Mufti Menk – Supplications Series 2018 EP23

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of protecting oneself from evil behavior and the trials and prediction of wealth. They stress the importance of wiping off anyone claims to be the Lord and the God, following user's beliefs and actions, and following their behavior. The title "has" is used to describe a "meditation" that is happening in the present, and the speaker emphasizes the need for people to act quickly to avoid future problems and seek protection from evil behavior. The speaker also mentions a series of future episodes and encourages viewers to subscribe to their channel.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Bismillah. R Rahman r Rahim In the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala Most Gracious, Most Merciful Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam O Allah mabuti Ramadan al Ameen. Nabina Muhammad, Allah Allah He was happy he would have been on TV at home be sunny Isla yo Medina, but we praise Allah subhanho wa Taala we send blessings and salutations upon the one who was sent to mankind as a mercy. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his companions, his household, may Allah subhanahu wa taala bless all those who followed with or in goodness, right up to the end in May we be included in that. And our offspring. I mean, my brothers, my sisters, the

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supplications of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam are amazing. They are amazing. They are so relevant in our lives where we see we are suffering from laziness, anxiety, we have the same concerns regarding being engulfed by debt, being overtaken by an enemy, etc. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam made all these or supplications and we have it literally given to us on a plate Subhanallah on a platter, and we still don't make use of these beautiful blessing words. So in Sharla, the idea of this entire series is to conscient eyes us regarding these beautiful supplications and for us to be able to learn them, put them into practice, call out to Allah. And

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like I've said in several of these episodes, even if you have not yet memorized the Arabic start saying this in English, or in any other language and Allah subhanho wa Taala will open your doors.

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The Hadith that I'd like to start off with today is the hadith of eyeshadow the Allahu Allah, wherein she says the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to say, Allah whom me to be communal Casali well haram will send me Will Muslim women fitna to cabri what other Bill cabri woman fitna scenario other binnorie woman Shirley fitternity, Lina, what are all the becoming fitna till fuckery what are you becoming fitna till mercy hit the gel Allahumma Allah have mercy on me hapa yah yah beema beema if LG will Berardi why not clinical be Minal hapa comma theta Ababa Mina Denis wobba is benei ouabain hapa yah yah komaba bien el mashery. t Well, muvs Reba Subhana Allah this hadith is

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Mustafa Khan Allah.

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So the meaning of this da is Oh Allah, I seek your protection from laziness and from old age, and I seek your protection from sin. So protect me from sinning and I seek your protection from debt. You know, debt, meaning I owing people money. And this brings me to a very interesting factor. We are not allowed to just go about, you know, borrowing from people when we don't really need it's only when you're in a dire need, that you actually are allowed to go and ask people, you know, I can't manage, I can't cope, I need to borrow some money, please can you give me some money, I will give it back to you, etc. But if you're just going to ask me, the people when you don't really need, then

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is not going to help you to pay back because it becomes a bad habit. People want to live beyond their means. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from those who understand those who can budget correctly, when we actually are spending. So Allah I seek your protection from laziness from old age from sin and from debt. And I seek your protection from the trials of the grave and the punishment of the grave, to things I made mention of me in fitness, recovery, I will carry the trials of the grave and the punishment of the grave, and I seek your protection from the trials of the fire and from the punishment of the Fire. It's amazing how they are trials of the

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fire. And there is punishment of the Fire. And I seek your protection from the harms of wealth.

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Amazing from the harm of being wealthy.

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What could that be? arrogance, haughtiness. A person who you know, has become so bad in qualities and character because of them.

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Money, wastefulness

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extravagance, all those assumes of being wealthy. So, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is asking Allah subhanho wa Taala to protect him from the evil of the trials of being wealthy, the bad habits that come with wealth, so panela the bad that comes with wealth. And the evil of the trials of wealth also may include the jealousy of others the envy of others all protect me from all of that because I've got people become jealous, envious, they want to harm they want to falsely accuse, etc. All of that or law protect me from it. So Allahumma inni odo becoming Sheriff eternity Lina Oh Allah, I seek your protection from

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the the harmful

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trials of wealth Subhana Allah, amazing. It's amazing how it's worded because it's something that's even difficult to explain in the English language or in another language. It's unique, it's jomi, will tell him it's the gift of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam of a few words, having deep, rich meaning. Then he says, what are all the becoming fitness and fucker, and I seek protection from or seek protection in you from

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the trials and difficulties of poverty.

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Look at how he made the dua to protect him from the evil of wealth, the evils of being wealthy. And then he says, and from the trials of being poor, they're both the dewasa here, no one can say he missed something out. Because he is saying, oh, Allah, protect me from poverty and protect me if I were to be given wealth from the harm that that wealth comes with. So panela Amazing, amazing. These words, they bring tears to the eyes because we think of how the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he didn't really need all of this. But he called out to Allah he called out to Allah, how much do we call out to Allah? How much do we call out to Allah? Have you ever said, Have I ever said Oh Allah, protect

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me from the evil that will come with wealth.

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I, I can be honest with you, besides from the Hadith and reading the Hadith, and going through the Hadith, I cannot remember actually calling out to Allah subhanho wa Taala but now I'm going to become more conscious of it and I invite you all to become more conscious of it. Oh Allah, protect me from the evil and the trials of wealth and being wealthy. I may not be wealthy right now but the money that comes into my pocket so panela you know, something's come to my mind right now.

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When we have wealth, we have to pay the car, the car is compulsory, we have to give a certain percentage when that wealth becomes so much shape and can come to you and start making you miscalculate or try to say no, I don't have to give so much and then this and that. Because it becomes difficult. When when the figure becomes huge, the percentage is the same, but the figure becomes more difficult to give. Imagine two and a half percent of 100 is only two and a half pounds, or two and a half dollars. But two and a half percent of 100 million is what Subhanallah you ready to give that? May Allah subhanho wa Taala make it easy for us. So these are some of the trials of

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wealth that the Prophet sallallaahu Selim is asking Allah to protect him from and what about us, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, to grant us wealth, to grant us wealth to grant a sustenance to make us rich, but we forget to ask him, Oh Allah, protect us from the evil that's going to come with that protect us from the evil that might come with it, and that does come generally with wealth. So this is the beauty of the wording of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he says, He says, firstly, he says, Oh Allah protect me from the evil of the trials of wealth. And the end then he says, Oh Allah protect me from the trials of poverty as well. Poverty comes with a lot of trials. Subhan Allah, may

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Allah subhanahu wa taala grant all those who are struggling financially, May He grant him ease and sustenance. May He bless every one of us with beautiful sustenance, that is pure, and that we will be able to use in his obedience and not in his disobedience, I mean,

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then the duel continues, what are all the bigger mean fitna till mercy hit the jail, and I seek your protection from the trials and tribulations of the false messiah of the jungle. The jungle is whom we know we've heard of, in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. This one eyed man who is a huge person who's going to be coming to create havoc on earth, and to wreak havoc on Earth. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to make dua to Allah to protect him from the trials and tribulations of that false messiah, which means that the john

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect

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protect us from him and protect us from all the fitna that surrounds him. When he comes, He will come with a few things.

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He will say He is the Lord and the God. Whoever believes that he is not the Lord and the God shall be harmed, probably killed. He will say that he owns sustenance, you want, you just believe in Allah, you believe in Him, you follow Him, you obey His orders, he will provide for you. If you don't believe that he will harm you, perhaps even kill you. He will come with so much of

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trials and tribulations he believes and he will say that he is the one who actually controls the produce and the rain etc. And if you don't follow him and take him as a god, he won't give you. So those are the trials and tribulations of unmiss. He had that job as well. At any time when you have a person or when you have a force that happens to be calling in the same direction, they will be considered a force that is a devilish force. With this impact. We are asking Allah to protect us from May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us from that may he make it easy for us to worship him to worship him meaning Allah and Allah alone I mean, then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Allah

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have mercy lanie hapa yah yah, Oh Allah, wash away from me my sins and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had no sense. So he is saying Oh Allah wash away from me my sins Bhima ethology will bird with the water of ice and snow Subhana Allah, you know, the hailstones we have the ice we have the snow we have all this cold water. Why is it that when the sun's are being spoken about the ice and snow is used to refer to the washing away of the sense because the suns have a heat, the heat of the punishment of Allah, when you commit to sin, there is heat, there is heat to the sin. So you're saying Oh Allah cool me down, calm me down. Let me not commit sin and wash my sins away in this with

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that cold icy water that is filled with you know, behrad and selge of the ice the hail the snows Subhan Allah.

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala wash our sins away. This is a beautiful Allahumma silang Neha Bhima Ethan jewel bird. This is one wording. It's a hadith which is multifocal LA, but there are other wordings as well. We're a law firm, there are different you know, words used, and the order is slightly different, but the meaning is quite much the same. And then the heartbeat continues. We're not critical be minimal HIPAA, or law purify my heart from the since the effects of the sun's purify my heart, from the effects of the sins, command Theta Tau been abused, Amina Denis, in the same way that you purified the white clothing from impurity from impurity from dirt. You know, when you have

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something white, it has dirt and it's washed. It's washed in a beautiful way with detergent and what have you. And then you see it's so white. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is being asked, saying, Oh Allah, wash my heart, cleanse my heart from sin. The same way you cleanse the white cloth or the white clothing from dirt and impurity, whereby it baney verbena hapa komaba tabanan machinic evil McRib, Oh Allah

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created distance between me created distance between me and my sins. In the same way that you have created the distance between the East and the West Subhana Allah, that's an amazing drop, or a lot distance created distance between me and my sins in the same way you created the distance between the East and the West, make me from among those whom you've wiped the sins out, you've made everyone and everything, forget about them, and you've kept a distance between me and those sins. Whenever there is a sin to be committed a distance me from that sin. Whenever there is something bad, harmful, create an obstacle so that I don't commit that sin and whatever I have done, purify me,

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cleanse me in the same way that a white cloth is cleansed, and make me from among those who is pure, pure once again, created distance such that I don't even think of those sins again. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us from sin and grant us what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is asking him in this beautiful hadith of Ayesha or of the Allahu anhu which is more difficult

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when we start our Salah, there is something called a stiff da which is a DA that commences the Salah. Generally we say Subhana Allah humblebee hum Dakota Baraka, mahkota Elijah duque, wa ala Have a look. You know, we praising Allah subhanho wa Taala declaring his greatness, His loftiness His, you know his status and asking Allah subhanho wa Taala saying that there is none worthy of worship besides Him and then we continue with our Salah. One of the duals is also this alarm about a new abena hapa Yakama back debate and machinery will marry or Allah create a distance between myself and the sins in my sins in the same way that you have created distance between the East and the West,

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which means make me far away from my sins. May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless us all and grant us ease and give us from

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this beautiful day. Just to recap quickly before we move on to the next door app. This is the Do I have I shall have the logo on her she says the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to say Oh Allah protect me from castle, laziness. harem old age Maxim since modern day debt, financial recovery will cover the trials of the grave and the punishment of the grave fitness in Nevada benard the trials of the fire and the punishment of the Fire, woman shall defeat natalina and the evil trials of wealth and rich and you know being rich

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are also becoming financial factory. And I seek protection from you Oh Allah, I seek protection in you from the the trials of being poor or poverty. What are all the bigger mean fitness intimacy hit the gel, and I seek protection in you from the trials of mercy had the gel the false messiah

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the one I devil as we call him, and Allah have mercy on Neha Tae Oh Allah wash away my sins with cold icy snowy water Subhan Allah Subhana Allah That's amazing. And like I explained why ice and why cold because the sins have a heat, and that heat needs to be extinguished. It calms you down, you're saying, Oh Allah, the sin that I that the heat keeps making me go back to wash me a wash that away from me with cold water. So I'm calm and relaxed. There's no longer that heat to make me commit the sin Subhanallah It's amazing. The wording is absolutely superb. It's absolutely superb. The explanation of it by the Maha defin is something mind boggling. But I've just touched on it. And

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then the last part of it Oh Allah, you know, cleanse my heart from sin in the same way you cleanse the white cloth, or the white clothing from impurity and distance create a distance between me and my sins in the same way that you have created the distance between the East and the West. Amazing two out of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I want to move on to another day,

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which is also very, very powerful. It's a hadith of Abu huraira the Allahu anhu he says the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said to our do belay, seek the protection of Allah. So this is an instruction of the prophet to all of us. Seek the protection of Allah from the following. Ninja Dil Bella II wonder Aki Shaka, he was so ill Kava, he washa Mattila de, it's just amazing how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is speaking about it, just dill Bella.

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Oh Allah.

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Meaning is asking us to seek the protection of

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protection in Allah from so we are seeking the protection of love from the following. God Bella, you know, the Bella meaning, difficulties, hardship,

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the difficulties of

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the trials, the difficulties of the trials were directly Chicago. And Chicago is the opposite of sad, sad is happiness. So sadness, you know, that sadness overtakes us, destruction. The destruction that comes with it was so Ill cover and bad destiny, you know, make the destiny that you've destined for us good. We seek your protection from the evil of

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the destiny, the evil of destiny. We want you to take us to a good place we want you to have destined for us, goodness will protect us from the evil of that destiny, or shamatha to adapt and

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the enemy's being given the opportunity to laugh at us Subhanallah You know, sometimes something happens. I give you a typical example of children. You just had a little fight with someone and as you're walking away

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Having been victorious, you trip and everyone laughs at you. That's Shemitah teulada that's a simple way of explaining it to say something happened to you that that made the enemies just laugh to say wow look you It serves you right so to speak. So, we are asking Allah subhanho wa Taala to protect us from the turning of that in such a way that they're the enemies are given the opportunity to laugh at us and this is why the hadith of abnormal radi Allahu anhu Allah, He says the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to say Allahumma inni out to becoming Zavala neomatik. Or Allah I seek protection. I seek protection in you from

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the departure of the gifts that you've given me the boons what you've bestowed upon me, Allah gives us gifts, sometimes it takes it away, or a lot. Don't take away my gifts. Don't take away what you've given me what you've bestowed upon me. Allahumma inni to become in zwahlen ametek Allah, I seek your protection from the gifts you've bestowed upon us being taken away.

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What is the name of Eman Islam, your wealth, your health, your family, whatever else Allah has given, you know, a lot of us are guilty of not asking Allah for protection from taking all that away.

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It's it's, it's sad. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us through the blessing lips of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam to call out to Him to say Oh Allah I seek your protection from taking away these gifts that you've bestowed upon me what to how we are fee attic and and the turning of the alpha that you've given me the good health that you've given me the the purity that you've given me the chastity that you've given me, whatever goodness you've given me, Oh Allah, don't let it turn around. You know, things can happen suddenly and that's why the last part of the Hadith says the DA what Pooja atomico Matic you know, Oh Allah, don't let the retribution come suddenly. You know, you

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do a bad deed, you want a little bit of time to repent to Allah subhanho wa Taala you don't want the punishment to descend immediately. So you ask Allah, Allah delay me a little bit, you know, meaning Don't let the retribution come instantly.

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May Allah subhanahu wa taala never take away the goodness that he's bestowed upon us. May Allah subhanho wa Taala never ever punish us immediately upon the sin that we commit, but rather, May He give us time to repent, may we be from among those who repent quickly.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala here is also addressing us because obviously it's in the form of a DA, it's from the lips of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, he said this, he used to use he used to use these words Allahumma inni to become in zoa emetic, what the Holy alphabetic, what Pooja actinic Matic what jermy are psychotic. And Oh Allah, I seek your protection from all of your anger. Anything that makes you upset and angry, Oh Allah protect me from that. May Allah subhanho wa Taala, grant us goodness, my brothers, my sisters, look at these words. Imagine if Allah were to suddenly and quickly and immediately punish us for what we did. That was wrong. We would never have had any hope

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of survival. Because the type of deeds we do, we're so embarrassed of them that we hide away from other human beings who are not even accounting who are not even responsible for our accounts, we hide away from them, but we don't realize the one whom we are going to be giving that entire account to is Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is the Allah whom we actually sometimes think that we can get away from. May Allah subhanho wa Taala Have mercy on us. May Allah open our doors, may Allah grant us goodness, may Allah protect us from our good deeds being taken away. May Allah protect us from the goodness that He has given us being taken away. May Allah protect us from evil befalling us. May

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Allah protect us from the health and the wealth that He has given us being taken away, and May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us from doing deeds that would displease him in any way. My brothers and sisters I look forward to the next episode of this beautiful series. Until then, I say salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

There are certain things in our life that can cause mental stress. Mental stress is something really bad because it cannot be seen or heard by anyone.  In this episode of the Supplication Series, Mufti Ismail Menk talks about this du’a from the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) where he would ask Allah to protect him from certain things that cause mental stress in our lives like debt, laziness harms of wealth and trials that are caused by poverty. The du’a also seeks protections from the fitnah of the dajjal.

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