like an ideology, right? It's like, okay, scared. Let's go to Home Depot, and let's get some masking tape. Because, you know, I'm scared. What if something happens, and we need this masking tape. And then people start buying water buying this and buying that and so on and so forth. And it's just games, right? They're like a security alert. And when you have this thing called like,

00:48:38 --> 00:48:39

let me stop that and stop there.

00:48:41 --> 00:48:47

That's number one. There was any Libyans here. They've been here. No Libyans? Yeah. Okay, cool.

00:48:48 --> 00:49:01

Remember back in the 80s when everybody was freaked out at the Libyans remember those days? Do you remember the 1984 is like Reagan and qaddafi and all of that stuff? Are you guys still scared afraid of Libyans, when you see a living you go like, Oh,

00:49:03 --> 00:49:05

we do that with Afghan ease now.

00:49:10 --> 00:49:13

It's a little tangent right now. But we went for a hedge. And,

00:49:15 --> 00:49:27

and this guy came on our bus. There's two buses are coming from like the US and for height. And this guy came on the bus. And they're like, he's looking for a passport. And he goes like a funny finger. Funny.

00:49:28 --> 00:49:45

Right? You know how those Saudi police been enough money. And then one of the people on the bus he got so scared. Right? Like and recall back the Libyan days again, right now it's the 90 days. So he got so scared. He's like they're looking for enough money. There's enough money amongst us.

00:49:47 --> 00:49:59

And then and then I said brother calm down. There is a Masjid in our area. That is predominantly a planning and they came for Hajj with us. The whole buses have gone

00:50:01 --> 00:50:07

single person on that bus as of right, he's just looking for some of Danny guy there. All

00:50:08 --> 00:50:47

right. And so you just see what I'm showing you there is this is programming to the maximum. This is grasshopper propaganda to the maximum where you're so scared in your heart that when they say you sit down, what do you do? I'm sitting, I'm sitting just so uncommon and funny. Back in the Libyan days back in the living like I say it changes because now it's a funny if I say the Libyans, you're not scared because the that power has dwindled. And the propaganda against the Libyans has gone down, they don't care about the Libyans now, now they're trying to make up with them. So they can do like free trade and stuff like that the Lockerbie thing and so on so forth, trying to make things

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calm. Back in the Libyan days, there's a brother converted to Islam, he came into our Masjid and, and the people who founded our message, may Allah subhanaw taala, bless them and give them increase of adjure for their whole life and for their children. They're the ones who used to come to the masjid open the door. And even if there was nobody in the message, they would still pray in the masjid in a day and a time in this in Winnipeg. When the message was closed most of the day, this is so called the nobody would pray in the masjid. They would still come and pray. So when this brother became Muslim, who was giving him down and helping him out, was there Finally I was the the Libyan

00:51:22 --> 00:51:39

brothers, the Libyan brothers. So his mother called him once or he was talking to his mother once in the masjid. And I remember I was a little kid at that time, his mother was crying like crazy on the phone. Why was she crying? Because he was in a basement with Libyans.

00:51:41 --> 00:52:20

She's like, they're gonna kidnap you. She had pictures of seeing her son on some TV with a black eye, and saying to the microphone, saying, Please give them everything that they want. She saw her son like this, because that's the connection to Libyans. That was the connection, or Libyans like that now. No, because they chose the meta chose to switch the scene. So now they've adopted this to a different group of people, and they continue to do this. This is not something new, you're talking about. It's time of sada, the time of all the prophets, this is what they did to keep the people in check. So number one is fear. What happens when people aren't afraid anymore?

00:52:21 --> 00:52:29

When people aren't afraid anymore? when they'll stand up in front of a tank, take out a rock and they're ready to throw it at the tank? What do they do at that time?

00:52:31 --> 00:52:31

violence But

00:52:33 --> 00:52:41

second, the second technique that they use is materialism, materialism, the dunya. It's opening the doors of dunya.

00:52:42 --> 00:53:24

And so what the metal would do is as long as you keep materialism happy, like get them there, you know, satellite TV, get them their games, make sure make all the entertainment possible for them. How many how many channels on the satellite TV, you're talking about 15,000 channels that you have, like in you're just turning through the channels and so on. It's just an annex a materialism. And it's also the entertainment industry, where the person is just so engrossed in all of that. They're too busy watching TV to do anything with their lives. And so if you go home, for example, and you're very tired, are you able to open up like to see it and start reading and so on? Do you guys do that

00:53:24 --> 00:53:30

when you're really tired? You open up a Tafseer book? No. Are you guys when even when you're not tired? You open up your books.

00:53:34 --> 00:54:02

Okay, so when someone's really tired, the reason that they can do that is because the tafsir will challenge your mind to think so the thing that will not challenge your mind to think the thing that makes your brain go blank that has takes no muscles of your brain to to work while you partake in this activity is television. Well, that's why even when you're tired, you can still watch for hours and hours and hours. Because your brain is vegetable at that time.

00:54:04 --> 00:54:21

And it just you're just taking in the programming. Bring it on Bring it on, bring it on what what other programming propaganda or grasshoppers do you have for me? Oh, yeah, yeah, what else? What else? Oh, you disagree? talk back at so and [email protected]. Right, as if you have any say in any matter.

00:54:22 --> 00:54:38

And, okay, we're going to touch on this grasshopper thing. That third one. misconceptions. So people, they're not afraid. And you know what? They've actually have the choice to not watch TV that you have that choice. Did you know that?

00:54:39 --> 00:55:00

You have that choice to actually press off. You are empowered. So that's how I'm empowering you today. You have the choice to shut it off. So you shut off the TV. You are not going to listen to their propaganda. You will not listen to the grasshoppers anymore. What happens to you then? Then they throw misconceptions. What are the grasshoppers doing with the business

00:55:00 --> 00:55:09

This is actress pilot interesting. During the time of like, the depression in the US, when was the TV invented? was a TV invite? Does anybody know?

00:55:10 --> 00:55:41

I don't remember when it was invented. But what that did was give access to the grasshoppers to talk to every single person in the nation at the same time. That's what it did. They can talk to everybody in the olden days, you'd have to go and give lectures and so on. It's very difficult. But now access can be to all of these people. And so I remember one time, so I was talking with a non Muslim, and I was saying to the person, I'm Muslim, and then he was like, Oh, are you guys like the religion that allows like suicide bombings and stuff like that?

00:55:44 --> 00:55:45

And what did I want to do to that guy?

00:55:50 --> 00:56:33

But I Subhanallah his reaction, you say Islam, and this is not something that is old, this is something new, right? That people they automatically associate Where did they get that misconception Association from? Where did they get it from? Dang, the media. Just pump it out, pump it out. They keep just pushing that so misconceptions. Now when you give dowa as the profits Allium, as Sam, you say, one of the frequent things that they would, that was used against them was the propaganda of labeling. It is taking something and putting a label on it and then just going around saying, everybody Hey, look, look at this crazy person. Call in nama interminable antamina mazarin. They

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said, you are one of those who does magic or you have magic placed on you. Or they'll say, cadet cadet will assure they will say he's a liar. So they stick a label on the person, someone and then the Prophet says, I'm a prophet from God, oh, you're the liar that they are talking about.

00:56:49 --> 00:56:52

That in comes right after this. Now,

00:56:53 --> 00:57:19

there's a fourth technique that the maillet use in order to keep people now I said that these are the techniques, how powerful are these techniques? How powerful are they? They work for anybody who's going to listen, I said that their techniques go as deep as the television set who doesn't have a television set in their home, you're talking about 99.9% of the people have it, who has access to putting stuff on that TV. It's not you.

00:57:20 --> 00:57:32

And it's not any ads. It's meta who gets access to programming. It's the meta. They're the grasshoppers who have access to those things, the fear, who has the ability to strike fear into an entire nation,

00:57:33 --> 00:58:13

the grasshoppers, the men that have that power, it's not in your hands. And just like the prophets are a Muslim before these techniques were used against them. It will continue to be used throughout, you know, you're talking about through human history as life as human beings. This is just part and parcel of human beings, that these techniques will continue to be used. There's a fourth technique, and that is ridiculing and mocking. As a technique of propaganda, ridiculing and mocking is a technique of propaganda. So if, for example, you come home, and let's say for example, a sister wears hijab, and a family in a family that doesn't wear hijab, what will they immediately do to her

00:58:13 --> 00:58:18

now that she's wearing Hijab? What will they do? They will apply one of the meta techniques.

00:58:19 --> 00:58:25

Do you agree? They will either scare her fear, you better not wear that we're gonna beat you.

00:58:26 --> 00:58:34

Or they will apply misconceptions. Don't you know that? You know, this was something invented by the Arab men to suppress the women.

00:58:36 --> 00:58:47

Or they will use ridicule. Correct? What kind of when a woman wears hijab? What do they say? What do they say? Oh, is that

00:58:48 --> 00:58:53

okay? So that's a good one. They'll say nobody's gonna marry you, which is fear. But then they'll say as well that

00:58:55 --> 00:59:08

now you're not pretty anymore. Or there's this misconception that goes around that women who wear hijab are not beautiful. Correct? And so I just need to make this statement here. And he said for all those brothers who are dumb

00:59:09 --> 00:59:23

who think that for some reason the kuffaar women are beautiful in the Muslim women who cover are not beautiful. Let me tell you that. I'm going to set the record straight here. Are you guys ready for this? Are you ready? So you forever not be dumb after this inshallah Tada, okay.

00:59:25 --> 00:59:29

Allah subhanho wa Taala ordain hijab to cover a woman's beauty.

00:59:31 --> 00:59:32

Da, right.

00:59:33 --> 00:59:37

So a man in his in his sefer

00:59:39 --> 00:59:44

he looks at a woman who's wearing Hijab and he says, I don't find her beautiful.

00:59:45 --> 00:59:46

Are you dumb?

00:59:47 --> 01:00:00

What is the purpose of the hijab? It is to protect the woman's beauty from being publicly displayed. And so if you've come to the conclusion, that this woman is not beautiful,

01:00:00 --> 01:00:02

All you have proven is that the hijab works

01:00:04 --> 01:00:29

and that her beauty is not outside and transparent. And then when you see a non Muslim woman, for example, who's showing everything out, the person's like, Oh, I want to marry her and then inshallah Tada, I'll get her to wear the hijab and do unto the opposite try to work backwards not following the commandments of Allah trying to work backwards. What happens if she's dressed up like that? When she comes home? Does she become more dressed up?

01:00:30 --> 01:00:35

Or does it something else happens? It's called metamorphosis.

01:00:37 --> 01:01:18

It's like butterfly going backwards, back to the caterpillar. Right? The hairspray comes out, you know, the makeup starts to run all of that stuff, it just it changes and so the person says, but but you're not the woman who is outside. And the beautiful thing for those brothers who are saying you know, they marry a Muslim woman and you know, maybe there's not this public display of beauty but the opposite happens. The caterpillar becomes a butterfly. And so and this beauty is Allah subhanaw taala made it protected it and it's for the family, this is the beauty inside the family. And this is how Allah subhanaw taala chose to protect the Muslim woman

01:01:22 --> 01:01:58

This is the issue of the meta and I spent a lot of time upon them. And and I wish inshallah tada that you will understand this concept so that in the future, you will start making this distinction is this person grasshopper? Is this person ant. Right? Is this mela? Or is this the other the word for ants that I've been using the answers my terminology this I just made up right now. The Arabic word is jumbo, Jumbo is the majority of the people you're talking about the majority of the people in Arabic jumhooree means like the majority. So you have the meta which are the aristocrats that run the show and then you have the Jim hood which is the the general people

01:01:59 --> 01:02:06

Allah subhanaw taala says in one of the verses on an AMA on leadin a stack motoman pony

01:02:07 --> 01:02:09

levena stole Barney Foley man

01:02:11 --> 01:02:12


01:02:16 --> 01:02:21

be born in Vienna

01:02:24 --> 01:02:27

on a novena stuck boat Oh,

01:02:29 --> 01:02:30

my God

01:02:31 --> 01:02:33

to be

01:02:36 --> 01:02:42

in this verse and I wanted to bring to you on this point. Unless pinata says columella that the mela

01:02:43 --> 01:03:22

alladhina stuk baru, those who are arrogant, okay. Their arrogance is something they put in the ingredient of arrogance. They're aristocrats. They're the grasshoppers they put in this arrogance and they said to livina stawberry food to those who are weak Neiman am and I mean whom because even the weak people not saying that the weak people all of them believe they've got their issues as well but they're just different issues. Right? They live in a super a fully man arm and I mean home to those who believed amongst the weak attalla Moana and masala hammer Salaam Nairobi Do you know that Salah is sent from from his Lord and the week people in the community of Carlo in Alabama or Sierra

01:03:22 --> 01:03:59

de Molino, they said that what we have believed in what Saul has brought Potter Lavina stuck burrow those who disbelieved aside those who had Kippur and were arrogant. And when you see in the Quran, this is kind of like a deep point. But when you see the word la Vina, it means that the statement that's about to come after is coming from this characteristic of kufr are coming from this characteristic of Cuba. So it's not that they believe in it. It's because of their arrogance that they're making the following statement. They said Carla Lavina stack burrow, doesn't say column stack neurone, it says caller levinas that burrow in Abdullah VM and from V calf Iran. They said

01:03:59 --> 01:04:02

that we disbelieve in what you have believed in,

01:04:03 --> 01:04:42

you will see that when all else fails, when they are not able to convince scare the people and they're not able to use misconceptions. They turn to violence, they turn to violence. They say something interesting, kind of like an upbringing, and all these mystery type of novels and shows and so on and so forth. They'll say whenever someone is killed, follow the money, follow the money and it will lead you to the killer. So all throughout, they're like okay, who got the insurance? You know, the insurance from this person? Where did the money go? And then they find someone who has a motive for killing the person. When the people believe in the profits, where does the money go? You

01:04:42 --> 01:04:48

could say and where does the control and influence go? It goes to a lion is messenger.

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And so according to the meta, it's going to leave them this is what they believe that if the people believed in sada if the people believed in the messengers

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It will leave the money and influence and power will leave them. So what they do

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is they kill the profits.

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That's what they do. Because it's an issue of money and influence, that in order to maintain position in order to stay as a grasshopper, they have to kill the profits. And so you will see prophet after prophet after Prophet, either they attempted to kill the prophets or indeed they killed the prophets or they had the intention. And you can go from La La senza de la escena eSATA a sin and you had musala Islam and around came to come to him sada la Sanam, as we saw here that they want to know, but you know, they were gonna kill him and his family, you had Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, how many times did they try to kill the profits that ally sent him and not only Quraysh in

01:05:48 --> 01:05:49

the Battle of better battle,

01:05:51 --> 01:06:15

you had the who'd who are in Medina, who, on three occasions tried to kill the profits that a lot is in him as well. And so this is what they resort to when nothing else works, and they can't hold and they're losing grip of control, then they follow the money and lead it to the killing of the messengers. Allah subhanaw taala says that they plotted Eliza says on

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Corona Corona, whom Allah

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Allah subhanaw taala says will Makoto mcra that they plotted a plot so when these prefer when the people of the moon when they were applauding to kill the camel, it wasn't some passing idea that they had wasn't some fleeting idea. They say, hey, let's go kill the camel. Okay, let's do it. They're plotting it. And even the killing of sada had a center. They're plotting and planning this killing. And so it is a plot it's like think tank sitting together, how can we kill sada? How can we kill this camera and so on. And Eliza just says Wilma Karna MACRA. And we plan the plot as well, that Eliza is planning something. Now what's the difference between their plot and Allah subhanaw

01:07:06 --> 01:07:06

taala is plan

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number one that Allah subhanaw taala knows what they're planning.

01:07:13 --> 01:07:34

Correct, that they're planning, but it's not in hidden unless manaton knows exactly what they're planning to do. And so you'll see even gibreel a synonym would come to the prophets and align them and say that they're planning such and such go tonight they're planning to do this go and so Allah Spano Tata tells the province of Atlantis and I'm what is the plot and

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this is the power of a larger jet. And so someone turn when they when they start feeling like what can we do, they're planning to go to all this money with you. There is a power above all power that they have any power that they have, there's a power above all of that. It's the power of Allah subhanaw taala to to look good in Allah subhana wa tada the plotting that Allah subhanaw taala the plans of Eliza it is there. And so the person they placed the trust in Allah, Spano, dada, and they do the commandments of Eliza, Eliza teaches

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the people of the mood, were sent guidance, but they disbelieved in the guidance. And so one of the things that we learn is that it is possible for people to receive the dour, yet close their eyes to the dollar. And so understanding that just because you're doing damage to someone, and they're not listening, or they're not becoming Muslim, or some and so on and so forth, does it mean that you're doing something wrong? The main thing that you're going to be questioned about and a lot of people ask this question, they'll say something like, Oh, you know, I have a brother who's you know, he's got a girlfriend now and, and you know, he's misguided and he's not coming. How do I turn him back

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to Allah? subhanaw taala? How do I flip his heart?

01:08:49 --> 01:09:04

And someone will say, Oh, you know what, we're such a good family. And you know, we all really put on signs. But we have this daughter, she's like, the, you know, she's the rebel of the family. She does all this time thing. She doesn't come home at night, you know, should we kick her out? Should we let her and how can we flip her heart?

01:09:05 --> 01:09:26

Can a human being flipped someone else's hearts? The answer is no. And so guidance, what you have in your power, is the ability to show people the way. That is what is in your ability to show people the way after that, whether they actually take that path or not, is not actually a sign of whether you did your job or not.

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Your job is to give the messages you see these profits, some of them are coming with only a few people, even though they gave dour for hundreds of years. On the Day of Resurrection, they're only gonna have a few people with them. Does that mean that they didn't do their message that Allah commanded them with? And of course not. They did the message and they fulfilled what a loss parents are required of them. And that is they gave the message of Allah subhanaw taala. So you're on let's say the subway or you're on a train, or you're on let's say here in Ottawa, you're on a bus, okay?

01:09:57 --> 01:10:00

And you're sitting beside someone, your little

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Talk about Islam and so on and so on, you're thinking yourself, should I invite them to Islam? And then shaytan comes into your mind and says, No, don't call them to Islam because if you call them, then they're not going to become Muslim. So don't even bother. How many people have heard that before?

01:10:18 --> 01:10:23

Raise your hand. If you've heard that. Don't bother. They wouldn't become Muslim if you tried that. Okay?

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And if you haven't raised your hand, do more Tao inshallah.

01:10:30 --> 01:11:09

Okay, make it a commitment to actually follow the footsteps of the prophets and call to Isaiah. Why shaytan would say this, saying that, Oh, don't bother. If you did that they wouldn't become Muslim Anyway, you respond to shape on and you say in your mind, Well, welcome shape, not saying welcome. But like you first recognize the shape Pons giving you an excuse to very brilliant excuse, but you say but 100 lab I was at this Paris nation lecture, Mohammed is shitty. And I learned that the mission of the prophets of which I'm following the footsteps is albula, which is to pass on the message. It is not in my hands to flip the hearts of the person that I'm talking to. So they'll say

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to the sister that like, why do you wear that thing on your head?

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And the sister says in response.

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In order to understand why I wear this thing on my head, called the hijab, you really need to understand Islam. Do you got five minutes? can I explain Islam to you? Because I'm sure I'd love to hear about it. So now notice, there's some critical out for anybody's working data. You have to understand what just took place right there. This person has a misconception. They the grasshoppers got to this person. They're running around wondering why Muslim women cover their heads. And even though it's snowing and they're covering their heads, do

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they wonder why she's covering her head? So he says, Why do you cover this? The typical Dahlia Dahlia will respond by saying, well, he jab is and they'll start going in this direction. At the end of the end of the bus ride, what happens to this guy, like thank you for sharing.

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And he lives. What happened there. She gets to go to her, sends her sister friends and tell them I was talking this guy on the bus. And he was asking about hijab and I told him what hijab was.

01:12:19 --> 01:12:20

Okay, whoopee.

01:12:21 --> 01:12:33

You told them what hijab was okay, but now What happened? What happened to this person? Nothing. So he got a little enlightenment of why a woman covers her hair. Okay, now,

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did you tell him to worship Allah?

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answer's no. Did you tell him what Islam was about? No, let's say best case scenario, that this person actually agreed that the hijab is something marvelous.

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Will that save the person from Hellfire?

01:12:52 --> 01:13:31

The answer is no. So when a person asks the question, Why do women wear hijab? And the woman responds by well, hijab is such a such and such and such the ultimate end? Basically, what's happening is, this guy is in the driver's seat. This sister is in the passenger seat, like in Saudi Arabia, for example. She's in the passenger seat, you're not driving, and he's taking her for a ride. And at the end of the ride, he'll ask her to step out. He's in charge. So what I told you to say, this is the response to someone says, Why do you wear hijab? And you're basically saying, may I have the keys to the car, please? Sister takes the keys and says, in order to understand why I'm

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covering my hair, you need to understand Islam.

01:13:36 --> 01:13:43

Do you got five minutes? And he says, Yes, of course. He's gonna listen. He's gonna say, No, I don't have time. I gotta go. If he was, you know, let him go.

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But at that point, the sister starts driving and that man gets into the passenger seat. Bernier Islam, Allah hums, Sha, Allah, Allah, Allah, you just go through what is Islam, and the person's like, That's amazing. I didn't know that you worship only one God, I love that. I only believe in one God. And now you're on a mission. And he doesn't even care about your hijab. If you didn't know, he doesn't. He didn't wake up this morning thinking, why are you wearing Hijab? He's just asking because it's a conversation thing. He doesn't care. And if he did here is just it's not like the biggest issue in his life. And so once you've explained hate on the issue of Islam, then you explain

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Well, why am I wearing Hijab based on my belief in Allah and His messenger? After the sister has done that? Then she concludes by saying, how would you like to become Muslim?

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People? Won't that scare him away? What if he doesn't become Muslim? Again, you say shavon Thank you Please sit back. We're doing so how the Bologna shaytaan regime invite the person how would you like to become Muslim? And the person will start smiling

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because they're flattered that you asked if you tried doing this before you've done dour, they will be flattered and they will say something like I'd love to

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become Muslim. Thank you for offering How do I become Muslim? And you're like Alhamdulillah who flipped the heart? Allah subhanaw taala flip the heart, not you, but you just put in your your your effort unless pilotage changes the hearts when someone comes up. You know there's after Salah right? And they were like brothers sisters, we have a Shahada. Here we have a shot. No, there's, there's a test of vacation that's about to happen. Someone's gonna come on and say their Shahada. So brother comes up from there. So they say their Shahada brother, how did you become Muslim? And this brother?

01:15:33 --> 01:15:35

I was walking in the park.

01:15:38 --> 01:15:46

I'm walking in the park. And I saw a Muslim woman wearing Hijab and I went up to her and I said, How do I become Muslim?

01:15:47 --> 01:15:53

Okay, that's one scenario. Brother, how did you become Muslim? Well, I was in the library.

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And, you know, I was going through the section of songs on I saw this book is towards understanding Islam.

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In the author passed away this panel, he's still doing dalla till today. And I took the book and I and I, the number one diary, the phone book.

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I looked up the masjid and I went to the Muslims. And I said, hey, how do I become Muslim? A third person, how did you become Muslim? I was so messed up in my life. This is a Sharia was mentioning is in California said I was so messed up in my life that I was about to this person is about to commit suicide. He said right before he's about to commit suicide. He said, God, guide me to the truth. And so he stepped out of his home, he saw a bird and he said that this bird knows creation from God, I'm gonna follow this bird. wherever it goes. He followed the bird. Bird went from tree to tree to tree. And then it went and landed on the message. He saw this beautiful message and he said, there must be

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something inside here. He went inside the masjid. And he told the people, you know, he saw they're so peaceful. They're praying and so it's like, I want to become Muslim. Brother. How did you how did you hear about Islam? little birdie told me about it.

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Now these stories, does it make you happy? Or does it make you sad?

01:17:08 --> 01:17:08

It makes me sad.

01:17:10 --> 01:17:47

Because if we're not going to give Dawa Ls panadol bring someone else. Bring a book in a library and bring the yellow pages or bring people walking in the streets. But Muslims are always closed lipped. Unless parents are protected. So I'm not saying that I'm any different. The lesson plans are protect us. All it takes is for just someone to just step out of the comfort zone. And just someone says Why are you wearing that hijab? And then you say, Well, do you have five minutes? Let me explain this time to you so you can understand why I'm wearing Hijab shirt. Please tell me you take control, invite the person to become Muslim. They say no, I would never become Muslim. kept them at some odo.

01:17:49 --> 01:18:01

You've passed the message in faith disbelief, not a first person to disbelieve, not the first person to say that this statement is a lie. And you're in good company. You're in the company of the prophets in sha Allah tala, you're following the footsteps?

01:18:05 --> 01:18:06

Allah subhanaw taala says what?

01:18:09 --> 01:18:12

Nina whom? Does the hub balama Allah.

01:18:14 --> 01:18:48

Allah subhanaw taala says And as for the mood to have a now home? So we guided them? Was the mood guided? And the answer is yes. Because Sala was sent to them and told them the message. Well, I met the model for her Dana home. First the hub bulama alhuda. And so they loved and preferred blindness over guidance. So alesse runs out of the opposite of the guidance is honor, it is blindness, they close their eyes, they close their hearts, close their ears, everything is shut down all the faculties that are less putana gave to them, they close it.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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we have to realize that when Eliza Jen sends these signs, and these destructions of these nations,

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a lot of people go and visit these places as a form of tourism. And I think we mentioned that a little bit about AD, but specifically about the mood. The Prophet said a lot of a sudden was was was once passing through muda inside in that area, and the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam they they camped, and then the Prophet civilize them asked them what area this was. And they said, this is like the place of the mood, the dwellings of the mood. And so the prophets have a license and told the companions of the Lahore I know, to get up, and they actually had tea, there was some wells there that had water and the province civilized, and I'm told them to dump it. And they left that

01:19:39 --> 01:19:50

area. And the profits are the lightest and indifferent same as the profits of a lioness. And I'm said that, that a person should never enter these areas, except in a state of crying,

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except in a state of crying. Because this is the place where less than $1 destroyed a nation and so the profits that align a sentiment

01:20:00 --> 01:20:20

Today the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, he told us to the companions why he made them dump the water it made them leave. He said in the Akasha and you'll see become mithila asaba home filleted hawala him. He said, I fear that you I fear that what happened to them will happen to you

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when you enter these dwellings and if it's not in a state of crying, that there's a fear that this person is taking the punishment of Allah subhanaw taala, almost like mockery, they're like, oh, wow, cool. Look at these, you know, things in the mountain. This is where a lot of 100 destroyed the people. He annihilated them and made them an example to the Day of Judgment. And so the person is crying, looking at their own sins, looking at their own transgression against Allah subhana wa tada

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when these signs come from Allah subhanho wa Taala realize that they are not there. They are not there for for someone just to be you know, like Discovery Channel, everybody who says that TV is excellent. Because of Discovery Channel. Because of Discovery Channel, they discover many other things. Okay, but because it did what is on Discovery Channel. Oh, we get to see lightning shows, like the lightning bolts. When there's a lightning storm. You're inside a building so you don't get scared, right? There's like, Oh, cool.

01:21:25 --> 01:22:01

Pull city is this is lit up with a lightning bolt. You're like, Wow, that's so cool. So this is like so cool. Is that the reaction that a believer should have? Or when they see the signs of Allah subhanaw taala what should come on their hearts, they should fear Allah subhanaw taala. And they should recognize the power of Allah Spano tada that this power of Eliza can easily returned and destroy the people. There was one time where I was because a lot of these lightning storms they happen and you're inside a building. There was one time I was on open soccer field football field. And

01:22:03 --> 01:22:41

I said you know, it's muffled of time and I need to pray over it. And so I said, I pray on this open field. And so but there was a lightning storm coming behind me. And you know what they say when there's a lightning storm, like get down on the ground or something. Don't be like the tallest thing and an open field. I was the tallest thing in the open field. Okay, and there's a lightning storm right behind me. I said how quickly can uncover the sky? Like inshallah tada supreme McGibbon, then I'll go. And Subhanallah those black clouds came. I think I was like, one rock and a half. And I was covered by all the black clouds, meaning just in those few moments, the clouds covered the whole

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sky. All black, and I could hear the lightning bolts.

01:22:46 --> 01:22:48

And I'm not in under shelter.

01:22:49 --> 01:23:27

And Subhanallah I was like, should I break my silico brain the cars on the line? Because you talk like you when you see lightning, a lot of the lightning that you hear is because it's outside of the city. But when there's a lightning bolt that strikes right above you, you get a little glimpse of the power of Allah subhana wa tada at at upfront front row seats of the power of Allah subhanaw taala. And then you start to be a little bit more afraid. These these things. Just a few days ago, there was an eclipse, a lunar eclipse. What do people do when they see a lunar eclipse milas Montauk project they're like, Oh, cool. Look, a lunar eclipse. Allah subhanaw taala took away the light of

01:23:27 --> 01:23:49

the moon. And everybody's like, Oh, this is their on on some cruise looking at the moon and with their binoculars and so on saying Oh, isn't this interesting? Instead of taking heed that alesse had the power of a las panatela to do this has the power to destroy us or to bring us to prosperity depending on how we are thankful to Allah subhana wa tada for his gifts or not.

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Allah subhanaw taala says in morosini kataifi nutana home for a boom was still there. Allah subhanaw taala knows the mood is going to disbelieve in the naffaa subhanho wa Taala Elijah sent them to Napa this the she camel now that the law as a test against the mood.

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And the last panel data set decider had a system that we're sending this now called fitness alarm, it's going to be a fitness is going to be a test for them for home. So watch what they're going to do. They said that if we see a sign and we're gonna believe, and when they saw the sign, they disbelieved.

01:24:29 --> 01:24:34

Allah subhanaw taala says was published. Now Allah subhanaw taala didn't say it was better,

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he said was Tibet. And we spoke in the in the other depths about the shedder right had dubba cassava, the intensity of despair of claiming this to be a lie. And this was stubborn means that sort of had a synonym is going to not only be patient with they have to insist on being patient, because this is a long journey, and there's a lot of effort that's going to be needed in this

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journey. And so it's not just somebody that the person needs, it needs the

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was stubborn the person has to win that support runs out, they got to put more in suburbs in go and refill with their suburbs. In conclusion, inshallah tada

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I wanted to tell you the story about abora han abodo Ha, ha Bora Han, when Allah subhanaw taala destroyed the people of the mood. It is said that a Buddha was a person from the people of the mood and he's buried outside of Mecca. And there's different stories of his grave because the Arabs stoned his grave like any art even when I was reading about America, I just felt like I wonder where his grave is so I can go and stone it.

01:25:45 --> 01:25:48

Like throughout time the Arabs have always hated this person.

01:25:50 --> 01:26:27

It is said that approval was from the people of the mood and when Allah subhanaw taala destroyed the people of the mood that he was actually in in the car bottom area. And so let's find out didn't send this punishment down inside the Harlem area when he stepped out of the Harlem area last panda destroyed him. And he was buried outside of the Harlem area and the Arabs forever stone him that's a bit of a there's actually another story there's a couple of reasons. stories about him his grave Why do people stone him and this is the one that you probably heard before. A Buddha Hall when abraha when Abraham yakata homeaway Rahim Allah is a great scholar of Islam and he explained a bit of I

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said out of the different stories about Aberavon. This is the one that's the most accurate a Buddha Hall is the person who went up rock came with the elephant. He didn't know where the cowboy was. And so he you know, he destroyed this tribe, you know, the tribe would sell sell it out and say, Hey, let me show you where the cabin is. So you can destroy it. No, Ira would do that. And so abraha found this person about 100 he hooked up with Abraham and he says I'll show you where the cabinet is. What do we call this type of person?

01:27:01 --> 01:27:02

a sellout

01:27:04 --> 01:27:10

economist sell a jet in order to sell out his person comes on TV Oh kuffaar Let me tell you about the Muslims

01:27:11 --> 01:27:32

and then they're like the Muslims do this the Muslims do that the Muslims do this man and you're familiar with this correct? People come on TV. And like they're they're condemning them they're saying that they're Muslim then they're condemning other Muslims on TV. They're like this they're like this you can fire should be afraid. Fear. I agree with you because all Muslims are dumb and crazy. And all of a sudden, I'm like, aren't you supposed to be Muslim? They're like, Yeah, well, I'm this type of Muslim.

01:27:35 --> 01:27:36

It's good if the recording cuts off.

01:27:37 --> 01:27:38

Okay, so

01:27:40 --> 01:28:17

a Buddha Han he sold out. And he showed abre how, where the where the Cabo was, and when alesse found out destroyed Abra Abra Hall was destroyed as well. And so he was forever known the Arabs always said this is a person who sold out he sold out and showed him where the Cabo was for all time because he was seeking honor and nobility through teaming up with Abra Abra has the one with the elephant and I'm tired okay for fall out of Bucharest hobbit fear because he sold out his his his people to join forces with the kuffaar that forever he will be humiliated

01:28:19 --> 01:28:39

and it's interesting that when Muslims do this when they go out and they say oh, you know what Muslims are like this This and that. The communities just totally cut them off. Correct. And this person is always known as the person who sold out they're always known by that my last point I forgive them hopefully they'll detail but to a larger debt, but they always have this with them. That they will always be like that.

01:28:40 --> 01:28:44

Two minutes left. Okay, the Two Minute Warning inshallah Tada. Everybody's like Hamdulillah, only two minutes left.

01:28:48 --> 01:29:10

All right, what would have saved the mood? What would have saved the mood as a lesson for all of us? What would save us we said, Barbara de la medical Manila and Vita worship Allah azza wa jal to the commandments of Allah subhanaw taala as the Pillars of Islam, the commandments have a lasting way for the forbidden will protect you and save you. Secondly, is Safar is asking less Pandit Allah for forgiveness.

01:29:15 --> 01:29:52

I saw the Halle center such as people nimitta star g Luna misia t hobnail, hasin at Lola cellfood en la la la quinta Harman. He said if only you ask Allah forgiveness so that you would receive the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so if a person does that if they seek the forgiveness of a larger, they're worshipping Allah and when they disobey Allah, they asked for forgiveness, Allah subhanaw taala would show them His mercy. And the last but not least, is thanking Allah subhanaw taala for his blessings. When you turn in thankfulness to Allah spawn Tada. Ola, thank you for fetcher. Thank you for the thank you for awesome thank you for motive. Thank you for Ayesha, thank

01:29:52 --> 01:29:59

you for being allowing me to be a Muslim hamdulillah the farmer now sakana Jana, animus, all of these things your whole life is a life of hand

01:30:00 --> 01:30:13

To Allah subhanho wa Taala This is your Savior and production. salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Alright, so we're done inshallah tada for tonight next week, inshallah tada we will be doing comi loot the people of loot.

01:30:14 --> 01:30:54

These lectures as you can see, it's being video recorded it's going to be on online. So if you have a friend or some family members who didn't see it inshallah, tada they can benefit from it. If you go this is the website if you want to write down the website, and even if you're not going to these videos, but you can other stuff that I have inshallah tada The website is called success in The website is success in success su cc e s s, py n, Islam is inshallah tada there's a mailing list join the mailing list, you'll get the videos inshallah tada and many many other things there's so

01:30:57 --> 01:31:39

just summarizing what happened side had a Sam came to these people told them to worship Allah subhana wa tada told them to remember Allah pinatas blessings upon them, which as we said, is a critical point of the Tao of all messengers. The Tao of any day is to remind people to remember Allah is blessing upon them. Otherwise it will be taken away from them. Because what they have is not from their own hands. It is from Allah subhana wa Tada. And so it is it behooves the person to thank Allah subhanaw taala for the gift before Allah subhanaw taala takes it away from them. And so sort of had a Sam would call them to a larger agenda and argue with them and debate with them. And

01:31:39 --> 01:31:48

so they became fed up. And so one day what they said, decided how they said and they said, you see this mountain, we want you to

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carve a camel out of the mountain alive camel, not a castle on a castle, we want you to carve a she camel out of the mountain that is alive and is pregnant.

01:32:06 --> 01:32:14

And it's a huge why they they described it has to be a camera like this a camera like this camera like this camera like this. And so so I had a Sam said, if

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this if if I make dua to Allah, Allah and he blesses you with this sign, will you believe will you believe and they promise and they said yes bring it obviously it's a mockery that they're you know, and what the true intentions are la Island and so side Halle is Sam he prayed to Allah subhanaw taala asked Eliza gel to show them the sign and so called from the mountain. Allah subhanaw taala brought forth a she camel, Nakata law. They see camel of Allah subhanaw taala. When you say something like Baitullah, the house of Allah, what are we talking about? the Kaaba. When you say keytab Allah, the Book of Allah, what are we talking about? The Quran and so again and again

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throughout the Quran, Allah Subhana data calls this camel, Nakata Allah, the camel of Allah subhana wa Tada. This is the sign that SATA hallasan M was given to show to the people and so some of the people believed in sila has the Quran does mention that there were people from the people of the moon who did believe in sada and he sent them but the majority of them they disbelieved in Salah, even though the camel had been brought. And so the condition was that the camel was not to be harmed in any way that this is not for the law and that they should not harm the camera, and that the camera would drink one day from the water and they would drink the other day. This is such an

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enormous camel and such a sign from Allah Subhana Allah sent his slave who the * is a non profit who would listen to them tonight inshallah tada we're going to speak about the mood of whom Allah subhanaw taala sent his slave sada alayhis salaam Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, O Allah azza wa jal tells us in suta to shrimps get them outta Hua

01:34:20 --> 01:34:26

Falco, Nana who masuku la Hina patola he wants to clean

01:34:27 --> 01:34:32

the cat Zaboo foreign car Oh Ha. them.

01:34:34 --> 01:34:34


01:34:36 --> 01:34:37

Boo him first.

01:34:39 --> 01:34:46

wanna fall for Oba This is a surah that many of us have memorized.

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And as a young child throughout your whole life, you will be reading about the example of the mood. The mood will be taqwa Allah subhanho wa Taala sent to them.

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Allah, Allah has sent him.

01:35:02 --> 01:35:53

The people of the mood they live they were Arabs, they were Arabs and they lived actually near to to book if you're familiar with like the hijas area, you have Medina, north from Medina is seven hours north by car is to book and in that area is in the area where the mood used to live. And that area till today is called and known as muda and sila. It's known as muda. And thought sila, meaning the dwellings of sod. And so these people have the mood. What they used to do is they used to carve homes out of the mountains. And we spoke last week about the people of Petra albatross, which is in Jordan, and we said that the mood was actually an offshoot of those people. Right, and those people

01:35:53 --> 01:36:37

that and Petra, for those who have been to Petra, you'll notice that they they've build castles into the mountains, a castle by even today's standard. If you saw a castle like this today, you would say what an amazing castle. And these are castles that were built 1000s and 1000s of years ago, and they're carved from the mountain. They're carved from the mountain. The people of the mood were like this, this is what they did is the Prophet Alayhi Salaam, Allah subhanaw taala says, What 10 hits you in a minute, he barely blew 10 meaning he said a new car from the mountains blew 10 homes and in in full of safety. Now when you think about it, right? When you build a house, you build a house of

01:36:37 --> 01:36:47

wood it can burn down, you build a house of you know, you name all these different things. How can you destroy a mountain? How can you destroy a mountain?

01:36:49 --> 01:37:32

And so the people of the mood, their skill was that they would build homes into the mountain. Right? And it's not just a cave, it's not a cave. It's an actual like castle that's built into the mountains. Last week, there's a question and one of the brothers mentioned. And I told them remind me so we'll bring it up in this weekend in Charlotte this week in Charlotte Allah as well. And that is we're talking about the lessons of how people were destroyed. Correct. So the question might come, well, how is a nation saved? How is a nation save? What does a nation have to do in order to be protected from the anger of Allah subhanaw taala in order to win LS monetize love? And the

01:37:32 --> 01:37:44

answers from Han Allah is so simple. It's so simple. Allah subhanaw taala says, well, Isla thermotoga ha ha, ha kanaya con

01:37:45 --> 01:37:45


01:37:47 --> 01:38:35

isla in Ohio. That's that's the answer. If you go back to the beginning of all these stories, the message that perhaps gets lost as we're explaining it, is the secret to their salvation. It's a secret to how they could have prospered how they could have became such an amazing nation. As the unsolved were correct. What did the unsolved do differently than the other IRA? What did they do differently? They believed in Allah subhanaw taala and the worship that lies alone, and what did the people of the mood do wrong? Step number one, they worshipped other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so what they did is they, they attribute it all these gifts of Allah subhanho wa Taala, to their

01:38:35 --> 01:39:17

idols, to their idols. And so just like the people of Eid were worshipers of idols. Same were the people of the mood worshipers of idols. We said about it, that they were extremely intelligent and extremely skillful, yet shavon was able to deceive them when it came to their connection between them and Allah subhanaw taala. And similarly, the people of the mood, were they intelligence in the dunya sense they were intelligent, right, they had their fancy degrees in their Well, you know, their PhDs in this and carving and mountains. They're obviously extremely successful in their intelligence and their skill. But when it came to Allah subhana wa Tada, they were the most ignorant

01:39:17 --> 01:39:20

of creation. They were the most ignorant of creation.

01:39:21 --> 01:40:00

When Allah subhanho wa Taala sent sila Harrison and as we said that these lectures were not necessarily focusing on the stories of the profits. But what we're instead focusing on is the guidance that Allah subhanaw taala tells us about these nations and what led them to the destruction. This is what their focus is on. But it would drink the water of the entire people of the moon. And it had its whole day for drinking. And the day when they weren't drinking from the water. They were actually drinking from the milk of this camel, enough milk to give to the entire tribe of the moon. And how many

01:40:00 --> 01:40:13

People were speaking about this is the tribe with the mood and this is not the law. It was pregnant. The camel it's a she camel and it was pregnant and it gave birth to its sfrc Allah gave birth to its baby she camel

01:40:15 --> 01:40:22

and the story continues. This situation with the people of mood. What I'm going to do is explain to you

01:40:23 --> 01:41:10

the different things about the mood. In the beginning of the Dow aside I had a Sam says to the people of the mood, Jaco Marabou de la medical Manila and Pyro worship Allah you have no no god except Allah. You have nothing to worship except Allah subhana wa Tada. And then slaughter Holly is Sam reminds them of a lesson 100 that is blessing upon them, that perhaps they would be thankful to Allah azza wa jal, indeed, in their deeds that they would say some kind of this gift is from Allah Spano Dada, let us worship Eliza Jen sada had a Sam says to them as recorded in the Quran, who shall camino de la was star a Moroccan fee ha, who unshare communal or was dharmaraj comfy ha, sorry,

01:41:10 --> 01:41:16

Holly Sam is saying that he's produced you from the earth and settled you there in.

01:41:18 --> 01:41:48

And in the other verse with 10, hydronium energy Valley built in Armenian, as we said, and you car from the mountains, butan ammini in these mountains. Now these muda and sila and if you look at Petra, their construction of these castles is so strong that till today, you can go to Petra, you can go to muda and sila and it's still there. We talked about Allah Harlem, how long it was, maybe, you know, at least 2000 years. It's still there, these structures.

01:41:49 --> 01:41:56

Now, I want you to understand this concept. I call it overcompensation. overcompensation.

01:41:58 --> 01:42:23

Where there's this excessiveness in materialism, if you were to go to the shoe rack, you will go to the shoe rack and I know some of you can actually try this. You go to the shoe rack after the lecture. And you see and this usually is sometimes the sister shoe rack for some reason. Maybe the brothers too a little bit. But there's one shoe two shoes that are beside each other. One of them has a high heel

01:42:25 --> 01:42:35

and the heel is you talk about like 12 inches high. Right? They call them platform shoes. The person is actually standing on a platform every time

01:42:45 --> 01:43:17

in Al Hamdulillah do some Hannah Hannah sarina wanna stop federal when I wrote the villa him in Shoreham fusina woman say Tiana Lena Mayor de la huhtala Fela mobile Allah wanting your little fella howdy Allah, wa shadow Allah, Allah illallah wa ala sharika Allah wa shadow Anna Mohammedan Abdul hora sudo another tonight inshallah Tada. We speak about a nation. This nation has in perished, the nation of Houston, Texas.

01:43:18 --> 01:43:30

And we're once they're in the museum in Houston near like NASA and so on. And there is in the museum as you're walking through the museum museum. There's this

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sound in the museum. And people from Houston are gonna listen to this. And that's how they probably know what I'm talking about. This museum has a section to it that is related to oil. And related to if you think about it, how does someone dig into the sea? Right? How does someone you don't see scuba divers with shovels and going like this, that's not how they dig into the sea. And as you're walking

01:43:57 --> 01:44:02

the sound, you hear it again. So I'm walking through the dark section. And then I hear this

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and the glass even is shaking, I turned around, and there is an exhibit that is full of water.

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And what is uh, what the exhibit is explaining is how they dig under the ground.

01:44:21 --> 01:45:00

What do they use to dig under the ground. They use sound waves. They use sound waves, and my technical language might not be perfect, exactly. But basically what happens is what they're explaining and what's shaking the museum is just a little bit of the power of the sound that goes into the ground. And they are able to dig very deep into the sea because of the sound that moves forward. And so it's an example of the power that Allah subhana wa tada placed, even in the sound and the sound because in the wind, the air all of these things the sound itself, the sound has

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The power to destroy all of us. It can destroy it just like an airplane will fly at a very low level the extreme sound will smash all the windows correct, intensified the sound and it would destroy you. It would destroy you just from the sound

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and that's where we begin today inshallah Tada, this

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tonight inshallah tada we are going to be speaking about the people of the mood, the people of the mood last week, we spoke about the people of God, whom Allah subhanaw taala

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