Mufti Menk – Important! Your Siblings

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of fulfilling spiritual and psychological goals in order to achieve their spiritual goals. They stress the need to show appreciation for their emotions and actions to avoid embarrassment and confusion. They also emphasize the importance of maintaining family ties and not giving up on anyone in close proximity to them. Additionally, they emphasize the importance of maintaining a positive attitude to others.
AI: Transcript ©
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my brothers and sisters, it is important for us to remind each other every single time to be conscious of Allah subhanho wa Jalla to develop what is known as de bois de PUE is piety or it is the consciousness of Allah subhanho wa Taala some translated as the fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala it should be making us develop closeness to Allah and the distance from anything that displeases Allah Subhana Allah, brothers and sisters, the fav is upon us how many of you look at the gifts of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon us, we will never be able to count all of them. As he says, When in

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If you are going to try to count the gifts of Allah, all of them upon you, you will never be able to count all of them, you will always perhaps many, but not at all, every single one of them. from among the gifts of Allah is the fact that you have a man you have believed in Allah.

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The fact that you and I are followers of Muhammad's Allah when he was in them. The fact that Allah brought us into this so that we can worship him. That's a gift of Allah subhanho wa Taala we are going to be leaving this very soon. Allah brought us here in order to prove ourselves to Him that we will worship Him alone. So that is a gift of Allah subhanho wa Taala another great gift of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the fact that he allows us to get married Subhana Allah Subhana Allah, it's a great gift of Allah, may Allah make it easy for those who are not married, to get married. Once people are married to Allah, what happens? the favor of Allah is to bestow them with children with

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offspring. Everyone wants to have children. May Allah bless those who don't have children, with children. I mean,

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when we have children who have a lot what happens? We want to have more than one. A lot of the time someone says you know what, I'd like to have a son and the daughter and chooses whether he wants to give you sons only daughters only sons and daughters or sons, no daughters, may Allah subhanho wa Taala, bestow upon us His blessings. Remember what Allah has done for you. He has actually given you what is most suitable for you. That's what he has done. So we may sometimes be upset because of something never be upset if you're a true believer. If you're a true believer, you are never upset with the degree and decision of Allah subhana wa Tada. from among the gift of Allah is he gives you

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siblings, some have a siblings, meaning your brothers, your sisters, do you know that's a great day for those who don't have brothers and sisters, even the children they will tell you, I wanted to system so

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recently someone photo was sent to tools with the wrong beard color. And they were saying please can I have a system and this was a little boy. Random. So random, I got a shock. And I said anyway, love is still going with guidance, goodness, and whatever they're asking for as well. But the point being, even a little child will say if you were to ask them, What do you want and say I want the sister I want the brother. The reason I raised this today is because as we grow older, we lose the value of these siblings that Allah has bestowed upon us and like gives you a gift of a brother system when you're young Mashallah you grow up together. I want to start off by speaking to the

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younger ones who value your brothers, your sisters, trust me. Soon they will be married and gone and you won't even be able to spend so much time with them. And yet we were arguing and squabbling over small matters while we're young. Don't let that happen. When you're young stand up for one another, teach one another guide one another. And when I say stand up for one another, I don't mean that which is wrong. But in that which is good, what.

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help one another when it comes to goodness and righteousness and do not assist one another when it comes to enmity and disobedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala the same would apply Allah, Allah be conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala it would apply with

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siblings as well, you help your little brother, you help your sister, you see, you might go to school together, you might come back from school together. And as you grow older, you might choose to go to a different college. And that's where things creepy separate, things quickly separate. But I want to inform you of another gift of Allah subhanho wa Taala today, and that is communications. They've become so easy. you communicate with people much easier than we used to when I was young. And some of those older than me, you probably know how difficult it was. You write a letter A month later it arrives at your brother, they read it and reply, it takes them a week to do that, and it

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will come back to you A month later. That's two and a half months before you even said hello, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us forgiveness nowadays, you see someone you can talk to them. The problem is we use it in the wrong way. When last Did you call your siblings no matter where they are? They could be some way in another country? When did you phone them? When did you speak to them? When did you have a video goal with them? For example, yet we can do that with the wrong people, we can actually call people who visit us on a daily basis because we want to earn the pound and the dollar while we're in the dunya. But what might you forget to earn the currency of Allah made them

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your brothers and your sisters in order to test you what is going to be your relationship with them? Are you going to fulfill what Allah has constructed you to fulfill?

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Allah brought me into life. He chose who's going to be my brothers. I need to be aware of that. He chose who's going to be my sisters, I need to value them. I need to help them I need to reach out to them. He chose my parents. But I don't want to speak much about parents today because that's a topic on its own. I want to speak more about siblings, your brothers, your sisters, as you grow older, you find life takes you to different places. And like they say even at university level, perhaps one might go to a different city a different country. How much are you in touch with them? Are you in touch in a positive way or a negative way we understand it's the plan of Allah. Some people they

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pick on their siblings just because this one is younger, just because that one is darker, just because this one perhaps is not doing that well in life will just because this one has done so well in life, we become jealous, etc. No way. It's a test of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So, right at the beginning, Allah subhana wa Jalla speaks about fulfilling the relations that he has instructed you. We chose for you, your relatives because it's a test for you. If it was not the test, you would have been able to choose your own relatives. The fact that how much Charles, it means it's a test with anything you have absolutely no saying in whatsoever. It's the biggest test you will remember as a human being and as a movement. Even if your siblings are not believers, how much have you spoken to them? How have you related to them? Sometimes the way we relate to our relatives who perhaps are not Muslim is such that we chase them away from the goodness of Islam. We

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chase them away in a way that somehow we become an embarrassment for our own Deen and our faith.

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You just have to say enough.

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There's no harm in loving your brothers and sisters would belong to a different faith. We love them. Really because there are some things in blood. We may not agree with what they have chosen. But don't we disagree on so many other matters? We love each other for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala when we share the faith and the deen but this misrepresentation to say you're not allowed to love to have a law just because they're not mean when they're your brothers and sisters. That is something that is a great misunderstanding, some kind of love, we care for them. Yes lobbies of different types. This is the filial love. This is the love of your siblings, why not? We will reach

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out to them, I care for you. Do you need anything? Is there anything I can do for you? Do you know if you want to have an impact in somebody's life, we need to show them you care. You need to show them your love them. If you don't do that you will never have a positive impact in their lives. And if you don't show them by telling them nowadays, it's more important to be accurate. Even between husband and wife, you know that a long time back they did not used to say I love you as much as we do today we have to do because they would prefer to feed it rather than to say it with us. We want both the feeling and the saying you need to repeat it again. But remember to send these messages to

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your brothers, your sisters and your children and go beyond to those who are related to the choice of a loved

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Allah speaks of those who have sound intimate, those will be any gender, the other ones will fulfill the relations that Allah has instructed

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To them to fulfill starting with your siblings. If you want paradise we need to fulfill these relations. You need to know how to maintain ties. And this is why you look at the opening this. Allah says what

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he does.

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Be conscious of Allah, whose name you use, when you're asking one another important matters, we use the name of Allah. Allah says, Be conscious.

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Be conscious of your relations, your relatives, who are they? How do you treat them, no matter who they are, you're supposed to be good and kind to your parents, even if they're not positive, and you have love for them, because they're your parents. And this is why you care for them, you reach out to them. So panela, the same would apply to your brothers, your sisters, your family members. So Allah subhanho wa Taala praises those who go out of their way to give that reassurance to those whom they are related to remember this, and another verse also. And we find it insulting, as well.

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Those who

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break the relations that Allah has instructed them to maintain the curse of those who break the religions.

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Allah says

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they are the losers. Allah says, I gave you your brother, I gave you your system. I gave you your relatives I gave you parents, your children. Why do you just go in brief relation with the smallest of reasons, a lot of the time gets connected to money matters. It's connected to sometimes perhaps, you got married, they got married, maybe the spouses didn't get along, so they divide the brothers or sisters themselves.

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That is not the way a Mormon should operate. Allah says those are the losers. Imagine being called a loser. We would not like that. So the encouragement from this pumpkin today is let's go out of our way to maintain our family ties. Let's message our brothers and sisters to tell them how much we love them. Let's message them to say how much we care for them. Let's call them Let's invite them over once in a while, we'll law he asked those who live a singular life with no relatives or those who are in distant lands they can never ever get together. They will tell you that you know what I feel lonely. Sometimes, they will be so happy when they see another family with so many relatives

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and they will in their heart feel. I wish I was a part of this. So let's never ever forget the value of family members. The problems you have in your family are a test from Allah your challenge is to solve that problem to resolve the matter come like me solve the problem and Allah will bless you may Allah subhana wa Tada, this goodness, may Allah subhanho wa Taala open our doors, my brothers and sisters, what is absolutely important for us to realize is the true maintainer of family ties is not someone who is in relation with those whom he or she is related to when it is convenient, but rather, when the ties have been broken, the beta of the lot is the one who does not give up trying

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to maintain that relation. So Pamela, sometimes you have a family member, perhaps suddenly on drums, their love protectors, or they have chosen a wrong path. For example, they might have lost the way somewhere depending on how close they are to you. The feeling you have in your hearts. Why do we give up? Don't give up? It can be a lifetime your life is going to be average 60 to 70 years. If you're lucky, a little bit more. Why do you want to give up in a short space of time? You need to keep on trying. Someone says well, you know I've given up my son on drugs. I have people who've been on drugs for 20 years come out of that and now they don't lose their Salah

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because someone did not give up. That's why but there are others give up on them at a very young age and

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maintain a good relation. Maintain a relation in a good way by the will of Allah

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until they see the light and this is why the best of us is the one who

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When the other is being difficult, and we still continue to be good in kind, and it brings me to the powerful point, never use the sense of your goodness because of the evil of someone else. Someone else's being bad someone has sworn you, you don't swear back. But rather what you've got to do is you must make sure that you maintain the goodness and it is through the durability of your goodness that is maintained, that they soon shall see the light by the will of Allah and minimum is Allah will reward you. When you do good to someone, you're doing good for the sake of Allah. Remember, I am good to you not because I think you deserve it, or I deserve it, but rather because Allah has

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instructed me to do that. And therefore it is an honor to be good at crime. As per the instruction of Allah, I want to get in the pleasure of Allah when I do it for Allah. I'm not worried about what you do to me in return. But when I do it for my own game, then I will only be good to those whom I know when I put in my investment, they're going to give me back a greater return their love, forgive that type of thinking. May Allah make us from those who understand and May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us for goodness, but a lot

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We need to stop

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