Mufti Menk – Supplications Series 2018 EP02

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The importance of guidance to achieve the ultimate goal of Islam is emphasized, along with the use of "has" in the title of Islam to describe actions and actions that led to regret and regret and "arepta," among others. The series of Supranences will focus on the teachings of Allah, including a study of "by the way" and "by the way" in the title of the series. The history of Islam is also discussed, including the use of "has" in the title of Islam and the history of Adam alay being talked about, including actions and actions that led to regret and regret and "arepta," among others.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He was happy. And All praise is indeed due to Allah subhanho wa Taala blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to bless him, his family members, his companions to bless every one of us to grant us goodness and to accept all the supplications we will be making we are making during this month of Ramadan and beyond. I mean, my brothers, my sisters, yesterday we were speaking about Surah Al Fatiha and I explained how important it is. I will be continuing with the surah but I need to recap

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for those who might have missed it. Firstly, we will all call out to Allah we all have needs that Allah has placed we all have things that we want, we must call out to Allah we must understand that Allah alone is the one we seek help from. So how do we call out to Allah number one, we seek forgiveness for all the sins we've committed those we know those we don't know. We declare the greatness of Allah subhanho wa Taala we declare our helplessness, we send blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and if we could, it would be best to have done a good deed just prior to calling out to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So whether you gave out to charity, whether

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you were you were good in some way you did some form of obedience or even you abstained from some prohibition that the Almighty has considered or declared prohibited. Then after declaring the praise of Allah and sending blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we now call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And when we're finished calling out to Allah, in that gap, we should not have any sin no. So you don't ask Allah to facilitate a sin for you. Whether it is the destroying of relations, you know, between people, yourself and someone you're supposed to be connected to, etc. Rather you ask Allah to solve the matters the problems so when you have a problem

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with a person, don't say Allah destroy them, but you should say, Oh Allah, help us to resolve the matter, guide them open the doors, those are blessing to us. Kathy at Rahim, is a term used in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, referring to the breaking of family ties, we should not make a dua where we are asking for the breaking of family ties. That's something that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has mentioned. It's a very powerful point many people forget about it. Because when we call out to Allah, a lot of the times people just say all our breakout one, destroy this one. I don't want to see this one, etc. Let's not do that. You say Oh Allah, guide them, soften them

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and keep on making the dua and repeated and keep on repeating the dua because that is definitely part and parcel of the plan of Allah subhanho wa Taala repetition of a doula is very, very important.

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repeated in the morning, in the afternoon in the season of the season, when I say in the season, I mean, a during the blessed days, the blessing nights, and even outside of it. Don't wait. And don't delay. Keep repeating it. Let's get to Surah Fatiha

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Hadith in Sahih Muslim tells us that Allah subhanho wa Taala responds at every verse of Surah Fatiha and he has said I've divided the surah into two. There are seven verses in the surah. The first three belong to Allah the other three belong to the human being belong to the worship, and the middle one is divided exactly half so half for Allah and half for the worship. How? When we say al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen All praises due to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says, my worship Allah has declared my praise, when we say our Rahmani Raheem the most forgiving or the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. Allah subhanho wa Taala says ethna Allah Abdi, which means my worshiper has

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declared my praise in a different way.

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Or declared my praise when we say Maliki oma Deen, which means

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Owner of the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanho wa Taala says Majid ne Abdi my worshiper has declared My majesty my greatness, and for my worship, it is whatever he wants, and Allah keeps on saying for my worship, it is whatever he asks for right at the beginning, according to one of the narrations. Allah says, I have divided Salatu Fatiha between myself and my worship are into two and four. My worship is whatever he wants.

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When when the first verse is read again, according to one of the narrations, he says and for my worship is whatever he wants. When we say a yak and Buddha your canister in you alone, we worship you alone we seek help from Allah says this is between myself and my worship and for my worship is whatever he is going to ask me whatever he asks me.

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Imagine Allah subhanho wa Taala is saying

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This is between myself and my worship, which means him and I are human you and for you is whatever you are going to ask for.

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What's the first thing you're going to ask for the most powerful thing that you and I can ever ask for. And Allah has instructed us to keep repeating this in every unit of prayer, it was enough for us to ask for it once, and he tells us fine, I've given it to you. But in order to keep reminding us to say, this is something you desperately need, and you need to work towards it, I will give it to you but work hard to achieve it as well.

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That is,

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in the inner circle, Mr. Team, Guide us to the straight path. While some hannula guidance is the most important, and prayers application you could ever make, that's why we are forced, we have to repeat that do your Salah, your prayer that is compulsory upon you five times a day, it will not be accepted unless you have read Surah Fatiha in it. Unless you have called out to Allah for guidance, guidance to the straight path or Allah guide us to the stripper. My brothers and sisters, let's keep on asking Allah for guidance. And it's not good enough to ask Allah for something and you're heading in a different direction. Imagine you say to someone, please take me to Canada. And suddenly you

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find yourself catching a flight to go to Australia. I mean, where are you going? What did you ask for? When you had the chance? You were not serious about what you are asking you you will not desperately asking for something and seeking for it. You were actually somewhere else asking for one thing and doing another. So when you ask for guidance, be serious. You're reminded about this question that you're asking Allah or the supplication, you reminded about it by its repetition. Every single prayer, it's being repeated. This is Allah subhanho wa Taala Idina shiratama, stuck in guidance to the straight path. You see how the first three and a half verses Allah, and then you're

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gonna stay in which means you alone we seek help from and here we are asking you for guidance. This is now all the other three and a half verses connected to the worshiper and what he wants, we're going to give him it's just one to our once application, Guide us to the straight path, the rest of the verses are connected. The other two verses are connected to a description of what this particular supplication has in it, Guide us to the straight path. So what is the straight path? Like how when Allah says al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds, one might say, who is the Lord of the worlds, so our Rahmani Raheem is a description of who the Lord

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of the worlds is. radicchio, Medina is a description of who the Lord of the worlds is. So in the same way that part of the sutra was divided in order to describe a lot, this part is, is divided in order to describe what you're asking for, I want to be guided to the straight path. So what is the straight path, the path of those whom you have favored? So Panama, amazing, amazing.

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Sarah Lavina and

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the path of those whom you have favored, you have bestowed your favor upon Rachel Maddow, BLM, not those whom you are angry with? Well, actually not not those whom,

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who have lost the path. So Oh, Allah guide us to that path of those whom you had favored, not the ones you became angry with, not the ones who who lost the way. And then we also are mean May Allah subhanho wa Taala. grant us the beauty of this day, and May Allah subhanho wa Taala, open our doors in a way that we actually appreciate that, that for Allah to make us repeat, do our constantly, it has to be the most important to our in existence. Because if you have guidance, you have everything Guide us to the straight path, you ask Allah for guidance in every aspect of yours. And this is when the almighty would actually,

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you know, be pleased with us when we have called out to him and we are trying to work also in the same direction.

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I want to move on in this beautiful series of supplications. from Revelation, I move on to the supplications of the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And I start off with this or it's the second thing The first was surah to Fatiha, I felt it was the most important a lot of the scholars who have spoken about supplications from Revelation have started off with sudo to Fatiha and it's correct because Allah started the whole course on what sort of Fatiha it was reviewed more than once to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it happens to be in the order of the Quran right at the beginning. It's known as the opening. In Surah Fatiha there are there is such powerful, powerful

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words of supplication. In fact, if you're asking Allah to guide you to the straight path that is guidance, the first of it is guidance towards Allah guidance towards that which is correct.

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guidance towards that which is upright guidance towards that which is beneficial guidance towards that which is going to be filled with contentment and happiness. So Surah Al Fatiha in it. There are so many beautiful, beautiful aspects that we would be achieving just by calling out to Allah. And when we get to the prophets of Allah, remember, I gave you the example in the first episode

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of this series where I said, when you have a combination lock, and someone's given you the numbers, or told you look, this number will work, that number will work and you are busy trying all other numbers, perhaps you might stumble across a number that may work in one of the locks on one of the locks. But if you're already told certain numbers, rather use those numbers, the chances of you getting through a far greater than if you were to start afresh, and you know, say words that have not yet been tested. But still we are allowed to obviously call out to Allah. In fact, I want to give you good news.

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The good news is that Allah knows what you want to call out with or what you want to ask him even if you haven't said it. And even if you're unable to communicate it in the proper way, Allah knows it because Allah knows what's in the hearts, but he wants your tongue to bear witness, he wants you to try He wants you to say something, he wants you to engage in an act of worship known as the utterance the saying, so that is why it's important to also try your best to say, you know, when a child wants something, you know what the child wants, but you want the child to say things sometimes. So it's so cute, isn't it? And you say, Oh Allah, imagine you're a big man, you're a

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person who has a lot of authority, power, wealth, and you're calling out to Allah, that's the height of, of goodness in terms of bestowment by Allah subhanho wa Taala upon you. It's amazing. So my brothers and sisters, the more you have in terms of material wealth and power or authority, if you become more humble, you're actually closer to Allah, because you have shown that whatever I have, is not going to actually help me if it is not for the mercy of Allah. So we call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala always, and this is why we look at the prophets of Allah. They were chosen by Allah, they were told that you are chosen, but they still called out to Allah, they cried to Allah, you sit and

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look at the Prophet peace be upon him calling out to Allah, he's the best of creation, the most noble of prophets, the highest of all the, you know, totally amazing position granted to him by Allah subhanho wa Taala that no one else was granted shall be granted. And here he is calling out to Allah. Those words need to be studied by every one of us. That's why we have an entire series for the whole month of Ramadan. It's a month of do I. It's not just the month of the Quran. It's not just the month of giving, it's also the month of supplication.

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So we when we speak about supplications from Revelation in the month of Ramadan we have in it a lot. Revelation is from Allah, the month of Ramadan. supplication is for Allah, the month of Ramadan. And it's obviously for our benefit we calling out to Allah. When we bring the two together, we have a study of the dua that we should be engaging in in this month from the revelation that was also revealed in this month, and it is the month of the study of the revelation. So these are the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And I want to start off with a dua made by Adam alayhis salam, the first of our species, Allah created him, Allah made him Allah told him I have raised you in rank

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above the others Subhan Allah, some became jealous, you know, at least became jealous. What did Allah subhanho wa Taala do? Allah favors Adam alayhis salam by telling him here in this paradise and what was the paradise they are different durations, they say it was not the same paradise that we will be going back to at the end. But it was a part of the paradise, a special part of the paradise that was made in order for the fulfillment of what Allah wanted to achieve.

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So some call it general empty law, which means it was the gardens in agenda means the garden. So it was the gardens of Eden, those which Allah subhanho wa Taala had created in order for the testing of Adam special place, but it was considered gender. So this is just an opinion. There is another opinion saying no, it was one and the same thing. All these are opinions, but it's interesting to mention them just to know. However, in essence, we firmly believe that Allah subhanho wa Taala created Adam, he was in general, you know, we don't need to get into the debate about the way the agenda and how and what but if you'd like to know the opinions, it's interesting. And Allah told him

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one thing, don't eat from this tree. In fact, Latta carrabba hardy shahdara you and your spouse Don't come close to the tree. So I remember someone asking me Did Allah instruct him not to eat the fruit or not to go close to

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The tree and I said, Allah instructed in both instructions. It's like Xena adultery. Allah says lotta caribou, Xena don't even get close to adultery.

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Why does Allah say don't get close to adultery? Because it means everything that leads up to it is also prohibited. May Allah safeguard us. May Allah protect us. So there is no point in a person coming to say when Allah said, you know, don't get close to it, but he didn't prohibit it. That's foolish. The same would apply when it comes to Adam alayhis salam if someone says Latika Ravi Shankar means don't get close to the tree. But you know who said you don't love to eat from the fruit. If Allah says don't get close to the tree, not eating from the fruit is included in that.

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So there are a hadith where Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the fruit. In fact, the fact that Allah makes mentioned in the Koran later on for Akela minha they ate from it already shows that the prohibition included eating from it you will not allowed to eat from it. But unfortunately for a reason, best known to Allah subhanho wa Taala in his divine wisdom, Adam alayhis salam ate from it, he committed a sin and Allah subhanho wa Taala he had it in this huge plan to show us humankind that when we falter, what we should be doing, in order for that Allah subhanho wa Taala allowed Adam alayhis salam to perpetrate the sin and immediately regret it. So my brothers and sisters, when you

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and I commit a sin and we are human, we will we have we shall

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remember, when you regret the sin, it is a sign that you believe in Allah Subhana Allah, whatever you've done, what no matter how old you are, no matter what gender you are, no matter where you come from your race, whatever you have done against Allah instruction.

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If it makes you regret, you still have a lot of hope in the mercy of Allah. It's a sign of Eman either Surat que hacer una tu casa Casa de Luca, for a moment, the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in one narration says, When your good deed makes you happy, makes you calm makes you feel good. And when your bad deed makes you regret, then you're a true believer. It shows that you believe in Allah. That's why you regretting the sin. That's why you're feeling good about the good deeds you did. If you didn't regret it, it means you've got no one you're answerable to. So Allah subhanho wa Taala loves it when you regret your sin. You committed something, you drank alcohol, you had a bit

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of a drug May Allah safeguard all of us.

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Whatever wrong you've done immediately thereafter and stuff I shouldn't have done this stuff. May Allah forgive me. I shouldn't have done that. So you regret it. You feel remorse. That's what happened to Adam la Santa. Then

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he said a few words unto Allah. In one verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala says that he taught him some words and in another verse, Allah says teleca de Muro de Cali, Martin, Fatah, Bali, you see, the words were taught by Allah, they were repeated by Adam alayhis salam, and he said these words, what were these words? Subhana Allah.

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These are some of the most powerful words we all these words. robina Valentina and Susannah, were in Lambton, Elena waterhemp, Lana coonan nominal ha serene, Oh Allah, oh, our Abba, you know, oh, our rub rub Bana Oh, our What is the meaning of Robin? Robin is the one who created you in the first place and who has absolute control of every aspect of your existence. He's called Robin, all your growth depends totally on him. Your food, your sustenance, your health, whatever, you know, he nourishes, cherishes, provides protects and cures etc, etc. That's Robin.

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So that is Allah subhanho wa Taala robina Oh are up or up. Sometimes if you're alone, you can say rugby, rugby meaning my Arab and rugby without the year also refers to my Arab because in the Arabic language you are allowed to drop that yet when it comes to Robin Robbie. So here he says Rob manava. alumna we have oppressed unfortunate ourselves. We have wronged ourselves. Allah we're the ones who perpetrated a sin we committed a crime we did something wrong. We did something we were not supposed to do that is the meaning of alumna and Susannah, what ylim del v relena. And if you are not going to forgive us What are Hamner and if you are not going to have mercy on us. Let net coonan Amina

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alpha city, we are the ones who will definitely be the losers. You're not going to lose anything we will lose. That do i is seeking forgiveness of Allah. It's the proper way of asking Allah forgiveness. It was taught to Adam alayhis salam by Allah. It was repeated by Adam alayhis salam. Allah forgave him as a result, but he was sincere. They was removed

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He did not he did not do it again.

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Do we ever get a narration that says stuff like it's not there, but I'm just saying for argument's sake, that Adam alayhis salam went back to the tree said, hang on, it was so tasty. Let me go back and have some more. Never Never. It happened once it never happened again. May Allah strengthen us. I want to give you good news.

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The good news is that we as human beings sometimes go back to the same sin that we've sought forgiveness from genuinely. What happens then? Well, if you sought forgiveness, genuinely, and you were really asking Allah subhanho wa Taala, and you really regretted it, and you really promised Allah you're not going to do it again, then that Toba or that seeking of forgiveness was accepted, and Allah forgave you, and your sin was wiped out completely. And when you committed it again later on without having planned it at the time that you sought forgiveness previously, Allah will consider that a totally separate deed. It's not something connected to the previous sin, even though it was a

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repetition. That's the mercy of Allah. So keep asking forgiveness again. And again. And again, no matter how many times you end up committing that sin every time it will be considered and looked at as something totally separate from the previous one because the previous one was totally wiped out. You regretted it? You asked Allah forgiveness, you promised not to do it again, Allah wipe the sin out. And there we go.

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What Greek Mercy of Allah so my brothers and sisters, you see this application that we have for today is this application of Adam alayhis salam, and how wa alayhi salatu was Salam. These were our forefathers the first of our species, they also faulted.

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Don't lose hope when you falter. Many people ask me a question. You know, I think I've committed so many sins, I think I'm beyond repair. You're not beyond repair. I think I've, I've done so much. I'm an evil person. You're not an evil person. The fact that there is a flicker of that candle within and you want to come out, that's enough. You need to come out. You need to seek Allah's forgiveness. He will wipe out no matter what you've done, the most powerful duel you could have after a dinner salata, Mr. Kim, is to seek the forgiveness of Allah Oh ALLAH forgive me for the sins I've committed those which I know those which I don't know. And those that were major, those that were minor May

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Allah subhanho wa Taala. Forgive us all. So I'd like to repeat this to rob bana vollum

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fusina in lambda, Wolfie, Lana,

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Lana coonan meenal for Sydney or up. We have wronged ourselves.

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And if you don't forgive us, and if you don't have mercy upon us, we will be the ones who will definitely be the losers. So pan Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, We forgive Adam alayhis Salatu was Salam. As a result, the consequence was, he had to come on to Earth. But the good thing is all his offspring, including you and I were taught how to seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Imagine To this day, we are taught how to seek the forgiveness of Allah had it not been for that act of Adam alayhis salam, we would never have known how to seek the forgiveness of Allah, or perhaps they would have been someone else who would have come and this is the way of Allah. Allah

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knows we're human and Allah wanted to forgive us. Like Allah says in the Quran, you redo Lahore,

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to ballet. Allah definitely once to forgive you. But it's shaytan who wants us to go straight? So we definitely would like to continue calling out to Allah. You know, when it comes to the messengers,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala and sudo to MBs is in the home. Can we use our own affine hierarchy? They used to do a lot of good deeds were their own and Robin Robin and they used to call out to us hoping and being fearful inshallah tomorrow or in the next episode, we will be getting to the meaning of this verse that I just mentioned right now at the end of this episode, but in the meantime, I hope you've enjoyed today. I hope we take lessons from today. Apolo Callie ha that was Allahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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