Mufti Menk – Meaning Of Innovation – Bidaa

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of insulting the messenger's actions, and how he was sent to show them how Allah wants to be worshiped. The speaker also talks about the importance of innovation and how it means being in a different level than what was previously discussed. The speaker also talks about the idea of allowing creative expression to be revealed, and how Allah may grant it to them.
AI: Transcript ©
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What is the way of insulting Nabi salalahu

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alaihi wa sallam?

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By innovating in the deen. That's the biggest

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way of insulting the messenger. Why?

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He was sent to me and you to

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show me and you how Allah wants to

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be worshiped. That was his job.

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He came here to tell us about Allah

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and how Allah wants to be worshiped. What

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is it Allah wants? Halal Haram was shown

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how to worship Allah was shown, and then

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we believe that the deal was completed and

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sealed totally. Sealed.

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Whatever was in it, it was in it,

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and there is nothing out of it that's

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supposed to be in it it at all.

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So that was his job. He asked the

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Sahaba in Hatjatulwada.

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This is my job. Have I delivered? They

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said, yes. He says, oh, Allah,

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Bear witness that they bear witness that I

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And we come and innovate. Allahu Akbar. You

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know what an innovation means? It means

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there is one thing you forgot that the

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Sheikh down the road knew.

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That's what it means.

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That's the meaning of innovation.

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How can we get paradise if we want

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to come up with something more than what

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required? He sent the best of creation

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to show you how He wants to be

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worshiped, and we want to worship Him in

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a way that was not there.

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This is why we say, you want paradise,

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you want everything, alhamdulillah, we described

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it. But this is a small

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of how we would be insulting Rasul salawalahu

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alaihi wa sallam. Come on. He was a

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We believe that he conveyed the message in

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the most

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eloquent form, in the highest form, and he

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definitely delivered all the goods. Delivered. There are

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no goods that He forgot to deliver.

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May Allah

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grant us that love so that we can

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meet Him in paradise.

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And it is reported that if all the

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creatures who were supposed to be in paradise

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had to be brought on to one level,

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they would be fitting on that level with

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ease. But still Allah will separate them into

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100 different levels.

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This is also the gift of Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala. And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala really

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may he grant that to us and may

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he open our doors. We're only on page

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3, my brothers.

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