Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2007 – Day 25

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The importance of finding the right quality of a deed for a person to avoid wasting their time and effort in a difficult situation is emphasized. The success of Islam is also discussed, including finding the creator and following simple deeds. The use of title's boss is emphasized, and the importance of dressing in appropriate ways for the culture of the United States. The segment also touches on the importance of not bragging about one's religion and not bringing together people for fear of embarrassment.
AI: Transcript ©
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We'll be learning Amina shame on the mean.

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excellence presents jewels from the Holy Quran. A series of lectures by Mufti is mine even Moosa menc.

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Lecture 25 choose 29 salam aleikum, wa Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim In the name of Allah, most Gracious, Most Merciful. Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen All praise is indeed due to Allah subhanho wa Taala creator nareesha cherishes sustainer provider protector and cure one and all, while also Leo Salima hatami nambia evil mousseline Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi adjumani know about complete blessings and salutations be upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and all his companions May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless us all and May Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive us on this auspicious Eve during this month of Ramadan in the last 10 nights, may Allah subhanho wa Taala really except from us the past

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that we have been keeping for his sake and the standing in Salatu tarawih and all the various acts of worship that we have been engaging in, in this particular month on a dilemma, beloved brothers dearest sisters and listeners, we must thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for having given us an opportunity after opportunity to turn to him every single time we sin. We find immediately after that we listen to a verse where Allah makes mention of His mercy and His forgiveness. And we have opportunity after opportunity to turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala so many messages come to us so many times we meet people who give us glad tidings so many times we enter the masjid and we find that in

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the masjid, the Imam is speaking about the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala here we have a beautiful month May Allah subhanahu wa taala not make us from those who complete the month without being forgiven without achieving the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala the verses we read in this evening star Avi Allah subhanho wa Taala in Surah mentions the kingdom that it belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala He is the Creator nareesha cherishes, sustainer provider of one and all he has made absolutely everything that we see around us.

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Everything besides Allah subhanho wa Taala is created by Allah subhanho wa Taala and then he makes mentioned to us in the opening verses of surah to Luke, what exactly he has created death for and what he created life for. Why did he put us into this world? Why didn't he create us into gentlemen and leave us there without having to put us through this dunya Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about that in the opening verses he says and levy hola como de Waal hyah Tani

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Allah Allah subhanho wa Taala has created death and life so that he may test you who has better deeds Allahu Akbar, the Quran and the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam speak of the quality of deeds rather than the quantity of deeds. The first thing we learn we have been created as a test. This dunya is an examination. We will live in it and we will inshallah pass the tastes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Wherever we have faltered due to our human nature and weakness, we will turn in repentance to Allah subhanho wa Taala and he guarantees forgiveness May Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive us all. And Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about how it is more important to look at

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the quality of the deed. Yes, the first issue is the four of those obligations that we need to fulfill whether we like it or not, but over and above the obligations let us make sure when we are engaged in voluntary deeds, the intention must be correct.

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And we must understand the quality for example, if it is Salah, and we are engaged in sooner, Salah, nephele, Salah etc. Let's make sure that we are not just darting to the ground and back. We are not just springing our heads onto the ground, but we are doing it with full concentration for the sake of Allah. I'd rather read to recart voluntary then with total concentration or maximum concentration or reciting in a good manner that will please Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Then to read 40 Rocca without any form of concentration whatsoever darting like a chicken picking on the little pebbles and on the grains of food May Allah Subhana Allah protect us. So it is important that we realize the quality is very, very important. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from amongst those whose deeds are acceptable, what is the point of engaging in so many deeds where the quality is not acceptable by Allah subhanho wa Taala You know, it reminds me of sometimes the manufacturers when they manufacture some commodity after some time they call it back. Why because the quality was not good enough. What was the point of making millions of Nakia batteries when they

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were all called back a few weeks back? May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us, some of us who have those batteries don't even know how to give them back May Allah Subhana Allah grant us understanding. So the reality here is we must make sure we know that the quality is of a standard that is acceptable by Allah subhanho wa Taala It must not come back to us. We all know that if we do something for the sake of anyone besides Allah subhanho wa Taala in terms of an act of worship, Allah subhanho wa Taala says it will be bound to you it will come as a reject May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect so then Allah subhanho wa Taala in the next Surah Surah to tala the surah is named

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after the pen because Allah takes the custom of the pen, the pen that has written absolutely everything and the pen that is recording everything. Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the qualities of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. If I had to describe him, or you had to describe him, it was impossible. If I had to describe the qualities,

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it was impossible for me. Even if I uttered for three four hours statements in his praise, it's not enough

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when I saw the Allahu anhu I was asked about him and his qualities. She said Can afolu Al Quran she said one word he was living for and that's it. I can't say anything more or less than that. That was a Sharia law and imagine a life bearing witness for a husband. And this is why if you want to know really if someone is good, ask their spouse because they live with them. 24 seven, they see them in on every condition. If they can bear witness that this person is brilliant, then inshallah you have nothing to fear about.

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So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam now we find the creator describing him. What in Allah Allah foo Kenobi, O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you are on the highest level of character and conduct that is possible the highest level of character and conduct sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He smiled at all times. He was helpful to friend and foe. He was helpful to Muslim and non Muslim. He did not discriminate. He never cheated. He never stole he never deceived. He never you served he never

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swore was that Mubarak mouthpiece. And how many of us we claim to be followers of this super being? And we swear day and night, every second word is a swear word. Surely this month of Ramadan should be a month where we can think about this. And we can be from amongst those who take heed. We are supposed to be following this brilliant example. Here we are with our tongues Alhamdulillah we can promise Allah subhanho wa Taala right now that he Allah, I will become more conscious of what comes out of my mouth. I'm sure that is not very difficult to promise for us to become more conscious of what comes out of our mouths. May Allah subhanho wa Taala use us on this particular eve of Ramadan

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to pledge him that pledge will lie there is a chance that we could earn Jenna in return because we are doing it solely for his sake. Allah subhanho wa Taala looks at our deeds, he finds simple deeds for us to intergender May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept these deeds from us. So it is important we look at the character and conduct of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and we try to live just like he lived May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us true followers of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then in the next era, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about that occasion that's that shall come to pass, wherein the truth shall be made to be the truth. What does that mean? That means when

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Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam and the other messengers came, they promised something they promised they would be a final day, they would be a day of resurrection, they would be accounts, they would be a day of judgment, what can make that be now recognized ultimately as the truth, when those days come to pass, when tiama comes that is now

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it has now made those who told the truth, truthful, and it has now May those who like liars now Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all. And Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about that heart and how to not only they have piano and so on, but even the

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days were the punishment that was promised to the previous nations came. That was the day when they looked at the punishment. They said Oh, the messenger was telling us the truth. By that time it was too late with us Alhamdulillah we are still alive. We are still okay. We can now promise Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah, I'm not going to wait for the day the punishment comes towards me. Before I turn, I'm going to turn here and now Yala, you've granted us this auspicious occasion for us to attend to you may Allah subhanho wa Taala accept us all. And Allah subhanho wa Taala describes the date of the AMA. For your information. Most of the sutras we read tonight were revealed in Macedon,

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mocha Rama, and in Metatron mukaiyama. The topics that were dealt with were Imani yet the topics of belief believe in Allah, the angels the last day and all the elements of belief in the unseen May Allah subhanahu wa taala protect us and they were short, sharp verses wherever the verses were rhyming, that was one topic. The minute the rhyme changed, it was a different topic we should understand that is the miracle of the Quran. inshallah I will try to give you an example of that. So Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed a certain type of verses in Makkah different from the verses that were revealed in Al Madina, munawwara in structure, and even in content and subject matter, a

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different topic was dealt with the topic of belief was dealt with in Makkah. And in Medina, the detailed rules and regulations of Islam came about after the Muslim men were satisfied and they had entered the fold of Islam they were now ready to practice completely. Allah subhanho wa Taala then prescribed upon them salah and Zakah and Hajj and fasting all this most of it was prescribed in Al Madina, munawwara May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept all our acts of worship. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, for either no fee coffee soon enough cotton into one single blow in the trumpet, and you shall see what's what shall happen. When that trumpet is blown Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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wahama Luigi Ballew Fado,

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for Yama

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shop what is

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the sky shall be split it will no longer be the sky that we know. Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us look at the sky. Do you see any gaps any splits? No, but on the day of tiama the sky will crack up and it will be it will cease to exist the way we know it the earth will crumble. The mountains that we notice Allah subhanho wa Taala says due to the heat of the moment, they will melt and they will become cloud and they will be moving as though they are clouds. Allah describes all that now Allah subhanho wa Taala save us from the tremor of that day. We believe completely in the last day, the day when everything shall come to an end. We also believe that when we die, we will be resurrected

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we are answerable to Allah subhanho wa Taala for all our deeds, but the winner is the one who can assist himself or herself by engaging in lots of Toba. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us repentance and may He accepted from us the next surah till marriage, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to bear patients. What type of patients the people of Makkah told him so many things they accused him every time someone comes with some form of goodness, you will have people from their communities, accusing them of a B and C spreading rumors about them. Why? Because that is the satanic element that Allah subhanho wa Taala has spoken about in the Quran

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that shall be used against anyone who wants to do the work of the prophets. What is the work of the profits, to all the people to do good to tell people to do good and to prohibit them from engaging in bad to remind one another whether it is on a family level, whether it is on a community level whether it is on a national or international level, to remind people what is right and wrong. That is the work of the messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala so Allah subhanho wa Taala says you want to do the work of the messengers, we will test you test you in the same way we tested them. Every single Nabil had enemies who spread rumors waka leakage.

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Nina de nada

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in the same way every single nubby we have kept for them enemies just to test those ambia and to raise their status further. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was perfect he did not need all this but Allah subhanho wa Taala put it in his path so that it could actually elevate his status number one, and secondly, it could be a sign for those whom he was sent to to say surely the best of messengers came to you did you accept the message those who did shall be smiling and those who didn't shall definitely be sad. Allah subhanho wa Taala says fosterville sobre jameelah Be patient a beautiful patience. Sometimes it is beautiful to remain silent. When you have tried all the avenues

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and people are still debating and arguing. Then you just remain

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Silence tell them look, let's wait for the promised time of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah describes it in the same surah in whom he Oh no.

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They see piano very far yet Allah says we see it extremely close.

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My hour and your hour, we might see it far How long am I going to live for? I've got no clue. How long are you going to live for? You've got no clue. We see it very far. We look at our health and we think that I am still going to live we plan since two weeks down the line. Five weeks down the line. Some of us may Allah protect us that EAD that Allah has given us at the end of Ramadan to be happy. Everyone is happy besides Allah subhanho wa Taala why sometimes solely because of the type of clothing we've bought, or the Haram meetings that we've lined up for that particular day, may Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us it is a fact. We need to promise Allah subhanho wa Taala this time when

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we are doing our aid shopping, we will not buy anything that will displease Allah subhanho wa Taala whether it is clothing or anything else, on the day of aid we will make sure we engage in acts of worship and we will be happy we will enjoy the food and the feast meet family and friends happily but we will not engage in anything haram inshallah we will make a difference. This is why Ramadan is there an occasion of happiness, not an occasion of making shavon happy. Imagine Allah gives us a happy day. Allah gives us a happy day. And we make him angry. Allahu Akbar, may Allah Subhana Allah protect us. It happens and shavon uses the occasion to to waste all our deeds of the month of

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Ramadan. We've been engaging in acts of worship 2930 days come the day of eat, everything is missed. We hardly get up for Salatin fudger on that day, because there's no Soho May Allah subhanahu Allah protect us, oh, maybe we should get up for a little bit of a bite at that particular time. Because with the excuse of food, sometimes men will get up but sometimes Salah you know shaitan begins to massage you exactly at that time and the weather is now cold and you feel to yourself, you know, this cozy blanket and the cold water that's there. I'd rather just remain Yeah, one more minute we hit that clock when it rings. That's if it rings. And when we hit it before we know it, it's already

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seven o'clock, eight o'clock and the time is up. Then we say well, but I intended to wake up Allahu Akbar. The winner is the one who before you switch the clock off, get up, go wash your face, then switch the clock off Allahu Akbar, Allah subhanho wa Taala gratis understanding. So Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us about on the day of piano the criminals who did not take heed Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Yeah, what do mucho de Mola we have Teddy Minami eating the bunny was law he bet he was happy. The criminals the losers on that day, may Allah make us the winners. The losers on that day Allah subhanho wa Taala says they will want to get out of the punishment. Now in order to get out of

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the punishment. You need to make a payment, literal bribery. They will want to try bribery. But bribing with what there's no money on that day. There's nothing.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says they will come with their wives and say Allah take my wife, not me. They will come with their children Yama, take my children, not me. Yalla take my brothers and sisters, my parents but not me. Everyone who's a criminal will be in that condition Allah protect us. This shows us that these relations that we have in the dunya they will not help us in the AFA. Is it fair? Allah subhanho wa Taala will say no ways each person is responsible for his or her own deeds. Why didn't you engage in repentance whilst you were alive? Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive us? Do you know the Hadith says at Evo Mina Lambie C'mon La Bella, we repeated this. The one

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who seeks forgiveness from a sin is equivalent to the one who has never, ever committed a sin. Allahu Akbar.

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Can there be any other point of hope for us be after that howdy Allahu Akbar. Kabira. Look at the Creator. He wants to forgive us. No matter what you've done. Allah subhanho wa Taala guarantees, you want to be pure. Here we are. This is a way Raise your hands and ask Allah to forgive you. Allah will forgive you. When you come on the day of the Yama, Allah subhanho wa Taala will see the forgiveness. And Allah subhanho wa Taala may just tell us in May he tells us to enter through the green route, you know, what is the green route? When you come back from a long journey from overseas, you have a green route and a red route for the SA RS for the customs. And everyone knows,

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especially when we come back from hydro homerun that I've got something in my bag. Now what should I do? Can I walk this way or that way? And the chef's are telling you know what just say Bismillah just say Bismillah.

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So we are walking all through a certain route, either the red route or the green route. Imagine if we had all our stuff with us our belongings, and we walked through the green route and people saluted are saying welcome welcome. Allahu Akbar. How would we feel? We get so happy when we've passed with a few goods through the green route in the dunya. What about passing with all our currents we've committed in the asherah through the green route, may Allah subhanho wa Taala give us that green route.

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This is the day of the AMA May Allah subhanho wa Taala really make life easy for us on that day. And Allah subhanho wa Taala then speaks about in the next Surah Surah new new Allah He Salam story is mentioned there. How he told his people he reminded them he told him about the punishment he warned them of something to come. He told them to worship Allah I told him not to be disobedient. He told them to be good. He told them to have good character and conduct. He warned them for 950 years he warned him openly he warned them silently he had closed door meetings with them to try and tell them he met the older people the younger people. for 950 years he saw generation after generation he

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tried with them. It is reported that only between 11 and 80 people accepted the message in 950 years.

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After that, he raised his hands. You see when you get the Olia Allah when you get the friends of Allah subhanho wa Taala they don't make a dua against people very easily. They make a draft for the guidance of people Yama soften their hearts yeah Allah don't punish them. But there comes a limit to everything after 950 years new had a Salam says Raveena tala liminal cafe de nada Yama, Yama, destroy all of them. Don't even keep one of them, not even their children. Why not their children because I've witnessed them for years and generations, they only giving birth to criminals who are becoming worse than them.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says, ya know, we've responded the call, we will destroy every one of them in a way that we've never ever destroyed in the past. May Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive us all. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala keep us strong. May Allah subhanho wa Taala really guide us all remember at the time of mohalla his Salatu was Salam.

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What had happened is his people were reminded time and again they were reminded again and again they did not take heed with us inshallah, we will not be like that. That is why the surah is here to remind us look, the message has come to me, it has come to you. The message comes to everyone we will not be like those of no la Salatu was Salam in time where they did not turn rather we will turn for the sake of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, may Allah make a strong inshallah, in the next year Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the jinn kind surah to Jin Wei Allah makes mention of how the jinn had heard the Quran, and how they accepted the message. Even the jinn kind when they heard the

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message. They softened up towards the message. The question is, are we going to soften up towards the message? We have heard the story of the jinn I made mention of it a few days ago, and Allah subhanho wa Taala repeats it here. The message is for all of us look, not only mankind Jean kinda turning, what about mankind? Surely we can turn May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept the soul. Then in the next Surah Surah Muslim mill, Muslim mill and women destined to soar as next to each other. The meaning of both words is quite similar. The one who is covered in garments, the one who is enveloped in garments, the same thing basically Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given the first

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revelation by jabril alayhi salatu was Salam ala Cora, and I'm sure we've heard those words. And there was something that had taken place there. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam thereafter, went to his wife.

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And the statement that came from his mouth was the milou Nizam Maloney Cover me cover me and he was covered and so on. Because of that Allah subhanho wa Taala after some time revealed versus Yeah, I

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mean, what beautiful words oh you who is enveloped in garments, you are the one who sought to be enveloped in garments, Allah subhanho wa Taala will protect you at all times. May Allah protect all of us

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pumila Laila in kanina Allahu Akbar Surah Muzammil is describing the Salah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he stood in Salah until his legs were swollen, Allah says stand more in Salah.

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And he loved it. He said Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I have achieved the coolness of my eyes standing in Salah. A lot of us we develop ends under our feet in Salah May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us It happens it is the weakness of men and the plot of shaytan but we will hear the verses of encouragement and we will tackle Shaffer and we will chase away those pins and needles May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. We need to stand in Salah at least for the 500 at least in order with concentration. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us the next day. Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the message and Allah subhanho wa Taala tells Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam to get up and deliver the message. And he says that you will face persecution as a result by patience.

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get up and worn. While Rebecca can be declared the greatness of Europe at all times, was in the back of our head and dressed in a very pure

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It is important that when we go out to other people to try and present the message of Dean we are dressed in a manner that when they look at us they want to be Muslims. Not in tatty and torn clothing so that when they look at us they say you know the Muslim leaders themselves or they are taught to dress tatty and tone where do we want to follow that religion? Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks of fear, and clothing when it comes to going to call others towards Islam or presenting the message we dress neatly within the framework of the Sharia. Even the women folk when we put on a cloak and a scarf, we must not put on that which is not even aimed that which is so tacky and tone

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people look at the Muslim women and say, Oh, those nuns Allahu Akbar, May Allah not do that to us. Because we will be chasing people away from Islam. Rather, we are not dressing to show others but we are dressing to represent a true Muslim woman who is a dignified woman smart, prim and proper for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala covered correctly. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala used us all to save this Deen and then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, What rouges and you want

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to stick to Allah because bill imagined verses to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah says that do not brag. You know after you do some goodness, you should not brag about it. In order to achieve more or some form of fame, it's being done for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and we are taught in another verse Yeah, you have Medina Amanullah tabula rasa karate can be many one. Oh, you believe don't destroy your charities by bragging about it after that. You destroy it immediately. And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam bear patients for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Anyone who comes up with the message shall be scoffed at or

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laughed at. They must be prepared for that. In fact, if you dress correctly as a Muslim, you might be laughed at one day. Don't worry, that's a test from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Does it make you discard your Islamic garb? Or does it make you firm to say if it could happen if people laughed to the best of creation? Then do I think they're not gonna laugh at me? I'm not the best of creation. If they laughed at him, they definitely gonna laugh at me as well. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from amongst those who become more firm and steadfast and we must not compromise our religion and Deen we know the framework of the Sharia May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us in the next year

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Allah subhanho wa Taala describes the Yama Yama again description of piano

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does men think that we are not going to bring together his bones after they have decomposed? Allah subhanho wa Taala says no, even when those bones have decomposed completely, we will bring them back to life and we will bring you to book and we will make you

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resurrected once again. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us so the topic is a similar topic. The next Surah Surah Allah subhanho wa Taala raises a very, very important question.

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I'll say anything, Mina de harina Miyako shy

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there was a time when men was nothing to be mentioned, myself 50 100 years ago, I was not to be known as he or she knows I to be known as it was not in existence. The same applies to all of us, where were we we don't even know. Besides that which Allah has told us, where was Adam alayhis salatu salam prior to his creation. We don't even know besides that which Allah has told us. So man was non existent. He was brought into existence by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And still men then becomes so haughty on earth and feels like he's going to live forever. Allah is reminding us humble, humble, stay calm, relax, make sure that you know that you are heading in a certain direction,

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prepare for that day by being a good person with good character and conduct. That is who a true Muslim is. If you want to gauge a good Muslim, you've got to look at their character and conduct. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says myself and the one who has good character and conduct will be together in the era.

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Another narration says the best from among Xu is the one who has the best of character and conduct May Allah subhanho wa Taala purify us in every single way. The next word Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about

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a certain meaning a certain verse is repeated in certain masala many times. And that verse I'm sure we heard it, why is he doing Oh my

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god, maybe destruction on that day, to whom? To those who belie the message and the messages. Those who did not believe now it's the truth, destruction upon them, they will call for their own destruction. Do you know when someone tells you and this is something that that really baffles us sometimes when someone tells you there is a policeman here, or there is a speed trap down the road. We become so fearful of the speed trap if we know where it is and what is the limit. We will break in order to make sure

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When we cross those lines, we've crossed it exactly 79 or 80. So it does not flesh, the camera of the policeman if we had to fear Allah.

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And we had to fear the way he is recording all our movements. In a similar manner that we had to fear the camera I'm sure half of our problem would be solved, or more than half. It just shows how a man sometimes fears certain things, and overrides other things and feels that you know what, that's that's not important. But this year, I might define the 1000 brands 1000 brands, now it's gone up. So fearing the 1000 we break we stop we make sure that they must not see us doing the wrong thing. What about Allah subhanho wa Taala food for thought? May Allah subhanho wa Taala really make us conscious of him at all times.

00:30:47 --> 00:31:11

And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us Don't worry, even if you've crossed that a little bit more than 80 if you seek forgiveness, I'll forgive you. How many policemen Can you go to and say, Look, I crossed 120 but forgive me and they say you're forgiving. It's very difficult. I seen some people doing this. That means you got to bribe them May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all are sallallahu wasallam albaraka la Nabina Muhammad Subhan Allah Subhana Allah whom will be handy Ganesha Allah, Allah, Allah

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