Mufti Menk – Turn back before you are struck

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The transcript is a conversation between a speaker and a person named Jesus. The speaker warns Jesus not to waste time or delay, as the punishment is coming to him. The punishment is a slice of forgiveness, and Jesus says he cannot sit still and receive it until it strikes.
AI: Transcript ©
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But Allah says, Well Ernie boo Ella on being calm while asking the moolah homie cobley tinea como la.

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Turn to Allah quickly, don't waste Don't delay. Don't waste time. Don't delay mean Kabali any idea cool either before the punishment comes to you, I tell you what happens here is the punishment, it's coming to you. The punishment is coming to you right? If you turn before the punishment comes, you will not be punished. But if you don't turn the punishment will strike.

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The punishment slice. Allah says Walmart can Allahumma de Babu Mr Boone, Allah will not punish them while they are seeking forgiveness. First thing a calamity strikes. You must say a Stanford Allah, Allah forgive my shortcomings, those which I know those which I don't know. Because you want don't want to be punished by Allah.

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