Muhammad Al Bizry – Ramadaan Revelations #5 Linguistic meaning of Quran

Muhammad Al Bizry
AI: Summary © The story of Islam is discussed, including the use of authentic narratives and stories. Small daily habits and the importance of knowing to pursue knowledge are emphasized. The use of "ivGeneration" in Arabic and its various components, including the use of "iv teach" in context of a book or title, are also discussed. The title of the book is discussed as potential for future lessons.
AI: Transcript ©
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lovable bad? Abba ubelong Sorry, Radovan who the great companion, once left and Medina to go to Egypt in order to seek knowledge. Now some of you will be thinking, okay, that's something a lot of these are lifted. Firstly, how many of us are willing to go to Egypt and another country in order to seek knowledge? But what's remarkable the story is that he didn't go to seek knowledge as a whole he went in order to search for one Hadith Allahu Akbar, he sacrificed his time, his money, his family, and went all the way to Egypt in order to seek one Hadith. What's even more remarkable in this story is Abdullah Oberland sorry, already knew this hadith. In other words, he's traveling distant lands

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to search for one Hadith if that's not amazing enough, this is a Hadith he already knew. Now, why is he doing that? As the narration mentions located peppered with the Akkad so he can verify what he had? Did he have to travel? No, it doesn't have to, you could have written a letter to someone and say Look, can you verify this hadith it's authentic or not. Right? So we would have done put a message on WhatsApp right? Okay, can you check this shirt? Can you check this hadith is authentic? Hamdulillah. But no, he wants to verify with himself because this is the dean of Allah. This is knowledge of Allah he doesn't want to muck around with it's not a game. It's not a toy. Right? This

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is how much the sell off and the price predecessor sacrifice for knowledge. What's even more remarkable Subhanallah after he found that was this hadith authentic or not? He realized what he had was authentic. It was authentic. Did he say oh my god, bro, what a waste of time. You know, I've traveled all this when was authentic? What a waste of Nanana. He said Al Hamdulillah. What I have from Rasulullah Ali Salaam is authentic. And what did he do after this? If this story doesn't get better and better?

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Does he go sightseeing? So we would have done go see the Nile River, go to the pyramids and even the scholar said is that permissible or not? Right? Go to frown curse him a little bit more. No sightseeing for about a Oberland sorry. He leaves Egypt and go straight back to El Medina. He doesn't want anything to get in the way between him and his intention of seeking knowledge Allahu Akbar, even though so I think is allowed as long as what you're seeing and the place you're going to do something which is permissible. He doesn't go anywhere. He goes straight to Egypt, and straight back Allahu Akbar. This is the sacrifice of the companions and the pious predecessors, and that's

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why I have trouble but daddy Rahim Allah He authored a book, entitled under Hala, fatale will Hadith, which is commonly translated as the journey and seeking Hadith or knowledge. But what he meant was the journey in seeking one Hadith. This is an illustrious compilation of authentic narrations and stories of the pious predecessors who traveled distant lands, not to seek knowledge, to seek one piece of knowledge. That was it. That's what this whole book is about. It's just authentic narrations of those who traveled in order to seek one Hadith, or one ayah Allahu Akbar. So why am I starting Quranic sciences with this?

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It's because we need to sacrifice for knowledge. And when you mentioned the stories of the pious predecessors in the companions, and motivates us, and motivates us to seek more, and they also said that if you were to if you were to give knowledge or all, it gives you back a little bit. And we know this to be true. How many lessons Jota the rose lectures Mahabharat? Have we heard? Yet? How many have we retained and remembered? In fact, how many how much have we implemented? And that's why they said, if you were to give knowledge all give you back a little bit. So imagine when we're giving knowledge a little bit, right a little bit, what are we going to get? And you remember

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Ramadan revelations, we talked about Huseynov habits. And it's not about doing earth shattering changes in your life, to start making your life better. That's not how you transform your life. But rather, it's about small daily habits on a consistent basis. That is it. So you know, daily, I want to sacrifice just 1015 minutes a day, to seek knowledge, for instance. And over one year, as we said, if you were to change 1% of your day, for an entire year, in one year's time, you will be 37 times better than the way you were when you started. So about doing the small habits in solitary and as the days in Ramadan go by perhaps that motivation is dying out. And therefore I thought I'd start

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with this to inshallah increase that motivation. And the way we do that is by learning about how the Companions sacrifice for knowledge. So a normal Quran, the scholars whenever they would get into a topic that will define its terms first. So, we're going to start with what does the word could and mean? Now from an Islamic perspective, we know the Islamic definition is the revelation sent by Gibreel to Mohammed Salah Salem and it's from certain Fatiha to Surah NAS for instance, right we know what could n is, but from a linguistic perspective, it has two meanings among many that we're going to focus on tonight. And that is it comes from the Arabic word

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Hara, which of course we all know means to recite.

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Recite for the profile of Switzerland read for us, and it all

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comes from the word poor and poor in Arabic means a compilation

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something which is compiled something which encompasses. So therefore in summary the word Quran is a re citation

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and a compilation.

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Therefore, when it was first revealed, Allah azza wa jal intended for it to be in a book later on to be compiled, you see, so we know Yes, Quran from Accra And subhanAllah. The first word revealed, the first word revealed was an indication was going to be called Miracle. But look at other books of Revelation, the first word wasn't revealed. First word revealed in the Bible wasn't Bible,

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or any any derivative of that word, the first word of the Torah was, you know, that they have today, the corrupted version wasn't a word that is connected to Torah but Subhanallah the first word revealed from the Quran was Accra, Quran ACARA Quran you say it's, it's a derivative of the word, Quran. And Kuru the word core means compilation. And that's why the word for town or city in Arabic is Korea. Korea, Korea is a town because it's something which has been compiled, you could say, or it encompasses many things in a town. It's a compilation or it's encompassed houses, is encompassed apartments, streets, shops, marketplaces, parks, etc. And that's where the word Korea come from,

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from Korea. And therefore in Arabic remember this rule. Big words come from small words. Larger words are derived from smaller words. And that's the beauty of Arabic You don't have for instance, words just being made up. Right? They just made up for a reason. So you have the word bait. Bait in Arabic From better and better in Arabic means to spend the night in to spend the night somewhere you say BAFTA or Roger Phil Masjid he spent the night in the masjid and that teaches you your house is a tight is a place we spend the night it teaches you add up Subhanallah so even the word bait is teaching you manners on having etiquette in other words staying in the home not spending it out in

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clubs and pubs and doing drugs and out with the boys late at night. No no no. And that's why somehow even the words in Arabic teacher person manners and other word is and Holla Holla Holla is used for the bathroom. And that comes from holier or Al Khalifa I should say hello and hello in Arabic. Hala means to be you could say empty or empty form. So a halwa is seclusion right there's no one around empty just just you that's why the bathroom is a place and toilet is a place where students like how they have public urinals and once again even the words in Arabic teach us how to have etiquette and manners even while relieving ourselves Hola Hola, quote an amazing language indeed.

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And this is where we're going to and this is this is the mind blur right here. Now any language, any language has four components to it has four skill sets, even in English for instance, they teach you

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They teach you reading,

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and speaking

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all languages have these four skill components and depending how well you master all of those, okay? And you have comprehension understanding.

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Right every language have those four skills, even Arabic. Now let's look at the Quran. How relates to these four skills? Is the Quran something you can listen to 100% Is it something that is read and recited no doubt, is the Quran written 100% It is in the book form it's compiled is something that you speak, recite and say, of course it is. So you see, the Quran covers all four skill components, Allah azza wa jal has left nothing else in order to maximize our comprehension and understanding of the Quran. Allah as well wants us to understand the Quran. And that's what we're doing these lessons. We said how can a person guide you if you don't understand them? So if we really want to

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understand if we really want guidance from the Quran, and we'll all do it for where he then are we doing what we have to to understand it. And so therefore, Allah azza wa jal does this why to have maximum impact Allah as receiving nothing out to ensure we comprehend and understand the Quran to its fullest. Once again, other religions don't have these other religions don't have books necessarily that are recited like we have in the Salah as an act of worship, once again showing us that the Quran is the miracle of miracles we ask Allah azza wa jal to grant us a deeper understanding of his words, continuing tomorrow with Ramadan Revelations we continue with tafsir

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insha Allah and then the day after will continue with definitions. And we'll look at the word Aya and Surah. A it doesn't mean verse Surah doesn't mean chapter

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Stay tuned for that more on Thursday insha Allah wa salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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