Mufti Menk – Why should I seek forgiveness in such times

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of forgiveness and the need for people to pray for forgiveness and use their power to make positive changes. They stress the importance of staying at home during lockdowns and not leaving one's home if faced with negative consequences. The speakers also emphasize the importance of not losing faith in Islam and not overdoing it, and stress the need to practice and practice with others. There is mention of upcoming online lessons on healthy eating and taking care of oneself and others.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. While he was happy, I mean, my brothers and sisters, today is Monday the 23rd of March 2020. The time is approximately 10:30pm here in Zimbabwe. I just want to draw your attention to something amazing and that is the benefit of seeking the forgiveness of Allah during times of this nature.

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People might say why should I seek the forgiveness of Allah? Is it a punishment? Well, I want to tell you, even if it were, even if it were, Allah says in the Quran, what kind of love and why. bajo Varun Allah will not punish them while they are seeking forgiveness. So if you are seeking forgiveness, the punishment will not come. And if you think there was punishment, when a person begins to seek forgiveness, it is converted into a blessing of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Like I said earlier, it's wrong for us to say something is a punishment or not, when we cannot know except through revelation if something was definitely a punishment, but a simple test is anything that

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brings you closer to Allah is not a punishment and anything that has distanced you from Allah makes you upset an angry question Allah, that may well just be a punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Similarly, whenever a calamity happens, ask yourself, Am I involved in sin? Am I involved in that? Which is immoral? unacceptable? Am I involved in that? Which is, you know, why you served the wealth of others? Am I doing that which is unacceptable? Am I abandoning my prayers? Am I doing something that would be displeasing to Allah, you just ask yourself those questions, there's no harm. In fact, there can only be benefit. And we need to turn to Allah. Really, we need to pray to Allah subhanho

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wa Taala. Imagine

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people did not use to go to the machine. Now when the machines in many places are minimizing and actually suspending congregational activities. People are up in arms, but you are the same people who never came to the machine and today you're up in arms. I pray that that is life changing in the sense that we realize the value of the masjid so that once this temporary measure is lifted, we will be flocking to the masjid and we will be cherishing the favor of Allah that we have these massages, I repeat those who have become passionate about this, you know, this issue, and they are so upset sometimes sometimes they are the ones who are guilty of not ever making use of the machine in the

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correct way. Look at Salatu ledger we have a few people look at vorher we only have a few look at acid we have very few Muslim in Asia in some places a little bit better. But my brothers and sisters we can do much better when it comes to praying to Allah subhanho wa Taala you know, people abandoned the modest dress and what happened.

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They became from among those who perhaps in some places were banned from some of it.

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We don't want that to happen my brothers and sisters to us. We don't want to realize when it's too late to the value of something it happens even in marriage. A person does not appreciate his or her spouse. And once the divorce happens then they say to themselves, you know what, oh, I just lost a good person, but that regret came too late, too late. Let's learn to really appreciate the favors of Allah upon us seek the forgiveness of Allah. You know, every time people sought the forgiveness of Allah in any difficulty relief came, it definitely came listen to what Prophet Noah told his people go to Stubblefield orapa come into Canada fara you'll see this summer la comida I told my people

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seek the forgiveness of Allah He is most forgiving. He will send for you, the rains and the relief that you are so yearning for that you need, he will send a lot of it in abundance. We need relief. We turn to Allah. We promised to change our ways and habits we promise to become better people. We promised to be people who not only fulfill their duty unto Allah, but who reach out to others and their other creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala at times like these, remember to spend in the cause of Allah. You know, if you want to help of Allah help someone else, and Allah will help you may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us ease. I thought I just make a short video, and I will be making

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short videos in the next few days. And inshallah, let's hope that we can continue doing this. My brothers and sisters, the good news is that very few people would actually die of this particular virus but because we care for the elderly, and because we care for those who are perhaps somehow compromised in their immune system. Those who have other challenges, underlying issues, health matters, because we care for those. That is why we're so passionate about this issue. take things seriously. If you're on lockdown, take it very seriously, even if you're not on lockdown.

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My advice, stay at home because you know what? We have the guidance of the prophet SAW Selim, he says when you hear of a play, stay in your house. This is actually a narration of him. I've been humbled. Don't leave your house.

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So how Allah Subhana Allah, it's amazing advice and one narration and the common one speaks about the place the place meaning, don't leave the place where the plague is and don't enter the place where the plague is if you were out. But if you look at the prophets of Salaam time, the houses with the whole house was just two meters by three and so on. The whole of Medina was not even the size of what Masjid nabawi is today. So Bucky was just outside of Medina outside of the city. And so kinda like what we have today the place of he was also outside of the city. So these were different places. I'd like to think you know what, within your sub within your own home, depending on the

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restrictions placed on you remember, I would not want to come out of my home unnecessarily I have stayed at home I haven't gone for Salah I haven't gone out except for dire dire necessity and that too, with a lot of

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precautions being taken with my face covered, you know and everything happening. If I don't need to come out of my vehicle I won't and so on. Brothers and sisters, that is our duty, the duty that Allah has placed on our shoulders, take it seriously.

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nobody's saying abandon Salah In fact, become Salah, meaning prayer, become more regular with your prayer to Allah subhanho wa Taala What did I say we need to cry? We need to cry about our sins. And we need to think about them. What did we do? What have we done? If we've done something this is the time to turn to Allah. And if we don't know what we've done, still seek the forgiveness of Allah. Allah, Allah Allah, the prophet SAW, Selim used to say I seek forgiveness for that which I don't even know. We need that much more. My brothers and sisters, this is a good call. It's a serious thing. And no need to be depressed about isolation sometimes, or depressed about quarantine, in

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certain instances depressed about being on lockdown. in certain instances, we're in it together, human beings are in this together. And we as Muslim men have an added advantage where we've got so much to do that seclusion. Remember Musa alayhis salam was placed in a small box. Imagine a little baby in a box. But that was how he was ultimately saved by the help of Allah. And the same happens to the people of the cave in seclusion. Remember, they were saved? How many years was that? I don't know how long this is going to last. But I know it is the mercy of Allah, we might come out of it. Having struggled and suffered in one way, but we will come out having gained in many other ways. So

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let's be considerate of others. Learn to give people hope, no matter how hopeless you may be feeling. It's time to give everyone hope and it's time to be together. Think of activities in the home. Fulfill your Salah with Gemma. spend the time with exercise. I have my family actually. And I'm giving them all the lectures that we were just discussing today. That why don't you record all of these lectures but you know, when you speak to family, it's a little bit different. I prayed my brothers and sisters that Yeah, I'm talking to you hear from the same. It's it's just a self imposed thing because we've been encouraged very strongly to do it and I've been preaching it so I'm

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practicing upon it.

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And we're excited. We're not over overindulging when it comes to food, keeping yourself hydrated as much as possible. Keep the zinc in, keep that some of the protein in making sure you're hydrated because it's not healthy to have a lot of protein without being hydrated. And that will help you against viruses. Keep yourself filled with vitamin C's if you can, with various other other little you know supplements. Don't overdo it because there is a fear of poisoning. But keep yourself healthy and fit Mashallah, even if you have a few symptoms here and there, don't let anxiety overtake you. But just take a precaution. We're in it together. Most of us will make it out but we

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care for the elderly. That's why we're saying passionately, please be serious, be serious about this. It's not about you, it's about everyone else. While it may be about you too, because you might be one of those vulnerable, we care for you, we love you. That's why we are trying to compel the people to stay indoors as much as possible. Obviously, I'm addressing people from all over the world. So every country has arrived at a different point. We in Africa, we we only have had two confirmed cases in Zimbabwe, but I do know that they may be many others, they probably are others there are so many with so many symptoms. But unfortunately we're just waiting for some testing kits

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and we are getting into gear by the will of Allah, you know, we're not part of the advanced countries who have everything. Some of my friends have been messaging me telling me so Pamela, you need to do this and get this and do that and get this medication that made you just keep it in stock and install. And I'm like hey guys, this is Africa, we make dua to Allah and we have fresh organic vegetables and fruits in our gardens. So we thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for that. My brothers and sisters, I just want to quickly repeat to seek the forgiveness of Allah It doesn't mean that you are guilty of committing crimes, but that is how you will achieve relief. When my Canon Levin was de

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bajo homea stuff Iran. I repeat that verse Allah will not punish them for as long as they're seeking forgiveness. Also, there are so many other verses.

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Where the previous prophets have told all their people to seek the forgiveness of Allah in order to achieve relief and the mercy of Allah so the mercy of Allah comes when you seek forgiveness of Allah. Don't waste your time I've seen some brothers and sisters waste their time online. You know what? For some it might be the last few weeks in the on earth and imagine the last few weeks on Earth. You're spending them in such a destructive way or in such a waste, you know, in a way that you're wasting time. Don't do that spend your time constructively, the vicar of Allah try to Allah. expand your knowledge of the Quran read the Quran recited I was thinking like I said in my earlier

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call it a distress call. But in my earlier video, I spoke about the puranic lessons perhaps we may start online lessons on that. I know many platforms are actually doing so much in man channel is thinking of something grand and great so many others are doing a lot. May Allah bless everyone Baraka love you can I pray for you? I'm sure you all praying for me. And I've handled it very well by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala thank Allah like I said today's date just for the record, Monday the 23rd of March 2020. The time is just after 10:30pm in Zimbabwe, may Allah bless you all. Thank you so much for tuning in. And I hope that you will be able to tune in to another of these

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beautiful lessons that we will be having from the comfort of our homes. And I pray Allah gives me the ability to continue with this is that Kamala Harris aku kolyada sallallahu wasallam Allah and Amina Muhammad was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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